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[2012.02.29]WHICH IS THE BEST LANGUAGE TO LEARN? 之四-阿拉伯语.. 1 [2012.02.29]WHICH IS THE BEST LANGUAGE TO LEARN? 之三—汉语 (2)

[2012.02.28]WHICH IS THE BEST LANGUAGE TO LEARN? 之二-西班牙语.. 3 [2012.02.25]Playing with fire 玩火 (4)

[2012.02.28]WHICH IS THE BEST LANGUAGE TO LEARN? 之一—法语 (11)

[2012.02.27]The Academy awards 84届奥斯卡金像奖 (15)

[2012.02.25]Attacking Iran: Up in the air 袭击伊朗,悬而未决 (17)

[2012.02.25]Tony Judt: History Boy 史学赤子 (26)

[2012.02.25]Quantum computing: An uncertain future 量子计算机前途不明 (29)

[2012.02.25]The impact of Chinese migration 中国人口迁徙带来的冲击 (33)

[2012.02.20]Stop the Linsanity? 停止―林来疯‖? (35)

[2012.02.20]Where homies can heal 拯救弟兄何处去 (38)

[2012.02.18]The dark side of the universe 宇宙的黑暗面 (40)

[2012.02.18]Nuclear power: The 30-year itch 美国核电业三十年之痒 (51)

[2012.02.18]Difficult birth, slow recovery 出生困难,恢复缓慢 (54)

[2012.02.18]Greece & the euro: Flaming February 烽火连二月 (57)

[2012.02.18]Hundred-metre dash 村上隆百米―冲刺‖中 (60)

[2012.02.15]We welcome your rise (sort of) 习近平访美 (62)

[2012.02.13]The mighty pen, instrument of mojo 强大的笔,求爱的工具 (65)

[2012.02.11]The first sexual revolution 第一次性革命 (67)

[2012.02.11]The modern matchmakers 现代红娘 (71)

[2012.02.11]More for my people 为国人谋利 (74)

[2012.02.11]Wislawa Szymborska悼波兰诗人,诺贝尔文学奖得主 (76)

[2012.02.09]Hackers & the Kremlin: Nashi exposed 纳什遭披露 (80)

[2012.02.04]Biomimetics 仿生学- 毫发无损 (82)

[2012.02.04]Come rain or shine 阴晴无忧--- 天气衍生产品 (84)

[2012.02.04]Universities: Pile them high 设立大学,多多益善 (86)

[2012.02.02]How to write like Shakespeare 怎样像莎士比亚一样写作 (89)



If you want to learn another language, Josie Delap recommends the struggles and pleasures of Arabic...


To a native English-speaker, searching for a language to learn and probably inexpert in the dark arts of grammar, the simple Romance languages with their common-sense syntax might seem obvious choices, perhaps even those of Scandinavia with their familiar-sounding, if oddly spelt, vocabulary. But instead, breathe deep, and plunge into Arabic.


It is hard. The first years of Arabic are frustrating, like doing a jigsaw of a cloudy night sky. While those studying Spanish gallop ahead, chattering about beers they want and sisters they have, you must master a new script; one whose dots and dashes blur before your eyes, whose vowels fade into nothingness, whose letters change shape depending on where they appear in the word. Arabic‘s three-letter root system for creating words –adding suffixes, prefixes, midfixes, to trilateral building blocks – will seem utterly alien.


But the struggle is a worthy one, and the rewards start with your ego. Knowledge of Arabic, however slight, will impress not only the monoglots and dullards who plumped for Italian, but native speakers too. Egyptians, Syrians and Palestinians, moved that you have troubled to do battle with their tongue, will shower you with praise.


When you understand how beautifully Arabic fits together –why the root meaning ―west‖ leads to the words for ―sunset‖ and ―strange‖ – the sense of illumination is sublimely satisfying. No mere French subjunctive or Russian instrumental can do that. And the pleasure will never dim. Fluency may long elude you, but there will always be a fascination in picking your way through Arabic‘s intricacies.



Josie Delap edits the Middle East and Africa pages for The Economist online




The best language to learn, argues Simon Long, is Chinese. Look at the numbers...


