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Passage 1:

Clowns(小丑)like to make people laugh. They paint their faces and put on funny noses. Sometimes they put on a sad face but most of the time they put on a happy face. They also wear funny clothes.


Passage 2:

Many people now keep animals as pets. Numerous people have cats and dogs in their houses. Other people like fish, caged birds, tortoises and even snakes, monkeys or lions.


Passage 3:

My secret for staying young is simple. Put all attention to the part of your brain and keep it young and growing. Keep your mind awake and you'll stay young all over. These are exciting times.


Passage 4:

Mrs. Jones' telephone number was 3463, and the number of the cinema in her town was 3464, so people often made a mistake when they wanted the cinema.


Passage 5:

The word horsepower was first used two hundred years ago. James Watt had made the world' first widely used steam engine. He had no way of telling people exactly how powerful it was, for at that time there were no units for measuring power.


Passage 6:

No one is glad to hear that his body has to be cut open by a surgeon and part of it taken out. Today, however, we needn't worry about feeling pain during the operation. The sick person falls into a kind of sleep, and when he awakes, the operation is finished. But these happy conditions are fairly new. It is not many years since a man who had to have operation felt all its pain.


Passage 7:

Nancy and Peter McCall like sports. In the summer they swim and in the winter they ski. They are planning ski trip for this weekend, but they don't know about the weather. It's 7:30 now, and they are listening to the weather report on the radio. The weatherman is giving the weather forecast for the weekend.


Passage 8:

Americans, like many people elsewhere in the world, like to invite friends to their homes for an evening of food, drink and conversation.


Passage 9:

A man got into a train and found himself sitting opposite a woman who seemed to be about thirty-five years old.


Passage 10:

There was once a large, fat woman who had a small, thin husband. He had a job in a big company and was given his weekly wages every Friday evening.


Passage 11:

A guide dog is a dog especially trained to guide a blind person. Dogs chosen for such training must show good disposition, intelligence, physical fitness and sense of responsibility.


Passage 12:

Great changes have been made in family life because of science and industry.


Passage 13:

V ery few people were coming to eat at the White Rose Restaurant, and its owner didn't know what to do.


Passage 14

Let's watch the weather forecast on television. We may go to Scotland, we may go to Wales or London. We can decide after the forecast.


Passage 15

Herman had worked for the bank of Ruritania for ten years and was still only a clerk. He was not satisfied with the position and wanted to find something better.


Passage 16

Weather has a great influence on people. It influences people's health, intelligence (智力) and feelings.


Passage 17

Computers can injure you. Most other injuries happen suddenly. For example,if you fall off a

bike and break your arms,it happens very quickly. But computer injuries happen slowly.


Passage 18:

There were once many sheiks(阿拉伯的酋长)who wanted to marry Queen Maura, for she was one of the most beautiful and powerful queens of Arabia.


Passage 19:

If you travel by air across the center of Africa or South America, you fly over forests for thousands of kilometers.


Passage 20:

Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said:


Passage 21

There was once an ant that was very thirsty. It ran here and there looking for some water but could not find any.


Passage 22

Martin Luther King was a black minister, who became a great leader of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and1960s.


Passage 23

As price and building costs keep rising, the "do-it-yourself" (DIY) trend in the U.S. continue to grow.



真题一 一、交际英语 1、- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A:Are you? B:Nice to meet you too. C:Yes. D:Very nice. 答案: B 2、-- Happy birthday to you! -- _______________ A:Happy birthday to you! B:I am very glad. C:That's all right. D:Thank you. 答案: D 3、- Mr. Jones, this is Sean, an English teacher from the United States. - ______________ A:What can I do for you?

B:Nice to meet you. C:Please keep in touch. D:Haven't seen you for ages. 答案: B 4、- I'm sorry. I lost the key. - ________ A:Well, it's OK. B:No, it's all right. C:You are welcome. D:You are wrong. 答案: A 5、- Could I speak to Don Watkins, please? - ________ A:Speaking, please. B:Oh, how are you? C:I'm listening. D:I'm Don. 答案: A 二、阅读理解 1、 Snowflakes look like white stars falling from the sky. But there have been times when snow has looked red, green,


