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全国公共英语等级考试三教材 Monolog and passage原文及翻译 一字一句输入的


目录 (1)

Unit 1 Personal Identification and People (3)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the life of a famous American Benjamin Franklin (3)

Passage:Ambulance Girl (3)

Unit 2 Home and Family (4)

Monologue: The following monologue is about some causes of the generation gap. (4)

Passage:Enjoy the Round (4)

Unit 3 Environment (6)

Monologue: The following monologue is about some threats to the forests in America. 以下独白介绍了在美国森林受到的威胁。 (6)

Passage: In our"Rurban"Age-To know the countryside,you must live in the city In his book (6)

Unit 4 Weather and Climate (8)

Monologue (8)

Passage:Our Changing Atmosphere (8)

Unit 5 Food and Drink (9)

Monologue :The following monologue is about pumpkins. (9)

Passage:Enjoy Eating at"Melting Pot" (9)

Unit 6 Free Time Activities (10)

Monologue :The following monologue is about chess. (10)

Passage:Books (10)

Unit 7 Daily Life (11)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the mentality of students in adolescence. (11)

Passage:Life (12)

Unit 8 Shopping (12)

Monologue :The following monologue is about one famous supermarket Wal-Mart. (12)

Passage:The Difference between Men's Shopping Style and Women's Shopping Style (13)

Unit 9 Holidays (13)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the celebration of New Y ear's Eve in New Y ork (13)

Passage:Christmas Lost and Found (14)

Unit 10 Places (15)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the capital of America---Washington.D.C (15)

Passage:The Beauty of Britain (16)

Unit 11 Travel (17)

Monologue :The following monologue is a comment on the differences between cultures (17)

Passage:Auckland (18)

Unit 12 Health and Fitness (19)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the disease called asthma. (19)

Passage:Lower Salt,Better (20)

Unit 13 Services (21)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the Stock Exchange. (21)

Passage:Airport (22)

Unit 14 Social Relations (23)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the ways in which people find their lovers. (23)

Passage:US-Japan (23)

Unit 15 Jobs and Occupation (25)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the entertainment profession. (25)

Passage:How to Write a Winning (25)

Unit 16 Current Affairs (27)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the bird flu. (27)

Passage:China Scare,Is It Real? (27)

Unit 17 Education (29)

Monologue :The following monologue is about Cyber Cafe in one American high school (29)

Passage:Education for All (29)

Unit 18 Popular Science (31)

Monologue :The following monologue is about mosquitoes. (31)

Passage:Electricity (32)

Unit 19 History (33)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the extinction of dinosaurs (33)

Passage:The Battle of Britain 1940 (34)

Unit 20 Geography (35)

Monologue :The following monologue is about the extinction of dinosaurs (35)

Passage:Earthquake (36)

Unit 1 Personal Identification and People

Monologue :The following monologue is about the life of a famous American Benjamin Franklin

"If you would not be forgotten as soon as you are dead and rotten腐烂,腐朽,堕落,either write things worth reading, or do things worth writing." America has never forgotten Benjamin Franklin because he did both. He became famous for being a scientist,an inventor发明家,a statesman政治家,政客,a printer,a philosopher哲学家,a musician,and an economist经济学家. Today,we honor Ben Franklin as one of our Founding创办,建立,铸造Fathers and as one of America's greatest citizens. He was born in 1706 in Boston波士顿,Massachusetts马萨诸塞州. His mother and father were of Puritan清教徒的;n.清教徒religion宗教、宗教信仰. They left England and moved to the English colony殖民地of Massachusetts to escape逃避persecution迫害,烦忧for their religion宗教. Franklin left school when he was ten and worked for his father for two years. Then he went to work on his brother's newspaper. He became the editor of this paper when he was sixteen. He went to Philadelphia费城then and bought his own newspaper. He worked hard and by the age of 24 he was one of the most successful men there. In 1732 Franklin published出版 a book"Poor Richard's 理查德Almanac历书,年鉴." Most almanacs contained information for farmers,such as information about the days and weeks of the year and about the weather. To his almanac,Franklin added wise聪明的、明智的sayings名言of observations观察、言论about life; some of these sayings are still famous today. For example,"Early to bed,early to rise makes a man healthy,wealthy富有的and wise,"and "Waste

not,want not不浪费,不奢求,"and" A penny便士saved is a penny earned."

