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Unit 1

I. Vocabulary


1) alliance 2) at the cost of

3) stroke 4) limp

5) minus 6) regions

7) declarations 8) siege

9) raw 10) bide his time

11) have taken their toll 12) in the case of


1) is faced with 2) get bogged down

3) is pressing on / pressed on 4)drag on

5) get by 6) dine out

7) have cutback 8) get through


1) The rapid advance in gene therapy may lead to theconquest of cancer in the near future.

2) Production in many factories has been brought to ahalt by the delayed arrival of raw materials due to the dock workers’ strike.

3) Sara has made up her mind that her leisure interestswill/should never get in the way of her career.

4) Obviously the reporter's question caught the foreignminister off guard.

5) The introduction of the electronic calculator hasrendered the slide rule out of date.


1) Being faced with an enemy forces much superior toours, we had to give up the occupation of big cities and retreat to the ruraland mountainous regions to build up our bases.

2) Unity is crucial to the efficient operation of anorganization. Failure to reckon with this problem will weaken its strength. Inmany cases, work may be brought to a halt by constant internal struggle in anorganization.

3) The Red Army fought a heroic battle at Stalingrad and won the decisive victory against theGermans.In fact, this battle turned the tide in the Second World War. Duringthis famous battle, the Soviet troops withstood the German siege and weakenedthe German army by launching a series of counterattacks.

II. More Synonymsin Context

1) During the First World War, battles occurredhere and there over vast areas. Some of the

most dramatic fighting took place in the gloomy trenches of France and Belgium.

2) Elizabethmade careful preparations for the interview and her efforts / homework paidoff.

3) I spent hours trying to talk him intoaccepting the settlement, but he turned a deaf ear to all my


4) Pneumonia had severely weakened her body, andI wondered how her fragile body could withstand the harsh weather.

III. Usage

1) But often it is not until we fall ill that we finallylearn to appreciate good health.

2) A rich old lady lay dead at home for two weeks—and nobody knew anything about it.

3) It's said he dropped dead from a heart attack when hewas at work.

4) Don't sit too close to the fire to keep warm—you could easily get burned, especially if you fallasleep.

5) In those days people believed in marrying young andhaving children early.

6) Little Tom was unable to sit still for longer than afew minutes.



1) To his great delight, Dr. Deng discovered twogenes in wild rice that can increase the yield by

30 percent.

2) To her greatrelief, her daughter had left the building before it collapsed.

3) To ourdisappointment, our women's team lost out to the North Koreans.

4) We think, muchto our regret, that we will not be able to visit you during the comingChristmas.


1) These birds nest in the vast swamps (which lie to the)east of the Nile.

2) By 1948, the People's Liberation Army had gainedcontrol of the vast areas north of the Yangtze River.

3) Michelle wasborn in a small village in the north of France, but came to live in theUnited

States at the ageof four.

4) The Columbia River rises in western Canada and continues/runs through the United Statesfor

about 1,900kilometers west of the Rocky Mountains. ComprehensiveExercises

I. Cloze

2. stand in the way

4. catching... off his


6. declaration

8. drag on

10. bringing...to a halt


1. invasion

3. Conquest

5. launching

7. campaign

9. reckon with


1. allow


3. highly


5. rapidly


7. delivery8.advantage

9. observing10.Powerful

II. Translation

1) Mr. Doherty andhis family are currently engaged in getting the autumn harvest in on the farm.

2) We must notunderestimate the enemy. They are equipped with the most sophisticated weapons.

3) Having been cutof a job/Not having had a job for 3months, Phil is getting increasinglydesperate.

4) Sam, as theproject manager, is decisive, efficient, and accurate in his judgment.

5) Since thechemical plant was identified as the source of solution, the villageneighborhood committee decided to close it down at the cost of 100 jobs.

The offensive had already lasted three days,but we had not gained much ground. Our troops engaging the enemy at the frontwere faced with strong/fierce/stiff resistance.

The division commanderinstructed our battalion to get around to the rear of the enemy and launch asurprise attack. To do so, however, we had to cross a marshland and many of uswere afraid we might get bogged down in the mud. Our battalion commanderdecided to take a gamble. We started under cover of darkness and pressed on inspite of great difficulties. By a stroke of luck, the temperature at nightsuddenly dropped to minus 20 degrees Celsius and the marsh froze over. Thanksto the cold weather, we arrived at our destination before dawn and beganattacking the enemy from the rear. This turned the tide of the battle. Theenemy, caught off guard, soon surrendered.

