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Unit One College Life (1)

Topic Situation (1)

Passage (2)

Fast-Reading (9)

After-class Reading (10)

Listening (13)

Writing (16)

Unit Two Reception (18)

Topic Situation (18)

Fast-Reading (24)

After-class Reading (25)

Listening (29)

Writing (32)

Unit Three Friendship over the Internet (34)

Topic Situation (34)

Passage (35)

Fast-Reading (40)

After-class Reading (42)

Listening (46)

Writing (49)

Unit Four The World Expo (51)

Topic Situation (51)

Passage (52)

Fast-Reading (57)

After-class Reading (58)

Listening (62)

Writing (65)

Unit Five People and Color (67)

Topic Situation (67)

Passage (68)

Fast Reading (74)

After-class Reading (76)

Listening (80)

Writing (83)

Unit Six Shopping on the Internet (84)

Topic Situation (84)

Passage (85)

Fast Reading (92)

After-class Reading (94)

Listening (98)

Writing (101)

Unit Seven Sports (103)

Topic Situation (103)

Passage (104)

Fast-reading (109)

After-class Reading (111)

Listening (115)

Writing (118)

Unit Eight Love and Marriage (120)

Topic Situation (120)

Passage (121)

Fast Reading (127)

After-class Reading (129)

Listening (132)

Writing (135)

Grammar Revision (137)

动词的时态和语态 (137)

形容词和副词的比较级和最高级 (144)

主谓一致 (150)

虚拟语气 (156)

倒装 (163)

Unit One College Life

Topic Situation

Task1. Proverbs and Sayings

Directions: Try to translate the following proverbs and sayings.

1) Reading enriches the mind.

2) The more you study, the more you will find yourself ignorant.

3) Cultivation to the mind is as necessary as food for the body.

4) The reading of all good books is like a conversation with the finest men of past centuries.

Task2. A Guessing Game

Directions: Try to use the following information about some famous people to guess who they are and which university they graduated from.


Advice That Can Help You Succeed on Campus The letter has finally arrived welcoming you as a member of the class. You‘re about to become a college freshman. Most students enter college expecting to leave with a bachelor‘s degree, but only half ever do. The others drop out.

―Half of a college education has to come from the student,‖ advises Fred Hangadon, former dean of admissions at Stanford University. But how?

College counselors, faculty advisers and one very successful student offer the following tips on how to get the most out of your college education.

INVOLVEMENT The most successful students are those actively involved in their education, interacting with classmates and faculty and participating in activities. You become part of the college community, developing support groups that you can turn to for help. Get involved, but not overcommitted. In the first term, focus on adjusting to the academic demand.

TIME MANAGEMENT―Man is first a social animal, then a rational one,‖ says a professo r at Purdue University. So you may find it hard to say ―No‖ each time your roommate wants to see a movie when you need to read Paradise Lost.

College is known for its distractions. In those first months, you will meet people whose values and priorities are different from yours. The newness of the situation and the range of decisions you will face could leave you confused.

Think about what you want from college and from friends. Study after breakfast, between classes, whatever works best for you. Don‘t cut off all social contacts. They‘re as vital to surviving in college as reading. Study Hegel first, then catch a late movie.

STUDY METHODS Would you take a trip by stopping for directions at every station instead of reading a map? Of course not, but that‘s how most people study, says a professor, who teaches a course on preparing for college. Studying in college demands more reading and thinking, less memorization than in high school. Survey the material first to get a sense of it; formulate some questions. Jot down key ideas, tell yourself the essence of what you have read and review it. Does it make sense? Were your questions answered?

Get copies of old exams from the library so you can see what types of questions each professor asks.

Preparing for an exam on the Civil War will be easier if you know whether to study broad themes or specific battles.

KEEPING CURRENT Professors may not notice whether you attend a large lecture, but you could notice later on. Some professors use lectures to discuss the material not found in the reading on which they will base an exam. Others stress key points. If you must miss a lecture, get the notes promptly. If too much time elapses, the notes will make less sense than secondhand notes normally do. Never fall more than a week behind in reading. If you don‘t do the reading, you won‘t understand the lecture.