―In German oder English I know how to count down

Und I‘m learning Chinese,‖ says Wernher von Braun


Half a century ago, when Tom Lehrer wrote his satirical song, the idea of a German rocket scientist counting backwards to zero in Chinese must have sounded both exotic and rather sinister to his American audience. Now that China is ready to take over from America as the country that sends men to the moon, surely there can be no doubt that it talks the language the rest of us should be learning.


This is not, in fact, rocket science, but economic and political common sense. China is the most populous nation on earth. Even when India assumes that status in the next decade or so, Chinese speakers will still far outnumber those who understand and speak India‘s biggest language, Hindi, even if Pakistani speakers of Urdu, which is very similar, are added in. If the point of a language is to be able to communicate with as many people as possible, there is no contest. Of course, there are many languages in China, too. But ―standard Chinese‖(putonghua, aka ―Mandarin‖), or something close to it, is understood almost everywhere, as it is taught in schools. So there is no need to agonise over which dialect to learn.


China‘s economy is going to be the biggest in the world –the only question is when. You can make your own educated guess by using the clever interactive infographic at https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f15686361.html,/chinavusa. The default option is 2018. Already China‘s spectacular 30-year boom has transformed our lives. When I grew up in London, there were no Chinese tourists, and nothing we owned was made in China. And now? The Chinese economy is likely to continue to outpace the rich world‘s for decades to come, tilting the balance of economic power. Learn Chinese, not to impress your future boss, but to understand what she is saying.

中国将会变成世界第一大经济体,这只是迟早的事。你可以使用https://www.wendangku.net/doc/5f15686361.html,/chinavusa 网站上设计巧妙的互动信息图来自己推测那会在什么时候发生。默认选项指向2018年。中国30年的惊人变化已经改变了我们的生活。我小时候在伦敦长大,当时那儿根本没有中国游客,我们用的所有东西都不是中国制造的。现在呢?中国的经济很可能在接下来几十年里继续以比发达国家更快的速度增长,改变世界经济强国势力之间的平衡。学汉语不是为了让你未来的老板对你刮目相看,而是为了让你能听懂她说的话。

Simon Long is the Banyan columnist for The Economist





Daniel Franklin argues that if you want to learn another tongue, then Spanish, with nearly 500m speakers, is the best choice ...


From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, March/April 2012

Imagine that the Spanish-speaking world was a single country, called Hispanidad. It covers a territory perhaps one-and-a-half times the size of China. Its population is nearly 500m, making it the world‘s third most populous country, behind China and India. Among these people, the number of native Spanish-speakers is rising towards 400m; as a mother tongue, only Mandarin Chinese is bigger. Hispanidad also has a rich literature, from Cervantes to Gabriel García Márquez, that is best enjoyed in the original. And you really should see an Almodóvar film without subtitles. Only English and Chinese are more widely used on the internet than Spanish.


So if you are in business, into the arts or just want to join la conversación, the sheer size of

Hispanidad is a powerful reason to learn Spanish. But Hispanidad is not a single country. The fact that it spreads across the Americas, Spain and even parts of Africa and Asia makes the case for Spanish stronger still. After English, it is the most used international language. For tourists it eases and enriches travel in the 20-plus countries where Spanish is a main language (though some may prefer to skip Equatorial Guinea). Students have an enviable choice of stimulating places to hone their Spanish skills, from Venezuela to Argentina to Spain itself.


Not forgetting the United States, the country with the second-largest number of Spanish-speakers (about 50m and rising) after Mexico. Latinos are growing in influence culturally, commercially and politically. Nowadays, would-be presidents make sure to advertise in Spanish: Soy Mitt Romney y apruebo este mensaje.


Even for those with no political ambitions, there is another compelling reason to pick Spanish as your second language: it‘s easy (certainly compared with, say,Mandarin). And once you‘ve got Spanish, you‘re half-way to Italian, French and Portuguese too.


Learn Spanish? ?Cómo no!, as they say in Hispanidad.


Daniel Franklin is The Economist's executive and business editor, and edits The World in 2012 丹尼尔·富兰克林是《经济学人》的主编兼商业版编辑,并负责《展望2012》的编辑


[2012.02.25]Playing with fire 玩火

Financial innovation can do a lot of good, says Andrew Palmer. It is its tendency to excess that must be curbed


Feb 25th 2012 | from the print edition

FINANCIAL INNOV ATION HAS a dreadful image these days. Paul V olcker, a former chairman of America‘s Federal Reserve, who emerged from the 2007-08 financial crisis with his reputation intact, once said that none of the financial inventions of the past 25 years matches up to the ATM.

