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pub talk 文字材料

pub talk 文字材料
pub talk 文字材料

Writing type


What does the writer intend to explain?

--- the charm of a good conversation

?Theme: The charm of conversation is that it does not really start

from anywhere and no one has any ideas where it will go as it

meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.




How does the writer explain the charm of a good conversation?

----illustration (examples)

A pub talk about ― the king’s English‖

To summarize

The charm of a good conversation

Supported by

One example of a pub talk on ―the king’s English‖

About the title

Is it a good title? what do you think the essay may talk about after reading the

title?---the relationship between pub talk and the king’s English

It is not an aptly chosen title.

Can you think of a better one?

---the Art of Good Conversation

The Charm of Good Conversation

Part I para.1-2

?The writer puts forward the theses.

? 1. Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.

? 2. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from

anywhere and no one has any ideas where it will go as it meanders

or leaps and sparkles or just glows.

part II para. 3-11

?an example to support the thesis

----a pub conversation with the topic of ―the king’s English‖

?no fixed topic --- the King's English -- Australia -- Saxon churls --

the language barriers

?The example has well explained where its charm lies.

part III para.12—17

●more digressions. (what the writer thought about after the bar

conversation the night before)

?Para.12-15 He gives his personal reflection on the history and

meaning of the King's English

?Para.16-17 By the mentioning of dictionaries and salons of 18th

Paris, he reveals his attitude towards the King's English

?1)should not be laid down as an edict and made immune to

change from below

?2) should not be an ultimatum

part IV. Para. 18--21 conclusion

the bane of a good conversation

----talking sense

---- Those people who ruin the conversation by trying to talk sense are

just like chimpanzees who are not capable of conversation.

The Author

●Henry Fairlie 1924-

●The editor of “The New Republic”


●The Kennedy Promise

●The life of Politics

●The Spoiled Child of the Western World

1.Conversation is the most sociable of all human activities.

Sociable adj.

Sb.or an occasion is ~~,

?---- friendly; agreeable; esp. in an easy and informal way

?He is a sociable guy. (he enjoys spending time with others)

?We spent a sociable evening drinking the other day. (happy, agreeable) Here, ---conversation helps to establish a friendly and pleasant relationship among people.

?Paraphrase--- more than any other human activity, conversation helps to

promote an agreeable, pleasant and informal relationship among people.

2. And it is an activity only of human…

?-- And conversation is an activity which is found only among human beings.

?Animals and birds are not capable of conversation.

Why is it an activity only of humans?

What is language?

What are the differences between human language and animal language?

Language—is a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication.

?--system: elements are arranged according to certain rules, can be learned and used consistently.

?--arbitrary: no intrinsic connection between the word and the thing it refers to.

Different languages have different words for the same thing.

?--vocal: the primary medium is sound for all languages, no matter how well developed are their writing systems.

?Symbol: language is a set of systemic signs used to represent sth. else.

signaling system


?Human language

?Arbitrary(任意性)(No natural relationship between the symbol and the meaning) duality (双重性)Language can be divided into structures of sounds & meanings

Creativity, (创造性)

the ability to produce novel utterances, (we can use the symbols to create new meanings)

displacement (位移性)

refer to things which are not present; real or imagined in the past, present, future, in far away places

?Animal calls

? A fixed connection between the signal and the meaning. This system(connection) is mainly genetically inbuilt.

?Animal calls can not

?But animals only have limited signals and can not create new ones

?Animal calls can only refer to things that are present, they are stimulus instant.

3.they do not indulge in anything that deserves the name o conversation.

Indulge v.

---allow yourself to have or do sth. you like

e.g. Don’t indulge yourself to o freely -----computer games. (A. with B. in)


Occasionally he indulges -----the luxury of a good cigar. (A. with B. in)


Indulge oneself with sth. / sb. indulge in sth.

Here, ----go in for, take part in 参与,参加


----they do not go in for any activity which might rightly be called conversation.

4. The charm of conversation is that it does not really start from anywhere and no one has any ideas where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just glows.

Meanders v. (a stream or river) flow slowly by following a winding and turning route (which is not straight or direct) 蜿蜒曲折前行

Leaps v. flow swiftly or joyously onward 激流涌进

Sparkle v. (fire, light) to burn brightly throwing off sparks 火花四射

Glow v. (fire, light)to burn steadily without flame 发出微弱而稳定的光


What is the figure of speech?

---metaphor, a mixed metaphor

Compare ―conversation‖ to both ―stream‖ and ―fire‖


It does not need a special topic to start a conversation. Anything may start a good conversation.Anything can start a conversation. And once started, no

one knows how or where it will end. That is why conversation is delightful

and charming.

4.paraphrase ―Conversation is not for making a point.‖

make a point: if you make your point, or prove your point, you prove that something is true, either by arguing about it or by your actions or behavior.立论;证明观点

e.g. I think you have made your point in this case.


Conversation is not for persuading others to accept our idea or viewpoint.

In a conversation we should not try to establish the force of an idea or argument.

5. there is no wining in conversation

----In a conversation one doesn’t try to prove oneself right and the others wrong.

We may argue but we needn’t try to convince others that they are wrong and we are right.

5. c.f. anecdote/story

anecdote: a short amusing story about a real person or event (esp. a famous person) story: can be real or imaginary/fictional

e.g. She knows many anecdotes of Bacon.

6.in/like a flash

----in a second, very quickly and suddenly

e.g. 四年的大学生活转瞬即逝。

Four years of college life seemed to be over in a flash.

7. what is the ―Charm of a conversation‖?

?--no fixed topic, starting from nowhere and going nowhere, no point to make

?--there is no winning or losing in conversation, for conversation is not for

persuading others to accept our idea or point of view.

What ruins a good conversation?

---to have ―something to say‖, or try to make a point, to win an argument.

7.Perhaps it is because of my up-bringing in English pubs … of its own:

up-bringing: the training and education that sb. received while growing up.

e.g. translate---His upbringing explains a lot about his attitude towards women.



Figure of speech?


---This is an exaggeration of the author for he didn’t really grow up in a pub. He was only a frequenter of pubs.


Perhaps it is because I’ve spent so much of my t ime in English pubs that I think bar conversation has a special charm.

8.their marriage may be on the rocks

on the rocks (idm)

---(relationship, business) experience very sever difficulties and looks like to end or fail very soon; wrecked or ruined


e.g. Mr. Jones' business was on the rocks.

= His business was losing money and almost ruined.

Here, metaphor, comparing a marriage to a ship wrecked on the rocks; (to be in a condition of ruin or catastrophe)


9. (idm) get out of bed on the wrong side

=get up on the wrong side of the bed (AmE.)

----in a bad temper /mood and are easily annoyed all day, esp.for no particular reason 心情不好,闹情绪

The origin of the expression

--- an ancient superstition

10. Alexandre Dumas (sr.) (1802-1870) - known as Dumas père

One of the most famous French writers of the 19th century, best known for the historical novels The Three Musketeers and The Count of Monte Cristo, both written within the space of two years, 1844-45.

Alexandre Dumas, père, born Dumas Davy de la Pailleterie (July 24, 1802 – December 5, 1870) was a French writer, best known for his numerous historical novels of high adventure which have made him the most widely read French author in the world. Many of his novels, including The Count of Monte Cristo and the D'Artagnan Romances, were serialized, and he also wrote plays, magazine articles, and was a prolific correspondent. Alexandre Dumas père wrote stories and historical chronicles of high adventure that captured the imagination of the French public who eagerly waited to purchase the continuing sagas. A few of these works are:


o Twenty Years After,ans après, 1845)

o The Vicomte de Bragelonne, sometimes called "Ten Years Later",

The Three Musketeers (Les Trois Mousquetaires, 1844)

Twenty Years After (Vingt Ans Après, 1845)

The Count of Monte Cristo (1845–1846)

The Fencing Master (Le ma?tre d'armes, 1840)

The Regent's Daughter (1845)

The Two Dianas (1846)

the Valois romances

Queen Margot (1845)

La Dame de Monsoreau (1846)

The Forty-Five Guardsmen (1847)


11. 小仲马

Alexandre Dumas, fils (July 27, 1824 – November 27, 1895) was the son of Alexandre Dumas, père, who followed in his father's footsteps becoming a celebrated author and playwright.

Alexandre Dumas fils was born in Paris, France, the illegitimate child of Marie-Catherine Labay, a dressmaker, and novelist Alexandre Dumas. In 1831 his father legally recognized him and ensured the young Dumas received the best education possible at the Institution Goubaux and the Collège Bourbon.

In 1844 Dumas fils moved to Saint-Germain-en-Laye to live with his father. There, he met Marie Duplessis, a young courtesan who would be the inspiration for his romantic novel, La dame aux camélias (The Lady of the Camellias). Adapted into a play, it was titled in English as Camille and is the basis for Verdi's 1853 opera, La Traviata.

One of those children, a son named after him, whose mother was Marie-Laure-Catherine Labay (1794—1868), a dressmaker, would follow in his footsteps, also becoming a successful novelist and playwright. Because of their same name and occupation, to distinguish them, one is referred to as Alexandre Dumas, père, the other as Alexandre Dumas, fils.

12. 三个火枪手故事简介The Three Musketeers (Les Trois Mousquetaires) is a novel by Alexandre Dumas, père.

In this story, it has everything you would ever want: romance, camaraderie, heroism, and, above all, adventure.

It recounts the adventures of a young man named d'Artagnan.

