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Passage 1

When I was a little girl, my brothers and I collected stamps for

many years. My mother didn't use to work during the week, but she

worked in the post office near our house on Saturdays, and she used

to bring home all the new stamps as soon as they were issued.

On the day of the World Cup football final in London in 1966, we

were very excited because England were playing West Germany in the

final. When we were having lunch, my mother told us to go to the

post office straightaway after the match if England won, but she

didn't tell us why. At 2 o'clock my mother went back to work as

usual, while the rest of the family were watching the football on TV

at home. Although she wasn't watching the match, she was listening

to it on the radio.

England won 4:2 and so my brothers and I ran to the post office. As

we burst in, my mother was standing behind the counter. She was

waiting to sell us a very special limited edition with ENGLAND

WINNERS on each stamp. We were over the moon.

We still have it today, and perhaps it is worth a lot of money.

1). This passage mainly tells us __________.

A. the author and her brother used to like stamps very much

B. the author had a very kind mother

C. the author and her brother had an unforgettable experience in

collecting stamps

D. their mother used to support them by working in the post office


2). According to the passage, her mother worked in the post office


A. during the week

B. on Saturdays

C. on Sundays

D. for six days


3). Their mother told them to go to the post office straightaway

after the match if England won, but she didn't tell them why. Why do

you think she did that?

A. She wanted to give them a surprise.

B. She doubted if she would get the stamps.

C. She forgot to do that.

D. She thought it unnecessary to tell them the reason.


4). What does the sentence "We were over the moon." mean?

A. We jumped high.

B. We were extremely happy about it.

C. We watched the moon for a long time.

D. We couldn't sleep the whole night.


5). What is the best title for this passage?

A. My Childhood

B. My Mother

C. A Precious Stamp

D. A Memorable Experience in Collecting Stamps


Passage 2

"Listen, that's not right." "Look, you don't understand!" "Sorry, I

don't follow."

Are these three speakers, who are just chatting naturally, actually revealing what many people believe is their dominant thinking and learning style? Many educators, who research in this field say that everybody has one of three basic ways of processing the world: visual, auditory or kinaesthetic. Students who find their dominant learning style can make their learning more efficient.

The Visual Learner:"Look, you don't understand!"

The visual learner tends to learn by watching and copying what others do; they usually draw diagrams, maps and pictures rather than taking notes in words. They have a rich imagination, they tend to

see pictures in their head and daydream in colour; they notice changes in people and places quickly; they remember faces not names; they write neatly and need a tidy environment to work in, but they like to surround themselves with colour, art and pictures; they doodle a lot.

The Auditory Learner:"Listen, that's not right."

The auditory learner prefers to listen to explanations, enjoys conversations, usually talks very well, with a wide vocabulary. They tend to move their lips when they read and often talk to themselves; they usually remember names rather than faces; they prefer listening to music to looking at art and pictures, but when they are studying, music distracts them; they hum a lot.

The Kinaesthetic Learner:"Sorry, I don't follow you."

Kinaesthetic learners are used to doing things physically, not listening to explanations or watching demonstrations. They like to move around when they are reading or walk up and down while trying to memorise things; they tend to touch and hug people a lot.

They often prefer sports to cinemas and concerts and may lose

concentration quickly if they don't study in the right way.

Do you recognise yourself in one of the descriptions above? Three students took the tests and this is what they said.

The visual learner:

My teacher always used to tell me off for doodling - now I realise

it helped me concentrate.

The auditory learner:

The coursebooks, which my colleagues found very interesting, were useless for me. I didn't want to read and take notes. I just wanted

to discuss the ideas.

The kinaesthetic learner:

A teacher, who knows about learning styles suggested that I tape the lectures and listen to them when I am jogging.

1). Which of the following learners is NOT mentioned in the passage?

A. Visual learner.

B. Auditory leaner.

C. Kinaesthetic leaner.

D. Sensory learner.


2). Which of the following is NOT true about the visual learners?

A. They usually learn by watching and copying what others do.

B. They prefer drawing pictures to taking notes in words.

C. They are full of imagination.

D. They remember people's names quickly.


3). Which of the following describes best the auditory learners?

A. They like to watch and listen to what others do.

B. They prefer to listen rather than watch.

C. They like both music and pictures.

D. They usually talk less.


4). From the fourth paragraph, the kinaesthetic learner tends to


A. listen to explanations and enjoy conversations

B. memorise things via pictures

C. do more physical exercises

D. be forgetful


5). According to the passage, the drawback of being a visual learner is __________.

A. he cannot concentrate on things

B. he dislikes music

C. he always daydreams

D. none of them

Passage 3

I had two jobs growing up and they all helped shape my life.

When I was about 12, I started caddying (当球童) at a nearby country club. All the kids in the neighborhood did it, and I liked it a lot.

I go to watch people who were generally pretty wealthy.

They were businessmen and doctors. I would listen to them talking about things and see how they behaved with each other. It was like a fly on the wall at a meeting.

The second job was at a shoe store. I constantly met people from all walks of life and the challenge was exciting. I'd start bringing

them different kinds of shoes and get right down there and put them on their feet. If they didn't like a certain shoe, I always tried to

be thinking ahead to a pair they might like better. It was like stepping up to the plate in a baseball game. Every time someone walked into that store, I was going to bat and taking a swing. I

never wanted to let a customer get out of that store without buying

a pair of shoes to his satisfaction.

This job helped teach me an important business lesson: You have to take risks in business. If you take a risk and fail, get up to bat

and swing again.

1). The author thinks what he has learned from his first job is


A. how to learn to like a job

B. how to talk and behave properly

C. how to become wealthy

D. how to listen to people


2). The phrase "people from all walks of life" in the third paragraph means people ____________.

A. walking in different ways

B. having different interests in life

C. coming from different parts of the city

D. working in different occupations


3). The author thinks his second job is ____________.

A. challenging

B. important

C. different

D. satisfying

4). The author compares his second job to ____________.

A. a fly on the wall at a meeting

B. stepping into a golf course

C. joining a baseball game

D. taking a bat to swing


5). The business lesson the author gets from selling shoes is


A. thinking ahead of the customers

B. trying every possible way to satisfy a customer

C. never be afraid of taking risks

D. never let go anyone walking into the shop


Passage 4

Every day, the news of the world is relayed to people by over 300

million copies of daily papers, over 400 million radio sets, and

over 150 million television sets. Additional news is shown by motion pictures, in theatres and cinemas all over the world. As more people

learn what the important events of the day are, fewer are still

concerned exclusively with the events of their own household. As the English writer John Donne put it, nearly four hundred years ago, ―no

man is an island.‖ This idea is more a ppropriate today than it was

when Donne lived. In short, wherever he lives, a man belongs to some society; and we are becoming more and more aware that whatever happens in one particular society affects, somehow, the life and

destiny(命运) of all humanity.

Newspapers have been published in the modern world for about four hundred years. Most of the newspapers printed today are read in

Europe and North America. However, soon they may be read in all

parts of the world, thanks to the new inventions that are changing

the techniques of newspaper publishing.

Electronics and automation(电子和自动化)have made it possible to produce pictures and text far more quickly than before. Therefore, the

publishing of newspapers and magazines becomes more economical.

Furthermore, photo-copies can be sent over great distances now by

means of television channels and satellites such as Telstar. Thus,

pictures can be brought to the public more quickly than previously.

1). People learn about what happens in the world through


A. newspapers and magazines

B. radio and television sets

C. electronics and automation

D. both A and B


2). According to the passage, the expression "no man is an island"

means that ____________.

A. no man lives on an island surrounded by water

B. every man is in some way alone

C. every man can live an independent life

D. every man belongs to some society


3). The passage suggests that newspapers have been published for

about ____________.

A. 100 years

B. 200 years

C. 300 years

D. 400 years


4). According to the author, people in today's world ____________.

