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减数分裂,Meiosis :有性生殖的生物从原始生殖细胞发展到成熟生殖细胞;DNA 复制一次,而细胞连续分裂两次的一种特殊的有丝分裂方式。

有丝分裂,Mitosis :


姊妹染色单体,sister chromatid :一条染色体(或DNA)经复制形成的两个分子,仍由一个着丝粒相连的两条染色单体。

同源染色体,homologous chromosome :指形态、结构和功能相似的一对染色体,他们一条来自父本,一条来自母本。

二价体,bivalent :一对同源染色体在减数分裂时联会配对的图象。

四分体,tetrad) :同源染色体两两配对,由于每条染色体都含有两条姐妹染色单体,因此,配对后的每对同源染色体都含有四条染色单体,叫做四分体。

联会,synapsis :在减数分裂过程中,同源染色体建立联系的配对过程。


交叉的端化,chiasma terminalization :交叉向二价体的两端移动,并且逐渐接近于末端的过程叫做交叉端化。


单位性状,unit character :把生物体所表现的性状总体区分为各个单位,这些分开来的性状称为。

相对性状,contrasting character :遗传学中把同一单位性状的相对差异,称为相对性状。

分离定律,law of segregation :决定相对性状的一对等位基因同时存在于杂种一代(F1)的个体中,但仍维持它们各自的个体性,在配子形成时互相分开,分别进入一个配子细胞中去。

自由组合规律、独立分配定律,law of independent assortment :当具有两对(或更多对)相对性状的亲本进行杂交,在子一代产生配子时,在等位基因分离的同时,非同源染色体上的基因表现为自由组合。


基因,gene ,基因是具有遗传效应的DNA片断

基因组,Genome :单倍体细胞中的全套染色体为一个基因组,或是单倍体细胞中的全部基因为一个基因组。

基因座,locus,loci :又称座位。基因在染色体上所占的位置。

等位基因,allele :位于同源染色体上,位点相同,控制着同一性状的基因。


基因频率,gene frequehcy :在一群体内不同基因所占比例。

基因型频率,genotypic frequency :在一个群体内不同基因型所占的比例。

连锁群,linkage group :存在于同一染色体上的基因群。

互补群,Complementation group :互相反式重组时不互补的一系列突变,它定义了一个遗传单位(顺反子)。

相斥相,Repulsion phase :连锁遗传中把显性基因和隐性基因联系在一起向后代传递称为相斥相,把不同显性基因或不同隐性基因联系在一起向后代传递称为相引相。

相引相,Coupling phase :不同显性基因或不同隐性基因联系在一起,如图,B b====A a

干扰,interference :一个单交换发生后,在它邻近再发生第二个单交换的机会就会减少的现象。相引相(coupling phase) 若两显性基因(A和B)在一条染色体上,相应的两隐性基因(a和b)在另一同源染色体上,则称为相引相;反之,称为相斥相。


单价体,univalent :不能配对的染色体则称单价体或二联体(dyad)。

单倍体,haploid :具有配子(精于或卵子)染色体数目的细胞或个体。如,植物中经花药培养形成的单倍体植物。

单体,monomer;momer :缺失掉一条染色体的个体。表示为:2n-1。

一倍体,monoploid :具有一个染色体组的细胞或个体,如,雄蜂。


三体,Trisomic :指二倍体的染色体组中多一条染色体的个体。表示为:2n+1。

双三体,double trisomic :指二倍体染色体组的两对染色体各增加了一个额外染色体(2n+1+1)的生。


异源多倍体[双二倍体] ,Allopolyploid :指染色体组来自两个及两个以上的物种,一般是由不同种、属的杂种经染色体加倍而来的。

缺失,deletion或deficiency :是指染色体本身丢失了一段。


倒位,:指染色体发生断裂后,某一区段发生颠倒,而后又愈合的一类染色体变异。易位,translocation :是指非同源染色体之间发生节段转移的现象。性染色体,sex-chromosome :与性别决定有直接关系的染色体叫做性染色体。

常染色体,autosome :性染色体以外其他的染色体称为常染色体。

核型,karyotype :指一个体细胞中的全部染色体,按其大小,形态,特征顺序排列所构成的图形。

基因型,genotype :也称遗传型,生物体全部遗传物质的组成,是性状发育的内因。

表现型,phenotype :生物体在基因型的控制下,加上环境条件的影响所表现性状的总和。F因子,Fertility factor:细菌能在接合中作为基因传递供体。

F’因子,F prime factor:整合到染色体上F因子,在切除中分离出携带部分染色体片段,这种带有染色体基因的附加体称为F’。



Hfr ,High frequency recombination :Hfr,高频率重组型,供体细菌的F因子处于整合在染色体的结合态,在细菌接合时供体细菌的染色体基因能以较高频率转移到受体细菌。

感受态,Competence :细菌细胞吸收并整合外源DNA的生理状态。

接合,Conjugation :指细菌的一个拟有性过程,在此过程中,遗传信息从一个细菌(供体)转运到另一个细菌(受体)并与受体细菌的遗传物质发生重组。


转导,Transduction:指细菌以病毒颗粒为媒介所介导的细菌遗传物质重组的过程。普通性转导,Generalized transduction:以烈性噬菌体的裂解周期所介导的转导现


特殊性转导,Specialized transduction :温和噬菌体的溶原周期所介导的转导现象。



广义遗传率,:h2B = 遗传方差/ 总方差(表现型方差)×100%。

狭义遗传率,:h2N= 基因加性方差/总方差×100%。






基因突变,gene mutation:由于DNA分子中发生碱基对的增添、缺失或改变,而引起的基因结构的改变,就叫做基因突变。



原养型,Protoroph :能够在矿物培养基上合成自己所需所有有机化合物的这一类细菌。



Chapter 2 Quiz

1. The most likely outcome of a cross between two dwarf plants is

e. all dwarf

2. The second generation resulting from a genetic cross is the ___ generation.

c. F2

3. In Mendel's peas, tall is dominant to dwarf and yellow is dominant to green. A pure-breeding tall, yellow plant is crossed to a pure-breeding dwarf, green plant. The resulting offspring are intercrossed to generate an F2 generation. Which of the F2 offspring phenotypes will breed true?

d. green, dwarf

4. The probability that a child in a particular family will inherit a recessive disorder is 1/4. If the parents have three normal children, what is the probability that their

fourth child will inherit the disorder?

b. 1/4

5. Some combinations of alleles cause problems so severe that the fetus ceases to develop. Such lethal allele combinations appear to alter Mendelian ratios because

c. recessive homozygotes do not constitute a progeny class

6. A gene may have many alleles, but each individual has only two alleles because c. a person is diploid

7. An individual heterozygous for five different genes can produce how many genetically different gametes?

e. 32

8. Given the following biochemical pathway: a --> b --> c --> d --> e --> f, if a cell has a mutation that blocks the step between e and f, it will grow if given substance

e. f

9. A woman of blood type O has a type O child. A man of which blood type could NOT have been the father?

c. AB

10. A geneticist crosses a plant with red flowers to a plant with white flowers. The offspring include plants with red flowers (1/4), pink flowers (1/2), and white flowers (1/4). Which allele, red or white, is dominant?

e. neither, they are incompletely dominant

11. In a particular cross, two

red-flowered plants produce offspring in a ratio of 9 red: 3 pink: 4 white. Which genotype could have a pink phenotype?

d. Aabb

12. A plant with round, purple seeds is crossed with a plant with round, white seeds and yields plants with seeds in the ratio of 3/4 round, purple: 1/4 elongate, purple. Which alleles are recessive?

b. elongate and white

13. Consider the cross AaBb x AaBb. If the alleles for both genes exhibit complete dominance, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the resulting offspring?

b. 9:3:3:1

14. Consider the cross AaBb x AaBb. If trait A exhibits complete dominance, while trait B exhibits codominance, what phenotypic ratio is expected in the resulting offspring?

c. 3:6:3:1:2:1

15. Skin color in humans is an example of a (an)

c. polygenic trait

Chapter 3 Quiz

1. A cell having one set of chromosomes is said to be

a. haploid

2. Mendel's principles derive from ____.

c. meiosis

3. Which sequence correctly describes the order of events in the cell cycle?

d. G1 - S - G2 - Mitosis

4. The first meiotic division is called

a. reductional

5. Are the sister chromatids of a chromosome necessarily identical at the beginning of metaphase of Meiosis I?

c. No, crossing over could generate differences between sister chromatids

6. Drosophila melanogaster has eight chromosomes. At prophase I of meiosis, how many chromosomes are present?

d. 8

7. Drosophila melanogaster has eight chromosomes. At prophase I of meiosis, how many chromatids are present?

e. 16

8. Drosophila melanogaster has eight chromosomes. At prophase I of meiosis, how many tetrads are present?

c. 4

9. Drosophila melanogaster has eight chromosomes. At prophase II of meiosis, how many chromosomes are present?

c. 4

10. Drosophila melanogaster has

eight chromosomes. At prophase II of meiosis, how many chromatids are present?

d. 8

11. Drosophila melanogaster has

eight chromosomes. At prophase II of meiosis, how many tetrads are present?

a. 0

12. At G1 of the cell cycle, the amount of DNA in a cell is represented by the quantity "X." How much DNA is found in a cell at the completion of mitosis?

d. X

13. At G1 of the cell cycle, the amount of DNA in a cell is represented by the quantity "X." How much DNA is found in a cell at the completion of meiosis I?

d. X

14. At G1 of the cell cycle, the amount of DNA in a cell is represented by the quantity "X." How much DNA is found in a cell at the completion of meiosis II?

b. 1/2 X

15. Genetically, locus is a synonym for

b. gene

16. A chromosome with its centromere at the middle is called

a. metacentric

Chapter 4 Quiz

1. A new form of curly winged fruit flies is isolated. A cross between two curly winged flies yields 121 flies with curly wings and 58 flies with straight wings. The data appear to approximate a 2: 1 ratio. What is your null hypothesis?

b. The difference between the observed and expected ratio is due to chance.

