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Part I Listening Comprehension (20 minutes)

Section A

Directions: In this section, you will hear 10 short conve rsations, At the end of each conversation,a question will be asked about what was said. Both the conv ersation and the question will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause, you must read the four choices marked A), B), C) and D), and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Example: You will hear:

You will read : A) At the office. B) In the waiting room.

C) At the airport. D) In a restaurant.

From the conversation we know that the two were talking about some work they had to finish in the evening. This is most likely to have taken place at the office. Therefor, “At the office”is the best answer. You should choose[A]on the answer Sheet and mark it with a single line through the center. Sample Answer [A ][B][C][D]

1. A)He watched television with his friend.

B)He stayed at home talking with his friend.

C)He went to see a film with his friend.

D)He went to see his schoolmate.

2. A)When the meeting is to be held.

B)Who are going to attend the meeting.

C)Where the meeting is to be held.

D)What's to be discussed at the meeting.

3. A) The necessity of writing to Mr. Johnson.

B)Who is going to contact Mr. Johnson.

C) The arrangement of the Wednesdsy meeting.

D)Where they are going to meet Mr. Johnson.

4. A)Jack brought the tape to the party. B)The tape had been return ed to Paul.

C)The tape was missing. D)Jack lent his tape to Paul.

5. A) The man wants to reserve a room.

B)The man reserved a room some time ago.

C)The man has booked a room with no bath.

D)The man wants to buy a flat on the second floor.

6. A)Both editions are the same price now.

B) It has two editions w ith the same cover.

C) The paperback edition is on sale.

D) The hardcover edition is more expe nsive.

7. A)His TV sets are all of the same brand.

B)He doesn't have the newest models right now.

C)He has the best TV sets for sale.

D)His TV sets have a good sale.

8. A)He must hand in a report about the museum.

B)He has already vi sited the museum.

C)He has to read a history book.

D)He is too busy to go with her.

9. A) They are rewarding. B) They are entertaining.

C) They are boring. D) They are time consuming.

10.A)A sunny day. B)A raincoat.

C)An attractive hut. D)A lovely hat.

Section B

Directions: In this section, you will hear 3 short passages. At the end of each passage, you will hear some questions. Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Passage One Questions 11 to 14 are based on the passage you have just heard.

11. A) She sat back and relaxed. B)She decided to retire.

C)She entered university. D)She worked out a new English program.

12. A) 8 years. B)20 years.

C) 16 years. D) 30 years.

13. A)Bring a great deal of useful experience to the university.

B) Improve human relationships in the university.

C)Bring a fear of aging among young students on the campus.

D) Improve the reputation of the university.

14. A) She is learning English and Drama.

B) She is learning how to make sound judgments.

C)She is learning how to teach minority students.

D)She is leaning to perceive, not to judge.

Passage Two

Questions 15 to 17 are based on the passage you have just heard.

15. A)The difference between classical music and rock music.

B)Why classical music is popular with math students.

C)The effects of music on the results of math tests.

D) How to improve your reasoning ability.

16. A) Because it stimulates your nerve activity.

B)Because it keeps you calm.

C) Because it strengthens your memory.

D)Because it improves your problem solving strategies.

17. A)Piano music could interfere with your reasoning ability.

B)The effects of music do not last long.

C)The more you listen to music, the higher your test scores will be.

D)Music, whether classical or rock, helps improve your memory.

Passage Three

Questions 18 to 20 are based on the Passage you have just heard.

18. A) To drive the car automatically. B)To measure the drives's pu lse.

C) To prevent car accidents. D) To monitor the driver's health.

19. A) It sends out signals for help. B) It sounds an alarm to warn the driver.

C) It takes over the driving immediately. D) It stops the car automatica lly.

20. A) It monitors the signals transmitted from the driver's brain .

B) It can measure the driver's alcohol level in the blood.

C) It can quicken the driver's response to emergencies.

D) It bases its analysis on the driver's heartbeat.

Part ⅡReading Comprehension (35 minu tes)

Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four cho ices marked A), B), C) and D). You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. Questions 21 to 25 are based on the following passage.

The view over a valley of a tiny village with thatched (草盖的) roof cottages around a church;a drive through a narrow village street lined with thatched cottages painted pink or white;the sight over the rolling hills of a pretty collection of thatched farm buildings these are still common sights in parts of England. Most people will agree that the thatched roof is an essential part of the attraction of the English countryside.

Thatching is in fact the oldest of all the building crafts practiced in the British Isles (英伦诸岛). Although thatch has always been used for cottage and farm buildings, it was once used for castles and churches, too.

Thatching is a solitary (独自的) craft, which often runs in families. The craft of thatching as it is practiced today has changed very little since the Middle Ages. Over 800 full time thatchers are employed in England and Wales today, mai n taining and renewing the old roofs as well as thatching newer houses. Many prope rty owners choose thatch not only for its beauty but because they know it will k eep them cool in summer and warm in winter.

In fact, if we look at developing countries, over half the world lives under thatch, but they all do it in different ways. People in developing countries are of ten reluctant to go back to traditional materials and would prefer modern buildings.

However, they may lack the money to allow them to import the necessary mate rials. Their temporary mud huts with thatched roofs of wild grasses often only last six months. Thatch which has been done the British way lasts from twenty to sixty years, and is an effective defiance against the heat.

21. Which of the following remains a unique feature of the English countryside?

A)Narrow streets lined with pink or white houses.

B)Rolling hills with pretty farm buildings.

C)Cottages with thatched roofs.

D)Churches with cottages around them.

22. What do we know about thatching as a craft?

A) It is a collective activity.

B) It is practised on farms all over England.

C) It is quite different from what it used to be.

D) It is in most cases handed down among family members.

23. Thatched houses are still preferred because of _______.

A) their style and comfort B) their durability

C) their easy maintenance D) their cheap and ready made materials

24. People in developing countries also live under thatch because _______ .

A)thatched cottages are a big tourist attraction

B) thatched roof houses are the cheapest

C) thatch is an eftective defense against the heat

D)they like thatched houses berter than other buildings

25. We can learn from the passage that _______.

A)thatched cottages in England have been passed down from ancient times

B)thatching is a building craft first created by the English people

C)the English people have a special liking for thatched houses

D)most thatched cottages in England are located on hillsides

Questions 26 to 30 are based the following passage.

President Coolidge's statement,“The business of America is business,”still points to an imporiant truth today that business institutions have more prestige (威望) in American society than any other kind of organization, includingt he government. Why do business institutions possess this great prestige? One reason is that Americans view business as being more firmly based on the ideal of competition than other institutions in society. Since competition is seen as the major source of progress and prosperity by most Americans, competitive bu siness institutions are respected. Competition is not only good in itself, it is the means by which other basic American values such as individual freedom, equa lity of opportunity, and hard work are protected.

Competition protects the freedoty of the individual by ensuring that there is no monopoly(垄断) of power. In contrast to one, all powerful government, many bus inesses compete against each other for profits. Theoretically, if one business tries to take unfair advantage of its customers, it will lase to competing business which treats its customers more fairly. Where many businesses compete for the customers' dollar, they cannot afford to treat them like inferiors or slaves.

A contrast is often made between business, which is competitive, and government, which is a monopoly. Because business is competitive, many Americans believe that it is more supportive of freedom than government, even though government lea ders are elected by the people and business leaders are not. Many Americans believe, then, that competition is as important, or even more important, that democr acy in preserving freedom.

Competition in business is also believed to strengthen the ideal of equality of opportunity. Competition is seen as an open and fair race where success goes to the swiftest person regardless of his or her social class background. Competitiv e success is commonly seen as the American alternative to social rank based on family background. Business is therefore viewed as an expression of the idea of e quality of opportunity rather than the aristocratzc (贵族的) idea of inherited privilege.

26. The statement “The business of America is business”probably means “ _______”.

A)The business institutions in America are concerned with commerce

B)Business problems are of great importance to the American government

C)Business is of primary concern to Americans

D)America is a great power in world business

27. Americans believe that they can realize their personal values only _______ .

A) when given equality of opportunity B) through doing business

C) by protecting their individual freedom D) by way of competition

28. Who can benefit from business competition?

A) Honest businessmen.

