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高中英语Book2 unit1基础过关练习

高中英语Book2 unit1基础过关练习
高中英语Book2 unit1基础过关练习

Book2 Unit 1 Cultural relics 基础知识检测


1.The air we breathe is getting dirtier and dirtier. Many ____ _____(稀有动物) are ______(die) out.

He is always warm-hearted, and he _________(rare) refuses to give a hand when__________(need).

Taxis on a rainy New York are _________(rare) than sunshine.

Tom is an honest boy. _______(rare) did Tom fail to keep his promise.

2.I think this book is _______(value) , so I don’t want to buy it at all.

An English dictionary is very________(value) to a student.

If you want to travel to Shanghai, you will find that this map is of great________.

3.During the summer, New York offers a variety of special ____(culture) events.

4.Only two passengers____(survive) the air crash. When the two______(survive) were interviewed, they said their _____ (survive) was a miracle.

5.At the __________(enter) to the hall, I saw Tom by accident.

6.In the film The Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friend came to California in search_____gold.

= In the film The Gold Rush, Chaplin and his friend came to California to search_____gold.

The police are ________________(搜查这个房子以寻找) the stolen jewellery.

7.The floor is made of _______(wood) bricks.

8.It is________(evidence) that he is pretending to be ill.

There is evidence ________staying with excellent people can increase the chances of success.

9.Much to my___(amaze), he was able to recite the whole poem from memory.

I have to admit that his books are very_______(excite).

He lost the match. We noticed a ___________(disappoint) look on his face.

The moment I heard the final result, I jumped with joy, feeling ______(amaze).

10.The players ______(select) from the whole country are ________(expect) to bring us honor in this game.

Mr. Parker was selected_____captain because of his excellent skills.

11.Music Togethe r ________(design) to develop each child’s basic musical ability is an international music program.

Do you think the building was burnt down_____accident or ____design?

This weekend party was designed ___________(welcome) the new students.

The Winners Club is a back account specially ________(为…设计的) teenagers.

12.She fancied _______(sing) in front of people at a concert.

When he was a boy, he________________(自以为是) a superman.

13.The necklace ___________(decorate) with pearls must be very valuable.

During the Spring Festival, many people ___________their houses with red_____________. (decorate)

14.With the misunderstanding ___________(remove), the two old friends made up happily. Bad habits are____________________(不容易改掉); it needs your _________(determine). 15.They finished___________(多达) half of the work in such a short time.

----What do you think of the book?

---It is _________(不仅仅) a book. It serves as a really good guide to job hunters.

They invited a lot of guests to the party, but________(仅仅) twenty of them were present. 16.Very little of the house _____________(remain) after the fire.

How will you deal with the _____________(remain) $500?

It remains___________________(see) whether you are fit for the job.

17.This book is_____________________(非常值得一读).

18.He wants to have his eyes __________(examine) tomorrow.

The manager had her assistant __________(buy) some hot dogs for the meeting.

How could you have her__________(stand) in the cold all night?

I have a composition __________(write), so I can’t go out with you.

19.There are so many kinds of tape-recorder on sale that I can’t make up mind ____to buy.

I would appreciate it if you would like to teach me_________to use the computer.

20.Jenny debated___our math teacher___the most effective way to study math.

21.句型转换:1. It is believed that John is one of the best teachers in the school. = John ________________________________________

2.It is said that he has written a new book about workers.

= He________________________________________.

22.R ather than ______the crowed bus, he always prefers ______a bicycle. (ride)

You rather than your sister________(be) to run the shop after your parents retire.


1.There is no doubt whether we will succeed in the project.

2.This morning I was walking on the street while I saw that two travelers were reading a map, looking puzzled.

3.It appears that the castle has taken apart stone by stone.

4.The truck spilled oil over the street, which took two hours clean up.

5.The schoolbag was given back to the student when she proved that it was belonged to her.

6.She got lost in the mountain, so we phoned the police to search in the mountain for her.

7.It was amazed to find those robots could do a lot of things just like real people.

8.The football team which I belong was set up two years ago.

9.Smile is a kind of language belonged to everyone.

10.During our picnic that day, a big stone was served as our dining table.

11.The old man is still in the danger. His daughter is taking care of him.

12.Mr Smith is away on a holiday this week, so you can leave a message.

13.The remained food is not enough for the whole family.

14.I have learned English for 6 years but my spoken English remains poorly.

15.All of us value the precious time when we spent together.

16.It is no doubt that health is the most important thing in our life.

17.That I want to tell you is the deep love and respect I have for my parents.

18.The old lady survived her husband for 5 years.

19.We had a meeting yesterday, in which our headmaster made a speech.

20.In the end, the landlord agreed to provide all the furnitures for her.

21.I consider a great honor to be invited to this party.

22.He has decided to have a look at the house for it is very worth buying.

23.She may fall ill, in that case she will have to be taken to the hospital at once.

24.The subject he takes great interest in it is physics, which makes him want to be a scientist.

25.He soon spent the money, most of it was earned in a dishonest way.

26.He returned it back on time as he had promised.

27.I didn’t want to be criticized by the teacher, nor I want to be laughed at by my classmates.

28.I told him it was alright and I could wait.

29.He proved us that he is a brave man.

30.Mary rather than you are to blame for the accident.