2. How many degrees of freedom apply to the chi-square test of the above hypothesis?

b. 1

3. What is the approximate chi-square value in the test of the above hypothesis?

c. 0.07

4. The critical chi-square value for the above test is

d. 3.841

5. Given the chi-square value calculated in question 3 above, you should

d. fail to reject your null hypothesis, calculated chi-square < critical chi-square

6. Does the cross above (question 1) support segregation of a lethal allele?

a. yes

7. Generally, for the difference between observed and expected numbers to be considered

statistically significant, the p value must be below

b. 0.05

8. A p value of 0.02 means that the observed difference between observed and expected numbers is probably due merely to chance.

b. false

9. The ____ rule is used to calculate the probability of mutually

exclusive events.

b. sum

10. PTC tasting is dominant in human beings. A tasting female with a nontasting father marries a nontasting male. If they have five children, what is the probability that all five will be tasters?

b. (1/2)5

Chapter 5 Quiz

1. An individual is diploid with an XXY sex chromosome complement. It would be

c. a female fly, male human being

2. A woman whose husband worked at the Chernobyl nuclear reactor gives

birth to a hemophiliac son.

b. She should not blame the accident because she carried the hemophilia allele.

3. A ____ trait is passed only from father to sons.

e. Y-linked

4. A ____ trait is passed from an affected father to all of his daughters and to none of his sons.

c. sex-linked dominant

5. The probability that a male inherits his Y chromosome from his maternal grandfather is

a. 0

6. White-eyes is a sex-linked recessive trait in Drosophila. Which of the crosses below will yield all males of one phenotype and all females of the opposite phenotype?

b. homozygous white female x

wild-type male

7. In moths, males are homogametic. Spotted wings (s) are recessive to the wild-type (+) and sex-linked. A wild-type male is mated to a spotted female, and all the F1 are wild-type. What is the genotype of an F1 female?

c. + / W

8. Some people with polydactyly have an extra toe; others have an extra finger. This situation is an example of a trait that is

b. variably expressed

9. How many Barr bodies would a cell from an XXYY human being have?

b. one

10. How many Barr bodies would a cell from an XXYY fruit fly have?

a. none

Chapter 6 Quiz

1. Consider two recessive alleles (a and b) in a hypothetical organism. Given the following data, the offspring of a test-crossed dihybrid, determine the distance between the two genes (in map units). a+ b+ = 206; a+ b = 704; a b+ =

736; a b = 254.

c. 24.2

2. Consider three recessive alleles (a, b, and c) in a hypothetical organism. Assume that a female heterozygous for all three traits is testcrossed. Which of the data sets below would indicate that all three genes are linked on the same chromosome?

b. a+ b+ c+ = 940; a b c = 932; a+ b c = 282; a b+ c+ = 286; a+ b+ c+ = 245; a b c = 240; a+ b c+ = 40; a b+ c = 35 3. Consider three recessive alleles (a, b, and c) in a hypothetical organism. Assume that a female heterozygous for all three traits is testcrossed. Which of the data sets below would indicate that all three genes are independently assorting?

a. a+ b+ c+ = 378; a b c = 375; a+ b c = 370; a b+ c+ = 372; a+ b+ c = 370; a b c+ = 379; a+ b c+ = 380; a b+ c = 376 4. Consider three recessive alleles (a, b, and c) in a hypothetical organism. Assume that a female heterozygous for all three traits is testcrossed. Which of the data sets below would indicate that two of the genes are linked and the third is independently assorting?

c. a+ b+ c+ = 940; a b c = 932; a+

b c = 125; a b+ c+ = 130; a+ b+ c = 938; a b c+ = 943; a+ b c+ = 132; a b+ c = 135 5. Consider three recessive alleles (e, g, and k) in a hypothetical organism. Assume that a female heterozygous for all three traits is testcrossed and the following offspring result: e+ g+ k+ = 471; e+ g+ k = 20; e+ g k = 141; e g+ k+ = 142; e+ g k+ = 122; e g+ k = 121; e g k = 466; e g k+ = 17. Assuming the three genes are linked, what is the proper gene


d. e k g

6. What is your best estimate of the

distance between e and k, in map units?

e. 21.3

7. What is the allelic arrangement in the

F1 heterozygote?

a. cis

8. Given the gene sequence A B C D E F, crossing over should occur most

frequently between

e. A - F

9. If crossover interference is 100%


d. the coefficient of

coincidence is 0% and no double crossovers are observed

10. You cross a mutant strain of Neurospora to a wild-type strain and recover 960 asci with the 4:4

first-division segregation pattern and a total of 1040 asci with the

second-division segregation pattern (2:2:2:2 and 2:4:2). What is the

distance between the gene under study

and the centromere?

a. 26

Chapter 7 Quiz

1. Transformation is a sexual process by which

c. bacterial DNA from the environment is incorporated into the host

2. A wild-type of E.coli is transformed by DNA from a trp-try-strain. The following auxotrophic transformants are scored: tyr-= 11; trp-tyr-=80. What is the co-transfer index for trp and tyr?

e. 0.88

3. In the above question (number 2) the two genes under study are

a. closely linked

4. A prototroph (D+E+F+) is used to make transducing phages that then infect

D-E-F- cells. The resulting data:

D+E+F+=35; D+E+F-=60; D+E-F+=2; D+E-F-=210 (Total=307). What is the correct gene order?

a. DEF

5. In the above problem (number 4), what is the relative cotransduction frequency for genes D and E?

b. 0.31

6. In the above problem (number 4), what is the relative cotransduction frequency for genes D and F?

a. 0.12

7. In the above problem (number 4), what is the relative cotransduction frequency for genes E and F?

e. should not be calculated 8. Given the following results of an interrupted mating experiment, determine the gene order. Time=0, no genes transferred; time= 5 mins, genes A and C present; time=10 mins, genes A and C present; time=15 mins, genes A,C, and B present.

e. two of these are possible

9. A wild-type strain of B.Subtilis is transformed by DNA from a strain that cannot grow on galactose and also needs biotin for growth. Transformants are isolated and determined to have the following genotypes: gal-bio-=17;

gal-bio+=4; gal+bio-=9. What is the relative co-occurance of these two loci?

d. 0.57

10. A bacterial strain of the genotype a-b- would

e. all of the above

Chapter 8 Quiz

1. Which of the following is the description of an individual with Down Syndrome?

b. 47, XX, +21

2. Which of the following is the description of an individual with Turner Syndrome?

b. 45, XO

3. Which of the following is the description of an individual with

cri-du-chat syndrome?

c. 46, XY, 5p-

4. Which of the following is the description of an individual with a translocation of a piece of the long arm of chromosome 4 to the short arm of chromosome 5?

d. 46, XX, t (4q-; 5p+)

5. Nondisjunction of chromosome 16 during meiosis I can result in all of the following chromosomal complements (with respect to chromosome 16) in a gamete except:

e. two of these

6. Nondisjunction of chromosome 16 during meiosis II can result in all of the following chromosome complements (with respect to chromosome 16) in a gamete except:

e. two of these

7. A fetus with a missing chromosome number 13 and a missing chromosome 18 is said to have

d. double monosomy

8. How many chromosomes would the individual in problem 7 have?

a. 44

9. Which chromosomal aberration involves more than one chromosome?

d. translocation

10. Trisomy usually results from

a. nondisjunction

11. A(n) _____ often results when chromosomes in a hybrid from two different species double to produce a fertile individual.

b. allopolyploid

Chapter 9 Quiz

1. If a Meselson-Stahl type experiment is performed, how much DNA is expected to be of intermediate density after three rounds of replication?

b. 25%

2. If a nucleic acid is found to contain 20% A and 20% T, the molecule is probably

b. ds DNA

3. If double-stranded DNA is found to contain 20% A and 20% T, what can you conclude about the percentage of G and C bases present?

c. G+C=1-(A+T) therefore G+C=60%

4. Considering DNA replication along the 5'-->3' template strand, what event takes place first?

c. Primase adds an RNA primer

5. If Hershey and Chase found S35 in progeny phages rather than P32, their experiment would have demonstrated that

d. Phage protein enters the host cell

6. DNA replication along the 5'-->3' template strand

b. is discontinuous

7. DNA polymerase III

e. is the primary replicating enzyme

8. Which of the DNA molecules would have the highest melting temperature?

a. A+T=10%

9. The DNA replication model functioning during E.coli conjugation is called

b. rolling circle

10. A nucleoside is composed of a

c. base+sugar

Chapter 10 Quiz

1. The sequence of the coding strand of DNA is the same as the

b. mRNA

2. A DNA strand with the sequence

5'-GCAATGCAA-3' is transcribed. What is the sequence of the mRNA molecule synthesized?