最新国家开放大学电大《管理英语4》网络核心课形考网考 作业及答案 100%通过 单元自测1 第一套 一、选择填空题(每题10分,共5题) 题目1 — This project is too big for me to finish on time. 选择一项: ……C…… I'll give you a hand 题目2 — I think things have been a bit difficult for us the last couple of months. —__________. We've been working hard, but still getting behind. 选择一项: ……A…… You're right 题目3 AT&T found that employees with better planning and decision-making skills were ______ to be promoted into management jobs. 选择一项: ……A…… more likely 题目4 The Human Resource Managing Department at Honda is given specific instructions ______ employ the best possible workers. 选择一项: ……C…… on how to 题目5 The responsibilities in handbook ______ that managers have to be concerned with efficiency and effectiveness in the work process. 选择一项: ……B…… indicate 题目6 二、阅读理解:根据文章内容,判断正误(共50分)。 Who Killed Nokia? Nokia executives attempted to explain its fall from the top of the smartphone pyramid with three factors: 1) that Nokia was technically inferior to Apple, 2) that the company was complacent and 3) that its leaders didn't see the disruptive iPhone coming. It has also been argued that it was none of the above. Nokia lost the smartphone battle because


阅读理解 About three hundred words in the English…ACBBC (A dog for sale)A man walked into a pet shop…BCADC No one knows who made the first ice cream….ACDAD People have been talking about health for a long time…BDABA A characteristic of American/This attitude toward manual/A。people tend to have a high opinion of the self-made manB。she takes pride in what she can do herself she can hardly afford servantsD。serve customers in a restaurant A. positive B。American Attitude toward Manual Labor. A couple, John and Mary, had two lovely children…A.frightened D. rushed B.sometimes B.John C.first A famous American writer: BBDAB A film was at the Circle Five Ranch to film DBBAD A foreigner's first impression of the U.S. is likely D.Americans are impolite to their business colleagues.B. a first concern D. by learning about their past performance A.how Americans treasure their time C. appreciative A friend of mine was fond of drawing horses.…答案一CDDBC。答案二D.trust C.write B.rules A.own D.didn't follow A group of frogs were traveling through the woods 答案一BBCCA 答案二C. noticedC.ears A. People D.practically B.paid A Japanese is sitting near the window of a… BACCA A lawyer ,an artist and a musiaian…. AACCB A man walk into a pet shop one day with a large and very ugly dog. BCADC A plant makes its own food in its leaves…BABCD A pretty, well-dressed you ng lady stopped a taxi …AABDC A story is told about a soldier who was finally coming home BDABB A very old lady won a million dollars in a lottery BDCDD A young man who lived in London was in love with a beautiful girl BACBD Acting is such an over-crowde d profession …BBDAB Advertisement can be thought of "as the means…ACDDD After having lived for over twenty years in the same district…DCBDC After retiring from 30 years of teaching, DCBBC Air is all around us. ACCBA Albert Einstein had a great effect on science and history…CDCBC All big cities are quite similar. ACBAD All over the world people enjoy sports. DADDA All the housewives who went to the new supermarket BBADC Americans are big tippers(给小费者)….DBACC An unexpected Hobby.Jessie Lived in the count ry…ABCAB As prices and building costs keep rising,…DABAB At some time in your life you may have a strong desire CDBAB Australis is nearly as large as;CCADD Babara Jordon, one of the most respected lawyers.BBDDB Background music may seem harmless, …DACBD Baths and bathing have long been considered BBBAC Breaking the news A very old lady won a million dollars… BDCDD Britain and France are separated by the English Channe D.a mixture of love and hate D both good and harm A. Germany; America D. Briti sh people… France C. Franc and Britain are near neighbors, and this will help balance the relationship between them. By definition/Cultural icons are hard to define,/C. heroes and icons D. all of the above D. Heroes and heroines can only emerge in war times. C. just before her death B. Tragic and early death


电大英语2期末考试试题 一、选择对错 1.Shall we see a movie tonight? See your later. A. Right B wrong 2. what would you like to drink, madam? Can I have a glass of white wine? A. Right B wrong 3.When did you first come to China? 10 years ago. A right B wrong 4.Do you like your job? I’m a nurse A right B wrong 5. What are you going to do this evening? I went there with some friends A. right B wrong 1. Hello, Xiaoyan. How was the party? --- Hi, Jack. We had a great time A.right B wrong 2. How are you feeling today? ---I’d rather stay at home. A.right B wrong 3. How old are you ---Yes, I am. A. right B. wrong 4. Can I get you something to drink? ---Yes, please. A coca-cola for me A. right B wrong 5. How can I book a cheap hotel? ---If I were you, I’d phone a travel agent A right B wrong 1. --- Are you ready to order? Yes. I’ll have a steak, please A. right B wrong 2.--- Is there a bank near here? Yes. There is one just down the road A. right B wrong