A. have become more isolated than people in Donne's times

B. are affected more by whatever happens in the other parts of the


C. are concerned only with the events of their own household

D. only read newspapers in Europe and North America


5). Today the publishing of newspapers and magazines is more

economical because ____________.

A. more people are engaged in newspaper publishing

B. new inventions are changing the techniques of newspaper publishing

C. Telstar can send pictures to any part of the world

D. the competition in newspaper publishing is getting severe


Passage 5

Hello, new students! This is a message from the Students Union


We've been at the university for at least a year now, so we can give

you some good tips. Don't worry – we remember being new and making a

lot of mistakes! And we haven't forgotten feeling a little bit


First, as you know, there are no longer any grants. If you borrow money from the government, remember that like all loans, you have to pay it back. Spending all your money in the first week is not a sensible strategy. Try to make a budget for each term and stick to

it. But if you are struggling to make ends meet, you can get a

part-time job–restaurants and bars in the town take lots of students

on in the evenings and at weekends. Come and see us for advice.

Stop worrying about making new friends. Start to join the sports and hobbies societies – they're cheap and you can begin meeting a lot of people that way. It's a great chance to take up a completely new hobby.

Living in a new city a long way from home can be very stressful. One tip, don't forget your parents. After all, they are paying your

tuition fees here. You will be very busy working and enjoying yourself, but stop to phone your parents sometimes and don't forget

to go home for the weekend from time to time.

And remember to take your dirty washing!

Finally, remember to work hard and play hard. Go on working steadily towards your first degree (BA or BSc) throughout your three years here —— try to keep things in perspective. You'll always find someone in the Student Union office if you need to talk.

1). What does the word "scared" mean in the second paragraph?

A. excited

B. frightened

C. worried

D. new


2). What does the word "grants" mean in the third paragraph?

A. money given by the government to support the students' study, which they needn't pay back

B. money from the government which the students need to pay back

C. money from the school which is similar to scholarship

D. a kind of loan from the government with low interests


3). The sentence "But if you are struggling to make ends meet, …at weekends" in the third paragraph implies_________.

A. if you are short of money, you can find a part-time job in the restaurants and bars in your spare time

B. if you want to have a better life than others, you can find a

part-time job in your spare time

C. restaurants and bars need more hands in the evenings and at weekends

D. restaurants and bars don't need more hands in the evenings and at weekends


4). From the fifth paragraph, we can infer that in order to overcome the stress of living faraway from home, _________.

A. it's better for new students to talk to their parents over the

phone from time to time

B. new students need to do their washing themselves

C. new students should keep themselves as busy as possible so that they will not miss home

D. new students should stop phoning their parents


5). This passage is written for the purpose of _________.

A. telling new students the problems facing them in the university

B. telling new students how to budget their money

C. offering new students some advice about their university life

D. talking new students into joining them


Passage 6

PALO ALTO, California –―Switching off the television may help prevent children from getting fatter – even if they do not change their diet or increase the amount they exercise,‖ US researchers

said last week.

A study of 192 third and fourth graders, generally aged eight and nine, found that children who cut the number of hours spent watching television gained nearly two pounds (0.9kg) less over a one-year period than those who did not change their television diet.

―The findings are important because they show that weight loss can only be the result of a reduction in television viewing and not any other activity,”said Thomas Robinson, a pediatrician(儿科专家) at Stanford University.

―American children spend an average of more than four hours per day watching television and videos or playing video games, and rates of childhood being very fat have doubled over the past 20 years,‖ Robinson said.

In the study, presented this week to the Pediatric Academic Societies' annual meeting in San Francisco, the researchers

persuaded about 100 of the students to reduce their television viewing by one-quarter to one-third.

Children watching fewer hours of television showed a significantly smaller increase in waist size and had less body fat than other students who continued their normal television viewing, even though neither group ate a special diet or took part in any extra exercise.

―One explanation for the weight loss could be the children unstuck to the television may simply have been moving around more and burning off calories,‖ Robinson said. ―Another reason might be due to eating fewer meals in front of the television. Some studies have suggested that eating in front of the TV encourages people to eat more,‖ Robinson said.

1). The author tries to tell us in the first two paragraphs that


A. children will get fatter if they eat too much

B. children will get thinner if they eat less

C. children will get fatter if they spend less time watching TV

D. children will get fatter if they spend more time watching TV


2). According to the passage, the time American children usually spend on watching TV ____________.

A. is more than four hours a day

B. is less than four hours a day

C. doubled in the last twenty years

D. is more than on any other activities


3). The time the group of children in the study spend on TV viewing every day is suggested to be about ____________.

A. six hours

B. eight hours

C. three hours

D. one hour


4). Which one of the following is right?

A. Children usually eat less while watching TV.

B. Children usually eat more while watching TV.

C. Children eat the same amount of meals while watching TV.

D. Children usually eat nothing while watching TV.


5). Why can watching TV increase kids' weight according to the passage?

A. They usually eat more while watching TV.

B. They burn off fewer calories.

C. They change their diet while watching TV.

D. Both A and B.


Passage 7

People travel a lot with Heaven Air because they know they will get what they want. They want to go quickly and safely across the land, across the sea or right across the world, and they know Heaven Air will take them where they want to go whenever they want to go. Heaven Air flies all the newest and fastest planes to more towns and cities of the world than any other airlines.

Do you want to go to Paris, Washington, Tokyo? Heaven Air will take you there, at all times of the day or night, right through the week.

But Heaven Air flies not only to the biggest cities, we also fly two

or three times a week to towns and cities in the very center of

Asia, Africa and South America.

People fly with Heaven Air because they know they will leave on time and arrive on time. They know that they will receive the best food and watch the best films.

Heaven Air is second to none.

1). Heaven Air is the name of ____________.

A. a plane

B. an airline

C. a travel service

D. an advertising program


2). Travelling with Heaven Air is ____________.

A. comfortable but expensive

B. cheap and pleasant

C. exciting but tiring

D. quick and safe


3). Heaven Air can take you to Paris ____________.

A. on weekends only

B. just on weekdays

C. any time in a week

D. two or three times a week


4). Most flights of Heaven Air go to ____________.

A. big cities

B. small towns

C. both big and small cities

D. the very center of Asia


5). According to the advertisement, Heaven Air believes it is


A. the second biggest in the world

B. the second best in the world

C. the biggest in the world

D. the best in the world


Passage 8

John Preston lives in a flat in north London. He moved there after

his wife died four years ago to be closer to his daughter's family,

and because his big detached house and garden were too much work for him as he got older. It's easier in the flat because the letting

agent does everything that needs doing.

The agent has had the roof repaired and got the gutter replaced, but

at the moment John is not satisfied because the window frames need painting and the garden looks neglected. The agent had the windows painted two years ago, but the painters didn't do it very well, so

they need doing again. John pays over £1,500 a year for service and maintenance, and he thinks that it's not good enough because the

flats look shabby and a lot of things need repairing.

His daughter, June, and her husband, Pete, on the other hand, have

to do everything themselves or find builders to do it. They live in

a large semi-detached house further out from the centre of London than John, but they are still near enough to see him often. They

live in the suburbs with a nice garden where their children play.

They moved there four years ago to have more space. The only drawback is that June's husband has to commute into the centre of London every day, but, overall, they are happy with their decision. When they bought the house, a lot needed doing to it and it still does. June says, "We have a list of things to do as long as your arm — the roof needs repairing and the chimney needs mending. The bedrooms need decorating and we haven't had the broken windowpanes replaced yet in the conservatory. We need to fix the gate and repair

the path — it looks dreadful when you arrive."

1). What does the word "replaced" mean in the sixth line in paragraph 1 ?

A. renewed

B. refilled

C. put back

D. recovered


2). The word "shabby" in the last line of paragraph 1 means


A. satisfactory

B. in good condition

C. in bad condition

D. attractive


3). The word "drawback" most likely means _________.

