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四级资料-新闻听力训练(Test 1-2答案及原文)

四级资料-新闻听力训练(Test 1-2答案及原文)
四级资料-新闻听力训练(Test 1-2答案及原文)

Test 1 答案速查:BCADBAC

News Report 1

(1)Dozens of homes and businesses in the Australian settlement of Yarloop have been destroyed by a massive bush fire. Firefighters are working to contain the blaze which is threatening other towns south of the state capital Perth. The fire is so violent that it sets great obstacles to the curbing work of the firefighters. John Donnison reports. "This is one of the worst bush fires of the Australian summer so far. (2)Already it's burnt through around 50 000 hectares fueled by strong gusty winds. The fire ripped directly through the town of Yarloop with a population of around 500 people. It's thought up to 100 homes and buildings have been flattened with little left standing. Police say a number of people are missing. Citizens are worried about the reconstruction work since this is the biggest disaster ever. "

1. What happened in the Australian settlement of Yarloop?

2. What made the damage even worse.?在亚鲁普的澳大利亚家庭和企业有几十被大规模野火摧毁了。消防队员正努力控制火势,威胁到珀斯州首府南部的其他城镇。火势非常猛烈,给消防人员的灭火工作造成了很大的障碍。John Donnison的报告。”这是迄今为止澳大利亚夏季最严重的布什大火之一。(2)已经烧穿50左右的强阵风为000公顷。火被直接通过一个人口500人左右,Yarloop镇。据认为,多达100个家庭和建筑物被夷为平地,几乎没有站立。警方说有许多人失踪了。市民担心重建工作,因为这是有史以来最大的灾难。



News Report 2

(3) The World Health Organization has announced that the Ebola outbreak in Guinea is over. The epidemic began in Guinea in March 2014. The BBC's global health correspondent (记者) Tulip Mazumdar reports. "The worst Ebola outbreak in history began in Guinea and the country is now the last of the most severely-affected nations to declare an end to the epidemic. This is really exciting news which cheers up the health workers all over the world. But there are warnings Guinea should prepare for further sporadic (不时发生的) cases. This is what people should focus on seriously. In Guinea, there will now be three months of heightened surveillance(监视).

(4)Keeping Guinea free of Ebola will mean communities stay cautious, which health workers say is the biggest challenge."

3.What does the World Health Organization announce recently?

4. What is the biggest challenge of keeping Guinea free of the disease?世界卫生组织宣布几内亚埃博拉疫情已经结束。这种流行病始于2014年3月的几内亚。英国广播公司的全球健康记者(记者)Tulip Mazumdar报道。”历史上最严重的埃博拉疫情始于几内亚,该国目前是最严重的埃博拉疫情国家之一,宣布结束这一流行病。这真是振奋人心的消息,鼓舞了全世界的卫生工作者。但有警告几内亚应准备进一步散发(不时发生的)例。这是人们应该认真对待的。在几内亚,现在将有三个月的加强监测(监视)。(4)让几内亚远离埃博拉病毒将意味着社区保持谨慎,卫生工作者说这是最大的挑战。

News Report 3

In Canada, three universities recently ran a program to train female students to avoid sexual assault while in college. (5)The two-year program was available at universities in Calgary, Alberta, and Windsor and Guelph in Ontario, Canada. (6)The program involved students in their first year at the schools. The students spent 12 hours learning how to judge risks, deal with emotions, and use self-defense. The program taught students to be especially on guard at parties and other

high-risk campus social events. The training taught students to attend such events together. If separated, they should check on each other periodically. (7)They should also take extra care in their use of alcohol. At least half of the sexual assaults among college women involve drinking. About 450 students received the training. A group of about the same size received only written information and a brief meeting with the trainers. The group that received the 12 hours of training saw an almost 50 percent drop in risk of rape. The study was designed for women while effective interventions that target men's behavior are also needed.

5.How long does the program last?

6.Who can join the program?

7.What’s the main reason that leads to sexual assault?