New words

freshman[?fre?m?n] n. 新生,大学一年级


bachelor[?b?t??l?(r)] n. 学士;未婚男子,


degree [d??gri:] n. 学位;程度,度数

dean [di:n] n. 系主任

admission [?d?m??n]n. 准许进入,招收counselor ['ka?ns?l?] n.顾问;辅导员

faculty [?f?klti]n.(高等院校)全体教师

tip [t?p] n.提示;尖端,末端;小费

involve [?n?v?lv]vt.投入,参与;卷入involvement [?n?v?lvm?nt] n. 投入,参与;卷入interact [??nt?r??kt] vi.相互作用,相互影响;


participate [pɑ:?t?s?pe?t]v.参加,参与community [k??mju:n?ti] n. 社区,团体;


overcommitted ['??v?k?'m?t?d]a.过分受束


focus [?f??k?s] v. (on) 使聚焦,使集中

n. 焦点,中心,集中点academic [??k??dem?k] a. 有关学术的;学院的,学校的

rational[?r??n?l] a. 理性的,明智的

distraction [d?s'tr?k??n] n. 分散注意里的事物(尤指娱乐,消遣)

value['v?lju:] vt .尊重,重视;估价

n. 价值观念,标准;价值;重要性

priority [pra???r?ti] n. 优先考虑的事,优先权range [re?nd?] n. 范围,幅度;一系列

v. 延伸;排列成行;在……幅度内变动confused [k?n?fju:zd]a. 困惑的,烦恼的contact [?k?nt?kt]n. 接触,联系

v. 接触,联系;交往

vital [?va?tl] a. 极其重要的;充满生机的survive [s??va?v] v. 幸免于,幸存

demand [d??mɑ:nd]v.要求;需要;询问

n. 要求;需要

direction [d??rek??n]n.(常用复数)指示


memorization [?mem??r?ze???n] n.记忆

survey [s?:?ve?] vt. 综览,概观;检查,调查

[?s?:ve?]n. 概观,概论;测量,调查material [m??t??ri?l] n. 资料,素材;材料,原料formulate [?f?:mjule?t] vt. 整理,规划或构想

jot [d??t] vt. (down) 草草记下

essence [?esns]n. 主旨,本质,精华

broad [br?:d] a.广泛的;宽的,阔的

theme[θi:m]n. 主题,(谈话、写作等的)题目specific [sp??s?f?k] a. 详细而精确的;明确的,特殊的

current[?k?r?nt] a. 当前的,流行的


attend[??tend] v. 参加,出席;照料;


lecture[?lekt??(r)] n./v. 讲课,演讲

stress[stres] n .压力,紧张,应力;着重,强调;重音

promptly[?pr?mptli]ad.敏捷地,迅速地elapse[??l?ps] vi. 过去;逝去secondhand ['sek?nd'h?nd]a. 间接获得的,古旧的,二手的

Phrases and Expressions

jot down 草草记下

make sense 有意义,合理

keep current 保持进度,赶上潮流

fall behind 落后,落伍

focus on 集中精力于;针对于adjust…to调整以适应……

cut off 切断

participate in 参加

turn to ( for help) 向(某人)求助

get sth out of 从…中受益

drop out 辍学

Reading Comprehension

Task 1

Directions:Read the text and determine whether the following statements are true or false. Write “T” for true and “F” for false before each statement.

_______ 1) Most students who enter a college can get a bachelor‘s degree.

_______ 2) In college, you will meet people with different values and priorities.

_______ 3) If you must miss a lecture, you‘d better get the notes promptly.

_______ 4) Copies of old exams can certainly help you pass the exams.

_______ 5) These suggestions are only applicable to those freshmen.

Task 2

Directions:In this exercise, there are five questions or statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and D. Choose the one that best answers the question or completes the statement according

to the text.

1) In the text, the readers may benefit from some advice on how to succeed on campus from those people

EXCEPT ________.

A. faculty advisers

B. parents

C. college counselors

D. one successful student

2) What should a student focus on in the first term according to the text?

A. Developing support groups.

B. Learning English language well.

C. Adjusting to the academic demand.

D. Participating in different activities.

3) What does the author mean by quoting ―Man is first a social animal, then a rational one‖?

A. Man cannot cut himself totally off from other people.

B. Man is not at all rational on many occasions.

C. Man has to avoid being left alone.

D. Man has to go to read Paradise Lost.

4) The major difference between studying in a college and in a high school is _______.

A. studying in a college needs more reading, thinking and memorization

B. studying in a college is much more fun

C. studying in a college needs more reading and thinking but less memorization

D. studying in a college needs not much guidance

5) Why is it very important for the student to attend lectures?

