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I. 1.A Global Poll:Fashion Models Are“Too Thin”


2.What Does the Declining Registration Rate for the Post-Grad Exam Mean?


3.3in10Mid-Life Couples Abandon Their Sex for the Stress from Life


4.Bush’s Approval Rating Plunges to a New Low


5.The Great Wall Is at the Top of the“World’s New Seven Wonders”


6.Both Ends of Films Are to Be Shortened


7.The Police Rush to Shut Down the Performance by the Underdressed Actresses


8.Lots of Fruit in One’s Childhood Cuts an Adult Cancer Risk


9.The US and Russia Are Warned of a Repeat of the Cold War


10.The Chinese Stocks Sink to a Record Low amid the Growing Inflation Concerns



I.try blast accord talk cut


maitre d’是法语词汇,意为领班。全句可理解为:法国这个雷厉风行的领班光吆喝,不上菜?(讽刺萨科齐新政动静虽大,没有实质性内容)



1.His tenant is an entrepreneur whose company makes shark-fin antennae,an increasingly popular car part,just

the sort of person one would expect to live in trendy suburbs such as Royal Oak or Ferndale.


2.Mrs.Clinton had,in a speech after Tuesday night’s primaries,suggested she wanted to wait before deciding

about her future.


3.Mrs.Clinton’s decision came as some of her prominent supporters–including former vice president Walter F.

Mondale–announced they were now backing Mr.Obama.


4.At the age of36,he became,in a society that respects seniority,the chief executive of Hyundai Construction,a

key player in South Korea’s economic development.


5.The centaur Bar,in a bold art-deco setting,serves18kinds of Martinis to a well dressed,racially diverse

upbeat group of young professionals.












1.highly-placed sources

2.unconfirmed report


4.well-placed sources

5.the quarters concerned

6.according to an anonymous source

7.It is undeniable that…8.Foreign wire services are quoted as saying

9.It has been illustrated that…10.It is striking to note that…


1.The tower was destroyed in the earthquake.

2.He is working hard to improve his English.

3.The bank has lost about$100,000in the stock market.

4.He noticed that oil price is skyrocketing these days.

5.People are worried about the financial crisis.

6.Audience are amazed at the wonder created by the


7.He will attend a conference on nonproliferation.

8.The second term begins in March.

9.Barbara used questionable methods in her analysis.

10.His proposal was not accepted by the committee.

























2016-2017学年第一学期新闻听力练习 Unit 1: 事故灾难篇 News items News item 1 1. A. Category 3. B. Category 4. C. Category 5 D. Category 6. 2. A. Cooler ocean temperatures. B. Warmer ocean temperatures. C. Large ocean waves. D. Strong ocean currents. News item 2 3. A. Eighteen. B. Forty-five. C. More than eighty. D. At least one hundred and forty. 4. A. It was snowy. B. It was foggy. C. It was rainy. D. It was shiny. 5. A. 10 to 12 B. 60 to 70. C. 80 to 90. D. 140 to 150. Intensive Training No.1 1. A. On a northern island of Japan. B. On a southern island of Japan. C. On Japan’s southernmost main island of Kyushu. D. Off the east coast of Japan. 2. A. It would delay the plant’s restarting for a few months. B. It would lead to the cancellation of the plant’s restarting plan. C. It was not immediately clear if it would affect the plant’s restarting plan. D. It would incur more safety hurdles for the plant. No.2 3.A. Eleven. B. Thirteen. C. Twenty-six. D. Fifty. 4. A. The Greek coast guard. B. The International Organization for Migration. C. The Italian coast guard and Navy. D. The Greek Navy. No.3 5.A. Because traffic on the road was light when the quake occurred. B. Because the city’s buildings and highways were made more resistant to quakes. C. Because the city’s residents were well educated about earthquakes. D. Bothe A and B. 6. A. Steel and other strong metals. B. Steel and rubber. C. Steel and some special alloys(合金). D. Various metals and plastics. 7. A. Counterbalancing and earthquake’s action on the building. B. Predicting the coming of an earthquake with accuracy.