c. 5'-UUGCAUUGC-3'

3. In prokaryotes, the element found 10 bases upstream of the first base transcribed is the

a. Pribnow box

4. Posttranscriptional modification of prokaryotic mRNAs include

e. nothing, prokaryotic mRNA is unmodified

5. Noncoding regions of DNA interspersed among coding regions are known as

c. introns

6. The transcribing enzyme is primarily a. RNA polymerase

7. The sigma factor recognizes the

a. promoter

8. DNA can act as a messenger at the ribosome only

b. in vitro

9. Viruses use_____ to make a double stranded DNA molecule that is inserted into the host DNA.

e. reverse transcriptase

10. In eukaryotes, the enzyme that primarily transcribes the nucleolar organizer is

a. RNA polmerase I

Chapter 11 Quiz

1. What sequence on the template strand of DNA corresponds to the first amino acid inserted into a protein?

d. TAC

2. During translation, codons are read from

b. mRNA

3. Transcription and translation of a gene composed of 30 nucleotides would form a protein containing no more than how many amino acids?

a. 10

4. The enzyme peptidyl transferase

d. creates peptide bonds between amino acids

5. A charged tRNA enters the

protein-synthesizing machinery at the ribosomes by recognition of its

b. anticodon

6. What amino acid corresponds to the mRNA sequence GGG?

e. gly

7. What amino acid corresponds to the DNA template sequence GGG?

a. pro

8. What is the consequence of changing the codon UGA to UGG?

b. the peptide will be longer than normal

9. Which of the following is an example of the degeneracy of the genetic code?

a. a given amino acid has more than one codon

10. Which of the following statements is false?

a. penicillin is an antibiotic that interferes with translation at the ribosome.

Chapter 12 Quiz

1. A linear DNA has three restriction sites. How many fragments are produced in a complete digestion?

d. 4

2. Electroporation introduces foreign DNA into a eukaryotic cell by way of

b. high-voltage electricity 3. An 800 bp piece of DNA is cut with a single restriction enzyme. Fragments of 100*, 250, 300, 150* bp are found. Asterisks denote radioactively labeled end pieces. How many restriction sites are there?

c. 3

4. In the above question (number 3), which order would be consistent with the results obtained?

e. 100, 300, 250, 150

5. Which enzyme can connect blunt-ended pieces of DNA?

e. T4 DNA ligase

6. The DNA strand 3'- CATTCGAATAGC-5' is being sequenced using the dideoxy method. One reaction mixture contains all four deoxynucleotide triphosphates and 10% dideoxythymidine triphosphate. The reaction mixture will produce a ladder gell that will have

d. 2, 7, 8, 10- bp bands

7. A circular DNA molecule with four restriction sites for a single enzyme is completely digested. How many fragments appear?

d. 4

8. A bacterial cell that has taken up foreign DNA is called _____ while a mammalian cell that has taken up foreign DNA is _______.

a. transformed, transgenic

9. The techniques of ____ and ____ can be used to first amplify and then analyze,

respectively, a sample of DNA found at a crime scene.

c. PCR, DNA fingerprinting

10. Heteroduplex analysis is a technique used to

a. observe cloned DNA under the electron microscope

Chapter 13 Quiz

1. If a particular RNA has a sequence of 5' -GGCACUUAC-3', What is the sequence of DNA required to produce antisense RNA?

b. 5'-GGCACTTAC-3'

2. The lac operon genotype

i+p+o+z-/i-p+o c z+ would

b. be able to hydrolyze lactose constitutively

3. A lac operon merozygote has the following genotype i+p+z1+/i+p+o+z2+. If no lactose is present in the environment

d. neither z1 nor z2 will be transcribed

4. A repressor binds to the

a. operator

5. Which element in phage infection favors lysogeny?

e. cI

6. The effects of transposons can include

e. all of the above 7. Heat shock proteins in E.coli

e. all of the above

8. Antisense is an example of

e. a translational control system of gene regulation

9. Mechanisms of gene regulation do not include

a. DNA replication control

10. Segments of the genome that can move from one place to another are known as

e. all of the above

Chapter 14 Quiz

1. Which of the following statements of the eukaryotic chromosome is false? a. the chromosomal DNA is not complexed with protein

2. It is estimated that _____ % of the DNA in a eukaryote is "junk DNA."

e. over 90%

3. C-bands consist primarily of

a. constitutive heterochromatin

4. The cot measure of DNA-DNA hybridization reveals that ___% of the eukaryotic chromosome consists of satellite DNA while ___% consists of unique DNA and ___% is intermediately repetitively.

c. 10, 75, 15

5. Which type(s) of chromatin in eukaryotic chromosomes is (are) transcriptionally active?

c. euchromatin

6. The width of a nucleosome (?) is approximately

c. 110

7. Lampbrush chromosomes

b. are found in amphibian oocytes

8. At G2 of interphase, a eukaryotic chromosome contains

c. two linear DNA molecules

Chapter 15 Quiz

1. A disease that inactivates the X-ray repair system is

b. Ataxia telangiectasia

2. A homeotic mutation is one in which

b. one cell type follows the developmental path of another

3. Genomic imprinting refers to the fact that

e. gene activity depends upon whether the gene is of maternal or paternal origin

4. The cancer ______ results from a defective tumor suppressor gene.

b. retinoblastoma

5. The cancer ______ results from a chromosomal rearrangement. a. Burkitt's lymphoma

6. In which of the stages in the formation of an immunoglobulin molecule is diversity not generated?

e. all of the above generate diversity

7. The fact that any nucleus can give rise to any, and therefore all cell types is called

b. totipotency

8. Transposons that control gene expression in corn were discovered by

c. McClintock

9. Avoidable substances in the environment and the diet are estimated to cause ____% of all cancers.

e. 80-90

10. If a nucleus from an intestinal cell of Xenopus is injected into an enucleated egg, the most significant result will be

b. normal development to adult

Chapter 16 Quiz

1. Consider the following DNA sequence: TACGGCCGTACGGC. Which of the sequences below would be produced by a nonsense mutation?


2. Consider the following DNA sequence: TACGGCCCATTATC. Which of the sequences below would be produced by an inversion?


3. Consider the following DNA sequence: TACGGCCCATTATC. Which of the sequences below would be produced by an insertion?


4. Consider the following DNA sequence: TACGGCCCATTATC. Which of the sequences below would be produced by a transition?


5. A(n) _____ test is a test of allelic functionality. :

b. complementation

6. Seymour Benzer coined the word ___ for the minimal mutable site.

b. muton

7. Traits a and b are recessive leg mutations in a hypothetical organism. When the two mutants are mated, each offspring has legs with wild-type characteristics, not mutant. We can say that these two mutations

c. complement and are therefore not allelic

Chapter 17 Quiz

1. ___ is a situation in which genes are inherited through the chloroplasts or mitochondria.

d. cytoplasmic inheritance

2. Moth pigmentation can be maternally influenced. If a+ is the allele for pigmentation, a mother with genotype

a+/a and a father with genotype aa will produce

a. all pigmented larvae 3. As adults, what percentage of the larvae in question 2 will be pigmented?

c. 50%

4. Inheritance of variegation in corn is cytoplasmic because

a. pollen grains do not carry chloroplasts

5. Autogamy in heterozygous killer Paramecium results in

d. 1 killer: 1 sensitive ratio

6. What are the possible phenotypes and genotypes of the female parent of a sinistral coiled snail?

e. sinistral or dextral, dd

7. A cross is made between a petite yeast strain and a wild-type strain. After meiosis, the ratio of petite: wild type is 1:1. The mutation is of a

a. nuclear gene

8. Prader-Willi syndrome and Angelman syndrome are both associated with deletions of the same bands from the long arm of chromosome 15. However, the physical expression associated with each disorder is very different. This is an example of

a. imprinting

9. Which statement concerning the mitochondrial genome in humans is untrue?

c. The DNA is linear.

10. If the stigma on a green corn plant (genotype IjIj) is pollinated by pollen

from a variegated plant (genotype ijij), and the F1 are selfed, the F2 will be

c. 75% green and 25% variegated

Chapter 18 Quiz

1. Traits exhibiting quantitative inheritance are called

e. all of the choices

2. In an additive model of polygenic inheritance, (A+a)2n represents

e. the distribution pattern of F2 phenotypes produced by the mating of F1 multihybrids

3. Four additive loci control ear length in Easter bunnies. Two extreme strains are crossed; the F1 are interbred to produce the F2, which cover the complete range of ear lengths. How many of the F2 are expected to have ears as extreme as one parental (P1) bunny or the other?

e. 1/256

4. If the P1 bunnies from question #3 had ears measuring 10mm and 30mm, how long were the ears, on average, of F1 bunnies?

c. 20mm

5. The correlation coefficient between identical twins for body weight was calculated to be 0.42. What is the heritability of body weight?

c. 0.42

6. The correlation coefficient between fraternal twins for body weight was calculated to be 0.42. What is the heritability of body weight? d. 0.84

7. Consider the polygenic trait, tail length, in hypothetical zeebogs. Which of the following genotypes would have tails of intermediate length?

c. AABBccdd

8. Consider the following body weights

(g) for the Madagascar hissing cockroach: 7,9,6,13,10,8,8,9. Approximately what is the mean of these values?

c. 9

9. Consider the following body weights

(g) for the Madagascar hissing cockroach: 7,9,6,13,10, 8,8,9. Approximately what is the sample variance of these values?