Paul Krugman, a Nobel prize-winning economist-cum-polemicist, has written that it is hard to think of any big recent financial breakthroughs that have aided society. Joseph Stiglitz, another Nobel laureate, argued in a 2010 online debate hosted by The Economist that most innovation in the run-up to the crisis ―was not directed at enhancing the ability of the financial sector to perform its social functions‖.


Most of these critics have market-based innovation in their sights. There is an enormous amount of innovation going on in other areas, such as retail payments, that has the potential to change the way people carry and spend money. But the debate—and hence this special report—focuses mainly on wholesale products and techniques, both because they are less obviously useful than retail innovations and because they were more heavily implicated in the financial crisis: think of those evil credit-default swaps (CDSs), collateralised-debt obligations (CDOs) and so on.


This debate sometimes revolves around a simple question: is financial innovation good or bad? But quantifying the benefits of innovation is almost impossible. And like most things, it depends. Are credit cards bad? Or mortgages? Is finance as a whole? It is true that some instruments—for example, highly leveraged ones—are inherently more dangerous than others. But even innovations that are directed to unimpeachably ―good‖ ends often bear substantial resemblances to those that are now vilified.


For a demonstration, look a t Peterborough. The cathedral city in England‘s Cambridgeshire is known for its railway station and an underachieving football club nicknamed ―the Posh‖. But it is also the site of a financial experiment that its backers hope will have big ramifications for the way public services are funded.

作为例子,看看彼得伯勒。这座位于英格兰剑桥郡内的大教堂城市以火车站和一支表现不佳,被昵称为―the Posh‖的足球俱乐部闻名。但是这个城市也是金融实验的场所。其支持者希望这些实验可以对公共服务获取资金的方式有深远的影响。

Peterborough is where the proceeds of the world‘s first ―social-impact bond‖ are being spent. This instrument is not really a bond at all but behaves more like equity. In September 2010 an organisation called Social Finance raised £5m ($7.8m) from 17 investors, both individuals and charities. The money is being used to pay for a programme to help prevent ex-prisoners in Peterborough from reoffending. Reconviction rates among the prisoners recruited to the scheme will be measured against a national database of prisoners with a similar profile, and investors will get payouts from the Ministry of Justice if the Peterborough cohort does better than the rest. If all goes well, the first payouts will be made in 2013.


The scheme is getting lots of attention, and not just in Britain. A mixture of social and financial returns is central to a burgeoning asset class known as ―impact investing‖. Linking payouts to outcomes is attractive to governments keen to husband scarce resources. And if service providers like the people running the Peterborough prisoner-rehabilitation scheme can get a lump sum up front, they can plan ahead without bearing any financial risk. There is talk of introducing social-impact bonds in Australia, Canada and the United States.


Here, surely, is a financial innovation that even the industry‘s critics would agree is worth trying. Yet in fundamental ways an ostensibly ―good‖ instrument like a socia l-impact bond is not so different from its despised cousins. First, at its root the social-impact bond is about creating a set of cashflows to suit the needs of the sponsor, the provider and the investor. True, the investors in the Peterborough scheme may be more willing than the average individual or pension fund to sacrifice financial returns for social benefits. But as Franklin Allen of the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania and Glenn Yago of the Milken Institute, a think-tank, argue in their useful book, ―Financing the Future‖, the thread that runs through much wholesale financial innovation is the creation of new capital structures that align the interests of lots of different parties.



Second, the social-impact bond is based on the concept of risk transfer, in this case from the government to financial investors who will get paid only if the scheme is successful. Risk transfer is also one of the big ideas behind securitisation, the bundling of the cashflows from mortgages and other types of debt on lenders‘ books into a single security that can be sold to capital-markets investors. The credit-default swap is an even simpler risk-transfer instrument: you pay someone else an insurance premium to take on the risk that a borrower will default.