A. advantage

B. disadvantage

C. return

D. feature


4). The sentence "we have a list of things to do as long as your arm" means _________.

A. we have to use our arms to do a lot of things

B. we have few things to do

C. we have quite a few things to do

D. we have nothing to do


5). Which of the following is TRUE about June and Pete's house?

A. It's detached one with a large garden.

B. It's a located near the centre of London.

C. It was in a good state when they bought it.

D. It generally please them.


Passage 9

Crime Prevention Initiatives

The chances that you will be a victim of violent crime are low. But you can avoid risk in the following ways.


- You should make sure your house or flat is secure. Always lock the door from the inside at night, but you must keep the key nearby, so that you can use it to get out quickly if there is a fire.

- You must never give keys to workmen as they can easily make


- If you wake up and hear a burglar, stay quietly in bed. Pretend

you are asleep. If you feel more confident, switch on the light and

make a lot of noise; even if you are on your own you should call out

loudly to an imaginary companion, so that the burglar thinks you are

not alone and runs away. You should have a phone or a mobile in your

bedroom to alert the police immediately.

- If you come home and think you see signs of a break-in, you

shouldn't go in, the burglar may be inside.

You should go to a neighbour and call the police.


At night:

- Always walk facing the traffic, so that a car cannot pull up

behind you.

- You mustn't go through parks or woods.

- If you think someone is following you, cross the road one or two

times. If he or she continues to follow you, go to a pub or other

public place.

- Always carry your bag close to you, but carry your house keys in

your pocket so that you can open the door quickly. If someone

attacks you - remember your safety is more important than your


1). This passage mainly focuses on ________.

A. how to avoid crimes both at home and in the street

B. where to stay if you want to be safe

C. what you should do at home if there is a burglary

D. how to avoid crime at night in the street


2). If you want to guarantee your safety at home, you should


A. always lock the door and put the key in a secret place far away

from the door

B. never leave the keys with workmen since they can easily make


C. keep silent all the time even if you are on your own when a

burglar steals into your house

D. go in immediately when you suspect someone is breaking into your house


3). Based on the passage, if you notice someone following you, it's better for you to _________.

A. shout loudly

B. run quickly

C. stop, turn around and look at him

D. go to public places


4). Why should you have a telephone in the bedroom?

A. Because we might use it to alert the burglar.

B. Because it's convenient for us to talk to our friends while lying

in bed.

C. Because it's convenient for us to report to the police in case

there is a burglary.

D. Because we might use it to make a phone call at midnight.


5). From the passage, we can infer that we might be victims if


A. we cannot part with the money when being attacked

B. we always walk facing the traffic

C. we don't walk in the empty street

D. we carry too much cash



篇一:种爱阅读理解答案原来,生命 1、陈家老四是一个怎样的人?(3分) 2、陈家老四种花的目的是什么?(2分) 3、“他小心地伸手托着,像对待小小的婴儿。”这里能否讲“托”换成“拿”,为什么?(3分) 4、第8段画线句子“空气中,满布这新生命的香,叶在长,花在开。”是什么描写?(3分) 5、如果把题目“种爱”改为“种花”,你认为哪个更好?说说你的理由。(3分)种爱丁立梅认识陈家老四,缘于我婆婆。婆婆来我家小住,我下班回家,陈家老四正站在我家院门口,跟婆婆热络地说着话。陈家老四是家里最小的孩子,父亲过世早,上有两个哥哥,一个姐姐,都已另立门户。他们与他感情一般,与母亲感情也一般,平常不怎么往来。只他和寡母,守着祖上传下的三间平房度日。也没正式工作,蹬着辆破三轮,上街帮人拉货。婆婆怕跑菜市场,有时会托他带一点蔬菜回来。他每次都会准时送过来,看得出,那些蔬菜,已被他重新打理过,整整齐齐干干净净的。婆婆削个水果给他吃,他推托一会,接下水果,憨憨地笑。路上再遇到我,他没头没脑说一句,你婆婆是个好人。他却得了绝症,肝癌。穷,医院是去不得的,只在家里吃点药,等死。精神气儿好的时候,他会撑着出来走走,身旁跟着他的白发老母亲。小区的人,远远望见他,都避开走,生怕他传染了什么。他坐在我家的小院子里,苦笑着说,我这病,不传染的。我们点头说,是的,不传染的。他得到安慰似的,长舒一口气,眼睛里,蒙上一层水雾,感激地冲我们笑。一天,他跑来跟我婆婆说,阿姨,我怕是快死了,我的肝上积了很多水。我婆婆说,别瞎说,你还小呢,有得活呢。他笑了,说,阿姨,你别骗我,我知道我活不长的。只是扔下我妈一个人,不知她以后怎么过。我们都有些黯然。春天的气息,正在蓬勃。空气中,满布着新生命的香,叶在长,花在开。而他,却像秋天树上挂着的一枚叶,一阵风来,眼看着它就要坠下来,坠下来。我去上班,他在半路上拦下我。那个时候,他已瘦得不成样,脸色蜡黄蜡黄。他腼腆地冲我笑,老师,你可以帮我一个忙么?我说,当然可以。他听了很高兴,说他想在小院子里种些花。你能帮我找些花的种子么?他用期盼的眼神看着我。见我狐疑地盯着他,他补充道,在家闲着也无聊,想找点事做。我跑了一些花店,找到许多花的种子带回来,太阳花,凤仙花,虞美人,喇叭花,一串红……他小心地伸手托着,像对待小小的婴儿,眼睛里,有欢喜的波在荡。这以后,难得见到他。婆婆说,陈家老四中了邪了,筷子都拿不动的人,却偏要在院子里种花,天天在院子里折腾,哪个劝了也不听。我笑笑,我的眼前,浮现出他捧着花的种子的样子。真希望他能像那些花儿一样,生命有个重新开始的机会。某天大清早,买菜回来的婆婆突然说,陈家老四死了。像空谷里一声绝响,让人怅怅的。我买了花圈送去,第一次踏进他家小院,以为定是灰暗与冷清的,却不,一院子的姹紫嫣红迎接了我。那些花,开得热情奔放,仿佛落了一院子的小粉蝶。他白发的老母亲,站在花旁,拉着我的手,含泪带笑地说,这些,都是我家老四种的。我一时感动无言,不觉悲哀,只觉美好。原来,生命完全可以以另一种方式,重新存活的,就像他种的一院子的花。而他白发的老母亲,有了花的陪伴,日子亦不会太凄凉。1、陈家老四是一个怎样的人?陈家老四是个憨厚、淳朴、讷于言、心中有爱的人。2、陈家老四种花的目的是什么?陈家老四种花的目的是为了给他白发的老母亲有所陪伴,日子不会太凄凉。3、“他小心地伸手托着,像对待小小的婴儿。”这里能否讲“托”换成“拿”,为什么?不能,因为,用托比拿更能体会出他对花种的小心翼翼、虔诚、郑重其事的态度。4、第8段画线句子“空气中,满布这新生命的香,叶在长,花在开。”是什么描写?拟人化的描写,突出植物生命的蓬勃。5、如果把题目“种爱”改为“种花”,你认为哪个更好?说说你的理由。种爱更好因为陈家老四拖着病重的身躯种下的不单单是满院的花,还有对白发母亲深深的不舍与爱。 种爱①认识陈家老四,缘于我婆婆。婆婆来我家小住,我下班回家,陈家老四正站在我家院门口,跟婆婆热络地说着话。②陈家老四是家里最小的孩子,父亲过世早,上有两个哥哥,一个姐姐,都已另立门户。他们与他感情一般,与母亲感情也一般,平常不怎么往来。只他