c. 5

10. Consider the following body weights

(g) for the Madagascar hissing cockroach: 7,9,6,13,10,8,8,9. Approximately what is the standard deviation of these values?

a. 2

Chapter 19 Quiz

1. In a population in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, the proportion of homozygous dominant genotypes is

a. p2

2. In a population in Hardy-Weinburg equilibrium, the proportion of individuals with a dominant phenotype is

d. p2+2pq

3. If 42% of a population shows the recessive phenotype, approximately what

is the frequency of the recessive allele?

d. 0.65

4. If 42% of a population shows the recessive phenotype, what is the expected frequency of heterozygotes?

d. 0.46

5. In a sample of 100 persons from Nashville, 80 had Rh + blood and 20 had Rh- blood (recessive condition). Is the population in Hardy-Weinberg proportions?

e. cannot test this population for equilibrium

6. In a sample of 100 individuals from Nashville, 10 had type A blood, 30 had type B blood, 10 had type AB blood, and 50 had type O blood. Approximately what is the frequency of the B allele?

b. 0.18

7. In a population where the O allele is missing, 45 individuals were of blood type A, 20 were of type AB, and 35 were of type B. What is the approximate frequency of the B allele?

b. 0.45

8. Is the population in question #7 in equilibrium?

c. no, calculated chi-square > critical chi-square value

9. In a mixed-sex population in equilibrium, the frequency of

sex-linked colorblind males is 20%. What percentage of the females in this population are normal but carry the colorblind allele?

b. 0.32

10. In a mixed-sex population in equilibrium, the frequency of

sex-linked colorblind females is 20%. What percentage of the females in this population are normal but carry the colorblind allele?

d. 0.50

Chapter 20 Quiz

1. At a particular locus, there are two alleles, G and g. The mutation rate of G to g is

2.0 x 10-4 whereas the mutation rate of g to G is 5.0 x 10-8. What is the equilibrium frequency of the g allele assuming no other factor is operating in this population to disturb

Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium?

d. 0.9998

2. Given a population of about 1,000 individuals and a frequency of the g allele of 0.80, what is the probability of the loss of the g allele by random genetic drift?

b. 0.20

3. In a hypothetical population, the fitnesses of the genotypes of locus G are determined. Three genotypes, GG, Gg, and gg, have fitnesses of 0.75, 1.0, and 0.4 respectively. What is the equilibrium frequency of the g allele?

b. 0.294

4. In which model of selection are both alleles maintained in a population?

b. selection against homozygotes

5. Examination of segregation of alleles at the t-allele (tailless) locus in the house mouse reveals that as many as 95% of the gametes of heterozygotes carry the recessive allele t. This phenomenon is referred to as

e. two of these

6. Consider genetic drift continually occurring in 100 separate populations each with 100 individuals and allele frequencies of 0.5. After approximately 2N generations, populations are fixating for one or the other allele at a rate of ____ populations per generation.

b. 1/2N

7. In a circumstance in which a population was subjected to migration from an outside group, the B allele of the ABO blood system was determined to be 0.3 in migrants and 0.6 in the conglomerate population. The migration rate was 0.2. What was the frequency of the allele in the original natives?

c. 0.675

8. Two populations of equal size, each in Hardy-Weinberg proportions, merge. In population one there are 16 AA, 48 Aa, and 36 aa individuals. In population two there are 64 AA, 32 Aa, and 4 aa individuals. After one generation of random mating, what proportion of the population is expected to be heterozygous?

b. 0.48 9. Which form of selection will be the most effective in the short run?

e. selection against a dominant phenotype

10. Which of the following statements is false?

b. A founder effect occurs when natural selection removes some alleles in the population.

Chapter 21 Quiz

1. Which of the following is not an example of a prezygotic reproductive isolating mechanism?

e. all of the above are examples of prezygotic isolation.

2. Until recently, evolutionary biologists believed that _____ speciation was the general rule.

a. allopatric

3. Haplodiploidy in the eusocial hymenoptera produces females with a genetic similarity of ____% with their sisters while only a ____% similarity with their own offspring.

d. 75, 50

4. A squirrel is likely to have all its alleles still represented in the next generation if it sacrifices itself for

e. any of the above

5. In ____ mimicry, a vulnerable organism gains a selective advantage by looking like a dangerous or distasteful organism.

b. Batesian

6. The amino acids making up a protein in dogs and chickens are determined. Of the eight amino acids in the protein, three differ between the two species. What is the average number of amino acid substitutions, per site, between dog and chicken?

c. 0.47

7. The low fitness of sickle-cell anemia homozygotes involves _____ selection.

b. hard 8. Which of the following is a classic example of heterozygote advantage?

c. sickle-cell anemia

9. Periods of stasis followed by rapid evolutionary change occur specifically in which model?

b. punctuated equilibrium

10. Regions in which previously isolated populations come into contact and produce hybrids are called a. hybrid zones


1. 减数分裂与有丝分裂的异同?





















3. 基因突变的特点?


A.稀有性 B. 共有性 C. 恒定性 D. 可逆性 E. 平行性 F. 重演性G. 有利性H. 有害性





答:⑴突变⑵选择⑶随机遗传漂变⑷迁移⑸遗传异质性⑹ 奠基者效应:效应是遗传漂变的一种形式,指由带有亲代群体中部分等位基因的少数个体重新建立新的群体,这个群体后来的数量虽然会增加,但因未与其他生物群体交配繁殖,彼此之间基因的差异性甚小。这种情形一般发生于对外隔绝的海岛,或较为封闭的新开辟村落等。


遗传学复习题 一、名词解释 遗传病:指由于遗传物质结构或功能改变所导致的疾病。 核型:一个细胞内的全部染色体所构成的图像。 染色体显带:通过现带染色等处理,分辨出染色体更微细的特征,如带的位置、宽度和深浅等技术,常见有G带、Q带、C带和N带。 基因突变:指基因内的碱基组成或顺序发生了可遗传的改变,并且常能导致表型的改变。断裂基因:真核生物结构基因,由若干个编码区和非编码区互相间隔开但又连续镶嵌而成,启动子:位于转录起始点上游约100bp左右,是与RNA聚合酶特异结合使转录开始的DNA 序列。 系谱:指从先证者入手,追溯调查其所有家族成员(包括直系亲属和旁系亲属)某种遗传病(或性状)的分布等资料,将调查的资料按一定的格式绘制成的简图。 复等位基因:在同源染色体相对应的基因座位上存在两种以上不同形式的等位基因。 共显性:如果双亲的性状同时在F1个体上表现出来,即一对等位基因的两个成员在杂合体中都表达的遗传现象。 交叉遗传:男想X染色体(及其连锁基因)只能从母亲传来,并且必定传给女儿,不能传给儿子的这种遗传方式。 染色体畸变:在不同因素作用下产生的染色体数目及结构异常。 嵌合体:指具有两种或两种以上染色体组成的细胞系的个体。 易患性:一个个体在遗传基础和环境因素共同作用下患某种多基因病的风险。 遗传度:人体性状或者疾病由基因决定程度,一般用百分比表示。 二、问题 1. 遗传病有什么特点?可分为几类?对人类有何危害? 答:遗传病一般具有先天性、家族性、垂直传递等特点,在家族中的分布具有一定的比例;部分遗传病也可能因感染而发生。①先天性:许多遗传病的病症是生来就有的,如白化病是一种常染色体隐性遗传病,婴儿刚出生时就表现有“白化”症状;②家族性:许多遗传病具有家族聚集性,如Hutington舞蹈病患者往往具有阳性家族史。③垂直传递:具有亲代向子代垂直传递的特点,但不是所有遗传病的家系中都可以观察到这一现象,有的患者是家系中的首例,还有些遗传病患者未活到生育年龄或未育。 分类:单基因病、染色体病、体细胞遗传病。 危害:①遗传病是造成人类死亡的重要因素。资料显示,我国15岁以下死亡的儿童中,约40%是由遗传病和先天畸形所致,遗传病已经成为当前危害人类健康最为严重、病死率最高之一,而且有些肿瘤和心血管疾病也属于遗传病。 ②遗传病总数占人类疾病总数的四分之一,其中有很多属于常见病和多发病,一部分严重危害健康的常见病、多发病都与遗传病有关。 ③遗传病不仅影响患者本身的生活和生存,同时也给家庭及其他成员带来许多精神和经济负担,既影响家庭幸福,又给社会造成许多负面影响,并且还直接影响民族的健康素质和国家的兴旺发达。 2. 简述基因概念的沿革,基因的现代概念。 答:①.19世纪:生物性状——遗传因子 ②.20世纪初:染色体学说:基因位于染色体上,遗传功能单位、突变单位、交换单位 ③.20世纪中:基因是有遗传功能单位的DNA片段,由“一个基因,一种酶”发展到“一