B) Both businessmen and their customers.

C)People with ideals of equality and freedom.

D)Both business institutions and government.

29. Government is believed to differ strikingly from business in that gov ernment is

characterized by _______.

A) its absolute control of power

B) its function in preserving personal freedom

C) its role in protecting basic American values

D) its democratic way of e xercising leadership

30. It can be inferred from the passage that the author believes _______ .

A)Americans are more ambitious than people in other countries

B) in many countries success often depends on one's social status

C)American businesses are more democratic than those in other countries

D)businesses in other countries are not as competitive as those in America

Questions 31 to 35 are based on the following passage.

The appeal of advertising to buying motives can have both negative and positive effects. Consumers may be convinced to buy a product of poor quality or high price because of an advertisement. For example, some advertisers have appealed to people's desire for better fuel economy for their cars by advertising automotive products that improve gasoline mileage. Some of the products work. Others are wo rthless and a waste of consumerr' money.

Sometimes advertising is intentionally misleading. A few years ago a brand of bread was offered to dieters (节食者) with the message that there were fewer calories (热量单位,大卡) in every slice. It turned out that the bread was not dietetic (适合于节食的), but just regular bread. There were fewer calories because it was sliced very thin, but there were the same number of calories in every loaf.

On the positive side, emotional appeals may respond to a consumer's real concerns. Consider fire insurance. Fire insurance may be sold by appealing to fear of loss. But fear of loss is the real reason for fire insurance. The security of knowing that property is protected by insurance makes the purchase of fire insurance a worthwhile investment for most people. If consumerts consider the quality of the insurance plans as well as the message in the ads, they will benefit from the advertising.

Each consumer must evaluate her or his own situation. Are the benefits of the product important enough to justify buying it? Advertising is intended to appeal to cunsumers, but it does not force them to buy the product. Consumers still control the final buying decision.

31. Adverising can persuade the consumer to buy worthless products by _______ .

A)stressing their high quality

B)convincing him of their low price

C)maintaining a balance between quality and price

D)appealing to his buying motives

32. The reason why the bread advertisement is misleading is that _______ .

A)thin slices of bread could contain more calories

B)the loaf was cut into regular slices

C)the bread was not genuine bread

D)the total number of calories in the loaf remained the same

33. The passage tells us that _______.

A)sometimes advertisements really sell what the consumer needs

B)advertisements occasionally force consumers into buying things they don't need

C)the buying motives of consumers are controlled by advertisements

D)fire insurance is seldom a worthwhile investment

34. It can be inferred from the passage that a smart consumer should _______ .

A)think carefully about the benefits described in the advertisements

B)guard against the deceiving nature of advertisements

C) be familiar with various advertising strategies

D)avoid buying products that have strong emotional appeal

35. The passage is mainly about _______.

A)how to make a wise buying decision

B) ways to protect the interests of the consumer

C)the positive and negative aspects of advertising

D)the function of advertisements in promoting sales

Questions 36 to 40 are based on the following passage.

So long as teachers fail to distinguish between teaching and learning, they will continue to undertake to do for children that which only children can do forth emselves. Teaching children to read is not passing reading on to them. It is certainly not endless hours spent in activities about reading. Douglas insists that “reading cannot be taught directly and schools should stop trying to do the im possible.”

Teaching and learning are two entirely different processes. They differ in kind and function. The function of teaching is to create the conditions and the climate that will make it possible for children to devise the most efficient syst em for teaching themselves to read. Teaching is also public activity: It can be seen and observed.

Learning to read involves all that each individual does to make sense of the world of printed language. Almost all of it is private, for learning is an occupation of the mind, and that process is not open to public scrutiny.

If teacher and learner roles are not interchangeable, what then can be done through teaching that will aid the child in the quest(探索)for knowledgey Smith has one principal rule for all teaching instructions.“Make learning to read e asy, which meade making reading a meaningful, enjoyable and frequent experience for children.”

When the roles of teacher and learner are seen for what they are, and when both teacher and learner fulfil them appropriately, then much of the pressure and feeling of failure for both is eliminated. Learning to read is made easier when teachers create an environment where children are given the opportunity to solve the problem of leaning to read by reading.

36. The problem with the reading course as mentioned in the first paragraph is that


A)it is one of the most difficult school courses

B)students spend endless hours in reading

C)reading tasks are assigned with little guidance

D)too much time is spent in teaching about reading

37. The teaching of reading will be successful if _______.

A)teachers can improve conditions at school for the students

B) teachers can enable students to develop their own way of reading

C)teachers can devise the most efficient system for reading

D)teachers can make their teaching activities observable

38. The word “scrutiny”( Line 3, Para. 3) most probably means“ _______ ”.

A) inquiry B) observation C) control D) suspicion

39. According to the passage,learning to read will no longer be a difficult task when


A)children become highly motivated

B) teacher and learner roles are interchangeable

C)teaching helps children in the search for knowledge

D) reading enriches children’s experience

40. The main idea of the passage is that _______.

A)teachers should do as little as possible in helping students learn to read

B)teachers should encourage students to read as widely as possible

C)reading ability is something acquired rather than taught

D)reading is more complicated than generally believed

Part ⅢV ocabulary and structure (20 minutes)

Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center.

41. A person’s calorie requirements vary _______ his life.

A) acrcss B) throughout C) over D) within

42. A survey was carried out on the death rate of new born babies in that region,

_______ were surprising.

A)as results B)which results C) the results of it D) the resul ts of which

43. Generous public funding of basic science would _______ considerable benefits for

the country's health, wealth and security.

A) lead to B) result from C) lie in D)settle down

44. In a time of social reform, people’s state of mind tends to keep _______ with the

rapid changes of society.

A) step B) progress C) pace D) touch

45. _______ in an atmosphere of simple living was what her parents wished for.

A) The girl was educated B) The girl educated

C)The girl's being educated D) The girl to be educated

46. _______ the calculation is right, scientists can never be sure that they have

included all variables and modeled them accurately.

A) Even if B)As far as C) If only D) So long as

47. My train arrives in New York at eight o'clock tonight. The plane I wo uld like to

take from there _______ by then.

A) would leave B) will have left C) has left D) had left

48. The speech which he made the project has bothered me greatly.

A) being concerned B) concerned

C) be concerned D) concerning

49. Harry was _______ by a bee when he was collecting the honey.

A) stung B) stuck C) bitten D) scratched

50. The thief tried to open the locked door but _______.

A)in no way B)in vain C)without effect D)at a loss

51. The flights _______ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but

take the train.

A) had been canceled B) have been canceled

C) were canceled D) having been canceled

52. _______ seeing the damage he had done, the child felt ashained.

A) By B) On C)At D) For

53. Remember that customers don't _______ about prices in that city.

A) debate B) consult C) dispute D) bargain

54. Research findings show we spend about two hours dreaming every night, no matter

what we _______ during the day.

A)should have done B) would have done

C)may have done D)must have done

55. I hope that you'll be more careful in typing the letter. Don't _______ anything.

A) lack B) withdraw C) omit D) leak

56. This crop does not do well in soils _______ the one for which it has been specially


A) outside B) other than C) beyond D) rather than

57. “You are very selfish. It's high time you _______ that you are not the most

important person in the world,” Edgar said to his boss angrily.

A) realized B) have realized C) realize D) should realize

58. These two areas are similar _______ they both have a high rainfall during this


A) to that B) besides that C) in that D) except that

59. The tomato juice left brown _______ on the front of my jacket.

A) spot B) point C) track D) trace

60. If I hadn't stood under the ladder to catch you when you fell, you _______ now.

A) wouldn't be smiling B) couldn't have smiled

C) won't smile D) didn't smile

61. The committee is totally opposed ________ any changes being made in the plans.

A) of B) on C) to D) against

62. We'll visit Europe next year ________ we have enough money.

A) lert B) until C) unless D) provided

63. My father seemed to be in no _______ to look at my school report.

A) mood B) emotion C) attitude D) feeling

64. When he realized the police had spotted him, the man _______ the exit as quickly as


A) made off B) made for C) made out D) made up

65. I was advised to arrange for insurance _______ I needed medical trea tment.

A) nevertheless B) although C) in case D) so that

66. Frankly speaking, I'd rather you _______ anything about it for the time being.

A) didn't do B) haven't done C) don't do D) have done

67. I'm sorry I can't see you immediately;but if you'd like to take a seat, I'll be

with you _______.