1.The film _______________________(获得高度评价) and soon became a hit.

2.He bought her a gold watch____________________(以答谢她的帮助).

3.I haven’t seen the film, and______________________(玛丽也没看过).

4.The Hope Project_________________(旨在帮助) those children who drop out of school because of poverty.

5.With the husband laid off, the couple had to save every penny ______________(度过艰难的日子)。

6.Even though the bill______________(在讨论中) now, it will be passed soon.

7.He__________________(不可能出国了) and I saw him just now.

8._____________________(怎么提高英语) is often discussed among students.

9.I met____________________(从前的一位同学) in the supermarket this morning.

10.我正开车前往伦敦的时候,突然发现自己走错路了。(be doing …when)

I___________________________I suddenly found that I was on the wrong road.

11.The little boy finished reading the book called Ordinary World______________(借着月光)

12.该为打破教室窗户负责任的是John而不是我们。(rather than)

It is John _______________________for breaking the window of the classroom.


___________________________China will certainly______________________.



Choosing the right dictionary depends on____________________. 四、短文改错

What is a fact? Is it something that people believe? No. A fact is anything that can be proved. For example, that can be proved that China has more people than any other countries in the world. This is a fact. Then what is an opinion? An opinion is what someone believes is true but have not been proved. So an opinion is not a good evidence in a trial. For example, it is an opinion if you say "Cats are better pets than dogs". It may be true, and it is difficult to prove. Some people may not agree to this opinion but they also cannot prove that they are right. In a trial, a judge must decide which eyewitnesses to believe and which not to believe. The judge do not consider what each eyewitness looks like or what that person lives or works. He/She only cares whether the eyewitness has given truly information, which must be facts rather than opinions. This kind of information is called evidence.

一.语法填空1. rare animals,dying; rarely, needed; rarer; Rarely 2.valueless; valuable; value 3.cultural 4.survived; survivors; survival 5.entrance 6.of; for ; searching this house for 7.wooden 8.evident; that 9.amazement; exciting; disappointed;amazed 10.selected; expected; as 11.designed; by,by; to welcome; designed for 12.singing; fancied himself as/to be 13.decorated; decorate; decorations 14.removed; not easy to remove; determination 15.no less than; more than; no more than 16.remained; remaining; to be seen 17.well worth reading 18.examined; buy; standing; to write 19.which; how 20.with; about/on 21. is believed to be one of the best teachers in the school. Is said to have written a new book about workers.

22.ride, to ride ;are

二、单句改错:1.whether --that 2.while--when 3.taken前加been 4.clean前加to 5.去掉belonged 前的was 6.search后的in去掉7.amazed---amazing 8.belong后加to或which前加to 9.belonged--belonging 10.去掉was 11.去掉the 12.去掉a 13.remained--remaining 14.poorly--poor 15.when--which/that 或去掉when 16.It---There 17.That--What 18.for--by19.in--at 20.furnitures--furniture 21.consider后加it 22.very--well 23.that--which 24.去掉it 25.it--which 26.去掉back 27.nor后加did28.and后加that 29.proved后加to 30.are--is

三、完成句子1. was highly thought of 2.in return for her help 3.nor/neither has Mary

4.is designed to help

5.to survive the hard time

6.is under debate

7.couldn’t have gone abroad

8.How to improve English

9. a former classmate 10.was driving down to London when 11.by the light of the moon 12.rather than we that is to blame 13. It is wildly believed that ;play a more and more important part in the world 14. It is proved that the boy hasn’t told lies. 15. what you want to use it for

四、短文改错L2:that--it ;countries--country L4:have--has;去掉good前 a L5: and--but L6:to--with L8:do--does;what--where L9:care后加about ;truly--true

北师大版高中英语基础练习题 Unit

U n i t12C u l t u r e S h o c k 一、单词拼写 1. He offered a frank _______________ (道歉) to her for hurting her feeling. 2. His parents have a great _______________ (期盼) to his study in university. 3. There was not much time left, so she explained it in _______________ (简洁). 4. Time passes quickly when you are _______________ (沉浸于) in reading a good book. 5. I felt my attention _______________ (走神) during the lecture. 6. So let’s take a _______________ (祝酒) to our friendship. 7. She thought the price of the ring was _______________ (合理的). 8. At Christmas we _______________ (交换)gifts all the time. 9. The _______________ (大多数)supported the new holiday policy. 10. I’ve _______________ (给……预订座位) you on the 10 o’clock flight. 11. The boy went out of school and _______________ (游荡, 闲逛)eastward. 12. Another attraction of Qinghua University lies in its _______________ (多种文化的)background of students. 13. Please do the _______________ (预习, 预演) and review work. 14. We become the most _______________ (熟悉的) strangers in the world. 15. A _______________ (谨慎的) thinker does not believe things without proof. 16. Please inform me of your _______________ (到达)time beforehand. 17. The bank refused our _______________ (要求)for loan. 18. The meter _______________ (表明, 指示) the speed to be 45 miles per hour. 19. _______________ (与……相反) to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 20. He _______________ (低语) a word to her. 21. Her eyes _______________ (盯, 凝视) at what was left of the brothers' dinner on the table. 22. I must offer her an a______________ for not going to her party. 23. I was a______________ in a book and didn't hear your call. 24. The m______________ of people interviewed prefer TV to radio. 25. The black clouds i______________ that it will rain soon. 26. I'll e______________ my apple for your orange. 2. It’s bad ______________ to talk with your mouth full. 3. I have ______________ you for what you have done to them. 4. My ______________ is that interest rates will go up. 5. He was ______________ in his conversation, not paying much attention to the road. 6. He was present at the party at the ______________ of his manager. 7. Everyone in the group ______________ telephone numbers. 8. I must offer her an ______________ for not going to her party. 9. The little girl ______________ a word to her mother. 10. ______________ to popular belief, many cats dislike milk. 三、完成句子 1. He ______________________ (如此专心于) a book that he did not hear the bell. 2. He passed the examination, ______________________ (与……相反)what I expected. 3. It is difficult to______________________ (适应) another country’s custom. 4. Can you ______________________ (让我搭便车)after work? 5. I hope brother Bear can ______________________ (给我送行)when I go to college. 6. As a playwriter, Shakespeare ______________________ (属于)the 16th century. 7. They ______________________ (喜欢)new hair styles and pop clothes in society. 8. Most of us ______________________ (有太强的欲望) appreciation. 9. In the end I ______________________ (习惯工作)in such a condition. 10. The computer department ______________________ (隶属于……) the consumer products division.