英语新闻听力教程Unit 5原文及答案

Unit 5 Disasters and Calamities Section A warming up 1. snowfalls blizzards disputed 2. worsening drought 3. struck aftershocks 4. collapsed 5. debris trapped crushed 6. relief supplies devastating 7. tornado forecasters 8. locusts 9. tropical storm hurricane 10. battling toxic spill spill Section B 1. C 2.C 3.D 4.B 5.A Tapescript: 1.An Air France passenger plane has skidded off the runway and burst into flames on landing at Pearson Airport in Toronto, Canada. 2.In Nigeria at least 12 people were reported drowned after an overcrowded dugout canoe capsized in a remote creek in the oil-producing Niger Delta. 3.A full-scale relief operation is underway on Indonesia’s Java Islan d where a tsunami hit Monday, killing at least 340 people. 4.The bodies of 10 New Jersey senior citizens killed in this week’s tour bus crash in the mountains of northern Chile are being flown home. 5.Hurricane John has been downgraded to a tropical storm after hitting the Baja California Peninsula on the west coast of Mexico. The storm struck the tourist port city of Lepas, bringing down trees and power lines and flooding streets. It had earlier inundated the seaside resort of Los Cabos. Section C Item 1 1—(H) 2—(G) 3—(D,F) 4---B 5---(J) Tapescript: Iraqi police say more than 640 people have been killed in a stampede that broke out today near a Shiite shrine in Baghdad. Authorities say some 300 were hurt in ths stampede that erupted on a Tigris River bridge when thousands of people crushed a railing and plunged into the river. Officials say bodies are still being recovered from the river and that the final death toll could rise. The incident occurred when a rumor spread that a suicide bomber was in the crowd. Item 2 Task 1 1. T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T


曹姗(2012年安徽英语状元) 英语要大声朗读,我基本上每天早起读英语或新概念,朗读是一个培养语感的好办法,有助于在解题没有明确依据的情况下提高答案正确率。 坚持阅读训练,达到英语能力和应试能力的统一需要做一定量的题目,尤其是阅读和完形的成绩的提高需要一个过程,不会立杆见影,一定要有毅力和耐心同时要会总结。我从高二起每天做两篇阅读一篇完形,做完后仔细思考做错的题,思维有什么偏差,出题者到底想考什么,逐渐使自己的思路接近命题者。 高考英语阅读题:阅读新闻报道类短文注意六个个方面 在高考阅读理解中屡屡出现,已经引起了我们师生的注意。我们考生在阅读新闻报道类短文时,应该注意以下几个方面: 一、如果有标题的话,要重视新闻报道文章的标题 标题通常点明短文的主题思想,例如:通过某文的标题Old Computers Make for Unhappy Workers Survey说明本篇报道的主题就是陈旧电脑设备导致工人不满,并告知读者这是一份调查报告。但是高考试卷中的大部分新闻报道都会有意识地删掉标题,以考查考生对主题思想的归纳概括能力。 二、重视对新闻报道文章导语部分 由于高考试卷中的大部分新闻报道短文都会有意识地删掉标题,因此全文的主题和论点这时必须通过理解和分析导语部分来获得。考生可以从导语部分的开头来了解该新闻报道的来源和时间,如通过本文开头Beijing 读者可以了解到该篇报道是由中国国内报道的。如果是New Yoke ,那么考生就会知道这篇报道是来自于美国方面的报道。因此考生要想掌握新闻报道的主题或论点概况,必须仔细阅读导语。导语(1ead)就是指新闻报道的第一段或第一、二段(例如上文的第一段),它是新闻报道最基本内容的概括和浓缩,它通常反映新闻报道的主题或论点。 三、重视每个段落的链接 新闻报道通常结构看似比较松散,而实际上并非如此。新闻报道的正文主要对导语部分所提供的主题信息的相关细节进行叙述或议论。新闻报道在叙述或议论过程中其正文部分往往由很多短小的段落组成,但是这些短小的段落确是按照一定的时间、逻辑或空间等顺序进行展开,环环相扣,因此结构仍然很紧密。 四、重视新闻报道文章的阅读方法


