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The new journey to the west


T: Emitofo. The road is rough, watch your step! Do you know where we are now?

S: Bajie, map!

P (摸出,递给S)

S: Look, master (凑近T)……(T、S一齐转向P)

T: Bajie! How Many times I have told you, not to bring these pictures of beautiful girls with you!

P: Oh, master! Forgive me(伸手拿回)

T: (缩手)I’ll keep it for you until we reach the west, but who’s this girl? P: This is my future wife in Gao laozhuang. I miss her day and night. I hope one day we get back from west I’ll marry her. She is beautiful, isn’t her?

T: Emitofo, nothing is just, just is nothing! Map?

P: (递)Here. Em…… we have arrived in White Tiger Mountain!Ah I can’t walk on any more!(坐)My stomach doesn’t allow So.

S: Fat Pig! All what you know is the food.

T:(轻咳)Wukong, factually, I am a bit hungry Could you go to get me some food?

P: You see, boss is hungry, too!

T: Baijie! Don’t forget who ate my last meal!

H: But sir, if a monster comes while brother monkey is away…..

T: Em…….It is a problem. Wukong, do you have any idea?

S: No problem!(用竿画圈)

E: This is…..?

S: Electric net! I have learnt the energy of electricity from master’s books. So I made this. No one can approach you if you stay in it!

H: Brother Monkey, you are so scientific! You are my idol!

S: Why do you notice it so late? Clever is monkey’s character.

T: Emitofo, knowledge is power!

S: I am going right now, but I am afraid I cannot get any food for I do not see any houses here. Oh, look! So many peaches over there. I will go and get some for you

T: Come back soon!


M:Some people are coming this way. One is supposed to be TangSeng. It’s said that we will be immortal if we eat him. Look! They are there and the monkey is away. Tangseng will not escape this time. A ha ha ha!(藏


P: We’re so tired, Why do we have to stay in the circle.

H: Second brother, don’t complain. Let’s have a rest and wait for the big brother.


内容:Meal Order

Tel: 911

E-mail:Delicious@west https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d14385949.html,

H: What is this?

P: Ah, It is an ad for ordering meal. Boss, we are so hungry , shall we order the meal?Here is the tel 911

H:Let me see. What dishes do they have? Steamed bread, rice, Hamburg with beef. What do you like?

P:Eating is my major. Their special is Hamburg with beef. We called it west food in Gao laozhuang. Since we are heading for west. Let’s adjust to it in advance

H: we used to eat meat, we are monk now. We are vigor now. Look the sir is angry now. Let’s choose steamed bread.

P: OK, whatever.

T: Wujing please call and order the meal quickly!

H:Yes sir(打电话)

M:Hello!This is Miss White speaking. You can continue with the clue I give you. If you want to order steamed bread please press 1, if you want to order meat please press2, if you want to complain about my meal please just hold up the phone and just jump to the lake!


M: A piece of steamed bread just cost one dollar!

H: Oh, my god! It’s too expensive! 10 percent off, ok?

M:Oh my ass! You boys are also good at bugging. But you know there is no one else who sells meal. You can just jump to the lake!

P: Hold on! Hold on please, Miss White. I won’t bug with you. We order 5 pieces of steamed bread

M: Oh, what a generous boy you are! Where are you now? I will send the

meal soon

P:We are at the foot of White Tiger mountain. See you later!

M:See you!

M得意笑:A ha ha ha. They are so easy to be taken in. TangSeng I am coming

M: Hi! Boys! Steamed bread is coming!

P: Hi, Miss White we are here .Come in.

M: Ouch! What’s this?

H: I am sorry .I forgot to tell you that is a electricity net, and no one can get in.

M: What are you waiting for? Open the door for me!

P: Ok I’m coming!

H: Wait, big brother had told us not to open the door for any one.

M: Open or not? I give you 5 seconds to decide! You know I am so busy!(倒计时)

P: Boss, we are so hungry, let her in ok?

T: Open or not that is a question. The monkey is so late .Em…It is up to our stomach, open the door!

P: Yes boss!


S: Do not escape! You bad monster! I will kill you!

M: Ouch, What a naughty monkey! Mr. Tang the monkey is so rough, have you ever taught him to be polite?

T: Emitofo I am so sorry. Wukong what are you waiting for? Please say sorry to her!

S: But why? She is a monster .She wants to eat you.