二年级语文上册基础知识专项练习题 一、我会选。 做作棵颗圆园块快优尤青清到倒苹坪 ()业一()树校()()慢()其()凉()车()果()事一()枣()形石()()秀()山迟()草() 二、我能给下列带点宇选择正确的读音,并打上“√”。 1.昨天,我们全班同学都(dū dōu)去首都(dū dōu)北京参观。 2.中(zhōng zhòng)间的小鸟被猎人打中(zhōng zhòng)了。 3.你别干(gān gàn)了,小鱼都会干(gān gàn)死的。 4.你能把那本书还(huán hái )给我吗?我还(huán hái )没看完a 5.她很好(hǎo hào)学,不是看书就是问问题,真是好学的好(hǎo hào)姑娘。 6.他觉(juã jiào)得没什么意思,还不如去睡觉(juã jiào) 7.老师在教(jiào jiāo)室里教(jiào jiāo)同学们画画。 8.漂(piāo piào)亮的纸船飘(piāo piào)呀飘,飘到小熊的家门口。 9.为(wãi wâi)什么这件事让我感到很为(wãi wâi)难呢? 三、我会给下面的字加上不同的偏旁变成新字。 包()()()令()()()兆()()()良()()()皮()()()青()()() 四、古诗训练。 背诵《赠刘景文》、《山行》。赠刘景文()代诗人()()()()()擎()盖,菊残犹()傲()()。()()()()君()(),()()橙()橘()()。 1、这首诗写的是()的景色。 2、这首诗表示颜色的词有:()、()《》()代诗人()()()寒()()径斜,()()()()有人家。停()()()()()晚,()()()()()()()。1、这首诗的题目是《》。 2、这首诗写的是()的景色。 3、这首诗主要描写了:()、()、()、()、()等景物。


1年级语文基础知识练习题我会拼,我会写。 chūn dào kuò yuán 1、( )天( )了,广阔的草( ) 上,小草开始fǎn qīng wǒ hé bàn men 返( )了,( )( )( ) xiāng yuē chūn chuī guò wǒ 相)( )( ) men diǎn duǒ huā sòng gěi ( ),( ) qīn ài gào tā wǒ men

duō kuài lè sòng gěi qín 有( )么( )( );做一支柳笛( ) 勤laó ba rāng tā dào chūn 劳的( )( ) shēng yīn 天最( )的( )( )。 yè de xiàng 2、( ) lǎo péng yǒu liang jiě shuō

guāng shǜ shāo ( )话,( )( )的月( )穿过( )梢 Xiàng zǔ guó chóng 洒( )( )( )的大( )。( )( ) de nán ) yé ye bù 儿( )( )( )在( )水边散( )。 我会写出带有下面偏旁的字。

口 ィ 女 我会比一比,再组词语。)高( )令( ) 住( )闪( ) 半( )明( ) )他( )圆( ) )里。

又云占户女木弓西寸方不力 ( )( )( )( ) 我会用“/”划去不同类的词。 (1)蜜蜂蝴蝶青蛙 (2)爸爸妈妈姐姐老师 水源街小学一年级语文基础知识竞赛(一) 班级成绩 (3)庄嫁面

(4)抬打报 我知道该用哪一个字。 已 1、我( )经学会了三百多个生字了。 2、老师( )为我这个字写错了。 在 3、蝴蝶正( )花丛里飞来飞去采花粉。 4、可爱的小燕子( )次飞回了竹篱笆下。园 5、公( )里面鲜花盛开。