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


(1)掌握新闻报道的结构新闻报道往往采用“倒金字塔体”。所谓“倒金字塔体”,也称为倒途法,即按新闻事实重要性的程度由要点到细节逐步扩展,安排全文。把最重要的事实置于全文的第一个句子中,这个句子被称为新闻导语(the news lead)。它告知听众最关心最重要的事实,如事件(what)、时间(when)、地点(where)、人物(who),以及原因和方式(why,how,即新闻导语包含了我们常说的五个WH和一个H构成的“新闻六大要素”。新闻导语是整条新闻的高度浓缩形式,听懂了导语,也就听懂了新闻的主要内容。当然,由于新闻报道的侧重点不同,有时新闻导语也可能只包含其中部分要素 (2)扩大词汇量,熟记新闻报道中的常用词汇 ①普通词汇。尽管新闻报道所使用的词汇量很大,但是语言的基本词汇是稳定的。如VOA 广播中的special English(特别节目)的新闻报告中常用词汇约1 500个,这的重复率在报道中是很高的,如cease-fire,presidential election等政治性词汇,finance banking group等经济词汇以ace shuttle,robot等科技词汇。而新闻英语中的特有用语就更具稳定性。若能掌握这些词汇,再加上一些听力技巧,基本听懂新闻报道就不是件难事了。 ②专有词汇。新闻报道是有关世界范围的最新消息,因在报道中常涉及许多人名、地名、国名。除此之外,新闻报道中还常常出现一些河流、山脉及名胜古迹等专有名词熟悉这些专有名词可使听者更快更准确地了解所听的新闻 (3)掌握一定数量的缩略语(acronym) 由于新闻报道时间的限制,不少机构的名称常采用其缩略形式,即由该名称中数个词的首字母的大写形式组成,如:PLO是the Palestine Liberation Organization的缩写形式。需要注意的是,听者不仅要了解这些缩略语的确切含义,而且还应知道它们的正确读音。 (4)掌握数字的不同读法 在新闻报道中经常出现许多数字,大到几十亿,上百亿,小到分数或小数。尤其对一些多位数的数字,要想立刻听准这些数字的确不容易,其主要难点在于位数过多。因此在听多位数的数字时,应对billion(十亿)、million(百万)、thousand(千)、hundred(百)等词尤为重视。同时,要注意一个数字的多种读法,如播音员把两个足球队比赛结果2:0读作two to nothing而不是读成two to nought或two to zero. (5)掌握循序渐进,从慢到快的原则 目前,许多外台(如BBC,VOA)的新闻英语报道有特别英语(Special English)和标准英语(Standard English)两种。所谓Special English也可称为慢速英语,即新闻播放的语速较慢。


I. Give definition to the following jargons on Journalism. (5’ X 4 = 20’) 1. banner 通栏标题 2. jump 跳远 3. cutline 插图说明 4. tabloid 小报;小型画报 II. Write down the following column names in English. ( 5 X 2’= 10’) 1.国际新闻World News 2. 简明新闻NEWS BRIEF 3. 社论EDITORIAL PAGE 4. 体育版sports page 5. 一周回顾Weekly Review III. Answer the following questions briefly. (15’ X 2= 30’) 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage of a summary lead? a summary lead can outline the main point of the entire text. catch the main idea of the text . readers can have a proper and general idea of what the article contained on the short time through the summary. but the disadvantage is that we will not know the details about the article.Besides, a summary lead is A bstract and lack of lively.so, some


英语新闻词汇大全accreditedjournalistn.特派记者advertisementn.广告.advancen.预发消息;预写消息affairn.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdoten.趣闻轶事assignmentn.采写任务attributionn.消息出处,消息来源backalleynewsn.小道消息backgroundingn.新闻背景Badnewstravelsquickly.坏事传千里。bannern.通栏标题 beatn.采写范围 blankvt."开天窗"bodyn.新闻正文boilvt.压缩(篇幅) boxn.花边新闻 briefn.简讯 bulletinn.新闻简报 bylinen.署名文章 captionn.图片说明caricaturen.漫画 carryvt.刊登 cartoonn.漫画 censorvt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

chartn.每周流行音乐排行版 clippingn.剪报 columnn.专栏;栏目 columnistn.专栏作家continuedstory连载故事;连载小说contributingeditor特约编辑 contributionn.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributorn.投稿人 copydeskn.新闻编辑部 copyeditorn.文字编辑 correctionn.更正(启事) correspondencecolumn读者来信专栏correspondentn.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 covervt.采访;采写 covergirln.封面女郎 covertcoverage隐性采访;秘密采访 cropvt.剪辑(图片) crusaden.宣传攻势 cutn.插图vt.删减(字数)cutlinen.插图说明dailyn.日报 datelinen.新闻电头 deadlinen.截稿时间 digvt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新 闻) digestn.文摘


Unit I Shopping and Banking Online Spot dictation. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Listen to a news report. Supply the missing information. Consumers who want to shop online are suggested to bear the following things in mind: Evaluate the site. Always buy goods from well-known and trustworthy companies. Deal with companies which offer customer service, a complaints procedure and have a refund policy. Talk to merchant. E-mail and wait for responses. Take down the addresses and phone numbers of those companies and make sure they are real by calling them up before buying any products and services. Ensure secure connection. Since buyers must submit personal information like number and