A)for a moment B) in a moment C)for the moment D)at the moment

68. The trumpet player was certainly loud. But I wasn't bothered by his l oudness

_______ by his lack of talent.

A) than B) more than C) as D) so much as

69. Our new house is very _______ for me as I can get to the office in five minutes.

A) adaptable B) comfortable C) convenient D) available

70. Our joumey was slow because the train stopped _______ at different v illages.

A) unceasingly B) gradually C) continuously D) continually


Part ⅣShort Answer Questions (15 min utes) Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest passible words (not exceeding 10 words).

Would be language teachers everywhere have one thing in common: they all want some recognition of their professional status and skills, and a job. The foriner requirement is obviously important on a personal level, but it is vita lif you are to have any chance of finding work.

Ten years ago, the situation was very different. In virtually every developing country, and in many developed countries as well, being a native English speaker was enough to get you employed as an English teacher.

Now employers will only look at teachers who have the knowledge, the skills and attitudes to teach English effectively. The result of this has been to raisenon native English teachers to the same status as their native counterparts ( 相对应的人)something they have always deserved but seldom enjoyed. Non native s are now happy linguistic discrimination (语言上的歧视) is a thing of the past .

An ongoing research project, funded by the University of Cambridge, asked a sample of teachers, teacher educators and employers in more than 40 countries wh ether they regard the native/non native speakers distinction as being at all im portant. “NO”was the answer. As long as candidates could teach and had the re quired level of English, it didn't matter who they were and where they came from . Thus, a new form of discrimination this time justified because it singled out the unqualified liberated the linguisitcally oppressed(受压迫的). But the Camb ridge project did more than just that: it confirmed that the needs of native and non native teachers are extremely similar.

Questions: (注意:答题尽量简短,超过10个词要扣分。每条横线限写一个英语单词,标点符号不占格。)

S1. The selection of English teachers used to be mainly based on _______.

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

S2. What did non native English teachers deserve but seldom enjoy?

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

S3. What kind of people can now find a job as an English teacher?

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

S4. What is the result of the “new form of discrimination”( Line 5, Para. 4) ?

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

S5.The phrase “the linguistically oppressed”( Line 6, Para. 4) refers to those who

were _______.

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

____________ ____________ ____________ __________ ____________

Part V Writing (30 minutes)

Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic:Don't Hesitate to Say “NO”. You should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below.

1 别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。

2 为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。

3 该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

Don't Hesitate to Say “NO”


Section A

1. W: Did you see last night film on channel 4?

M: well. I meant to see it. but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice long

talk about our school days.

Q: What did the man do last night?

2. W: Did you get my message about the meeting on Monday?

M:Yes, I did. But I'm still not quite sure what the meeting is about.Not bad news,

I hope.

Q: What does the man wish to know most?

3. W: You have arranged to meet Mr. Johnson on Wednesday. So I don't have to write to

him, do I?

M:There's no need to write to him.

Q: What are the speakers talking about?

4. W: Did Jack find the tape he berrowed from Paul? Do you know?

M:He looked everywhere for it,but in the end he had to go to the party without it.

Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

5. M:Hello, my name is Carlson. I believe you have a room booked for me.

W: Carlsono Oh, yes, Mr. Carlson. It's a single room with a bath, on the second

floor. I hope it will suit you, sir.

Q: what does the conversation tell us?

6. M:Do you have the paperback edition of this dictionary?

W: Yes, We do. But the hard cover is on sale for the same price as the paperback .

Q: What does the woman say about the dictionary?

7. W: Are these TV sets the newest models?

M:Sure. They represent the latest technology. Actually, We sell nothing but the


Q: What does the man mean?

8. W: Are you coming with me to the history museum, Jodge?

M:I already have my hands full with this book report.

Q: What does the man mean?

9. M:How are your piano lessons going?

W: Very well. My teacher thinks I'm making progress. And I find lessons well-worth

the time and trouble.

Q: What does the woman think of her piano lessons?

10.M:Is that nice-looking straw hat light and strong?

W: Yes, you can wear it rain or shine.

Q: What are they talking about?

Section B

Passage one

After retiring from 30 years of teaching, Ethbell Pepper could easily have decided to sit back and relax and enjoy a peaceful retirement. But that kind at life is not for Ethbell Pepper.“I just wanted to do something different.If you are going to partici-

pate in life, do it. Don't just sit down and look out the window.” She says. At 68, She decided to become one of the pionee r participation in a prograrn at the university of California. The program offers campus housing and classes to people over sixty. She enrolled in a class called Human Relationships and Diverse society. “I taught my minority students in my English and dram a classes in high school for 20 years. But in this course, I found out a lot about other cultures I didn't know then. One of the more important lessons that l'm learning is to perceive, not to judge.” Older adults can add to the educational resources of untiversity by bringing with them a lot of valuable experience. Their presence on campus helps break some long believes of aging. Young students may have fears of growing older. But that kind of fear can be reduced as they see that older people can be active, healthy, and continue to contribute to societ y. The younger students can begin to see aging as a natural part of living.

11. What did Ethbell do when she was 68?

12. How long did Ethbell teach minority students?

13. What do elderly people do to the university?

14. What's the most important lesson Ethbell is learning?

Passage Two

Do you have a tough math test coming up? Then listen to some classical piano music just before the test. You might and up with a higher score. Researchers at a university in California conducted an experiment. They asked a group of college students to listen to some piano music by a famous 18th century composer before taking a math test. They were surprised to find that the students'scores jumped 8 to 9 points. The music seems to excite nerve activities in the brain; similar to the activity that occurs when a peoson is figuring out a math problem .However, the scientists warn before you get too excited about applying this me thod to your math test. You should remember that brain exciting effects last only 10 or 15 minutes. Would rock music work as well as the piano music dido No, th e scientists say. In fact. the less complex music might even interfere with the brains reasoning ability.

15. What is this passage mainly about?

16. Why can classical music play a positive role in problem solving?

17. What is one of the findings of the research?

Passage Three

When a sleepy driver has trouble in keeping his eyes on the road and gets too close to another car. An alarm sound will warn the driver. If nothing is done, the car will automatically come to a stop and in this way prevent an accident. This is a new device which will soon be tested in an experimental car in Japan. The computer warning system keeps track of a driver's condition by monitoring his he art beat with signals transmitted froin a band round his wrist. The wrist band records the driver's pulse which measures the heart beat. Each pulse in the wri st sends a signal to the computer. By analyzing the pulse rate, the computer can determine whether a driver is drunk, sleeping or ill. Devices in other parts of the car can also tell the computer if the car is too close to another vehicle o r is moving dangerously. The coinputer will sound the alarm when a problem arises, and will automatically stop the car if the driver ignores the warning.

18. Why is a computer system installed in an experimental car?

19. What did the computer system do first when a problem arises?

20. What is special about the new computer system?


Part I Listening Comprehension



Part II Reading Comprehension

21.C 22.D 23.A 24.B 25.C

26.C 27.D 28.B 29.A 30.B

31.D 32.D 33.A 34.A 35.C

36.D 37.B 38.B 39.A 40.C

Part III V ocabulary and Structure

41.B 42.D 43.A 44.C 45.C

46.A 47.B 48.D 49.A 50.B

51.D 52.B 53.D 54.C 55.C

56.B 57.A 58.C 59.A 60.A

61.C 62.D 63.A 64.B 65.C

66.A 67.B 68.D 69.C 70.D

Part IV Short Answer Questions

S1.Whether or not one was a native speaker.