Passage:Ambulance Girl

When I became a volunteer(志愿者)EMT(急诊医生,紧急救援组织),my friends were puzzled困惑.They know me to be deeply terrified很害怕of sick患病的and dying people.If there was an accident on the road,I tucked塞进my head in my hands to avoid避免seeing blood or broken glass.My husband and I had been married 30 years.We loved to travel,read amd write.But at age 52,I felt stuck不能动in a midlife funk恐惧,cut off from others.Passing路过the local firehouse消防站one day,I saw a sign:"V olunteers wanted被征求的: Fine/EMT."The EMT part pointed to everything cowardly胆怯的in me-my fear怕… of death and disease疾病.Maybe I could help others if I did this and could also save myself by facing what scared吓坏的me most.As time goes by时光飞逝,I was able to work through通过my fears恐惧.Now I understand that the closest I have ever felt to God is in the back of an ambulance救护车.When I rush out仓促地跑出to help sick strangers,I am part of something larger than myslef.Sometimes I truly connect with someone who I would never have met otherwise除此之外、否则-as I did with Nellie.One midngiht,the AIDS hospice收容所needed help.A colleague同事and I were shown带到to a bedroom.Lying there was a thin瘦的black woman with wild 凌乱hair.When I was given a printout 打印件of her medical history病历,I thought,this lady should be dead over ten times.She had AIDS,hepatitis 肝炎and TB结核病.She had had brain surgery脑外科手术.Tonight she had a seizure疾病突然发作."Hello,I'm Clarissa克拉丽莎,are you in pain疼痛?"I asked.she replied by cursing 诅咒at me.I didn't take offense生气.When I rode alone with her in the back of the ambulance as EMT drove,I reread the printout.Nellie was 33 years old.No previous原始address.No family members.No next of kin近亲.Her whole life as presented here was jsut a list of medicines,symptoms症状and illnesses疾病.One line catched吸引my attention:hobbies.Nellie's hobbies were sewing缝纫and gospel singing唱福音歌.I could not sew缝,but I loved gospel music."Nellie,it says here that you like gospel music,"I said.I expected another curse,but it didn't come."I really like Shirley Caesar雪莉凯撒,"I continued,thinking of the singer's heartbreaking令人心碎的、悲痛的song about a mother's love for her ungrateful忘恩负义的、讨厌的son,pouring传布her soul灵魂into every word.Suddenly Nellie's eyes moved back and forth来回地."I like her too,"Nellie said weakly无力地.I was stunned吃惊she could speak.I started naming other gospel singers.With each one,Nellie nodded back点头,and I saw her try to smile.I was not a singer,but I decided to pretend 假装that I was.It was not unthinkable不可想象的that Nellie内尔might die during this ride to the hospital,that I would be the last face she ever从来saw,the last voice she ever heard最后她听到过的声音.I wanted to say something meaningful有意义地to her,something other than"Where does it hurt?哪里痛"So I started singing,and I held Nellie's hand has I sang.We reached the hospital,and she was whelled 推进to one of the ER rooms急诊室.I touched her thin shoulder薄肩."Nellie,"I said.She fixed 固定的her eyes on me."Take care fo yourself."She gave me one long last look,and then turned her face to the wall.When I

climbed back into the ambulance,there was no more trace痕迹of Nellie.The driver had cleaned and sanitized消毒everything."Let's go,"I told him.As the ambulance pulled out驶出、离开,I felt like crying我想哭.But my eyes remained dry,like Nellie's.Hobbies:sewing and gospel music,I though as we glided 滑行in the darkness of the night toward 向,超home.

Unit 2 Home and Family

Monologue: The following monologue is about some causes of the generation gap.

One important cause of the generation gap代沟is the opportunity机会、时机that young people have to choose their own life-styles生活方式. In traditional societies, when children grow up, they are expected to live in the same area as their parents, to marry people that their parents know and approve of, and often to continue the family occupation职业. In our society, however, young people often travel great distances for their education, move out 搬出of the family home at an early age, marry or live with people whom their parents have never met, and choose occupations different from those of their parents. In our upwardly有上升趋势的mobile society,parents often expect their children to do better than they did: to find better jobs, to make more money, and to do all the things that they were unable to do. Often, however, the ambitions抱负that parents have for their children are another cause of the division分歧between them. Often, they discover 发现that they have very little in common with each other. Finally, the speed at which changes take place in our society is another cause of the generation gap. In a traditional culture文化, elderly上了年纪的people are valued for their wisdom智慧, but in our society the knowledge of a lifetime may become obsolete过时的overnight突然的,很快的. The young and the old seem好像to live in two very different worlds, separated分开、隔离by different skills and abilities. No doubt很可能, the generation gap will continue to be a feature of American life for some time to come未来的.