Test 2 答案速查:DBBDBDC

News Report 1

(1)Two Marine helicopters carrying 12 crew members collided near the island of Oahu in Hawaii during a nighttime training mission, and rescuers are searching a debris (残骸) field in waters on Friday, military officials said. There was no immediate word on what caused the crash or if any survivors have been found.

(2) The transport helicopters each had a crew of six from Marine Corps Base Hawaii and crashed just before midnight Thursday, officials said. No other passengers were aboard the CH-53Es, which came from the 1st Marine Aircraft Wing.

A Coast Guard helicopter and C-130 airplane spotted a debris field two and a half miles offshore early Friday. The debris covers an area of two miles. The search includes aircraft from the Navy and Air Force, a Honolulu Fire Department rescue boat and Coast Guard cutters, officials said.

1. What is the news report mainly about?

2. When did the incident happen?

News Report 2两架海军直升机载着12名船员附近相撞,瓦胡岛岛在夏威夷的夜间训练任务中,救援人员正在寻找碎片(残骸)场在水域上星期五,军方官员说。目前还没有关于坠机原因或幸存者的消息。






A rare January hurricane has formed far out in the Atlantic, the first to form in the month since 1938. (3)A warning has been issued for the Azores Islands as Hurricane Alex heads in that direction with wind speeds of 140 km/h. The US National Hurricane Center (NHC) said the hurricane was likely to hit the islands on Friday.

Meanwhile, another tropical storm, Pali, has formed over the Pacific, similarly rare at this time of year. (4) Scientists have linked the storms to powerful winds and high sea surface temperatures resulting from an unusually strong El Nino phenomenon this year. The World Meteorological Organization has said the emergency of El Nino this year would be among the three strongest recorded since 1950. Severe droughts and significant flooding in many parts of the world are being attributed to the phenomenon, which occurs every two to seven years.

3.What do we learn about Hurricane Alex from the news report?

4.What do the tropical storms result from?一场罕见的一月飓风已经在大西洋形成,这是自1938以来的第一次飓风。(3)已经被警告的亚速尔群岛与140公里/小时,美国国家飓风中心风速,方向亚历克斯飓风头发(NHC)表示,飓风可能袭击的岛屿上星期五。




News Report 3

An Indonesian wounded in Thursday's gun and bomb attacks in Jakarta has died, bringing the death toll to eight including four civilians, police said. (5)Officials originally believed there were five attackers, but later said one man thought to be a attacker was actually a civilian. All of the attackers, including two previously convicted attackers, were killed. The so-called Islamic State (IS) has said it carried out the attack. At least 20 people were injured, several of them in a serious condition.

One of the attackers seen carrying a gun and rucksack during the attacks was named as Afif Sunakim. (6)He was previously given a seven-year jail term for attending a militant camp. (7)The attacks began with a series of bomb blasts at an intersection near a shopping mall and a Starbucks coffee shop. As people inside ran out, two gunmen waiting outside opened fire. At least two attackers also attacked the police box in the centre of the intersection in a suicide bomb attack. The group planned to target government offices and foreigners in other Indonesian cities, a spokesman said.

5. How many attackers were there in the Jakarta attacks?

6. What do we learn about Afif Sunakim from the news report?

7. Where did the attack begin?



一名袭击者手持枪和背包在攻击被命名为Afif Sunakim。(6)他曾因参加军事营而被判7年监禁。(7)袭击发生在一个购物中心和一家星巴克咖啡店附近的一系列交叉路口。当里面的人跑出去时,两个持枪歹徒在外面等着开火。至少两名袭击者在自杀炸弹袭击中袭击了交叉路口的警察局。发言人说,该组织计划将目标锁定在印尼其他城市的政府部门和外国人。5。有多少人在雅加达的攻击?

6。我们了解的新闻报道,Afif Sunakim?