T: No. She is not, this time I think I am right, I am no longer who I was. She is different from monsters .Monsters always give us meals free because their target is me .But this time, Miss White just wants to make money. Understand?

S: Oh, congratulations! My master, your IQ has increased. But what you should know is that the monsters’ IQ are increasing too at the same time. Please believe my eyes!


P: Ouch! Your steamed bread is so terrible! What’s this? It’s a stone?! ! T:You? A monster?

M:A ha ha ha. Yes you are right, however, I am not only become clever but also become stronger. I will eat you!

H: You bad monster! You want both the money and our sir. So greedy

you are!


M: Oh, help! Mr Tang ,I am sorry, I won’t hurt you any more. I’m just hungry.

T: Ok. Stop! Give her a peach

M: Thank you very much!

T: You should know greedy will bring you nothing while hard working brings you happy life!

S: Are you clear?

M: Yes I am .Thank you. I will work hard from now on.

T: Just go and don’t disappoint me.

M: Yes Good luck to all of you! Bye!

P: Monkey brother, how, how did you find out!

S: Em…Monkey’s intuition.

H: We should be more careful in the future.

T: Yes, let’s go guys.


S: You are carrying the luggage, I am leading the horse.

P: Say goodbye to the sun, welcome evening glow.

H: Sleeping on the ground, again we set out.

T.S.P.H: Ah......Ah...... Sleeping on the ground again we set out.

T: One after the other the seasons go by, and one after the other, the year go on. You wonder where the road is. The road is under your feet. T.S.P.H: You wonder where the road is, the road is under your feet...... 小组成员:王海英鲍松孔元刘洪辰张俊







戏剧文学 戏剧文学,通常指戏剧剧本。戏剧有广狭二义:一是话剧、歌剧、戏曲的总称,一是专指话剧。因此,狭义的戏剧文学也专指话剧剧本,广义的戏剧文学则应包括歌剧剧本、戏曲剧本在内。一般多取其广义的概念。 戏剧文学具有两重性:一方面,它作为文学作品,应当具备一般叙事性作品共同的要求,诸如塑造典型形象,揭示深刻的主题,以及结构的完整性、统一性等等,并应当具有独立的欣赏(阅读)价值;另一方面,它作为戏剧演出的基础,只有通过演出,才能表现出它的全部价值,因此,它又要受到舞台演出的制约,必须符合舞台艺术的要求。话剧、歌剧、戏曲剧本,虽然它们各自有一些特异性,但作为戏剧文学,又具有某些共同的特征。 戏剧是综合艺术,它把文学、表演、绘画、雕塑、音乐、舞蹈等多种艺术综合成为一种独立的艺术样式。在戏剧演出的综合性整体中,剧本虽然是基础,但居于中心地位的却是演员的表演。演员扮演角色的基本手段是动作,如话剧中的形体动作、言语动作、静止动作,歌剧中还有歌唱,戏曲中则有唱、念、做、打,等等。动作是演员艺术的根基,也是戏剧艺术的根基。戏剧艺术的特性就在于它是动作的艺术,这也决定了戏剧文学的基本特性。从表面上看,剧本同小说一样,也是用语言(文字)写成的,但一般地说,小说中语言的主要性能是叙述和描写,剧本中则主要*人物通过自身的动作进行自我表现。剧本通常包括两个部分:一是剧作家的舞台提示,其中包括对动作展开的时间和具体的物质环境的说明,对人物外部动作、静止动作的提示和对人物台词的心理情绪的提示;一是人物自身的台词,其中包括对话(对唱)、独白(独唱)、旁白(旁唱)等,这些,都是人物心理动作的外现方式。在戏曲剧本中,人物的台词(道白与唱词)有时也有说明动作环境和叙述事件的作用,但其主要性能也还是心理动作的外现。剧本需要各种各样的戏剧冲突,需要情节的生动性和丰富性,但无论是戏剧冲突还是戏剧情节,都应通过因果相承的动作直观地展现出来。剧本需要塑造各种各样的典型人物形象,而动作正是戏剧塑造人物形象的基本手段。剧本中需要有深刻的主题思想,而主题思想也应该寓于动作的发展之中。戏剧文学的这种基本特性,决定了剧作家形象思维方式的特殊性,即必须遵循动作发展的逻辑。剧作家只有熟悉表演艺术的特点,掌握舞台艺术的规律,才能写好剧本。 戏剧演出由于受到舞台条件的制约,形成了自己特有的时空观念。在戏曲中,动作是虚拟的、程式化的,它的时空特性主要表现为建立在虚拟动作基础之上的虚拟时间和虚拟空间;在戏曲舞台上,离开人物的虚拟动作和说明性的台词,就不存在具体的时间和具体空间。这样,就造成了戏曲剧本在结构上的特点,即在时间和空间方面具有很大的自由。而在话剧中,动作基本上是写实的,它的时空限制要比戏曲大得多,因此,也就决定了话剧剧本在结构上的特点,即话剧动作必须在固定空间和延续时间中持续发展。当然,这并不意味着它只能有一个固定空间(即场景),也并不意味着它的时间必须从头到尾连续下去;但它的空间和时间的变换,必须通过中断动作来实现,其方式就是换幕(或场)或暗转。这就形成了话剧结构中分幕、分场的特点。剧作家可以借助这种方式,相对地扩大剧本的时空容量。所谓“一幕”,指的是动作与情节发展中的一个大的段落;所谓“一场”,则是指在大的段落中空间的变换或时间的间隔。在现代话剧中,幕与场的界限已不像以前那么明显,也有不分幕只分场的。但总的说来,不论是话剧、歌剧还是戏曲,都要求剧本的结构必须遵循时间与空间高度集中的原则,剧本中的戏剧冲突和戏剧情节,都应当在高度集中的场面和场景中展开。这个原则在任何时代的戏剧创作中都是共同的,只是具体要求和具体表现有所不同。 戏剧 特点: (1)、剧本必须适合舞台演出。演出要受到时间和空间的限制,把发生在不同地点和较长时间里大事情集中在有限的舞台和两三个小时内的演出中表现出来。 2)、必须有集中尖锐的矛盾冲突。 戏剧是反映现实生活中的矛盾冲突的,没有矛盾冲突就没有戏剧。这中冲突是社会矛盾的反映,它有一定的发展过程,这个过程就构成了剧本的情节结构。