《煮书》的阅读题答案 其实煮书也就是反复钻研、反复品味书本。以下是要给大家介绍的《煮书》的阅读题答案,欢迎各位的参考!《煮书》阅读原文 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着煮书两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很(奇特奇怪奇妙):书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚写完一篇文章,正坐在转(zhuǎn zhun)椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗? 爷爷笑了:书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀. 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读熟透不可。其实,这就是煮书。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说,读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么煮。否则,就很难把语文学好。 爷爷,你看我该怎么煮书呢? 你可以从煮语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章情感,还可牢记妙词佳句好处(ch chǔ )可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗? 爷爷的话使我恍然大悟,煮书还真有道理哩。 《煮书》阅读题目 1、将文中括号里用得不正确的音节和词语用/划掉。(3分) 2、联系上下文解释下列词语。(2分) (1)煮书 (2)读书破万卷,下笔如有神 3、按要求填空。(5分) (1)疑惑不解的反义词是______(在文中找)。 (2)应在字典里的解释有:a、应该; b、回答、回应; c、满足要求;d、顺应、适应。得心应手一词中的应字应选第__种解释;热烈响应一词中的应字应选第__种解释。 (3)煮书的好处很多,既可以______,还能够_______。 4、选择本文的中心,在正确答案后面的括号内打号。(2分) (1)书是精神食粮,是可以煮的。 ( ) (2)课文都是范文,要放声朗读,仔细品味。( ) (3)读好书时一定要做到反复诵读品味,这样说话、写文章的时候才能得心应手。( ) 5、读了短文后,谈谈你自己的看法。(2分)


一窗山海的阅读理解题答案_阅读理解题及答案 ①人的生活目标,往往决定他对风景的看法。 ②然而人人看法有异。就如有朋友说,山海只是属于假期的,是一种遥远的风景。 ③还有些朋友,当看到某些挂历上的遥远之处,就会向往住在那里的人们,说他们幸福,能世世代代拥有好空气、天然的水、无污 的宽阔土地,还有真实又自然的食物。但假如那时真有一位能神给 予法力让他眨一下眼就梦境成真,我打赌他眼睫毛都不敢动一下。 并非风景遥远,而是,向往只不过是都市人一种用来松弛身心的精 神瑜珈,尤其在冷气房里,在场面撑得十分疲倦的会议之后,在周 末下着狂风暴雨的窗外,心里有点毫无着落的感觉涌来,那种都市 人常有的习惯性风景幻想,就会变成虚拟场面。 ④我想,对于风景我是绝对执著的。风景的虚实其实都在于那个人自己的感受。有些人不满15岁就向自己许下承诺,非要在众目睽 睽之下干出一番事业闪烁峥嵘不可。这么美好的理想也真叫人动容,只可惜35岁之后再去找回这些人.就知道周而复始的不过是黄粱影子。 ⑤也有人,或许很早就向往另端无边的宽阔,这有时也许会让我们看到一些早熟的诗人或灵气浪漫的画家。可惜预告片虽多,真正 上演的机会甚少;有也是快上快下,大浪冲几回,社会出入口处只有 整齐的队形。 ⑥现实就是如此。当人开始意识到自己该重新衡量环境的选择时,身边的种种现实,早已架构成层层阻碍。况且,人一出世就有许多 等着接收的附赠品,宗室籍贯、文化背景,以及许多不能脱身的责 任与承诺,通常都是在人还没有能力为自己编剧之前就纷纷而至的。戏演下来,就给自己无法离场的借口,除非大限突至。就算年轻人 向往翅膀,年幼少小也无可奈何,只得渐渐投入现实,不久也就同 而化之。什么当年看法,什么第三种角度,统统置于脑海底层,要


爱的旅程阅读答案 现代文阅读题 爱的旅程 黄昏时分,马车抵达这座百里外的小镇。 要在这里住一夜了。父亲看着儿子,拍了拍栗子皮浓密的鬃毛。妻子病故,除了十二岁的儿子,这匹马是他生命中的一份儿珍宝。 行。儿子从车上抱下铺盖卷儿。乡村学校也放暑假了。他跟父亲出门拉脚儿,锻炼锻炼。西望行程,落日在群山之间驾起独轮车,如炭火中烧着的铁块,大片的红与大片的黑辉映一体,透射出苍茫和沉重。 拿些料喂喂它。父亲吩咐。儿子拖下条麻袋。里面沙沙作响,是寸步不离的麦糠。就在他向外掏麦糠的时候,一只大刺猬滚了出来,扎疼了他的小手。哎哟!爸爸你看 什么啊?父亲走过来,发现地上花白的刺猬,哎,怎么连它也带来了?家中有堆麦糠,里面住着一窝刺猬:母刺猬和它的三只才出生的小刺猬。这就是那只母刺猬。一定是装麦糠时没注意,将它装了来。 怎么办啊?儿子停下手。 能怎么办呢?父亲摇摇头:不好,家里还有三只小刺猬哩。一天了,那么小。 我们要明天才能回去。儿子脸朝西转,叹了口气。

最快也要这个时候到家。父亲扫视夕阳。 它们会饿死吧? 一天一夜。很有可能,也不一定。先把它装进去,明天咱早点回家。 月出东南,像墨绿的麻地钻出个光脊梁,呈现铜的色泽和质感。粟子皮静静地嚼吃麦糠,有时也打响鼻。那迷人的沙沙声,散发出一股幽幽的气息。 父亲坐着,一口接一口咝咝地吸烟,吸得满腹苦香。妻子临走,抓住他的手说:你要照看好孩子。这还用说吗?我的儿子!可他当时什么也没说出,只一个劲儿地掉泪。现在想想,多遗憾。放心吧!我,你还不放心吗?他时常这样自言自语,似面对暗中的她。让儿子跟着出来,并不是叫他干活,主要是怕孤单、省牵挂。看到儿子,他就浑身是劲,仿佛看到了美丽的妻子。 儿子也没睡着。他仰卧席上,盯着父亲的背出神。母亲去世后,父亲胡子长了,话少了,但对他却温柔百倍,有时柔得让他不习惯,受不了。多好的爸爸啊!这么累,这么疼我。我要听话,多帮他干活。他默默地想,跟父亲出门,是他乐意的。一来能帮父亲,二来呢,他觉得父亲在哪里,家就在哪里。你饿了吗?父亲问。 不饿,你呢? 我也不饿。 那就睡觉吧,翻山越岭跑了一天,挺累,睡吧,明天还得早起。疲倦如同烈性白干,使他们沉睡了过去。


爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字,我感到奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在藤椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书么可以煮呢?书放锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗? 爷爷笑:书是精神食粮既是食怎么不可以煮煮熟吃去才好消化吸收。 爷爷看见我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代诗人杜甫吧?他小时候书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书'。这样,他做起来就感到得心应手了。所以他说:‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神'。我们学习语文,那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮',否则,就很难把语文学好。 “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书'呢? “你可以从‘煮'语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯吗? 爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩 、根据意思,从文中找出相应的四个字的词语,并填在括号里 ①心里怎么想,手就怎么做,形容运用自如。得心应 ②一下子明白过来豁然开 ③心里不明白,不理解疑惑不 、造句。不仅……还… 她不仅举止优雅大方,还平易近人

、你认为“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的意思是 这句话是告诉我们只有多读书,而且要读透,领会文章的内容,就可以不断地累好词佳句,不断地增长知识,只有这样写文章说话才得心应手 只有做到博览群书的人,写作时才能妙笔生花 、杜甫是怎样“煮书”的,请用~~~~”画出相关部分的句子;我们学语文怎样“煮书”?请用”画出相关部分语句 、“煮书”有什么好处?你今后打算怎样学好语呢 ①能深入体会文章的情感,还可牢记好词好句,说话和写文章不会犯愁。或者原文中句子(不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句。肚子里的词儿多了今后说话和写文章不会犯愁。 ②写自己打算怎么 6.阅读短文后填空 使“我”感到奇怪的问题是书只能读,怎么可以煮啊 “我”认为“煮书”是把书放在锅里煮。而爷爷说的“煮书”是指读书时反复诵读品味,积累妙词佳句。7. 给第三自然段加上标点符号。