一、听力练习 1. A. To defend Africa against sandstorm. B. To restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara. C. To protect natural recourses. D. To improve living standard by selling fruits. 2. A. Being drought resistant. B. Providing nutrients. C. Providing a way to make money. D. Requiring a lot of rainfall. 二、听力文本 Many areas of North Africa have seen a sharp decrease in rainfall over the last 50 years. Some experts say the lack of rainfall will worsen in the future. In Tunisia, fresh groundwater supplies are decreasing quickly. About two-thirds of the land is threatened by a lack of rain and loss of trees. A report by the Netherlands Foreign Ministry from 2018 says that the effects of climate change may slow Tunisia's growth in its two main industries - tourism and agriculture. Tunisian officials plan to cut the amount of carbon dioxide the country produces to 41 percent of levels measured in 2010 by the 2030s. Carbon dioxide gas is linked to warming of the Earth's atmosphere. However, critics say Tunisia has been slow to match words with action. The African Union is leading an effort called the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative. The project aims to restore damaged land across areas south of the Sahara, commonly called the Sahel. In North Africa, some national projects to fight climate change are making a difference. Tunisia will reportedly present an oases protection project at the Madrid climate conference. Local farmers in northern Algeria are seeking help from Mexican experts to plant prickly pear cactus. The desert plant needs little rainfall and provides nutrients and a way to make money. Algeria is also trying to renew efforts for a reforestation project that did not have good results. Question 1: According to the news report, what’s the aim of the ‘Great Green Wall' initiative? Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following is not mentioned as a feature of prickly pear cactus? 三、重点词汇 1. worsen: to become worse or to make something become worse (使)恶化;(使)更糟 2. initiative: a new plan or process to achieve something or solve a problem 倡议;新措施 3. restore: to return something or someone to an earlier good condition or position 修复;使复位;使复职 4. reportedly: according to what many people say 据传闻,据称 5. oasis: a place in a desert where there is water and therefore plants and trees and sometimes a village or town绿洲(复数oases) 6. prickly pear cactus:仙人掌 7. nutrient: any substance that plants or animals need in order to live and grow 养分;营养物,滋养物


2017年6月大学英语四级考试真题(一)听力原文【News Report 1】 One of Google's self-driving cars crashed into a bus in California last month. There were no injuries. It is not the first time one of Google's famed self-driving cars has been involved in a crash, but it may be the first time it has caused one. On February 14th the self-driving car, travelling at 2mph (3km/h), pulled out in front of a public bus going 15mph (24km/h). The man in the Google vehicle reported that he assumed the bus would slow down to let the car out, and so he did not switch to the manual mode. In a statement, Google said: "We clearly bear some responsibility,?because if our car hadn't moved, there wouldn't have been a crash." That said, our test driver believed the bus was going to slow or stop to allow us to merge into the traffic, and that there would be sufficient space to do that." The company's self-driving cars have done well over a million


2016年12月英语四级新闻听力高频词汇(100个) 火灾类 1. flame [fle?m] n. 火焰 2. ash [??] n. 灰烬 3. burn [b?:n] v. 燃烧 4. consume [k?n?sju:m] v. 烧毁,毁灭 5. authority [?:?θ?r?ti] n. 当局;官方 6. emergency worker 应急人员 7. site [sa?t] n. 现场;发生地;场所 8. explosion [?k?spl???n] n. 爆炸 9. rubble [?r?bl]n. 碎石;碎砖 10. blast [blɑ:st] n 爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪 11. oxygen canister [??ks?d??n][? k?n?st?(r)] 氧气罐 12. footage [?f?t?d?] n. 视频片段 13. debris [?debri:] n. 碎片,残骸 爆炸类 14. suicide bombing 自杀式炸弹袭击 15. detonate [?det?ne?t] v. (使某物)爆炸;引爆 16. explosive vest 炸弹背心 17. troop [ tru:p] n. 军队; 18. bomber [?b?m?(r)]n. 投掷或安放炸弹的人 19. police patrol [ p??tr?ul] 巡警队 20. civilian [s??v?l??n] 平民,百姓 21. shatter [ ???t?(r)] v. 粉碎(某事物) 22. explode [?k?spl?ud]v. (使某物)爆炸 23. terrorist group 恐怖分子组织 24. claim responsibility for 声称对…负责 25. bombing [?b?m??]n. 轰炸,投弹 海难类 26. cargo ship [?kɑ:g?u] n. 货船 27.sink [s??k] v. 下沉;沉没 28. coast [k?ust] n. 海岸 29. rescueeffort 救援工作 30. signal [?s?gn?l] 信号;暗号 31. vessel [?vesl] 船(尤指大船) 32. rescuevessel 救援船只 33. fishingarea 捕鱼区 34. port [p?:t] n. 港;港口 35. ferry [?fer?] 渡轮 36. refugee [?refju?d?i:] n. 难民,流亡者(尤指因遭政治上或宗教上的迫害)


