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当前位置:文档库 › 2012湖北高考复习名词性从句完成句子训练及答案






1.____________________________________ is still unknown. 政府将怎样处理这些旧房


What the government will do with the old houses

2.__________________________ ought to turn off the lights. 最后离开房间的人应该关


Whoever leaves the room last/Whoever is the last to leave the room

3.It is still unknown _______________________________ to visit her sick father. 她是否能省


whether she could set aside some time

4.It will make a difference if we realize ____________________ to live life to the fullest. 如果


how important it is

5.____________________ something improper at the meeting surprised all of us. 他在会上说


That he said

6.___________________________ doesn’t m ake much difference. 他是否出过国并不那么重


Whether he has been abroad

7.______________________ wouldn’t be useful.无论我说什么都不会有用。(whatever)

Whatever I said

8.It is a new trend __________________________________________ . 越来越多的消费者在


that more and more customers purchase online

9.______________________________ is that they are all independent. 他们所拥有的共同之


What they have in common

10.________________________________ is that it offers more personal services. 使这家商店


What makes this shop different

11.______________________________ in face of danger matters much. 面对危险我们应该保


That we should stay calm

12.__________________ makes no difference to me. 无论你要什么都对我不重要。(whatever)

Whatever you want

13.____________________________ was that more than half of her students had been admitted

to key universities. 使老师自豪的是她的学生超过半数都被重点大学录取了。(proud) What the teacher was proud of/What made the teacher proud


14.News came from the school office ______________________________ Beijing University.


that John had been admitted to Beijing University

15.A thought suddenly came to me _________________________ buying some flowers for my

mother’s birthday. 我突然想到我可以用零花钱买些花作为生日礼物送给妈妈。(may) that I may spend my pocket money

16.When report came into the office ____________________________ forty-five miles south of

the city, they did not take it seriously. 当有人在办公室报告说那个失踪的男孩在这个城市以南45英里处被人发现的时候,他们没有认真对待它。(spot)

that the missing boy was spotted

17.Mr. Paine made a request ___________________. 潘恩先生要求我帮助他。(help)

that I (should) help him

https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f2460292.html,nguage experts hold the view ______________________________ the development of


that network language has an important influence on

19.Is there any doubt ________________________ tomorrow? 他明天将出席会议有任何疑问


that he will attend the meeting

20.The fact has worried many scientists ______________________________ these years. 地球


that the earth is becoming warmer


21.Tom, don’t you realize that is ____________________?汤姆,难道你没有意识到这就是


where you are wrong

22.Water, which seems so simple and common is ________________________.看似简单而普


what makes life possible

23.After decoration, our classroom is not __________________. 装修后,我们的教室不再和过


what it used to be

24.Students should be brought up to know that love, happiness and success are



what cannot be bought

25.The problem is _____________________________. 问题是谁来接管这家店铺。(charge)

who will take charge of the store

26.His recommend, which has been proved to be right, is .事实


that we (should) read the book

27.The poor young man is ready to accept ___________________.可怜的年轻人准备接受他能


whatever help he can get


28.He asked _____________________ for the violin.他问我,我付了多少钱买那把小提琴。


how much I had paid

29.Mary wrote an article on __________________ to win the game. 玛丽写了篇关于我们这


why we failed

30.These wild flowers are so special that I will do _______________ . 这些野花如此特别,我将


whatever I can to save them

31.In the letter he asked me ____________________ the Great Wall. 他在信中问我是否去过


whether I had been to

32.Could you please tell me _____________________ the naughty children? 你能告诉我,我如


how I should attend to

33.Ten years have passed, he still remembers _________________________ . 10年过去了,他


how long the rain lasted

34.Choosing the right dictionary depends on _____________________ . 正确地选择字典取决


what you want to do with it

35.We all know ____________________________.我们都知道他本来应该说什么。(what)

what he should have said

36.We’ll never know ________________________ for us in the ten years to come. 我们永远不


What’s in store

37.He suggested ______________________________ to discuss the housing problem. 他建议


that another meeting (should) be held

38.He spoke proudly of his part in the game, without mentioning ________________________.


what his teammates had done

39.That morning Jim asked me ___________________________ with my parents the night

before.那天上午吉姆问我, 我和父母在前一天晚上争论什么。(argue)

what I argued about

40.She asked me ____________________________.她问我谁的书法是班上最好的。


whose handwriting was the best in the class

1.I requested that he _____________________ an hour earlier. (come)


2.The result has something to do with the use _________________. (make)


3.Over the years China ___________________in economy. (develop)


4.Even if she ____________________ an honest girl, she is sometimes misunderstood.

