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Module 8 Unit 2


1. Who completed the world-famous opera Turandot?

A. Giacomo Puccini alone.

B. Puccini’s former student Franco Alfano.

C. Giacomo Puccini and Franco Alfano.

D. Kristjan Johannsson from Iceland.

2. How many times was Turandot staged in the Forbidden City according to the article?

A. Only once.

B. Twice.

C. Eight times.

D. Unknown.

3. What does the writer mean by saying “there could not be a better setting”?

A. Because the weather was perfect for an outdoor performance.

B. Because she felt that the audience could almost feel the history.

C. There were decorated panels covered with red and gold.

D. Because Turandot was born in the Forbidden City.

4. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Liu’s love for Calaf is unconditional.

B. The story takes on a classic love triangle.

C. Calaf finally wins Turandot’s affection.

D. Hundreds of princes were killed for being unable to answer Turandot’s riddles.

5. We may conclude from the passage that ________.

A. more princes would be killed if it were not for Calaf

B. no prince could solve Turandot’s riddles

C. Calaf would marry both Liu and Turandot if Liu were still alive.

D. Liu could have won Calaf’s affection if she hadn’t killed herself.

二.Language Points

1. universal adj.普遍的, 公认的; 宇宙的universe n.宇宙

a universal rule 普遍规律 a universal language 世界通用语言

War causes universal misery. 战争造成了普遍的痛苦。

Television provides universal entertainment. 电视提供了大众娱乐。

Humor is a ____________ ______________. 幽默是一种世界通用的语言。

____________ _______ _____ ___________ _________. 足球是全球性的运动。

The ___________ __________ in space. 宇宙存在于太空。

2. witness n.目击者, 证人, 证据vt .& vi.目睹, 目击, 作证, 说明

A witness told the police how the fire started. He witnessed the accident on the highway.

1). After the explosion, the policeman did a lot of work to find out some clues from the ______.

A. lookers-on

B. viewers

C. people

D. witness

2). He witnessed to ________ _______ the thief ________ money from the shop.


3. star vt.(starred; starring) star (in sth) 在(戏剧, 电影中) 担任主角, 主演

She is to star in a new film. 她将主演一部新影片。

star sb. (in sth) (present sb. as a star, feature sb.) 使某人担任主演,由某人主演。

My favourite film stars Marilyn Monroe. 我最喜欢的电影由玛丽·梦露主演。

The director wanted to star Michael Caine in his new film.


n.星, 明星the polar star北极星 a shooting star 流星 a film / movie star 电影明星

1) We know something about the play which ______ Wang Ji.

A. stars

B. starring

C. to star

D. having starred

2) The pop ______will be ______ in the concert.

A. stars; starring

B. stars; starred

C. star; stared

D. star; star

译: an old film starring Charlie Chaplin _______________________________

4. cast vt.(cast; cast) give (an actor) a part in a play 选派…扮演某角色; 为…选派演员cast sb.(as sb) cast sb. (in sth)

He was cast as Othello / in the role of Othello. 他将被选派担任奥赛罗这一角色。

vt.投; 抛The fisherman cast his net into the water. 渔民把网撒在水里。

5. recite vt.背诵, 朗诵; 叙述, 描述, 列举, 一一说出

He recited his poem in front of the whole class. 他当着全班的面背诵了他自己的一首诗。The mayor recited to the Queen a long and tedious speech of welcome.


recite one’s grievances描述某人的苦难。

recite the names of all the capital cities of Europe 列举欧洲各国的首都的名字

6.torture vt. & n.cause severe suffering to 使受剧烈痛苦, 折磨

Many of the prisoners have been tortured.许多囚犯都被刑讯逼供过。

Don’t torture yourself by thinking those unpleasant things.