Third, even at this early stage the social-impact bond is grappling with the difficulties of measurement and standardisation. An obvious example is the need to create defined sets of measurements in order to work out what triggers a payout—in this case, the comparison between the Peterborough prisoners and a control group of other prisoners in a national database. Across finance, standardisation—around contracts, reporting, performance measures and the like—is what enables buyers and sellers to come together quickly and new markets to take off.


Neither angels nor demons


For all the similarities, there are two big differences between the social-impact bond and other, less lauded financial instruments. The first is that the new tool has been designed explicitly for a social purpose. But ask a pensioner how much money he wants to put into prisoner rehabilitation, and it isn‘t likely to be all that much.


Whether protecting a retirement pot or signalling problems with a government‘s debt burden, finance can be ―socially useful‖ (to use a phrase popu larised by Adair Turner, the outgoing chairman of Britain‘s Financial Services Authority) without being obviously social. Lord Turner himself acknowledged that in a speech he gave in London in 2009: ―It is in the nature of markets that there are some things which are indirectly socially useful but which in the short term will look to the external world like pure speculation.‖



Many people point to interest-rate swaps, which are used to bet on and hedge against future changes in interest rates, as an example of a huge, well-functioning and useful innovation of the modern financial era. But there are more contentious examples, too. Even the mention of sovereign credit-default swaps, which offer insurance against a government default, makes many Europeans choke. There are some specific problems with these instruments, particularly when banks sell protection on their own governments: that means a bank will be hit by losses on its holdings of domestic government bonds at the same time as it has to pay out on its CDS contracts. But in general a sovereign CDS has a useful signalling function in an area tilted heavily in favour of governments (which do not generally have to post collateral and can bully domestic buyers into investing).


The second difference is that social-impact bonds are still in their infancy, whereas other crisis-era innovations were directly involved in a gigantic financial crisis. There are questions to answer about their culpability. A few products from that period do look inherently flawed. Only the bravest are prepared to defend the more exotic mortgage products that sprouted at the height of America‘s housing bubble as lenders found ever more creative ways to bring unaffordable houses within reach. Finance professionals almost blush to recall an instrument called the constant-proportion debt obligation, a 2006 invention of ABN AMRO that added leverage when it took losses in order to make up the shortfall. The end of the structured investment vehicle (SIV), an off-balance-sheet instrument invented to game capital rules, is not much lamented. And the complexity of the ―CDO-squared‖ has bee n widely condemned.


But even now it is hard to find fault with the concept, as opposed to the practical application, of many of the most demonised products. The much-criticised CDO, which pools and tranches income from various securities, is really just a capital structure in miniature. Risk-bearing equity

tranches take the first hit when things go wrong, and more risk-averse investors are more protected from losses. (Euro-zone leaders like the idea enough to have copied it with their plans for special-purpose investment vehicles for peripheral countries‘ sovereign debt.) The real problem with the CDOs that blew up was that they were stuffed full of subprime loans but treated by banks, ratings agencies and investors as though they were gold-plated.


As for securitisation and credit-default swaps, it would be blinkered to argue they have no problems. Securitisation risks giving banks an incentive to loosen their underwriting standards in the expectation that someone else will pick up the pieces. CDS protection may similarly blunt the incentives for lenders to be careful when they extend credit; and there is a specific problem with the way that the risk in these contracts can suddenly materialise in the event of a default.


But the basic ideas behind both these two blockbuster innovations are sound. India, with a far more conservative financial system than America, allowed its first CDS deals to be done in December, recognising that the instrument will help attract creditors and build its domestic bond market. Similarly, securitisation—which worked well for decades—allows banks to free up capital, enabling them to extend more credit, and helps diversification of portfolios as banks shed concentrations of risks and investors buy exposures that suit them. ―Securitisation is a good thing. If everything was on banks‘ balance-sheets there wouldn‘t be enough credit,‖ says a senior American regulator.


Rather than asking whether innovations are born bad, the more useful question is whether there is something that makes them likely to sour over time.


Greed is bad


There is an easy answer: people. When bubbles froth, greedy folk use innovations inappropriately—to take on exposures that they should not, to manufacture risk rather than transfer it, to add complexity in order to plump up margins rather than solve problems. But in those circumstances old-fashioned finance goes mad, too: for every securitisation stuffed with subprime loans in America, there was a stinking property loan sitting on the balance-sheet of an Irish bank or a Spanish caja. ―Duff credit analysis is always the cause of the problem,‖ says Simon Gleeson of Clifford Chance, a law firm.