D'Artagnan is a young boy who dreams of becoming a famous musketeer, the soldier who protects the king of France in the 17th century. In order to achieve this dream, he leaves home and goes to Paris, where he runs in to three famous Musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis. From them, he gets to know that the musketeers are already disbanded by the evil Cardinal (红衣主教)who hopes to undermine the King's reign and rule France on his own. After becoming friends with them, D'Artagnan joins the three musketeers and starts his adventures to protect the King and his throne.

三个火枪手的特征Three famous Musketeers, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis, are inseparable friends who live by the motto, "One for all, and all for one". Even though in the end they follow their own paths, you know they will always be able to rely on each other. It may remind us true friends come together in troubled times.

Very interestingly, although they support with each other with their fortune and their lives, they show no curiosity in nor try to find out anything about each other’s private lives.

(why the writer compares …., )?

Because bar friends, likewise, do not probe deep into each other’s lives nor do they try to find out the innermost thoughts and feelings of their drinking companions.

13. delve v.

to dig, research, in order to find a thing; to investigate in order to find new information

e.g. she delved in the pocket for the penny.


We need to delve more deeply to find the causes of the financial crisis.


In the relationships, it is unwise to delve too deeply into each other’s past.

What are the rhetorical devices used in the last sentence of Para.3?

---simile, allusion


e.g. 1. English is his Achilles heel.

It means that English is his weak point – and probably a fatal weak point.

Achilles heel refers to Achilles’ heel. Achilles is the hero in Greek mythology. Achilles’ mother, in order to make his son immortal, washes him in a magic river. But unfortunately, she forgets to wash his heel by which she holds. His heel becomes his weak spot. And Achilles eventually died of a wound after being hit by an arrow on that very heel.

An Apple of Discord争斗之源;不和之因;祸根

e.g. The dispute about inheriting estate formed an apple of discord between them.

An apple of discord are references to the Golden Apple of Discord which, according to Greek mythology, the goddess Eris was not invited to attend the wedding of Peleus and Thetis, she was annoyed and carried a Golden apple with the words "to the fairest" on it to the wedding. This apple aroused a severe dispute among Hera, Athena and Aphrodite that eventually led to the Trojan War.

Thus, "apple of discord" became a euphemism for the core, kernel, or crux of an argument, or for a small matter that could lead to a bigger dispute.

apple of one's eye 掌上明珠

ants and grasshoppers 勤勞與懶惰的人

Bell the cat 不可能的任務

catch 22 進退維谷

Cinderella Complex 灰姑娘情結-->不切實際的幻想

David and Goliath = David and Jonathan 管鮑之交

Electra Complex 戀父情結

Helen of Troy 絕世美女

14.What is the function of paragraph 4?

It may be used as a transitional paragraph. An example was given here, but in

order to arouse the reader’s curiosity the writer didn't mention the topic until

the next paragraph.

15.It was on such an occasion…as the conversation moved desultorily here and there,

from the most commonplace to thoughts of Jupiter,…that suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place.

●Sentence structure:

It was…that…---(an emphatic pattern)

as…with no need for one,---an appositive clause

●Desultorily adv.

--- (fml./ literary) aimlessly, at random, without a clear plan or purpose.


Desultory adj.

a ~~ conversation 漫谈,漫话(on the history)

a ~ walk 漫步

●alchemy n.

--- a type of chemistry, esp. from about 1100 to 1500, which dealt with trying to find a way to change ordinary metals into gold and with trying to find a medicine which would cure any disease. 炼丹术,炼金术

---a literary and figurative use, meaning the power to do sth. so well that it seems mysterious and magical; a magic


e.g. She has managed, by some extraordinary ~~, to turn an unhappy family into a happy one almost overnight.


---figure of speech



The conversation rambled(漫步)along aimlessly without a focal subject. They talked about the most common things and also made some remarks about the planet Jupiter.

Then suddenly a magical transformation took place and there was a focal subject to talk about.

Para. 5

---short transition paragraph, introducing the focal subject of the conversation—the King’s Engli sh,

16.what is “the King’s English”?

---is generally regarded by most people as referring to standard or correct English, i.e. good English which everyone should try to imitate.

17. How about the remarks about “the King’s English” given in the text?

---term of criticism, now the speaker says that someone tells her this term refers to English that should not be used . Instead of praising, the term is now criticizing.

18.The glow… into flames:

What is the figure of speech?


Conversation is being compared to a fire.

---meaning: the conversation became spirited(有生气的)and exciting.


19.Understand ―that would settle it‖?

By looking up reference books one could settle the right or wrong of the argument. The reference books would prove or refute the allegation陈词,说法of the speaker that the King’s English is a term of criticism.

20. Translate “There were affirmations and protests and denials, and of course the promise, made in all such conversation, that we would look it up on the morning.‖




These problems defy easy classification.



He discussed greatness and excellence.



On March 1, Nixon internationalized his approach to China.



He was open now to charges of willful blindness. 这时人们指责他装聋作哑。

ardent loyalty 赤胆忠心

perfect harmony 水乳交融

offend public decency 伤风败俗

21.Why do people say Australians are the descendants of convicts?

---see note 6.

22. We had traveled in five minutes to Australia.

Figure of speech?

--- Metaphor.

Though we were in an English pub, we were soon talking about Australia and the Australians


People turn away from the topic of Australian to talk about the history of English.

The digression from the original topic shows the feature of conversation---it goes on without focus.

24.Look at the language barrier between the Saxon churls and their Norman conquerors.

●Saxon churls---see note 7

●What do you know about the history of English language and the Norman


What influence did the Norman Conquest have on the English language?


The History of Britain

?The native people in Britain Celts

--- Celt (language)

?Roman Conquest 43 AD, ruled for 400 years

---Latin (language)

?In 449 Angles, Saxon, and Jutes from Northwest of Germany, conquered

the most part of England

---English --- old English

?9th century, Scandinavian conquest

---Danish (language)

?11th century Norman Conquest for 400 years

---French (language)

?British people conquered the conquest again.

---English won its recognition.

Periods of English Development

●The Old English period (7th ---11th centuries)

a combination of the native Celtic language and the language of Jutes,

Anglo and Saxons from Northern Europe

●The Middle English period ( 11th ---15th centuries) a combination of

French and English after the Norman Conquest

●The modern English period( 15th century---present)

Can you give ten loan words?

●What is the language barrier mentioned here?

----the Norman rulers, king and nobles, spoke French at court and the conquered Saxon peasants spoke English and refused to learn the French of their masters, hence they had difficulty communicating with each other.

25.Paraphrase “the conversation was on wings”?

---The conversation soon became spirited and exciting.

●Figure of speech?

---metaphor, comparing conversation to a bird flying and soaring.


26.Worth the reconsidering:

same as ―worth reconsidering‖

The definite article ―the‖ gives a greater noun force to the gerund ―reconsidering‖.

Some grammarians call such gerunds ―verbal nouns‖.

27.Paraphrase “It is a pig in its sty; it is pork on the table”.

---when the animal is still alive in its sty, it is called a “pig”. But when it is killed and its meat served as a dish on the table it is called “pork”. “pig” is an Anglo-Saxon word while “pork”

comes from the French word “porc”.

28.Even if our menus were not written in French out of snobbery, the English…

●Snobbery n.

a. the attitude of admiring the higher social class of society, and despising people of

a lower social class.

b. the attitude of believing that his own special tastes, interests and abilities are superior to

those of other people. 清高,高雅

●Out of snobbery

---because of snobbery.

because in the Western countries people consider French food to be the best.

In English restaurants, esp. in high-class restaurants, the names of the dishes on the menus are quite often in French.


---But even if they wrote their menus in English, they would have to use many words, such as pork, beef, veal, poultry etc derived from French and which were first introduced into England by the Norman rulers.

29.scamper v.

---(children, animals) run with small quick steps, playfully or in fear


e.g. The children scampered off into the garden.


The mouse scampered down its hole as soon as it saw me.


30. turn up one's nose at

a trite expression (informal)

---refuse sth, or show contempt for / ignore / score sth. because of considering sth.

not good enough

e.g. I wish my child wouldn't turn up his nose at vegetables.

My friend turns up his nose at anyone who hasn't had a college education.

●Look down the nose at

●Keep your nose clean ---avoid doing sth. wrong or illegal

●Stick your nose into ---try to discover things which are not really related to you

●Keep your nose out of ---not become involved into sth. that does not concern you


The Norman rulers scorned the cheap rabbit meat. It would lower their social position it they ate the cheap rabbit meat eaten by the poor Saxon peasants.

31. As we listen today to the arguments about bilingual education, we ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant.

●bilingual education

---using two languages in teaching, e.g., using English and Chinese to teach Chinese students English.

---Since there are now two or three million Americans, the descendents of Latin American, whose language is Spanish, so, bilingual education, usually English and Spanish, has become a recent movement.

Under this plan, students whose first language is not English receive instruction in their mother tongue language as well as English, so as not to deprive them of equal educational opportunity

This proposal has caused a great deal of controversy in the US.

●into the shoes

--- ―to be (stand) in another’s shoes‖ (idiom)

meaning "to be in another’s position (situation)‖


e.g. I'm glad I'm not in his shoe just now.


If I were in your shoes, I think I’d give him a good beat.

---here, think as if one were wearing the shoes of the Saxon peasant, i.e. as if one were a Saxon peasant.


