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2015考研英语冲刺复习正在紧锣密鼓的进行着,在距离硕士研究生考试还有90天多的时间里,考研英语想拿高分,冲刺阶段对英语写作下辛苦才是正点,考研英语写作部分是否能提高分,主要是看同学们如何复习,整理了英语写作必知的13种逻辑关系,帮助同学们冲刺阶段复习更顺利。 因果关系:… and so…; another important factor/reason …; as a consequence; as a result; as; because; because of; being that; consequently; due to; for the reason that; for the same reason; for; hence; for this reason; in consequence; in that… ; in view of; owing to; since; so; … so that…; the reason seems obvious; there are about…; therefore; thus; obviously; evidently 并列关系:and; also; as well as; both … and …; either… or …; neither… nor …; not only… but also…; in the same way; too 序列关系: first…, second…, third…, and so forth; A…, B…, C…, and so forth; next; then; following this; at the same time; now; at this point; after; afterwards; subsequently; finally; previously; before this; simultaneously; concurrently; thus; therefore; hence; next; and then; soon 递进关系:accordingly; as a popular saying goes…; as far as… is concerned; at the same time; besides; even; further; furthermore; in addition; in order to…; in other words; in the first place…, in the second place…; in this way; meanwhile; moreover; not only…, but also…; not… but…; lastly; for one thing…, for another… 转折关系:yet; but; unless; despite that; in spite of; though; although; although this may be true; even so; even though; however; sometimes; once in a while; independent of; reckless of; regardless of 时空关系:afterwards; as soon as; at least; before; eventually; every; first; first of all; first and foremost; for a start; meanwhile; in the meantime; while; now; next; not … until; later; formerly; previously; prior to; since then; since; subsequently; till; to begin with; to start with; when; then 条件关系:as long as; even if; even though; if it necessary; if not all; if possible; if so; if; lest; once; provided that; unless 重复关系:in brief; as I have said; as I have noted; as has been noted; as is mentioned above 比较关系:apart from; by the same token; compared with; in comparison with; in the same vein; like; likewise; rather t han; similarly; similarly important; equally; when compared with; when in fact… 对比关系:after all; as opposed to; balanced against; up against; vis a vis; where; conversely; on the one hand… on the other hand…; contrary to; conversely unlike; different from this; however; in contrast; nevertheless; on the contrary; oppose to; whereas; while 举例关系:a good example would be; for example; for instance; in this case; in another case; on this occasion; in this situation; take the case of; to demonstrate; to illustrate; according to; as an illustration; as for; as regards; as to; in particular; including; namely; notably; such as; like; take… as an example; you may say



————————————————————————————————作者: ————————————————————————————————日期:

2014考研高分冲刺必备:英语作文写 作点睛模板句 考研英语作文句式模板(一) 注:横线部分可替换? 1.______isnowbeing questioned by moreand more people.? 2.Although manypeople claim that, along wi正受到越来越多人的质疑。?? ththerapidlyeconomicdevelopment, thenumber of peoplewhouse______are decreasing and isbound to dieout. Theinformation I've collectedover the recent years leads meto believe that____willcontinue toplay extremely importantrolesinmodern society. 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用____的人数会减少,____可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信____仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。??3.experts point out that increasing notonly causes seriousproblems such as global warmingbut also couldthreaten to end human life on ourplanet. 专家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。? 4. In view of such serious situation, environmentaltools of transportationlike are more important than any time before. 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像____这样的环保型交通工具。?5. Using______contributesgreatly topeople's physical fitness as wel las______. 使用______有助于人们的身体健康,并______。 ?6.Despite many obvious advantages of , it is not withoutits problem.?尽管______有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。? 7.is more thanjust an electronic appliance;it is a means of expression,aswell as a vehicle for communication,and as suchbecomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. 不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体,并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。??8.Fromwhat has been discussedabove,we may safely draw the conclusio nthatadvantagesof far outweigh itsdisadvantages andit will stillplayessentialroles in modern society. 通过以上讨论,我们可以得出结论:____的优点远大于缺点,并且在现代社会它仍将发挥重要作用。


