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大学英语学习系统 Level05(Book 3)UNIT13 答案

大学英语学习系统 Level05(Book 3)UNIT13 答案
大学英语学习系统 Level05(Book 3)UNIT13 答案

Task 7

Sue:Randy, what's going on ? It you have

blood your shirt.

Randy: No, that's not blood. It's ketchup.

Sue: Ketchup? What

Randy: This happened when Tim and I were traveling around Asia. We were in Bangkok. Sue: Yeah...

Randy: ...and we to catch an overnight bus to Chiang Mai.

Sue: Yeah.

Randy: And we were waiting at restaurant that was a

travel agency... and we went early, but the bus didn't

kind of worried.

Sue: Yeah... but what's that ketchup?

Randy: So, I was beginning to wonder if we'd

for our tickets

Sue: Right.

Randy:Then, finally, a van , and we thought, no, this is not

the ... but then everyone else who was waiting pushed

right and jumped in, and, bam! - just like that, the van

And then this sweet little Thai woman, who was the travel agent who sold us the tickets, came up to us.

Sue: Yeah, and...

Randy: ...and she

wasn't the bus, was it?" "Only one, why you not get on?" And I didn't


Sue: So what happened?

Randy:Well, the travel agent just and went inside her

shop. us could believe it. I started to we'd been

cheated, and now it's dark and we're in this little restaurant...

Sue: Oh, no...

Randy: I followed her inside, I , "We the bus.

You didn't tell us to a van. Now you have to to Chiang Mai. Now." And I started pointing at the clock.

I think that was for the woman, because she

go. You no go Chiang Mai!" She grabbed a ketchup bottle

those plastic squirt ketchup bottles, and she

Sue: No! She didn't!

Randy: Yeah! She did. And then she me. And Tim

picture. Just then the same van and the woman said, "Now you go."

Sue: So you the van.

Randy:Yeah, we at the bus terminal, where this big,

air-conditioned was waiting to go to Chiang Mai. And all the people who

had pushed us earlier were there, waiting to leave. I felt SO stupid

for the woman and making such a fool of myself.

Sue: You must have felt

Randy: Yeah, I wished there was I could go back and

her. I realized that I have to be


Unit 1 Personality Vocabulary (P16) 1. 1) self-conscious 2) self-confidence 3) self-esteem 4) self-destructive 5) self-worth 6) self-concept 7) Self-awareness 8) self-assurance/self-confidence 2. 1)B 2)I 3)L 4)A 5)H 6)D 7)E 8)N 9)J 10)M 11)C 12)F 13)G 14)K 3. 1) profound 2) jealousy 3) numerous 4) overweight 5) overcome 6) eventually 7) slim 8) compliments 9) diminish 10) reassurance 11) detrimental 12) isolated 13) self-esteem 14) accented 4. 1) reflected 2) concerned/worried 3) profound effect/influence 4) viewed/regarded 5)sensitive 6) respond/react 7)eliminated 8)overco me my fear 9) concentrate on 10) made no comment Translation (P17) 1) You should spend a reasonable amount of time relaxing and exercising. 2) In general children are healthier and better educated than ever before. 3) When the right opportunity comes along, he’ll take it. 4) Every day he sets aside some time to be with his family and enjoy life. 5) I remember those dark streets and walking hand in hand with my father. 6) He finally failed to live up to his parents’ expectations. 7) In contrast, our use of oil has increased enormously. 8) He succeeded in his efforts to overcome his fatal weakness. Part Four Writing and Translation (P46) 2. Translation Practice 1) It is believed that pessimism often leads to hopelessness, sickness and failure. 2) Optimism, by contrast, can make you happy, healthy and successful. 3) When you fail in something, profit from the failure as a learning experience. 4) Think about your strengths and build up self-confidence in front of problems or difficulties. 5) Don’t let negative thoughts hold you back. 6) Everyone has experienced failures and disappointments, so don’t blame yourself too much. Unit 2 Myths and Legends Vocabulary (P62)