This argument has a lot of power. When greed takes hold, finance in all its forms is undone. Yet blaming the worst outcomes of financial innovation on human frailty is hardly helpful. This special report will point to the features of financial innovations that can turn them into troublemakers over time and show how these can be managed better.


In simple terms, finance lacks an ―off‖ button. First, the industry has a habit of experimenting ceaselessly as it seeks to build on existing techniques and products to create new ones (what Robert Merton, an economist, termed the ―innovation spiral‖). Innovations in finance—unlike, say, a drug that has gone through a rigorous approval process before coming to market—are continually mutating. Second, there is a strong desire to standardise products so that markets can deepen, which often accelerates the rate of adoption beyond the capacity of the back office and the regulators to keep up.


As innovations become more and more successful, they start to become systemically significant. In finance, that is automatically worrying, because the consequences of any failure can ripple so widely and unpredictably. In a 2011 paper for the National Bureau of Economic Research, Josh Lerner of Harvard Business School and Peter Tufano of Said Business School also argue that in a typical ―S-curve‖ pattern, in which the earliest adopters of an innovation are the most knowledgeable, a widely adopted product is more likely to have lots of users with an inadequate grasp of the product‘s risks. An d that can be a big problem when things turn out to be less safe than expected.






Once a mark of the cultured, language-learning is in r etreat among English speakers. It‘s never too late, but where to start? Robert Lane Greene launches our latest Big Question ...学习外语曾被视为有识之士的标志,如今在英语母语群体中正逐渐式微。什么时候开始学习都不算晚,但是从哪里开始呢?罗伯特·雷恩·格林为我们最新的―大问题‖系列打头阵……

From INTELLIGENT LIFE magazine, March/April 2012

For language lovers, the facts are grim: Anglophones simply aren‘t learning them any more. In Britain, despite four decades in the European Union, the number of A-levels taken in French and German has fallen by half in the past 20 years, while what was a growing trend of Spanish-learning has stalled. In America, the numbers are equally sorry. One factor behind the 9/11 attacks was the fact that the CIA lacked the Arabic-speakers who might have translated available intelligence. But ten years on, ―English only‖ campaigns appeal more successfully to American patriotism than campaigns that try to promote language-learning, as if the most successful language in history were threatened.对语言爱好者来说,现实是残酷的:英语母语人士基本上都已不再学习外语了。尽管英国加入欧盟已经有40年,剑桥高级水准考试(注:英国高考)中选择法语和德语课程的人数在过去20年里跌了一半。而之前学习西班牙语的热潮也已停滞。在美国,这方面的数字同样堪忧。911事件背后的一个因素在于中情局缺少足够懂阿拉伯语的人来翻译一些获取的情报。但是10年之后,―只说英语‖的活动比其它试图推广学习外语的活动更受美国人的爱国主义青睐,就好像历史上最成功的语言现在正处于濒危一样。

Why learn a foreign language? After all, the one you already speak if you read this magazine is the w orld‘s most useful and important language. English is not only the first language of the obvious countries, it is now the rest of the world‘s second language: a Japanese tourist in Sweden or a Turk landing a plane in Spain will almost always speak English.


Nonetheless, compelling reasons remain for learning other languages. They range from the intellectual to the economical to the practical. First of all, learning any foreign language helps you understand all language better—many

Anglophones first encounter the words ―past participle‖ not in an English class, but in French.

Second, there is the cultural broadening. Literature is always best read in the original.


Poetry and lyrics suffer particularly badly in translation. And learning another tongue helps the student grasp another way of thinking. Though the notion that speakers of different languages think differently has been vastly exaggerated and misunderstood, there is a great deal to be learned from discovering what the different cultures call this, that or das oder.


The practical reasons are just as compelling. In business, if the team on the other side of the table knows your language but you don‘t know theirs, they almost certainly know more about you and your company than you do about them and theirs—a bad position to negotiate from. Many investors in China have made fatally stupid decisions about companies they could not understand. Diplomacy, war-waging and intelligence work are all weakened by a lack of capable linguists. Virtually any career, public or private, is given a boost with knowledge of a foreign language.