一、基础练习 1、There are only twelve ______in the hospital.. A. woman doctors B.women doctors C.women doctor D.woman doctor 2、Mr Smith has two _______, both of whom are teachers in a school.. A.brothers-in-law B.brother-in-laws C.brothers-in-laws D.brothers-in law 3、——How many ______ does a cow have——Four. A.stomaches B.stomach C.stomachs D.stomachies 4、Some______visited our school last Wednesday.. A.German B.Germen C.Germans D.Germens 5、The_______ of the building are covered with lots of . A.roofs; leaves B.rooves; leafs C.roof; leaf D.roofs; leafs 6、When the farmer returned home he found three_______ missing.. A.sheeps B.sheepes C.sheep D.sheepies 7、That was a fifty_______ engine.. A.horse power B.horses power C.horse powers D.horses powers 8、My father often gives me ______ A.many advice B.much advice C.a lot of advices D.a few advice 9、Mary broke a ______while she was washing up. A.tea cup B.a cup of tea C.tea’s cup D.cup teas 10、Can you give us some ______ about the writer?. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5213119629.html,rmations https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5213119629.html,rmation C.piece of informations D.pieces information 11、I had a cup of _____and two pieces of_____ this morning. A.teas; bread B.teas; breads C.tea; breads D.tea; bread 12、As is known to us all, ______ travels much faster than ______. A.lights; sounds B.light; sound C.sound; light D.sounds; lights 13、She told him of all her ___ and ____ A.hope; fear B.hopes; fear C.hopes; fears D.hope; fears 14、The rising _____have(has) a lot of ____to the crops. A.water; harm B.water; harms C.waters; harm D.waters; harms 15、How far away is it from here to your school?”----About ______ . A.half an hour”s driv e B.half hours drives C.half an hour drives D.half an hour drive 16、The shirt isn”t mine. It”s _____ . A.Mrs Smith B.Mrs” Smith C.Mrs Smiths’ D.Mrs Smith”s 17、Miss Johnson is a friend of _______. A.Mary’s mother B.Mary’s mothers’ C.Mary mother’s D.Mary’s mother’s 18、Last week I called at my _____Last week I called at my _____. A.aunt B.aunts C.aunt’s D.auntes’ 19、The beach is a ______throw. A.stone B.stones C.stones’ D.stone’s 20、I can hardly imagine ____sailing across the Atlantic Ocean in five days.


基础知识强化训练(十一) 1.下列词语中加点的字,读音全部正确的一组是 A.蓓蕾(bèi)毗邻(bǐ)讥诮(qiào)应酬(chóu) B.蛮横(hèng)强劲(jìng)症结(zhēng)连累(lèi) C.忏悔(chàn)谛听(dì)莠草(yòu)谙熟(ān) D.撰稿(zhuǎn)玷辱(diàn)悖逆(bèi)曲解(qǔ) 2.下列各组词语中,没有错别字的一组是 A.缄默戎马倥偬得龙望蜀刻鹄类骛B。遐迩瑕不掩瑜应接不暇焚膏继晷 C.锱铢矫柔造作殒身不恤万里平筹D.饿殍追本朔源畏葸不前腾挪叠宕 3.依次填人下列各句横线处的词语,恰当的一组是: ①从学校毕业走上工作岗位,并不意味着学习的。 ②由于劳资双方不断的经济纠纷,原来签署的合同协议终于被了。 ③在日常生活中,人们的耳朵对环境的,和眼睛不同,完全没有休息的时候。 ④在阶级社会里,上层建筑一般都是经济基础的。 A.中止终止反应反映B.终止中止反映反应 C.中止终止反映反应D.终止中止反应反映 4.下列各句中,加点的成语使用恰当的一句是: A.山水诗经过长期酝酿,最终能够在诗坛上独占鳌头,开宗立派,千秋之功当属南宋诗人谢灵运。 B.我们对入校新生进行了一次摸底测试,结果成绩悬殊,良莠不齐。 C.在茫茫沙漠中,缺粮少水,我们大家只有休戚与共才能共渡难关。 D.过分的循规蹈矩的人就缺少了创新精神,这并不是新时代所欢迎的人。 5.下列各句中,没有语病的一句是: A.他用铁一般的事实和确凿的证据,剥下了这个正人君子的真面目。 B.保护和建设好草原,需要采取建立责任制和加强法制双管齐下,否则,将愧对子孙后代。 C.由服装专家组成的评委会,根据饭店特点和时装特色相结合的原则,对服务员着装进行了评判。 D.要搞好法律监督,检察人员就必须具有熟练的业务知识和不畏权势、敢于斗争的精神。 6.为下面这段文字的画线处,填入恰当的语句: 有些少年朋友说:“我想学好作文,就是太难了,没有信心。其实甲你想不费吹灰之力,轻易地就学会学好作文,那当然是不行的;但你只要乙,那就一定能学会学好。 (1)填入甲处最恰当的一项是(): A.锲而不舍,金石可镂。千里之行,始于足下。 B.千里之行,始于足下。锲而不舍,金石可镂。 C.铁杵磨成针,功到自然成。天下无难事,只怕有心人。 D.天下无难事,只怕有心人。铁杵磨成针,功到自然成。 (2)填入乙处最恰当的一项是() A.愿意学,有恒心地学,认真学,讲究方法地学 B.愿意学,认真学,讲究方法地学,有恒心地学 C.认真学,愿意学,讲究方法地学,有恒心地学