MPAcc考研冲刺写作:你不可不知的六 个标准 MPAcc考试写作的最基本要求就是“准确理解题意”。“准确理解题意”就是准确理解题目的“规定性”。所谓“规定性”,无非就是要求你必须写什么,必须怎么写,这会涉及文章的体式、主旨、材料,以至标题、字数等等。 一、准确理解题意 1)命题作文审题指要。命题作文相对材料作文而言,题面的要求说得比较明白,所以审题难度有所下降。但是,如果考生审题意识淡薄,既不重视把握题目内涵,也不注意审清要求,还是会造成“—着不慎,满盘皆输”的严重后果。凡是命题者给出的材料、提示语、要求或注意事项,都要——看明白,不能遗漏。与材料相比,命题人给出的提示语更应认真阅读。要围绕话题选材。根据话题范围确立主题后,还要精选材料,充分表现主题,这样才算真正符合题意.有些考生没有注意这一点,作文开头能抓住话题,但主体部分却不能围绕中心行文,这也是不符合题意的表现。 2)基于文字材料的自由命题作文审题指要。考生要努力抓住“关键词”。材料作文一般有多项“指令”,这些“指令”往往以“关键词”的面目出现,考生应当努力抓住这些“关键词”,尽可能多地找出材料的含义,准确确定论点。材料作义的材料绝大多数是多义的,单义的材料十分少见.比如“达·芬奇画蛋”的材料,至少有三种含义:一是“天才出于勤奋”,二是。“要练好基本功”,三是“名师出高徒”。找出材料的多种含义后,应注意通过比较鉴别,选出你认为最直接、最佳的一条来,当然首先是从你自己善于写的角度出发,将其作为作文的主旨。 二、观点明确 “观点明确”是指文章的主旨鲜瞬而准确。“观点,的表现形式可以是明示的,也可以是含蓄的;可以是理性的概括,也可以具有浓厚的感情色彩,但它必须是鲜明的,“明确”始发于作文题目,只有先明确题目所蕴涵的“中心”,然后在此基础上为所写文章立意,才能做到“观点明确”:“明确”实施于写作过程,只有紧扣“中心”,选择材料组织材料,谋篇行文,才能真正实现“观点明确”。紧扣命题,观点明确,这是考场作文保证公平性的重要手段,否则,联考将无法有效地控制作文的抄袭、套作。 观点是文章的灵魂,是文章的纲。它是一根红线,贯穿全篇。文章的选材、结构、语言等,都要以观点为依据。那么,考生怎样做到“观点明确”呢? 1)主题要单—集中.文章一旦落实到某个具体的题目上,就必须形成自己的写作中心。在一篇700字的文章中,如果东拉西扯,东一榔头西一棒子,就会使人不得要领,不知所云。一


2016考研:管综冲刺中文写作要点归纳 2016考研备考季已经进入了11月下旬,这也就意味着2016考研正式进入了冲刺阶段。在这个阶段该对于参加管理类联考和经济类联考的考生来说,该如何进行中文写作部分的强化提升,本文将给大家作出详细的规划指导。 无论是参加管理类联考(199)的考生,还是参加经济类联考(396),都要考两篇文章:论证有效性分析(管综30分,经综20)和论说文(管综35分,经综20)。这两篇的得分,历来是重灾区。究其原因,主要有三点:一是没时间写,这是其它科目的做题速度慢,挤占了写作的时间;二是不会写,这是备考过程中轻视的写作的专项训练,认为写作没啥可练的,到考场上才秀自己的处女作,结果又没思路;三是写偏了或写慢了,导致得分不理想,这是看看题,总是认为会写,而实际练的少了。 针对这些情况,我建议大家做好如下三点: 1、合理规划时间。中文写作的时间必须保持在55分钟两篇,而这个时间已经很紧张了。这样,数学和逻辑的解答时间就不能超过125分钟。具体如何做呢?通过模拟来训练自己的时间的把控,或者干脆给各科目规定时间,解题时,如果时间到了,就决然的做下一科目。多给自己一分压力,多给自己十分的空间。