So which one should you, or your children, learn? If you take a glance at advertisements in New York or A-level options in Britain, an answer seems to leap out: Mandarin. China‘s economy continues to grow at a pace that will make it bigger than America‘s within two decades at most. China‘s political clout is growing accordingly. Its businessmen are buying up everything from American brands to African minerals to Russian oil rights. If China is the country of the future, is Chinese the language of the future?


Probably not. Remember Japan‘s rise? Just as spectacular as China‘s, if on a smaller scale, Japan‘s economic growth led many to think it would take over the world. It was the world‘s second-largest economy for decade s (before falling to third, recently, behind China). So is Japanese the world‘s third-most useful language? Not even close. If you were to learn ten languages ranked by general usefulness, Japanese would probably not make the list. And the key reason for J apanese‘s limited spread will also put the brakes on Chinese.


This factor is the Chinese writing system (which Japan borrowed and adapted centuries ago). The learner needs to know at least 3,000-4,000 characters to make sense of written Chinese, and thousands more to have a real feel for it. Chinese, with all its tones, is hard enough to speak. But the mammoth feat of memory required to be literate in Mandarin is harder still. It deters most foreigners from ever mastering the system—and increasingly trips up Chinese natives.


A recent survey reported in the People‘s Daily found 84% of respondents agreeing that skill in Chinese is declining. If such gripes are common to most languages, there is something more to it in Chinese. Fewer and fewer native speakers learn to produce characters in traditional calligraphy. Instead, they write their language the same way we do—with a computer. And not only that, but they use the Roman alphabet to produce Chinese characters: type in wo and Chinese language-support software will offer a menu of characters pronounced wo; the user selects the one desired. (Or if the user types in wo shi zhongguo ren, ―I am Chinese‖, the software dete cts the meaning and picks the right characters.) With less and less need to recall the characters cold, the Chinese are forgetting them. David Moser, a Sinologist, recalls asking three native Chinese graduate students at Peking University how to write ―sneeze‖:

最近《人民日报》发表的一篇调查发现有84%的受访者表示其汉语水平在退步。如果说大多数语言都面临这样的问题,汉语的问题是特别严重的。越来越少的汉语母语者学习以传统的方式书写汉字。他们写文章的方式和我们一样,用电脑。不仅这样,他们也使用罗马字母来打出汉字:键入wo,支持中文的软件会列出一系列发音为wo的汉字,用户可以选择想要的那个。(或者说当用户键入wo shi zhongguo ren,软件会自动探测到意思,选出合适的汉字,显示―我是中国人‖)随着越来越不需要记忆,很多中国人开始遗忘汉字的写法了。汉学家莫大伟曾回忆他问过三个北大的中国研究生怎么写―喷嚏‖:

To my surprise, all three of them simply shrugged in sheepish embarrassment. Not one of them could correctly produce the character. Now, Peking University is usually considered the ―Harvard of China‖. Can you imagine three p hd students in English at Harvard forgetting how to write the English word ―sneeze‖? Yet this state of affairs is by no means uncommon in China.


As long as China keeps the character-based system—which will probably be a long time, thanks to cultural attachment and practical concerns alike—Chinese is very unlikely to become a true world

language, an auxiliary language like English, the language a Brazilian chemist will publish papers in, hoping that they will be read in Finland and Canada. By all means, if China is your main interest, for business or pleasure, learn Chinese. It is fascinating, and learnable—though Moser‘s online essay, ―Why Chinese is so damn hard,‖ might discourage the faint of heart and the short of time.


But if I was asked what foreign language is the most useful, and given no more parameters (where? for what purpose?), my answer would be French. Whatever you think of France, the language is much less limited than many people realise.


As their empire spun off and they became a medium-sized power after the second world war, the French, hoping to maintain some distance from America and to make the most of their former possessions, established La Francophonie. This club, bringing together all the countries with a French-speaking heritage, has 56 members, almost a third of the world‘s countries. Hardly any of them are places where French is everyone‘s native language. Instead, th ey include countries with Francophone minorities (Switzerland, Belgium); those where French is official and widespread among elites (much of western Africa); those where it is not official but still spoken by nearly all educated people (Morocco, Lebanon); and those where French ties remain despite the fading of the language (Vietnam, Cambodia). It even has members with few ties to French or France, like Egypt, that simply want to associate themselves with the prestige of the French-speaking world. Another 19 countries are observer members.