Unit 2

I. Vocabulary



2. automated

3. vapor

4. take control of

5. hazards

6. satellite



9. bunched 10. in the air 11. got stuck in 12.approximately


1. send out

2. stand up for

3. pass for

4. were closing inon

5. starting up

6. went through

7.fill out

8. fall into


1) theapplication, remote, has turned into a reality, are poised to

2) that vibrate,can detect, frequency

3) lanes, aremounted in, alert a, hazard

II. Word formation

Kilogram Medical care

Memorandum Electronicmail

Gymnasium Communicationssatellite

Liberation Newsbroadcast

Doctor Sky hijack

Veterinarian Europeandollar

Preparatory Breakfastand lunch

Automobile Televisionbroadcast

influenza Oxford andCambridge

III. Usage

1) swimming pool

2 ) drawing board

3 ) enriched MiddleEnglish

4 ) disturbingchange

5 ) fullydeveloped prototype

6 ) Canned foods

7 ) workingpopulation

8 ) puzzlingdifferences


I. Cloze

1)computerized 2) start up 3) be poised to 4) alert

5) hazards 6) monotonous 7) take control of 8) steer

9) lane 10) decrease 11) calculate 12)eliminate

13) getting stuckin 14) mounted 15)detect 16) vapor

1) generates 2) related 3) revolutionized 4) enabled

5) opportunities 6)overall 7)manufacturing 8) dependent

9) interact 10)fatalities

II. Translation

1) There was anunusual quietness in the air, except for the sound of artillery in thedistance.

2) The expansionof urban areas in some African countries has been causing a significant fall inliving standards and an increase in social problems.

3) The researchshows that atmospheric carbon dioxide levels are closely correlated with globaltemperatures.

4) The frequencyof the bus service has been improved from 15 to 12 minute recently.

5) The diver stoodon the edge of the diving board, poised to jump at the signal from the coach.

Automobiles have, since their invention,revolutionized transportation, changing forever the way people live, travel,and do business. On the other hand, they have brought hazards, especiallyhighway fatalities. However, today the application of computer technology andelectronic sensors in designing and manufacturing cars makes it possible toeliminate most of traffic accidents. For example, electronic sensors mounted inyour car can detect alcohol vapor in the air and refuse to start up

the engine.They can also monitor road conditions by receiving radio signals sent out fromorbiting satellites and greatly reduce your chances of getting stuck in trafficjams.

Unit 3

I. Vocabulary

1) rude 2)physically 3) structure 4) made a difference

5) blurted (out) 6) chuckling 7) Measurable 8) prospective

9) preparations 10)Sparkled 11) took a crack at 12) partner

1) go after 2)look back at/on 3) be put up 4) stood for

5) build in 6) follow up 7) be hooked up to 8) closed up

1) grilled herabout where she had been all night

2) beyondCinderella’s wildest dreams that she could one daydance in the King’s palace

3) will be inreaders' hands soon

4) do yourhomework before going on an interview.

5) was in theneighborhood of 150 dollars.

1)applicants, veteran, the prospective

2)From his standpoint, has made every endeavor togoafter

3) as the sayinggoes, to have a crack at, barely

1. Behave

2. usedto avoid repetition

3. clean

4. get along


6. perform/complete

7. Study 8. beenough 9. be acceptable


1. There is somuch to say and it is hard to know where to begin.OK,I’ll talk about myself first.

2. Thank you verymuch, John, for your beautiful Christmas card. By the way, I have somethinghere for you.

3. The newcomputer language can be quite easily understood by anyone who can read thedaily newspaper.Now, why is this an advantage?

4. I’m going to work out the outline and will let you knowhow it goes.By the way, I will see you in February, as I plan to attend yourseminar in Shanghai.