(recognize) 即使她被公认为是诚实的女孩,她有时也被误解。

5.Passengers ____________________ not to smoke in the car. (request)


6.________________, Diaoyu Island is part of China. (base)


7.______________________ in enriching the English language! (play)


8.The officer made a command that the soldiers _________________ the top of the

hill on time. (arrive) 军官命令士兵准时到达山顶。

9.Today the number of people learning English in Korea ________________________

rapidly.(increase) 今天韩国学英语的人数在迅速增加。

10.The part ____________________ in the international affairs is widely praised

in international society. (play) 中国在国际事务中所起的作用在国际社会中受到广泛的赞扬。

Keys:Should come/we make of the food/has developed rapidly/is recognized as/are requested/based on history facts/what an important part Shakespeare played/should arrive at/is increasing/ that china


状语从句 模块一:考纲解读 状语从句是句法考试的重要内容,学生必须掌握以下语法知识:状语从句的引导词与介词的用法比较;状语从句中意义近似的连接词的用法比较以及状语从句与定语从句引导词的用法比较等等。 模块二:考点定位 状语从句的考查重点是意义近似的连接词的用法,试题结构越来越繁杂,设问角度越来越多样化。 模块三:命题分析 考查状语从句的试题选项不仅有连词,有时还从定语从句和名词性从句的角度进行干扰,出现代词和介词。 模块四:语法训练 Ⅰ. 夯实基础 一. 找出下列句子所含有的状语从句并翻译成汉语: 1. He is as tall as Tom.____________________________。 2. I do it because I like it. ____________________________。 3. It won’t be long before he comes. ____________________________。 4. I was walking a long the street, when I met him. ____________________________。 5. If it snows tomorrow, the flight will be canceled. ____________________________。 二.单项选择: 1. _______ the professor had left, everyone looked relaxed. A. While B. After C. Unless D. For 2. Her mother has been ill_______she came to Beijing last year. A. since B. for C.as D.when 3.I have taken care of your children_______you were away. A.during B.since C.except D.while 4. It has been a long time_______I last met you. A. since B.when C.that D.than 5. A good storyteller must be able to hold his listeners’ curiosity he reaches the end of the story. A.when B.unless C.after D.until Ⅱ.能力提升: 1. It was_______beautiful house that we decided to buy it. A. so a B. such a C. a such D. a so 2. Although he is young_______well-mannered. A. he is B. but he is C. and he is D however he is 3. No matter_______hard it may be, I will carry it out.. A. what B. whatever C. how D. however 4. We had better hurry_______it is getting late. A. and B. yes C. yet D. as 5. When you read the book, you'd better make a mark_______you have any questions. A. at which B.at where C.the place where D.where 6. She speaks_______her mother does. A. as B. and C. but D. so


用名词性从句合并下列句子 1.Is Lily coming to the museum? We don’t know. 2.Why was Jim absent from class yesterday? Neither of us could tell. 3.We don’t know it. We should never pretend to know it. 4.Would they make it? It was uncertain. 5.Nobody else will come. It is certain. 6.Should we tell her about it? This is a question. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f2460292.html,rmation has been put forward. More middle school graduates will be admitted into university. 8.Will she recover from the serious disease soon? The doctors really doubt about it. 9.Hopefully they would come and visit China again. We expressed our hope. 名词性从句翻译练习(主语从句、并与从句、表语从句、同位语从句) 1.他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。 2.谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。 3.英语晚会将在哪举行,还没有宣布。 4.真遗憾他没有通过驾照考试。 5.我想知道他告诉了你什么。 6.他总是在考虑怎样能把工作做好。 7.他已经告诉我他明天要去上海。 8.我想知道他来还是不来。 9.事实是我们已经输了这场比赛。 10.这正是我想要的。 11.那就是他为什么迟到的原因。 12.看上去天要下雨了。 13.昨天他缺席会议的原因是他生病了。 14.我们赢得比赛的消息令人激动。 15.我不知道他什么时候回家。


