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湿气重怎么办 中医教你如何祛除体内湿气

湿气重怎么办 中医教你如何祛除体内湿气
Humid? The doctor of traditional Chinese medicine to teach you how to remove the body moisture

Let's many people always complain https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, themselves often sick, originally this has a great connection, and the moisture inside body is too heavy we don't except the moisture, the body won't be healthy. So humid? What a good way to qushi medicine? Qushi what food? And see it together.

Moisture is too heavy words will serious affect our health, is also the source of the disease, was supposed to remove moisture to start from the everyday life habit, in addition to the usual to eat the food of some qushi, a Chinese medicine health care method also can be used to remove, so before opening talents useful qushi. Small make up today will introduce us to some small Chinese medicine qushi good way.

环境中的湿润当然可怕,存在体内的“湿”也不行小觑。 假如你常常觉得胃口欠佳、成天想打瞌睡、肌肤起疹子,可能是体内的湿在作祟。数千年前中医就说到气候环境改变对身体发生的影响,其中“湿”被视为引发及恶化疾病的要害。
Humid environments of course terrible,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, not exist "wet" in the body. If you often feel poor appetite, all want to doze off, skin rash, may be wet in the body. Thousands of years of traditional Chinese medicine is said to the climate change happens to the body, the influence of the "wet" is regarded as cause diseases and deterioration of the key.

From the climate change all the pathogens accrues (wet) to stay hydrated (wet), traditional Chinese medicine said to wet disease a wide scale.

Is often the case, let's body on the outside temperature, humidity change natural recuperation can, but some people may be due to physical bad living habits will lead to an imbalance in the body of water regulation system, such a

s water does not go out, as if internal operation due to flooding.

In addition, the modern people less,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, eat more, stay up late, pressure big, also can form intestines and stomach digestive function is blocked, water metabolism disorder. Moisture in the body is overweight, can let a person feel sleepy, limbs heavy body, no appetite, cold limbs, skin rash, gooey, face uncomfortable, and even the present gastroenteritis.

Modern people less, eat more, stay up late, pressure big, also can form intestines and stomach digestive function is blocked, water metabolism disorder

"Eczema many are caused by anxiety, serious," skin inflammation therapy experience rich, experts observe, sympathetic nerve was emotional impact, water metabolism function abnormalities, moisture stays in the body, worsening eczema. Especially the southerners living in coastal region, because of the rain wet environment, such as infection, inflammation of the skin disease is related to the moisture.

Move, diet control and less pressure, formation of wet body

Expert clew, aged, children and fatness, poor little movement, gastrointestinal function, heart disease, kidney disease, asthma, arthritis, and cancer patients, changes to the humidity in the environment particularly sensitive, water metabolism is poor, so should pay attention to maintain when the dry season.

In terms of TCM, needs to use https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, aromatic temperature, sweat and bitter herbs as a magic weapon.

运用植物香气来对立感患病,是老祖宗的才智。比如南方人随身佩带艾草灭菌,避免感染疾病。 或在气候回暖、细菌病毒好发的五月端午,家家户户门口挂把佩兰、石菖蒲及艾叶,取下后用来沐浴,即是取其具消毒空气饮水之意。
Use botanicals to opposite feeling sick, granny's wit. Such as the sou

thern people wear tsao sterilization, avoid infection. Or in climate warming, bacteria, virus, good hair may dragon-boat festival, hung outside each house to perrin, stone calamus and moxa leaf, removed after bathing, is take its the meaning of air disinfection with drinking water.

Modern medicine also found that the aromatic plants do have antiviral effect, such as is made into the anise is an example of the flu vaccine. In addition, the harshness of ginger soup sweating, the most appropriate severance body after get wet in the rain moisture, avoid cold; Bitter wen gan jiang Chinese medicine seemed to slow fire, stew slowly pushes the body moisture spread out.

Teach you in addition to the body wet in TCM

But be true to remove the body moisture, also should start from improving their living habits. Doctors to supply the following way, let you easily get rid of the body turbidity heavy moisture, restore refreshed.

Regular exercise

Exercise can relieve stress,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, loose body every organ, speed up the moisture out of the body.

Modern brain rather than brawn cost, combined with long-term stay in an airtight air conditioning room, rarely sweating, the body can regulate humidity variation. Try running, walking, swimming, yoga, tai chi and so on the movement of any "hard and sweat", help to activate blood circulation, strengthen the metabolism of water.

Light diet appropriate

Light diet appropriate

Gastrointestinal system vital nutrients and water metabolism, is appropriate, the best way to eat a balanced diet.


Such as wine, milk, fat GanHou taste greasy food difficult to digest, easy to form the stomach MenZhang, inflammation. Sweets and Fried can let body peroxide, aggravate inflammation response. TCM thought cold food, ice or cool sex of fruits and vegetables, make intestines and stomach digestion and absorption function block, should not be unlimited. Such as lettuce salad, watermelon, Chinese cabbage, balsam pear, best to when cook onion, ginger, reduce vegetables cold nature.

The spleen qushi food

Much rain, lead to excessive moisture,https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5c7349751.html, the most direct a harm to human body is wet trapped taste, appetite is weak, indigestion, diarrhea, etc. During this period, therefore, to strengthen the maintenance of spleen and stomach, spleen qushi. The simplest way to spleen qushi is diet. Below small make up to introduce qushi food for you.