阅读理解 1 " There are stories about two U.S. presidents, Andrew Jackson and Martin Van Buren, which attempt to explain the American English term OK. We don't know if either story is true, but they are both interesting. The first explanation is based on the fact that President Jackson had very little education. In fact, he had difficulty in reading and writing. When important papers came to Jackson, he tried to read them and then had his assistants explain what they said. If he approved of a paper, he would write ""all correct"" on it. The problem was that he didn't know how to spell, so what he really wrote was ""ol korekt"". After a while, he shortened that term to ""OK"". The second explanation is based on the place where President van Buren was born, Kinderhook, New York. Van Buren's friends organized a club to help him become President. They called the club the Old Kinderhook Club, and anyone who supported Van Buren was called ""OK""" "The author ___ A. believes both of the stories B. doesn't believe a word of the stories C. is not sure whether the stories are true D. is telling the stories just for fun According to the passage, President Ja ckson _____. A. couldn't draw up any documents at all B. didn't like to read important papers by himself C. often had his assistants sign documents for him D. wasn't good at reading, writing or spelling According to the first story, the term ""OK"" ___. A. was approved of by President Jackson B. was the title of some official documents C. was first used by President Jackson D. was an old way to spell ""all correct"" According to the second story, the term ""OK"" ___. A. was the short way to say ""Old Kinderhook Club"" B. meant the place where President Van Buren was born C. was the name of van Buren's club D. was used to call Van Buren's supporters in the election According to the second story, the term ""OK"" was first used ___. A. by van Buren B. in a presidential election C. to organize the Old Kinderhook Club D. by the members of the ""Old Kinderhook Club""" "C、D、C、D、B" 2 " Although the United States covers so much land and the land produces far more food than the present population needs, its people are by now almost entirely an urban society. Less than a tenth of the people are engaged in agriculture and forestry(林业), and most of the rest live in or around towns, small and large. Here the traditional picture is changing: every small town may still be very like other small towns, and the typical small town may represent a widely accepted view of the country, but most Americans do not live in small towns any more. Half the population now lives in some thirty metropolitan areas (large cities with their suburbs) of more than a million people each—a large proportion than in Germany or England, let alone France. The statistics(统计) of urban and rural population should be treated with caution because so many people who live in areas classified as rural by car to work in a nearby town each day. As the rush to live out of town continues, rural areas within reach of towns are gradually filled with houses, so that it is hard to say at what moment a piece of country becomes a suburb. But more and more the typical American lives in a metropolitan rather than a small town environment." "If now America has 250 million people, how many of them are engaged in agriculture and forestry? A. About 25 million. B. More than 25 million. C. Less than 25 million. D. Less than 225 million. Which of the following four countries has the smallest proportion of people living in metropolitan areas? A. United States. B. Germany. C. France. D. England. What's the meaning of the word ""metropolitan"" in the middle of the passage? A. Of a large city with its suburbs. B. Of small and large towns. C. Of urban areas. D. Of rural areas. According to the passage, what can we learn about small towns in the United States? A. Most small towns become gradually crowded. B. Small towns are still similar to each other. C. As the traditional picture is changing, towns are different. D. Small towns are turning into large cities. Why is it hard to say when a piece of country becomes a suburb?