French ranks only 16th on the list of languages ranked by native speakers. But ranked above it are languages like Telegu and Javanese that no one would call world languages. Hindi does not even unite India. Also in the top 15 are Arabic, Spanish and Portuguese, major languages to be sure, but regionally concentrated. If your interest is the Middle East or Islam, by all means learn Arabic. If your interest is Latin America, Spanish or Portuguese is the way to go. Or both; learning one makes the second quite easy.


If your interests span the globe, and you‘ve read this far, you already know the most useful global language. But if you want another truly global language, there are surprisingly few candidates, and for me French is unquestionably top of the list. It can enhance your enjoyment of art, history, literature and food, while giving you an important tool in business and a useful one in diplomacy. It has native speakers in every region on earth. And lest we forget its heartland itself, France attracts more tourists than any other country—76.8m in 2010, according to the World Tourism Organisation, leaving America a distant second with 59.7m. Any visit there is greatly enhanced by some grasp of the language. The French are nothing but welcoming when you show them and their country respect, and the occasional frost that can greet visitors melts when they come out with their first fully formed sentence. So although there are other great languages out there, don‘t forget an easy, common one, with far fewer words to learn than English, that is almost certainly taught in your town. With French, vous ne regretterez rien.


Robert Lane Greene is a business correspondent for The Economist in New York and the author of "You Are What you Speak"



[2012.02.27]The Academy awards 84届奥斯卡金像奖

The Academy awards


We should be glad "The Artist" won


Feb 27th 2012, 10:56 by N.B

THERE was only ever going to be one of two responses to last night‘s Oscars. Either 1: "Of course they gave all the prizes to 'The Artist'", or 2: "Wow! They didn‘t give all the prizes to 'The Artist'!" Throughout the awards season, in ceremony after ceremony, no other film built up any kind of momentum. Come Oscar night, the only danger for ―The Artist‖ was that, as it had amassed such a mountain of trophies already, voters might just have felt that enough was enough and defected to their second choices. In the event, they made the sane decision. ―The Artist‖ won five Oscars—for Best Picture, Director, Actor, Score and Design. ―Hugo‖ was consoled with five Oscars in the technical categories, while the other major statuettes went to Meryl Streep for ―The Iron Lady‖, Octavia Spencer for ―The Help‖, Christopher Plummer for ―Beginners‖, and the screenplays of ―The Descendants‖ and ―Midnight In Paris‖.


But let‘s not forget that while the coronation of ―The Artist‖ might have seemed i nevitable on Sunday evening, that wasn‘t always the case. Indeed, it was the only film on the Best Picture shortlist that didn‘t come laden with a sheaf of Oscar-baiting credentials. The others were made by revered, award-hoarding directors (Spielberg, Scorsese, Allen, Malick). Their stars were Hollywood royalty (Brad, George, Tom, Sandra, Brad again). They addressed big, serious topics (9/11, civil rights, the first world war) and yet, aside from ―Tree Of Life‖, they had an inviting balance of comedy and drama. Months before they were released, you could have put money on their being included on the Best Picture list.


And then there was ―The Artist‖. Yes, it‘s as nostalgic and reassuring as any of the films which were in the running—and nostalgia was the over-arching theme of this year‘s nominees—but it‘s also a French, black-and-white, near-silent melodrama in 4:3 ratio, starring an actor and actress that very few people outside France had ever heard of. A year ago, you wouldn‘t have bet on it being released in America at all.



That said, Michel Hazanavicius‘s passion project was bound to appeal to t he Academy in one or two respects, in that its subject was the movie business, and it was the only one of the contenders to be shot wholly in Los Angeles. (Those aspects in themselves were enough for it to be seen as some sort of Hollywood-worshipping sell-out in some commentators‘ eyes.) But it‘s still hard to think of any Oscar winner which started life as such a rank outsider and went on to be such an all-conquering sure thing.