S2.The same status as their native counterparts.

S3.Ones who can teach and have the required English llevel.

S4.Non-native English teachers have been liberated.

Or: It singled out the unqualified.

S5. Qualified English teachers because they were non-native speakers.

Part V Writing(略)


2020 1月2月3月4月 一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日 3031123452728293031122425262728291303112345 6789101112345678923456786789101112 1314151617181910111213141516910111213141513141516171819 20212223242526171819202122231617181920212220212223242526 27282930311224252627282912324252627282927282930123 3456789234567830311234545678910 5月6月7月8月一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日272829301231234567293012345272829303112 4567891089101112131467891011123456789 11121314151617151617181920211314151617181910111213141516 18192021222324222324252627282021222324252617181920212223 2526272829303129301234527282930311224252627282930 12345676789101112345678931123456 9月10月11月12月一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日311234562829301234262728293031130123456 78910111213567891011234567878910111213 1415161718192012131415161718910111213141514151617181920 21222324252627192021222324251617181920212221222324252627 282930123426272829303112324252627282928293031123 56789101123456783012345645678910


1 元旦腊八节 2 初九3 初十 4 十一 5 十二 6 小寒 7 十四 8 十五 9 十六10 十七 11 十八 12 十九 13 二十 14 廿一 15 廿二 16 廿三17 廿四小年 18 廿五 19 廿六 20 大寒 21 廿八 22 除夕 23 春节24 初二 25 初三 26 初四 27 初五 28 初六 29 初七 30 初八31 初九 2012年 2 月 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 1 初十2 十一 3 十二 4 立春 5 十四 6 元宵节7 十六 8 十七 9 十八 10 十九 11 二十 12 廿一 13 廿二14 情人节 15 廿四 16 廿五 17 廿六 18 廿七 19 雨水 20 廿九21 三十 22 2月小 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五 27 初六28 初七 29 初八

1 初九2 初十 3 十一 4 十二 5 惊蛰6 十四 7 十五 8 妇女节 9 十七 10 十八 11 十九 12 植树节13 廿一 14 廿二 15 廿三 16 廿四 17 廿五 18 廿六 19 廿七20 春分 21 廿九 22 3月大 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五27 初六 28 初七 29 初八 30 初九 31 初十 2012 年 4 月 星期一星期二星期三星期四星期五星期六星期日 1 十一 2 十二3 十三 4 清明节 5 十五 6 十六 7 十七 8 十八 9 十九10 二十 11 廿一 12 廿二 13 廿三 14 廿四 15 廿五 16 廿六17 廿七 18 廿八 19 廿九 20 谷雨 21 4月大 22 初二 23 初三24 初四 25 初五 26 初六 27 初七 28 初八 29 初九 30 初十


6月1日是国际儿童节?为了保障全世界儿童的权益,1949年11月,国际民主妇女联合会在莫斯科召开执委会决定,将每年6月1日作为国际儿童节?新中国成立后,中央人民政府政务院于1949年12月23日规定,将中国的儿童节与国际儿童节统一起来? 1955年6月1日至10日,经国务院批准,由中国优秀科学家组成的中国科学院四个学部成立大会在北京举行?当时分为物理学数学化学部?生物学地学部?技术科学部和哲学社会科学部4个学部,现分为数学物理学部?化学部?生物学部?地学部?技术科学部5个学部?中国科学院学部是国家在科学技术方面的最高咨询机构,由院士组成? 1957年6月1日,中央气象局(现中国气象局)开始每日公布各地天气预报? 1981年6月1日,新中国第一张全国性英文报纸《中国日报》在北京正式创刊? 1985年6月1日,中国人民争取和平与裁军协会在北京成立,首任会长周培源? 1988年6月1日,《中华人民共和国大气污染防治法》正式施行? 1988年6月1日,《中华人民共和国村民委员会组织法》正式施行? 1991年6月1日,《中华人民共和国著作权法》正式施行? 1995年6月1日,《中华人民共和国母婴保健法》正式施行? 2004年6月1日,《中华人民共和国证券投资基金法》正式施行? 2004年6月1日,新修订的《中华人民共和国反倾销条例》正式施行? 2004年6月1日,新修订的《中华人民共和国反补贴条例》正式施行? 2004年6月1日,新修订的《中华人民共和国保障措施条例》正式施行? 2004年6月1日,中国的《汽车产业发展政策》开始实施?此政策对已经实行了十多年的进口汽车保税政策进行了重大调整,规定从2005年起,所有进口口岸保税区不得存放以进入国内市场为目的的汽车?


一个人的历史上的今天 浏览朋友圈。有位朋友发了张照片,是他站在布达拉宫前的合影。这家伙喜欢旅游,据我所知,单西藏他就已经跑了好几趟,以为他又去西藏了。细看文字,才发现不是,而是一张旧照:“12年前的今天,第一次入藏,与神圣的布达拉宫合影,激动的心情至今犹历历在目。” 有意思的是,他竟然清晰地记得,是在12年前的今天。 忽然想,12年前的今天,我在做什么?我没有写日记的习惯,12年前的今天,早已忘得一干二净了。我之所以不能像朋友那样,记住这一天,一定是因为我的12年前的今天,像今天一样平淡无奇。 忽然又想,我已经走过的51年的岁月中,有没有哪一年的这一天,是有着一点特别意义的?在某一年的这一天,我或者是做了一件什么有意思的事,或者是见到了一个什么有趣的人,或者哪怕是发生了一点什么意外?思来想去,似乎也没有。

很显然,51年来,所有的这一天,我的生活都平淡无奇,甚至 可以说是了无趣味。 我们的日子很平淡,日复一日,月复一月,年复一年,这辈子就过得差不多了。对一个人来说,你已度过的时光,就是你的历史,那么,此后,每一年的每一天,你都可以在自己的“历史长河”里,找到若干个对应的日子,你的历史上的这一天,有什么值得记住的,让你终生难忘的吗? 我想,再寡淡的人生,也总是有你值得记住的一些日子的。 我们能记住的日子,一定都是特别的。 最难以忘怀的,当然是我们自己的生日。若干年前的这一天,我们呱呱啼哭着来到了这个世界,从此开始了我们或平淡或惊奇的一生。不管你已有的生活是怎样的,自己生日这一天,都是值得我们铭记并庆贺的,为我们自己,也为了将我们辛苦地带到这个世界并抚养大的父母。 一些特殊日子也是不容易忘记的,比如与爱人的结婚纪念日,比


“历史上的今天”广播稿 “历史上的今天”广播稿 甲:大家好,欢迎收听校园之声广播站。 乙:大家好,首先,让我们关注历史上的今天。 甲:1989年11月9日,邓小平辞去中央军委主席职务。 乙:XX年11月9日,特朗普当选第58届美国总统。 甲:历史上的今天就到这里。今天为大家介绍全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师——马克思。卡尔·马克思,马克思主义的创始人之一,第一国际的组织者和领导者,被称为全世界无产阶级和劳动人民的伟大导师,无产阶级的精神领袖,国际共产主义运动的先驱。马克思是德国伟大的思想家、政治家、哲学家、经济学家、革命家和社会学家。主要著作有《资本论》、《共产党宣言》等。马克思创立了广为人知的哲学思想——历史唯物主义,其最大的愿望是个人的全面而自由的发展。马克思创立了伟大的经济理论——《资本论》,《资本论》创造了一个崭新的思想体系,其研究世界的方法于德国哲学、早期社会主义理论和政治经济学,揭示了资本主义社会发展的规律。《共产党宣言》是马克思和恩格斯为共产主义者同盟起草的纲领,国际共产主义运动第一个纲领性文献,马克思主义诞生的重要标志。他和恩格斯共同创