一、听力练习 1. A. European space agency. B. China National Space Administration. C. United Arab Emirates space agency. D. U.S. space agency. 2. A. Launching. B. Landing, C. Returning. D. Orbit transfer. 二、听力文本 China showed off its Mars spacecraft during a landing test last week in the northern province of Hebei. China is planning to send a lander and rover to Mars next year to explore parts of the red planet. The United States and European space agency are also sending rovers to the planet in 2020, and the United Arab Emirates plans to launch an orbiter. Officials say the Mars lander successfully passed a hovering-and-obstacle avoidance test. The landing area had small piles of rocks on the ground, similar to what the uneven surface on Mars is like. The lander will have to move around on this kind of surface when it gets to the planet. In 2016, China officially began the Mars exploration mission work, and currently all of the different development work is progressing smoothly. China has developed a powerful rocket, the Long March 5, to send the spacecraft to Mars in 2020. The trip to the plant will last about seven months. But landing on it will take only about seven minutes. The landing will be the most difficult part of the space flight. Many spacecrafts sent to Mars have been lost or destroyed over the years. Only the U.S. space agency NASA has been successful, with eight landings. China's space program plans to use a Long March 5 rocket to send a spacecraft to the Moon by the end of this year, or early next year. The Chang'e-5 spacecraft will bring back pieces of rock from the moon's surface. Last January a Chang'e-4 probe successfully touched down on the far side of the moon. While NASA sent humans to the moon, this was the first time for a probe to touch down on the lesser-known far side. The landing was a major success for China's space program. China first landed a spacecraft on the moon in 2013. Question 1: According to the news report, which of the following has successfully sent spacecrafts to Mars? Question 2: According to the news report, which of the following will be the most difficult part of the space flight? 三、重点词汇 1. hovering-and-obstacle avoidance test: 悬停和避障测试 2. uneven: not level, equal, flat, or continuous 不平整的;参差不齐的;不平等的;不平坦的;不连续的 四、背景知识


常用新闻词汇和术语精选的报刊或新闻中经常出现的词汇和术语。 ABM = anti-ballistic missile 反弹道导弹abortive coup attempt 未遂政变 absent trial / absent voting 缺席审判/ 缺席投票absolute majority 绝对多数 abstain from voting 弃权 abuse of power for personal gain 以权谋私 academia 学术界 academic career 学历,学业 academician 院士 Academy Award 奥斯卡金像奖 academy sciences 科学院accredited journalist 特派记者 acquit / be acquitted 宣告无罪/ 无罪释放 acting president 代总统 active capital 流动资本 active substance 放射性物质 active trade balance 顺差activist 活跃分子 administration party 执政党admit the best examinee 择优录取 adverse trade balance 逆差advisory body 顾问团 after-sale service 售后服务 air crash 飞机失事 album 专辑 allied powers 同盟国 all-out ban 全面禁止alumnus (复数: alumni)校友amendment 修正案,附加条款 amicable relations 友好关系amnesty 特赦