32. Paraphrase “there must have been a great deal of cultural humiliation felt by…”

---The English must have felt greatly humiliated when they were forced to listen to and use a foreign language and to accept a foreign language. So they took up arms against this cultural humiliation. The leader is Hereward the Wake.

●Hereward the Wake

---see note 10


●What is the writer’s attitude towards bilingual education?

Positive, negative or indifferent?


Today, by the bilingual education, we no longer suffer from the cultural barrier and cultural humiliation like Saxon leaders.

33. we are still the heirs to it.

--- "it" is not clear

a. French influence on the English language.

the English we speak and write in America today also shows the French influence of that time.

b. The problem of having two languages existing side by side.(English and


In America today we are facing the same problem that existed in England 900 years ago.

34. the history of the phrase ―the king’s English‖

--- 1953, Nash‖Strange News of the Intercepting Certain Letters‖

(the first use)

---1602, Dekker ―thou clipst the King's English‖

---Shakespeare, in ―the Merry Wives of Windsor‖

(prove it was the general use of that time)

35. When Mistress Quickly… in a rage:

●Mistress Quickly is a character in Shakespeare’s play The merry wives of Windsor.

Mistress Quickly is the servant to a French Doctor Caius

●The merry wives of Windsor


36. here will be an old abusing of God’s patience and the King’s English

●Old: great, plentiful

●God’s patience?

---God is more patient than any human being. But he will even try God's patience.

No matter how patient you are, you won't be able to bear him.


---There will be a great trying of one's patience and plentiful misuse of the King's English.

37. After five centuries of growth, of tussling with the French of the Normans and the Angevins and the Plantagenets and at last absorbing it, the conquered in the end conquering the conqueror.

●five centuries

---The Normans, under William I, conquered England in 1066 and the Merry Wives of Windsor was probably written in 1599 – a time span of roughly 500 years between the two events.

●Angevins and Plantagenets:

---names of ruling Norman dynasties in England (1154-1399).

●Tussle v.

---to argue, fight, struggle, contend, etc, vigorously

e.g. the boys started to tussle in the corridor.


●―the conquered in the end conquering the conqueror‖

---Should be changed into ―the conquered in the end conquered the conqueror‖


---After 500 years of development, after struggling and contending with the French elements, English survived and became once more the universal language of England.

38. English had come royally into its own.

●Come into one’s own (phr.)

---start to perform very well because the circumstances are right得以充分发挥

e.g. 停电时,蜡烛的价值就体现出来了。

When power is off, candle comes into its own.


---English earned proper recognition and was used by the king.

―the king’s English‖ becomes appropriate.

39. Explain ―The King's English was no longer...racial discrimination‖

---the use of ―the king’s English‖ was no longer a form of racial discrimination.

The use of English was no longer restricted to a certain race or class. Now English is used both by the King and common people in England.

40. pejorative adj.

---(of a word, speech, etc.) disapproving or suggesting that sth. is not good or is of no importance 贬义的,贬损的


e.g. 他的说法对同事很有损毁之意。

His statements were very pejorative/derogatory towards his colleagues.

41. facetious adj.

---unsuitably humors and jokey 不分场合乱开玩笑,没正经

e.g. 我对那个没正经的男孩很生气。

I became angry with that facetious boy.

42. Paraphrase ―The rebellion against a cultural dominance is still there‖.

---there still exists in the working people, as in the early Saxon peasants, a spirit of opposition to the cultural authority of the ruling class.

43. There is always a great danger that ―Words will harden into things for us.‖

---There is always a great danger that we might forget that words are only symbols and take them for things they are supposed to represent.

For example, the word “dog” is a symbol representing a kind of animal. We mustn’t regard the word “dog” as being the animal itself.

44. words are not themselves a reality, but only representations of it

---C.K.Ogden & I.A.Richards,1923. The Meaning of Meaning《意义的意义》Semantic Triangle, Semiotic Triangle, Triangle of Significance

(2)Thought or Reference (概念)

(3)Symbol(符号形式)(1 )Referent(所指对象)

a) meaning and form are directly linked with a full line. So, meaning is conveyed though forms, forms are the carriers of meanings

b) meaning and reality are directly linked with a full line, since, meaning is the generalization of real world entities, a reflection of reality in our brain.

c) no necessary connection between form and referent are , linked by a dotted line. Therefore, we use different forms to express the same reality.


45. Perhaps it is worth trying to speak it, but it should not be laid down as an edict, and made immune to change from below.

●Edict n. (formal)

---an official order, esp. one which is given in a forceful and unfair way

●lay down an edict

--- to issue an order or decree (by an official authority)

●immune to sth.

--- be not affected by it.


---People should not be ordered to speak the King’s English and they should be allowed to introduce changes into the language.

46. I have an unending love affair with dictionaries

●figure of speech?

---metaphor, comparing his eager interest in dictionaries to having a love affair.


---I have always had an intense and eager interest in dictionaries.

47. the King’s English slips and slides in conversation.


―to slide on a slippery surface, to lose footing,‖--- ―to make a mistake, fall into error‖


The English one uses is no longer absolutely correct. Even the most educated and literate people do not use standard, formal English all the time in their conversation. They sometimes may use non-standard, informal, colloquial English in their conversation.

48. Foster ---English author

?one of the most important British novelists of the 20th century

?famous works

---NEW YEAR LETTER 1941 新年来信


---FOR AGE OF ANXIETY 1947 Pulitzer Prize 忧虑的年代

49. the sinister corridor of our age –


the road we travel --- compared to a corridor in our age


---people are traveling along a sinister road doing all kinds of evil things.

?Foster's metaphor refers to the ugly and frightening world of the 20th century which

has indeed been a sinister corridor for mankind to walk down, fraught (worried) as it has been with danger on every side

50. We sit up at the vividness of the phrase, the force and even terror in the image.

●sit up (phr.) (informal)

----to show interest or surprise, to pay sudden attention to…

e.g. 她要结婚的消息确实使他很惊讶。

He truly sat up at the news that she was getting married.


----we become suddenly alert and interested because the phrase is so vivid and the image created by the metaphor in one’s mind is so powerful and even frightening.

51. Other people may celebrate the lofty conversation in which great minds …the great

salons of 18th century…

●Celebrate v.

---praise and honor, express admiration for

e.g. she was celebrated as one of the finest dancers of her generation.


●great minds

--- synecdoche, people with great minds, distinguished eminent people


---A salon is a drawing room or large room for entertaining guests. In 18th century France, such salons of the rich were often gathering places for persons of social and intellectual distinction. In such meetings conversations are supposed to be witty and learned.

a beauty salon

literary salon

● c.f. saloon

52.otherwise, one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow freely here and there.

●Figure of speech?


Looking up the dictionary in the middle of conversation, will like a rope or bind, tie up the conversation.

53.we would never have gone to Australia, or leaped back in time to the Norman Conquest.

●figure of speech?


―T alking about Australians and the language used in the Norman Conquest

period‖----―going to Australia and the period of Norman Conquest‖


---we would never have talked about Australia nor about the language barrier that existed in England after the Norman Conquest.

54. Language features

?conversational style

●loosely organized

1. the misleading title

--- The writer talks about the charm of conversation by illustrations

―How to Make Good Conversation‖

―The Charm of Conversation‖

2. the thesis

---We have two theses here

a) Conversation is the most ....

b) Bar conversation has a charm of ... (the real one)

3. the transition or digression

--- shift general discourse to specific one

●informal language

1. colloquial expressions,

2. sentence fragments

to suit the theme

?two different kinds of language are mixed used

a) colloquial expressions

b) historical / literary allusions

55. The Characteristics of Spoken English

?On the syntactic level

Sentences are short and the structure is simple.

1. more coordinative rather than subordinate clauses, ―and, but‖

2. more declarative sentences than interrogative and imperative sentences

3. more often active voice, seldom use passive voice

4. often use present and past tenses

●On the lexical level (lexis)

lexis is short, simple and easy to understand , plainly colloquial, emotional, exaggerative

1. the use of basic verbs, seldom use different words to describe the same thing or the same action.

2. a great deal of informal words, slang words and taboo, vogue words 时髦词

3.the use of emotional words and exaggerative words

4.the use of vague terms 模糊词语

---kind of, sort of, things like that, like anything, for anything, somehow , somewhat

5. the use of abbreviation or abbreviated verb forms

dorm = dormitory

lab = laboratory

flu = influenza

ad = advertisement

6. conversational gambits 套话

Excuse me, but...

Sorry, but..

In my opinion

●On the phonological level

1. an obvious feature in conversation is abbreviated verb forms and negative forms

I'm he's she'd wouldn't

2. use of stress, intonation pause

56. Rhetorical Devices

● 1. No one has any idea where it will go as it meanders or leaps and sparkles or just


● 2. They got out of bed on the wrong side is simply not a concern.

● 3. They are like the musketeers of Dumas who, although they lived side by side with

each other, did not delve into each other’s…

● 4. Suddenly the alchemy of conversation took place

● 5. The glow of the conversation burst into flames.

● 6. We ought to think ourselves back into the shoes of the Saxon peasant.

●7. The Elizabethans blew on it as on a dandelion clock, and its seeds multiplied, and

floated to the ends of the earth.

●8. I have an unending love affair with dictionaries.