滨州医学院 《医学遗传学》试题(A卷) (考试时间:120分钟,满分:80分) 选择题(每题 1 分共20 分) 请将答案填到后面对应的表格中,未填入者不得分 1、下列哪些疾病不属于染色体不稳定综合征:( D ) A Bloom综合征 B Fanconi贫血症 C 着色性干皮病 D 先天性巨结肠病 2、下列哪个基因属于肿瘤抑制基因,并在人类恶性肿瘤中存在的变异占据第一位。( A ) A P53基因 B Rb基因 C WT1基因 D MTS1基因 3、下列核型是先天愚型患者核型的是( C )。 A 47,XX(XY),+13 B 47,XX(XY),+18 C 47, XX(XY), +21 D 46,XX(XY),del(5)(p15) 4、下列核型是猫叫综合征患者核型的是( D )。 A 47,XX(XY),+13 B 47,XX(XY),+18 C 47, XX(XY), +21 D 46,XX(XY),del(5)(p15) 5、下列属于Klinefelter综合征患者核型的是( D )。 A 47,XYY B 47,XXX C 45,X D 47,XXY 6、一个947人的群体,M血型348人,N血型103人,MN血型496人,则 A 。 A.M血型者占36.7% B.M基因的频率为0.66 C.N基因的频率为0.63 D.MN血型者占55.4% 7、( B )不是影响遗传平衡的因素。 A.群体的大小 B.群体中个体的寿命 C.群体中个体的大规模迁移 D.群体中选择性交配 8、在一个100人的群体中,AA为60%,Aa为20%,aa为20%,那么该群体中 D 。A.A基因的频率为0.3 B.a基因的频率为0.7 C.是一个遗传平衡群体 D.是一遗传不平衡群体 9、对于一种相对罕见的X连锁隐性遗传病,其男性发病率为q, A 。 A.女性发病率为q2 B.女性发病率是p2 C.男性患者是女性患者的两倍 D.女性患者是男性患者的两倍 10、下面哪种疾病属于线粒体遗传病( A )。 A、KSS B、Friedreich C、Fanconi贫血症 D、Bloom综合症 11、线粒体DNA无内含子,唯一的非编码区是约1000bp的( C )。 A 复制起始点 B 转录起始点 C D-环 D 蓬松区 12、每个二倍体细胞内α基因和β基因数量之比是( B ) 。 A 1:1 B 2:1 C 3:1 D 4: 13、α地中海贫血主要的发生机制是(A ) A 基因缺失 B 点突变 C 融合基因 D 单个碱基的置换 14、血友病A是由于血浆中缺乏( C )所致。


医学遗传学复习思考题 1、医学遗传学的概念是什么? 是遗传学基本理论与医学紧密结合的一个学科,是以人体的各种病理性作为研究对象,探讨人类遗传病的发生、发展、遗传方式、转归、诊断及预防治疗措施的一门学科。 2、什么是遗传病?遗传病与先天性疾病、家族性疾病的关系如何?狭义遗传病:由于配子或受精卵的遗传物质发生结构或功能的改变,导致所发育成的个体产生的疾病。 广义遗传病:由于遗传因素而罹患的疾病。包括生殖细胞和体细胞遗传物质结构和功能的改变。 先天性遗传病不全是遗传病;遗传病不一定具有先天性。 家族性遗传病不完全是遗传病;遗传病不一定具有家族性。 3、确定某种疾病是否有遗传因素参与的方法主要有哪些?如何进行确定? 1. 群体筛选法 情缘关系越近,同病率越高——有遗传因素参与 2. 双生子法 同卵双生与异卵双生的同病率差异大——有遗传因素参与 3.种族差异比较 同一居住地不同种族之间发病率有明显差异——有遗传因素参与 4.伴随性状分析 某一疾病经常伴随另一种已经确定由遗传决定的性状或疾病出现— —有遗传因素参与4、赖昂假说有哪些基本内容?

①女性有两条X 染色体,其中一条有转录活性,另一条无转录活性,在间期细胞核中螺旋化呈异固缩状态。 ②失活发生在受精后的第十六天(细胞增殖到5000-6000,植入子宫壁时) ③失活的X染色体是随机的和恒定的。 ④计量补偿,X染色质数=X染色体数一1 5、性染色质的数目与性染色体数目的关系如何?X染色质数二X染色体数一1 Y染色质数二Y染色体数 6、什么是减数分裂?减数分裂各时期各有何主要特点? 减数分裂:真核生物配子形成过程中,DNA复制一次,细胞连续分裂两次,染色体数目由二倍体减少到单倍体的现象。 减数分裂I 前期I 细线期:染色质凝集为染色体,呈细线状。偶线期:同源染色体配对——联会粗线期:染色体变短变粗,非姐妹染色体见发生交叉。双线期:联会复合体解体,交叉端化。 终变期:四分体更短更粗,交叉数目减少,核膜、核仁消失。中期I :四分体排列在赤道面上,纺锤体形成。 后期I :同源染色体分离,非同源染色体自由组合。末期:各二分体移至两级后解旋、伸展,核膜重新形成。减数分裂II 前期II :二分体凝缩,核膜消失。中期II :二分体排列在赤道面上后期II :染色单体被纺锤丝拉向两级。 末期II :染色单体到达两级后解旋伸展,分别形成细胞核,细胞一分为二。


郑州大学现代远程教育《医学遗传学》 1. DNA 损伤后的修复机制有哪些? 答:(1)光复活修复又称光逆转。这是在可见光(波长3000~6000 埃)照射下由光复活酶识别并作用于二聚体,利用光所提供的能量使 环丁酰环打开而完成的修复过程。 (2)切除修复。在 DNA 多聚酶的作用下以损伤处相对应的互补 链为模板合成新的 DNA 单链片断进行修复。 (3)重组修复。在重组蛋白的作用下母链和子链发生重组,重组后 原来母链中的缺口可以通过DNA 多聚酶的作用,以对侧子链为模板合 成单链DNA 片断来填补进行修复。 (4)SOS 修复。DNA 受到损伤或脱氧核糖核酸的复制受阻时的一种 诱导反应。 2. 下图为某个遗传病的系谱,根据系谱简要回答下列问题: 1)判断此病的遗传方式,写出先证者的基因型。 答: 此病的遗传方式常染色体隐性遗传。先证者的基因型为aa 。 2)患者的正常同胞是携带者的概率是多少? 答:患者的正常同胞是携带者的概率是2/3。 Ⅰ Ⅱ Ⅲ

3)如果人群中携带者的频率为1/100,问Ⅲ4随机婚配生下患者的 概率为多少? 答:如果人群中携带者的频率为1/100,问Ⅲ4随机婚配生下患者的概率为1/100*1/2*2/3*1/2=1/600。 3.简述多基因遗传假说的论点和遗传特点。 答:(1)多基因遗传假说的论点: ①数量性状的遗传基础也是基因,但是两对以上的等位基因; ②不同对基因之间没有显性隐形之分,都是共显性; ③每对基因对性状所起的左右都很微小,但是具有累加效应; ④数量性状的受遗传和环境双重因素的作用。 (2)多基因遗传特点: ①两个极端变异个体杂交后,子1代都是中间类型,也有一定变异范围;②两个子1代个体杂交后,子2代大部分也是中间类型,将形成更广范围的变异③在随机杂交群体中变异范围广泛,大多数个体接近中间类型,极端变异个体很少。 4.请写出先天性卵巢发育不全综合征的核型及主要临床表现。答:(1)先天性卵巢发育不全综合征又称先天性性腺发育不全综合征,其核型为45,XO。 (2)主要临床表现:表型为女性,身材较矮小,智力正常或稍低,原发闭经,后发际低,患者有颈蹼;二,患者具有女性的生殖系统,


绪论 1.遗传病最基本的特征是() A.先天性B.家族性C.遗传物质改变D.罕见性E.不治之症 2.下列哪种疾病不属于遗传病() A.单基因病B.多因子病C.体细胞遗传病D.传染病E.染色体病 3.医学遗传学研究的对象是______。 A.遗传病 B.基因病 C. 分子病 D. 染色体病 E.先天性代谢病 4.遗传病是指______。 A.染色体畸变引起的疾病B.遗传物质改变引起的疾病C.基因缺失引起的疾病D.“三致”物质引起的疾病E.酶缺乏引起的疾病 5.多数恶性肿瘤的发生机制都是在______的基础上发生的。 A.微生物感染 B.放射线照射 C.化学物质中毒 D.遗传物质改变 E.大量吸烟 绪论1.C 2.D 3.A 4.B 5. 基因和染色体 1.科学家还发现与蛋白质合成有关的基因序列只占整个基因组序列的______。 A.10% B.2% C.1% D.5% E.3% 2.真核生物的结构基因是______,由编码的外显子和非编码的内含子组成,二者相间排列。不同基因所含内含子数目和大小也不同。 A.复等位基因 B.多基因 C.断裂基因 D.编码序列 E.单一基因 3.每一个内含子的两端具有广泛的同源性和互补性,5′端起始的两个碱基是GT,3′端最后的两个碱基是AG,通常把这种接头形式叫做______。 A.GA-TG法则 B.G-A法则 C.T-G法则 D.G-G法则 E.GT-AG法则 4.单拷贝序列又称非重复序列。在基因组中仅有单一拷贝或少数几个拷贝,单拷贝序列的长度在______之间,其中有些是编码细胞中各种蛋白质和酶的结构基因。