【医院常用的英语口语对话】 A:Have you taken your temperature? A:你量体温了么? B:Yes, and it is 37℃. B:量了,37度。 A:Well, open your mouth and let me have a look. It is nothing serious. You haven't got a fever. But you should take the medicine and need to have more rest recently. When you feel well, you could take more exercises, or play sports like basketball, running, and swimming. And eating healthy food, having more fruits and vegetableand drinking milk are good for your heath. A:哦,张开嘴,我看看。没什么大问题,你没发烧。但你还是要吃药,最近也要多休息。感觉好些的时候多做运动,打打篮球、跑跑步或者游游泳什么的。多吃健康食品,多吃蔬菜水果,还有多喝奶,对你身体都有好处。 B:Yes, I see. Thanks a lot. B:好的,我知道了。谢谢你。 【医院看病常用的英语口语对话】 护士:早上好! Nurse: Good morning. 病人:你好! Patient: Good morning. 护士:请问哪里不舒服? Nurse: What seems to be the problem? 病人:高烧,感觉糟透了。 Patient: I'm running a high fever and feeling terribly bad. 护士:这种情况出现有多久了? Nurse: How long have you had the problem? 病人:从昨晚开始的。 Patient: Since last night. 护士:您以前来过咱们医院吗? Nurse: Well, have you ever been here before? 病人:事实上,我也是刚刚到这个城市。 Patient: As a matter of fact, I have just moved to this city. 护士:好的,那么您得先填写这张挂号表。比如您的年龄,挂号,住址等等。 Nurse:O. K. In that case, you have to fill in this


A: Hi, Wu, what's up B: I am reading, see it's a good book. A: Well, I see. "历史深处的忧虑林达著" what's the book about B: It's about the different culture and life view between Chinese and American. A: Oh, cool, I know a lot about that have been working along with some American guys a long time. B: So tell me how A: First in China, if you get good benefit from your boss, you should not show you up, people will jealous and even do you sometimes. But in America, you should not worry about it, everybody will thumb up to you if you get good benefit by your hard work. It's more easy and open to deal with American, but it's so hard to deal with some Chinese guys. B: Hmmm, sometimes.... A: Second in China, if you are working hard, you will be jealous in most times. They will talk about your in the back, and maybe doubt what you want. It's seldom happening in America or other Western country. B: Well, it's.... A: Okay, Ancient China is the most beautiful and powerful country in the world, I think even today the Western will not get that culture in mind. (ring) Sorry, I get a call, see you later. B: See you.. A: oh! My God! Fancy meeting you here.A: 哦,天啊!太巧了,在这儿碰到你。B: Yes, what a surprise! We haven't seen each other almost half a year.B: 是呀!真没想到。我们已有半年没见了吧。A: Almost. Where are you heading nowA: 差不多。你去哪儿B: Oh. I'm going to attend a meeting about making Chinese culture various and globalized.B: 哦,我正要参加一个关于使中国文化多样化和全球化的会议。A: It's so significant. The east and west culture is a comparatively separate value system of their own society, and each style of culture has advantages and dregs. So the two cultures should nourish and benefit each other.A: 这会议很有意义。东西方文化是适应它们各自社会的相对独立的价值体系,每一种文化都有它们自己的优点和不足,因此,两