Unit 1 Old friends, different choices V ocabulary Task Answers/Script A It’s been 10 years since I saw you last. I was able to travel and see the world. And I never got stuck being a housewife! B Things are going great for me these days. I finally settled down and got a real job. Now I work 9 to 5 at a neighborhood store. C Life has sure treated me well. I put myself through school. I was able to work my way up in a company. And then I started my own business. Listening Task First Listening Answers 1. He went overseas for graduate school and is working at a high-tech company. 2. She was in a few beauty contests, but she never won. She now has two children. 3. He works at the neighborhood post office and has two children. 4. She’s the branch manager at the local grocery store. 2)second listening Answer 1. He missed his home. 2. She hopes her daughter will become a model. 3. He loves his family. 4. She’s proud of her new job. Script 1. A: Jim, I can’t believe it-wow! I haven’t seen you since we graduated fr om high school! What have you been doing? B: Well, after I went overseas for graduate school, and I had a great time. But finally I had to come home and get a real job in a high-teach company. B: Yeah,I remember you always wanted an international lifestyle. A: Oh, I had a great time overseas, but I got home-stick, too. 2. A: Carol, is that you? B: Yes, it’s me! A: Oh, it’s so good to see you! You know, Carol, I remember you always wanted to be a famous model and travel around the world. Did it happen? B: Well, no. I was in a few beauty contests, but I never won, and nobody ever offered me a modeling contract. A: Oh, that’s too bad. B: Yeah, but now I guess I’m too old, and I have two young kids, a boy and a girl. You know, maybe my daughter will get to do it some day. 3. A: What have you been up to over the years, Ed? B: Well, I have two beautiful children now and work 9-5 at the neighborhood post office. A: Hmm, I remember you always wanted to be a professional race car driver—What happened? B: The closest I’ve come to that is driving a Porsche over 100 mph on the Autobahn. No, my greatest achievement is my family.


大学英语学生自主学习说明 学生第四周起自行登陆新视野大学英语教材配套的学习平台进行账号激活。第五周到第十六周完成视听说教程第2、4、7、8单元的在线学习和4套在线测试卷(test1,2,3,4)。教师每周随时跟踪检查学生网上的学习情况,记载学习时间、学习进度,起督促作用。系统将会自动记录和生成学生的学习记录。具体要求:在线学习时间需满4个小时。学习的具体内容如下: Unit 2: Part II, Part III-Task 1 & 3, Part VI-Task 1 Unit 4: Part II, Part III-Task 1 & 3, Part VI-Task 1 Unit 8: Part II, Part III-Task 1 & 3, Part VI-Task 3 Unit 9: Part II, Part III-Task 1 & 2, Part VI-Task 2 Test 1,2,3,4:进入课程主页面后请点击主菜单中的“测试与问卷”即可看到试卷。 1、在校园网内登录网站浏览器地址输入: 或到(1-308自主学习教室用192.168.0.233地址也可以)。然后出现unipus高校外语教学平台登录界面,如下图所示 2、在登录界面输入用户名和密码:如下

用户名是个人学号,例如学生张三他学号是1438010101,那么他的用户名是:1438010101,原始密码是:111111 3、输入完后点击登录,进入自主学习界面,出现下图页面:

注意此处是否显示“广西大学行健文理学院”字样。 4、然后点击红圈位置“请输入网络验证激活码”,如下图 5、点击红圈位置后出现下图界面:


大学英语学习计划英文 篇一:大学英语学习计划 英语俱乐部 大学英语学习习惯养成计划 据说人有三次投胎的机会,一是出生的家庭,二是读大学,三是工作后的头四年,女孩子再加一次嫁人,可见大学是一次重新选择的机会。 说三个人要被关进监狱:法国人,美国人和犹太人,他们可以带一样东西,法国人要了一位漂亮的女郎,美国人要了一盒雪茄,犹太人要了一部电话,出来时法国人带着女郎和一个孩子,美国人喊着要打火机,犹太人通话电话建立了一个商业王国。可见一个人当前的境况并不是现在决定的,而是三年前的你决定的。就好比一个人听了讲座,很激动,发誓要学好英语,这只能说明三年前的他没有定下决心。两个分别在大一和大四决心学英语的人,他们的区别是:一个已经精通,一个可能一辈子都学不好了。就像新概念三第50课中说:The New Year is a time for resolutions. 我们可以说:September is a time for you to make a game plan. 在多年教学之中,遇到过无数相同的问题,也见过很多英语学习很彪悍的人。每年几十万学员,拔尖的只是那么一些,下面总结一下他们的特点,给大家呈上一个大学英语学习较完美的计划:

大一:刚进大学,有大量的新鲜事物有待探索(remain to explore),很多人把大量的时间花在左顾右盼上,但是有一部分同学,他们目标坚定,内心成熟,他们已经拿起新概念,在校园里晨读起来。如果大学有一件事情值得你坚持四年,那么它就是早读。 第一学期,从高中细节的语法学习、题海轰炸过度到大学兴趣为主、阅读为主的学习方式,你可能要花点时间适应;之后,第二学期你就可以开始准备四级,用一个月的时间把词汇解决。然后你要做一些阅读和真题,轻松地就能通过四级考试。作为大学中一个最简单的考试,它只是给你些许开始的信心。如果认为自己基础稍弱一些的,可以先系统的学习一下新概念二册或初、中级阅读,打下基础,再过考试。大二: 你内心清楚自己的目标是四六级,但是这个时候,你可能会对听力口语产生一些兴趣,是的,你应该找出几盒有难度进阶的听力材料来练听力。有几个原则必须遵守:一、不看原文(不把听力变成阅读);二、在安静的环境下认真听; 三、反复听相同的东西。第一盒磁带可能会让你生不如死,过了一个月才大致听懂,没有关系,第二盒磁带可能就只需要20天了,第三盒磁带可能只需要15天,当听到第5盒磁带再回头听第一盒时,就会有想打自己耳光的感觉(could have kicked yourself),怪自己为什么当初听不懂这么简


(外教社)全新版大学英语综合教程第二册第三单元课后练习答案unit-3-book-2 Unit3 The Generation Gap Part II Reading Task Comprehensio n Content Question Pair Work 1.There are seven characters- --Father, Mother, Heidi, Diane, Sean, Restaurant Manager, and Mrs. Higgins. 2.No. Because what he does usually ends up embarrassi ng them. 3.To buy a guitar. 4.To check if Sean was going to embarrass him.

5.He knew his father was going to embarrass him. 6.It was unnecessar y and embarrassi ng. 7.He wanted Dan to pressure his son into asking Diane to the senior prom. 8.He would speak to his son and insist that the latter give Diane a call. 9.She felt humiliated. 10.Because the Thompson had just moved. 11.He tried to let her know how exceptionall y


Unit 8 P40—WU 1.get off 2.blocks 3.get on 4.go down 5.take 6.get 7.catch 8.corner P41—FL 1.Tivoli Gardens 2.Harrods 3.Red Square 4.Singapore Zoo 5.Sydney Opera House 6.Imperial Palace P41—SL 1. I’m looking for… 2.Do you know where…? 3.Do you know where…? 4.Can you tell me how to find…? 5.We’re trying to find… 6.Do you know where…? P41—TL 1.Just walk down the street;You can’t miss it 2.on the other side of town;but I’m not sure 3.It’s easy;Over there 4.very far from here;take a taxi 5.You can’t see it from here 6.get to the station P42—PREPARE communicate,money,inexpensive,scared,way P42—GTMI 4,2,8,5,9,10,1,6,3,7 Unit 9P44—WU 2.responsibility 3.leadership 4.great salary 5.long hours 6.teamwork 7.danger 8.no comment P45—FL 1.accessories shop 2.fast food restaurant 3.insurance company 4.hotel P45—SL 1.She could practice foreign languages. 2.He learned to use a cash register. 3.He learned to work on computers. 4.She could ski a lot. Unit 10 P48—WU 1.L 2.J 3.A 4.F 5.I 6.H 7.C 8.D 9.B 10.E 11.G 12.K P49—FL 1.Mexio 2.Arizona 3.China 4.China P49—SL 1.It means “miracle”.It protects her. 2.It is Navajo.It reminds him of a place. 3.They are porcelain.They’re from the Ming dynasty. 4.It means “harmony”.It represents his daughter. P50—PREPARE Livestrong:knowledge is power,attitude is everything,help people with cancer ONE:global unity,fight to end poverty,one person=one vote Personal commitment:color of purpose,practice=commitment,commit to your goals P50—GTMI Yellow:Livestrong,help people with cancer,Lance Armstrong White:ONE,end poverty and injustice,Bono Red:Personal commitment,to help accomplish goals,Kathleen Hall Review Unit 2P52—PART 1 1.weigh,rather 2.talk about 3.e-mail address 4.nephew 5.adopted 6.sister,brother-in-law 7.grandparents 8.around the coner 9.go down,on your right 10.Turn right,two blocks 11.great salary 12.responsibility 13.teamwork 14.necklace 15.special meaning P53~54—PART 2 1.a 2.c 3.a 4.b 5.b 6.c 7.c 8.b 9.a 10.b P55—PART 3 1.That’s kind of private. 2.I don’t really give out my phone number. 3.I’d rather not talk about that. 4.I like to keep that to myself. 5.That’s a strange question. 6.Are you two related? 7.How are you related to Tom? 8.I look like my father. 9.I take after my mother.What about you? 10.We get