●9. Otherwise one will bind the conversation, one will not let it flow freely here and


●10. We would never have gone to Australia, or leaped back in time to the Norman


●11. …the great minds are supposed to have indulged in the great salons of 18th

century Pairs,…


审计报告及其他报告格式要求 (2013年修订) 一、审计报告封面 (一)顶部留白:小四字号、行间距空6行 标题: 字体:汉字使用黑体三号加粗、数字及英文字母使用Times New Roman 三号加粗; 两排字之间行间距为 水平居中 若公司名称及标题较长,应适当调整,以确保标题在报告装订时居于事务所报告专用封面的标题框正中。 目录: 目录二字与报告标题之间以三号字号、行间距空一行 目录标题:宋体小四号加粗;居中;两字之间空6格; 目录内容 目录内容与目录标题之间以小四字号、行间距空一行; 字体:文字使用宋体小四;数字字体使用Times New Roman小四; 行间距: 事务所信息: 事务所信息与目录内容的最后一行之间以小四字号、行间距空4行; 字体要求:文字使用宋体(正文)小四;数字及英文使用Times New Roman小四;事务所信息的三行内容行间距为; 左对齐 最底行要求:冒号与数字之间空一格;两个内容之间空三格,如“”与“传真”之间空三格。 确保事务所信息位于封面的最底端。 页面设置:页边距:上:厘米;下:厘米;右、左:厘米 审计报告正文 顶部留白:小二字体、行间距空一行; 标题: 字体:黑体小二(加粗);字与字之间空两格; 水平居中; 文号: 与标题之间以小四字号、行间距空1行; 字体:汉字使用宋体小四加粗;数字使用Times New Roman小四加粗; 右对齐; 收件人: 字体:宋体小四加粗; 增加段前、段后间距,间距均为12磅; 左对齐; 正文:

标题: 字体:宋体小四加粗; 标题行前缩进2个字符,即留两个汉字的空格; 内容: 字体:宋体小四 首行缩进2字符,即每段首行留两个汉字的空格 行间距为 注师签名档 签名档与审计报告正文最后一行之间以小四字号行间距空三行; 签名档第一部分 “北京兴华”与“中国注册会计师”之间空24格;“中国注册会计师:”之后的10个字符加下划线,下划线线上部分为注册会计师亲笔签名区域(正式打印纸版报告前,请清除灰色提示语“亲笔签名”、保留下划线,以便注师在指定签名区域亲笔签名),下划线线下部分为打印版的注师姓名(正式打印纸版报告前,请打印签字注师实名替换提示语“打印姓名”); “会计师事务所有限责任公司”行与上一行行间距;打印版的注师姓名需在上一行下划线的正下方居中。 注师章加盖在下划线的正右方,下划线居于注师章二分之一处;正式打印纸版报告前,请删除文中灰色框线中提示语。 签字档第二部分 “中国·北京”行与“会计师事务所有限责任公司”行之间以小四字号、行间距空3行。“中国注册会计师”与上一栏的“中国注册会计师”对齐;打印版的注师姓名与上一位打印版注师签名对齐;“中国·北京”两字之间小黑点加粗; 报告日期:二〇一四年、大写; 其他设置参照签名档第一部分 字体:宋体(正文)小四 注师亲笔签名时,请勿使用草体。 事务所公章应压盖在事务所名称处,端正、居中。 页眉、页脚: 页眉顶端距离:厘米;页脚底端距离:厘米 页码 显示在页脚 字体:汉字使用宋体(正文)小五;数字使用Time New Roman小五 格式:采用“第X页,共XXX页”模式;请结合财务报表附注,核实审计报告总页数,手动修改总页数值; 居中 页面设置:页边距:上、下:厘米;左、右:厘米; 审计报告中蓝色高亮部分请结合需出具报告的实际情况进行修改。 财务报表附注 标题部分:第一行为被审计公司全称;第二行为“2013财务报表附注”;第三行为“(金额单位:人民币)”。行间距为;居中;前两行中文字体为宋体(中文标题)三号加粗、数字使用Times New Roman 三号加粗;第三行“(金额单位:人民币)”宋体五号; 字体及字号:


一、一般文字材料格式要求 1、标题的设置 大标题一般用二号“宋体”加粗,位置居中,标题中一般不出现标点符号;副标题或作者姓名一般用三号楷体(不加粗,居中)。 大标题上方应空1行,大标题与副标题(或作者姓名)之间空1行;副标题与正文之间空2行;若无副标题,大标题与正文之间直接空2行。 2、正文字体的设置 正文用仿宋体。 正文小标题层次一般不超过四层,各层次标题设置要求如下: 第一层次标题用黑体(不加粗) 其余层次标题用仿宋体(不加粗) 所用数字、英文字母等请用Times New Roman体; 标题及正文均不宜用斜体。 3、字号的设置 除文件外,一般材料可用四号字。 4、字间距、行间距的设置 (一)字间距的设置 字间距一般设为标准状态,四号字体时,一般每行30字。 (二)行间距的设置

行间距一般设置为固定值26磅。 5、边界的设置(纸型为A4) 上:厘米 下:厘米 左:厘米 右:厘米 装订线:0厘米 页眉:厘米 页脚:厘米 6、页码的设置 正式文字材料“页码对齐”方式一般设为“外侧”,数字设成小四号Times New Roman体,数字前后各有半个破折号“—”,“—”与数字之间各空半格,设成“— 4 —”。 样式附后: 大标题:宋体二号,加粗,居中(上空一行) 副标题,楷体三号,不加粗,居中(上空一行) 姓名,楷体三号,不加粗,居中(上空一行) 一、第一层次标题用黑体(四号,不加粗,上空两行)

(二)第二层次标题用仿宋体(四号,不加粗) 3.第三层次标题用仿宋体(四号,不加粗) (4)第四层次标题用仿宋体(四号,不加粗) 正文用仿宋体(四号,不加粗)。 标序号时,“一二三四……”后面是顿号,“(一)(二)(三)(四)……”及“(1)(2)(3)(4)……”后面无符号,“1234……”后面是圆点。另:当文章有三个或三个以下层次,格式如下: 一、第一层次,黑体(四号,不加粗) 2.第二层次,仿宋体(四号,不加粗) (3)第三层次仿宋体(四号,不加粗), 正文,仿宋体(四号,不加粗) 或: 一、第一层次,黑体(四号,不加粗) 2.第二层次,仿宋体(四号,不加粗) 正文,仿宋体(四号,不加粗) 二、二、文字材料中序号、标点的正确使用 (一)“第一、”、“第二、”或“首先、”、“其次、”等用顿号不规范,应该用逗号,即“第一,”、“第二,”、“首先,”、“其次,”等。 (二)“一,”、“二,”、“三,”等用逗号不规范,应该用顿号,即“一、”、“二、”、“三、”。 (三)“ 1、”、“ 2、”、“ 3、”和“ A、”、“ B、”、“ C、”等用顿号不规范,


社区经验交流材料 篇一:社区典型材料立足于民服务于心 立足于民服务于心 ——保康街道东风社区典型材料 科左中旗保康街道办事处东风社区居委会,是科左 中旗最早成立的社区之一,在20XX年10月之前,一直隶属于科左中旗保康镇,在20XX年10月,旗委成立了保康街道办事处,现在东风社区居委会隶属于保康街道办事处。东风社区东起铁东粮库,西至幸福路,南邻科尔沁大街北段,北与保康实验初中接壤,占地面积0.69平方公里,总户数1367户,共5281人。辖区单位6个,学校1所,个体工商户93家。社区处于城关镇的老城区,辖区面积大,下岗失业人员多,困难居民和老年居民多,多年来,东风社区始终坚持以人为本,把服务群众放在第一位,急社区群众之难,解社区居民之苦,围绕“创建文明社区”为目标,力争做到立足于民,服务于心,为构建和谐社会奠定了良好的基础。 一、加强社区党建,打造优秀党员、干部队伍 东风社区党委下设5个党支部,党员116人,其中离退党员67名,下岗失业党员48名,流动党员1名。社区现共有7名工作人员,其中在编人员1人,聘用村官一名,聘用社区工作人员5人,其中有三名党员。东风社区第一个建立的“家庭党校”,并且有效的发挥“家

庭党校”这个平台,把社区党员的心聚在一起,而且“家庭党校”这一社区党建模式在全区广泛推广。 特别是街道办事处成立以来,更是把党建工作放在第一位。社区党委在保康街道党工委的正确领导,在社会各界的支持下,东风社区党建工作以党的十七大精神为指导,以创先争优活动为契机,全面落实科学发展观,按照构建社会主义和谐社区的要求,紧紧围绕社区群众所需,紧密结合社区建设的实际,以服务居民群众为重点,在20XX年社区组建了由25名党员组成的自愿者服务队,配合各个部门进行工作协调和宣传。他们“走百家门、知百家情”,最后社区协调“解百家难”,这支队伍,不但增强了社区的凝聚力,更推进了社区的服务,努力做到聚党员之心为群众谋福这一理念。 能够为群众着想,热心为居民办事,首先要有一个素质高能力强的社区基层组织。社区加强干部队伍建设,明确职责分工,做好各项工作的相互协调,指导工作人员的相互协作。东风社区的工作人员历来总是把社区的团结和提高思想素质放到首位,因为她们知道没有一个团结向上的集体,难以为群众服务。在工作中,从来没有一人偷懒躲避,推诿扯皮,工作时都是争先恐后。通过加强社区队伍的建设,社区打造了一支思想素质高、业务能力强、团结协作、有奉献精神的社区干部队伍。 二、以人为本,为群众扶危救困 就因为有了这样一个社区党员干部队伍,才有了为居民群众服务的精神和动力。因为东风社区三多,就是下岗失业人员多,老年人多,困