5. OK, you got thejob.Now, how to maximize your profits with as little effort as possible?

6. Chris is backfrom Australia.Incidentally, those pictures you sent me are wonderful. ComprehensiveExercises

I. Cloze

(1) Prospective(2)As I see it

(3) done yourhomework (4) beforehand

(5) Endeavor (6)structure

(7) Partners (8) Respond

(9) take a crack(10) from the standpoint

(11) make adifference (12) follow up

(1) encouraging(2)inquiry(3) relevant (4) samples

(5) references (6)advice(7) preparing (8) seriously

(9) probably (10) exhibit

II. Translation

1) Despite thein adequatelength of the airstrip in this emergency landing, the veteran pilot managed tostop the plane after taxiing for only a short while.

2)Grilled by thereporters, the movie star eventually blurted(out) that she had undergone twoplastic surgeries.

3) We have thetechnology and our partner has the capital.Working together, we’ll have the future in our hands.

4) If I had known beforehandthat you would bring so many friends home, I would have made better preparations.You see, I have barely enough food and drinks for a snack.

5) People gave generouslyupon learning that new schoolrooms with stronger structures were to be built inthe earthquake-stricken area.

Well begun, half done,as the saying goes. Itis extremely important for a job applicant to do his homework while seekingemployment.From my standpoint, whether or not one has done his homework clearlymakes a difference in his chance of success.

I have a friend who is earning somewhere in theneighborhood of100,000 dollars a years in a large computer software company. Hetold me that from his own experience the decision makers who interview prospectiveemployees like people who are well prepared. Those who make no endeavor to learnas much about his prospective employer as possible don’t have much of a chanceof success.

Unit 4

I. Vocabulary

1) advantageous 2) let alone

3)witnessing/vanishing 4) landmark

5) entitled 6) displace

7)Establishment 8)patriotic/strengthen

9)contradictions 10) aspires

11) divorced 12) pendulums

1) come to 2) dozed off

3) believedin 4) was set apart

5) take in 6) sucks in

7) clean up 8) turn away

1) For me, itmakes no/little difference whether we go there by train or by bus.

2) Toyata hasovertaken General Motors as the world’s biggestcar maker.

3) Shortly aftertheir marriage, Mr. Chambers was at odds with his wife over money matters.

4) Henry has beenat the forefront of nanotechnology research.

5) She doesn’t even know how to boil potatoes, let alone cook ameal.

a) isincreasingly/to accelerate/their investment

b) economy/make anearnest/domestic/strike a balance between

c) a handful of/beendorsed by/on a large scale

II. Word formation

WTO World Trade Organization世界贸易组织

GDP Gross domestic product国内生产总值

ATM Automated teller machine自动出纳机

VAT Value-added tax增值税

CAD Computer-aided design计算机辅助设计

IT Information technology信息技术

IDD International direct dialing国际直拨电话

MTV Music television音乐电视

Radar Radio detecting and ranging雷达

IOC International Olympic Committee国际奥委会

VIP Very important person贵宾,大人物


Laser Light amplification by stimulated

emission of radiation

CPU Central processing unit中央处理器

III. Usage

1) An unusualpresent, a book on ethics, was given to Henry for his birthday.

2) The reason(hegave) that he didn’t notice the car till too late wasunsatisfactory.

3) Football, hisonly interest in life, has brought him many friends.

4) Cloning hadbeen raised as a possibility decades ago, then dismissed, something thatserious

scientists thoughtwas simply not going to happen anytime soon.


I. Cloze


1. academics


3.a variety of


5. vanish

6.f acilitate

7. endorsing 8.outlook

9. sweeping aside 10.patriotic

11. erasing 12.strike a balance


1. aided



4. connected

5. invested

6. features

7. prevailing8. qualitatively

9. volume10. Distinguishing

II. Translation

1) Due to his pessimistic outlook on theEuropean economy, John has moved his assets from Europeto elsewhere.

2) I like hiring young people. They are earnestlearners and committed to work.

3) Unlike her girl friends who center their liveson their children, Mary cares more about her personal growth.

4) Why is it that a considerable number ofcolleagues are at odds with you?

5) The Chinese government has introduced avariety of policies to strengthen cooperation with developing countries.

Globalization has great implications foryoung Chinese. For example, young farmers are moving on a large scale to urbanareas to look for jobs. And for those young people who aspire to study abroador work in foreign-invested enterprises, English has become increasinglyimportant. At the same time, a considerable number of overseas Chinese studentshave returned home in recent years, for they hold an optimistic outlook for thelong-term growth of the Chinese economy. The internet has strengthened the linksbetween Chinese young people and those elsewhere. They follow the latest trendand copy foreign fashions. Some of them don’t seem tocare for traditional Chinese virtues, let alone carry them forward, which hasgiven rise to worries that the traditional Chinese culture might one dayvanish.