2、认真做近5年的真题。自己模拟在60分钟内认真的写写作文,看看自己现在是什么样一个水平。先不说答题的效果如何,如果能在规定的时间内答完,再读给同学听听,如果他认为还可以,那就可以放松一下了。否则,还是乖乖地开始专项训练吧。谁在这个阶段把写作提升上去了,谁的分数就会提升15-20分。 3、手脑并用。认真加强写作训练,坚持每周写上3-4篇。这是这个阶段的重中之重了。那该写什么,又如何写呢? 针对论证有效性分析,主要训练常考的一些典型逻辑缺陷的特征识别与分析思路专项训练,主要包括:偷换概念、以偏概全、论据不足、环节缺失、不当对比、不当类比、诉诸将来、过度推断、非黑即白、统计谬误、误用数据。练好写好这些典型缺陷,足以使你在未来的考场得到不错的分数了。 针对论说文,在这个阶段主要训练论述的展开,包括列提纲和论证的展开,至于例子,而不要放在重要的位置,因为它真的不是非常重要。如何训练呢?大家不妨思考一下三个方面:企业发展的规律及要素分析;人的发展规律和要素分析;常用的辩证思维和论辩手法。就一个观点,想清楚其中的道理,并组织思路与语言,先说服自己。

2015考研英语冲刺 大作文高分技巧

官方微信: 2015考研英语冲刺大作文高分技巧 大作文写作技巧 大作文写作近几年都是图表类作文。一般是给出1-2副图表,要求描述、分析原因和总结建议。其实也是三段式,每一段写一层意思即可。如果有两幅图,一般是进行对比,这就需要在写作中加入一些对比性的词语。 下面就为大家详解每一段怎么写,并附上一些常用词语和精彩句子。 第一段 第一段是作文关键,据说阅卷老师只看第一段,第一段也是最能体现水平的。同学们可以积累总结一些提套话,只需针对不同类型的图改变相应的对象即可。以下是一些可以套用的例句,仅供大家参考。 The table above clearly reflects the statistics of(对象)happening in a Chinese city(地点)。According to the table(表格,图用chart),in 2005【the traffic accidents】in the Chinese city still failed to arouse concerns of both drivers and pedestrians.From the information given in the above column chart,we can see a striking contrast in【mobile-phone subions】between developing and developed countries from 2000 to 2008. During this period,there has been a dramatic increase from【0.4 to 4 billion mobile phone subions】in developing countries,while(转折)that of developed countries remained steady under 1 billion during the decade. 第二段 第二段是原因分析,针对图表所显示的现象、问题等给出自己的原因分析。事实上,这么多年下来,基本可以归结为教育、人口、经济等方面的原因。再加上连接过度的话语,第二段内容也可以写的很丰满。 原因具体可以分为两类:宏观上国家政策、经济发展、教育发展、收入提高、国家地位增强等;微观上主要体现为人们自身的原因,如人们意识提高/下降,空闲时间多了,精力、金钱多了,人们自己的偏好等。通过多看范文可以提炼出适用的一些原因,每个分类下总结个5-6个原因即可。 同时,一定要注意连接词的运用,这是非常关键的。Firstly secondly finally不推荐,At the top of the list,in addition,Last but not the least等就比较好。这些均在各种资料里有所涉及,复习时要注意多做积累和练习。 第三段


2014考研高分冲刺必备:英语作文写作 点睛模板句 考研英语作文句式模板(一)? 注:横线部分可替换? now being questioned by more and more people. 正受到越来越多人的质疑。? 2. Although many people claim that, along with the rapidly economic development, the number of people who use______are decreasing and is bound to die out. The information I've collected over the recent years leads me to believe that____will continue to play extremely important roles in modern society. 尽管许多人认为随着经济的高速发展,用____的人数会减少,____可能会消亡,然而,这几年我收集的一些信息让我相信____仍然会继续在现代社会发挥极其重要的作用。 3. experts point out that increasing not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet. 专家指出:持续增加的污染不仅会导致像全球变暖这样严重的问题,而且还将威胁到人类在这个星球的生存。 4. In view of such serious situation, environmental tools of transportation like are more important than any time before. 考虑到这些严重的状况,我们比以往任何时候更需要像____这样的环保型交通工具。? 5. Using______contributes greatly to people's physical fitness as well as______. 使用______有助于人们的身体健康,并______。? 6. Despite many obvious advantages of , it is not without its problem. 尽管______有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。? 7. is more than just an electronic appliance; it is a means of expression, as well as a vehicle for communication, and as such becomes a powerful tool for reaching other human beings. 不仅仅是一件电器;它是表达的手段和交流的载体,并因此成为联系他人的有力工具。?