大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期: 2008-2009学年第一学期 学时 18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象 2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to: 1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding.

2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配 (teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information should be collected before the class. (about 10 minutes)


1.话剧:以演员的对话和动作为主要表现手段的戏剧形式。欧洲各国通称戏剧(英文drama)。中国早期话剧于1907年在日本新派剧的直接影响下产生,当时称新居或文明戏。新居于辛亥革命后逐渐衰落。五四运动以后,欧洲戏剧传入中国,中国现代话剧兴起,当时称爱美剧、真新剧或白话剧,1928年由洪深提议定名为话剧。中国现代话剧兴起后,走过了漫长的发展历程,已经成为中国广大民众所喜爱的剧种。它在曲折前进的道路上,产生了众多优秀的剧作家、导演艺术家、表演艺术家、舞台美术家、戏剧理论家、戏剧活动家、戏剧教育家。他们的辛勤劳动和艺术才华,共同培育了话剧艺术的鲜花,推动了话剧事业的发展,使中国的话剧以特有的光彩独立于世界戏剧之林。 2、话剧特点: 第一,舞台性。古今中外的话剧演出都是借助于舞台完成的,舞台有各种样式,目的是便于演员表演剧情和利于观众从各个角度欣赏。 第二,直观性。话剧首先是以演员的姿态、动作、对话、独白等表演,直接作用于观众的视觉和听觉;并用化妆、服饰等手段进行人物造型,使观众能直接观赏到剧中人物形象的外貌特征。 第三,综合性。话剧是一种综合性的艺术,其特点是与在舞台塑造具体艺术形象、向观众直接展现社会生活情景的需要和适应的。 第四,对话性。话剧区别于其他剧种的特点是通过大量的舞台对话战线剧情、塑造人物和表达主题的。其中有人物独白,有观众对话,在特定的时、空内完成戏剧内容。 3、剧本:文学作品中的一种体裁。指戏剧艺术的文学部分,亦称戏剧文学。它直接规定了戏剧的题材、主题、人物、情节、语言和结构,是戏剧演出的基础和依据。它的主要组成部分是:剧中人物自己的语言(台词),包括对话、独白、旁白和唱词;叙述人的语言(舞台指示),包括人物形象特征、心理活动、情感变化和场景、气氛的描写,时间、地点、人物上下场和动作的说明,以及对灯光、布景、效果等艺术处理的要求等。经过导演处理,在排演过程中使用的剧本,通称脚本;经过导演处理和演出实践后定下来的剧本,通称演出本。 4、台词:剧中人物所说的话。包括对白、独白。是剧作家刻画人物、展示剧情、表达主题的主要手段。 5、对白:戏剧中角色互相的对话,是剧本台词的主要部分。 6、独白:戏剧中角色独自一人所说的台词,多抒发个人情感和愿望。 7、内心独白:指演员借以表达角色思想感情活动的内部无声言语过程。演员在角色沉默、思考以及同时对手交流时应充分运用内心独白在形体上所引发的反应,将这种思想感情传达给观众。 8、旁白:剧情进展中,角色在一旁评价对手言行或表达本人内心活动的台词。一般假设为同台其他角色未曾听见,或作为直接同观众的交谈,戏曲中称“打背供”。 9、潜台词:指角色台词的内在实质。包括说话的目的、言外之意和未尽之言等,演员虽未说出,但观众可以意会。 10、幕:戏剧作品和戏剧演出中的段落。按剧情发展的时间、地点和事件的变化、转换而划分。幕又可按情节发展的需要划分为场或景。也常有不分幕而把全剧分为若干场的。舞台撒谎那个的幕布,如大幕和天幕亦称幕。 11、尾声:指某些多幕剧在末一幕后的一场戏,用以交代人物的归宿、事件、发展的远景或表现作者的一些思想愿望。后泛指某些叙事性文学作品(如长篇小说)在结局后面所写的最后一部分。尾声经常同序幕相呼应。我国古代戏曲里大多数套曲中的最末一曲也称尾声。12、人物造型:戏剧、电影等表演艺术塑造角色外部形象的艺术手段,即以化妆、服装等体现角色的外部特征,或再现角色在社会生活中的原型。 13、舞台动作:演员扮演角色时,依据剧情的发展而进行的言语、思考、听、看以及行走坐