2015年高考语文试卷分类散文阅读题汇编 1.(北京)阅读下面的作品,完成?—?题。(24分) 说起梅花 我出生的那一天,家门前的梅花初绽,据说是朱砂梅,很美,家人就给我取名“梅”字。父亲自小教我古诗,关于梅花的诗很多,到现在还能一口气背出很多,如“冰雪林中著此身,不与桃李混芳尘”“不受尘埃半点侵,竹篱茅舍自甘心”。我最喜欢曹雪芹的“冻脸有痕皆是血,酸心无恨亦成灰,误吞丹药移真骨,偷下瑶池脱旧胎”。关于梅,人们谈论太多,种梅,赏梅,写梅,画梅,梅深入到人们生活的各个角落。虽知道这名字极美,但每当别人问起我的名字时,又觉得难以启齿,太俗了,取这个名字的人太多,声音听起来也闷声闷气的,对这个名字的尴尬,一直不能释怀,到美国后就马上给自己取了一个雅致的英文名字,以为总可以脱俗了,不料一些好事的西方人非要知道我的中文名字。 记得第一个有个墨西哥人问我名字,我就告诉他我的名字是梅,他又问“梅”是什么意思,我说是一种花,那人打破砂锅问到底,问什么花。我突然张口结舌起来,记得梅花翻译成英语是plum,就是李子,迟疑了一下,就说plum。那人噢了一声,就不再问了,显然他对这个答案很失望。 第二次一个美国人问起梅花,我接受上次的教训,不再说李子花,就启发他说,是一种花,中国最美的花,你猜猜看。那人就说“是玫瑰花”。我有点失望,进一步启发说,这种花,很美,在冬天开放,中国人最喜欢,经常把它们画成画挂墙上,写进诗里。那人想了想说:“是牡丹吧,牡丹又大又美,我看很多中国人的家里挂着牡丹花。而且牡丹是我唯一认识的中国花。” 我一听又没有希望了,也难怪,很少美国人了解中国的历史与文化,何况一种花草。 我说梅花是被中国人挂在墙上,捧在手上,供在心里的,是深入血液和灵魂的一种花。他似乎被我感动了,突然对梅来了兴趣。 这胖胖的老美认真起来,有一天他突然跑来兴冲冲地告诉我,苏菲,我找到了梅,结一种酸酸的果子,是可以做色拉醋的,很好吃。我讶然了,是的,有些梅是可以结果子的。大多花草有艳花者无果实,有美实者无艳花,难得梅两者俱美,梅的美不仅是果实,这老美只知道吃。 第三个问的是意大利人,是搞音乐的,我想这人是有艺术感受力的,反正他没见过梅花,就信口开河起来。我说梅花是中国最美的花,有几千年的栽培史。梅花是我们中国民族精神的象征,凌寒飘香,不屈不挠,自强不息,铁骨冰心。中国人倾心于梅的很多,清朝曾有一位叫陈介眉的官人,听说孤山的梅花开了,立即丢官弃印从京城千里迢迢骑马狂奔至杭州,“何物关心归思急,孤山开遍早梅花”。还有一个叫林和靖的,有一天独自欣赏梅花时,一下子被梅花的神姿吸引了,从此入孤山种梅花,一辈子没有下山,以梅花为妻。那人睁大了眼睛问:“真的吗?”“真的。”我说,他有一首写梅花的诗,在所有写梅花的诗中独占鰲头,无人能比。“众芳摇落独暄妍,占尽风情向小园。疏影横斜水清浅,暗香浮动月黄昏”,我脱口而出。如果你读了这诗,看了这梅,你一定能作出美的乐曲,中国有名曲《梅花三弄》,你可以写出“梅花四弄”。 从此,那人每次见我,必问梅消息,一天被逼无奈,就从网上找出梅花的照片与绘画作品,其中有一幅《墨梅》。那人端详半天,说,很像桃花吗,枯瘦的桃花,还有黑色的,很稀有的颜色。我不再想解释那是墨梅,也不想再说梅花的美就在于疏、瘦、清、斜。 显然这位艺术家也误解了梅花。我怎么告诉他在万木萧瑟,大雪压境的冬天,忽然看到一树梅花迎雪吐艳时,那种惊心动魄。怎么才能告诉他,千年老梅,铁枝铜干,如枯若死,一夜风雪后,突然琼枝吐艳,那种绝处逢生的沧桑感。怎样才能告诉他,当你为情所困,辗转反侧时,突然一股梅香袭来,幽幽而来,又悄然而去,那种神魂颠倒。梅花的美是摄人魂魄的,如果赏梅在淡云,晓日,薄寒,细雨,或小桥,清溪,明窗,疏篱,再加上诗酒横琴,林间吹笛,这时候你很难再做凡人,梅花是人间尤物,人间与仙境的使者。 有一次和一个日本人闲聊,不知怎么就谈到他自己国家的国花,他异常兴奋,竟说得泪花点点。我也不由自主又谈起梅花,他说他的,我说我的,他说的我不太懂,我相信我说的他也不懂,有一点是相通的,对一种花的深入灵魂的热爱。 梅花,几千年的书香缭绕得骨清魂香,几千年的诗心陶冶得如此美丽。中国人心里千回百转的梅魂,在与世界相遇的过程中焕发出独异的魅力,成为民族精神的写照。 (取材于苏菲的同名散文) ?下列词语中的“说”,与“说起梅花”的“说”,意思最接近的一项是(2分)( ) A 游说 B 说和 C 话说 D 学说 ?下列对作品内容的理解,最准确的一项是(3分)( ) A 与雅致的“苏菲”相比,“梅”是不大动听的中文名字,因此令作者耿耿于怀。 B 文中那位意大利人对梅花有很好的艺术感受力,作者期待他写出“梅花四弄”。 C 本文明写对梅的热爱,在无意识中也表现了外国人对中国文化的隔膜与误解。 D 在旅居海外的作者看来,梅花不仅渗入了自己的生活,也象征了民族精神。 ?下列对作品中有关知识的理解,不正确的一项是(3分)( ) A “墨梅”是用水墨画出的梅花,在黑白浓淡之间呈现出疏、瘦、清、斜之美。 B 由林和靖“众芳摇落独暄妍”一诗诗体推断,该诗写作年代是在魏晋年代。 C 倒数第三段中称“梅花是人间尤物”,“尤物”在这里指特别美好的事物。 D “梅”与“松”“竹”并称为岁寒三友,都是历代中国画家酷爱的创作题材。 ?本文写了作者与外国人之间围绕着梅花展开的几个故事,在谋篇与立意方面匠心独具,请结合全文加以赏析。(6分) ?本文倒数第三段描写了哪些赏梅的情境?作者借此写出了梅花怎样的品质与格调?(6分) ?本文结尾写道:“梅花,几千年的书香缭绕得骨清魂香,几千年的诗心陶冶得如此美丽。”请紧扣“书香”与“诗心”,谈谈你对这句话的理解。(4分) 2.(福建)阅读下面的文字,完成?—?题。 纸上故乡 邓琴 故乡给了我一颗多愁善感的心,它常常在梦中打探故乡的消息。 我的家乡在千里之外的赣南,它的每一寸肌肤都浸润在红色文化里,在淡淡茶香中,在田间地头悠悠的歌声里。它是贫穷的,但它又是富硕的。它没有飞驰的动车,没有轰鸣的机器,有的是叮咚的流水、黛色的群山。且不说章江水日夜川流不息、润泽万物;也不说成片的稻田如一张巨大的地毯静卧天地间,恩惠万家;就说梅岭那漫山遍野、傲立寒冬的梅花盛景,已是天下一绝。 离家多年,到过很多地方,心中始终挥之不去的是家乡的景象。在秋收的季节里,打谷机工作的声音,一声一声鼓动我的耳膜,提醒着我曾是故乡的孩子。内心深处的一丝不安也被催生出来,那就是当年因对外面世界的向往而离开了家乡。如今,我虽然站立在了外面的缤纷世界里,但我奋斗的每一个脚印,享受的每一份安逸,却都被打上了“外乡人”的烙印。我对故乡的情感,只能在诗人的诗歌里、乡土作家的文字里寻找慰藉,只能寄托在自己尚不成熟的文字中。那些遥远的记忆,飘过了我最不懂乡愁的年华,飘过了故乡的山头,飘进了书页里,却厚重得让我无法高言阔谈。 儿时最熟悉的影像,莫过于茶山。一到春天,漫山遍野的茶树抽出新叶,新叶从老叶中间小心翼翼地探出头来,好奇地张望这个美丽的地方。只有我们那群孩子才知道,这个美丽的地方究竟有多么贫穷。一到周末,我们就跑茶场,学着大人的样子采茶叶,茶叶一毛钱一斤,动作快的一天能摘个四十斤。四块钱在当时,可是一笔巨大的收入。在那贫穷的岁月里,茶山无疑给我们苍白的生活增添了不少乐趣。而农人与生俱来的勤俭生活态度,也开始渗透到我们的思想里了。