如果有需要听力音频的话请留言! 2011年12月英语四级 Section A 11. W: This crazy bus schedule has got me completely confused. I can?t figure out when my bus to Cleveland leaves? M: Why don?t you just go to the ticket window and ask? Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? 12. W: I really enjoyed the TV special about drafts last night. Did you get home in time to see it? W: Oh, yes, but I wish I could have stayed awake long enough to see the whole thing. Q: What does the man mean? 13. W: Airport, please. I?m running a little lat e. So just take the fastest way even if it?s not the most direct. M: Sure, but there is a lot of traffic everywhere today because of the football game. Q: What do we learn about the woman from the conversation? 14. W: May I make a recommendation, sir? Our seafood with this special sauce is very good. M: Thank you, but I don?t eat shellfish. I?m allergic to it. Q: Where does this conversation most probably take place? 15. W: now one more question if you don?t mind, what position in the company appeals to you most? M: Well, I?d like the position of sales manager if that position is still vacant. Q: What do we learn about the man? 16. M: I don?t think I want to live in the dormitory next year. I need more privacy. W: I know what you mean. But check out the cost if renting an apartment first. I won?t be surprised if you change your mind. Q: What does the woman imply? 17. M: You?re on the right track. I just think you need to narrow the topic down. W: Yeah, you?re right. I always start by choosing two boarder topi cs when I?m doing a research paper. Q: What do we learn from the conversation? 18. W: This picnic should beat the last one we went to, doesn?t it? M: Oh, yeah, we had to spend the whole time inside. Good thing, the


英语四级(新闻)听力重点词汇 1. 教育用词: curriculum 课程 *academy (高等) 专科院校,研究院,学会,学术团体,学院 *semester 学期 guest professor 客座教授 *statistics 统计学 *president 校长 ethics 伦理学 plagiarism 剽窃,剽窃物 *assistant助教 *lecture讲师 *associate professor副教授 *post graduate研究生 *scholarship奖学金 illiteracy文盲 *bachelor学士 dean系主任 *faculty全体教学人员2. 能源、交通用词 van 有篷货车 trolley 电车,(电车)滚轮,手推车shuttle 往返汽车(列车、飞机),航天飞机 unleaded 无铅的 *nuclear 原子能的 *petroleum 石油 lorry 铁路货车 vehicular 车的,用车辆运载的 *commuter 通勤者,经常往返者 *solar energy 太阳能 heat energy 热能 3. 社会、家庭 *adult成年人 *ancestor祖先 *community团体、同一地区的全体居民 *descendant后代 *divorce离婚 *gay同性恋者

*generation gap代沟 *homosexual同性恋的*illegitimacy 非法、私生lesbian女同性恋者 4. 环境用语 air quality monitoring system 空气质量监测系统 thermal pollution 热污染 *tropical island effect 热岛效应 *acid rain 酸雨 desertification (土壤)荒漠化,沙漠化 soil erosion 水土流失 *acid rain酸雨 *atmosphere大气 *carbon dioxide二氧化碳 *conservation保护区 *EI Nino厄尔尼诺现象 *green-house effect温室效应 *nuclear radiation核辐射 *ozone layer臭氧层 *solar energy太阳能5. 健康卫生用语 *life-span 寿命 mortality 死亡率 *chronic 慢性的 non-infection 非传染 avian influenza 禽流感 taint 感染 venom 毒;毒物 *toxin 毒素 noxious 有害的 placebo 安慰剂 immunize 使免疫 fungus 真菌 *remedy 药物,治疗法 sanitary (有关)卫生的,(保持)清洁的,清洁卫生的 *HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) 人体免疫缺损病毒,艾滋病病毒


英语四级新闻听力材料【大学生英语四级听力材料】 大学生英语四级听力难易度和六级有一点点的区别。下面是小编给大家整理的大学生英语四级听力的相关知识,供大家参阅! 大学生英语四级听力1 Section A News Report Directions:In this section,you will hear three news reports。At the end of each news report,you will hear two or three questions。Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once。After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C) and D)。Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre。 Drections: Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. Question 1 A) How college students can improve their sleep habits. B) Why sufficient sleep is important for college students. C) Why college students are more likely to have stress problems. D) How college students can handle their psychological problems. Question 2


