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This project design consists of two parts: architectural and structural design, bid document establishment . After the determination of architectural and structural program by referring to related informations and current architectural and structural codes and specifications, the architectural constructional drawing is plotted by the CAD software. Then the loads of different cases are calculated by hand and the internal forces analysis, internal force combination, the reinforcement calculation of the beam, the slab, the column, the foundation and the staircase are conducted by the PKPM software. Besides, the structural constructional drawing is finished by the PKPM software. Following the architectural and structural design, quantities are calculated based on engineering quantity calculative codes and the engineering quantity list and the bidding base price are carried out by the XTY software. Moreover, has carried on the bid document compilation.

[Key words]architectural design; structural design; tender documents


第一部分建筑结构设计 (1)

第一章设计资料 (1)

第二章建筑设计 (1)

第一节设计依据 (1)

第二节建筑施工图 (2)

第三章结构设计 (2)

第一节结构布置和构件尺寸的确定 (2)

第二节荷载统计 (3)

第三节内力组合 (4)

第四节配筋计算 (4)

第五节结构施工图 (5)

第二部分投标文件 (6)

投标函 (9)

法定代表人资格证明书 (10)

授权委托书 (11)

第一章公司综合说明 (12)

第一节公司概况 (12)

第二节公司业绩 (12)

第三节公司优势 (12)

第二章工程量清单报价表 (12)

封面 (13)

投标总价 (14)

工程项目总价表 (15)

单项工程费汇总表 (16)

单位工程费汇总表 (17)

分部分项工程量清单综合单价分析表 (18)

措施项目费分析表 (21)

第三章施工组织设计 (22)

第一节工程概况 (22)

第二节施工部署 (22)

第三节施工准备 (23)

第四节施工工期保证措施 (24)

第五节主要项目施工方法 (24)

第六节主要管理措施 (34)

第七节质量通病防治措施 (39)

第八节附图表 (43)

致谢 (49)

参考文献 (50)