名词性从句考点纳 概念: 在整个句中起名词作用的从句,包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 判断: 主语从句在谓语动词前,且常用形式主语it 宾语从句在动词、介词、形容词后 表语从句在系动词后(be, seem, look等) 同位语从句在名词后且引导词在从句中不作成分 连接词分为三类: 从属连词:that, (不充当从句的任何成分, 不可省,没有意义 whether/ if (不充当从句的任何成分,不可省,“是否”的意思) 连接代词:what(ever), who(ever), whom(ever), which(ever),whose: 充当主、宾、表、定 连接副词:when, where, how, why (充当状语) 名词性从句的做法 1.判断 2.从句中缺什么给什么 考点一:what vs. that what 在句中充当成分,后面跟意思是: that在从句中充当成分,后面跟,意义 you have done might do harm to other people. you don’t like him is none of my business. 考点二:that 的省略 ●由连接词that引导从句时,that 在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式 的文体中常被省去,但是,从句是并列句时,第二个分句及以后的分句前的that 。 He told me (that) he will go to Shanghai tomorrow and he will visit many sights. ●that位于句首引导主语从句时,不能省略。 He will win the match is certain. It is certain that he will win the match. he will win the match is certain.


名词性从句翻译练习及答案主语从句: 1. 他来帮助你是确实无疑的。 2. 月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题。 3.他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。 4. 谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。 5.英语晚会将在哪里举行,还没有宣布。 6.我们都知道他是如何成为一名作家的。 7. 他没来参加这个聚会真是一个遗憾。 8. 很显然,学生应该改为他们的未来做好充分的准备。 表语从句 1. 这就是我想做的 2. 这房子正是他最需要的东西。 3. 问题在于人们怎样才能找到一种有效的方式来储藏太阳热。 4. 问题是谁能完成这项困难的任务。 5. 今天讨论的话题是未来的学校会是怎样的。 6. 他迟到的原因是交通拥堵。 7. 事实是他对我撒谎了。 8. 这就是Henry 怎样解决问题的。 同位语从句: 1. 他们应该尝试第二次的想法值得考虑 2. 她工作很努力的事实我们都知道

3. 他们表达了他们将会再次来拜访中国的希望 4. 我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人兴奋。 5. 学生应该学些实用的东西的建议值得考虑。 6. 爸爸许下了我通过英语考试就给我买CD player的承诺 7. 你是从那里得到我不会来的想法? 8. 我们还没有解决我们要去哪里度过暑假的问题. 宾语从句: 1. 我相信他是忠诚的。 2. 我想知道他来还是不来。 3. 一切要看我们是否有足够的钱。 4. 我不知道它是否有意思。 5. 他不在乎天气是否好。 6. 我们决不能认为自己什么都好,别人什么都不好。 7. 我们认为你不在这。 8. 我相信他不会这样做。 9. 我们必须认清无论谁违反了法律都要受到惩罚。 10. 请告诉我你需要什么? 11. 她总是在想怎样能把工作做好。


名词性从句考点及易错点归纳总结 考点:关系词的选用 原则:缺啥补啥,补缺用连接词或连接副词,具体选择看句意 易错点: 1.名词性从句关系词的省略问题:除了宾语从句可以省略that关系词外,其他的都不行。另需注意宾语从句如有两引导词that,则第一个可省,第二个不可。 2.主语从句及宾语从句常考的几个形式主语\宾语结构 (一)it作形式主语的常见句型: (1)It+be+形容词(necessary/likely/important/certain等)+that从句 (2)It+be+名词(短语)(a pity/a shame/no wonder等)+that从句 (3)It+be+过去分词(said/told/reported等)+that从句 (4)It+不及物动词(seem,appear,happen,matter等)+that从句 (二)形式宾语 宾语一般放在及物动词或介词之后,但是,在下列情况下,须用it作形式宾语,而将真正的宾语(常为不定式/从句)后置。

(1)动词find/feel/think/consider/make+it+宾补(形容词或名词)+不定式/从句 (2)动词hate/ like/ dislike/ appreciate/enjoy+it+从句 (3)短语动词see to/ depend on/rely on+it+从句 (4)固定搭配take it for granted that/owe it to sb.that+从句 3.if 与whether 的异同 只用whether的情况: (1)主语从句位于句子开头 (2)介词后的宾语从句; (3)引导表语从句或同位语从句; (4)与or not连用; (6)与to do 连用 3. 语序问题:含有疑问意思的语序用陈述语序 4. 时态问题:与主句保持一致,但客观真理需用一般现在时。 5. 名词性从句的虚拟语气问题→that sb (should) do 6. 其他常考的表语从句 (1)This/ That/ It is why+表语从句(表结果)“这/那就是……的原因” (2)This/ That/ It is because+表语从句(表原因)“这/那是因为……” (3)The reason why...is that+表语从句“……的原因是……” 7. 同位语从句与定语从句的区分 同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语,位于该名词之后,用以说明该名词的具体内容。定语从句则是对于从句中的某一名词进行修饰。 常见同位语从句的名词:advice,conclusion,doubt,fact,hope,idea,news,promise,question,suggestion,thought,truth,wish,word等。引导同位语从句的引导词:that,whether,how,where,when,why等。 The manager put forward a suggestion that we should have an assistant.There is too much work