大学的英语学习计划关键词:英语,学习计划,大学 大学的英语学习计划介绍:每个人的情况不同,心态、身体、学习状态、学习基础、学习能力往往不同,不同的人,要制定不同的学习计划。有关大学的英语学习计划,欢迎大家一起来借鉴一下!大学的英语学习计划1一.主要目标每天保证一定的阅读量,一定的听力时间,至少15分钟的时间,集中注意力,并有意识的去记忆好的句子。日常思考的时 大学的英语学习计划详情: 每个人的情况不同,心态、身体、学习状态、学习基础、学习能力往往不同,不同的人,要制定不同的学习计划。有关大学的英语学习计划,欢迎大家一起来借鉴一下! 大学的英语学习计划1 一.主要目标 每天保证一定的阅读量,一定的听力时间,至少15分钟的时间,集中注意力,并有意识的去记忆好的句子。日常思考的时候,尝试用英语思考、想问题以培养语感。争取获得优良成绩,能切实学到丰富的专业知识和基础常识。增加文化素养,提升自身能力,端正学习态度,培养积极勤奋的学风。做学习计划来自我敦促,自我勉励。 二.设立此目标的依据 1.阅读量不足,知识面小。 2.听力能力差,不能达到精听的效果。 3.经常出现中国式英语,口语不够地道,习惯中国性思维。 4.学习的自觉性不够高,没有计划造成时间的浪费。 三.本阶段个人学习存在的不足、困惑与解决措施 不足: 1.英语基础薄弱 2.对英语的兴趣不是很高 3.学习方法单一,学习策略滞后 4.没有坚持每天阅读,听英语听力,用英语交流 困惑: 1.单词量大,生僻单词多,记不住单词 2.翻译句子时不够地道。 3.口语对话时不流畅,句子单一,语法错误多。 4.课堂笔记来不及记,重点难点没完全掌握 解决措施: 1.可以听广播,MP3而且可以更好的把零碎的时间用起来,培养感觉。 2.多光顾一些英语网站,比如英文半的雅虎,或是VOA,BBC等的网站。


Unit1 1)等我们终于找到8号房间的时候,妈妈已经涨红了脸,累得上气不接下气。我打开门锁,我们都走了进去。 2)她给我留下了深刻的印象,我觉得自己太无知了,甚至不配跟她呼吸同样的空气。 3)我不知道为什么我非得了解文学。可是招生办公室的那位女士说,虽然我读过陀思妥耶夫斯基和梅尔维尔的小说,虽然一个没上过高中的人能读这些书的确令人敬佩,但这门课是必修课。 4)我乐得飘飘然了,第一件事就是去买所需要的课本,然后用纽约大学紫白相间的护封把它们套起来,这样地铁里的乘客就会向我投来艳羡的目光了。 5)接着,教授告诉我们,观念并不是从天而降的现成品。从长远来看,清教徒是宗教改革运动的产物,他们继承了宗教改革运动的世界观,并且他们对孩子的态度也由此体现了宗教改革运动的思想。 1. Their introduction of Amateur Dramatics impressed Sophie so much that she signed up for it. 2.Online education provides those who work full time with opportunities to receive further education in their spare time. 3. When he first arrived at university, he was not sure whether he was supposed to scribble down every word out of the professor’s mouth. 4. No one detects his despair well hidden behind his smile. 5. Some students are easy about talking with strangers, while some others find it hard to do so. Unit 2 1. 外面,天空灰蒙蒙的,海面上刮来一阵强风。天气看起来和我的心情一样阴郁。 2.“好啦,别抱怨了,就给我尝一只牡蛎,然后你就可以吃些好吃的、顺口的东西,比如对 虾加黄油面包。”他提议说。吃了这么长时间的饭,他的话中第一次有了妥协的 意思。 3. 但是,虽然清晰地感觉到了他的妥协,——只有一个十岁的男孩才有这样的感觉,我仍然明白这妥协包含着吃掉那只牡蛎,那只放在我父亲盘子边上的牡蛎。 4.(添加了可可油后)巧克力凝固成易折断的条块,入口即化。 5. 但是,是什么原因使得巧克力出奇的畅销?有是什么原因导致了巧克力的上瘾特性,使 无数人承认自己是巧克力迷呢? 1. They don’t serve chips/French fries here. If you want them, you have to go to a KFC or McDonalds. 2. He picked up a walnut and tried to crack it with a hammer, but instead he crushed it. 3. When the gold was heated and melted, they poured it into a mould to form a gold bar. 4. He admitted to breaking the window of the classroom.