立的马克思主义学说,被认为是指引全世界劳动人民为实现社会主义和共产主义伟大理想而进行斗争的理论武器和行动指南。 乙:今天为大家带来中华传统美德故事——铁杵磨针。唐朝大诗人李白,小时候不喜欢读书。一天,乘老师不在屋,悄悄溜出门去玩儿。他来到山下小河边,见一位老婆婆,在石头上磨一根铁杵。李白很纳闷,上前问:“老婆婆,您磨铁杵做什么?”老婆婆说:“我在磨针。”李白吃惊地问:“哎呀!铁杵这么粗大,怎样能磨成针呢?”老婆婆笑呵呵地说:“只要天天磨铁杵总能越磨越细,还怕磨不成针吗?”聪明的李白听后,想到自己,心中惭愧,转身跑回了书屋。从此,他牢记“只要功夫深,铁杵磨成针”的道理,发奋读书,最后成为有名的大诗人。 甲:本期广播到此结束,感谢大家的收听,我们下期见。 乙:再见。


2012年01月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 腊八节 2 初九 3 初十 4 十一 5 十二 6 小寒 7 十四 8 十五 9 十六10 十七 11 十八 12 十九 13 二十 14 廿一 15 廿二 16 小年17 廿四 18 廿五 19 廿六 20 大寒 21 廿八 22 除夕 23 春节24 初二 25 初三 26 初四 27 初五 28 初六 29 初七 30 初八31 初九 2012年02月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 初十 2 十一 3 十二 4 立春 5 十四 6 元宵节 7 十六 8 十七 9 十八 10 十九 11 二十 12 廿一 13 廿二 14 情人节 15 廿四 16 廿五 17 廿六 18 廿七 19 雨水 20 廿九21 三十 22 2月小 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五 27 初六28 初七 29 初八

2012年03月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 初九 2 初十 3 十一 4 十二 5 惊蛰 6 十四 7 十五 8 妇女节 9 十七 10 十八 11 十九 12 植树节13 廿一 14 廿二 15 廿三 16 廿四 17 廿五 18 廿六 19 廿七20 春分 21 廿九 22 3月大 23 初二 24 初三 25 初四 26 初五27 初六 28 初七 29 初八 30 初九 31 初十2012年04月壬辰年【龙年】 一二三四五六日 1 十一 2 十二 3 十三 4 清明节 5 十五 6 十六 7 十七 8 十八 9 十九10 二十 11 廿一 12 廿二 13 廿三 14 廿四 15 廿五 16 廿六17 廿七 18 廿八 19 廿九 20 谷雨 21 4月大 22 初二 23 初三24 初四 25 初五 26 初六 27 初七 28 初八 29 初九 30 初十


历史上的今天 1989年1月23日,亚洲卫星有限公司与中国长城工业公司在北京签署“亚洲卫星一号”通信卫星的发射服务合同。 1924年1月24日,孙中山下令筹备陆军军官学校。 1983年1月25日,由美国、英国和荷兰3国共同研制而成的红外天文卫星由美国德尔它3910 火箭射入900公里高度太阳同步圆轨道。 1841年1月26日英国占领香港岛,香港开始成为英国殖民地 1822年1月27日文明古国希腊独立。 1966年1月28日中国政府推行计划生育政策。 1935年1月29日中央红军四渡赤水 1969年1月30日知名爱国人士李宗仁逝世 1949年1月31日平津战役结束,北平和平解放 1877年2月1日教育家徐特立诞辰 1948年2月2日上海发生"申九惨案" 1952年2月3日中共要求“三反”运动和整党运动相结合。 1922年2月4日中国被迫签订《解决山东悬案条例》 1949年2月5日毛泽东发表惩办战犯声明 1999年2月6日第四届亚冬会中国获金牌总数第一 1914年2月7日北京政府统一币制 1931年2月8日中共发布土改政策 1947年2月9日上海发生“二·九”血案 1895年2月10日中日海战刘步蟾自杀殉国

1949年2月11日国民党元老戴季陶自杀 1942年2月12日东北抗日联军赵尚志军长被俘牺牲 1895年2月13日清政府派李鸿章赴日议和 1950年2月14日中苏两国签订友好同盟互助条约 1913年2月15日汉字注音字母诞生 1910年2月16日孙中山章太炎分道扬镳同盟会分裂 1955年2月17日中国人民银行发行第二套币 1951年2月18日中央提出"三年恢复十年建设"的思想 1934年2月19日蒋介石发起“新生活运动” 1936年2月20日中共组织抗日东征战役 1613年2月21日米哈伊尔·罗曼诺夫被选为俄罗斯帝国沙皇,罗曼诺夫王朝创立1927年2月22日上海工人举行第二次武装起义


历史上的今天:1月18日 历史上的今天:1月18日 今天是2017年1月18日,星期三。 出生人物 1689年(己巳年)—法国思想家孟德斯鸠出生。 1782年:丹尼尔·韦伯斯特,美国政治家(1852年去世) 1835年(乙亥年)—俄国作曲家、音乐家居伊生于维尔纽斯。 1841年(辛丑年)—德国化学家保罗·费利克斯·门德尔松-巴托尔迪出生。 1841年(辛丑年)—法国作曲家夏布里埃出生。 1849年:埃德蒙·巴顿,澳大利亚政治家,澳大利亚第一任总理(1920年去世) 1859年(己未年)—美国政治学家、教育家古德诺出生。 1867年:鲁本·达里欧,尼加拉瓜诗人(1916年去世) 1868年(戊辰年)—霍元甲、著名武术家,民族英雄。 1879年:亨利·吉罗,法国陆军军官(1949年去世) 1881年:陈耀衢,民主革命先驱、国民zf简任官。 1889年—俄国古典吉他演奏家、教育家、作曲家伊万诺夫生于莫斯科。 1891年—中国教育家、修辞学家、语言学家陈望道出生。 1893年—苏联画家普拉斯托夫出生。

1900年—《大闹天宫》《神笔马良》等美术片导演万籁鸣出生。1904年—美国著名影星加里·格兰特出生。 1906年—苏联指挥家、作曲家萨特扬生于亚美尼亚。 1917年—王永庆,台湾企业家。 1922年—挪威(意大利)作曲家:比巴罗生于利阿斯特。 1925年:吉尔·德勒兹,法国后现代主义哲学家(1995年去世) 1931年—全斗焕,韩国总统。 1932年:胡枫,香港著名演员 1944年—保罗·基廷,澳大利亚总理。 1946年—意大利抒情女高音歌唱家里卡莱里生于罗维戈。1950年:吉尔·维伦纽夫,加拿大一级方程式赛车车手 1955年—美国著名影星、导演凯文·科斯特纳出生。 1967年—伊万·萨莫拉诺,智利足球运动员 1971年—前西班牙球员,现拜仁慕尼黑队主帅瓜迪奥拉出生。1974年:唐剑康,香港商业电台dj 1979年—华语著名音乐人,亚洲流行天王周杰伦出生。 1981年—韩国男演员姜东元出生。 1985年—意大利足球运动员里卡多·蒙托利沃出生 1989年—中国女篮运动员申彬彬出生 1989年—中国内地歌手王栎鑫出生 1990年—包庭政,台湾艺人包伟铭之子 1994年—韩国女子组合2ne1成员孔敏智出生


历史上的今天(1月22日) 历史上1月22日这一天发生了哪些大事? 历史时段:1561~2004 培根像 1561年1月22日,法兰西斯·培根出生在英国的一个贵族家庭。他是中古时期著名的唯物主义哲学家,是第一个提出“知识就是力量”这个口号的人。 维多利亚女王 1901年1月22日,英国维多利亚女王逝世。她在位64年期间,英国资本主义发展迅速,并依靠海上霸权扩大对殖民地的掠夺,一度取得世界贸易和工业的垄断地位,被称为英国历史上的“黄金时代”。 戈邦神父率领一批群众准备向沙皇递交请愿书 1905年1月22日(俄历1月9日)清晨,俄彼得堡大批罢工