词性转换比较等级名词单复数 Ⅰ. 单句练习 1. They are always gathering in their winter food in the middle of summer and they are making _________ (prepare) for the long cold winter. 2. But such a small thing couldn’t _________ (possible)destroy a village. 3. It was _________ (consider)of Michael to inform us of his delay in case we got worried. 4. How beautifully she sings! I have never heard a _________ (good) voice. 5. The girl used to be shy, but is _________ (gradual)getting active in group work and is more willing to express herself. 6. Everything that is about a character can help us to understand him, from his _________ (appear)to the kind of food he eats. 7. In 1971, after nearly two hundred _________ (failure), Tu’s team finally found an extract that was 100% effective against the malaria parasites —artemisinin. Ⅱ. 易错练习 1. They hope it might reduce, or _________ (possible)erase(抹去)the effect of painful memories. 2. People aren’t always those who they declare to be in their online _________ (describe). 3. On our way home, the journey was much _________ (easy)than before as everyone else fell fast asleep. 4. Boxing was the sport that I liked _________ (much), because it’s more challenging and exciting to me.


阶段练习题(一)基础知识与原理 1.在各种不同类型的保险形式中,损失分摊范围以被保险人组成的团体内部成员为限,且不以盈利为目的的保险属于()。 A. 重复保险 B.互助保险C?社会保险 D.共同保险 2. 保险公司的投资主体可分为不同的类型。一般地说,民营保险的投资主体是()。 A. 国家 B.私人 C.社会 D.团体 3.从社会保障基金所保障的内容看,其业务领域属于()。 A.财产保险业务 B.责任保险业务 C.保证保险业务 D.人身保险业务 4.在生产资料公有制的条件下,保险分配与财政分配的关系是()。 A.保险分配完全独立于财政分配 B.保险分配直接纳入财政分配 C.保险分配间接纳入财政分配 D.保险分配并不直接纳入财政分配 5. 保险在一定条件下分担了个别单位和个人所不能承担的风险,由此形成的保险特征是 (). A .经济性 B .商品性C.互助性 D .科学性 6. 保险可分为定额保险与损失保险,该分类方式所依据的分类标准是() A 依保险经营主体为标准的分类 B 依保险经营性质为标准的分类 C 依保险承保方式为标准的分类 D 依保险赔付方式为标准的分类 7. 依保险经营主体分类,相互保险公司经营的保险一般属于() A 公营保险 B 民营保险 C 政策保险 D 个人保险 8. 就社会保险而言,各国法律一般都规定其实施应遵循的原则是()。 A ?自愿原则 B ?互助原则 C ?强制原则 D.市场原则 9. 储蓄与保险一样,都具有以现在的积累解决以后问题的特点。但是与保险不同的是,储 蓄的受益期限是()。A.本金返还期 B.本息返还期 C.利息返还期 D.收入返还期 10. 甲保险公司与乙保险公司共同以某企业固定资产1000 万元的财产作为保险对象,并以 甲保险公司的名义签发1000 万元的财产损失保单。其中乙保险公司承担了500万元的财产损失保险。甲、乙保险公司这一保险方式属于()。 A.原保险 B.再保险 C.共同保险 D.重复保险 11. 某一定值保险合同的保险金额为100 万元,在发生保险事故时,保险财产的市场价值为 80 万元,对此保险公司的最高赔付金额是()。 A.64 万元 B.80 万元 C.90 万元 D.100 万元 12. 与保险人订立保险合同,并按照保险合同负有支付保险费义务的人是()。 A.被保险人 B.投保人 C.受益人 D.代理人 13. 在财产保险合同中,投保人对保险标的所享有的保险利益的货币估价额称为()。 A.保险利益 B.保险金额 C.保险责任 D.保险价值 14. 在人身保险中,未经被保险人同意并认可保险金额的死亡保险合同属于()。 A.约定无效合同 B.法定无效合同 C.部分无效合同 D.自然失效合同 15. 根据我国有关法律、法规,有权确认保险合同有效或无效的权利机构是()。 A.中国保监会 B.行政管理机构 C.保险行业协会 D.人民法院和仲裁机关 16. 人身保险合同中,保险人给付保险金的最高限额是()。 A.政府机构规定的金额 B.被保险人的收入损失 C.被保险人的实际损失 D.合同约定的保险金额 17. 不足额保险中的比例赔偿方式的“比例”是()。 A.保险金额与保费收入的比例 B.保险金额与实际保险价值的比例


长方体和正方体的表面积 我们已经学习过了长方体和正方体的表面积计算公式 长方体的表面积: 若长方体的长、宽、高分别用字母a、b、c表示,则长方体的表面积可表示为: 正方体的表面积: 若正方体的棱长用字母a表示,则正方体的表面积可表示为: 我们必须熟悉长方体和正方体的特点 1、长方体有()个顶点,有()条棱,有()个面。 2、相交于长方体一个顶点的三条棱分别叫做长方体的()、()和(),它们各有()条。那么长方体的棱长和可表示为() 3、长方体的相对的两个面都();若长方体有一个面是正方形,则长方体有()个面是一样的长方形。把一个长方体平均分开,正好成为两个相等的正方体(长比宽长),想一想这样的长方体的长是宽的()倍,长是高的()倍。 1、正方体有()顶点,有()条棱,有()面;()都相等的长方体叫正方体,正方体是()长方体,6个面都是(),6个面的面积(),12条棱的长度都()。 (1)长方体的体积=(),用字母表示为()正方体的体积=(),用字母表示为 () 思考下列问题 ①若已知长方体的体积为V,长为a,宽为b,则如何表示高c:() ②若已知长方体的体积为V,长为a,高为c,则如何表示宽b:() ③若已知长方体的体积为V,宽为b,高为c,则如何表示长a:()

