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当前位置:文档库 › MGH956合金钎焊接头力学性能分析






【摘要】Orthogonal experimental design is done according to the high temperature tensile strength of the MGH956 joints, the analysis result shows that the affecting order on the joint properties of the three considered factors is composition of the solder>insulation manner>weld gap. The better parameters are that solder is KCo3, insulation manner is 10min under 1240℃ +30min under 1000℃, weld gap is 0.02mm. Among the tests, the best result of the tensile test under 1000℃ is that the intensity of the weld approach to the level of the material.%以MGH956合金钎焊接头高温抗拉强度为考察对象进行了正交试验设计.结果表明,考察的3个因素对接头性能影响的主次顺序为:钎料成分>保温方式>焊缝间隙;对应较优工艺参数为:钎料为KC03,保温方式为:1240℃10min加1000℃/30min;焊缝间隙为0.02mm.在所进行试验中,1000℃拉伸试验结果最好的焊缝强度接近了母材水平.





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