新闻部分听力技巧: 一.新闻报道3大特点 根据西方新闻理论,新闻通常由三个部分组成,及标题(headline),导语(lead)和正文(body)。了解新闻报道的基本问题特征,能帮助考生更好地听懂英语新闻。下面主要从新闻报道的结构,句法和所用词汇等方面来简要分析新闻报道的文体特征。 1.结构特点 新闻种类繁多,但就其写作形式与结构而言,则常用倒金字塔结构和时间顺序结构这两种写作方式。 A.倒金字塔结构(the Inverted Pyramid Form) 也称倒叙法。即指在新闻报道中把最重要的新闻事实放在整个报道的开头有,作为 导语(lead),把次要的我新闻事实放在导语之后,把最不重要的新闻事实放在整个 报道的末尾,这样就是倒金字塔结构。大部分新闻都采用此结构。 导语是新闻最重要的内容或事件的概述,只要听懂了导语,新闻概要就掌握得八九 不离十。听新闻要抓住6要素,即who,what,why,when,where,how,一般情况下导语 中应当回答这6要素的2要素。 B.时间顺序结构(the Chronological Style) 就是根据新闻事实发生的时间先后顺序报道。这一结构多用于体育比赛,文艺演出,和犯罪案件等。这种结构的新闻报道通常在整篇报道的结尾才给出新闻事实的结 果。 解题时注意先审题,听清第一句话,注意细节信息。去除听力中的“回读”习惯,忽略不熟悉的人名地名,解题时要先细节后归纳。 2.句法特点 就新闻报道的句法结构而言,一般使用结构简短的句子,但有时为了在一个句子中包含尽可能多的新闻事实或信息,采用合并句子或加入插入语的方式,即将原来两句或两句以上方可表达的事实合并在一句里,组成语法结构复杂,松散,冗长的句子。 A.含宾语从句的复合句 这类复合句大都接在say, tell, ask, report, quote, deny, confirm等一类动词后的间接引 语,所表达的内容往往比较重要,许多对细节考查的题目就针对此句式 Eg. American Coast Guard officials in Florida say they have returned to Cuba a group of would-be migrants B.含定语从句的复合句 此类句型通常结构复杂,信息量大,是新闻听力的难点。对于这类疑难句,考生应在平时报刊阅读以及听力训练中注意抓住句子的主题部分,即主,谓,宾,自爱此基础上理解句子的附加成分,明确他们与主体部分之间的关系。 Eg: they had to remain at the abandoned base where there were only flour and cooking fat. C.同位语及插入语 新闻英语除了文字简练的特点之外,最显著的一个特点就是要尽可能多地传递信息,因此不可避免的大量使用同位语。如在新闻中提到人就必须根据需要交代与该新闻有关的他的职务,年龄,专业等,如提到组织结构就必须交代与该新闻相关的地点,性质等以便听者更好地了解。


一、单选题 1. 记者应当履行的基本职责是 A.社会活动家的职责( D ) B.时代瞭望者的职责 C.历史记录者的职责 D.采访报道新近发生的重要事实的职责 2. 在新闻采访中,记者必须遵循的根本原则是( C ) A.实事求是原则 B.依靠领导原则 C.无产阶级党性原则 3.事实与新闻之间的关系,是一种( B D.内外有别原则) A. 流与源的关系 B. 源与流的关系 C. 并列关系 D. 等同关系 4. 记者要自觉地遵守职业道德。当前,在"讲究文德,反对以稿谋私" 方面,首先要坚决反对( D ) A. 采写人情稿 B. 拿原则作交易 C. 见利忘义 D. 有偿新闻 5. 新闻采访的目的是( D ) A.搜集创作素材 B. 采风问俗 C. 取得人证物证 D. 识别和获取新闻 6. 新闻线索的作用,表现在可以触发记者的新闻敏感,可以决定报道 的质量,还可以( A ) A.指明采访的去向 B. 赢得采访的主动权