④若已知正方体的棱长和为L,则正方体棱长为(),则体积表示为: (2)单位换算 54厘米=()分米 3.6平方米=()平方分米 3.083dm=()3 cm 4600平方厘米=()平方分米 2.5L=()3cm36003cm=()mL (3)判断正误 ①体积单位比面积单位要大() ②体积单位之间的进率都是1000 () ③一个长方体底面积不变,高越大,体积越大() ④油箱的体积就是油箱的容积;() ⑤计算容积,只能用升和毫升作单位。() 例1、做一种横截面是边长为4分米的正方形,高是2.5米的长方体烟囱管,20节这样的烟囱管至少要用铁皮多少平方米? 例2、一个长方体的表面积是40平方厘米,把它平均分开,正好成为两个相等的正方体,每个正方体的表面积是多少平方厘米? 例3、用一根长84厘米的铁丝做成一个长为9厘米、宽为6厘米的长方体框架,然后糊上一层彩纸,彩纸的面积至少有多大? 例4、一个正方体木块,表面积是50平方米,如果把它截成8个体积


基础句型练习 (1)主语+谓语。训练营于7月20号开始。(open)_____________________________________. (2)主语+谓语+宾语。我很感谢数学老师的表扬和鼓励。(appreciate) _______________________________________________________________________. (3)主语+系动词+表语。1.摄影展主题:环境保护;______________________________. 2.我们学校的“外国文化”栏目很受我们学生的欢迎。 ____________________________________________________________________________. (4)主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语。1.我希望这个变动不会给你带来太多麻烦。 _______________________________________________________________________, 2. 首先他向我们展示了做它的基本步骤和技能。 ___________________________________________________________________________ (5)主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语。 1. 他鼓励我在大学主修英语来在中西方间搭建起桥梁。 __________________________________________________________________________. 2. 我想邀请你下星期六加入我们一起去附近的养老院。 __________________________________________________________________________. 2.掌握四种并列关系,写好用好并列句 由并列连词连接的两个或两个以上独立的句子就是并列句。其句式特点是:句子之间用逗号+连词或分号隔开。并列连词的分类: (1)同等并列关系:and,both...and...,not only...but also...等。 1.我知道你拍照好,你总想为环保做些事. ___________________________________________ 2. 网络投票变得越来越受欢迎,许多竞赛使得人们参与. ______________________________。 3.交通问题不仅影响我们的日常生活,也威胁人们的生命。 ___________________________________________________________________ (2)选择关系:or,otherwise,either...or...,neither...nor...等。 1.He neither drinks,smokes,nor eats meat. 2.Put on your coat,or you’ll catch a cold. (3)转折关系:but,while等。 大部分我的同学想去公园而我想去一个更好的地方。 ____________________________________________________________________. (4)因果关系:so,for等。 The boy,being poor,couldn’t afford even a candle,so he bored a hole in the wall to “steal” light from his neighbor’s house to read at night. 译成汉语 3.熟悉三大复合句式,恰当运用高级句型


必修1 高一数学基础知识试题选 一、选择题:(每小题5分,共60分,请将所选答案填在括号内) 1.已知集合P ?≠{4,7,8},且P 中至多有一个偶数,则这样的集合共有 ( ) (A)3个 (B) 4个 (C) 5个 (D) 6个 2.已知S={x|x=2n,n ∈Z}, T={x|x=4k ±1,k ∈Z},则 ( ) (A)S ?≠T (B) T ?≠S (C)S ≠T (D)S=T 3.已知集合P={}2|2,y y x x R =-+∈, Q={}|2,y y x x R =-+∈,那么P Q 等( ) (A)(0,2),(1,1) (B){(0,2 ),(1,1) (C){1,2} (D){}|2y y ≤ 4.不等式042<-+ax ax 的解集为R ,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) (A)016<≤-a (B)16->a (C)016≤<-a (D)0 12 (B)k< 12 (C)k>12 - (D).k<12 - 8.若函数f(x)=2x +2(a-1)x+2在区间(,4]-∞内递减,那么实数a 的取值范围为( ) (A)a ≤-3 (B)a ≥-3 (C)a ≤5 (D)a ≥3 9.函数2 (232)x y a a a =-+是指数函数,则a 的取值范围是 ( ) (A) 0,1a a >≠ (B) 1a = (C) 1 2 a = ( D) 12 1a a == 或 10.已知函数f(x)1 4x a -=+的图象恒过定点p ,则点p 的坐标是 ( ) (A )( 1,5 ) (B )( 1, 4) (C )( 0,4) (D )( 4,0) 11.函数y = ( ) (A )[1,+∞] (B) (2 3 ,)+∞ (C) [23,1] (D) (23,1] 12.设a,b,c 都是正数,且346a b c ==,则下列正确的是 ( ) (A) 1 11c a b =+ (B) 22 1C a b =+ (C) 12 2C a b =+ (D) 212c a b =+