英语四级新闻听力常用100词 2017年07月13日14:13中国日报 四级新闻听力中最常出现的100个词汇,涉及火灾、雪灾、爆炸、海滩、难民、环境、经济等八个大类。 火灾类 1. flame[fle?m] n.火焰 2. ash[??] n.灰烬 3. burn[b?:n] v.燃烧 4. consume[k?n?sju:m] v.烧毁,毁灭 5. authority[?:?θ?r?ti] n.当局;官方 6. emergency worker应急人员 7. site[sa?t] n.现场;发生地;场所 8. explosion[?k?spl???n] n.爆炸 9. rubble[?r?bl]n.碎石;碎砖 10. blast[blɑ:st] n.爆炸;(爆炸引起的)气浪 11. oxygen canister[??ks?d??n][?k?n?st?(r)] 氧气罐 12. footage[?f?t?d?] n.视频片段 13. debris[?debri:] n.碎片,残骸 爆炸类 14. suicide bombing 自杀式炸弹袭击 15. detonate [?det?ne?t] v.(使某物)爆炸;引爆 16. explosive vest 炸弹背心 17. troop [ tru:p] n. 军队; 18. bomber [?b?m?(r)] n.投掷或安放炸弹的人 19. police patrol[ p??tr?ul] 巡警队 20. civilian [s??v?l??n] 平民,百姓 21. shatter[ ???t?(r)] v.粉碎(某事物) 22. explode [?k?spl?ud] v. (使某物)爆炸 23. terrorist group 恐怖分子组织 24. claim responsibility for 声称对…负责 25. bombing[?b?m??] n.轰炸,投弹 海难类 26.cargo ship [?kɑ:g?u] n.货船 27.sink [s??k] v.下沉;沉没 28.coast[k?ust] n.海岸 29.rescue effort 救援工作 30.signal[?s?gn?l] n.信号;暗号 31. vessel [?vesl] v.船(尤指大船) 32.rescue vessel 救援船只


专四听力新闻材料常见词汇总结 国际事务 negotiations、delegate、delegation、summit 峰会 charter n. 特许状、执照、宪章 pledge n. 诺言、保证、誓言、抵押、信物、保人、祝愿 vt. 许诺、保证、使发誓、抵押、典当、举杯祝……健康 vt. 特许、发给特许执照 promote peace 促进和平 boost economic co-op 加强经济合作 make concession/compromise 作出妥协 pass a resolution 通过决议 sanction n. 核准、制裁、处罚、约束力 vt. 制定制裁规则、认可、核准、同意 default n. 违约、不履行责任、缺席、默认值 vt. 疏怠职责、缺席、拖欠、默认 vi. 疏怠职责, 缺席, 拖欠, 默认 veto a bill 否决议案 break the deadlock 打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough 科学突破 an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案 hot spot 热点 take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing 种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民 mediator 调解员 national convention 国民大会 fight corruption 反腐败 corrupted election 腐败的选举 peace process 和平进程 give a boost to... 促进


2020年9月英语四级听力新闻词汇整理【篇一】2020年9月英语四级听力新闻词汇 softball 垒球 spot kick 罚点球 sprint/dash短跑 stadium 运动场 surfboard 冲浪板 surfing 冲浪 swimming 游泳 swimming pool 游泳池 taekwondo 跆拳道 team/side 队 tennis 网球 the 400 metre hurdles 400米栏 thirty all 二平(网球比赛用词) throw 投掷 throwing 投掷运动 timekeeper 计时员 【篇二】2020年9月英语四级听力新闻词汇 freestyle 自由式

high jump 跳高 hockey 曲棍球 ice hockey 冰球 ice skating 滑冰 the mixed doubles 混合双打 instructor 教练,技术指导 javelin 标枪 judo 柔道 judoka 柔道运动员 jump 跳跃 jumping 跳跃运动 【篇三】2020年9月英语四级听力新闻词汇territory 领域 unique 的 versatile 多才多艺的 weird 怪异的,不可思议的 zigzag 曲折的 ace 网球赛中的一分 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 backstroke 仰式 baseball 棒球

basketball 篮球 belt 段带 boat race 赛艇 boxing weights 拳击体重级别 boxing 拳击 【篇四】2020年9月英语四级听力新闻词汇acclaimed 受欢迎的 apprentice 学徒 artist 艺术家 authentic 逼真的 avant-garde 前卫派 biographer 自传作家 cheerless 无精打采的 choreographer 舞蹈编排家 classic 经典的 clumsy 笨拙的 contemporary 当代的