高考英语《名词性从句》专题复习 解题思路 1.名词性从句的分类和特征(四大从句:主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句、同位语从句)。 2.仔细分析从句结构,看从句是否完整(先看结构,再看意义)。 3.根据“缺什么补什么”的原则,确定恰当的连接词。 掌握三大常考点 1.连接副词引导的名词性从句。 2.that引导的名词性从句。 3.what引导的名词性从句。 明辨五大易错点 1.that与what的误用。 2.that与if/whether的误用。 3.which与that,which与what的误用。 4.if与whether的误用。 5.that,what与连接副词的误用。 1.Scientists have obtained more evidence plastic is finding its way into the human body. A.what B.that C.which D.where 2.By boat is the only way to get here,which is we arrived. A.where B.when C.why D.how 3.Without his support,we wouldn’t be we are now. A.how B.when C.where D.why 4.The gold medal will be awarded to wins the first place in the bicycle race. A.whomever B.wherever C.whoever D.whatever 5.Every year,makes the most beautiful kite will win a prize in the Kite Festival. A.whatever B.whoever C.whomever


十大词性、句子成分分析、五大基本句型及句子类型讲解与练习 一、新课导入 个体名词 集体名词 普通名词 物质名词 1.名词 抽象名词 专有名词 功能:表示人或事物的名称 人称代词: 主格 宾格 (注意it 的用法) 物主代词: 形容词性物主代词 名词性物主代词 指示代词:this, that, these, those 单数:myself`, yourself, himself, herself, itself, oneself 反身代词: 复数:ourselves, yourselves, themselves 2.代词 疑问代词:who, whom, whose, what, which. 简单不定代词:One/ones, Either/neither, both/all, each/ every another, other, the other, others, the others 复合不定代词: somebody, anybody, nobody 不定代词 someone, anyone, no one something, anything, nothing everybody, everyone, everything 功能:用来代替名词、形容词或数词等 3.数词: 基数词 序数词 功能:表数量或顺序 4.冠词: 定冠词 不定冠词 零冠词 //功能:用在名词前,帮助说明名词所指的人或事物 表地点:at/ in/ on/ to, above/ over/ on, below/ under/ underneath …. 表时间: in/ on/ at, in/ after, from/since from, after/ behind, 5.介词: 表运动: across/ through/ over/ pass … 表方位:…. 其他 功能:用在名词、代词等前面,说明句子中词与词之间的关系 6. 形容词: 平级、比较级、最高级 可数名词 不可数名词


名词性从句是由if, whether, that 和各种疑问词充当连接词所引导的从句,其功同名词一样。 一.主语从句 1. It 作形式主语和it引导强调句的比较 It is a pity that you didn't go to see the film. It doesn't interest me whether you succeed or not. It is in the morning that the murder took place. It is John that broke the window. 2. 用it 作形式主语的结构 (1) It is +名词+从句 It is a fact that …事实是… It is an honor that…非常荣幸 It is common knowledge that…是常识 (2) it is +形容词+从句 It is natural that…很自然… It is strange that…奇怪的是… (3) it is +不及物动词+从句 It seems that…似乎… It happened that…碰巧… (4) it +过去分词+从句 It is reported that…据报道… It has been proved that…已证实… 3. What 与that 在引导主语从句时的区别 What 引导主语从句时在句时在从句中充当句子成分,如主语.宾语.表语,而that 则不然。例如: 1) What you said yesterday is right. 2) I know that he will study. 3) I know what he will study.