A. Because the professors may talk about something that is not found in the textbook.

B. Because those lectures are very interesting and instructive.

C. Because those professors will be angry if they find some students are absent.

D. Because the professors may base some exams on those lectures.

Task 3

Directions: The following is the summary of the text. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the missing words.

In order to help students develop themselves successfully in colleges and universities, the author offers some advice from the following aspects: 1) _____________, time management, study methods, and 2) _____________. Firstly, in the first term, students are advised to focus on 3) ______________ the academic demand through being active in education, activities and communication with classmates and faculty. Secondly, since college 4) _____________ its distractions, you‘ll face a lot of decisions which may leave you confused. Thirdly, study methods should be paid much attention to since studying in college 5) ______________- more reading and thinking, less 6) _____________ than in high school. Lastly, if you miss professors‘ lectures, get the notes immediately. 7) _____________, the notes will 8) ______________ than secondhand notes normally do.

Task 4

Directions:In this exercise, there are five sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and

D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1) The highest ______ of governments has been given to the problem of heavy traffic.

A. support

B. priority

C. material

D. involvement

2) We can _______ with people in most parts of the world by telephone.

A. involve

B. stay

C. communicate

D. demand

3) He was ill for six weeks and _______ with his schoolwork.

A. dropped out

B. cut off

C. made progress

D. fell behind

4)A _______ center is a place or building where people meet for adult education classes and informal social

interactions etc.

A. leisure

B. sports

C. health

D. community

5) The eyes need several minutes to ______ the darkness.

A. turn to

B. adjust to

C. drop out

D. base on

Task 5

Directions: Fill in each blank with a proper word or phrase from the table. Each word or phrase

can be used only once. Change the form where necessary.

fall behind admission turn to contact

current survey cut off focus on

1) If a building is __________, it is examined carefully by a specially trained person, in order to discover whether

there is anything wrong with its structure.

2) The flood __________ local people‘s supplies.

3) My parents told me I couldn‘t have a part-time job because would __________ at school.

4) __________to the university is by examination only.

5) Without someone to __________ for advice, making the most appropriate(适当的)choice can be difficult.

6) In the first year in a college, students should __________ adjusting to college life.

7) He hates physical ___________ of any sort —he doesn‘t even like to shake your hand.

8) Under ___________ state law, students can drop out of school legally at age 16.

Task 6

Directions:Fill in the blank(s) with a proper form of the given word in the brackets after each sentence.

1) The active _____________ of thousands of people makes the difference. (involve)

2) I have some chance for ___________ with them at some time during the day. (interact)

3) The teachers themselves are __________ about what to do. (confuse)

4) A computer‘s ______ is the part of a computer in which information is stored, or its ability to store information. (memorization)

5) The president promised to make education one of his top __________. (prior)

6) As we all know, food is _________ to life. (essence)

7) ____________ people usually think that confidence is the key to success. (success)

8) The painter died before he had a chance to finish the work, so the painting remained ___________. (complete) Task 7

Directions:Complete the sentences by putting the Chinese given in the brackets into English.

1) Three of the runners___________________(弃权).

2) The counselor put forward some suggestions on how to _________________ (最充分地利用)college education.

3) Many foreign friends _____________________________(参加了节日活动).

4) He __________________________ (很快适应了)the heat of the country.

5) The teenagers in Hong Kong rarely ________________________ (向父母或老师征询意见).

6) It can enable a scientist to ____________________ (始终跟上他所在领域的最新发展).

7) The policeman ______________ (匆匆地记下)my address.

8) What you say __________________ (毫无意义).


Visitors to London often eat in restaurants. The owners and workers in them are all from other countries. The visitors say in these restaurants they don‘t feel they are in England. Most of English people eat at home as much as they can. Sometimes they themselves will think they are in another country when they are in restaurants. When an Englishman goe s out of a restaurant, he may find that he doesn‘t understand why everything is written in French and Italian.

Most of English people think it is better to eat at home, because it is cheaper. They don‘t want to spend much money on food and they like cooking at home. They like fast food. But for Christmas, they will spend two or three weeks to get ready for it, because they want to have good food.

