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2016-2017学年下学期八年级英语组合训练(10) 【完型填空】 Are you going to have dinner at your Western friends’home? Then be 1 your table manners.Remember that manners will make you a nice 2 . You may find Western table manners are quite different from Chinese manners.Some of you may not know 3 to behave properly.Don’t worry.Here we have some good 4 to keep you cool. When you are ready to eat,sit up 5 on the chair.Usually,don’t put your elbows(胳膊肘)on the table.First 6 your napkin(餐巾)up and put it on your lap(膝).You can use it to clean your hands or mouth,but not your face.When you 7 eating,put it back on the table. Don’t make any noise when you eat or drink the soup.It’s not good to speak when your mouth is 8 .If you do that,people will see the food in your mouth. If you want to get some food but you can’t 9 it,ask others to pass the dish to you.Put bones on the edge(边缘)of the plate.And remember,take bread with your 10 ,not with a fork. 1.A.worried about B.excited at C.afraid of D.careful with 2.A.boy B.student C.guest D.host 3.A.how B.where C.what D.why 4.A.manner B.experiences C.information D.advice 5.A.slowly B.quickly C.straight D.1oudly 6.A.put B.pick C.pass D.place 7.A.keep B.begin C.finish D.enjoy 8.A.empty B.closed C.open D.full 9.A.cook B.eat C.hold D.reach 10.A.knife B.hand C.stick D.mouth 【阅读理解】 Morning,everyone.This is BBC Six Minutes English.Today we are going to talk about tips for travelling in England.If you want your trip to be a pleasant one,please keep these rules in your mind.The first one is about drinking.Now,you are not allowed to buy alcohol(酒精)in this country if you are less than 18 years old.Your friends can’t buy it for you either. Secondly,it is about the noise.Enjoy yourselves as much as you can,but please don’t make too much or too loud noise,especially at night.Too much or loud noise will make the people around you feel uncomfortable.The third one i8 about crossing the road.Be careful.The traffic moves on the left side of the road in this country.Use zebra crossings and do not move until the traffic light is green. My next point is about littering.It is against the law to drop litter carelessly in the street.When you have something to throw away,please put it in your pocket and take it home,or put it in a litter bin.Finally,it comes to smoking.It is also against the law to buy cigarettes or tobacco if you are under 18 years of age. That is the end of today’s programme.Now,are there any questions? If you want to know more about our programme,please contact us at 2066781578. 1.Who is the most likely(可能的)to be the speaker? A.A host.B.A visitor.C.A shopper.D.A teacher. 2.If you are over 18,__________. A.you cannot buy alcohol in England B.you cannot buy cigarettes in England C.you can drop litter in the street D.you can get alcohol or cigarettes from your friends


最新英语句子练习 1) 我明白了!I see, Ich verstehe 2) 我不干了! I quit, Ich kuendige 3) 放手!Let go, Lass mich los 4) 我也是!mee too, Ich auch 5) 天啊!My God! Mein Gott 6) 不行!No way, Auf keinen Fall 7) 来吧!Come on, Komm schon 8) 等一下!Hold on, Warte kurz 9) 我同意!I agree, Ich bin einverstanden 10) 不错!Not bad, nicht schlecht 11) 还没!Not yet, jetzt noch nicht 12) 一会儿见!See you later, Bis spaeter 13) 闭嘴!Shut up! Halt den Mund! 14) 为什么不?Why not? Warum nicht? 15) 安静点!Be quiet! Sei ruhig! 16.) 振作起来!Cheer up! Kopf hoch 17) 做得好!Good job, Gute Arbeit 18) 玩得开心!Have fun! Viel Spass 19) 多少钱?How much? Wieviel? 20) 冷静点!Calm down, Beruhige dich 21) 我吃饱了!I’m full, Ich bin satt 22) 我回来了!I’m home, Ich bin wieder da 23) 我迷路了!I’m lost, Ich habe mich verlaufen 24) 这边请!This way, Hier entlang 25) 你先请!After you, Nach dir 26) 跟我走!Follow me, Folge mir 27) 算了/休想!Forget it! Vergiss es! 28) 祝好运!Good luck, Viel