有关于看病的英语对话 D: Well, Randy, I'd say you've got a bad case of the flu. The main thing to do is get plenty of rest and drink lots of liquids. I'll prescribe something for that throat.医生:嗯,兰迪,你患了重感冒,你所要做的事便是多休息和多喝水,我会开些处方治你的喉咙。 P: Thanks, doctor. Is there anything I can take for this headache?病人:谢谢医生。 我能吃什么药治疗头疼呢?D: Some aspirin or Panadol should help. You can pick some up at the pharmacy when you go to fill your prescription.医生:吃一些阿司匹林或扑热息痛应该会有帮助。 你在去药房拿药时可以买一些。 P: Okay.病人:好的。 D: Goodbye, Randy. Take care.医生:再见,兰迪,保重。 有关于看病的英语对话篇二Dialogue One (make an appointment with the doctor for oneself)值班护士:早上好,这里是约翰逊大夫办公室。 有什么需要帮忙的吗?Clerk: Good morning. This is Doctor Johnson’s office. What can I do for you?雷德太太:是的。 我是雷德太太。 我想本周预约看病。 Mrs. Reed: Yes, this is Mrs. Reed. I’d like to make an appointment to


Study English (1.1) A: Oh, hey, you look so worried, what's wrong? B: Um... Well, in fact, it's about my English. A: English? Is there something wrong with your English? B: Yes.Although I am always working hard in my English. I can't get a good mark in the test. A: That's why you are so upset? B: I think so. A: Well, guy, could you listen to my opinions? B: Of course. A: First, you should be absorbed in the class and summarize the main point what the teacher says... B:Yes,I do,But sometimes I can't keep up with teacher, A: Hey, listen to me.You don't need to write down all the things.When you are listening,just write down the long point and only the important parts. B:OK, and what? A:Secondly, you must be abiding and as soon as you meet a problem, go ahead to have the teacher to solve.Only if you do this, you can make it. B: Oh, I will take it from now on and thank you very much. A: That's all right. Likes and dislikes (1.3) A: Do you have any hobbies?What are they? B: I'm interested in reading or other relaxing sports. A: How do you spend your spare time? B: I usually read some books or do so some sports. A: What kind of book you are interested in? B: My favorite books are those of detectives. A: Well, those books are really good.I like them too.Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? B: In fact, I wouldn't call myself extroverted. Sometime I enjoy being by myself very much. But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these past few years. A: What kind of sports do you like? B: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I specially like tennis and mountain climbing. A: What kind of personality do you think you have? B: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically. I reckon, and I don't like to leave anything half-done. It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on anything else until the first thing is finished. A:Really?Maybe I should learn from you. Oh, I remember I have something to do after a while, so I must say goodbye to you. B:OK, see you next time.



大学英语口语课教案 【篇一:大学英语口语课程教案】 大学英语口语课程教案 学院:外国语学院 学期:2008-2009学年第一学期 学时18 教材《大学英语基础口语教程第一册》 (let’s talk book 1) 授课教师大学英语口语精品课程组 授课对象2008级普本 上课地点南、北校区、学院路校区 上课时间周一至周五 授课题目(teaching title): unit 12 foreign customs 授课类型(class type): lecturing and practice 授课课时安排(teaching periods): 2 periods 本授课单元教学目标(teaching objectives): in this unit students are required to:

1.master the basic vocabulary related to western wedding. 2.learn to describe the different manners between chinese and western customs. 3.learn the proper way to behave in western society. 本授课单元教学重点(main points of teaching): 1.instruct students to speak and behave properly in western society concerning some important events. 2.analyze the different manners between chinese and western countries. 本授课单元教学难点(difficult points of teaching): instruct the students to use cultural-related words to describe and compare the proper manners in chinese and western events.教学手段(teaching aids) multimedia (audios, videos, pictures, texts), blackboard. 本授课单元教学步骤及时间分配(teaching procedures and time allotment): 1. warming-up activities (about 15 minutes) 1.1 role play: a typical western wedding (about 10 minutes) student are assigned the task in the previous class. they are asked to perform a typical western wedding. useful materials and information