大学英语四级考试新闻听力样题及原文 Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital. 2. A) On Christmas Eve. C) During a security check. B) Just before midnight. D) In the small hours of the morning. Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A) It is likely to close many of its stores. B) It is known for the quality of its goods. C) It remains competitive in the recession. D) It will expand its online retail business. 4. A) Expand its business beyond groceries. B) Fire 25,000 of its current employees. C) Cut its DVD publishing business. D) Sell the business for one pound. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A) All taxis began to use meters. B) All taxis got air conditioning. C) Advertisements were allowed on taxis. D) Old taxis were replaced with new cabs. 6. A) A low interest loan scheme. C) Taxi passengers’ complaints. B) Environmentalists’ protests. D) Permission for car advertising.


英语四级听力新闻词汇 听力新闻词汇(一) acclaimed 受欢迎的 apprentice 学徒 artist 艺术家 authentic 逼真的 avant-garde 前卫派 biographer 自传作家 cheerless 无精打采的 choreographer 舞蹈编排家classic 经典的 clumsy 笨拙的 contemporary 当代的 critic 批评家 disciple 学徒 eccentric 古怪的 emotional 情绪的,情感的 emotive 感人的 erratic 奇怪的 feminist 女权主义者 figurehead 名誉领袖 genre 风格,体裁 genuine 真正的 household 家庭的,家喻户晓的 humanitarian 人道主义者 imagist 意象派诗人 immortal 不朽的,神 innocent 天真的,无罪的 inventor 发明家 lovelorn 相思病苦的 mechanic 机械工 minimalist 简单抽象派艺术 mortal 犯人 nervous 紧张的 nostalgia 怀旧主义,思乡 odd 怪诞的 outstanding 杰出的 patriarchal 家长的,族长的 people 人物 philanthropist 慈善家 听力新闻词汇(二) precursor 先驱 preeminent 杰出的 prodigious 巨大的

proprietor 业主 rigid 僵化的 romantic 浪漫的 satirist 讽刺作家 sculptor 雕塑家 sentimental 感伤的,多愁善感的 spare 简朴的 symbolic 象征性的 territory 领域 unique 独一无二的 versatile 多才多艺的 weird 怪异的,不可思议的 zigzag 曲折的 ace 网球赛中的一分 amateur 业余运动员,爱好者 backstroke 仰式 baseball 棒球 basketball 篮球 belt 段带 boat race 赛艇 boxing weights 拳击体重级别 boxing 拳击 breaststroke 蛙式 butterfly (stroke) 蝶泳 canoe 划艇 champion 冠军 championship 冠军赛,锦标赛 changing room 更衣室 chase 追逐赛 competitor/player 运动员 court 网球场 crawl 爬泳 cricket 板球 cross-country race 越野跑 cycling stadium 自行车赛车场 decathlon 十项deuce 局末平分, 盘末平局 discus 铁饼 diving competition 跳水 fencing 击剑 fifteen all 一平(网球比赛用词) figure skating 花样滑冰 Association football 足球


Part II Listening Comprehension (25 minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news report and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 will be based on the following news item. 1. A) Christmas-time attacks made by Somali rebels. B) An explosion at a bus station in central Nairobi. C) The killing of more than 70 Ugandans in Kampala. D) Blasts set off by a Somali group in Uganda’s capital. 2. A) On Christmas Eve. B) Just before midnight. C) During a security check. D) In the small hours of the morning. Questions 3 and 4 will be based on the following news item. 3. A) It is likely to close many of its stores. B) It is known for the quality of its goods. C) It remains competitive in the recession. D) It will expand its online retail business. 4. A) Expand its business beyond groceries. B) Fire 25,000 of its current employees. C) Cut its DVD publishing business. D) Sell the business for one pound. Questions 5 to 7 will be based on the following news item. 5. A) All taxis began to use meters. B) All taxis got air conditioning. C) Advertisements were allowed on taxis. D) Old taxis were replaced with new cabs. 6. A) A low interest loan scheme. B) Environmentalists’ protests. C) Taxi pass engers’ complaints. D) Permission for car advertising. 7. A) There are no more irregular practices. B) All new cabs provide air-conditioning.

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