高中英语时态练习 第1级 1. Don’t make so much noise . The students an English class . A. are having B. have C. had D. were having 2. —Where is the librarian ? —She to the bookshop . A. went B. has gone C. goes D. will go 3. He told the policeman that Kate near the lake at this time yesterday evening . A. was playing B. is playing C. has played D. plays 4. —Do you know why she Mr. Jordan tomorrow ? —She has changed her mind . A. won’t visit B. didn’t visit C. doesn’t visit D. hasn’t visited 5. Mr. Green always tells his daughter a story before she to sleep . A. will go B. went C. is going D. goes 6. By the end of last term , we three English films . A. will see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen 7. —Rick ! Your jacket is wet through . Didn’t you listen to the weather report this morning ? —No , I didn’t . I was in a hurry . Besides , it when I left . A. hadn’t rained B. would rain C. rained D. wasn’t


二年级语文基础知识强化训练(2) 1.下列词语中加点字的读音完全正确的一组是() A.鏖(áo)战跛(bǒ)脚鞭笞(chī)三年五载(zǎi) B.缉(jī)拿标识(shí)呜咽(ya)觥(gōng)筹交错 C.答应(dá)皈(guī)依枕藉(jí)装模作样(mú) D.桎梏(kù)船舷(xián)星宿(xiù)同仇敌忾(kài) 2.下列词语中没有错别字的一组是() A.斡旋蝇营狗苟不容置喙遗笑大方 B.剽窃未雨绸缪故技重演常年累月 C.贸然向隅而泣炙手可热源远流长 D.联袂毋用置疑摩肩接踵弱不经风 3.依次填入下面各句横线上的词语,最恰当的一组是() (1)近年来,由于各级政府加大了治理中小学乱收费现象的工作力度,多数地区乱收费的发展势头得到了有效______。 (2)小说中的典型形象虽然有生活的____,但仍属于虚构的形象。 (3)出了差错,要多从自己身上找原因,不要老是埋怨别人,_____责任。 (4)正确与错误之间的_____,有时并不是一下子就能分清的。 A.遏止原形推脱界限 B.遏制原型推脱界限 C.遏止原形推托界线 D.遏制原型推托界线 4.下列各句中没有语病的一句是() A.对于这种侵害顾客利益的行为,商场负责人拒不认错,于是几位顾客只好状告法院,以求公正。 B.有时候示弱不是一种软弱的表现,相反却可称作是一种人生的智慧和清醒令人感慨的。 C.越来越多的下岗职工凭着再就业的优惠政策走上了创业之路,他们把国家贴息贷款的将近一半以上作为创业的启动资金。 D.据报道,北京将投资167亿元扩建首都机场,备受关注的首都机场新航站区建筑方案中标方案为具备世界一流机场的建筑功能和特色的B方案。 5.下列加点的成语使用恰当的一项是() A.经北京宣武医院精心治疗,香港凤凰卫视女主播刘海若在昏迷三个月后竟然起死回生,苏醒过来并能开口说话了。 B.再过几个月就要高中毕业了,三年时光,一千多个日日夜夜,好像漫长得长,可现在回头一想,却如白驹过隙一般。 C.人非圣贤,孰能无过?犯点小错误是在所难免的,也是不足为训的,关键是要吸取教训。 D.有的人真心地宣传科学启蒙民众,也有的人利用科学以售其奸,一时间,令人真假难辨,莫衷一是。 6.下列各句中标点符号使用正确的一项是() A.这件事是让你去做好呢?还是让我去做好呢? B.你要不断进步、识字、生产。