Passage:Enjoy the Round 好好打一场高尔夫球

My old man 父亲、丈夫was the original新颖的、原来的silver Lining 一线希望guy家伙、伙计(我父亲与众不同,能在黑暗中看到光明).As a teenager I called him Opi老乐天the Mystic 神秘的because of his crazy optimism乐观主义and his imperturbable沉着的ability to see any crisis危机as"an opportunity机会for growth".

For 30 years my father had been senior高级representative代表for one of the world's largest firms公司.To Opti,hard work was a form of用…构成 a play比赛because work involved包括、涉及solving problems.This life view人生观fit the philosophy哲学of his favorite game-golf.

He first put a club棍棒in my hand when I was ten.I was in such a rush to(使某人)急速去be good that he would urge催促、力劝me to"relax 放松、休息、变从容and enjoy the round.The game ends far too soon."I didn't have a clue线索what he meant.

Eventually终于、最后when I grew up,golf became much more than a game between Dad and I.It acted as a means of seeing who this funny可笑的,oddball古怪的philosopher哲学家really was,and who I needed to become.

Dad was pushing接近80.But he always laughed off一笑置之my concerns关心、关注.Now the cancer癌、肿瘤came back复发.He had a month,two at most至多,he said,and merely 仅仅asked me to save my strength for the golf course高尔夫球场.

We played a course near the English village of Freckleton弗兰克我父亲与众不同,能在黑暗中见光明。我十多岁的时候,就叫他“老乐天”,因为他的狂热的乐观及他那视逆境为良机的沉稳本领。






顿.During World War II my father had served在…任职in an army on the outskirts 郊区of the village.

A local told us,"There was quite a memorial service because of the bomber轰炸机.

"I glanced一瞥,朝…看了一眼at Dad."Do you know the bomber?"

His complexion面色had turned pale变得苍白."Y https://www.wendangku.net/doc/62635101.html,e with me."

I followed him to a burying ground墓地at the rear后部of a church教堂.

"How did these folks人们、父母die?"I asked.

"They weren't folks.They were children.Four and five-year-olds.Thirty-eight in all合计.One of our bombers crashed 坠落into the school."He shut his eyes."God,what a sight景象、情景!I rememeber pulling away开始移动pieces of the plane,bricks砖块and all these precious 宝贵的kids inside.."

I saw tears gathering in聚拢my father's eyes,There was one girl who was always laughing.I called her Lady Sunshine.A week after the crash失事,I found a note on the base of bulletin board公告牌from her parents.They wondered想知道if anybody had taken a photograph of her.I took them all the photos I had.We sat in their front parlor客厅and cried.I've never experienced anything so sad."

"I'm surprised感到惊奇的you never told me this story."I said."

The war ended for me right here,"he said."I promised myself I would never speak about it again."

The night before,he had tole me that when he'd joined the Army he was a cocky骄傲的guy家伙、人.Then"Something happened"and he realized"the only thing life really promises承诺us is pain痛苦.It's up to to 胜任、从事于create the joy乐事". 要由我们自己去创造欢乐

Opti the Mystic神秘的had been born in天赋that bomber's wreckage…的残骸

That night,my prayer祈祷was simple简单:I hoped that my own children would never know the pain my Dad had known,but if they must,I hoped the pain would make them little Optis.

Dad died the following接着的march.I was on the course near Freckleton again.My partners,who had been warned警告、预告what was coming,watched solemnly严肃的.I told them my old man父亲had said golf was a game that made you smile."So please smile."As they smiled,I scattered 分散的my father's cremated火葬、火花ashes灰烬、骨灰into the bunker (高尔夫球场的)沙坑.

After the round比赛,a boy passed me.

"Did you shoot a good one?"I asked.

"Not so good,sir."

"That's okay,"I said."Enjoy it.The game ends too soon."