2019-2020年八年级下英语组合训练(I)含答案 【完型填空】 Martin is quite 1 in traveling.He loves to travel to new places and meet new people.He does not like to travel on a package tour (跟团旅行). 2 ,he would like to buy a guidebook for the place he is going to and search the Internet for information about the main places of interest. He certainly sees more benefits (益处) in traveling this way. Firstly,Martin doesn't have to pay 3 for his trip.Package tours usually 4 more because people have to pay for the costs of the travel agency (旅行社) and the tour guide.Secondly he likes the fact that he does not have to wait for the tour group to 5 their photos or buy their souvenirs (纪念品).If he has finished what he wants to do , he can leave and move on to the next place once. However, Martin has had some 6 traveling all by himself, Sometimes he feels 7 and wishes that he had other travelers with him.Also,going to a different country on his own can be difficult and even 8 at times.Once,Martin was in Africa and he could not speak the language.Someone took away his wallet on the train.Luckily, he wasn't hurt,but he did not get his 9 back because the police could not understand him! Martin has had a few problems in the past, 10 he still likes to travel all by himself. 1.A.tired B.sorry C.happy D.interested 2.A.And B.Instead C.So D.But 3.A.anything B.money C.much D.little. 4.A.cost B.pay C.spend D.use 5.A.take B.make C.do D。have 6.A.friends B.problems C.interest D.fun 7.A.1ovely B.1onely C.friendly D.nicely 8.A.funny B.happy C.dangerous D.exciting 9.A.food B.bag C.clothes D.money 10.A.but B.so C.because D.or 【阅读理解】 Once there was a piano player in a bar. People came just to hear him play. But one night, a lady asked him to sing a song. “I don't sing.” said the man. But the lady told the waiter, “I'm tired of listening to the piano. I want the player to sing! The waiter shouted across the room, “Hey, friend! If you want to get paid, sing a song! So he did. He had never sung in public before. Now he was singing for the very first time! Nobody had ever heard the song Mona Lisa sung so beautifully! He had talent(天赋) that he was sitting on! He may have lived the rest of his life as a no-name piano player in a no-name bar. But once he found, by accident, that he could sing well,


高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2013.2.10 高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。(20分)第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。 (16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故事。(24 分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试 预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍) 计算机提问


2019-2020年八年级上英语组合训练(V)含答案 【完型填空】 When I was a boy,we had several gardens around our old 1 .We grew potatoes in the largest garden. I can 2 remember those potato planting days.The whole family helped.After my dad had tilled the soil(犁地),my mum,brothers and I went to work.It was my 3 to drop the little seed potatoes(留种的土豆)in rows 4 my mum dropped some fertilizer(肥料)beside them.My brothers then covered them all with 5 . After that,I would watch over at the garden for months when I played outside.I wanted to know 6 was going on under the ground.When the harvest time came,I was 7 at the large size of the potatoes.Then my parents turned them into baked potatoes,mashed potatoes and fried potatoes.8 would keep the entire(全体)family well fed throughout the whole year. I also think about 9 other seeds I have planted in life,in the hearts and minds of others.Every day we step out into the garden of this world.Every day we plant seeds that can grow into 10 wonderful.I hope that you plant only goodness,peace and compassion in the life of everyone you meet. ( )1.A.city B.school C.house D.town ( )2.A.never B.still C.hardly D.usually ( )3.A.time B.idea C.mind D.job ( )4.A.when B.before C.after D.while ( )5.A.water B.trees C.earth D.plants ( )6.A.how B.what C.which D.who ( )7.A.surprised B.bored C.worried D.sad ( )8.A.She B.It C.We D.They ( )9.A.how much B.how often C.how many D.how far ( )10.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything 【阅读理解】 A Mike was always happy and always had something interesting to say.If someone asked him how he was doing,he would reply,“Couldn’t be better!”He was really a carefree young man and never felt tired. Mike used to say.“Each morning I wake up and say to myself,‘Mike,you have two choices(选择)today.You can choose to be happy or you can choose to be upset.’I choose to be happy.Each time something happens,I am always ready to learn a good lesson I choose to learn from life.” I tried to understand what he said.Indeed life is all about choices.Every situation is a choice.The bottom line is:You’re living your life and you make it either happy or sad.Several years later I had a car accident and my legs were seriously injured.When I was lying on the ground,I remembered that I had two choices:I could choose to live or choose to die.I chose to live. People like to say,“Choose the one you love and love the one you choose.”Why not choose the one we love and live happily?