关于机关文字材料写作的几点感悟 对于文秘工作,我深切地体会到:材料对领导而言是多么的重要,领导对材料又是多么的重视,文秘人员起草材料的任务又是多么繁重,从事文字工作的同志又是多么的艰辛,要完成一个让领导满意的材料又是多么的艰难。 如果说,世界上什么人最苦、最累、最难,莫过于赤膊上阵、挑灯夜战“爬格子”的文秘工作者。有诗为证:“搞材料,被人笑;手起泡,头发掉;耗烟草,费灯泡”,还有“一支钢笔,两袖清风,三更不寐,四季受累”。可以说,搞文秘工作的同志饱含酸甜苦辣。 对于如何搞好文秘工作,特别是文字材料工作,我有几点感悟: 第一“悟”:熟悉情况 话说起来很简单,但要真正做到这一点相当难。文秘工作者在起草文稿的时候,往往觉得言之无物或是写不到位,就是对情况不够了解,不够熟悉,一知半解。熟悉情况是起草材料的前提和基础,因为材料本身就是现实情况的文字反映,“闭门造车”写不出高质量的材料。 要熟悉情况,我认为可以从四个方面入手: 第一,把握市情、省情、国情、世情和上情、中情、下情,也就是“七情”。写作时,从世界、全国、全省、全市的角度来分析和论证,这样领导讲起来,就会很生动,显得视野比较开阔,立意也比较高; 第二,把握全局性、前瞻性、战略性的问题。尤其是撰写主要领导的文稿,

由于领导考虑的问题的层次往往是比较高,我们的材料就要体现全局性、前瞻性、战略性,否则出炉的文稿就显得高度不够、深度不够、品位不够; 第三,把握热点、难点、疑点问题。这样材料有很强的针对性,让人感觉到这个领导讲话对情况非常熟悉。大家心里所想的、所关注的,希望领导明确的事情、强调的问题,在材料中都得到了体现,让人感觉这个材料,这个讲话就讲到了位,听者会觉得很过瘾,对领导的信服力也会进一步增强。如果讲一些空洞的、原则的、不着边际的官话、套话,这个材料的份量和产生的效果就差多了。 第四,把握创新性、经验性、思路性、指导性的工作。在材料中,对亮点工作和典型事例适当点一点,对做得好的单位和下属是一种肯定和鼓舞,对做得不够的是一种鞭策和促进。作为上级领导讲话,适当的表扬或批评本身就是推动工作的一种有效手段,是非常必要的,而且要有具体所指,不能过于模糊和宽泛,否则起不到激励和鞭策的作用。 同时,要熟悉情况,作为文秘工作者要多到基层去,到一线去,全面、具体、深刻地掌握第一手资料,了解具体工作的操作和难题的破解,加强工作实践经验的积累,而不是闭门造车。“纸上得来终觉浅,绝知此事要躬行”。毛主席有一句话:“没有调查就没有发言权”,对我们的文秘工作者而言,是“没有调查就没有文字权”。只有深入调查研究,才会熟悉和掌握全面情况,做到了然于胸,才会有感性认识到理性认识的转变,才会从理性认识向理论的高度升华。 第二“悟”:广览博取 作为文秘工作者,所需要的知识容量,要求更宽、更广。只有做到知识容量大,才能厚积薄发、广征博引、游刃有余。因此,文秘工作者要兼收并蓄,广泛


优质文档在您身边/双击可除性经验交流论坛(精选多篇) 第一篇:班主任论坛经验交流材料 用心架起师生心灵的彩虹 我从事教育工作十年有余,一直担任班主任工作,教育管理学生中,我不断摸索、探讨,积累经验,渐渐体会到了班主任工作的平凡与伟大。 一、爱字当头,严字为先 爱是做好工作的前提,是打开心灵之窗的一把钥匙。古人说:“亲其师,才能信其道。”老师爱学生,对学生寄予希望,学生在心理上就会得到满足,从而乐于接受老师的教育。我爱孩子们,更尊重孩子们,更多的时候,我和他们是朋友,是玩伴。课堂上,我们一起游弋知识的海洋,及时伸出大拇指来赞叹他们;做练习时,我会弯下腰帮学生拾起不小心掉在地上的文具,在他饱含感激喜悦的“谢谢”声后,温柔地说声“没关系”;课下,我允许他们高兴时拉拉我的衣服,拉拉我的手,趴我耳朵上说悄悄话;在她生病时,我会用手或额头去测试她的温度,及时带他看病〃〃〃〃〃〃 俗话说:“没有规矩,不成方圆。”我每接一个班都会首先花大精力抓学生的行为规范。近几年来我带的是一年级学生,这些五六岁的孩子刚从幼儿园来到学校,对学校的各项事物都充满了好奇,根本不懂得什么是上课,怎样让他们很快适应学校的生活是当务之急。我充分利用校园文明礼仪教育和各项竞赛评比,对学生进行文明礼仪、讲卫生、守纪律等思想方面教育。我还想尽办法去激发孩子争当“纪律小金星”、“劳动小红星”、“勤奋星”等来进一步规范学生的行为习惯。 孩子们为了争取优秀,都暗暗较劲,处处以高标准来要求自己,看到孩子们的点点进步,我及时夸赞,孩子们就越发努力,我的喜悦自然不言而喻。 班上有个男孩叫武红杰,他聪明可爱,但却爱动,上课时,他不是跪在凳子上,就是趴在桌下玩,时不时还发出几声怪叫声,扰乱课堂纪律,我批评了他好多次,可都不管用。于是我就换了一种方法,在课间我会拉着他的小手给他讲小故事,教他说文明用语,告诉他上课该怎样做,有问题或事情时要举手,做一个遵守纪律的好孩子,并和他约定,一旦我发现他有违反纪律的表现时,我会及时用眼神或手势制止他。经过一段时间的努力,他确实改变了一些,我又鼓励他争当“纪律小金星”,及时夸奖他做得对的地方,提出需要他改正的地方,最终帮他养成了遵守纪律的好习惯。 二、面面俱到,完善个性 在学校里,和学生一起生活交往最多的就是作为班主任的我们,班级里每个学生都是一个活生生的个体,性格、爱好全部不相同,这就要我们去一一了解,逐个


汇报材料及印制格式 一、正文格式 页边距:上3.7厘米,下3.5厘米,左3厘米,右2.8厘米。 字间距:缩放100%,间距标准0磅,位置标准0。 行间距:设置固定值27磅,段前段后无间距、空行。 标题:二号加粗标宋字(第6行居中)。 汇报单位名称:三号加粗楷体字(标题下一行居中)。 日期:括弧三号加粗楷体字,日期所用的文字全部为中文简体字,“零”必须使用“O”。 正文:日期下空一行,左空2字,回行顶格。数字年份不能回行。字体统一为三号加粗仿宋字。正文的结构层次序数为,第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)”,第三层为“1.”,第四层为“(1)”。一般第一层标题用黑体,第二层标题用楷体。 附件标注:正文结尾下空1行左空2字用三号加粗仿宋字标注“附件:××××××××”。如有多个附件,序号采用阿拉伯数字,如“附件:1.××××××××”,排版格式详见“汇报材料样式”。 二、附件格式 左上角顶格标识“附件:”,如有多个附件,则注明附件序列,格式为“附件X:”。附件标识下一行是附件标题(附件标识与附件标题之间不空行),用三号黑体字居中排布。附件正文从附件标题下空一行的位置起始,格式与签报正文格式相同。 三、装订 —1 —

文字性附件应与正文部分分开装订,若篇幅较少时也可与正文部分合并装订;附表一般应与正文部分合并装订,篇幅较多时也可单独成册。 四、其它 1.需要标注密级的汇报材料,可根据涉密级别采用四号黑体字体在第一行居右标注“XX公司商密▲××年”、“内部资料注意保密”、“会后收回”或“秘密”、“机密”、“绝密”,其中“绝密”级材料还需在第二行居右打编号。 2.汇报材料中的数字,除成文日期、部分结构层次序数和词组、惯用语、缩略语、具有修辞色彩语句中作为词素的数字必须使用汉字外,其它应当使用阿拉伯数字。 3.汇报材料中的表格,由各部门根据实际情况自行设置格式,总体上要与文字格式保持和谐统一。 附件:1.汇报材料样式(商业秘密) 2.汇报材料样式(内部资料) XX公司商密▲X年精选范本


公文排版字体要求以及印制要求 标题:小标宋体,二号字 正文:仿宋,三号字 行间距:一般设置“固定值”28磅 字间距:一般不作要求 政府公文格式及公文字体字号标准 公文纸一般采用国内通用的16开型,推荐采用国际标准A4型,供张贴的公文用纸幅度面尺寸,可根据实际需要确定。一般惯例,政府文件用A4纸,党委文件用16K。 保密等级字体:一般用3号或4号黑体 紧急程度字体:字体和字号与保密等级相同(3号或4号黑体) 文头的字体:大号黑体字、黑变体字或标准体、宋体字套色(一般为红) 发文字号的字体:一般采用3号或4号仿宋体 签发人的字体:字体字号与发文字号相同(3号或4号仿宋体) 标题的字体:字体一般宋体、黑体,字号要大于正文的字号。主送机关的字体:一般采用3号或4号仿宋体 正文的字体:常用3号或4号仿宋体