名词性从句翻译练习及答案 主语从句: 1.他来帮助你是确实无疑的。 2.月球上有没有生命是个有趣的问题。 3.他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。 4.谁能赢得这场比赛还不得而知。 5.英语晚会将在哪里举行,还没有宣布。 6.我们都知道他是如何成为一名作家的。 7.他没来参加这个聚会真是一个遗憾。 8.很显然,学生应该改为他们的未来做好充分的准备。 表语从句 1.这就是我想做的 2.这房子正是他最需要的xx。 3.问题在于人们怎样才能找到一种有效的方式来储藏太阳热。 4.问题是谁能完成这项困难的任务。 5.今天讨论的话题是未来的学校会是怎样的。 6.他迟到的原因是交通拥堵。 7.事实是他对我撒谎了。 8.这就是Henry怎样解决问题的。 同位语从句: 1.他们应该尝试第二次的想法值得考虑

2.她工作很努力的事实我们都知道 3.他们表达了他们将会再次来拜访中国的希望 4.我们队取得决赛胜利的消息令人兴奋。 5.学生应该学些实用的东西的建议值得考虑。 6.爸爸许下了我通过英语考试就给我买CD player的承诺 7.你是从那里得到我不会来的想法? 8.我们还没有解决我们要去哪里度过暑假的问题. 宾语从句: 1.我相信他是忠诚的。 2.我想知道他来还是不来。 3.一切要看我们是否有足够的钱。 4.我不知道它是否有意思。 5.他不在乎天气是否好。 6.我们决不能认为自己什么都好,别人什么都不好。 7.我们认为你不在这。 8.我相信他不会这样做。 9.我们必须认清无论谁违反了法律都要受到惩罚。 1 0."请告诉我你需要什么? 1 1."她总是在想怎样能把工作做好。Keys:


名词性从句 名词性从句相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。因此,名词性从句厅分为主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位从句。 (一)引导名词性从句的连接词 1、连接代词:who, whose, whom, what, which。有词义,在从句中担任成分,如主语、表语、宾语、或定语等。 2、连接副词:when, where, why, how。有词义,在从句中担任成分,作状语。 3、连接词:that, whether, if, as if。that 无词义,在从句中不担任成分,有时可省略;if (whether), as if虽有词义,但在从句中不担任成分。 注意: 1、连接代词与连接副词在句中不再是疑问句,因而从句中谓语不用疑问式。连接代词与连接副词在从句充当句子成分,连接词whether 和if(是否),as if(好象)在从句中不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。根据句义,如果连接代词与连接副词,whether、if 和as if都用不上时,才用that作连接词(that本身无任何含义)。 2、不可省略的连词: (1)介词后的连词 (2)引导主语从句和同位语从句的连词不可省略。 That she was chosen made us very happy. We heard the news that our team had won. (二)主语从句 1、主语从句在复合句作主语。 e.g. Who will go is not important. 2、用it作形式主语,主语从句放在句末。 e.g. It doesn’t matter so much whether you will come or not. 主要句型有: (1)It+be+形容词+that从句。 It is probable that he told her everything. 很可能他把一切都告诉她了。 (2)It+be+名词词组(no wonder, an honour, a good thing, a pity, no surprise, etc.)+that从句。It’s no surprise that our team should have won the game. 我们没赢这场比赛真意外。 (3)It+be+过去分词+that从句。 It is said that Mr. Green has arrived in Beijing. 据说格林先生已经到了北京。 (4)It+seem, happen等不及物动词及短语+that从句。 It seems that Alice is not coming to the party at all. Alice似乎不来参加晚会。 (5)It+doesn’t matter (makes no difference, etc.)+连接代词或连接副词引起的主语从句。 It doesn’t matter whether she will come or not. 她是否来这无关紧要。 It makes no difference where we shall have the meeting. 我们在哪里开会毫无区别。 3、that引导主语从句时,不能省略。 e.g. That he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised. 4、当主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用第三人称单数,下面这个句型例外。 What we need is more time and money. What we need are many more books. 5、if不能用在主语从句中,而是用whether Whether he left (or not) is unknown 6、引导主语从句的关联词有三类: (1)从属连词that。