小学三年级英语句子练习题大全 【篇一】 ( )1. 当你部别人,你最喜欢的食物是什么时,应该说 _________ What's your favourite food? B. I don ' t like meat. I like noodles. ( )2. 当问别人你想要点儿什么时,应该说 _________ A. How much is it? B. What would you like,please? C. How are you? ( )3. 当你向别人借东西时,你应该说 _________ A. May I borrow you ,please? B. How many pens do you have? C. How much is it? ( )4. 你想说“我喜欢面条”,应该说 _________ . A. I like fish. B. I like noodles. C. I don ' t like noodles. ( )5. 你想说“我最喜欢的食物是饺子”,应该说 _________ A. my favourite food is dumplings.

B. I like rice. C. I like meat. ( )6. 当你想问“多少钱”时,应该说_________ A. How much is it? B. How old are you? C. How are you? ( )7. 当你谢谢别人时,应该说__________ A. Thank you! B. Yes,please. C. No, thanks. ()8.当别人对你说“ Thanks”时,你应该说_________ A. You 're welcome. B. Thank you. C. Yes. ( )9. 当你饿了,你想吃时,应该说_________ A. I 'm Li Ming. B. I want to eat. C. I want to drink. ( )10. 当别人说“ May I borrow your pencil,please? ”时,你应该说___________ A. Sure!


Ⅲ. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(共3小题,每题1分) 情景:你去图书馆还书,并打算再借一本《福尔摩斯探案集》(The Adventures of Sherlock Holme) 1. Can I help you? 2. Would you like to borrow other books? 3. Here is the book. You can keep it for two weeks. 参考答案:Yes, I'd like to return this book. 参考答案:Yes, I want to borrow The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes. 参考答案:OK. Thank you. Ⅳ. 听短文回答问题。(共3小题,每题1分) As we all know, English has become an international language. Now it's more popular than any other foreign language in China. English is widely used in the world. At school, we should learn to hear, speak, read and write English carefully. We should spend enough time in practising English. If we keep on working hard in English, we will be able to be good at it one day. Question No. 1: Has English become an international language? Question No. 2: What is the most popular foreign language in China? Question No. 3: What should we learn to do when we learn English at school? 参考答案:Yes, it has. 参考答案:English. 参考答案:We should learn to hear, speak, read and write English carefully. Ⅴ. 请用英语描述下图,要求6句话以上。(此题4分) Yesterday evening my uncle was invited to an inn. He enjoyed his dinner with his friends, drinking a lot of beer. As a result, he got drunk. He insisted on driving home after the meal, although his friends tried to persuade him not to. A few minutes later, he was winding his way on the street. And then his car fell into a river. Fortunately, he was still alive, though seriously injured. He had to stay in hospital for several days. Worse still, his driving license was revoked. How he regretted what he had done! 全真听说模拟练习30套(二十六) Ⅰ. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中用鼠标点击你听到的句子。(共3小题,每题1分) 1. The story shows that Einstein had a great sense of humor. 2. Kate is singing a famous song in the New Year party. 3. Do you often do some washing on Sundays? Ⅱ. 听录音,在A、B、C选项中用鼠标点击与你听到的句子意思最相近的句子。(共2小题,每题1分) 1. There is nothing but a table in the classroom. 2. Parents always fill children's stockings with presents on Christmas Eve Ⅲ. 请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(共3小题,每题1分) 情景:新学期开始,爸爸向你了解你的学习情况。 1. How many subjects do you have this term? 2. What's your favourite subject?