附件的字体:常用3号或4号仿宋体 作者的字体:字体字号与正文相同(3号或4号仿宋体) 日期的字体:字体字号与正文相同(3号或4号仿宋体) 注释的字体:小于正文的的4号或小4号仿宋体 主题词的字体:常用3号或4号黑体 [公文写作]公文格式排版中的字体要求[公文写作] 抄送机关的字体:与正文的字体字号相同(常用3号或4号仿宋体)或小一号的文字 印发说明的字体:与抄送机关的字体字号相同(常用3号或4号仿宋体)或小一号的文 主标题(又称一级标题)为二号宋体(加粗) 二级标题为三号黑体 三级标题为三号仿宋加粗。 正文均为三号仿宋。 以上为政府公文规定。且主标题以外的部份的标题和正文可采用小三号字体,但以三号为最正规。 1、密级用三号黑体字 2、紧急程度,“特急”、“加急”用三号黑体字 3、文号用四号仿宋体字加黑 4、签发人用三号楷体字 5、标题用二号宋体字加黑 6、大小标题号“一、二、三……”用三号黑体;“(一)(二)(三)……”用三号仿宋体字 7、正文用三号仿宋体字(每页19行,每行25个字)


引专题新闻策划宣红盾为民风彩 今年来,**局积极顺应新闻改革的潮流,认真分析当前媒体“直面现实抓热点、紧跟中心抓重点”的宣传方式,紧紧围绕年度政府工作目标、工商中心工作,组织了一系列有深度、有影响的专题策划,形成了独特的基层宣传风格,突出了鲜明的工商特色,收到了明显的宣传成效。 一、明确专题策划要素,确保新闻宣传可行性 为进一步整合基层工商新闻资源,多体裁、多视角、多形式展示新时期工商形象,我局通过明确专题策划的各要素,确保了新闻宣传的可行性。 一是组建专题策划团队,完善宣传队伍建设。去年年底,我局岗位交流后宣传队伍得以充实,推行“以老带新、以干代训”的培训模式以来,进一步提高了宣传队伍素质,同时注重分阶段进行一线调研,突出强调专题新闻的真实性,进

而提高了专题策划线索的挖掘量。目前,全局策划团队共有52人,覆盖全部基层科室(所)。 二是明确专题策划流程,完善宣传工作机制。我局把挖掘的重大新闻题材的策划流程压缩成三个环节,即:总体策划、过程控制、成果固化,同时为确保三个环节的顺利实施,制订了《**局专题策划流程图》,明确规定了各环节的策划目标及内容,总体策划阶段主要实现选题研判与确定、策划内容结构规模与版面包装、收集资料并形成完整的报道计划;过程控制环节主要实现笔者采访、形成初稿、编辑反复沟通并改稿直至通过;成果固化环节主要实现稿件见报、反馈与总结。 三是明确专题策划主题,增强宣传内容实效。今年以来,我局先后进行了五次较为成功的专题策划,分别是2010年工作成绩宣传、工商惠农商标建设、消费与民生宣传、岗位工作经验类做法、非公党建成果展示。截止今年6月,我局已发表报刊类稿件187篇,其中在《工商行政管理》、《中国工商报》等国家级刊物发表稿件6篇,在《山东工商》、《经济导报》等省级刊物发表25篇,市级刊物发表122篇,县级刊物发表34篇,有40多篇稿件被中国新闻网、大众网、山东新闻网等网站采用或转载。另外,在市电台、市广播电台等发表电台类稿件140多篇,其中,**大姜获国家地理证明商标被山东卫视《早新闻》播出。


至善天马.以人文本—做好社区服务 (曹溪街道天马社区:戴雪梅) 2016年11月1日 曹溪街道天马社区成立前后的基本情况:曹溪街道天马社区成立于2015年6月。处于城乡结合部,辖区面积1平方公里,居民总户数有2014户、常住人口10030人;其中包含13个小区楼盘、6个驻地单位。社区现有街道挂职书记1名,工作人员7名(含社区主任),其中社区在职党员369名,居民党员165名。 成立前:辖区居民形形色色、从事各行各业。他们的年龄、文化程度、生活状况、经济条件、个人素质、经历等等各不相同,所以他们对政策的认知理解水平也相差甚远,邻里间交流甚少。 自社区成立后:我们社区与时俱进,创新工作理念,积极倡导“创建非凡,至善共生“的理念,坚持做到六善:善德、善心、善行、善解、善意、善言。以居家养老与志愿者服务助残助困为主线,着力搭建暖心服务平台,特别注重充分发挥社区各种群体的作用,通过开展各项服务活动把居民凝聚在一起,发挥自身优势,不分你我,共同为社区出谋划策。进一步加强辖区帮扶、脱贫工作,加强同居民的联系,真正把服务居民落到实处。社区成立以来辖区内至今未发现吸毒涉毒、电信网络诈骗等情况,无重点信访人员,社区今后将继续加强管控。具体做法有: 居民自治,坚持以人为本为核心,是推进和谐社区建设的第一原则。居民参与标志着对社区的认同和关爱,标志着居民既可以对社区内的利益分享,又能对社区内的责任承担。为使社区的自治工作真正开展起来,我认为,首先要做好四方面的基础工作: 着力深化居民自治意识,提高互动能力。发展社区居民自治,是当前社区治理创新的必然趋向和选择。只有实行居民自治,让居民自己参与管理自己的事

工作经验交流发言材料 辅导员工作论坛经验交流发言稿 精品

工作经验交流发言材料辅导员工作论坛经验交流发言稿时光荏苒,踏上辅导员岗位已将近七年.回头看去,七年前的身影仿佛就在眼前,那时的我对辅导员工作充满了与好奇,七年过去了,如今的我除了保留着当初的那份热爱之外,更感觉到作为一名辅导员身上的压力和责任之重大. 以下是我对辅导员工作的几点体会. 我的 第一个体会是难字作为一名xx学院的辅导员,除了完成其他学院的基本任务之外,还要一项重要的任务就是准军事化管理的顺利开展. 清晨的出操集队,深夜的就寝前点名,日复一日,年复一年.学生能配合倒是好,出现几个不服从管理的,调皮捣蛋的让人抓破头皮. 特别是专业划入学院之后,那些女生的管理简直成了一个难题.要一名合格的管理者、引导者,也要成为学生的朋友. 这对于辅导员来说的确是一个大的难题.面对女生,重不得又轻不得,说重几句和你抹眼泪,说轻了,屡教不改,管理起不到效果. 记得我刚入职那年,一位女生在百度贴吧里面犀利地说到,我们辅导员是女生,怎么就不知道我们女生的特殊情况呢,怎么不每月给我们休息几天.或许正是因为 第一次接触女生班,可能这个问题是真疏忽了,学生当面不提,也就默认都没有问题了. 后来几次班级烧烤活动和集体出游,让我走入他们的中间,才让我深入了解他们的想法,慢慢解开了心结.渐渐地会有女生,因为失恋向我寻求帮助. 今年这个班级顺利毕业了,30多位学生们聚在一起给我们几位老师深深的鞠了一躬,当时的我们都感动的哭了.或许正是老师的走进他们,融入他们的集体,他们才卸下了身上的那份防备和不信任,才能说出自己内心的想法. 我的 第二个体会是爱字.我们的学生来自各地,家庭教育的背景各不相同,有许多需要我们关心和爱. 去年一位湖南籍的学生心脏骤停,送往医院.我接到电话,赶到急诊室,整个人都蒙圈了.


机关文字材料格式应用标准 为规范销售公司机关文字材料应用格式,提高标准化运行水平,根据《销售公司机关工作规则》的有关规定,特制定本标准。 一、适用范围 本标准适用于公司机关对内、对外使用的各种文字材料,以及由板块统一组织召开的相关会议材料。 二、纸张及页面设置 1、纸型:统一使用A4或A3纸。 2、页边距设置:上3.7厘米,下3.5厘米,左2.8厘米,右 2.6厘米。 3、页码:位于页面底端,四号方正仿宋简体,两边加线,A4纸(不论单、双面)打印时居中,A3纸双面拼页打印时置于外侧。 三、字体及排版说明 1、材料如需统一编号(如标注“XX会议材料之X”)时,其编号序列应设置于版心的左上角,顶格分为两行排列,四号方正楷体简体,行距为固定值18磅。 2、标题 (1)主标题:居中,二号方正简体小标宋,上方空两行(材

料有统一编号时,主标题与编号之间空两行,行距为固定值18磅)。 (2)副标题:居中,三号方正楷体。 (3)姓名(单位)及年月日,均置于副标题下方,居中,三号方正楷体 3、正文:与时间落款之间空一行,三号方正仿宋简体,两端对齐,首行缩进2字符(讲话稿、报告稿等材料的抬头句除外)。 (4)正文小标题:居中,上下各空0.5行,三号方正小标宋简体,句末不加标点符号。材料是否设置正文小标题,应视情况具体确定。如设置,可标注序号(如“一、XXXX 二、XXXX 三、XXXX”),也可不标注序号(如“XXXX XXXX XXXX”)。 (5)正文一级标题:两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,三号方正黑体简体。一般情况下,材料都应设置正文一级标题。具体工作中,一级标题可以独立成段,也可以不独立成段。独立成段时,句末不使用标点符号,但应标注序号(如“一、XXXX 二、XXXX 三、XXXX”)。注意:由两个单句构成的一级标题,句中应加标点符号。 (6)正文二级标题:两端对齐,首行缩进2字符,三号方正楷体简体,加粗。材料是否设置正文二级标题,应视情况具体确定。设置二级标题时,通常不独立成段,但应标注序号,且在句末标注句号。如“(一)XXXX。(二)XXXX。(三)XXXX。”;或“一是XXXX。二是XXXX。三是XXXX。”