He walked on and I walked on-and then I stopped.I'd heard it-my father's voice. 打了一场球。在二战的时候父亲曾在这个乡村的郊外军队里服过役。




















我停下了脚步,我听到了父亲的声音。Unit 3 Environment

Monologue: The following monologue is about some threats to the forests in America. 以下独白介绍了在美国森林受到的威胁。

The Forest Service林业部门is responsible for the forests on public land in the US. It supervises 管理almost 78 million hectares公顷(等于2.471英亩)of forests, grasslands草原, rivers and lakes湖泊. It's an agency隶属于of the Department of Agriculture农业部. Forest Service officials官员say there are 4 major threats 威胁to forests and wild land荒原in America. The first is the threat of fire and fuel易燃物. Fires are a natural enemy of forest growth, but they can also threaten lives and property财产. Fuel is dead plant material and small plants that grow under tall trees. The Forest Service 林业部门estimates 估计that up to多达one-fourth of the forests it supervises监督、管理have dangerous levels of fuel. Sometimes foresters林业员set controlled fires to remove the fuel. Other times the fuel must be cleared by hand. Another threat ! to forests is from invasive入侵species物种. These are non-native非本土plants and animals that push out开除native kinds. They can cause a lot of economic damage. Some invaders入侵者are insects 昆虫, some are diseases疾病, and others are plants like the fast-growing kudzu vine葛藤. The agency部门says another threat to the health of wild land荒地is the loss of open space空地. It says over 1 hectare公顷of forest 森林or grassland草原is lost to development every minute. Development also leads导致to the division 分割of large natural areas into smaller ones. The fourth threat to public land is what the Forest Service 林业部门calls unmanaged recreation不适消遣. People can hunt, fish and camp野营in many national forests国家森林. But careless粗心use of motor vehicles机动车辆and other actions can be destructive破坏性的、毁坏性的.

在美国,林业部门负责公共用地上的森林。它要管理面积将近7 800万公顷的森林、草原、河流及湖泊,隶属于农业部。林业部门的官员称,在美国对森林和荒原造成威胁的有四种因素。第一种是火灾和易燃物。火灾是森林生长的天然敌人,同时也造成人员伤亡和财产损失。易燃物主要指树木的枯死部分或者在高大树木下生长的小株植物。林业部门估计在他们管辖范围内有近四分之一的森林存在达到危险等级的易燃物。林业员有时放小火除掉易燃物,有时必须得用手清除这些易燃物。对森林的另一威胁是外来物种入侵。这些非本土的动植物对当地的物种会产生危害,造成极大的经济损失。有些入侵者是昆虫,有些是病菌,有些是植物比如生长迅速的野葛藤。该部门称另一对荒原的威胁来自空地的减少。每分钟因经济发展森林或草原会失去超过1公顷的面积。经济发展也会使大片野地被分割成小块。第四种对公共用地的威胁是林业部门所称的不适"-3消遣。人们可以在很多国家森林里打猎,钓鱼和野营,但是对机动车辆的使用疏忽及其他行为可能是有破坏性的。

Passage: In our"Rurban"Age-To know the countryside,you must live in the city In his book

Badgers獾,the naturalist博物学家、自然主义者Michael Clark describes surveying测量the animal back in the 1960s.Calling at a farm cottage小屋、村舍,he asked an old countryman whether he knew of any badgers living nearby."What's badgers?"came the reply.The countryman 乡下人,Clark writes,"genuinely真正的did not know of the species人类".

Y ou can be a countryman,it seems好像,and know little of the country.But traditionally,country folks乡亲们are regarded as把…认作being in tune合调子with the land.They live there,don't they?What can townies城市生活的know of the "way of nature"?

This assumption假定、假设infects感染、影响much of our culture




文化.It predicates断言the existence存在of a clear division between town and country.It enables the rural乡下的to characterize表…的特点itself as an indigenous本土的culture,its"native"traditions and pastimes"hunting and fishing"threatened by an oppressive压制性的、压迫的urban城市的、市内的majority.The underlying潜在的message lies that the countryside is best managed by country people.After all,the know about such things...

Unfortunately遗憾地、不幸地,too often,they don't.As the historian历史学家Keith Thomas showed in his study Man and the Natural World,the growth of our knowledge about nature has come by correcting the "vulgar粗俗的errors"of country people.And although 虽然、但是Thomas was writing about the period between 1500 and 1800,that process continues today-what country dwellers居民take for granted认为…理所当然、想当然is still being confounded使窘迫、使羞愧by the careful observation观察、观测of reality现实、真实的事物.