Patient Good morning,doctor! 早上好,医生! Doctor Morning!What's your troubie,young man? 早上好!怎么了,年轻人? Patient I feel sick and I have a headache. 我感觉恶心,并且我头疼。 Doctor How long have you been like this? 你什么时候开始这样的呢? Patient Since last night. 从昨晚开始。 Doctor Let me look you over carefully. 让我仔细看一看。 Patient Is anything wrong with me? 我有什么事吗? Yes,but it's not serious.you've got the flu.Here are some pills for you.Plerse take them three Doctor times a day and drink moer water. 是的,但它并不严重。你得了流感。这是一些药丸。请一天喝三次,并多喝些水。 Patient How soon can Ibe all right again? 我多久才会好? Doctor If you have a good rest,you will be all right in three days. 如果你好好休息,你将在三天内好的 Patient OK,thanks a lot! 好的,谢谢! Dr. Yang What can I do for you,Benjamin? 有什么我可以为您做的,本杰明? Benjamin Well,I couldn't sleep last night. 呃,我昨晚无法入睡。 YangDr. What's the matter? 哪里有问题呢?(有没有哪里不舒服呢?) Benjamin I've got a pain here.Just here.Ouch! 我这儿疼。只有这。噢! Dr. Yang What did you eat yesterday? 你昨天吃什么了? For lunch I had noodles,salad,and later a peach.I didn't have any supper because I didn't fell Benjamin very well. .午餐我吃的面条,沙拉,后来还吃了一个梨子我没有吃晚餐,因为我感觉不是很好。 Dr. Yang Was the peach ripe or green?You ought to be careful with fruit. 桃子熟了没,干不干净呢?你应该要小心吃水果。 Benjamin It was a bit green. 它还挺干净的啊。 I think that may be the problem.It is nothing serious.You'd better get some rest.Take this YangDr. medicine three times a day.You'll be all right soon.And I advise you not to eat fruit that isn't ripe in the future. 次。你很快就会好的。还有,我想没有什么大碍。病不重。你最好休息会儿。吃这个药,一天3


口语对话 1 赶时髦(go after fashion) A: Fashion show is around the corner, I’m so excited! 时装表演即将来临,我很兴奋! B: Are there any good!这有什么好的! A: I didn't see anything wrong with the clothes; they looked pretty nice to me. I think you don’t like it! Why?我没看出衣服有任何问题;在我看来它们都很不错。我觉得你不喜欢!为什么? B: It was dumb. I think it's stupid for women to wear clothes like that. 这是愚蠢的。我认为女人们穿成那样是很愚蠢的。 A: The benevolent see benevolence and the wise see wisdom. 仁者见仁,智者见智。B: Do you really think people can wear that stuff and walk around the streets? 你真的认为人们可以穿那种东西走在街上? A: Yes, I do. At least, some people certainly can. They wear high-fashion clothes to show off their sense of style and wealth. 是的,我这样认为。至少,有人一定会。他们穿着时尚的衣服展示他们的时尚感和财富。 B: Well. I still think they're dumb. It makes more sense to spend the money on more practical purposes.我仍然认为他们是愚蠢的。把更多的钱花在更有意义的地方比较实际。 A: So you think it's bad if I wear it?所以你认为我穿成这样很不好吗? B: If you wear it I must speak nice! 如果你穿成这样我一定说它很好看! A: I know you will say that.我就知道你会这样说。 B: Only you know me!知我者非你莫属!