A.800bp~1 000bp B.400bp~600bp C.600bp~800bp D.500bp~700bp E.1000bp~1200bp 5.在基因组的间隔序列和内含子等非编码区内,广泛存在着与小卫星DNA相似的一类小重复单位,重复序列为______,称为微卫星DNA或STR,如(A)n/(T)n、(CA)n/(TG)n、(CT)n、(AG)n等。 A. lkb~5kb B.2bp~6bp C.l0bp~60bp D.l5bp~100bp E. l70bp~300bp 6.Alu家族(Alu family)是短分散元件典型的例子,是人类基因组含量最丰富的中度重复顺序,占基因组总DNA含量的3%~6%,长达______,在一个基因组中重复30万~50万次。 A.170bp B.130bp C.300bp D.500bp E.400bp 7.所谓的KpnⅠ家族,形成______的中度重复顺序,拷贝数为3000~4800个。 A.1.9kb B.1.2kb C.1.8kb D.6.5kb E.1.5kb 8.现已确定,人类有3万~4万个蛋白编码基因。在每一种细胞中,编码蛋白质序列仅有_____左右专一表达。 A.10% B.2% C.12% D.14% E.5% 9.有丝分裂和减数分裂的区别在于。 A.有丝分裂发生在体细胞,减数分裂在各种细胞中都存在 B.有丝分裂细胞中DNA复制一次,细胞分裂一次,减数分裂DNA复制两次,细胞分裂两次 C.有丝分裂结束后,由一个细胞分裂成两个相同的细胞,减数分裂结束后,形成四个不同的子细胞。 D.两种分裂结束后,DNA含量都减半 E.两种分裂结束后,遗传物质保持不变 10.同源非姐妹染色单体间的交换发生于。 A.细线期 B.偶线期 C.粗线期 D.双线期 E.终变期 11.下列哪一观点在Lyon假说中没有体现出来? A.失活的X染色体是随机的 B.失活的X染色体仍有部分基因表达活性


物质结构与性质说理题 一、电离能 1、请结合核外电子排布相关知识解释,第一电离能:C_____O,原因是__________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2、第一电离能:N_____O,原因是________________________________________________________________ 3、第一电离能:Mg_____Al,原因是____________________________________________________________ 4、钠元素的逐级电离能的大小关系:I1I Ni 的原因是 8、铜的第一电离能为746kJ·mol-1,第二电离能为1958kJ·mol-1。请结合核外电子排布相关知识解释,铜第二 电离能远远大于第一电离能的原因是 9、铜的第一电离能(I1)小于锌的第一电离能,试解释铜的第二电离能(I2)却大于锌的第二电离能的主要原因是 10、C、N、O 的第一电离能最大的是________,其原因是_____________________________________________ 11、P 的第一电离能比S 大的原因为___________________________________________________________ 12、元素铁与铜的第二电离能分别为:I Cu=1958 kJ·mol-1、I Fe=1561 kJ·mol-1,I Cu 比I Fe 大得多的原因是 ________________________________________________________________ 13、铜的第一电离能(I1)小于锌的第一电离能,而铜的第二电离能(I2)却大于锌的第二电离能,其主要原因是 ____________________________________________________________ 14、As 和Se 是同一周期的元素,As 的第一电离能比Se 大,原因是____________________________________ 二、电负性 15、请结合核外电子排布相关知识解释,电负性:C_____O,原因是__________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________ 三、 半满、全满解释稳定性 16、稳定性:Cu2O_____CuO,原因是________________________________________________________________ 17、气态Mn2+再失去一个电子比气态Fe2+再失去一个电子难。原因是 __________________________________ 18、Cu+价电子排布式为Cu2+和Cu,但 CuO 在高温下会分解成Cu2O,试从结构角度解释高温下CuO 何会生成Cu2O: 19、为什么Fe3+比Fe2+稳定? 四、电子跃迁解释焰色反应 20、钾的焰色反应为_____色,试从原子结构的角度解释其原因___________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________ 21、用镁粉、碱金属盐及碱土金属盐等可以做成焰火。燃放时,焰火发出五颜六色的光,请用原子结构的知识解 释发光的原因:______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 五、微粒半径比较


中国医科大学2016年6月考试《医学遗传学》考查课试题 一、单选题(共 20 道试题,共 20 分。) 1. 细胞周期中进行大量DNA合成的时期为 A. G1期 B. S期 C. G2期 D. M期 E. G0期 正确答案:B 2. Klinefelter综合征的核型为 A. 47,XXX B. 47,XYY C. 47,XXY D. 46,XX/47,XYY E. 46,XX/47,XXX 正确答案:C 3. 限制酶切割不同来源DNA时,能产生具有相同序列的突出末端的不同片段可能方式是 A. 用相同的限制酶切割 B. 用识别相同靶序列的不同限制酶切割

C. 用识别不同序列但可产生一致的粘性末端的限制酶切割 D. A和B E. A、B和C 正确答案:E 4. 减数分裂I 的前期中同源染色体间的两条非姊妹染色单体发生交换的时期为 A. 细线期 B. 偶线期 C. 粗线期 D. 双线期 E. 终变期 正确答案:C 5. 父亲并指(AD),母亲表现型正常,生出一个白化病(AR)但手指正常的孩子,他们再生孩子手指和肤色都正常的概率是 A. 1/2 B. 1/4 C. 3/4 D. 1/8 E. 3/8 正确答案:E 6. 下列哪一项不是XR特点 A. 交叉遗传 B. 系谱中男性患者远多于女性患者 C. 系谱中女性患者远多于男性患者 D. 致病基因位于X染色体上 E. 男性患者的致病基因是从母亲遗传而来

正确答案:C 7. 癌家族通常符合 A. 常染色体隐性遗传 B. 常染色体显性遗传 C. X连锁隐性遗传 D. X连锁显性遗传 E. Y连锁遗传 正确答案:B 8. 脆性X染色体的脆性部位位于 A. Xq24.3 B. Xq25.3 C. Xq26.1 D. Xq27.3 E. Xq29.3 正确答案:D 9. 癌基因erb产物是 A. 生长因子 B. 生长因子受体 C. 信号传递因子 D. 核内转录因子 E. 蛋白质酪氨酸激酶 正确答案:B 10. 在研究尿黑酸尿症的基础上,提出先天性代谢缺陷概念的是 A. Morgan


5.高血压就是___B_____。 A、单基因病 B、多基因病 C、染色体病 D、线粒体病 E、体细胞病 6、基因表达时,遗传信息的基本流动方向就是__C______。 A、RNA→DNA→蛋白质 B、hnRNA→mRNA→蛋白质 C、DNA→mRNA→蛋白质 D、DNA→tRNA→蛋白质 E、DNA→rRNA→蛋白质 7.断裂基因转录的过程就是_____D___。 A、基因→hnRNA→剪接、加尾→mRNA B、基因→hnRNA→剪接、戴帽→mRNA C、基因→hnRNA→戴帽、加尾→mRNA D、基因→hnRNA→剪接、戴帽、加尾→mRNA E、基因→hnRNA 8、双亲的血型分别为A型与B型,子女中可能出现的血型就是___E_____。 A型、O型B、B型、O型C、AB型、O型 D、AB型、A型 E、A型、B型、AB型、O型 9、对于X连锁隐性遗传病而言,男性发病率等于____C____。 A、致病基因频率的2倍 B、致病基因频率的平方 C、致病基因频率 D、致病基因频率的1/2 E、致病基因频率的开平方 10、从致病基因传递的角度考虑,X连锁隐性遗传病典型的传递方式为___E_____。 A、男性→男性→男性 B、男性→女性→男性 C、女性→女性→女性 D、男性→女性→女性 E、女性→男性→女性 11、遗传病中,当父亲就是某病患者时,无论母亲就是否有病,她们子女中的女孩全部患此病,这种遗传病最可能就是____C____。 A、常染色体显性遗传病 B、常染色体隐性遗传病 C、X连锁显性遗传病 D、X连锁隐性遗传病 12、在形成生殖细胞过程中,同源染色体的分离就是___A_____的细胞学基础。 A、分离率 B、自由组合率 C、连锁互换率 D、遗传平衡定律 13.在形成生殖细胞过程中,非同源染色体可以自由组合,有均等的机会组合到一个生物细胞中, 这就是___D_____的细胞学基础。 A、互换率 B、分离率 C、连锁定律 D、自由组合率 14、当一种疾病的传递方式为男性→男性→男性时,这种疾病最有可能就是___C____。 A、从性遗传 B、限性遗传 C、Y连锁遗传病 D、X连锁显性遗传病 E、共显性遗传 15、一对糖原沉淀病Ⅰ型携带者夫妇结婚后,其子女中可能患病的几率就是___D_____。 A、1 B、1/2 C、1/3 D、1/4 E、0 D22 16、由于近亲婚配可以导致何种遗传病的发病风险增高最明显__B______。 A、AD B. AR C、XD D、XR E、以上均正确 17.父母都就是A血型,生育了一个O血型的孩子,这对夫妇再生育孩子的血型可能就是


2019 届高三化学复习计划 务川民族中学高中化学纪国君 一、化学学科分析 1、知识特点:化学虽是一门理科,但是基础知识繁杂。虽然大多数有规律可循,但要求学生记忆的特别多。有些化学反应原理必须在理解的基础上来掌握。学生学起来难度不高,但真正要掌握并熟练运用知识并不容易,一般学生要得高分也必须下大工夫来记忆化学基础知识,不一定要背诵,但一定要多翻课本。 2、高考化学试题特点:题量少,容量大,题干长,尤其是后边的四道非选择大题,学生阅读起来很吃力,更有一部分学生连题目意思都读不懂。 二、复习达到目标 使年级90%的学生牢固掌握基础知识,初步构建整个高中化学的基础网络,基本养成学生正确审题、答题的良好习惯,在2019年高考中取得优异成绩。 三、复习进度 1、第一轮系统复习阶段:2018年7月至2019年1月底。 第一轮复习是高考复习的关键,是基础复习阶段,这个阶段通常是逐章节复习,利用这段时间在高考范围内把每个知识点逐个过关,毫不遗漏。切忌急躁,需要结合教材循序渐进、查漏补缺、巩固基础,