大学英语课程建设计划 外语系 为了推动大学英语课程改革和建设方案,加快大学英语课程建设工作的步伐,进一步提高课程水平和质量,特制订大学英语课程建设计划。 一、建设目标 1. 建设大学英语网络课程。 2. 建设学生高参与度的课堂教学。 3.以赛促学,以赛促教。 二、建设内容 1.大学英语网络课程建设。依托衡水职业技术学院网络教学平台,用3左右年时间,建设既可供学生课外学习,又可供教师在课堂教学中辅助教学的大学英语网络课程,包括以本课程各知识点为单元的开放式网络课件;建设能为开展课程教学提供必需的教学资源,同时也为网络课程建设提供丰富的优秀教学素材。大学英语网络课程建设项目的重点是建设网络课程的教学内容,使用的主要载体是网络辅助教学平台,文字教材可以作为辅助的载体。网络课程包括网上学习、讨论、作业、辅导和答疑、测试等各个教学环节,

对于不能在网上实现的教学环节,可采用传统的教学方式完成。 项目建设总体安排: 第一步,2017年5-8底,完成教材整合。 第二步,2017年9月-2018年8月,完成整合教材的教学大纲、教案和课件的编写与制作。 第三步,2018年9月-2018年12月建立和完善试题库。 第四步,2019年1月-2019年8月,完成教学视频录制。 第五步,2019年9月-12月上网课程资源全部完成,以后逐步完善 课程资源上网时间表: 第一步,2017年12月底,完成教学大纲、电子教案、多媒体课件1上网。 第二步,2018年6月底,完成电子教案、多媒体课件2上网 第三部,2018年12月底完成试题库上网。 第四步,2019年6月,完成教学视频上网。 第五步,2019年12月底上网课程资源全部完成,以后逐步完善。 2. 建设学生高参与度的课堂教学。渗透到日常的教学工作中去。 首先将学生分组,采用分组学习的方式,以团队形式进行活动,在团队中互帮互助,一个不能少,不掉队。其次,采用任务驱动、

英语BOOK3 综合教程课后答案

英语综合教程BOOK3课后答案 Unite 3 Lead-in 4,3,6,2,1,3 Passage A ABCAB 6. 1.attain, 2.modest, 3.attractive, 4.precise, 5.campaign, 6.market, 7.manufactures, 8.sponsor, 9.imported, 10. brands 7. 1.frown (very much) …on, 2.for instance, 3.as a result, 4.when it comes to, 5.under ... umbrella 8.1) Thoughts are expressed by means of language. 2) I have bought so many new books this year that it's really difficult for me to keep count of them. 3)The old lady feels assured that her son will come back home today to celebrate her birthday. 4) His mother insisted that his pocket money should not exceed 100 yuan per month. 5) We bought a car last month, which was registered under my name. 9. 1. For most American teenagers, when it comes to comfortable and fashionable clothing, nothing beats T-shirts and jeans. 2. Starting in 2004, Addidas widely promoted that “Impossible is nothing,” and the notion took hold. 3. When the news was first released online, the number of its viewers beat the imagination. 4. The girl’s big break came with her outstanding performance at the singing contest. 5. In many European countries people tend to frown on smoking in public places. Passage B CDCAB 13. 1.revenues, 2.targeting, 3.appliances, 4.via, 5.smashing, 6.loyal, 7. comparable, 8.alongside, 9.claiming, 10. filmed 14. 1. beat ... expectation, 2. So far, 3. built up, 4. at home, 5. on ... basis 15 (1)A great man can dominate a difficult situation by force of character. (2)According to the latest report,tourists do not have to apply for an entry visa to some Southeast Asian countries. (3)The color of the envelope suggests that the letter might be from a woman. (4)Trains can’t rival planes for speed,but many people prefer to travel by train. (5)People are much more likely to accept this mode of administration once they seen that it really works. Unite 4 Lead-in 1. got me wondering; 2. it hit me; 3. original me; 4. bank statement; 5. overdue