大学英语口语课程介绍 课程背景: 为进一步推动我国大学英语教学,适应国家改革开放的需要,使大学生更加重视英语口语学习,获得更强的英语口语交际能力。 课程概况: 通过该课程的学习,使学生通过形式多样的语言技能训练,能就日常生活中常用的话题用比较简单的英语准确地表达自己的思想。以达到在具体的社会语境中得体地使用语言的目的。并通过法律环境下的语言教学来提高用英语从事涉外业务的水平,内容包括公共道德、人际关系、生活习惯、校园生活、旅游观光、环保购物、留学求职等。另根据学生的专业、兴趣和未来职业需求,增加外交礼仪,运用英语处理涉外警务活动等内容。 课程性质与任务: 本课程为一门重要的必修的基础技能课程,主要通过课堂口语实践,充分唤起学生学习英语的兴趣。使学生通过吸收丰富的预料,快速提高听说能力,深入了解各国文化和社会知识,训练学生用英语进行思考,有效培养他们的英语交际能力。 教师要根据我校应用型人才培养目标,对课程进行认真研究、深入挖掘。结合课程特点、教学内容和当前形势及现实生活,对学生进行人生观、世界观、价值观和思想道德品质教育,努力使学生在获得知识的同时学会做人的道理。 课程的目的与基本要求: 本课程的教学目的是通过大量的口语练习和实践,逐步培养和提高学生用英语进行口头交际的能力。同时帮助学生了解主要英语国家的文化和生活习俗。通过本课程的学习,学生应能就日常生活中的一般情景进行恰当的交谈,能就社会生活中的一般性话题进行连贯的发言,能比较准确地表达自己的思想,做到语音准确、语调自然、语法基本正确,语言运用基本得体。将语言技能、语言知识、文化意识等要素有机地结合起来,相互促进、循序渐进,帮助学生最终实现交际的目的。 本课程要求学生能够运用已掌握的词汇、句型和常用表达法,结合个人实际,较为流畅地就一些常见话题发表个人见解。大多数学生应能通过本门课程的学习


话剧常识 一.什么是话剧? 话剧本是一门综合性艺术,剧作、导演、表演、舞美、灯光、评论应该说是缺一不可。更不可缺少的是接受这门艺术的对象———观众。当然在莎士比亚的年代,话剧的因素要少一些。话剧之所以在欧洲几百年经久不衰,一个很重要的原因是因为话剧培养了一代代的观众,而一代代观众对思考和娱乐这两者有机的结合又促使了话剧的发展。 二.话剧分类 1.按剧中所选择的题材的不同而分类:历史剧、革命历史剧、纪实剧、民间传说剧、神话剧、科幻剧、科学剧、侦探剧、惊险剧、儿童剧等 2.按戏剧作品的物理长度区分:独幕剧、短剧、多幕剧 3.从不同的戏剧观念、不同的创作方法、不同的风格流派进行分类:古典主义戏剧、浪漫主义戏剧、现实主义戏剧、现代主义戏剧等 4.从剧中矛盾冲突的性质与人物命运的结局所表现出来的价值取向与审美范畴的不同分为:悲剧、喜剧、正剧——成为戏剧三大体裁 悲剧: 起源于人类浓厚的悲剧意识,悲剧意识来自人类对自身生存困境的反思。 A人与自然的悲剧性冲突。 B人与社会的悲剧性冲突。 C个体与他人的悲剧性冲突。

D人与自我的悲剧性冲突。 喜剧: A轻松活泼的情调。 B豁达乐观的胸怀。 C追求自由的精神。 喜剧手法有:夸张、变形、巧合、错位、误会、乖讹、戏访、重复等。 正剧: A更生活化,在形态上更接近客观事物原生态的话剧。 B题材来源更广阔的戏剧。 C更个性化更人化的戏剧。 三.话剧特点 话剧艺术具有如下几个基本特点: 第一,舞台性。古今中外的话剧演出都是借助于舞台完成的,舞台有各种样式,目的有二:一利演员表演剧情,一利观众从各个角度欣赏。 第二,直观性。话剧首先是以演员的姿态、动作、对话、独白等表演,直接作用于观众的视觉和听觉;并用化妆、服饰等手段进行人物造型,使观众能直接观赏到剧中人物形象的外貌特征。


医生英语口语 1、Whats the matter? 什么事? 2、Whats your complaint? 什么病? 3、What can I do for you? 我能效劳什么? 4、Is there anything wrong? 有什么不对劲吗? 5、What exactly is wrong? 到底有什么不对劲呢? What symptoms do you have? 你有什么症状? Is there anything particularly unusual? 有什么特别不一样的吗? Whats the trouble? 什么毛病? When did it happen? 是什么时候发生的? Since when has it hurt? 受伤多久了? 11、Since when? 从什么时候? When did this start? 从什么时候开始的? 13、When did you start having this problem?你从什么时候开始有这毛病的? 14、When did this trouble start?