工人带着家属,扶老携幼,从四面八方走上街头,共有十几万人前往冬宫和平请愿。遭到沙皇镇压,请愿人群中被打死打伤的有四千六百多人,其中惨遭杀害的至少有1000人。这一天是星期日,史称彼得堡的“流血星期日” 这一事件被认为是俄国1905年革命的序幕,列宁说:“没有1905年的‘总演习’,就不可能有1917年10月革命的胜利”。 湘南起义纪念塔 1928年1月22日,朱德、陈毅率领南昌起义余部2000多人,转战到达湖南南部,在湘南地方党组织的配合下,组织当地农民举行了湘南起义,起义军先后占领了宜章、郴州、永兴、资兴、耒阳等县城,并建立了苏维埃政府。起义军后改编为工农革命军第一师,同年4月到达井冈山,与毛泽东率领的秋收起义部队会师,组成中国工农红军第四军。 方志敏 1928年1月22日,方志敏在江西弋阳、横峰发动领导了农民武装起义,开展土地革命,组织工农政权,创建了赣东北革命根据地和中国工农红军第十军。 萧红 1942年1月22日,中国女作家萧红在香港病逝,时年31

历史上的今天 1.27

岳飞被害(1142年1月27日) 奥地利音乐大师莫扎特诞生(1756年1月27日) 清道光帝对英国宣战(1841年1月27日) 宋庆龄诞辰(1893年1月27日) 英国作曲家威尔第去世(1901年1月27日) 美国运动员吉米·索普退还授予他的奥运会奖牌(1913年1月27日) 电视诞生(1926年1月27日) 美国遭受严重水灾,100万人无家可归(1937年1月27日) 苏军解放奥斯维辛集中营(1945年1月27日) 中国远征军收复缅北,打通中印缅公路(1945年1月27日) 中法建交(1964年1月27日) 阿波罗1号飞船的三名宇航员之死(1967年1月27日) 美越双方在巴黎签订越南和平协议(1973年1月27日) 尼日利亚首都拉各斯一座旧军火库发生大爆炸(2002年1月27日) 北宋和辽国订立澶渊之盟(1005年1月27日) 岳飞被害(1142年1月27日) 岳飞统率的岳家军先后收复了颍昌(今河南许昌)、郑州、洛阳等地后,又以轻骑驻扎在郾城(今河南郾城),打败了身披重铠的铁浮屠和铁塔兵及左右两翼的拐子马的金兀术的精兵,给金兵以沉重的打击。 不久又在颍昌城下打败了金兵,前锋直抵朱仙镇。当抗金战争的捷报频传之际,以赵构(南宋高宗)、秦桧等为首的投降派却害怕岳飞和人民抗金力量的强大,对自己的统治不利。於是一心求和,不惜以对金称臣的条件,求得“太平”。竟于1140年秋,一天内下了十二道“金牌”(用金字写的紧急证件,持此牌日行400里),强令岳飞班师回朝。岳飞愤慨地说:“十年之功,废于一旦”!岳飞退兵后,河南的一些州县又落到金兵手中。赵构和秦桧为了满足金地术“必杀飞,始可和”的要求,在公元1141年便以“莫须有”的罪名把岳飞关进监狱中。 1142年1月27日(南宋绍兴十二年十二月二十九日)将他和他的儿子岳云、部将张宪一同杀死于大理寺狱,时年39岁。 奥地利音乐大师莫扎特诞生(1756年1月27日) 1756年 1月27日,著名的音乐大师沃尔弗于格·莫扎特,诞生于奥地利查尔茨堡。他的父亲奥波里德·莫扎特是查尔茨堡的有名的音乐家,由于他的才能受到宗教势力的压抑,


分析时间:2011年7月3日分析地点:综掘区会议室 主持人:刘国强 参加人员:谢新成、张福凯、张俊龙、苗晓宇、李金宝、李俊峰 事故简介:1967年7月4日,五矿5294风道掘进工作面发生工人推缶运输事故,1人工亡。 事故经过:该掘进工作面掘进过程中,因局部褶曲,出现一段低凹巷道。铺道时,把凹处用碴石垫平,因而造成8米低巷道。当班,当第二缶煤装满向外推缶时,张风友在前边拉缶,任天振、付金廷在缶后推缶,途经低巷道处,张风友的头部被挤在钢梁与抽沿之间,经抢救无效死亡。 事故原因: 1、一是安全意识差,只顾低头拉缶,不抬头看顶; 2、二是巷道安全环境不好,巷道太低,出事故地点最低处净高仅1.04米。 3、现场存在隐患,管理混乱,后路巷高不足1.8米,安全通道高度不够。 4、互保联保执行不到位,没有相互提醒张风注意此段不够高的巷道。 5、巷道坡度超过7‰时,应采用绞车运输,不应人工推罐。 6、监管部门、跟班领导发现现场隐患没有主动安排处理,导致事故发生。 7、规程措施在现场落实不到位,规定的巷道高度在现场达不到,遇条件变化应补充措施,保证巷道高度。 吸取的教训和采取的措施: 1、加强职工对规程措施的学习,保证施工质量,并严格按措施施工。 2、严格执行四不生产原则,隐患不处理坚决不能生产。 3、加强职工互保联保制度的执行力,保证安全生产。 4、加强开工前对现场的安全确认工作,否则不准开工。 5、跟班人员要经常深入现场,发现和处理各种隐患。 综掘区 2011年7月3日

分析时间:2011年7月4日分析地点:综掘区会议室 主持人:刘国强 参加人员:谢新成、张福凯、张俊龙、苗晓宇、李金宝、李俊峰 事故简介:1969年7月5日,牛儿庄矿52118采煤工作面发生顶板事故,2人工亡;2人受伤。 事故经过:当班,工作面拉完第一排炮并出完煤后,在第一排点柱没有打齐的情况下,就从上安全出口往下打眼放炮,崩二排煤帮9米,拉炮后,由5人在该段正撩煤时,顶板冒落,冒长4米宽1.8米,厚1.2米,当即5人被埋,经抢救3人受伤脱险,王寿福、张维德经抢救无效死亡。 事故原因: 1、头排帮推通后,不及时打点柱支护顶板,就拉二排炮造成空顶面积大,以致酿成事故。 2、现场员工集体违章蛮干,空顶下撩煤,导致事故发生。 3、员工安全意识差,明知拉完一排帮后应先支护顶板,却置自己什么于不顾,在空顶下冒险作业,导致事故发生。 4、互保联保执行不到位,没有相互提醒违章带来的严重后果。 5、违反措施施工,措施在现场流于形式,终酿苦果。 6、监管部门、跟班领导发现现场隐患没有主动安排处理,导致事故发生。 吸取的教训和采取的措施: 1、加强我区职工对规程措施的学习,保证施工质量,并严格按措施施工。 2、加强现场临时支护的使用,杜绝员工在空顶下作业,严格执行四不生产原则,隐患不处理坚决不能生产。 3、加强职工互保联保制度的执行力,保证安全生产。 4、加强开工前对现场的安全确认工作,否则不准开工。 5、跟班人员要经常深入现场,发现和处理各种隐患。 综掘区 2011年7月4日


历史上今天 分析时间:2012-03-1 下午5:00预控会分析地点:通风区会议室 主持人:薛祖培 参加人:侯运起、武江成、常燕飞、吴保成、赵振庄、索文成 事故简介: 1981年3月2日,黄沙矿11208底层采煤工作面发生顶板事故,1人工亡。 事故经过: 当班,工人阮学法和王海文被分配到下机头往上第三段推帮,机组割过此段后,该地方就流了一次碴,于是挑梁背顶,维护顶板。后因该段有一根点柱影响顶溜子,在去掉临时点柱,顶溜子过程中,发生冒顶,工人阮学法被埋身亡。 事故原因: 现场主要原因: 1、改点子时,未打临时点柱,就将原点柱去掉,没有遵循先加后去的原则,因而造成事故发生。 2、冒顶处早有冒顶预兆,该单位没有引起高度重视,也没有将顶板背实背牢。 现场次要原因: 1、施工前班长没有对现场施工情况进行检查,现场存在隐患没有立即处理,违章指挥员工进行作业。 2、顶溜子前,作业人员没有对现场支护情况进行检查,没有做好现场安全确认工作。 3、现场人员违章作业没有人员进行制止。 管理原因: 1、跟班人员、班组长对现场员工的安全及操作没有尽到监督、监管职责,员工现场违章操作,没有立即制止。 2、该单位对员工日常培训、措施贯彻不到位,造成现场人员违章作业。 结合我区实际今后采取措施: 1、所有员工严禁空顶作业,施工前必须对顶、帮及周围情况进行检查,发现隐患及时处理,做好班前、班中和班后的隐患排查、安全确认工作。 2、所有员工严格按照规程措施施工,集体作业人员作业前班长必须对施工地点进行检查,确认无隐患后方可工作。 3、放炮员严格按照爆破说明书及规程措施进行爆破作业,发现空顶拒绝放炮,并及时汇报进行处理。 4、现场跟班人员、当班班长为现场安全第一负责人,对现场员工的安全及操作尽到监督、监管职责,做到自己不违章指挥,员工不违章作业,现场作业人员落实好互保联保制度。 通风区 2012-03-1