C.提高采访的工作效率 D. 把采访引向深入 7. 在采访中,记者既要"身入",又要"心入"。"心入",就是要有强烈的社会责任感,要对客观事物进行由表及里的分析,还要( D ) A.广泛地接触群众 B. 多方面地挖掘材料 C.细心地掂量各种材料的价值 D. 真心实意地和群众打成一片 8《. 人民日报》有位记者,曾采写了一篇令人振聋发聩的新闻述评《水,让我们重新认识你》。这次采访的成功,主要是因为( A ) A.做好充分的准备工作 B. 记者的头脑灵活 C.采访的机遇好 D. 记者的笔杆子硬 9.采访中开好座谈会首先要求( C ) A.认真做好记录 B. 注意同与会者展开讨论 C.根据采访目的选好对象 D. 把握好座谈的气氛 10. 开放式提问可以让采访对象的回答( A ) A.不受具体答案的限制 B. 思想更加开放 C.有思想活动 D. 有细节与故事 11. 记者为了全面报道长江三峡建设的情况,较长时间住在三峡工地,这种采访方式是( A ) A. 蹲点采访 B. 隐性采访 C. 易地采访


11.常用新闻英语词汇. 政治、法律、外交 1. Abortive coup attempt流产政变 2. Absent trial缺席审判 3. Absentee voting缺席投票 1 4. Absolute majority绝对多数 5. Absolute monarchy君主专制政体 6. Abstain from voting放弃,不投票 7. Abstention弃权 8. Accord协定,一致 9. Accredited journalist特记者 10. Acting president代总统 11. Action platform行动纲领 12. Action policy行动方针,实施方针 13. Administration party执政党 14. Administrative authorities行政当局 15. Administrative injunction行政命令 16. Administrative policy speech施政演 17. Advanced countries发达国家 18. Advisory body顾问团 19. Advisory committee咨询委员会 20. Agenda会议事项,议事日程 21. Agreed formula商定的方安 22. Aid-giving agency援助机构 23. Alien domination外国统治 24. Allied powers同盟国 25. All-out ban全面禁止 26. Ambassador-at-large巡回大使 27. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 28. Amendment修正案,附加条款 29. Amicable relation友好关系 30. Amnesty 31. Anarchy大赦 32. Annex(领土)合并,兼并 33. Anxious澳、新、美三国防御体系 34. Appeasement policy绥靖政策 35. Appropriate authorities有关当局


UNIT 4 Statements and Comments Section A concern remarks charges warned for accused troubled baseless the importance Section B 1. The Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper has announced the construction of two military faci lities in the Arctic and a move to assert his country’s sovereignty over the contested region, which is estimated to contain billions of dollars of oil and gas deposits. 2. A speaker purporting to be al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden is accusing the US and the European Union of backing a war against Islam. 3. The former president of Iran Mohammad Khatami says American attempts to impose western-style democracy on the Middle East are flawed because democracy is not something that can be exported. 4. The Pentagon has issued a memo to rebut the criticism from several retired generals who called for Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld to resign. 5. British Prime Minister Tony Blair says his country is taking tough new measures to figh t extremism following last month’s deadly terrorist attacks in London. Answer:3A 4D 5C Section C Item 1Russian President Vladimir Putin says his country is prepared to help Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders establish stability in the wake of a pol itical upheaval. Mr. Putin made these comments today following a telephone discussion with Kyrgyzstan’s opposition leader Kurmanbek Bakiyev who was appointed by parliament to lead an interim government. Kyrgyzstan’s new leaders are trying to restore order after two days of massive looting and street violence that left at least three people dead and injured many more. Answer:1-(B,D) 2-(A,D) 3-(G) 4-(E) Item 2 British officials in Iran have denied allegations of any British involvement in violence in the southwestern province of Khuzestan where at least four people were killed in two bomb attacks on Saturday. The British embassy in Tehran condemned the attacks and said Britain rejected allegations linking it to terrorist outrages. Several Iranian officials have made statements implicating British troops stationed across the border inside southern Iraq in the bombings and in previous attacks earlier this year which killed 10 people. Answer:Task1:1F 2F 3F 4T 5F Task2: rejected linking to officials implicating bombings previous attacks Item 3 For the first time, President Bush has said it could be accurate to compare the recent escalation of violence in Iraq to the 1968 Tet Offensive during the Vietnam War. The Tet Offensive marked a strong downturn in public support for both the Vietnam War and then-President Lyndon Johnson. Mr. Bush spoke in an ABC TV interview in which he addressed increased violence in Iraq. The comparison of the insurgency in Iraq to the Tet Offensive in Vietnam was made in a column by Tom Friedman in the New York Times.