文字材料规范格式 为进一步规范材料格式,提高材料质量,参照国家机关公文处理的有关规定,精选了部分常用的格式,现将全区教育系统书面材料有关要求统一如下: 一、用国际标准A4纸,标题使用二号小标宋,署名三号楷体,正文用3号仿宋,行间距为28磅左右(正规为每页排22行,每行排28个字)。 二、正文中的结构层次序数是:第一层为“一、”,第二层为“(一)”,第三层为“1.”,第四层为“(1)”,第五层为①。要注意不要把“1.”的小圆点写了顿号。在正文层次不多的情况下,第一层用“一、”,第二层可用“1.”,但不能用“(1)”。 三、正文只有一级小标题的,小标题用黑体;有两级小标题的,第一级用黑体,第二级用楷体,第三、四级用仿宋体。 四、独立成段的小标题,末尾无标点符号;小标题之后接着排印正文的,末尾有句号,采用与正文一致的仿宋体。 五、正文标题居中,其他每段段首行均空两格。 六、用汉字标注将年、月、日时,“零”写为“○”,成文日期可从插入日期中查找,落款、成文日期在正文之下一般空4行、右空4个字(根据页面情况落款日期不能单独成页)。落款日期格式:2013年10月22日 七、连续的书名号和引号中间不加标点符号。 八、公文页码一般用4号半角宋体阿拉伯数字,编排在公文版心下边缘,数字左右各放一条“一”字线(符号中的长一字线);“一”字线上距版心下边缘7 mm。单页码居右空一字,双页码居左空一字。

九、统一采用A4纸(210mm×297mm)纵向排版,规范公文上下边距 37 mm,左右边距28 mm(平时可适当缩小),双面打印。左侧2个钉书针装订,订位为两钉外订眼距上下边缘70 mm,距白边4 mm。 十、以上是材料基本标准格式,还有很多详细的要求,可以查阅相关资料。上交材料特别是交市教育局的材料请务必按以上要求。学校留存的所有书面材料按以上要求,包括老师打印的教案、书写的总结、学习等所有书面材料,一般材料为了节约纸张,字号、行间距、页边距等可适当减小,整洁美观即可。 滨州高新区教育办公室 2018年3月5日


1.版头 行政机关的发文机关标识主要有3种形式:一种由发文机关全称或规范化简称加“文件”组成,即“文头纸”;一种由发文机关名称加“令”组成,如“省政府令”;一种由发文机关名称加武文线组成,即“函头纸”。对于上报的公文,发文机关标识上边缘至版心上边缘为80mm。 2.份号 即份数序号,是同一件公文印制份数的顺序号。用电报传送的秘密公文,不标注份号。绝密、机密、秘密电报均属密码电报,均应按密码电报的管理办法进 行严格管理。 3.密级与保密期限 公文中的密级(包括国家秘密)分为绝密、机密、秘密3个等级。商业秘密分为商业机密、商业秘密2个等级。密级用3号黑体字标注。党的机关的公文密级标注在份号下方,两字之间空1字;行政机关的公文密级标注在公文首页右上角。如需同时标注秘密等级与保密期限,党政机关的公文都用3号黑体字顶格标注在版心右上角第1行,秘密等级中间不空格,并与保密期限之间用“★”隔开。 4.紧急程度(等级) 党的机关的紧急公文,分别标明“特急”、“加急”用3号黑体字顶格标注于公文首页页版心右上角,两字之间空1字;行政机关的紧急公文,分别标明“特急”、“急件”,用3号黑体字标注于公文首页版心右上角第2行。如无密级则标注在第1行。电报的紧急程度叫等级,分“特提、特急、加急、平急”4种,用3号仿宋体字标注,其办理公文的时间要求分别是1天、3天、5天、10天。 5.发文字号 发文字号是由发文机关代字、发文年度和发文顺序号3部分组成。发文年度应标全称,不能简写。发文顺序号分年度从1号起,按公文的签发时间的先后依次编号,不能跳号,不留有空号,不随意编号,不编虚位(即“1”不编为“00 1”),不加“第”字。 应注意三个问题:一是发文字号一经确定,应长期固定使用。二是联合行文,一般只标注主办机关的发文字号。三是用特定版头印制的公文的发文字号,行政机关的用3号仿宋体字标注于版头(发文机关标识)下空1行红色横隔线之上。


文字材料规范格式要点 为统一、规范公司各类文字材料格式,提高页面排版质量,参照国家机关公文处理的有关规定,现对文字材料(包括各类书面上报、汇报材料,协同办公系统各类通知、通报等)的格式规范如下: 一、文字材料(电子版和书面)的格式 文字材料的主要要素一般包括:标题、正文、行文机构(即材料编写部门或单位)、行文日期、附件。 (一)封面 如果文字材料有封面,则封面标题用二号黑体(或宋体加粗)居中(字数过多可用2行或更多);单位、姓名用三号楷体_GB2312;一般不要出现时间。 (二)标题 标题应当准确、简要地概括文字材料的主要内容,居于正文上端中央,用二号华文中宋体或加粗宋体字,标题与正文之间间隔使用“段后间距”适当调整,不可以空行调整或不调整。如果有主副两个标题,主标题用二号华文中宋体或加粗宋体字,可分一行或多行居中排布;回行时,要做到词意完整,排列对称,间距恰当;副标题用三号楷体_GB2312,居中排列,主标题和副标题之间用三号字的单倍距,副标题与正文之间间隔使用“段后间距”适当调整,不可以空行调整

或不调整。 (三)正文 正文是文字材料的主体,叙述文字材料的具体内容。正文内容要求简明扼要,条理清楚,实事求是,合乎文法。每个自然段左空2字,回行顶格。数字、年份不能回行。 1.层次序号要求。文中的结构层次序号为:第一层用“一、”,第二层用“(一)”,第三层用“1.”(不能写成“1、”),第四层用“(1)”,第五层用“①”。在正文层次不多的情况下,第一层用“一、”,第二层可用“1.”。层次序号必须为输入格式,不可使用自动生成格式。 2.小标题要求。如果文中有独立成段的小标题,独立成段的小标题末尾无标点符号;如果小标题之后接着排印正文的,末尾有句号,采用与正文一致的仿宋_GB2312字体。连续的书名号或引号中间不加标点符号。 3.字体要求。正文中只能用仿宋_GB2312、黑体、楷体_GB2312等字体,均用三号字,不能加粗。正文中只有一级小标题的,用黑体字;有两级小标题的,第一级用黑体字,第二级用楷体_GB2312字;有多级小标题的,第一级用黑体字,第二级用楷体_GB2312字,第三级及以下全用仿宋_GB2312。除小标题之外的正文文字用仿宋_GB2312。 4.行间距要求。正文行间距为单倍距或29磅(正规为每页排22行,每行排28个字)页面设置:上下各为2.54cm,


加强学校管理提高教育质量 ——小学校长论坛交流发言稿 ****镇中小学校长 *** 尊敬的各位领导、各位同仁: 大家早上好! 非常感谢县教研室组织这次论坛,给予我们一个这样难得的学习机会,也十分感谢各位校长能无私分享各自成功的办学经验。带着学习、交流的心愿,与各位领导、校长一起来谈谈我校就加强学校管理,提高教育质量的一些做法、存在的困惑和今后的打算。 一、基本情况: ****镇中心小学是一所寄宿制完全小学,现有14个教 学班,学生654名,在职教师42名。近年来,通过全体师生的不断努力,学校工作取得了一定进步,但与县教育局和教研室的要求相比,还有存在一定的不足,与全县兄弟学校相比,还有一定的差距。 二、学校工作 近年来,在全体师生的共同努力下,学校各项工作均有起色,在不同程度上都有所进步,为了进一步巩固成绩,加强学校管理、提高教育质量,争取学校的正规化建设良好发展,主要从以下四个方面开展工作: 1、强化制度建设,实现依法治校 没有规矩,不成方圆,要管理好一所学校,实现学校的可持续发展和正规化建设,一定要有一套切合学校发展实际

的制度体系,使各项工作有章可循、有法可依。近年来,学校根据教育局相关规定,结合学校办学实际情况,修订并完善 了《教师出勤管理制度》、《教师培训制度》、《教师培训制度》、《教学常规管理制度》、《学科目标责任制度》等、为了充分落实这些制度,把教师考勤、常规工作、教学业绩和年度考核统 一起来,对教学成绩突出的教师、有特殊贡献的教师和成绩 优秀的学生进行大张旗鼓的表彰,同时在学区、社会进行合 适的宣传,扩大影响。一方面树立榜样,引领全体师生不断 进步;另一方面赢得社会的关注,吸引社会的认可和办学力量。最大限度地激发教师的工作热情和学生学习的积极性, 为加强学校管理,提高教育质量奠定坚固的基础。 2、争取外围条件、提高教学效益 教育质量是学校的“生命线”,是学校的根本,是关系到 学校可持续发展的基石。在提高学校教学质量的同时,首先 疏通并解决了学校外围条件:在外围环境里,争取了****镇 政府、****村委会的大力支持和配合,广泛吸引了学生家长 关注学校发展,重新树立了村民对学校的正确看法,毕竟外 围环境不是我们可以掌控的,得靠我们去挖掘、去努力,因此,学校做了大量的工作,进一步协调学校外围环境的同时,通过组织召开家长会、进村入户去家访、校园周边环境大整治、寄宿生安全大排查,发放问卷调查表、发放宣传单、倡议书、“小手拉得手”等活动,最大限度的拉近社会、家校之间的距离,吸引社会目光关注学校,吸引社会力量兴教助学。通 过不断的努力争取,试验教学、西部阳光、捐资助学、微笑阅读一系列的社会力量和项目进入校园,推动学校不断进步。