Unit 5

I. Vocabulary

1) In a way 2) in accordance 3)vacancy 4) in good condition

5)transparent 6) rub 7) spicy 8) hitherto

9) with (a) badgrace 10) instinct 11) pawned 12) current

1) turned up 2) will stick to 3) brought back 4)go about

5) driving at 6) put away 7)over 8) took aback

1) has a very weakconstitution --- she may not be able to survive the operation.

2) was taken abackby the insurance company’s rejection of my compensation claim

3) was somethingof a surprise when we ran into each other in a place like that.

4) needs trimming/to be trimmed ---it’s getting too long.

5) are often deceptive

1) Oddly enough /wentbroke /wrinkled / he had gone all to pieces

2) definite / iscapable of /her vanity

3) too mild /sipping / stroke

II. Usage

1. Except for

2. except that

3. except

4. except when

5. except to

6. except what

7. except where

8. except that


vocabulary spelling


apartment flat favorable favourable

can tin paralyze paralyse

candy sweets labor labour

elevator lift meter metre

faculty staff (of a university)catalog catalogue

first floor ground floor leveling levelling

gas, gasoline petrol theater theatre

mail post defense defence

railroad railway plow plough

pants trousers program programme

subway tube, underground practice (v.)practise

corn maize characterize characterise

store shop tire tyre (on a car)


I. Cloze

1. insane

2. current

3. candid


5. was taken aback

6. in good condition


8. go all to pieces

9. gone broke 10. vacancy 11. mild 12. deceptive

1. suspected

2. pleading

3. confirmed

4. stunned

5. lucrative

6. jewellery

7. wealthy

8. urge

9. spell 10. Arrested

II. Translation

1) I have an instinct that Henry will seek to join theexpedition, because he is something of an adventurer.

2)He is capable of sticking to the task at hand, even if he isexposed to noises.

3) The trademark was registered in accordance with thelaws hitherto in force.

4)Oddly enough, many people volunteered to help organizethe meeting, but only a few turned up.

5)The teacher’saffectionate words, along with his candid comments, changed the way Mikeperceived the society and himself.

For my own part, I find that appearancesare all too often deceptive. For instance, you might be wrong if you judged byappearances only people like Edward Hyde Burton. In appearance, he seemed a manall of a piece. He was a tiny little fellow with white hair and mild blue eyes,gentle and candid. Nevertheless, he turned out to be very cruel. He insultedand fooled Lenny who was down and out and made him commit himself to an insaneventure. What was still more surprising was that he was completely indifferentto Lenny’s death. Without doubt, Burton was a man with a heart of stone.

Unit 6

I. Vocabulary

1) appliances 2)comparative 3) multiply 4) distribution

5) prosperity 6) decorate 7) famine 8) large quantities of/ a large quantity of 9) streamline 10) fax 11)pointed the way to 12) bewildered 1) eat into 2) cling to

3) stand out/stood out 4) wears away

5) set about 6) switch off

7) will be turnedloose 8) poured in

1)is forecast to be below average next year,which at the moment is 4 percent.

2)to enter the building and find the babygirl proved futile as rescuers were driven out by the heat and flames.

3)was urged to divert some of its attentionfrom expanding production and get more involved with issues of market demand.

4)can really eat heavily into your profitswhen you are selling suits at £900 and dresses at £2,000.

5)has toiled endlessly over the exercisemachine for the last twenty years in order to keep her body in shape.

reaction to;discontent; provoked

Convention;evading tax; the confines of

a burden; arealways on the go/ seem forever on the go; to cope

II. ConfusableWords

1. 1)nervousness 2) tension 3) stress; stress 4) tension

2. 1)honorary 2) Honorable 3) honorable 4) honorary 5) honorable 6) Honorary

III. Usage

1)Dealing with the extinction crisis is nosimple matter. Is it sensible, we may ask, to spend large sums of money to savesome species – be it an elephant or an orchid – in a nation in which a largeproportion of the population is living below the poverty line?2)This new technology could be used anywherelarge numbers of people need to be quickly screened --- at airports, trainstations, bus terminals or border crossings. However, experts suspect, there isalso the risk that people will learn to fool the machine the same way they tryto fool polygraph readings by controlling their breath or taking drugs to relaxthemselves.