Recently he was tortured with great anxiety. 最近他为烦恼所苦。

torture n.拷打, 拷问, 酷刑逼供;(精神或肉体上的)折磨, 煎熬, 痛苦

The confession was made under torture.这份供词是严刑逼供得来的。

A whole day without chocolate must be torture for you. 一整天没有巧克力吃肯定让你难受。

7. condemn vt.1)谴责; 声讨condemn sb for sth

We all condemn cruelty to children. 我们都一致谴责虐待儿童。

Everyone condemned his foolish behaviour. 每个人都责备他愚蠢的行为。

The newspapers condemned the Prime minister for his attitude toward the event.


2)condemn sb (to) (法律)判罪; 处刑be condemned to 被宣告

condemn a murder to life imprisonment 判凶手无期徒刑be condemned to death 被处死The judge _______ him for fraud. (欺骗)

A. denounced

B. condemned

C. charged

D. accused

8. be drunk with醉心于..., 对…痴迷, 陶醉于…

It’s reported that many middle school students are drunk with playing computer games.

The young couple were drunk with their happy and peaceful life.

译: They are drunk with making a fortune. ______________________________________ The _____ man was _____with joy.

A. drunken; drunk

B. drunk; drink

C. drink; drunk

D. drunken; drink

9. exercise control over对….实施控制, 控制

We should think of a way to exercise control over our expenses. ___________________ lose control of / be (get) out of control 失去控制

be in control of sth 在…控制下, 指挥, 管理某事物

under the control of 被….控制着be under control 抑制; 控制

1) The pilot ___________ ___________ ___________ (失去控制) the plane.

2) She managed to ___________ ___________ __________ (控制住) her car on the ice.

3) She may be old ,but she is still ________ ___________ (掌管)

exercise one’s right行使权力exercise authority over sb. 管束某人

译: 1)He exercise his right as a citizen. ___________________________

2)Teachers exercise authority over the students. ________________________

10. terrify vt.恐吓, 使感到恐怖

The thunderstorm terrified the child. 大雷雨把这孩子吓坏了。

The animals were terrified by the storm. 动物被风暴吓坏了。

terrified adj.害怕的, 吓坏了的

The children were terrified of being scolded. 那孩子害怕挨骂。

They _______ _______ ______ his sudden appearance. 他的突然出现, 把他们吓了一跳。

11. threaten v.恐吓, 威胁; 预示…的凶兆; 有…的危险

He threatened to make the phone public. 他恐吓说要把那张照片公开。

The heavy black clouds threaten a storm. 乌云密布预示着暴风雨将到来。

The robber threatened me with a gun.

threaten sb with death 用死威胁某人threaten to do sth. 威胁要做谋事

译: 他扬言要辞职。______________________________________________


12. affection n.喜爱, 爱慕; 感情affect vt.影响, 感动

区别affect 与effect:① affect (影响, 感动) 通常只用作动词(及物), 而不用作名词。

② effect (影响) 通常只用作名词(可数或不可数), 且主要用于have an effect (on) 这类结构; 有

时虽用作动词(及物), 但不表示“影响”, 而表示“实现”或“产生”等, 且通常以“改进”、“变化”之类的词作宾语。③表示“影响”时, affect=have an effect on

对比: effort n.努力make every effort 尽一切努力

To ______ a policy is to have an _____ on it. 影响一项政策就是对该政策具有一种影响。

The news did not _____________ her at all. = The news had no ___________ on her at all.


The rescue team made every ______ to find the missing mountain climber.

A. force

B. energy

C. effort

D. possibility

13. privilege n.特别待遇, 特权

Education should be a universal right and not a privilege.教育应当是全民的权利,而是某部分人特别享有的。

You can enjoy all the benefits and privileges of club membership. 你可以享有俱乐部成员的一切福利和优惠。

privileged adj. 有特权的, 受特别优待的

Those in authority were in a privileged position. 有地位自有特权。

She comes from a privileged background. 她出身特权阶层。

14. desire n.愿望, 渴望; 欲望 a strong desire for power 强烈的权利欲

Enough money to satisfy all your desire s. 足够的钱来满足你所有的欲望。

She felt an overwhelming desire to return home. have desire to do sth. 渴望做某事

v.渴望; 欲望We all desire health and happiness.