高考英语听力技巧 1. 数字题听力试题所涉及的数字包括年代、时间、年龄、距离、速度、价格、数量等,要求回答某事在什么时间发生;或某人在什么时间做某事;或价格、数量等。 在做数字计算题时,考生除了应该听清具体的数字,还应该注意表示倍数、百分率等的单词。考察数字的辨音。其中考生觉得较难的是"十几"和"几十"的区别,-teen/ˋt i:n/和-ty/ti/。比如,fifteen 和fifty 的区分。与价格有关的数字表达方式: 1).商品"打几折"的读法:有两种方法:可以直接读at a x% discount 或y% off,如70 折at a 30% discount 或30% off. 2).其它一些与数字有关的常用表达:一对couple,一打dozen,两周fortnight, 几天前 a few days ago 或the other day. 3). 注意以下单位: inch(英寸), foot( 英尺), yard( 码), mile( 英里), meter/m( 米), centimeter/cm( 厘米), kilometer/km 米), cubic meter(立方米), liter(升)等。 4). 记住下面这些表示数字与数字之间的关系词:表加减关系的词,如more(多)、less(少)、late(晚)、early(早)、fast(快)、slow(慢)、before(前)、after(后)等。表乘除关系的词,如times(倍)、twice(两倍)、percentage(百分比) a pair of(一双)、half of(一半)、double(双倍)、quarter(四分之一)等。 2. 关于人物关系、职业、身份的试题此类试题在对话中没有对人物身份、关系等作直接的说明,而是要根据对话中所提供的


Listen to the BBC news recording and complete the following exercises. Item 1. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 1.David Cameron said the United Kingdom takes this irresponsible action extremely seriously. 2.Iranian offices in Tehran were smashed and flags torn down in the attacks. 3.The Iranian foreign ministry described the incident as the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of protesters. Item 2. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The US doctor 1 ending the life of Michael Jackson has been given the 2 of four years in jail. The judge said Doctor Conrad Murray had 3 and was caught in a cycle of 4 that violated 5 as a doctor. He was found guilty earlier this month of 6 . Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 41. Who read a statement to the court? a. a lawyer of the Jackson family b. a friend of the Jackson family c. the Jackson family d. a lawyer and friend of the Jackson family 42. Conrad Murray is NOT convicted of _____________. a. providing a dangerous drug to a vulnerable man b. not caring for him once he stopped breathing c. not caring for him after his death d. trying to cover up what he'd done Item 3. Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 43. Laurent Gbagbo is on a plane heading for ____________. a. Ivory Coast b. Korhogo c. the Hague d. Abidjan 44. ____________ has been keen for Mr Gbagbo to be sent to the International Criminal Court. a. The former president b. The government of President Alassane Ouattara c. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups d. the International Criminal Court 45. presence on Ivorian soil caused tension. a. President Alassane Ouattara’s b. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups’ c. T he country's national prosecutor’s d. Laurent Gbagbo’s 46. Around 3,000 people died in . a. April b. National Assembly elections c. a post-election crisis d. the International Criminal Court Item 5. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The measure: Purpose of the measure: President’s demand: Item 6. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 47. Two psychiatrists spent 36 hours talking to Anders Breivik and checking his diaries and police


传播学英语专业词汇 传播 Communication 内向/自我传播 Intrapersonal Communication 人际传播 Interpersonal Communication 群体传播 Group Communication 组织传播 Organization Communication 大众传播 Mass Communication 单向传播 One-Sided Communication 双向传播 Two-Sided Communication 互动传播 Interactive Communication 媒介 Media 大众传播媒介 Mass Media 新媒介 New Media 新闻洞 News Hold 新闻价值 News Value 传播者 Communicator 主动传播者 Active Communicator 受传者/受众/阅听大众 Audience 受众兴趣 Audience Interest 受众行为 Audience Activity 信息 Information 信号 Signal 讯息 Message 信息熵 Entropy 冗余/冗余信息 Redundancy 传播单位 Communication Unit 奥斯古德模式 Osgood Model 编码 Encode 解码 Decode 信源 Source 传播的数学理论 Mathematical Theory of Communication 传播渠道 Communication Channel 有效传播 Effective Communication 传播效果 Effects 知识沟 Knowledge-Gap 使用与满足模式 Uses and Gratifications Model 使用与依从模式 Uses and Dependencys Model 口传系统 System of Oral Communication 地球村 Global Village 内爆 Implosion 全球化 Globalization 本土化 Localization 数字化 Digitalization 电子空间 Cyber Space

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