2019-2020年七年级上英语组合训练(V)含答案 【完型填空】 I am a student in Nanjing No.2 Secondary School.I 1 my school very much. Every 2 ,I get up at 6.00.Then I usually 3 English for half an hour.After that.I have 4 .I eat a lot every morning.Because we have four 5 in the morning and have lunch at 12.00. I usually ride my 6 to school.Our first class 7 at 8.00 a.m.every day.I don’t go home to have lunch.I have it at 8 .I can chat with my friends at that time.I often read some books after lunch.In the afternoon.we have three lessons.Then we have free 9 for after-school activities.10 favoufite activity is vol1eyball.I play it every Tuesday and Thursday.At about 5.30 P.m.,I go back home with my friends. 1.A.1ikes B.is like C.loves D.love 2.A.morning B.afternoon C.evening D.night 3.A.look B.say C.speak D.read 4.A.breakfast B.1unch C.supper D.dinner 5.A.schools B.students C.teachers D.1essons 6.A.car B.bus C.bike D.foot 7.A.finish B.finishes C.starts D.begin 8.A.home B.playground C.school D.classroom 9.A.time B.times C.1esson D.food 10.A.My B.I C.Mine D.Me 【阅读理解】 1.On__________,Paul always gets up at 7.10 a.m. A.Thursday B.Wednesday C.weekdays D.weekends 2.Pizza is a kind of ________. A.drink B.fruit C.toy D.food 3.Paul’s favourite sport is_________. A.volleyball B.table tennis C.yo-yo D.football 4.On Wednesday evenings Paul usually__________. A.watches TV


6B 句型总复习(1) Name___________ 一般现在时:句子中常有often, usually, always, sometimes, every day, on Sundays 等词,表示一般的情况。 例:1. I often go to school at half past six . Do you go to school at half past six? Yes, I do. No, I don’t. 2. He usually does his homework in the evening. Does he usually do his homework in the evening? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t 3. Mary flies kites on Sundays. Does Mary fly kites on Sundays? Yes, she does. No, she doesn’t. 练习 1,我们经常在夏天游泳。 翻译________________________________________________ 问题_______________________________________________________ 2,他每天打扫教室。 翻译_______________________________________________ 问题_____________________________________________________ 3,本经常在晚上看电视。 翻译_____________________________________________ 问题_____________________________________________________ 般现在时用法专练 一、用括号内动词的适当形式填空。 1. He often (have) dinner at home. 2. Daniel and Tommy (be) in Class One.


广东高考英语听说考前训练及技巧 2013.2.10 广东高考英语人机对话口语考试分三部分:(共60分,折算15分) 第一部分:Reading Aloud 根据视频大声朗读文章,要求流利通顺,文章中有一定的新词汇。(20分)第二部分:Role Play 要求扮演角色,与电脑互问互答,先根据提示问三个问题,再回答五个问题。 (16分) 第三部分:Oral Competition 口头作文,听一篇文章,然后根据故事梗概和关键词,复述该故事。(24 分) 听说合考总的答题策略: 1、调整话筒,让话筒靠近嘴巴,保证录音质量。 2、养成作好笔记的习惯。 3、录音答题时保持镇定,确保自己的发挥。 Part A 答题技巧 应试技巧:第一遍看视频听录音时,注意力应放在说话者的发音、语调和意群停顿上,同时尽可能地记下一些关键词语。自我演练时,考生首先要熟悉画外音所叙述的内容,记住需要换气和停顿的地方。第二遍边听录音边看视频上文字时,最为关键的是要注意说话者的语频,并对个别较难发音的词语加以关注。录音时,考生是看着相同的视频片段进行录音。这时最为关键的是语频要与视频上显示的保持一致。一定要读出来,碰到不懂的单词,按字母规律发音,不要不读。 Part B答题技巧 1).听前抢读和预测: 预测可能出现的词汇(尤其是关键词),和出题方向。 如:情景介绍:女士和男士谈论即将来临的面试 预测:关键词interview 可能出题方向When will you have the interview? How will you go there? Are you prepared for /nervous about it? 2)做笔记,抓关键信息 前面的英文短片部分和三问部分是所有听力信息的输入部分,这两部分要做好听力笔记。在三问环节,计算机会回答两遍.计算机回答问题的内容往往是下一部分回答的答案或提示。 观看英文短片时要在听懂大意的同时留意涉及的人物、事物、时间、行为等相关信息(5w1h),并适当做笔记,在短时间内强记细节信息,如年代,单价,折扣价,门牌号等。 练习快速记笔记,用最简洁的符号记录信息。如字母/箭头/数字/汉字/图形等。 如:考生用英语提问:新图书馆周末开放吗? (Is the library open on weekends?) 计算机回答 (Y es. It‘s open from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on weekends and it opens one hour earlier from Monday to Friday. 播放2遍)