只有知识扎实了,构建成网络了,知识也就系统了,才有利于综合提高。单学科训练、适当学科单元内综合,单学科归纳总结,是主要的复习形式;基本按照课本的知识序列,分单元进行全面复习;重点是锤炼知识,夯实基础,循环提高;着重抓纲务本,建立以章为单元的知识体系,解决知识的覆盖面,在广度上不留死角,在深度上不留疑问,过好“双基”关。单元过关是搞好一轮复习的关键。 第一轮复习计划 时间教学内容 第一周、第二周 第一章从实验学化学 第1讲物质的量气体摩尔体积; 第2讲物质的量浓度 第三周、第四周、第五周、第六周 第二章化学物质及其变化; 第1讲物质的组成、性质及分类 第2讲离子反应离子方程式、离子的检验、鉴别及推断 第3讲氧化还原反应的规律和应用 第4讲专题总结 第七周、第八周、第九周 第三章常见的金属及其化合物


《医学遗传学》答案 第1章绪论 一、填空题 1、染色体病单基因遗传病多基因遗传病线粒体遗传病体细胞遗传病 2、突变基因遗传素质环境因素细胞质 二、名词解释 1、遗传因素而罹患的疾病成为遗传性疾病或遗传病,遗传因素可以是生殖细胞或受精卵 内遗传物质结构和功能的改变,也可以是体细胞内遗传物质结构和功能的改变。 2、主要受一对等位基因所控制的疾病,即由于一对染色体(同源染色体)上单个基因或 一对等位基因发生突变所引起的疾病。呈孟德尔式遗传。 3、染色体数目或结构异常(畸变)所导致的疾病。 4、在体细胞中遗传物质的改变(体细胞突变)所引起的疾病。 第2章遗传的分子基础 一、填空题 1、碱基替换同义突变错义突变无义突变 2、核苷酸切除修复 二、选择题1、A 三、简答题 1、⑴分离律 生殖细胞形成过程中,同源染色体分离,每个生殖细胞中只有亲代成对的同源染 色体中的一条;位于同源染色体上的等位基因也随之分离,生殖细胞中只含有两 个等位基因中的一个;对于亲代,其某一遗传性状在子代中有分离现象;这就是 分离律。 ⑵自由组合律 生殖细胞形成过程中,非同源染色体之间是完全独立的分和随机,即自由组合 定律。 ⑶连锁和交换律 同一条染色体上的基因彼此间连锁在一起的,构成一个连锁群;同源染色体上 的基因连锁群并非固定不变,在生殖细胞形成过程中,同源染色体在配对联会 时发生交换,使基因连锁群发生重新组合;这就是连锁和交换律。 第3章单基因遗传病

一、填空题: 1、常染色体显性遗传、常染色体隐性遗传、X连锁隐性遗传、X连锁显性遗传 2、系谱分析法 3、具有某种性状、患有某种疾病、家族的正常成员 4、高 5、常染色体、无关 6、1/4、2/3、正常、1/2 7、半合子 8、Y伴性遗传9、环境因素10、基因多效性 11、发病年龄提前、病情严重程度增加12、表现型、基因型 二、选择题——A型题 1、B 2、A 3、C 4、D 5、D 6、A 7、D 8、B B型题 1、A 2、D 3、B 4、C 5、D 6、C 7、B 8、C 三、名词解释: 1、所谓系谱(或系谱图)是从先证者入手,追溯调查其所有家族成员(直系亲属和 旁系亲属)的数目、亲属关系及某种遗传病(或性状)的分布资料绘制而成的图解。 2、先证者是指某个家族中第一个被医生或遗传学研究者发现的罹患某种遗传病的患 者或具有某种性状的成员。 3、表现度是基因在个体中的表现程度,或者说具有同一基因型的不同个体或同一个体 的不同部位,由于各自遗传背景的不同,所表现的程度可有显著的差异。 4、外显率是某一显性基因(在杂合状态下)或纯合隐性基因在一个群体中得以表现的 百分率。 5、由于环境因素的作用使个体的表型恰好与某一特定基因所产生的表型相同或相似, 这种由于环境因素引起的表型称为拟表型。 6、遗传异质性指一种性状可由多个不同的基因控制。 7、一个个体的同源染色体(或相应的一对等位基因)因分别来自其父放或母方,而表 现出功能上的差异,因此所形成的表型也有不同,这种现象称为遗传印记或基因组印记、亲代印记。 8、杂合子在生命的早期,因致病基因并不表达或虽表达但尚不足以引起明显的临床症 状,只有达到一定年龄后才才表现出疾病,这一显性形式称为延迟显性。 9、也称为半显性遗传,指杂合子Dd的表现介于显性纯合子和隐性纯合子dd的表现 型之间,即在杂合子Dd中显性基因D和隐性基因d的作用均得到一定程度的表现。


一、名词解释 1、遗传病:人体生殖细胞或受精卵细胞内遗传物质改变而导致的疾病。 2、基因:是决定一定功能产物的DNA序列。 3、断裂基因:分为①编码区:外显子(exon):几段编码序列内含子(intron):无编码功能的序列②非编码区(侧翼序列):调控基因的表达(转录的起始和终止)。 4、外显子与内含子:外显子(exon):几段编码序列;内含子(intron):无编码功能的序列。 5、半保留复制:DNA复制结束后,两条模板链本身就分别成为DNA分子双链中的一条链,即在每个子代DNA分子的双链中,总是保留一条亲链的复制方式。 6、冈崎片段:以5’→3’亲链做模板时,首先在引发体的起始引发下,合成数以千计的DNA小片段,称为。 7、核小体:是由4种组蛋白(H2A\H2B\H3\H4各2个分子)组成的八聚体核心表面围以长约146bp 的DNA双螺旋所构成,此时DNA分子被压缩了6倍。 8、突变:遗传物质的变化及其所引起的表型改变称为突变 9、基因突变:基因组DNA分子在结构上发生碱基对组成或序列的改变称为基因突变 10、碱基替换:DNA分子中碱基之间互换,导致被替换部位的三联体密码意义发生改变 11、转换与颠换:嘧啶之间或嘌呤之间互换(最常见);颠换:嘧啶与嘌呤间互换 12、动态突变:串联重复的三核苷酸序列随着世代的传递而拷贝数逐代累加的突变方式称为动态突变 13、核型与核型分析:核型:一个细胞中的全部染色体,按其大小、形态特征顺序排列所构成的图象称为核型;核型分析:对构成核型的图象进行染色体数目、形态结构特征的分析称为核型分析14、单基因遗传病:如果一种遗传病的发病仅仅涉及到一对等位基因,其导致的疾病称为单基因遗传病。其遗传方式称为单基因遗传 15、携带者:带有隐性基因致病基因的杂合子本身不发病,但可将隐性致病基因遗传给后代 16、复等位基因:在同一基因座位上,有两个以上不同的成员,其相互间称为复等位基因。 17、交叉遗传:男性的X染色体及其连锁的基因只能从母亲传来,又只能传给女儿,不存在男性→男性的传递 18、半合子:虽然具有二组相同的染色体组,但有一个或多个基因是单价的,没有与之相对应的等位基因,这种合子称为半合子。 19、系谱:是从先证者或索引病例开始,追溯调查其家族各个成员的亲缘关系和某种遗传病的发病(或某种性状的分布)情况等资料,用特定的系谱符号按一定方式绘制而成的图解 20、先证者:该家族中第一个就诊或被发现的患病(或具有某种性状的)成员 21、数量性状(quantitative character):受多对等位基因控制,相对性状之间变异呈连续的正态分布,受环境因素影响。Ex: 人的身高、各种多基因病 22、质量性状(qualitative character):受一对等位基因控制,相对性状之间变异是不连续的不受环境因素影响。Ex: 抗原的有无、各种单基因病 22、易患性变异:在遗传和环境两个因素的共同作用下,一个体患某种多基因病的可能性。 23、发病阈值:由易患性所导致的多基因遗传病的最低限度。 24、遗传度:是在多基因疾病形成过程中,遗传因素的贡献大小 25、群体:广义:同一物种的所有个体,狭义:生活在某一地区同一物种的所有个体 26、医学群体遗传学:研究与疾病有关的遗传结构及其变化规律 27、染色体组:指配子中所包含的染色体或基因的总和。 28、嵌合体:指体内同时存在染色体数目不同的两种或两种以上细胞系的个体,分为同源嵌合体和异源嵌合体。 29、同源嵌合体:体内不同chr数目(核型)的细胞群起源于同一合子。 30、平衡易位:仅有位置的改变而无明显的染色体片段的增减,通常不会引起明显的遗传学效应,


