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当前位置:文档库 › 大学英语综合教程4第三版答案



1.Taxes are an obligation which may fall on everybody.

2.We applauded the authority's decision not to close the hospital.

3.The doctor's instructions must be fulfilled exactly; the sick man's life depends on


4.Do these opinion polls really mirror what people are thinking?

5.I prefer to think of memorization as a stepping-stone to flexibility in use of words

and phrases.

6.In her office memos she tended to devalue the work done by her staff.

7.The history of train transport has partly been a history of striving for greater

efficiency and profit.

8.He took on the new post without having the faintest idea of what it entailed.

9.He is supposedly one of the greatest experts in this field.

10.Absolute secrecy is essential. consequently, the fewer who are aware of the

project the better.

11.Countless fossil discoveries allow us to trace evolution of today’s organism from

earlier forms.

12.All legislation, all government, all society is formed upon the principle of mutual

concession, politeness and courtesy.

13.Several euro-zone governments object to the arrangement, which they said put

them at disadvantage.

14.It could take decades before people finally accept that everything they believed to

be eternally true was merely a temporary set of measures that worked for a limited period of time.

15.Researchers have found that artificial substitute for the natural sweeteners

actually increase One’s appetite and make him eat more.

16.Indeed, many college students do not select their ultimate career path

immediately after they graduate.

17.We can not attach too much importance to self-discipline in one’s success.

18.An electronic dictionary has an edge over a printed one — all its information can

be refreshed constantly,

19.Advertising adds to societal definition of beauty and makes many of us aspire to

resemble models that grace the cover of magazines.

20.In most of the Western world, suicide is not a crime, but helping another

commit it is.

21.It is well-known that photographic paper is highly sensitive to light.

22.The first part of Law School Admission Test evaluates skills in reading

comprehension, in figure classification and in the evaluation of written material.

23.Because they are not sufficiently literate and job-prepared, some young people

can not hold a job for long.

24.The boss managed to steer the discussion away from the subject of money and

into the topic of environment protection.

25.Sam’s familiarity with pop music is so astonishing that he can sing pop songs.

26.His car broke down on the way and consequently he was late for the meeting.

27.One reward of doing this social work is that I can learn to be independent.

28.Mary has got all the right qualifications for the job but is temperamentally

unsuitable for it.

29.As college students, we should have a command of the fundamental of not only

social sciences but also natural science.

30.The personnel manager said that he could not evaluate Mike's ability without

actually seeing him at work.

31.Black is a cunning man, but he has finally become a victim of his own scheming.

32.They feared that rising inflation would further depress the economy.

33.We should devote ourselves assiduously and faithfully to the duties of our

profession The jury concluded, from the evidence, that she was guilty.

34.The jury concluded from the evidence, that she was guilty.

35.In the Mediterranean, there is a temperate climate beneficial to health.

36.You can’t accept recreational drug use and expect o control the drug problem.

37.John is a person propelled by ambition.

38.Many computer software corporations are experiencing financial reverses.

39.Don’t worry about my illness; what I need is nothing but a day’s rest.

40.We will persevere regardless of past failures.

41.His wedding expenses have depleted, his parents’ retirement pension.

42.The crowd overflowed the theater into the street, which drew special attention of

the policeman.

43.Duet and dirt soon accumulate if a house is not cleaned regularly.

44.“A sweet temper” is a figurative expression, but “sweet coffee” is not.

45.He interrupted the ongoing discussion and announced a notice.

46.A glittering career had been predicted foe her in the Civil Service.

47.He seems to be immune to criticism, which puts him in a good mood all the time.

48.A global downturn means that external demand for export goods and services

remains weak.

49.To sum up, only when strict punishment can be imposed on the lawless can social

stability be maintained.

50.But it would have caused major disruption in many other areas as well.


1.This period is usually referred to as the post-war period.

2.It would be a setback at best if we were denied the use of their software.

3.We make people mentally old by retiring them, and we may even by the same

token make them physically old.

4.I know that the public at large aren't interested in this issue.

5.My sister was always held up to me as a model child.

6.It permits us to take for granted the sense of the worth of our persons and turn our

energies to higher and nobler ends.

7.The number of schools and districts that were newly identified as in need of

improvement is unprecedented.

8.“In the end, this is what New York has been waiting for,” Wu said. “Here there is

a huge Asian population groups, which (Lin Shuhao) is something that we’ve

been waiting to happen, ultimately this is what we expect.”

9.For several decades to come, China will still be dependent upon coal, the only

fossil fuel in abundance.

10.Their divorce grew out of mutual distrust and constant quarrels.

11.The forms of architecture in history were not only based upon the structures,

materials and styles, but also upon the financial capacity.

12.Our trip was a disaster. As for the hotel, it was very dirty, wet, and cold.

13.All of the participants are trained to focus their minds on details.

14.Students of psychology will benefit greatly from the study of literature as it

provides insights into human behavior.

15.When I was a college student, I never fail to write to my parents every day.

16.The judge asked the witness to supply the facts directly relevant to the case.

17.Inventors are now working on new devices that would be fully placed, along with

a tiny power pack, in the patient's chest

18.I quite agree with what you said, though I don’t believe that you can put it into


19.Which sport has the most expenses in terms of training equipment, player s’

personal equipment and uniforms?

20.The doctor was asked to go back to the hospital because of an emergency case.

21.Beverage companies should be responsible for collecting and recycling discarded

plastic bottles and cans.

22.I’m going to clear out all the old files in the office because there’s no room for a

new book any more.

23.After graduation he decided to stay on at the university to do research.

24.It is quite common for children to take it for granted that their parents will pay for

their college tuition.

25.I can just manage to string a few words of French together.

26.I’m so tired I couldn’t focus on anything that has nothing to do with the case I am

dealing with currently.























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