1月 1月1日,元旦 ·404年,东晋将领桓玄正式称帝,国号楚 ·976年,南唐后主李煜被俘,南唐国亡 ·1788年,伦敦泰晤士报首次出版 ·1863年,美国总统林肯正式实施黑人奴隶解放宣言 ·1995年,世界贸易组织成立(图) 1月2日 ·533年,Mercurius成为教宗若望二世 ·1822年,德国物理学家、热力学的奠基人之一克劳修斯出生·1909年,清政府将袁世凯撤职 ·1959年,前苏联成功发射第一个星际探测器月球1号(图)·1977年,洛阳黄河公路大桥建成通车 1月3日 ·1777年,普林斯顿战役中美军战胜英军 ·1839年,清道光帝任林则徐为钦差大臣,主持查禁鸦片(图)·1851年,法国物理学家傅科直接验证了地球自转 ·1989年,长江葛洲坝水利枢纽工程宣告建成 ·2004年,西八区20时35分,勇气号成功登陆火星 1月4日 ·1643年,伊萨克·牛顿出生 ·1884年,费边社在伦敦成立 ·1917年,蔡元培就任北京大学校长 ·1981年,长江葛洲坝截流工程合龙(图) ·1992年,中亚五国协商建立共同市场 1月5日 ·1771年,蒙古土尔扈特部在渥巴锡率领下回归清朝 ·1895年,德国物理学家伦琴宣布发现X射线 ·1930年,毛泽东撰写《星星之火,可以燎原》 ·1933年,金门大桥在旧金山湾开工(图) ·1969年,原苏联向金星发射一艘不载人宇宙飞船 1月6日,小寒 ·1412年,圣女贞德出生 ·1838年,塞缪尔·摩斯首次公开示范电报 ·1941年,皖南事变 ·1959年,国际海事组织成立(图) ·2005年,中国人口达到13亿

1月7日 ·1610年,伽利略·伽利莱发现木星的卫星(图)·1874年,美国生理学家厄兰格在旧金山出生 ·1912年,南非非洲人国民大会成立 ·1964年,巴哈马群岛实行内部自治 ·1989年,昭和天皇,日本最高统治者逝世 1月8日 ·前136年,汉武帝即位 ·265年,司马炎即位,西晋建立 ·1037年,中国诗人苏轼出生(图) ·1959年,戴高乐就任法兰西第五共和国首任总统·1973年,谢赫?穆吉布?拉赫曼就任孟加拉国首任总统 1月9日 ·1283年,文天祥逝世 ·1788年,康涅狄格成为美国的第五州 ·1946年,远东军事法庭开庭 ·1951年,联合国总部搬到纽约(图) ·1968年,南非克里斯琴?巴纳德施行首例心脏移植手术 1月10日 ·947年,契丹灭后晋 ·1356年,波西米亚国王在纽伦堡颁布黄金诏书·1861年,佛罗里达州宣布退出合众国 ·1946年,第一届联合国大会第一期会议举行 ·2001年,中国神舟二号无人飞船发射成功(图) 1月11日 ·1759年,美国第一家人寿保险公司成立 ·1787年,天王星的两颗卫星被发现(图) ·1851年,洪秀全在广西金田领导发动了太平天国起义·1938年,《新华日报》创刊 ·1946年,阿尔巴尼亚人民共和国成立 1月12日 ·1021年,王安石出生 ·1791年,四大徽班进北京,京剧开始形成(图)·1920年,中国政府废止文言文教学 ·1980年,中国首次派员考察南极洲 ·2005年,欧洲议会通过欧盟宪法条约 1月13日


历史上的今天 (重大事件全年12月完整版)★★★1月 1月1日,元旦 ·404年,东晋将领桓玄正式称帝,国号楚 ·976年,南唐后主李煜被俘,南唐国亡 ·1788年,伦敦泰晤士报首次出版 ·1863年,美国总统林肯正式实施黑人奴隶解放宣言 ·1995年,世界贸易组织成立 1月2日 ·533年,Mercurius成为教宗若望二世 ·1822年,德国物理学家、热力学的奠基人之一克劳修斯出生 ·1909年,清政府将袁世凯撤职 ·1959年,前苏联成功发射第一个星际探测器月球1号 ·1977年,洛阳黄河公路大桥建成通车 1月3日 ·1777年,普林斯顿战役中美军战胜英军 ·1839年,清道光帝任林则徐为钦差大臣,主持查禁鸦片 ·1851年,法国物理学家傅科直接验证了地球自转 ·1989年,长江葛洲坝水利枢纽工程宣告建成 ·2004年,西八区20时35分,勇气号成功登陆火星 1月4日 ·1643年,伊萨克·牛顿出生 ·1884年,费边社在伦敦成立 ·1917年,蔡元培就任北京大学校长 ·1981年,长江葛洲坝截流工程合龙 ·1992年,中亚五国协商建立共同市场 1月5日 ·1771年,蒙古土尔扈特部在渥巴锡率领下回归清朝 ·1895年,德国物理学家伦琴宣布发现X射线 ·1930年,毛泽东撰写《星星之火,可以燎原》 ·1933年,金门大桥在旧金山湾开工 ·1969年,原苏联向金星发射一艘不载人宇宙飞船 1月6日,小寒 ·1412年,圣女贞德出生

·1838年,塞缪尔·摩斯首次公开示范电报 ·1941年,皖南事变 ·1959年,国际海事组织成立 ·2005年,中国人口达到13亿 1月7日 ·1610年,伽利略·伽利莱发现木星的卫星 ·1874年,美国生理学家厄兰格在旧金山出生 ·1912年,南非非洲人国民大会成立 ·1964年,巴哈马群岛实行内部自治 ·1989年,昭和天皇,日本最高统治者逝世 1月8日 ·前136年,汉武帝即位 ·265年,司马炎即位,西晋建立 ·1037年,中国诗人苏轼出生 ·1959年,戴高乐就任法兰西第五共和国首任总统·1973年,谢赫?穆吉布?拉赫曼就任孟加拉国首任总统 1月9日 ·1283年,文天祥逝世 ·1788年,康涅狄格成为美国的第五州 ·1946年,远东军事法庭开庭 ·1951年,联合国总部搬到纽约 ·1968年,南非克里斯琴?巴纳德施行首例心脏移植手术 1月10日 ·947年,契丹灭后晋 ·1356年,波西米亚国王在纽伦堡颁布黄金诏书·1861年,佛罗里达州宣布退出合众国 ·1946年,第一届联合国大会第一期会议举行 ·2001年,中国神舟二号无人飞船发射成功 1月11日 ·1759年,美国第一家人寿保险公司成立 ·1787年,天王星的两颗卫星被发现 ·1851年,洪秀全在广西金田领导发动了太平天国起义·1938年,《新华日报》创刊 ·1946年,阿尔巴尼亚人民共和国成立 1月12日 ·1021年,王安石出生 ·1791年,四大徽班进北京,京剧开始形成 ·1920年,中国政府废止文言文教学 ·1980年,中国首次派员考察南极洲 ·2005年,欧洲议会通过欧盟宪法条约