大作文第二段推荐句型 1 the evidence ... manifests that... ? the evidence that blue sky cannot be seen manifests that pollution is becoing increaingly severe throughout the world. ? 2,虚拟语气 ?if every one of 人did sth, a dim and gloomy future would be awaiting all the human beings. ?if every one of人failed to do sth,....... 万能理由 ?1:with the advance of communication revolution, sth will enable人 to make more intimate friends ; ?2: in present--day society, sth will make人 to be delighted in our routing life ? 3. sth, as we all know, indeed lets人reap a lot of fruits in current society. ? 4. without sth, an increasing amount of private individuals would do sth ?(witness a dim and gloomy future) ? 1. 举例: ? 2. 引用名人名言


Part I Reading Comprehension (Part A) Text 1 Past immigration good, present immigration bad. Each new wave of immigration has been greeted by wide-spread suspicion or outright hostility. “Ignorant, unskilled, inert, accustomed to the beastliest conditions,” thundered an article about east Europeans in 1892. “The arrival on our shores of such masses of degraded peasantry brings the greatest danger that American labor has ever known.” It was opinions such as this that eventually led, from the 1920s, to America’s doors being virtually closed to immigrants. The doors opened again in the mid 1960s, and widened admirably with the 1990 immigration act. The essence of today’s anti-immigration case is that this latest wave of newcomers is likely to be difficult, if not impossible, to absorb. The pro-immigration riposte is that most such arguments have been heard before and proved false. Both sides in the debate can twist the numbers. The antis point out that the number of people entering America legally or illegally (about in a year) is higher than at any time since the early years of the century. The pros reply that, as a proportion of the population, immigration is still relatively low by 20th-century standards. More controversial is the origin of the new immigrants. Between 1810 and 1900, more than 80% of immigrants came from Europe. By the 1980s, the European share had dropped to 9%. The vast majority of America’s immigrants today come from Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean. Does this matter? The antis think the mix is a danger to the fabric of American society. The pros think that view differs little from that of those who wrote darkly about the “alien hordes” from southern and Eastern Europe who would “steadily reduce the average intelligence of the country”. Many of the other objections to immigration also have a familiar ring. In the past, too, Americans worried (though perhaps not quite as much as they do now) about the effects of the arrival of these people on their environment, about the newcomers’ commitment to America and its values. But in a few respects the worries about the current influx are genuinely new. One concerns the skills of the new arrivals: they are declining compared with those of the native-born population. Lower skills mean more poverty and---because of the second new factor, the growth of the welfare state---greater cost to the taxpayer. In 1970 the typical immigrant had a lower participation in welfare than the American average; by 1990 the participation rate was higher than average (immigrants were 9% of households but took 13% of welfare money). If these statistics are true of legal immigrants, they are likely to be even more true of illegal ones. A third worry is that assimilation has become harder with the rise of “multiculturalism” and the new emphasis on group rights. Some of these worries might be dealt with by adjusting immigration policy. For example, the United States could follow Canada in placing greater emphasis on skills as a criterion for entry. But often immigration is merely a symptom of a wider problem, not the cause. Blame the rising cost to taxpayers on welfare policy and federal mandates, not on immigrants. The strongest advocates of multiculturalism are to be found among university teachers and blacks whose ancestors came to America hundreds of years ago. There is little reason to believe that today’s immigrants want


考研英语作文冲刺备考攻略 考研英语作文冲刺备考攻略 一、作文复习远没有想象中简单 把真题研究透彻,接下来就该去考试了。考试之前,你一定会问,其他同学都背诵了模版,自己不准备模版会不会太冒险。所谓的模版,其实并不是单纯的一篇文章,如果大家都一样,呆板的作文是 很难得到高分的。 研究了这么多套真题,适当把思路做一下总结,从听课中和自己背的文章中汲取好的结构和句子,写一个专属自己能看懂的模版, 才是最好的!提示所有同学,这个模版不是一味抄袭别人的(包括何 凯文、王江涛老师的),而是在你听过课后,自己总结出来的,拥有 你自己的鲜明风格写法的,只有这样,你的模版才能在考场上运用 自如。模版只是你的一个写作思路而已,得高分的关键是你得学会 用适合话题的词汇和素材(这点老师会教你,但是你自己也要课下积累)。 作文复习不容易,并没有你想的那么简单,如果你只想投机取巧,想花半小时背一个模板然后上考场拿到高分,那么考研还公平吗?这 简直就是对考研的侮辱啊。最后的20多天的时间,你得赶紧醒醒脑子,抓紧时间复习了。三个建议:第一立即复习作文,不可轻视作 文部分;第二高度重视历年真题,弄懂每一套真题;第三模版可以准备,且应该准备,但是到最后,一定要有一个属于自己的模版,是 自已灵活运用的模版。 二、再先来正一正自己的三观 到底是“框架”重要还是“内容”重要?写了这么多年作文,你 一直在准备的是什么? ?第一个问题:到底是“框架”重要还是“内容”重要?