名词性从句讲解 在复合句中起名词作用的从句叫做名词性从句。它包括主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。 分析历届高考试题名词性从句考查的焦点主要有以下六个方面: 1. 考查名词性从句的语序问题 2. 考查引导词that与what的区别 3. 考查it在名词性从句中作形式主语或形式宾语的用法 4. 考查whether与if的区别 5. 考查疑问词+ever引导的名词性从句与no matter+疑问词引导的状语从句的区别 6. 考查名词性从句的虚拟语气问题 一、连词分类: 引导名词性从句的连接词可分为三类: 连接词:that,(无成分,无含义)whether, if (无成分,有含义) 连接代词:what, who, whom, which, whose, ~+ever, no matter + ~.(有成分和含义)连接副词:when, where, how, why(有成分和含义) 二、分类讲解 1. 主语从句 作句子主语的从句叫主语从句。例如: What he wants to tell us is not clear. 他要跟我们说什么,还不清楚。 It is known to us how he became a writer. 我们都知道他是如何成为一名作家的。 Where the English evening will be held has not yet been announced. 英语晚会将在哪里举行,还没有宣布。 有时为避免句子头重脚轻,常用形式主语it放于句首,而把主语从句置于句末。 It is necessary to read English everyday. It is said that we are going to have a holiday very soon. 另注意在主语从句中用来表示惊奇、不相信、惋惜、理应如此等语气时,谓语动词要用虚拟语气“(should) +do”,常用的句型有: It is necessary (important, natural, strange, etc.) that … It is a pity (a shame, no wonder, etc.) that… It is suggested (request ed, proposed, desired, etc.) that… 2. 宾语从句 1. 由连接词that引导的宾语从句 由连接词that引导宾语从句时,that在句中不担任任何成分,在口语或非正式的文体中常被省去,但如从句是并列句时,第二个分句前的that不可省。例如: He has told me that he will go to Shanghai tomorrow. 他已经告诉我他明天要去上海。 We must never think (that) we are good in everything while others are good in nothing. 我们决不能认为自己什么都好,别人什么都不好。 注意:在demand、order、suggest、decide、insist, desire, demand, request, command等表示要求、命令、建议、决定等意义的动词后,宾语从句常用“(should)+ 动词原形”。 I insist that she (should) do her work alone. 我坚持要她自己工作。

高考英语复习 名词性从句考点版

一、找出以下句子的成分(主、谓、宾、表、定、状、补) 1. Mouse loves rice. 2. God is a girl. 3. I’m M iss Chen, the head teacher of Class One. 4(1) His job is important. 4(2) What he does is important. 5(1) This is his job. 5(2) This is what he does every day. 6(1) I don’t like his job. 6(1) I don’t like what he does every day. 7(1) I don’t know the man, Mr. White. 7(2) I don’t know the fact that he is a teacher. 二、名词从句(Noun Clauses) ①在句子中起作用的句子,相当于 ②在复合句中能担任、、、等 ③根据它在句中不同的语法功能,可分为 (Subject Clause)、 (Predicative Clause)、 (Object Clause)和(Appositive Clause) 三、名词性从句考点: 考点1.语序:名词性从句在句中要用语序,即________ + _________ 1) He would be back in an hour. He said…→He said _____________________________. 2) Do they speak English? We want to know…→We want to know __________________. 3) What is her name? He asks me…→He asks me _________________________. 注意:在think, believe, suppose, expect等动词之后, 宾语从句中谓语的否定常转移到主句的谓语上 如:I don’t think he will see you. We don’t expect he is coming. 我相信他不会走。 考点2.时态 1. 如果主句是的时态(包括, ) 那么从句的时态一定要用。 合成一个句子: 1) When will Professor Li give us a talk? We wanted to know … →We to know . 2) Jim is a good student. The teacher said … →The teacher . 3) Has Mr. Green been in Beijing for five years? He asked … →He . 2. 主句的动词用,从句表示等,从句谓语动词用 Our physics teacher once told us that light ______ (travel) faster than sound. 3. 主句的动词用,从句谓语可 Tom says that Mary ___ (go) abroad last year and _____ (be) there for nearly 5 months. 考点3. 主谓一致问题 单个的主语从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用形式。如果是两个或两个以上的主语从句作主语,谓语动词则用形式。由两个或多个连接词引导一个主语从句,谓语动词用形式。 1)何时开会还没有决定。When the meeting will begin _____ (have) not been decided yet.


