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A timing violation issue was found with MIG v3.7 and earlier versions of the Spartan-6 FPGA MC

B example designwhen the calibration clock (mcb_drp_clock) and theuser interfaceclock (clk0) have anodd ratio. The clocks are outputs of the PLL_ADV block in the infrastructure module and are generated by dividing the PLL's VCO frequency by two divisors . The timing source is theDONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL register in the mcb_soft_calibration module which is clocked by the mcb_drp_clk signal, and the timing destination is themcb_init_done_reg register in

theinit_mem_pattern_ctr module of the traffic generator which is clocked by clk0.


The timing issue only exists when one of the divisors for the calibration clock and the user interface clock is odd and the other one is even. For example, a PLL divisor for the user interface clock of 2 and a divisor for the calibration clock of 11 would result in a timing error. To work around this issue the user needs to adda synchronization register after theDONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL register to synchronize it to the memory clock domain before it can be used by themcb_init_done_reg register. Below are the Verilog code modifications required in the init_mem_pattern_ctr.v module to synchronize themcb_init_done_i signal generated from the DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL register in the mcb_soft_calibration.v module to the clk0 clock domain. The VHDL code modifications would similarly add two synchronization registers before the output of theDONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL register is assigned to

themcb_init_done_reg register. In addition, a TIG assignment should be added to the UCF to ignore the clock domain crossing path from theDONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL register. The UCF syntax is below for MIG 3.7 and MIG 3.61 and older.

UCF assignment for MIG 3.61 and older versions:


"memc?_wrapper_inst/memc?_mcb_raw_wrapper_inst/gen_term_calib.mcb_soft_calibration_top_inst/mcb_soft_cali bration_inst/DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL" TIG;

UCF assignment for MIG 3.7:


"memc?_wrapper_inst/mcb_ui_top_inst/mcb_raw_wrapper_inst/gen_term_calib.mcb_soft_calibration_top_inst/mcb_ soft_calibration_inst/DONE_SOFTANDHARD_CAL" TIG;

Original Verilog code:

always @ (posedge clk_i)


mcb_init_done_reg <= mcb_init_done_i;


New Verilog code:

//mcb_init_done_i is clocked by calibration clock reg mcb_init_done_i_r1;

reg mcb_init_done_i_r2;

always @ (posedge clk_i)


mcb_init_done_i_r1 <= mcb_init_done_i;

mcb_init_done_i_r2 <= mcb_init_done_i_r1; mcb_init_done_reg <= mcb_init_done_i_r2; end