所谓“框架”不同人有不同的定义,在这里可以理解为模板或者可以成套背的东西,字数或多或少,往往一个框架可以应对4—5篇 文章及以上;所谓“内容”就是除了这些“框架”以外的东西,每一 篇文章可能都对应着不同的内容,往往很难大范围的背诵。 为了说明哪个更重要,请看下面一例: 假设你是一个语文老师,判卷的过程中看一个老外写的中文作文开头如下你会是什么感受。“这篇寓意深刻的漫画形象地反映出了 一个振聋发聩的问题:报互坏精波在眉睫。” 也许你要么想掐死他,要么想掐死自己。 “这篇寓意深刻的漫画形象地反映出了一个振聋发聩的问题”就是所说的框架(模板),可以背诵然后用到多篇文章,里面可以有 “寓意深刻”“振聋发聩”等高级词汇。“保护环境”(文中错写为“报互坏精”)就是我们所说的内容。如果你连题目涉及到的最基本 内容都无法准确的描述出来,那框架模板再高端也没什么用。 ?第二个问题:写了这么多年作文,你一直在准备的是什么? 学了这么多年英语,不管是何种考试,我们准备作文的思路基本如下: 考前一个月:翻看以前自己的作文或者真题范文。 考前一周:从中选择开头句型5个,中间段句型5个,结尾句型 5个。 考前2小时:背一个开头句型,背一个中间段句型,背一个结尾句型。一共准备三个精彩句型。 考试中:不管考什么内容,反正一定要把自己背的三个句型写上,然后再随便编编就感觉差不多了。 其实大多数人所谓的准备就是在准备框架,而非内容。 三、正了三观之后,再说一下准备考研英语作文有哪些思路


考研英语冲刺写作避免汉语表达 英语是非常注重逻辑明确的语言。英语注重文章的实质内容,讲究层层推导、表达透彻,主题和主题句处于文章非常显要的位置。如每一段的开头或者结尾,在主题句之后,总有具体和细致的举例、说明和阐释来进一步深化主题,丰富内容。 我们先来看一下受汉语思维和表达影响很深的一篇作文: From the picture, we can see that a beautiful American girl is in traditional Chinese costume and is smiling, as if she was asking us, “Am I like a Chinese” and speaking, “ I wish Chinese people happy like me.” It shows that with the faster pace of globolization, cultural differences are shrinking. Over the ages, our Chinese people have been looked down upon by foreigners. But now, they are interested in our culture, wearing our clothes. What a change! It shows that we are getting stronger and more influential. It shows that Chinese people really stand up. In this respect, what reasons do we have to look down upon ourselves, our glorious culture and long traditional? With the reform, China now is being a great country. She is going international. Her culture, both traditional and modern, will exercise an impact on the world. Let us work hard and make that possible in the nearest future.