1.基本的句子分类和句子核心成分 简单句,复合句(用连词直接连接的两个完整的简单句,“串联句”),复杂句(主从复合句,“并联句”) 不管是什么句子,既然叫做“句子”,那么意味着成分必须完整没有缺失。 既然是句子,不管是主句还是从句,都必须有谓语动词。而且任何一个句子中,有且只有一个谓语动词。 “非谓语动词”---v-ing现在分词,v-ed过去分词,to-do 改错:There are many people claim that education is quite crucial for the young generations. 修改一:who claim that… 修改二:claiming that… 修改三:去掉there are 2.5大基本句型:简单句的分类 主语+谓语(常常在后面接一个副词修饰谓语动词) Time flies.//I ran.//You jump; I jump. 主语+谓语+宾语 I want you.//I borrow books.//I love you. 主语+系动词(可接名词和形容词):be动词+感官动词(look/sound/smell/taste/feel)+get/become/turn/grow/appear/fall(asleep)/keep/stay/remain/maintain/exist(th ere exist…=there be…)…+表语(主语补足语) 主语+谓语+双宾语 主语+谓语+复合宾语(主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语,宾语补足语是对宾语的进一步说明,一般是名词和形容词) He gave me a book. I call him Jack. I push the door open. 区别双宾语和复合宾语:双宾语的两个宾语之间没有必然的逻辑关系,而复合宾语的两个成分之间是有逻辑关系的,中间可以加be动词来进行甄别。 3.句子基本成分的概念的建立和强化 主语---是一句话的中心,整句话都谈它的情况。最简单的形式是名词。 谓语---是主语的主要情况,可表示动作,也可表示状态。只能是动词。 宾语---表示动作的承受者,也可表示动作的结果。最简单的形式就是名词。 表语---也叫主语补足语,和系动词一道构成谓语。 定语---修饰名词、代词。最简单的定语就是形容词:a beautiful flower//a standardized test 状语---修饰动词、形容词或副词。最简单的状语就是副词:increase rapidly//extremely wealthy//very well


名词性从句翻译 宾语从句翻译: 1.妈妈经常告诉我an idle youth; a needy age. My mother used to tell me an idle youth; a needy age. 2.不要问你的国家能为你做什么;问你能为你的国家做什么。 Ask not /Don’t ask what your country can do for you; ask what you can do for your country. 3.我很纳闷为什么那么多女孩喜欢王俊凯. I wonder why so many girls are crazy about Wang Junkai. 4.我不知道他是否愿意给我一个机会。 I don’t know if he is willing to give me a chance. 5.你知道张弥曼是谁吗? Do you know who Zhang Miman? 表语从句翻译: 1.我的愿望是我能成为一个土豪。(rich redneck/ tuhao) My wish is that I could be a tuhao. 2.问题是我怎样才能成为一个土豪。 The problem/thing/point is how I can become a tuhao. 3.事实是很多人想和土豪交朋友。 The fact is that plenty of people want to make friends with tuhaos. 4.那是因为土豪非常乐于帮助朋友。 That is because tuhaos are ready to help friends out. 5.他看起来像个屌丝。(loser/pleb) He looks as if he is/were a loser. 主语从句翻译: 1.习近平是president of China 是众所周知的。 That Xi Jinping is president of China is well-known. 2.那些恐怖分子所做的是没人性的。(terrorist,inhuman) What the terrorists did was inhuman. 3.中段考你能否考好取决于你现在是否努力学习。 Whether you can do well/ score high points in the mid-term exam depends on whether you are working hard now. 4.《最强大脑》为什么那么受欢迎正在被讨论。(“Super Brain”) Why “Super Brain” is so popular is under discussion. 5.如何才能快速减肥是我想知道的。 How can I lose weight quickly is what I want to know. 6.你来自哪里并不重要,重要的是你将去哪里。 What matters is not where you are from but where you are going. 同位语从句翻译: 1.宇宙起源于大爆炸的这个理论被广泛接受。 The theory that the universe began with a big bang is widely accepted.