班主任工作是一项精细的工作,它除了需要细心、耐心和诚心外,还需要班主任准确把握沟通师生关系的切入点,这可以通过一句关切的话语,一束赞扬的目光,一个激励的手段,只要达到与学生的沟通,工作就算成功了。三年多的班主任工作,对此,我深有体会。 班主任工作的指导思想:面向全体,创造一个和谐、奋进的班级氛围。 一、班级管理 1、创造一个好的班级氛围 一个好的班级氛围,可以使每一个学生学会沟通,学会生活,学会竞争;可以影响一个学生的方方面面,甚至可以使一个学生终生受益。 2、恰当处理与学生的距离 教学中,我很注意与学生保持距离,我的原则是:既不可与学生太远,亦不可太近。距离太远,某些学生的心理大门不会主动向你开启,自然会摸不透学生的心理,有一些工作就没法开展,找学生谈话会无的放矢;另一方面,作为班主任,我们不可能时刻与学生在一起,班级内有一些事情学生也不会主动向你透漏。距离太近,有一些学生的管理就会加大难度,与预想的结果背道而弛。总的来说,就是当一个很具威望性的班主任。 3、公正合理,一视同仁 公正合理是开展班级工作重要的前提条件,只有做到公正合理,才能让所有的学生信服,所有的学生虽然成绩有差别,但他们都渴望老师的关心,所以对后进生不可放之任之。 一,班主任工作的多样性。作为一个班主任接任一个班级后的第一件事就是要对全班学生有一个全面,深入的了解。良好的开端是成功的一半。对全班学生的全面深入地了解对于以后的班级管理有着至关重要的作用。这时班主任就可以多种方法去了解学生。也就体现了班主任工作的多样性。具体可以采纳以下这些方法:首先,充分利用好第一次班会课。在班会课上让学生进行自我介绍。这样既可以活跃课堂气氛,有可以让学生充分展示他们的优点。从而班主任就可以从一个方面了解学生。其次,通过仔细阅读学生以前的班主任评语来了解学生。这个方法能够更全面地了解学生。评语中学生的优缺点基本上有一个轮廓。另外,与学生们聊天也是一个好方法。从同学们的嘴里既可以了解到你想要的东西也可以建立与学生友好的关系。最后,和学生进行个别谈话。这个方法可以让学生感到老师对他的重视。从而让学生对老师产生信任感。鼓励学生向老师敞开心扉。这样老师就能比较真切地看到一个真实的学生。这一项工作班主任是必须做的。这里我所说的对学生的了解不是对几个问题学生或几个优秀学生的了解,而是对全体学生的了解。这样班主任在以后的工作中才能针对每个学生开出对症下药的“药方”。 二,班主任工作的有效性。作为班主任在对学有了一个全面了解后,第二步工作应该做的就是建立一个负责,有效的班干部队伍。也就是选出的班干部必须有效。这也体现了班主任工作的有效性。在一个班集体中,必须有一个负责有威信的班干部队伍。班主任必须挑选出一批积极,高效,负责的学生。他们应该是学习成绩过硬,办事认真负责,在学生中具有较高威信的学生。这些学生应该是班主任的得力助手。一个班级要有自我管理的能力。不能总在老师的监督下学习而应该把学生培养成为具有自我约束能力,自我学习能力,自我进步的能力的学生。在班级中形成一种紧张,活泼的学习氛围。而要做到这一点班主任就要让班干部发挥作用。让他们起到一个模范带头作用。班主任对他们既要交任务又要教方法。如在自习课上,一些调皮捣蛋的学生往往缺乏自我约束能力。当那些学生出现违纪现象时班干部要、及时指出。指出时要注意方法,不要直截了当地当面指责,可以委婉而又合情合理地指出,让违纪学生看到他的不良影响,其他同学的厌恶情绪,应该注意在同学中的形象。发挥班干部骨干及平等待人的作用。再如平时学生的思想,情绪的变化班主任也应该及时了解。并作出及时有效的疏导,不让问题爆发,这时班干部的作用体现的尤为重要,班干部要及时向班主任反映,并和班主任一起商量对策,及时解决问题。班上有位非常调皮的学生,总喜欢影响其他学生,他是影响自习课纪律的主要因素。但是我了解到他特别爱面子。而且很崇拜班长。于是我让班长课后做他的思想工作,告诉他他的行为让一部分学生开始讨厌他,甚至不愿意和他坐在


文字材料格式规范 一、文字材料的格式 文字材料的格式一般包括:标题、正文、行文机构、行文日期、附件等。 (一)标题。标题应当准确、简要地概括文字材料的主要内容,居于正文上端中央,用二号华文中宋体或加粗宋体。标题较长需回行时不能把完整的词拆开。标题与正文之间间隔使用“段后间距”适当调整,不可以空行调整或不调整。 (二)正文。正文是文字材料的主体,叙述文字材料的具体内容。正文内容要求简明扼要,条理清楚,实事求是,合乎文法。 1.层次序数要求。文中的结构层次序数为:第一层用“一、”,第二层用“(一)”,第三层用“1.”(不能写成“1、”),第四层用“(1)”。在正文层次不多的情况下,第一层用“一、”,第二层可用“1.”。层次序数必须为输入格式,不可使用自动生成格式。第一层为“一、二、三”,第二层为”(一)(二)(三)“,第三层为1. 2.3,第四层为(1)(2)(3),第五层为①②③ 2.字体要求。正文中只能用仿宋、黑体、楷体等字体,均用三号字,不能加粗。正文中只有一级小标题的,用黑体字;有两级小标题的,第一级用黑体字,第二级用楷体字;有多级小标题的,第一级用黑体字,第二级用楷体字,第三级及以下用仿宋体。除小标题之外的正文文字用仿宋体,每自然段第一行左空2字。 (三)行文机构。写在正文下偏右处,又称落款,在正文之下一般空4行(也可根据页面需要适当空行),且一般要写全称,用三号仿宋体。 (四)行文日期。文字材料必须注明行文日期,行文日期位于文字材料的末尾、行文机构下并适当调整与行文机构的对应位置。行文日期必须写明“年、月、日”全称,用汉字标注,即“大写”,“零”应写作“〇”,用三号仿宋体。 (五)附件。附属于正文的文字材料,根据需要一般作为正文的补充说明或参考材料。文字材料如有附件,附件的名称和件数应当在正文之后、行文机构之前注明,在正文最后一行后空1行的左侧空2字,用三号仿宋体字标注“附件”2字后标全


有关公文、材料“用字及格式”的规范要求 一、文字材料中序号、标点的正确使用 1“第一、”、“第二、”或“首先、”、“其次、”等用顿号不规范,应该用逗号,即“第一,”“第二,”“首先,”“其次,”等。 2“一,”“二,”“三,”等用逗号不规范,而应该用顿号,即“一、”“二、”“三、”。 3“l、”“2、”“3、”和“A、”、“B、”、“C、”等用顿号不规范,而应该使用齐线墨点(实心小圆点),即“1.”“2.”“3.”或“A.”“B.”“C.”。 4序号如加括号,如(1)(2)(3)等,不再加标点符号。 二、年份中“零”的正确使用 年份如用中文形式表示,如“二○一三年一月”,则中间的“○”不能写成阿拉伯数字的长“0”,而应该用圆“○”(一般在电脑“插入”栏里“特殊符号”或“几何图形符”中选择);年份如用阿拉伯数字形式表示,则中间应该用长“0”表示,如:“2013年10月”。 三、公文文号的正确使用 印发公文时,年份外的符号应该用六角形符号“﹝﹞”(一般在电脑“插入”栏里“特殊符号”中选择),而不应该用小括号“( )”或中括号“[ ]”。

如:***教语(2013)5号(不规范) ***教语[2013]5号(不规范) ***教语〔2013〕5号(规范) 四、正确区分连接号和破折号 1.凡文中使用连接号的应该使用“~”,而不使用“——”或“一”。 如:2013年2月~6月中的“~”(使用规范) 2.凡文中使用破折号的应该使用占两个空格的连线“——”而不用“~”或只占一个空格的短线“—”或两个短线“——”表示。(选取破折号,一般在电脑“插入”栏“标点符号”中查找) 五、汉语拼音注音字母的正确使用 1.大小写:句子的首字母大写;诗行的首字母大写;专有名词每个词首字母大写;标题、标语可以全部大写。 2.分连写:词内连写,词间分写。 例:“公共场所请勿吸烟” GONG GONG CHANG SUO QING WU XI YAN 以上未按《汉语拼音正词法基本规则》标注,不规范。 以下标注规范: “公共场所请勿吸烟” GONGGONG CHANGSUO QING WU XIYAN 六、标题 标题包括发文机关名称、事由、文种(例如:通知、决定、

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