新乡医学院05级临床等专业2007—2008学年第一学期医学遗传学考试卷(A)一、单选题(每题1分,共30分)1.研究基因表达与蛋白质(酶)的合成,基因突变所致蛋白质(酶)合成异常与遗传病关系的医学遗传学的一个支柱学科为:A.人类细胞遗传学B .人类生化遗传学 C.医学分子生物学D.医学分子遗传学E .医学生物化学2.等位基因的分离是由于A .着丝粒的分裂B .遗传性状的分离C .同源染色体的分离D .姐妹染色单体的分离E .细胞分裂中染色体的分离3.常染色质是间期细胞核中:A .螺旋化程度高,有转录活性的染色质B .螺旋化程度低,有转录活性的染色质C .螺旋化程度高,无转录活性的染色质D .螺旋化程度低,无转录活性的染色质E .螺旋化程度低,很少有转录活性的染色质4.根据ISCN ,人类C 组染色体数目为:A .7对B .6对C .7对+X 染色体D .6对+X 染色体E .以上都不是5.经检测发现,某个体的细胞核中有2个X 小体,表明该个体一个体细胞中有几个X 染色体。A .1B .2C .3D .4E .56.G 显带与Q 显带所得到的带型:A.完全无关系B .完全一致 C.正好相反D .基本相同E .有时一样,有时不一样7.染色体臂上作为界标的带,在计算上属于下列哪一种叙述? A .属于后一个区(着丝粒远端的区) B .属于前一个区(着丝粒近端的区) C.分成两半,各归一个区D .不属于任何区 E.前一个区和后一个区重复计算 8.正常人次级精母细胞中的染色体数目是: A .23 B .44 C .46 D .48 E .92题号一二三四五六七八总分合计人分数 分数阅卷人


百度文库 - 让每个人平等地提升自我!
1 遗传学 2 医学遗传学 3 遗传和变异 4 单基因病
5 多基因病 6 染色体病 7 基因 8 结构基因
9 调控基因 10 断裂基因 11 基因组 12 基因家族
13 基因簇 14 假基因 15 基因表达 16 转录
17 翻译 18 基因突变 19 点突变 20 同义突变
21 错义突变 22 无义突变 23 移码突变 24 等位基因
25 分离定律 26 复等位基因 27 自由组合定律 28 连锁与互换定律
29 单基因遗传 30 系谱 31 携带者 32 完全显性
33 不完全显性 34 不规则显性 35 共显性 36 延迟显性
37 表现度 38 外显率 39 交叉遗传 40 遗传异质性
41 多基因遗传 42 数量性状 43 微效基因 44 易患性
45 遗传率 46 早发现象 47 从性遗传 48 限性遗传
49 阈值 50 染色体组 51 染色体核型 52 显带技术
53 丹佛体制 54 染色体带型 55 高分辨带 56 染色体畸变
57 整倍体 58 非整倍体 59 假二倍体 60 易位
61 倒位 62 插入 63 重复 64 等臂染色体
65 双着丝粒染色体 66 嵌合体 67 三体型 68 单体型
69 多体型 70 TDF 基因 71 SRY 基因 72 AZF 基因
73 Lyon 假说 74 真两性畸形 75 假两性畸形 76 分子病
77 遗传性酶病 78 基因定位 79 遗传图谱 80 物理图谱
1 生物的正常性状和绝大多数的异常性状(疾病)都是因素和因素相互作用的结果。
2 在人类不同疾病的病因中,根据遗传因素和环境因素所起作用的大小,可将人类疾病分
3 生殖细胞或受精卵的遗传物质发生突变所引起的疾病,称为
4 染色体数目、结构畸变所引起的疾病称为

5 基因病是由于突变而引起的疾病。其可分为
6 主要受一对等位基因所控制的疾病,即一对染色体上单个基因或一对等位基因发生突变

7 多对基因和环境因素共同作用所引起的疾病称
8 DNA 具有 、和
9 DNA 的组成单位是
、和 组成。
10 DNA 和 RNA 的共有碱基是

11 双链 DNA 中,碱基对 A 和 T 之间形成的氢键数目是 、G 和 C 之间的氢键数目
12 基因的化学本质是 。
13 人类基因根据其功能不同可分成和

14 人类基因组包括
基因组,人类 DNA 中的重复序列、基因家族主


2016级专科、高起本《医学遗传学》试题及答案2016级专科、高起本《医学遗传学》试题 1、下列哪一核型是猫叫综合征的核型( ) A(46,XX,del(5)(p15) B(46,XY,del(1)(q21) C(47,XY,,21 D(45,X E(47,XXY 2、一个遗传平衡的群体随机婚配,代代保持不变的是( ) A(表现型频率 B(基因型频率 C(基因频率和表现型频率 D(发病率和死亡率 E(基因频率和基因型频率 3、一些先天性代谢病的患儿周身或汗尿中会散发出特殊的异味,周身散发出鼠臭 (腐臭味)的患者可能是( ) A(胱氨酸尿症 B(苯丙酮尿症 C(半乳糖血症 D(枫糖尿症 E(尿黑酸尿症 4、杂合子的表型介于纯合子显性和纯合子隐性表型之间,这种遗传方式称为( )

A(共显性遗传 B(外显不全 C(完全显性遗传 D(不完全显性遗传 E(拟显性遗传 5、下列哪种情况不是产前诊断的指征( ) A(夫妇一方为染色体平衡易位携带者的孕妇 B(35岁以上高龄孕妇 C(因社会习俗要求预测胎儿性别者 D(羊水过多或过少的孕妇 E(有原因不明的多次流产史或死胎史的孕妇 6、羊水取样用于产前诊断的最适合的时间是妊娠的( ) A(16,20周 B(9,11周 C(10,12周 D(10,20周 E(20,24周 7、同源染色体分离、非同源染色体自由组合( ) A(同时发生于后期? B(同时发生于后期? C(后期?和后期?都出现 D(在中期? E(在M期 8、在遗传咨询中,如父母表型正常,但均是某AR遗传病基因的携带者,则他们 的子女中发生该遗传病的概率是( ) A(1/2 B(1/3


绪论 1.遗传病最基本的特征是() A.先天性 B.家族性C.遗传物质改变 D.罕见性E.不治之症 2.下列哪种疾病不属于遗传病() A.单基因病B.多因子病 C.体细胞遗传病D.传染病E.染色体病 3.医学遗传学研究的对象是______。 A.遗传病B.基因病C.分子病D.染色体病E.先天性代谢病 4.遗传病是指______。 A.染色体畸变引起的疾病 B.遗传物质改变引起的疾病 C.基因缺失引起的疾病 D.“三致”物质引起的疾病 E.酶缺乏引起的疾病 5.多数恶性肿瘤的发生机制都是在______的基础上发生的。 A.微生物感染 B.放射线照射C.化学物质中毒 D.遗传物质改变 E.大量吸烟 绪论1.C 2.D 3.A4.B 5. 基因和染色体 1.科学家还发现与蛋白质合成有关的基因序列只占整个基因组序列的______。 A.10% B.2% C.1% D.5% E.3% 2.真核生物的结构基因是______,由编码的外显子和非编码的内含子组成,二者相间排列。不同基因所含内含子数目和大小也不同。 A.复等位基因 B.多基因 C.断裂基因 D.编码序列 E.单一基因 3.每一个内含子的两端具有广泛的同源性和互补性,5′端起始的两个碱基是GT,3′端最后的两个碱基是AG,通常把这种接头形式叫做______。 A.GA-TG法则 B.G-A法则 C.T-G法则 D.G-G法则 E.GT-AG法则 4.单拷贝序列又称非重复序列。在基因组中仅有单一拷贝或少数几个拷贝,单拷贝序列的长度在______之间,其中有些是编码细胞中各种蛋白质和酶的结构基因。

A.800bp~1000bp B.400bp~600bp C.600bp~800bp D.500bp~700bpE.1000bp~1200bp 5.在基因组的间隔序列和内含子等非编码区内,广泛存在着与小卫星DNA相似的一类小重复单位,重复序列为______,称为微卫星DNA或STR,如(A)n/(T)n、(CA)n/(TG)n、(CT)n、(AG)n等。 A. lkb~5kb B.2bp~6bp C.l0bp~60bp D.l5bp~100bpE.l70bp~300bp 6.Alu家族(Alufamily)是短分散元件典型的例子,是人类基因组含量最丰富的中度重复顺序,占基因组总DNA含量的3%~6%,长达______,在一个基因组中重复30万~50万次。 A.170bpB.130bp C.300bp D.500bp E.400bp 7.所谓的KpnⅠ家族,形成______的中度重复顺序,拷贝数为3000~4800个。 A.1.9kb B.1.2kb C.1.8kb D.6.5kb E.1.5kb 8.现已确定,人类有3万~4万个蛋白编码基因。在每一种细胞中,编码蛋白质序列仅有_____左右专一表达。 A.10% B.2% C.12%D.14% E.5% 9.有丝分裂和减数分裂的区别在于。 A.有丝分裂发生在体细胞,减数分裂在各种细胞中都存在 B.有丝分裂细胞中DNA复制一次,细胞分裂一次,减数分裂DNA复制两次,细胞分裂两次 C.有丝分裂结束后,由一个细胞分裂成两个相同的细胞,减数分裂结束后,形成四个不同的子细胞。 D.两种分裂结束后,DNA含量都减半 E.两种分裂结束后,遗传物质保持不变 10.同源非姐妹染色单体间的交换发生于。 A.细线期B.偶线期C.粗线期 D.双线期E.终变期 11.下列哪一观点在Lyon假说中没有体现出来? A.失活的X染色体是随机的B.失活的X染色体仍有部分基因表达活性

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