Directions: In this exercise, there are five sentences. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C, and

D. Choose the one that best completes the sentence.

1. Visitors to London often eat in restaurants because_________.

A. they don‘t like the food at home

B. their homes are not in London

C. it‘s cheaper

D. restaurants are beautiful places

2. When English people eat in restaurants, they sometimes think __________.

A. they are in another country

B. they are in the country

C. they are themselves

D. they love their country

3. Some of Eng lish people don‘t know __________.

A. why everything comes from French and Italian

B. why people write everything in French and Italian

C. everything in restaurants

D. everyone in restaurants

4. English people eat at home because __________.

A. it is fast

B. the food is expensive at home

C. it is sometimes very cheap

D. the food is very cheap at home

5._________ English people will spend much time for Christmas.

A. In order to get more food

B. In order to have much food

C. In order to get good food

D. In order to have enough food

After-class Reading

How to Be a Successful Language Learner

―Learning a language is easy. Even a child can do it!‖

Most adults who are learning a second language would disagree with this statement. For them, learning a language is a very difficult task. They need hundreds of study and practice, and even this will not guarantee success for every adult language learner.

Language learning is different from other kinds of learning .Some people who are very intelligent and successful in their fields find it difficult to succeed in language learning. Conversely, some people who are successful language learners find it difficult to succeed in other fields.

Language teachers often offer advice to language learners:‖ Read as much as you can in the new language.‖“Practice speaking the language every day.‖ “Live with people who speak the language .‖“Don‘t translate-try to think in the new language.‖“Learn as a child would learn; play with the language.‖

But what does a successful language learner do? Language learning research shows that successful language learners are similar in many ways.

First of all, successful language learners are independent learners. They do not depend on the book or the teacher; they discover their own way to learn the language. Instead of waiting for the teacher to explain, they try to find the patterns and the rules for themselves. They are good guessers who look for clues and form their own conclusions. When they guess wrong, they guess again. They try to learn from their mistakes.

Successful language learning is active learning. Therefore, successful learners do not wait for a chance to use the language; they look for such a chance. They find people who speak the language and they ask these people to correct them when they make any mistakes. They will try anything to communicate. They are not afraid to repeat what they hear or to say strange things; they are willing to make mistake and try again. When communication is difficult, they can accept information that is inexact or incomplete. It is more important for them to think in the language than to know the meaning of every word.

Finally, successful language learners are learners with a purpose. They want to learn the language because they are interested in the language and the people who speak it. It is necessary for them to learn the language in order to communicate with these people and to learn from them. Then find it easy to practice using the language regularly because they want to learn with it.

What kind of language learner are you? If you are a successful language learner, you have probably been

learning independently, actively, and purposefully. On the other hand, if your language learning has been less than successful, you might do well to try some of the techniques outlined above.

New Words

statement[?ste?tm?nt] n. 声明,陈述

guarantee[?g?r?n?ti:] n./vt 保证,担保,保修intelligent[?n?tel?d??nt] a. 聪明的,明智的conversely [?k?nv?:sli] ad.相反地,反过来research[r??s?:t?] n./v. 研究,调查

similar[?s?m?l?(r)] a. 相似的,类似的;(to)与……相似

independent [??nd??pend?nt] a. 独立的,自主的pattern[?p?tn]n. 模型,模式,样式;花样,图案clue[klu:] n. 线索

therefore [?ee?f?:(r)] ad.因此,所以

inexact[?n?g?z?kt]a. 不精确的incomplete[??nk?m?pli:t]a. 不完全的,未完成的purposefully['p?:p?sf?l?] ad. 有目的地,蓄意地technique[tek?ni:k]n. 技术;技巧,手艺outline[?a?tla?n] vt.概述(某事物)n. 轮廓;草图;大纲,提纲

Phrases and Expressions

disagree with 不同意,不赞成

play with 玩,摆弄

first of all 首先

be willing to do sth. 觉得做……有益,做得对

Reading Comprehension

Task 1

Direction: In this exercise, there are five questions or unfinished statements .For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that best a answer the question or completes the statements according to the passage.

1) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a quality of a successful language learner?

A. energetic

B. independent

C. purpose-specific

D. active

2) According to Para.7, thinking in the language is more important than knowing the meaning of every word of the language. Why?

A. Knowing the meaning of every word is useless.

B. Thinking in the language is easier than knowing the meaning of every word.

C. Knowing the meaning of every word requires more time.

D. When thinking in the language, you are using the language in an active way .

3)The expression ―play with the language ”( Para.4, L.4) means to _____.