And so, just as the film itself leaves audiences feeling better about life, its award-gobbling success should cheer us up, too. Dispiriting as it was that Oscar voters ran scared of several edgier films which deserved to be nominated—―Drive‖, ―Melancholia‖, ―We Need To Talk About Kevin‖, ―Martha Marcy May Marlene‖—just think of how depressing it would have been if ―The Artist‖ hadn‘t been nominated, either. Which film would have bagged all those Oscars in its place? Would we really have been stuck with ―The Help‖ or ―Extremely Loud And Incredibly Close‖ as the year‘s Best Picture? As it is, we can now revel in the notion of a French comedian being given an Oscar solely on the strength of his body language and facial expressions. It‘s enough to make you tap-dance for joy.



[2012.02.25]Attacking Iran: Up in the air 袭击伊朗,悬而未决

Attacking Iran


Up in the air


The probability of an attack on Iran’s nuclear programme has been increasing. But the chances of it ending the country’s nuclear ambitions are low


Feb 25th 2012 | from the print edition

THE crisis has been a long time coming. Iran started exploring paths to nuclear weaponry before the fall of the shah in 1979. Ten years ago the outside world learned of the plants it was building to provide ―heavy‖ water (used in reactors that produce plut onium) and enriched uranium, which is necessary for some types of nuclear reactor, but also for nuclear weapons. The enrichment facilities have grown in capability, capacity and number; there has been work on detonators, triggers and missile technology, too.


Iran wants, at the very least, to put itself in a position where it has the expertise and materials with which to build deliverable nuclear weapons quickly. It may well want, at some point, to develop the bombs themselves. This is deeply worrying to Israel, which is threatened by Iran‘s proxies in Lebanon and Gaza and disgusted by the anti-Semitic rants of Iran‘s leaders. It also alarms Arab states, which fear Iranian power (and their own Shiite minorities). That alarm could lead some of them—Saudi Arabia, Egypt, perhaps Turkey—to seek nuclear weapons of their own. Many fear that this would make the region even less stable than it is. Even if it did not, it would make the possible consequences of instability much more terrible.


Outside powers, especially America, would give a great deal to avoid the prospect of an emboldened, nuclear-armed Iran. Hence ever-stronger sanctions designed to get Iran to cease enrichment and content itself with reactor fuel made elsewhere. Hence, also, a willingness by America and others to keep open the option of military strikes.


In Israel that willingness has hardened close to the point of commitment. Israel has nuclear weapons itself, including submarine-based weapons that could posthumously annihilate any aggressor who destroyed the country. But this deterrent is not enough to stop Israelis from seeing a nuclear Iran as the precursor to a second holocaust. The problem is that military action will not

necessarily bring about what Israel wants—and could, in the medium to long term, make matters worse.


Short fuses


The possibility of an Iranian bomb comes closer with every revolution of the centrifuges in its underground enrichment plants (see article). Israel‘s director of military intelligence, Major-General Aviv Kochavi, says that Iran has obtained 4 tonnes of uranium enriched to 3.5% and another 100kg enriched to 20%, which the Iranians say is for a research reactor in Tehran. If further enriched to 90% (which is not that hard once you have got to 20%) the more enriched uranium would be enough for up to four nuclear weapons. General Kochavi says that from the moment Iran‘s Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, gave the orde r, it would take the Iranians a year to make a crude device and another year or two to put together a nuclear warhead that would fit on a ballistic missile. American analysts, who imagine a broader-based approach to developing a nuclear capability, rather than a crash programme, think it would take a bit longer.


Israel‘s defence minister, Ehud Barak, talks of the Iranian programme entering a ―zone of immunity‖ well before any bombs are built. This year some of Iran‘s centrifuges have been moved to a previously secret facility near the holy city of Qom. This site, Fordow, is buried deep within the bowels of a mountain; hence Mr Barak‘s talk of Iran reaching a stage ―which may render any physical strike as impractical‖.


The International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) says Fordow has room for 3,000 centrifuges, compared with the 9,000 Iran claims at its first enrichment plant, Natanz. Mr Barak fears that once Fordow is fully equipped Iran will leave the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT). That would bring the IAEA‘s inspections to an end, as well as its safeguard procedures aimed at tracking

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