beautiful adj. 美丽的town n. 城镇celebrate v. 庆祝show n. 展示 foot n. 脚 funny adj. 滑稽的strange adj. 奇怪的best adj. 最好的 part n. 部分 popular adj. 受欢迎的different adj. 不同的country n. 国家French adj. 法国的chess n. 棋 sport n. 运动 soon adv. 不久 sleep v. 睡觉 enjoy v. 享受 factory n. 工厂vegetable n. 蔬菜open v. 打开 stand v. 站 friendly adj. 友好的swim v. 游泳restaurant n. 餐馆shop v. 购物 both pron. 两者都stay v. 保持 place n. 地方 sea n. 大海 grass n. 草 maybe adv. 可能probably adv. 大概possible adj. 可能的manager n. 经理almost adv. 几乎businessman n. 商人Chinese adj. 中国的work v. 工作 teach v. 教nurse n. 护士 join v. 加入 holiday n. 假期 other adj. 其他的 little adj. 很少的 or conj. 或者 wear v. 穿 become v. 成为 with prep. 和….一起 like v. 喜欢 buy v. 购买 some adj. 一些 home n. 家 forest n. 森林 by prep. 通过 another adj. 又一 stop v. 停止 any adj. 任何的 together adv. 一起 noise n. 吵闹 twice adv. 两次 cook v. 烹调 new adj. 新的 write v. 写作 story n. 故事 dance v. 跳舞 sing v. 唱歌 begin v. 开始 baby n. 宝宝 feel v. 感觉 England n. 英国 chocolate n. 巧克力 meal n. 一餐 housework n. 家务 hard-working adj. 努力 的 job n. 工作 give v. 给予 favorite adj. 最爱的 fun n. 玩笑 many adj. 很多的 sometimes adv. 有时候 talk v. 讲话 letter n. 信 bike n. 自行车 red adj. 红的 name n. 名字 call v. 呼叫 baseball n. 棒球 few adj. 很少的 polite adj. 礼貌的 local adj. 当地的 skill n. 技能 pay v. 支付 prepare v. 准备 silk n. 丝绸 friendship n. 友谊 less adj. 更少的 America n. 美国 else adv. 其他的 afraid adj. 害怕的 hurt v. 使受伤 invite v. 邀请 duck n. 鸭子 pool n. 游泳池 wide adj. 宽的 never adv. 绝不 feed v. 喂养 nice adj. 好的 such adj. 这样的 forever adv. 永远 fat adj. 胖的 piece n. 块;件 coffee n. 咖啡 wife n. 妻子 glass n. 玻璃 cup n. 茶杯 hard adj. 困难的 fact n. 事实


英语语法专项练习 句子专项训练3 一、把下列单数句改为复数句。 1.That tree is in front of my house. Those trees are in front of my house. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。that→those,tree→trees,is→are 2.There is a book on the desk. There are some books on the desk. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→some,book→books 3.There is a woman near the house. There are some women near the house. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→some,woman→women 4.I’m a student. We are students. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。I→we,am→are ,studen t→students 5.She is a doctor. They are doctors. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。she→they ,is→are,doctor→doctors.

6.There is a picture on the wall. There are some pictures on the wall. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→some,picture→pictures 7.Is there a baby in the room? Are there any babies in the room? 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,a→any,baby→babies 8.He has a Chinese friend. They have some Chinese friends. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。he→they,has→have,a→some,friend→friends 9.Is there an apple on the tree? Are there any apples on the tree? 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。is→are,an→any,apple→apples 10.I have a pen. We have some pens. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。I→we,a→some,pen→pens 11.M y English teacher has a dress. Our English teachers have some dresses. 答案解析:单数句改为复数句,主要是将主语和谓语等对应改为复数就可以了。my→our,teacher→teachers,has→have,a→some 12.T here is a pencil-box in the bag. There are some pencil-boxes in the bag.

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