《新课程报》资料 必修3基础知识及基本能力复习 一.字音 1.选出注音没有错误的一组()A.阜.盛(fǔ)敕.造(chì)宸.翰(ch?n)懵.懂(měng) B.两靥.(ya)忖.度(cǔn)钗.钏(chāi)宫绦.(tāo) C.怯.弱(qua)纳罕.(hǎn)盥.沐(guàn)罥.烟(juàn) D.憨.顽(hān)錾.银(zhàn)惫.懒(bai)戏谑.(xua) [解析]B(A阜应读fù, C怯应读qia,D錾应读zàn) 2.选出带点字注音与字形完全正确的一组 ( ) A.踌蹰.(chú)谬.(nìu)种尘芥.(jia)踝.骨(huái) B.朱拓.(tà)寒暄.(xuān)打劫.(q u?)俳徊.(huí) C.荸.(bí)荠咀.(jǔ)嚼草窠.(kē)桌帏.(w?i) D.呜咽.(yān)赏鉴.(jiàn)蹙.(qí)缩门槛.(kǎn) [解析]C(A谬应读miù B徊应读huái劫应读ji? D咽应读ya蹙应读Cù) 3.下列词语中加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.鲸.鲨(jīng)两颚.(a)脊鳍.(qí)攘.刺(nǎng) B.绽.开(zhàn)舵.手(du?)咀嚼.(jiáo)攥.住(zuàn) C.嗜.杀(shì)蹂躏.(lìn)撬.开(qiào)拽.拉(zhuài) D.戳.穿(chuō)榫.头(sǔn)残骸.(hái)桅.杆(w?i) [解析]B(B嚼应读ju?) 4.对下列各项中加点的字注音全部正确的一项是()A.畏葸.(sī)湮.没(yān)杜撰.(zhuàn)辽阔无垠.(yín) B.聒.噪(ɡuō)广袤.(mào)召.唤(zhào)模糊纤.细(xiān) C.尾鳍.(qí)荒芜.(wú)跳跃.(yua)晕眩颤.栗(chàn) D.默契.(qia)脚趾.(zhǐ)汲.取(jí)璀.璨夺目(cuǐ) [解析]B.(A葸应读xǐ C颤应读zhàn D契应读qì) 5.下列各组词语中,加点字的注音没有错误的一项是()A.遐.想(xìá)怪诞.(yán)踪.迹(zōnɡ) B.杜撰.(zhuàn)浩瀚.(hàn)束.缚(chù) C.偏裨.(pí)便.利(pián)贪婪.(lán) D.湮没.(m?)目眩.(xuàn)可怖.(bù) [解析] D (A诞应读dàn B束应读shù C便应读biàn) 6.下列词语中加点的字,注音有误的一项是()A.斑斓.(nán)震.惊(zhan)撒手人寰.(huán) B.目眩.(xuàn)脚趾.(zhǐ)孜.孜不倦(zī) C.怪诞.(dàn)湮.没(yān)自鸣.得意(míng ) D.遐.想(xiá)杜撰.(zhuàn)惊诧.不已(chà) [解析] A(斓应读lán) 7.对下列各项中加点的字注音全部正确的一项是()A.娱.乐(yú)嚼.烂(ju?)人才济.济(jǐ) B.反馈.(kuì)浩瀚.(hàn )好.大喜功(hào) C.尾鳍.(qí)玩耍.(shuǎ)饥肠辘.辘(l?u) D.默契.(qia)觅.食(mì)奄.奄一息(yǎn) [解析]B(A嚼应读jiáo C辘应读lù D契应读qì) 8.下列各项中加点字注音完全正确的一项是()A.羱.羊(yuán)倾.倒()qīng 歆.享(xīn)模.样(m?) B.马驹.(jū)呜咽.(ya)绾.者(wǎn)嫡.亲(dí) C.炮.烙(pào)瞋.视(chēn)荡漾.(yàng)高耸.(sǒng) D.鄙.视(bǐ)甲烷.(wán)蹂.躏(r?u)忖度.(dù) [解析]B(A模应读mú C炮应读páo D度应读du?) 9.下列词语中加点的字注音不正确的一项是()A.供.养(ɡōnɡ)经传.(zhuàn)弃甲曳.兵(ya)间.不容发(jiān) B.倒嚼.(jiào)吞噬.(shì)皮开肉绽.(zhàn)翘.足而待(qiáo) C.廝.打(sī)鲤.鱼()lǐ少不更.事(ɡēnɡ)模棱.两可(l?nɡ) D.脆.弱(cuì)祷.告(dǎo)心广体胖.(pànɡ)厚古薄.今(báo) [解析]D (胖应读pán 薄应读b?) 10.下列词语中,加点字的注音有误的一项是()A.栅.栏(zhà)骐骥.(jì)魅.力(mai)沸.反盈天(fai) B.椭.圆(tuǒ)困惑.(hu?)泡.沫(pào)鞭笞.天下(chī) 1 安乡一中德国语文学习室编


一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 We have many trips for you to explore the world your way. Our travel ideas are as diverse as the world itself and are designed to let you experience it. Please start with the following four trips. Athens and Crete Explorer Visit Greek's famous capital, Athens, and its largest island, Crete, on this Greece vacation. In Athens, tour the iconic Acropolis and head to nearby Delphi to see the home of the ancient Oracle, before flying to the island of Crete where you can explore its capital, Heraklion, and enjoy its world-famous diet of seafood and cheese. Duration: 8 Days Prices From: US$ 892 Trip Type: Romance & Honeymoon, Tailor-made Travel Ideas Designed to thrill people of all ages, this family London vacation explores the sights, history and magic of this great city. Visit the world of Harry Potter, the original Madame Tussaud's Wax Museum, and take the Original London Sightseeing Tour. Duration: 9 Days Prices From: US$ 634 Trip Type: Family Vacations, Stopovers/City Breaks, Tailor-made Travel Ideas Explore the two most popular cities of Australia and New Zealand on this air-land tour. Start in Sydney, where you'll tour the Sydney Opera House, sail across the famous harbour, and see koalas and kangaroos at Taronga Zoo. Then head on to Auckland where you'll explore the twin harbours, learn about Maori traditions, and enjoy unbeatable views of the landscape. Duration: 11 Days Prices From: US$ 1,999 Trip Type: Vacation Packages with Airfare This tour is a true classic designed to give the traveler with limited time a superb introduction to the civilization of Ancient Egypt, focusing on the Nile and its importance to the people. The ancient land of Egypt inspires the imagination like no other. Unlock the land of the Pharaohs on this 9 day journey along the Nile. Duration: 9 Days Prices From: US$ 1,495 Trip Type: Classics (Bestsellers), Tailor-made Travel Ideas A. London for Families. B. Australia & New Zealand. C. Classic Egypt. D. Athens and Crete Explorer. (2)If you are on the trip to London for Families, you will see ________. A.the ancient Oracle B.the world of Harry Potter C.koalas and kangaroos D.the ancient land of Egypt

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