A . Learn the language to play with a child

B .Learn the language from the child

C. Learn the language in a natural way

D. Use the language as a toy

4) Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a piece of advice offered by a language teacher

according to the next ?

A. Find every chance to speak the language.

B. Read as m Listen to English news.

C. Don‘t translate —try to think in the new language.

D. Use as possible in the new language.

5) What might be the purpose of successful language learners in learning a certain language

according to the next ?

A. They are interested in the language and people speaking it.

B. They are planning to emigrate (移居) to a foreign country.

C. They want to communicate with foreign people and learn from them .

D. They want to help those who have similar interests.


Task 1 Listen and Repeat

Directions: You will hear one word read from each group. Listen carefully and underline the letter beside the word you hear. Pay special attention to the difference of the vowels. After you have chosen the best

answer, repeat what you hear. Each word will be read twice.

1. A. beat B. bit C. bet

2. A. eat B. it C. ate

3. A. seat B. sit C. set

4. A. meet B. miss C. mass

5. A. boss B. bought C. boots

6. A. top B. talk C. tall

7. A. god B. gone C. goose

8. A. shock B. short C. shoot

Task 2 Understand the Statement

Directions:You will hear six short statements. After you hear one, read the three choices quickly and choose the one which is closest in meaning to the statement. Each statement will be spoken only once.

1. A. How are you recently? B. How can you do that?

C. What news are you bought us?

2. A. How are you? B. When were you born?

C. May I know your name?

3. A. Do you need my help? B. Can you do me a small favor?

C. I want to help.

4. A. What are you doing here? B. Is it really you?

C. Where are you from?

5. A. What is your job? B. What are you doing?

C. What do you have?

6.A. How do you come here? B. Do you like it very much?

C. What do you think of the place?

Task 3 Listen and Write

Directions: You are going to hear three dialogues. Each of them will be read twice. Listen carefully and fill in the blanks with the words you hear. Pay attention to the expressions and sentences structures people use

when they made the introductions.

Dialogue 1

David: Excuse me. Is this Room__________?

Helen: Yes, ___________________. Are you coming for the English class?

David: Yes.

Helen: Ah. Then, we are classmates. My name is Helen Jones. __________________.

David: I am David Washington. Nice to meet you, too.

Dialogue 2

Ann: Hi, Ted. Do you still want to meet our English teacher?

Ted: Yes, ____________. Would you like to introduce me to her?

Ann: Yes. I think she is free now. Let‘s go! (After several minutes)

Ann: ________________________, Ms.Smith.

Ms.Smith: Good morning, Ann.

Ann: Ms.Smith, this is Ted. _________________________________________. Ted, this is Ms. Smith, our English teacher.

Ted: _______________________________________________, Ms.Smith.

Ms.Smith: Nice to meet you, Ted. Are you and Ann classmates?

Ted: No. I am a P. E. major.

Ms.Smith: I see. I think you will practice a lot.

Ted: Yes, that‘s true.

Ms.Smith: Well, my class will begin in ten minutes. ______________________.

Ann: Bye-bye, Ms.Smith.

Ted: Very nice meeting you, Ms.Smith. Good bye.

Ms.Smith: Bye.

Dialogue 3

Henry: Hi, Tom, there you are!

Tom: Were you looking for me?

Henry: Yes. Have you heard that our department is going to ____________________ for the freshmen?

Tom: Really? That would be fun.

Henry: Yes, a lot of people will be______________________ at the party. I know you are a wonderful singer. So, would you like to sing an English song at the party?

Tom: Yes, ___________________________. When is the party?

Henry: Next Saturday evening, on September 20. It will begin at 7 p.m.

Tom: ________________________. I will be there. But I need a few days to decide which song I will sing. Henry: Ok, I will call you next Monday. Do you think you will be ready by then?

Tom: Yes, sure.


Understanding and Filling in

Registration Forms

Read and understand the following sample registration form.


●Notes on the sample


Title: 称呼,即称先生、小姐,还是夫人,据此能确定填表人的性别。

Family name (Surname): 姓

Given name(First name): 名

Date of birth: 出生年月,按日、月、年的顺序填写。

Home address: 家庭地址。从门牌号码、街道名、城市名、国家名到邮政编码,按顺序依次填写。Country of birth: 出生国,即在哪个国家出生。

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