1、规则和习俗 A man on a lonely island A man on a lonely island can act as he likes because he has no one to consider except himself. But when Robinson Crusoe discovered footprints in the sand, he could no longer act precisely as before. He had to think of the existence of a companion and the possible effect of his actions upon a second person. Two people thus suddenly brought face to face can not ignore each other. Either one must overcome the other or they must arrive at some form of coexistence. In the latter event they have first to convince each other of their friendly intentions. When a man comes upon a tribe whose language he does not know, he will nod and smile, make friendly gestures and perhaps send them small gifts. If these offers are successful, the tribesmen will take him to their village and bring him food and drink. Moreover, the arrival of an important visitor is something out of the ordinary. So, as an answer to the feeling that their guest should be treated as well as they can, something better than the ordinary food will be provided, and the meal followed by singing and dancing. The host wishes to make his guest feel at home, the guest to show thanks of the kindness he has received. Questions of good behavior and consideration for others maybe have arisen in one form or another since social life began, because social life is impossible if each person thinks only of himself. If men are to live together in a community they must, as a measure of common sense and in the interest of all,accept a certain number of rules and conventions. Such agreement is more than ever necessary. Chaos may result when four people play bridge according to widely different conventions. The same is true of social life. 1. A man on a lonely island can act as he likes, because _______. D. he feels it unnecessary to consider others 2. Two strangers will never get along well unless _______. C. they make peace with each other or one defeats the other 3. If you meet a tribe whose language you don't know, you can offer all the followings EXCEPT ___. A. teaching them your language 4. The arrival of an important visitor is something out of the ordinary, so they will . C. receive the visitor better 5. If you want to live well in a community, . C. you should follow the rules and conventions of society manners. But what are good manners? How does one know what to do and what not to do? Well, here are some examples. A person with good manners never laughs at people when they are in trouble. Instead, he tries to help them. He is always kind to others. When people are waiting for a bus, he takes his turn. He does not push to the front of the line. On the bus he gives his seat to an older person or a person with a very young child. If he knocks into someone, or gets in his way, he says "Excuse me" or "I'm sorry". He says "Please" when he asks for something and "Thank you" when he receives something. He stands up when he is speaking to an older person, and he does not sit down until the other person takes his seat. He does not interrupt other people when they are talking. He does not talk too much. He does not talk loudly or laugh loudly in public. When he is eating, he does not speak with his mouth full of food. He uses a handkerchief when he sneezes or coughs. He does not spit in public. As a student, it is a bad manner to come late to class. If you are late you should make an apology to the teacher either at the time or after the class. It is also a bad manner to keep silent when the teacher asks you a question. If you do not know the answer, say so immediately. If you do know, answer in a loud enough voice so that all the class may hear. It is polite for the students to help the teacher. Sometimes students can help their teachers to clean the blackboard, to close or open the door or windows. Sometimes there are papers to collect or to hand out. This kind of help is always appreciated. Ideas of what are good manners are not always the same in different countries. But in all countries it is important to be kind and helpful. 1. person with good manners is popular with others because ____. B. he knows what to do and what not to do on different occasions 2. A person with good manners will ____ those in trouble. D. do whatever he can do help 3. When you are with an old man, you should do all the following except ______. C. interrupting him if he talks too much 4. Which of the following is NOT proper for a student with good manners to do? A. Making no sound all the time in class. 5. You'd better keep in mind that _____. example, the number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has fallen sharply. 89 thousand were killed in 1983. 46 thousand were killed one year later. This happened because African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants. Ivory is the hard white material that forms an elephant's two long teeth, or tusks. Countries that import ivory are refusing to accept ivory shipments that do not have legal export documents. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty signed by 91 nations led to the program for saving endangered elephants in Africa.Successful efforts also have been made in protecting Africa's endangered mountain gorillas. Almost 400 of the gorillas survive in a volcano area on the border of Rwanda, Uganda and Zaire. The mountain gorilla population has remained about the same for 15 years. This happened partly, because Rwanda developed an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas. Visitors there can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals' traditional home area. Another successful program is to take endangered animals out of their natural homes. The animals are put into zoos or other protected areas where they can reproduce in safety. The goal of many of these programs is to produce enough animals to put back into the wild. 51. What is the best title for this passage? B) Protecting Endangered Species 52. The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased greatly in that ______. A) African countries agreed to establish export limits on ivory from elephants 53. In Africa, the number of elephants killed illegally in 1983 and 1984 was _____. C) 135,000 54. The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for many years partly because of ___. A) the development of an important business that depends on protecting the gorillas 55. The phrase "the wild" in Paragraph 5 refers to _____.


2017年电大《大学英语》B电大网考试题及答案(七) 一、交际英语 1、-- Hi, I'm Liz. -- _________ A:Hi, nice to see you. B:What do people call you? C:Fine, and you? D:How do you do? 答案:A 2、---This is John. -- ___________ A:Oh, I have never seen you. B:Yes, I am glad. C:Hello, John. Nice to meet you. D:How are you? 答案:C 3、--- The summer vacation is coming in a few days. I'll share the holidays with my daughter by traveling. ---- ______. A:Congratulations! B:Nice to meet you! C:Have a good trip! D:It's very kind of you. 答案:C 4、- How was your trip to London, Jane? - ___________ A:Oh, wonderful indeed. B:I went there alone. C:The guide showed me the way. D:By plane and by bus. 答案:A 5、-- Congratulations! You won the first prize in today's speech contest. -- ________ A:Yes, I beat the others. B:No, no, I didn't do it well. C:Thank you. D:It's a pleasure. 答案:C 二、阅读理解 1、On February 14th many people in the world celebrate an unusual holiday, St. Valentine's Day, a special day for lovers. The origin of this holiday is uncertain but according to one story it gets its name from a Christian named Valentine who lived in Rome during the 3rd century A.D.


2. The author thinks that people quite often compare themselves 4. After talking with the young man about the Internet,the author realizes 5. The significant conclusion the author draws about happiness is A funny thing happened on the way to the communication revolution: we stopped talking to each other. 1.The author’s experience of walking in a park with a friend recently made 3. According to the author ,the more connected we get in communications 4.What are the examples the author gives to explain his idea that every advance in communications technolo-gy is a setback to the closeness of 5.What is the unintended result of commication technology,according to the

After her husband had gone to work,Mrs Richards sent her children to school and went upstairs to her bedroom. 1. The reason for Mrs Richards’ excitement that day was run away. Airline companies are responsible for transporting your you cannot recover it at the point of arrival,you must inform the airline immediately. 1. If you can’t find your luggage at th e point of arrival,airline companies 4. In case you have no idea at all where to send your luggage,you can first

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