四年级阅读训练含答案 HEN system office room 【HEN16H-HENS2AHENS8Q8-HENH1688】

告诉妈妈,我爱她 连续三个星期,约翰一直忙着拜访客户。母亲节快到了,过去他总要在这一天回到母亲身边,向她送上(衷心忠心)的祝福,但是今年他实在太累了。一天,他驱车路过一家花店时,心想:“给妈妈送上几枝玫瑰(guī gui)不就行了”他大步流星地走进那家小小的花店,只见一个小男孩问店主:“阿姨,6美元能买多少玫瑰”店主对他说:“玫瑰价格太高,不如买康乃馨。” □不□我就要玫瑰□他说□妈妈去年得了一场大病□我却没能在她床前尽孝□所以□我希望选个不同寻常的礼物□看来玫瑰最合适□因为那是她最喜欢的花□男孩态度坚决□ 店主抬眼瞧了一下约翰,继而无奈地摇摇头。可是,男孩的话打动了约翰心灵深处的某种东西。他看着店主,用口形默示他愿意替男孩付清玫瑰花的钱。这下店主放心了,她注视着男孩说:“得,你的6美元能买一打玫瑰。”男孩听罢高兴得差点跳起来。他接过玫瑰直奔(bèn bēn)店外,却不知道约翰为他垫付了35美元。看到男孩如愿以偿,约翰心里同样甜滋滋的。 约翰也在这家花店为妈妈订了鲜花,并再三嘱咐店主送花时务必附上一张纸条,告诉妈妈他是多么爱她。之后他乐呵呵地离开了花店。在距花店大约两个街区的地方,他遇到了红灯。这时,他看到男孩正沿着人行道向前疾走,最终跨过马路从两扇大门进了一座公园——不!突然,他意识到那不是公园,而是公墓。 约翰心血来潮□把车停在路边□开始步行顺着篱笆追赶男孩□他跟男孩只差30步□男孩在一座墓碑前停下□跪在地上□小心翼翼地把玫瑰花摆好□接着便抽泣不止□男孩边哭边说□妈妈呀□妈妈□,我真后悔□没告诉你我是怎样爱你□上帝啊□请你找到我妈妈□对她说我爱她□ 约翰转过身,泪水像涌泉一般流出眼眶。他返回汽车,快速赶回花店,告诉店主他将亲自把鲜花送给母亲。 1、划去括号中不恰当的字或音节。 2、在□中填上合适的标点符号。 2、联系上下文,解释下列词语的意思。 如愿以偿:


《煮书》的阅读题答案 导读:其实煮书也就是反复钻研、反复品味书本。以下是要给大家介绍的《煮书》的阅读题答案,欢迎各位的参考! 《煮书》阅读原文 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着煮书两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很(奇特奇怪奇妙):书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚写完一篇文章,正坐在转(zhuǎn zhun)椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮 坏了吗? 爷爷笑了:书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀. 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读熟透不可。其实,这就是煮书。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说,读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么煮。否则,就很难把语文学好。 爷爷,你看我该怎么煮书呢? 你可以从煮语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样煮下去,你不仅能 体会到文章情感,还可牢记妙词佳句好处(ch chǔ )可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗?

爷爷的话使我恍然大悟,煮书还真有道理哩。 《煮书》阅读题目 1、将文中括号里用得不正确的音节和词语用/划掉。(3分) 2、联系上下文解释下列词语。(2分) (1)煮书 (2)读书破万卷,下笔如有神 3、按要求填空。(5分) (1)疑惑不解的反义词是______(在文中找)。 (2)应在字典里的解释有:a、应该; b、回答、回应; c、满足要求;d、顺应、适应。得心应手一词中的应字应选第__种解释;热烈响应一词中的应字应选第__种解释。 (3)煮书的好处很多,既可以______,还能够_______。 4、选择本文的'中心,在正确答案后面的括号内打号。(2分) (1)书是精神食粮,是可以煮的。 ( ) (2)课文都是范文,要放声朗读,仔细品味。( ) (3)读好书时一定要做到反复诵读品味,这样说话、写文章的时候才能得心应手。( ) 5、读了短文后,谈谈你自己的看法。(2分) 《煮书》阅读答案 1、煮书 2、划掉:奇特奇妙 zhun chǔ

中考 语文散文阅读专题专题训练及答案

中考语文散文阅读专题专题训练及答案 一、中考语文散文阅读专题练习 1.阅读下面的文字,完成下列小题。 废园外 巴金 ①晚饭后出去散步,走着走着我又走到这里来了。 ②从墙的缺口望见园内的景物,还是一大片欣欣向荣的绿叶。在一个角落里,一簇深红色的花盛开,旁边是一座毁了的楼房的空架子。屋瓦全震落了,但是楼前一排绿栏杆还摇摇晃晃地悬在架子上。 ③我看看花,花开得正好,大的花瓣,长的绿叶。这些花原先一定是种在窗前的,我想,一个星期前,有人从精致的屋子里推开小窗眺望园景,赞美的眼光便会落在这一簇花上。也许还有人整天倚窗望着园中的花树,把年轻人的渴望从眼里倾注在红花绿叶上面。 ④但是现在窗没有了,楼房快要倾塌了。只有园子里还盖满绿色,花还在盛开。倘使花能够讲话,它们会告诉我,它们所看见的窗内的面颜,年轻的面颜,可是,如今永远消失了。花要告诉我的不止这个,它们一定要说出8月14曰的惨剧。精致的楼房就是在那天毁了的,不到一刻钟的工夫,一座花园便成了废墟了。 ⑤我望着园子,绿色使我的眼睛舒畅。废墟么?不,园子已经从敌人的炸弹下复活了。在那些带着旺盛生命的绿叶红花上,我看不出一点被人践踏的痕迹。但是耳边忽然响起一个女人的声音:“陈家三小姐,刚才挖出来。”我回头看,没有人。这句话就是在惨剧发生后的第二天听到的。 ⑥那天中午我也走过这个园子,不过不是在这里,是在另一面,就是在楼房的后边。在那个中了弹的防空洞旁边,在地上或者在土坡上,我记不起了,躺着三具尸首,是用草席盖着的。中间一张草席下面露出一只瘦小的腿,腿上全是泥土,随便一看,谁也不会想到这是人腿。人们还在那里挖掘。远远地在一个新堆成的土坡上,也是从炸塌了的围墙缺口看进去,七八个人带着悲戚的面容,对着那具尸体发愣。这些人一定是和死者相识的罢。那个中午妇人指着露腿的死尸说:“陈家三小姐,刚才挖出来。”以后从另一个人的口里我知道了这个防空洞的悲惨故事。 ⑦一只带泥的腿,一个少女的生命。我不认识这位小姐,我甚至没有见过她的面颜。但是望着一园花树,想到关闭在这个园子里的寂寞的青春,我觉得心里被什么东西搔着似的痛起来。连这个安静的地方,连这个渺小的生命,也不为那些太阳旗的空中武士所容。两三颗炸弹带走了年轻人的渴望。炸弹毁坏了一切,甚至这个寂寞的生存中的微弱的希望。这样地逃出囚笼,这个少女是永远见不到园外的广大世界了。 ⑧花随着风摇头,好像在叹息。它们看不见那个熟悉的窗前的面庞,一定感到寂寞而悲戚罢。 ⑨但是一座楼隔在它们和防空洞的中间,使它们看不见一个少女被窒息的惨剧,使它们看不见带泥的腿。这我却是看见了的。关于这我将怎样向人们诉说呢? ⑩夜色降下来,园子渐渐地隐没在黑暗里。我的眼前只有一片黑暗。但是花摇头的姿态还是看得见的。周围没有别的人,寂寞的感觉突然侵袭到我的身上来。为什么这样静?为什么不出现一个人来听我愤慨地讲述那个少女的故事?难道我是在梦里?