The house had everything you could desire. 要什么有什么。

15. personnel n.(1)(组织或军队中)全体人员, 职员

skilled / trained personnel 熟练的/ 训练有素的人员

sales / technical / medical / security personnel 推销/ 技术/ 医务/ 保安人员

army / military personnel 陆军/ 军事人员

(2)人事部门the personnel department / manager 人事部门/ 人事经理

She works in personnel. 她在人事部工作。

personal adj.个人的, 私人的, 本人的personal belongings 私人财产

16. status n.地位; 身份; 情形, 状态legal status 合法地位

low status jobs 地位低下的工作 a high social status 很高的社会地位

Women are only asking to be given equal status with men.


17. composer n.创作者, 作曲家(尤指古典音乐) /compose v. (1) 组成, 构成(一个整体)

Ten men composed the committee. 委员会由十人组成

(2)作曲, 创作(音乐)eg. Mozart composed his last opera shortly before he died.


18. bachelor n.单身汉; 学士学位 a bachelor’s /master’s / doctor’s degree

a Bachelor of Arts / Engineering / Science 文学士/ 工程学士/ 理学士

19. essential adj. 1) 本质的,实质的The essential difference between us is that I take life seriously.

2) 基本的; 必需的essential services such as shops and buses . 诸如商店,公交车之类的基本服务essential vitamins / minerals / nutrients 身体健康所必需的维生素/ 矿物质/ 营养

Light is essential for the healthy development of plants. 光对于植物的健康成长是必不可少的。

20. decline n. & vi. 衰弱; 衰败

a rapid / sharp / gradual / steep / dramatic decline 迅速/ 急剧/ 逐渐下降

An increase in cars has resulted in the decline of public transport.

Support for the party continues to decline.

decline steadily / sharply / rapidly / dramatically 稳步下降/ 迅速下降

21. sexual /age / racial discrimination 性别、年龄、种族歧视

discrimination against women 对女性的歧视

22. promoter He is an enthusiastic promoter of good causes. 他是公益活动的热心推广者。promote v. 提升, 晋级; 促进, 推广, 促销

The band has gone on tour to promote their new album. 这个乐队开始巡回宣传他们的新唱片。promotion n.提升, 提拔; 促销

Her job is mainly concerned with sales and promotion. 她的工作主要是营销和广告宣传方面。23. fortune make a fortune 发财, 赚钱inherit a large fortune 继承一大笔财产

seek one’s fortune寻出路;(喻)去淘金try one’s fortune碰运气

fortune teller 占卜者, 算命者

24. be drafted into征召…入伍eg. He was drafted into the army in 1992.

draft vt. 起草, 草拟; 征召…入伍n.草稿

The government’s fi rst task was to draft a new constitution for the country.

first / final draft 初稿、终稿eg. I showed David a draft of the letter. 他给大卫看了信的草稿。

25. appeal n. 1) 吸引力, 感染力mass / wide / popular appeal 对大众的/ 广泛的/ 普遍的感染力The Beatles have never really lost :heir appeal.

The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me.

2)v.呼吁, 诉请

To launch a TV appeal for donations to the charity. 通过电视呼吁为该慈善事业捐款

Police have appealed for witnesses to come forward. 警方呼吁证人要挺身而出。

26. 译: cultural / natural / social / phenomena 文化/ 自然/ 社会现象

mental health / illness / problems mental age 智力年龄/ 心理年龄

mental disorder / hospital 精神紊乱/ 精神病院



1.Humor is a universal language; Football is a universal game. universe exists

2. D having seen steal

3. A. B

8. 他们醉心于发财致富。A

9. lost control of; keep control of; in control 他行使公民权。教师对学生进行管束。

10. were terrified by

11. He threatened to resign.; He doesn’t mean to threaten.; 威胁和平;用死来威胁某人

12. affect effect ;affect effect ;C