Thought of traditional Chinese medicine, kapok flavour gan cool, belongs to the spleen, liver, colon, with qingrejiedu, dehumidifying effect, such as water, good for summer about diarrhea diarrhea, coughing up blood, vomiting blood, have a good effect of chuangdu disease such as eczema. In addition, there are clear heat, diuresis, invigorate the circulation of kapok skin, detumescence, detoxification, etc.


Amaranth stalks cool gan, it is rich in easily absorbed by the body of calcium, also have clear heat detoxification, through the urine, blood hemostasis effect. Amaranth is still thin body is the leading actor on the table, often feed can thin body intellectual man fit, promote detoxification, avoid constipation. Requirements in mind, the amaranth sex cold, Yin sheng Yang deficiency constitution, loose stools or slow pixu (spleen deficient) have loose bowels, unfavorable edible.

Rice bean


Rice bean taste sweet, into the heart, small intestine, desiccant, with water, and the blood abscess, detumescence, detoxification effects. Its heat effect is weaker than mung bean, but the water qushi effect is stronger, not only can treat usually edema, and can treat "big ascites disease", namely the liver cirrhosis ascites. Often used for congee or rice bean stuffing.

Rice bean taste sweet, into the heart, small intestine, desiccant, with water, and the blood abscess, detumescence, detoxification effects

Five fingers wild peach

Five fingers wild peach is not a peach, it is a kind of mulberry, with spleen and complementary lung, lishi, relaxes the muscles loose, such as effectiveness, qi and lingnan and minority doctors of traditional Chinese medicine is one of the most commonly used herbs. Spring and summer, wet, moisture inside body is heavy, use five fingers wild peach soup boiled water to drink, help qushi keep fit!

Dolichos lablab l.

Lentils have nourishing and strong, tonifying spleen yiqi, summer wet and water swelling results. Dolichos lablab l. taste smooth, people usually eat right. Particularly is a weak spleen and stomach, eat some white lentils to spleen and stomach, in addition, the spleen and stomach weakness of old age and leukorrhagia women are able to pass through consumption of dolichos lablab l. to diet.

Wax gourd

Wax gourd cold gan, oneself clear heat, except vexed, flasher, chief of the swallowing is particularly appropriate. More, vitamin C and potassium content is high, low sodium content, high blood pressure, kidney disease, such as edema disease patients eat, can be reached without harming the upright, the effect of detumescence.

Wax gourd cold gan, oneself clear heat, flasher, except vexed heat

The wick flower


Wick flower for water wet kind of traditional Chinese medicine, has blessed are send fire, diuresis tong Lin, particularly blessed are send fire effect obviously, and not too cold, taste gan light again, often into the soup into the porridge for guangdong folk medicine.


Lettuce taste sweet, bitter, cold, into the intestines, stomach, has clear heat the water. Suitable for mild edema, urine. Can eat salad or soup, even the best leaves to eat. Lettuce slants cool, spleen and stomach cold person unfavorable feed more.

Crucian carp

Crucian carp with spleen wet effect, apply to food less, pixu (spleen deficient) weak weak, excessive drinking, edema, urine disease such as the whammy.

Mung bean

Mung bean taste sweet, cold, the authority and by the stomach, clear heat, heat, water, detoxification. Can be used to heat polydipsia, cold fever, in children, less edema, urine. Green bean soup is good qushi good drinks.

Mung bean taste sweet, cold, the authority and by the stomach, clear heat, heat, water, detoxification

The carp

Summer, warm, moist climate appropriate drink carp soup, help qushi appetizing, water swelling. And from nutrient viewpoint, excellent carp is rich in protein, minerals and vitamins, vulnerable to digestion and absorption.


Stigma of gan, ping, bladder, liver, bravery. Results the water swelling, lishi retreat yellow. Same to scanty urine, to eliminate indicates the water liquid deposition and the effect of moisture. Else, it also has hypoglycemic effect. Summer comes as corn listed, will

generate decoct soup boil together, waste generation of tea, very appropriate diabetes patients.

Stigma of gan, ping, bladder, liver, bravery. Results the water swelling, lishi retreat yellow


Barley sex cold and subsidence, water moisture penetration medicine is a common interest. As in "compendium is said:" yi, gan light, cool gas, sex slightly and permeability, so can go to the wet water." Comparing dry wet, the characteristics of barley is moisture penetration, safety.

Gordon euryale seed

Gordon euryale seed flat, ingredients gump acerbity, starch and protein rich in fat. Gordon euryale seed have to fill in replenishing qi, invigorating effect of qushi, nourish the robust, it is similar to lotus seed some, calm effect is better than a lotus seed, but its convergence is suitable for slow diarrhea and frequency of urine, nocturnal emission semen leakage, woman with more lumbar acid, etc. In addition, Gordon euryale seed can promote blood circulation, make the person face ruddy and white.

Conclusion: the above is the small make up to our introduction about qushi method of traditional Chinese medicine, we usually must move more, don't sit long, together, don't always stay in humid local. In addition, we can combine some qushi food.

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