阅读短文及答案 (一)换一扇窗 一个美国的小男孩天生就有个大鼻子,因为这个大鼻子,他在学校几乎成了每个学生嘲笑的对象。他因此而闷闷不乐,不爱和同学打交道,不愿意参加集体活动,只是常常趴在教室的最后一扇窗户看风景。 他的老师玛利亚发现了小男孩的忧郁。一次课后,她走到小男孩身边问:“你在看什么呢?” “我看见一些人正在埋葬那条可爱的小狗。”小男孩悲伤不已。 “那我们到前面的一扇窗户边看看吧。”玛利亚牵着小男孩的手到另一扇窗户边,“孩子,你看到了什么?” 窗外是一片玫瑰花,开得芬芳而灿烂。小男孩的悲伤顿时一扫而光。 “孩子,你刚才开错了窗户了。”玛利亚抚摸着小男孩的头说。 “你知道吗?在老师的心目中,你的鼻子是最可爱的。”玛利亚说。 “大家都笑我啊。”小男孩深感委屈。 “那是因为你没有换一扇窗户。你应该把你鼻子最可爱的一面展示给大家看啊。” ☆恰好学校要排演一个小型话剧,其中一个角色很适合小男孩。在玛利亚的鼓励下,小男孩鼓起勇气参加并获得了成功。由于他的大鼻子,所以人人都记住了这个学校里的小明星。 后来,小男孩参加美国在线节目的演出,结果名声大振。再后来,他进入好莱坞,成了最受欢迎的明星之一。他叫斯格特,是20世纪美国最著名的滑稽明星之一。 是的,当你因某种缺陷而愁闷苦恼时,应该换一扇窗。这样,你会看到别样的风景。换一种思考和行动方式,开启的将是成功的大门。 1 用简洁的语言写出第10自然段(画☆的自然段)的主要内容。 2 把短文分成两部分,在每部分开头标上“Δ”。 3 根据短文填空。 ①当小男孩在一扇窗中看到人们正在埋葬一条可爱的小狗时, 他;当他换了一扇窗,看到一片芬芳灿烂的玫瑰花时,他的悲伤。 ②“换一扇窗”表面意思是换一个窗户看风景就可以看到不同的风景,深刻的含义是


四年级语文阅读理解训练题有答案爱的诠释争平 在美国芝加哥的西北角.有一个叫罗爱德的小镇。几个月前,该镇的教育主管部门为镇里一位名不见经传的女教师举办了一次大型摄影展览、展出的都是教师以女儿为主人公的生活照片。出人意料的是,从美国各地来了2800多名记者,打破了美国个人摄影展采访人数的历史(纪记)录。2800多人要吃要住,使得这个只有4000余人的小镇上大部分家庭成了临时的旅(馆管)。 女教师名叫露易丝,今年46岁,自1991年起她一直在当地小学任教。她长相平淡,与众多的平民百姓一样,她曾经失业,还有一段时间因为经济困难而与丈夫吵架,曾经生病住院两个星期,也曾经举债度日。但她与众不同的,就是坚持每天给女儿詹妮照一张相,从女儿出生到20周岁,足足照了20年,照了7300多张。她把这项活动称为“女儿每天都是新的”。展览馆共有八层展厅,全部用于这次展览。八层展厅被分隔成宽3.5米、长1500多米的展道,全都桂着詹妮的照片,从她出生到20周岁,以时间为(序叙),一张连着一张。每张照片的规格都是一样的:高23厘米,宽20厘米,下面则写着拍摄时间和扼要的文字说明:今天,詹妮呱呱哭着来到了人间; 今天,詹妮在妈妈怀里吃奶; 今天,詹妮会笑了; 今天,詹妮发烧竟然达到38℃; 今天,詹妮会喊爸爸妈妈了; 今天,詹妮跟着妈妈上幼儿园…… 据说,为了坚持不问断地拍摄,露易丝很少离开女儿詹妮,万不得已,她就请人(代带)劳。20年间,她先后请丈夫和詹妮的爷爷、奶奶、外公、外婆等13人帮忙照了43张。 平心而论,这些照片,从拍摄技术到画面内容,都很平淡或通俗,甚至有千篇一律的弊病,比如詹妮在襁褓中的照片有110多张,坐童车的有90多张,


“煮书” 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在椅子上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮坏吗?” 爷爷笑了:“书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀!” 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,常常是反复诵读品味,非把书读熟读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书’。这样,他作起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神’。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮’。否则,就很难把语文学好。” “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书’呢?” “你可以从‘煮’语文书入手。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样‘煮’下去,你不仅能体会文章情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章,还会犯愁吗?”爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩! 1.根据意思,从文中找出相应的四个字词语,并填在括号里。 (1)心里怎么想,手就怎么做,形容运用自如。() (2)一下子明白过来。() (3)心里不明白,不理解。() 2.造句。 不仅……还…… 3.你认为“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的意思是 4.杜甫是怎样“煮书”的,请用“~~~”画出相关的句子;我们学语文该怎么“煮书”?请用“”画出相关句子。 5.按要求填空。 (1)使“我”感到奇怪的问题是: (2)“我”认为“煮书”是,而爷爷说“煮书”是指 (3)“煮书”有什么好处?你今后打算怎样学好语文呢?


散文阅读练习一 散文阅读考查知识点: 一、整体感知内容,概括文章主题。 考察类型 1.直接概括全文内容。 尽量利用原文语句。 2.回答某一段落内容或全文的主题以及作者的思想感情等。 没有原文语句可利用时,要注意概括得全面、准确,不要漏掉答题点。 二、品味散文语言,体悟词句作用 考题形式 (一)、品味词语。 1.解释词语含义。 解释词语(在语境中)的含义要结合语境。 2.品评加点词语的作用。 品评词语的表达作用,要结合语境、作品的主题思想、作者的思想感情、景物意境、人物性格、特殊的表达效果(即运用了某种修辞手法的词语)或在结构上起到独特作用。方法指导:坚持“词不离句,句不离文”的原则,切忌“断章取义”。联系上下文,推知其语境义。 (二)、理解句子的含义。 (答题时应从句子表现的句意和与主题的关系上分析考虑。) (三)、理解句子的作用。 答题时应从以下两个角度入手: 1、结构上,应从总领全文、承上启下、前后照应、为下文作铺垫、推动情节发展、点题、总结上文等作用的角度去分析。 2、内容和主题上:点明主旨,深化主题。 (四)、语言赏析。 A、用词之美------找精美的富有表现力的动词、形容词、叠词及成语等。 B、修辞之美------找文中的比喻句、排比句、拟人句、对偶句、反问句等。(作用:比喻使语言生动形象;排比使语言气势磅礴、感情强烈;拟人使事物形象可感;对偶使语句形式整齐;反问句增强语气;夸张突出特征,给读者以鲜明而强烈的印象…、设问:自问自答,引人注意,启发思考…)另外要注意抓住六种重要句子: ①首句。一个语段的首句往往有提示、概括和承转的作用 ②中心句和点睛句。 ③感情句。语段中的有些句子明显表达了作者的情感和态度。 ④描写句。刻画人物的句子表现人物性格,烘托人物感情,而描写环境的句子有渲染某种气氛、烘托人物某种感情、表现人物某种性格、推动情节发展等作用。 ⑤修辞句。为更好地写景状物,传神达意,作者往往在语段中运用一些修辞手法。 ⑥尾句。语段的尾句或概括总结全文,或照应开头,或留下思考的余地,或抒发感情。表达效果上有些句子有升华主题,渲染气氛,烘托心情等作用。 三、常见的艺术表现手法:象征、衬托、对比、借景抒情、托物言志、咏物寄情、寓理于事、融情于事、先抑后扬、以小见大 四、散文的线索 散文线索就是贯穿文章结构的东西,根据文章中心需要,可以以物为线,以事为线;可以以人为线,以情为线;也可以以时间为线,以地点为线。 找线索的方法:

阅读理解练习 附答案

一、阅读精讲 Recently a program called Apps for Apes was started by the New York-baxxxxsed nonprofit organization OrangutanOutreach. The program introduces Apple’s iPad to orangutans in zoos. How could orangutans react to seeing another orangutan using the iPad when they themselves are not using it? Mr. Zimmerman explains that the orangutans all want to use the tablet when they see it. This desire could come from wanting their caretaker’s same attention. Mr. Zimmerman told us what happens in a situation where the mother of a baby orangutan uses the iPad with an animal caretaker. When the baby orangutan sees the iPad he will jump over and want to play with them. In this case he advises having two iPads and caretakers to work with the mother and the baby. Another example comes from an animal sanctuary in Florida. “At the Center for Great Apes in Florida when we use an iPad with Mari a female orangutan Pongo a big male who lives with Mari gets jealous and wants the attention. So he comes running over and wants to use the iPad.” How do orangutans react to seeing visitors using iPads? Mr. Zimmerman says this behavior has not been reported. But he says orangutans are used to being taken pictures with other devices. So they don’t mind anything pointing at them such as a c amera or a phone. Mr. Zimmerman adds that the orangutans do recognize the iPad but to know what they are thinking is a bit more difficult. We are expecting mind readers to tell us what a great ape is thinking or someone has developed an app for that? 1、Words and phrases (1)react to 对……做出反应 He didn't react to the question. (2)want to do sth. 想要做某事 John want to go shopping with his mother.约翰想和妈妈去逛街。 (3)come from 来自于,相当于be from He comes/is from America.他来自于美国。 (4)jump over 跳过,越过 I'm gonna jump over it! 我要跳了! (5)be used to doing 习惯做某事 I'm used to running every morning. 我习惯了每天早晨跑步。 He has been used to doing homework after coming home.他已经习惯了回家后做作业。 (6)take pictures 照相,相当于take photos We took many photos in the park last Sunday.我们上周日在公园找了很多照片。 (7)mind doing sth. 介意做某事 Do you mind opening the door?你介意打开门吗? 2、Listening practice Recently a program called Apps for Apes was started by the New York-baxxxxsed nonprofit organization Orangutan Outreach. The program introduces Apple’s iPad to orangutans in zoos. How could orangutans react to seeing another orangutan using the iPad when they themselves are not using it? Mr. Zimmerman explains that the orangutans all want to use the tablet when they see it. This desire could come from wa nting their caretaker’s same attention. Mr. Zimmerman told us what happens in a situation where the mother of a baby orangutan uses the iPad with an animal caretaker. When the baby orangutan sees the iPad he will jump over and want to


篇一:画出的爱阅读答案 爱的位置阅读答案要有结合生活体验的!只要第三题就好,用“——”画出点明题目“爱的位置”的句子,结合课文内容或生活体验说说自己的理解._百度作业帮爱的位置阅读答案要有结合生活体验的!只要第三题就好,用“——”画出点明题目“爱的位置”的句子,结合课文内容或生活体验说说自己的理解. 爱的位置阅读答案要有结合生活体验的!只要第三题就好,用“——”画出点明题目“爱的位置”的句子,结合课文内容或生活体验说说自己的理解. 语文尐逞2014-09-26 1.仔细阅读老教授讲的故事,想一想:国王为什么把王位传给了三儿子?2.“空气在那一刻凝固了,教室里静的能听到心跳声.”此时无声胜有声,此时此刻,老教授会想些什么呢?3.用“___”画出点明题目“爱的位置”的句子,结合课文内容或生活体验说说自己的理解.1,因为大儿子和二儿子把对国王的爱都放国王的头上和脚下,而三儿子把对国王的爱都放在了心里.2,这个孩子是最孝顺的,不是因为应付老师的作业儿去猜去帮父母洗脚的,尽管他父母没了双脚,还是为父母做了一件事,他是把爱放在心里的.3,最后一段.表达在口头上的,在身体某一个部位的,都不是爱的位置,而是在心里. 1:因为真正的爱是不必挂在嘴上的,而是要放在内心深处。1、2儿子都太过于做作,只有3儿子才是发自内心的真心。2:略(被感动之类的)3:“记住,爱的位置不在嘴里,不在头上,也不在脚下,只在心中,在我们时刻关爱他人的细小行动中。”爱,其实很简单,小小的一点细微之处,就能透露——爱本无声,只是被世人给理解的都错乱了,失去了其本身的意义!... 紫色风铃zwq 2014-09-27 1:因为真正的爱是不必挂在嘴上的,而是要放在内心深处。1、2儿子都太过于做作,只有3儿子才是发自内心的真心。 篇三:画出的爱阅读答案 篇四:画出的爱阅读答案 绘本,顾名思义就是画出来的书。 然而,由于绘本图书价格较高,薄薄三四十页就要几十元,普通家庭很少大量购买。于是,专门租售绘本的书店应运而生。 一年读了700本书 美丽的湖滨东路上,一座温馨的小屋里搁满了各种绘本图书,每个傍晚和节假日都有成群的家长带着孩子来到这里,他们可以坐下读书,也可以借书回家。 书馆的主人叫白梅,一个6岁女孩的妈妈,创建这个书馆的初衷是为了让孩子与大家一起,在成长的路上有阅读陪伴。 女儿1岁多的时候,白梅尝试带着女儿一起阅读。听故事、看图片,女儿在绘本的世界里,认知能力得到了很好培养。 如今,白梅的绘本馆拥有400多位会员,每位会员每年缴纳450元便能阅读数千本图书,年阅读量平均在300本左右,最多的一年读了700本书。他们每个礼拜都会借十几本书回家,由家长带着一起阅读,既培养了孩子的兴趣,又能形成良好的亲子氛围。 [1]篇五:画出的爱阅读答案 一位小学生问老师:“什么是爱?”老师觉得有必要给这个问题一个言简意赅且生动形象的回答。由于快到放学时间了,老师没有立即回答这个问题,而是要求每一位学生第二天带一样能够表达自己爱的感觉的东西到学校来。第二天,老师说:“请同学们展示你们带来的东西。”第一位学生说:“我带来了这朵花,你们不觉得它漂亮吗?”第二位学生说:“我带来了这只蝴蝶。瞧,它的翅膀五颜六色,多美呀!我非常喜欢它,我要将它制成标本收藏起来。”第三位学生说:“我带来了这只小鸟,它是从树上的鸟窝里掉下来的。你们看,它多可爱呀!”在学生们一个个争先恐后地展示自己带来的东西时,老师注意到有一个小女孩始终一声不吭地坐在座位上。原来她什么也没有带来。于是,老师走到她的面前,有点生气地问:“你为什

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