Task 7 Anna: Margaret, what's the scariest thing that ever ? Margaret: The scariest thing? the San Jose earthquake. Anna: You were in the San Jose ? Tell me what happened. Margaret: Well, I was downtown with my friend Julia. And we were still asleep on a Tuesday morning, and a little after six o'clock, there was this and the floor was just bouncing and rolling , all at the same time. Anna: Oh my gosh! What did you do? Margaret: Well, it took a second or two to what was going on - that it was an earthquake. Then I bed and under the table, and I Julia to come, but she just over her head like it was a bad dream or something. Anna: Whoa! Margaret: It 24 seconds, and then it stopped. And Julia and I could hear people , so we tried to , but it was . And then the first aftershock hit. Anna: That must ! Margaret:Oh, it was. Nowhere near as strong, but it was . We just hugged each other and kept saying, "What do we do?" Anna: What guys do? Margaret:Well, I remember that someone shouted, " , quickly!" And we shouted back, "We can't! The door won't open." So they said, "Well, ." But I called out, "It's ," because we were living on the second floor. "Not any more," the person shouted back. So, we looked out the window and, sure enough, we were down on the ground! Anna: Your second floor apartment was ? Margaret:We couldn't believe it. We opened the window and , and somebody all this rubble. Once we were down safely, we turned around and looked back at our apartment building. The whole first floor was gone - it was just . And then Julia looked at me and said, "Margaret. Mr. Sanchez!" He was this elderly man who lived on the first floor. Anna: Oh, no. ! Margaret: Yeah. Julia and I both just . He never . Task 9 A:Have you ever from a natural disaster? B:Yes, I once experienced an . A:When did it happen? B:It two years ago when I was visiting Sichuan. A:That must have been terrible. B:It was. I was sleeping, until I got woken up by screams. A:What did you see? B:As soon as I heard the screams, I saw the furniture and things falling down around me. A:What did you do?


大学英语学习计划作文 篇一:英语学习计划英语作文 My new plan of English The new semester has begun. In this semester, I plan to have a plenary English time, so I made the following plan which is considered perfect. I will preview the new lessons for 30 minutes to 1 hour on the day before the English class. In class, I'll try my best to understand every point. If necessary, I'll take notes and ask at least one question every class. And I want to be active in speaking. According to the requirement of the teacher, I am going to take written exercises. It's time to read texts aloud from seven twenty-five to a quarter to eight everyday except Sunday. My oral English practice will be done for 30 minutes twice a week. To enlarge my vocabulary, I should learn 60 words everyday except Sunday. As we all know, reviewing the learnt courses is very important. So 1 hour's reviewing on Sunday is essential. How's my perfect plan I will insist on carrying it out and make an effort on my English learning .I believe it will work. Come on!


BOOK3-UNIT1 WARMING UP I 1.barbed 2.abdomen 3.burrow 4.fang 5.silk 6.span II C D G A B F E PART 1 I D C A II 1.leading 2.inaccessible 3.explaining 4.are often biased PART 2 I T F T T F II 1.locations, dare to step https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f14317160.html,pelling 3.break through, tripping over 4.cut and scrape 5.impressive, pain and irritation PART 3 I West finally finds… The Goliath tarantula detects…For most people… II 1.difficult→ wonderful 2.hand→ back 3.front→ rear 4.alarmed→unsuspecting 5.careless→unfortunate

I H G E F D I B A C READING C A C D A C B 8. feels frightened/ any fear 9. perfectly/ extremely calm 10. confirmed human death BOOK3—UNIT 2 WARMING UP I 1.vulnerable 2.Eucalyptus 3.species 4.mammal II C E F D A B PART 1 I 1.symbol 2.nice, furry, cuddly 3.like toys 4.recognized internationally, beloved II 1.how lovely the koalas are and why they are at risk 2.Tabart is the executive director for the Australian Koala Foundation and an expert on Koalas 3.The koala’s future is very bleak 4.It is cleared for housing, farms and roads PART 2 I 1.adeptly→ adequately 2.reminding→ remaining 3.conceptions→concessions 4.convict→convince 5.sport→spot II 1. B 2. D 3. A 4. C

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