这毛病是从什么时候开始的? 15、How long has it been bothering you? 这困扰你有多久了? 16、Do you have a fever? 你发烧吗? 17、Do you have a cold? 你着凉了吗? 18、Do you have severe headaches? 你头痛得厉害吗? 19、Do you have a sore throat? 你喉咙痛吗? 20、Do you feel chilly? 你觉得冷吗? 21、Do you feel nauseous? 你想吐吗? 22、Do you have diarrhea? 你拉痢疾吗? 23、Have you ever coughed up blood or bloody phlegm?你曾咳出血或痰中带血吗? 24、Have you passed blood in your urine? 你小便带血吗? 25、Are you taking any medicine regularly? 你通常吃什么药吗? 26、Do you have any allergies? 你有什么过敏反应吗? 27、How is your appetite? 你食欲如何? 28、Do you often drink alcohol? 你常喝酒吗?


1、SPORTS 【英】A:Hello, 【Name】, it's a sunny day, right? B:Yes. 【Name】, what are you going to do? You know, such a good weather, what a pity if only stay at home. A: I can't agree with you more. I'm going to play badminton, and you? B: Badminton? Well, I feel poor in this kind of game. A: Don't worry. The beginning is always the hardest. I can teach you. B: I'd be glad to. But I perfect table tennis. A: Table tennis? I really don't know you can play table tennis. B: Actually, there are lots of things you don't know. A: What else you can play? B: I have wide of interests, such as reading, swimming, table tennis and so on. A: Well, I love swimming. I think swimming can help me making a good shape. B: And you can improve your stamina, and…anyway, lots of benefits. A: So, how about going to swim? B: Are you kidding? This is winter! It's too cold to jump into the water.


大学英语口语课堂游戏 游戏一:让一个同学在教室外面待着,然后教室里大家想出一个人,比如Obama、Harry potter,任何一个大家都熟知的名人,这个人就是外面那个同学,然后让外面那个人进来猜他自己是谁,差不多都是问Am I dead? Am I male or female?等问题,限时间猜出,猜出有奖,猜不出惩罚。 游戏二:把全班几十个人平均分成四组,每组负责一次party,要求很简单,只能用英语说,要包括一个由组员自己表演的幽默小品,还要有由其他同学参与的游戏等,要让每一个同学都加入进来,想出很多有创意的节目和游戏,让气氛活跃,每次20分钟,剩下十分钟由老师来点评给分。 游戏三:角色扮演(Role play), 就是让学生学习表演性较强的课文片段,然后分角色表演出来。课堂上把学生分成几组,然后每组选派一名或二名代表进行表演,当然表演的过程都是用全英文表达,其余的同学欣赏,打分,并用英语进行简单的评价,得分最高者可获得教师事先准备好的小礼物。这种全班性互动教学,能调动起学生的运动记忆和表演欲,提高学生的表演才能,可以让学生记忆更加深刻,并营造良好的英语语言学习环境。 游戏四:将班级分成几组,先在组内讨论并商定好下步要谈论的内容,如:怎样做饭烧菜,煮咖啡等,然后让组内每个同学讲一步操作程序,在讲的过程中犯错误最少的组将获胜。 游戏五:口语接龙编故事,每人轮流用英语讲一句故事,讲不下去编不下去的同学就输了,罚唱一首歌。 游戏六:猜词游戏就是绝大多数学生自由发言来形容要猜的单词,通过游戏起到练习英语口语的目的。 单词游戏可以用接词尾:rain_ night_two_over_read_dear_room_mind 单词接龙 将全班分成若干组,每组来一个学生在黑板上写出一个以某字母为词首的单词,前一个单词的词尾字母作下一个单词的词首字母。在规定时间内哪一组接的词最多为优胜。如:pen-nice-eight-tea-an-no-or-right-teacher-radio-on-nor等 口语操练游戏可以用鹦鹉学舌Polly says:Put up your https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5d14385949.html,b your hair.由老师发出指令Polly says,让学生照鹦鹉说的话做,如果没有Polly says,而是直接说Put up your hands,学生照做了,就犯规,不得玩游戏,要下场,由其它同学替换.这是练习祈使句. 传话每一纵排为一组,全班分成若干组。老师分别发给每一组最后一排的学生一张纸,上面写一句话。在老师说“开始”后,最后一排的学生即用耳语把纸上的话告诉前面的学生,这位学生再把听到的话告诉前面的学生……这样依次进行下去。最后第一排的学生把所传的话写到黑板上或说出来。传得最快,最准确的组获胜。