大作文突破(省纸打印版)------BY 风中劲草 作文是一项大工程,里面涉及词汇、句法、语法、行文、结构等等一系列的知识和积累。为了方便自己复习和朋友共享, 我参考了很多的作文方便的参考书和网上的参考资料,精心挑选例句和范文,花费了大量的时间,总结了这个作文宝典。小部 分是复制粘贴整理过来,大部分是一字一字地输入的,心血奉献! ! 网络良莠不齐,请大家有选择的辨证的看。 参考书目: 1、 胡敏考研英语高分作文,胡敏,中国广播电视出版社 2、 新编硕士研究生英语入学考试复习指导,朱泰祺,北航出版社 3、 06考试中心八套题,张剑,新华出版社 4、 06恩波毕金献冲刺试题解析,毕金献 5、 06恩波考研5套卷 6、 06新航道命题预测五套题 7、 05年考试中心八套题 8 05年索玉柱考研英语最后五套题 9、 05管卫东冲刺作文讲义 10、 胡敏经典写作指导 11、 05考研英语最后冲刺高端预测,张子宏 12、 网络上各种讲义和资料 为了方便查找,全文分以下几部分: 概述:考研写作五大训练法 第一部分:简单词汇升级 第二部分:写作常用词汇总结(希望大家多多总结补充) 第三部分:常用写作句式 第四部分:胡敏高分作文 300句精选 第五部分:写作模板 第六部分:自己精选的范文 第七部分:权威模拟题的范文 第八部分:例文解释文章框架 ▲概述:考研写作五大训练法 1精读:仔细阅读范文,欣赏并标岀精彩的用词和句型,体会上下文中表达的精妙,提高对精彩语言的敏感度,要多写,多记。 O 2背诵:背精彩词汇,背精彩句型,背精彩句子,背精彩框架,背精彩段落 ,通过背诵完成从欣赏到掌握的过程,别人的变 成自己的。 3默写:将背过的句子,段落默写下来,检查核对,看看是否精确掌握了每一个词汇。 O 4互译:英文一中文;中文------英文,与原文核查核对,发现自己不足,纠正提高。使自己逐步写岀规范的语言,达到和 原文作者相似的水平。 5效仿:在范文中学到的单词,词组,句型,框架放在新的语境下模仿创作,造句写作。在新的作文中保留一定闪光点 第一部分:简单词汇升级(闪光词汇得分点) 1. It is very_ important that …extremely 2. Teacher and students are ?? as well as 3. One important point is being left out is more important than 4. The advantages derived from A 5. The most important reason is 6. A may be better than B vital / essential the disadvantages of B carry more weight than fundamental be superior to 7. There is no doubt that it has its drawbacks as well as 8. It may produce a great rise in 9. There is every possibility that 10. Like anything else, it has also its good points merits considerable / drastic chance problem disadvantages


王菲老师考研作文补充例句——考研文章构思 补充:考研写作万能七大方法之类比法例句 讲义P25 例1主题句:Lack of sl eep has become an epidemic in the nation . 7Lack of sl eep has become an epid emic in the nation We may have found that in spring when trees and bushes come in full bl ossom, bees usually spend l ess time in their hive. Because they have more honey-making jobs to d o. Similarly, when peopl e have more work to d o, they tend to sl eep l ess, and this has come true for us. 讲义P26 例2:主题句:Education is also very important for elderly people. 7 Education is also very important for eld erly peopl e. When a house is just finished, it d oes not need much maintenance, but when it becomes ol d, you have to d o much repairing work if you still want it to be functional. When a machine is first mad e, it d oes not require much care to run smoothly, but when it turns old, you have to oil it more often and replace broken parts more often in ord er to keep it running. Similarly, when peopl e become ol d, we also have to supply new information and id eas to their mind if we want to keep them mentally functional. Obviously, education is the solution.


2013年考研英语写作冲刺同样适用于考研英语(一)和(二) 金凌虹

?中心词、主旨词A communication modesty honesty making plans patience

?中心词、主旨词A inferior quality of products rising prices

social morality virtue helping each other

2、三段九句话作文 第一段: 第二段: 第三段: 3、第一段:图画描述 要求: 三个句式: (1)From the cartoon/picture given above, we can observe that there be sb.doing sth. [方式]+[地点]+[时间] ◆2011-writing:From the cartoon given above, we can observe that there are two tourists sitting on a boat, taking in the beautiful scenery and enjoying their meals. (2)with 复合结构,做状语 2.1 with + 名词/代词+ 现在分词(伴随状语)

◆2011-writing:the woman is throwing rubbish into the lake, with the man sitting beside, reading newspaper and showing no intentions to stop her. 2.2 with + 名词/代词+ 过去分词(被动语态) ◆2008-writing: there are two disabled men running forward, with one of their legs tied/bound together. (3)状语从句的简写及前置 He lost in thought for a long time when he was looking at the old pictures. →looking at the old pictures, he lost in thought for a long time. 3.1以“doing sth.”作为句子开头 2012-writing:Facing the bottle ,lying on the ground with half of the water inside and half outside, the man on the left side thinks that “all is gone” and seems quite upset. 3.2以“by doing sth.”作为句子开头 2008-writing:by binding one of their legs, they take advantage of each other’s strength and avoid their deficiency successfully. 3.3以“done ”作为句子开头 2012-writing:influenced by the idea that “it is fortunate that there still remains some”, the man on the left side seems quite positive and relaxed. 举例: 2012-writing: 普通版: from the cartoon given above, two people are standing in front of a bottle, one man thinks that “nothing is left”,so he feels very sad. Another man feels happy, because he thinks that ”it is lucky that there is still some water in the bottle ”.(46words)

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