日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六123451212123456元旦廿七廿八廿九小寒廿七廿八廿五廿六愚人节廿七廿八廿九清明初二67891011123456789345678978910111213腊月初二初三初四初五初六初七廿九立春春节初二初三初四初五廿七廿八廿九惊蛰二月妇女节初三卫生日初四初五初六初七初八初九13141516171819101112131415161011121314151614151617181920腊八节初九初十十一十二十三十四初六初七初八初九情人节十一十二初四初五植树节初七初八权益日初十初十十一十二十三十四十五谷雨20212223242526171819202122231718192021222321222324252627大寒十六十七十八十九二十廿一十三十四元宵节十六十七十八十九十一十二十三十四春分水日气象日十七十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三2728293031242526272824252627282930282930 廿二小年廿四廿五廿六二十廿一廿二廿三廿四十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿四廿五廿六 31 廿五 日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六12341123456123 劳动节廿八廿九青年节儿童节建党节卅十六月初二初三初四建军节初二初三56789101123456787891011121345678910四月立夏初三初四初五初六初七廿九五月初二初三芒种端午节初六小暑初六初七初八初九初十十一初四初五初六七夕节立秋初九初十1213141516171891011121314151415161718192011121314151617护士节初九初十十一十二十三十四初七初八初九初十十一十二十三十二十三十四十五十六十七十八十一十二十三十四中元节十六十七19202122232425161718192021222122232425262718192021222324助残日十六小满十八十九二十廿一十四十五十六十七十八十九夏至十九二十大暑廿二廿三廿四廿五十八十九二十廿一廿二处暑廿四262728293031232425262728292829303125262728293031廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六无烟日廿一廿二廿三禁毒日廿五廿六廿七廿六廿七廿八廿九廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九八月灶君诞 30 廿八 日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六123456712345121234567初三初四初五初六初七初八初九国庆节初四初五初六初七初五初六初六初七初八初九初十十一大雪89101112131467891011123456789891011121314白露十一教师节十三十四中秋节十六老人节重阳节寒露十一十二十三十四初七初八初九初十十一立冬十三十三十四十五十六十七十八十九15161718192021131415161718191011121314151615161718192021十七十八和平日二十廿一廿二廿三十五标准日十七十八十九二十廿一十四十五十六十七十八十九二十二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六22232425262728202122232425261718192021222322232425262728廿四秋分廿六先师诞廿八旅游日卅十廿二廿三廿四廿五霜降廿七廿八廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五小雪廿七冬至廿八平安夜圣诞节腊月初二初三2930272829303124252627282930293031 九月初二廿九十月初二初三初四廿八廿九冬月初二初三初四初五初四初五初六


页眉内容 2020年1月 2020年2月 2020年3月 周日 周六 周日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 周日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 29 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 初四 初十 初八 初八 初九 初十 十一 惊蛰 十三 十四 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 十一 十二 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 初九 初十 立春 十二 十三 十四 元宵节 妇女节 十六 十七 十八 植树节 二十 廿一 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 小年 廿四 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 情人节 廿二 消费者日 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 春分 廿八 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 廿九 三十 三月 初二 初三 初四 初五 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 29 30 31 二月 龙头节 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 初六 初七 初八 2020年4月 2020年5月 2020年6月 周日 周日 周日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 1 2 3 4 5 6 儿童节 十一 十二 十三 环境日 十五 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 十一 青年节 立夏 十四 十五 十六 十七 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 母亲节 十九 护士节 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 谷雨 廿八 廿九 地球日 四月 初二 初三 廿五 廿六 廿七 小满 廿九 三十 闰四月 父亲节 五月初二 奥运日 初四 端午节 初六 初七 26 27 28 29 30 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 28 29 30 初四 初五 初六 初七 初八 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 初八 初八 初九 初十 31 初九 2020年7月 2020年8月 2020年9月 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 1 2 3 4 1 1 2 3 4 5 建党节 十二 十三 十四 建军节 十四 中元节 抗战胜利 十七 十八 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 十五 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 十三 十四 十五 十六 十七 立秋 十九 十八 十九 廿一 廿二 教师节 廿四 廿五 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 八月 初二 初三 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 廿九 三十 六月 大暑 初三 初四 初五 廿七 廿八 廿九 七月 初二 初三 处暑 初四 初五 秋分 初七 初八 初九 初十 26 27 28 29 30 31 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 27 28 29 30 初六 初七 初八 初九 初十 十一 初五 初六 初七 初八 初九 初十 十一 十一 十二 十三 十四 30 31 十二 十三 2020年10月 2020年11月 2020年12月 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 周 日 周一 周二 周三 周四 周 五 周 六 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 4 5 6 国庆节 十六 十七 十六 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 立冬 十七 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 十八 十九 二十 廿一 廿二 廿三 廿四 廿三 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 大雪 廿四 廿五 廿六 廿七 廿八 廿九 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 30 初五 31 1 2 3 初九 初六 元旦 腊八节 19 廿五 20 大寒 21 廿七 22 23 24 25 廿八 廿九 除夕 春节 26 27 28 29 30 31 初二 初三 初四 初五 初六 初七 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 1 愚人节 2 初十 3 十一 4 清明 周一 周二 周三 周四 周五 周六 1 2 劳动节 初十


公元2019年【己亥猪年】日历 2019年1月2019年2月2019年3月2019年4月 日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六12345123112123456元旦廿七廿八廿九小寒廿七廿八廿五廿五廿六廿六廿七廿八廿九清明初二67891011123456789345678978910111213 12月大初二初三初四初五初六初七廿九除夕春节初二初三初四初五廿七廿八廿九惊蛰2月小初二初三初三初四初五初六初七初八初九13141516171819101112131415161011121314151614151617181920初八初九初十十一十二十三十四初六初七初八初九初十十一十二初四初五初六初七初八初九初十初十十一十二十三十四十五谷雨20212223242526171819202122231718192021222321222324252627大寒十六十七十八十九二十廿一十三十四雨水十六十七十八十九十一十二十三十四春分十六十七十七十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三2728293031242526272824252627282930282930 廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六二十廿一廿二廿三廿四十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿四廿五廿六 2019年5月2019年6月2019年7月2019年8月 日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六 1234301123456123劳动节廿八廿九三十廿八廿八廿九三十6月小初二初三初四7月小初二初三56789101123456787891011121345678910 4月小立夏初三初四初五初六初七廿九5月大初二初三芒种端午节初六小暑初六初七初八初九初十十一初四初五初六七夕节立秋初九初十1213141516171891011121314151415161718192011121314151617母亲节初九初十十一十二十三十四初七初八初九初十十一十二十三十二十三十四十五十六十七十八十一十二十三十四十五十六十七19202122232425161718192021222122232425262718192021222324十五十六小满十八十九二十廿一父亲节十五十六十七十八十九夏至十九二十大暑廿二廿三廿四廿五十八十九二十廿一廿二处暑廿四262728293031232425262728292829303125262728293031廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六廿七廿六廿七廿八廿九廿五廿六廿七廿八廿九8月大初二 2019年9月2019年10月2019年11月2019年12月 日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六日一二三四五六123456712345121234567初三初四初五初六初七初八初九国庆节国庆节国庆节初六初七初五初六初六初七初八初九初十十一大雪89101112131467891011123456789891011121314白露十一十二十三十四中秋节十六初八初九寒露十一十二十三十四初七初八初九初十十一立冬十三十三十四十五十六十七十八十九15161718192021131415161718191011121314151615161718192021十七十八十九二十廿一廿二廿三十五十六十七十八十九二十廿一十四十五十六十七十八十九二十二十廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五廿六22232425262728202122232425261718192021222322232425262728廿四秋分廿六廿七廿八廿九三十廿二廿三廿四廿五霜降廿七廿八廿一廿二廿三廿四廿五小雪廿七冬至廿八廿九三十12月大初二初三2930272829303124252627282930293031 9月小初二廿九10月小初二初三初四廿八廿九11月大初二初三初四初五初四初五初六