名词性从句综述 名词性从句和名词一样,在句中可以担任主语、表语、宾语(动词宾语和介词宾语)和同位语。因此我们说名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。名词性从句必须用陈述句语序,也就是说,(疑问词)+主语+谓语+其它. 主语从句 在复合句中作主语的句子称为主语从句,从句作主语,谓语动词用单数;通常由从属连词that, whether,连接代词who, whose, what, which, whatever (无论什么),whoever (无论谁),whichever (无论哪个)或连接副词when, where, why, how等引导。 eg.1)* Whether we can reduce the use of energy i s important. 2) * That pol lution has become a ser i ous prob I em i n parts of the wor I d i s known to everyone? 3) What is needed i s greater safety? 4) Whoever breaks the ruIes must be punished. 5) * How I i fe began rema i ns a puzzIe to us. 6) It is said that paper was f i rst made in China. 7) It seems that he i s older? 8) It' s certain that the sports meeting wi I I be de Iayed. 9) It doesr? t matter if you have no time to do it. 注意:1 ?陈述句必须以that引导, 不能省略。 2.主语从句只能用whether引导,不能用if引导。 3.常用it作形式主语,代替真正的主语从句,但不能代替由what引导的主语从句。 4.常用于It + be + adj. / n. / + that~cIause It' s certa in / c I ear / a p i ty /a fac t/ comm on kno w I edge/ said/ hoped … + that / whether… It' s naturaI/ strange/ necessary/ important that… (should) 5.It doesn, t matter if 是固定句型。 6.句型:It is requ i red/ sugges ted/ in s i sted/ ordered ■■?that(should) + do 7.that与what的区别: that在从句中不充当任何成分,没有意思; what在从句中充当主语或宾语,意思是:…(所)…的 Practice: 他被选中了使我们很开心。 她是否有时间来还是个问题。 谁将被派去那儿还没有定下来。 我们所需要的是更多的时间。他去了哪儿没人知道。 表语从句表语从句在复合句中作表语的名词性从句,放在系动词之后,一般结构是“主语+连系动词+表语从句”。可以接表语从句的连系动词有be, look, remain, seem 等,也由that, whether, who, whose, what, which 或when, where, why, how 等引出。 e. g. 1) My suggestion i s that you (should) start it at once. 2)What they want to know i s whether they are r i ght. 3)That was how they were injured. 4)My hometown is no Ionger what it used to be.


语法复习:句子成分;简单句、并列句和复合句 一、句子成分 (一)句子成分的定义:构成句子的各个部分叫做句子成分。句子成分有主要成分和次要成分;主要成分有主语和谓语;次要成分有表语、宾语、定语、状语、补足语和同位语。(二)主语:主语是一个句子所叙述的主体,一般位于句首。但在there be结构、疑问句(当主语不疑问词时)和倒装句中,主语位于谓语、助动词或情态动词后面。主语可由名词、代词、数词、不定式、动名词、名词化的形容词和主语从句等表示。例如:During the 1990s, American country music has become more and more popular.(名词)We often speak English in class.(代词) One-third of the students in this class are girls.(数词) To swim in the river is a great pleasure.(不定式) Smoking does harm to the health.(动名词) The rich should help the poor.(名词化的形容词) When we are going to have an English test has not been decided.(主语从句) It is necessary to master a foreign language.(it作形式主语,真正的主语为后面的不定式)(三)谓语:谓语说明主语所做的动作或具有的特征和状态。动词在句中作谓语,一般放在主语之后。谓语的构成如下: 1、简单谓语:由一个动词或动词短语构成。如:He practices running every morning. 2、复合谓语:(1)由情态动词或其他助动词加动词原形构成。如:You may keep the book for two weeks. He has caught a bad cold. (2)由系动词加表语构成。如:We are students. (四)表语:表语用以说明主语的身份、特征和状态,它一般位于系动词(如be, become, get, look, grow, turn, seem等)之后。表语一般由名词、代词、形容词、分词、数词、不定式、动名词、介词短语、副词及表语从句表示。例如: Our teacher of English is an American.(名词) Is it yours?(代词) The weather has turned cold.(形容词) The speech is exciting.(分词) Three times seven is twenty one?(数词) His job is to teach English.(不定式) His hobby(爱好)is playing football.(动名词) The machine must be out of order.(介词短语) Time is up. The class is over.(副词) The truth is that he has never been abroad.(表语从句) (五)宾语:宾语表示动作的对象或承爱者,一般位于及物动词和介词后面。例如:They went to see an exhibition(展览)yesterday.(名词) The heavy rain prevented me form coming to school on time.(代词) How many dictionaries do you have? I have five.(数词) They helped the old with their housework yesterday.(名词化形容词) He pretended not to see me.(不定式短语) I enjoy listening to popular music.(动名词短语) I think(that)he is fit for his office.(宾语从句) 宾语种类:(1)双宾语(间接宾语+直接宾语),例如:Lend me your dictionary, please.(2)复合宾语(宾语+宾补),例如:They elected him their monitor. (六)宾语补足语:英语中有些及物动词,除有一个直接宾语以外,还要有一个宾语补语,才能使句子的意义完整。带有宾语补足语的一般句型为:某些及物动词(如make等+

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