3)With a high percentage of marriages endingin divorce, often due to financial difficulties, you would say that money is abig factor in making a good marriage. But, believe it or not, it isn’t moneythat ensures you a happy marriage; it is your philosophy of life that does.

4)Not all the risks on the Internet aresexual, you know. Sites promoting violence are just a click away, and mayinclude instructions for making bombs and other destructive devices.


I. Cloze

1) switch off 2) obliged 3) onthe go 4) cope

5) shortage 6) largequantity of 7) pouring in 8) by nature

9) fraction 10) futile

1) advantage 2) wisely 3)faithfully 4)waking

5)includes 6)schedule 7) sticking 8)priorities

9) set 10)respect

II. Translation

1)They are exploring the new frontiers ofmedical science in an attempt to find remedies for incurable diseases/ curesfor diseases that are beyond remedy so far.

2)Her unique teaching methods apart, MsWilson, my math teacher, never tried to cram knowledge into my head.

3)The regular weather forecast by the CentralTV Station keeps us up with the changes of weather wherever we go on a trip.

4)The appalling explosion started a big fireand caused the partial collapse of the building.

5)In the modern world, there are more waysthan ever to waste away time, and all kinds of distractions are eating into ourprecious time.

Today we are under constant pressure towork longer hours, to produce more, and to possess more. Lots of people holdthe wrong perception that happiness lies in working hard and earning well/ goodmoney.

Many women today feel the same stress towork and get ahead and, at the same time, to nurture their offspring andshoulder the burden of domestic responsibilities. Research showsthat workaholism tends to distance us from our immediate families. It forces usto toil longer and longer hours, leaving a minute fraction of our time to bephysically and emotionally available to our loved ones. Intimacy among familymembers is doomed to die in the process.

Unit 7

I. Vocabulary


2. nerves


4. sacred; mourn

5. Coated

6. perish


8. grief

9. farewell 10. take revenge on11.revolves 12. denounced

1. drop… off

2. applied for

3. went off

4.are gaining on

5. bring down

6. blotted out

7. think back on

8. picking at

1. brought downthe American housing market in 2008

2. what willhappen after his son steps into his shoes?

3. not in the moodto go out

4. long before themarket began to show signs of weakness

5. mourn the lossof the tranquil life we had in the countryside

1. in theaftermath of; to blot our; the tragic

2. armed; at dust;accomplices; explosives

3. in the spaceof; no illusion

II. Collocation

1. a little of

2. a few; most of // many of

3. much

4. few

5. many

6.many of

7. much of

8. little

9. few of 10.Some

III. Usage

As the boy grewolder

she sings asbeautifully as a nightingale // sings like a nightingale

they don’t see themselves as servants of the people

As she had lefther key in the office

Just do as you aretold

Areas onceregarded as rural

as they do in China

As he was braveand loyal as well


I. Cloze

1. mood


3. in the (immediate) aftermath of


5. toppling

6. solidarity

7. take revenge on

8.thinking back on

9. mourning 10.perished

1. crashed


3. harsh



6. utterly

7. truly


9. rewarded 10. devastating

II. Translation

1) Somehigh-ranking officers of the armed forces started a coup, toppling the governmentand throwing the country into chaos.

2) Thefalling market shattered the illusion about getting rich quickly

3) Thinkingback on the history of World War II, we can see that the formation of theAllies was the natural product of the development of political and militarycircumstances then.

4) Paul feltstung when Jim called him a religious fanatic. But as he was in no mood for qquarrel

not in aquarreling mood, he simply pretended not to hear it.

5)People say that time heals all wounds. Butfor those who have lost their loved ones in the event, will time fill up thevoid in their hearts?

Today, long after the earthquake shook //hit my tome-town, I can still recall, in crystal detail, what I saw as I ranout of my home with my parents. The building just across the street toppledright before our eyes, debris flew everywhere and a cloud of choking dustblotted out the sun. Horror-stricken people ran in all directions, crying andscreaming.

Now, many years after that tragic event, anew town has risen on the wreckage of the old one. In the town square, amemorial has been build to remember those killed in the disaster. It seems thewounds in people’s hearts have healed, but the memory willlinger.

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