A study研究,from Y ork University,has cast投、抛、投射strange new light on (偶然)发现the farmers' enemy-foxes狐狸.The more foxes 狐狸、狡猾的人 a farmer kills,the more lambs 羔羊he appears to lose to foxes.Theat is because:new foxes will almost certainly occupy占领the slain谋杀animals' territory地盘,and new animals,unused不习惯…的to the terrain地势、地形,may then choose more obvious 明显的、显而易见的prey捕食-such as lambs.

The message of studies such as this is that natural systems are complex 复杂的,unpredictable不可预知的:understanding了解them requires patient observation and careful analys is.The lack 缺少of these conditions explains why,in the early modern近代的era时代、纪元,grass snakes蛇were killed as venomous有毒的,and gardeners destroyed worms蠕虫because they were thought to gnaw咬、啃plant roots. The assumption假断that people"ought应该"to know such things is based on an urban城市-rural农村divide that opened up完全打开的in the 18th century.For a couple fo centuries,city and country people did inhabit居住于separate分开、隔离realms领域、王国.But the car,the phone,the media and the Internet have contributed捐献to the unifying 统一tendency趋向、倾向of what we call modern lifestyle;and the vast 巨大的、大量的population人口outflow流出from cities into rural 农村的areas blurred模糊的the difference between urban城市的and rural农村的.Thus,a new word-"rurban"靠近都市之农村的-has been coined创造to describe this condition.Most of us now work indoors在户内or in an office,and even if we are involved in涉及、专心our primary industries第一产业、初级产业,we are far more likely大约、差不多接近to be staring at a computer than communicating with与…联系,与…交往the landscape风景.Human life has turned generally into a monoculture单一栽培by work,sleep,shopping and TV-all actually identical同一的whether performed in在,,,演出town or country. 市和乡村存在着清楚的分界线。它使得乡村游说团把自己描述为一种本土文化、土著传统和消遣(如狩猎、打渔)的代表,受着城市大多数的压迫和威胁。隐含的教训是农村最好应该由农村人自己管。毕竟,他们了解乡村。。。






Unit 4 Weather and Climate

Monologue:The following monologue is about the harm the snowstorm brings to America and some ways to avoid its danger.

Snow is responsible for the deaths of hundreds of people in the United States every year. Many people die in traffic accidents交通事故on roads that are covered with snow or ice .Others die from being out in the cold or from heart attacks心脏病发作caused by extreme physical activity. 过度体力劳动There are several ways方法to avoid避免becoming victims 受害者of winter snow storms. People should stay in their homes until the storm has passed. While removing large amounts 大量of snow, they should stop and rest often. Difficult physical activity during snow removal can cause a heart attack. It is always a good idea to keep a lot of necessary supplies供应like food, medicine, clean water, and extra power额外的能源supplies in the home even before winter begins. If trapped使困于in the vehicles车辆during a snow storm, they should remain in or near their cars unless they see some kind of help. They should get out and clear space around the vehicles to prevent预防the possibility可能性of carbon monoxide一氧化碳gas poisoning煤气中毒. They should also tie a bright-colored object to the top of their cars to increase the chance of rescue救援. Inside the cars, they should open a window a little for fresh air and turn on the engine for ten or fifteen minutes every hour for heat. Those living in areas where winter storms are likely should carry emergency supplies应急供应品in their vehicles. These include food. Emergency medical supplies 紧急医疗用品and extra clothing to stay warm and dry.

Passage:Our Changing Atmosphere

According to根据the National Academy of Sciences国家科学院,the Earth's surface temperature has risen by about 1 degree Fahrenheit华氏温度in the past century,with accelerated加速的warming during the past two decades十年.There is new and stronger evidence 证据that most of the warming over the last 50 years is attributable归因于… to human activities人类活动.Human activities have altered致使the chemical composition组成of the atmosphere大气through the build up of greenhouse gases温室气体-primarily carbon dioxide二氧化碳,methane甲烷,and nitrous oxide一氧化二碳.Energy from the sun drives形成了the earth's weather and climate,and heats the earth's surface;in turn依次,the earth radiates辐射energy back into space太空.Atmospheric greenhouse gases大气中的温室气体(water vapor,carbon dioxide,and other gases)trap捕获some of the outgoing外溢energy,retaining heat some what like the glass panels面板of a greenhouse温室.Without this natural"greenhouse effect"温室效应,temperatures would be much lower than they are now,and life as known today would not be possible可能的.Thanks to greenhouse gases温室气体,the earth's average temperature is a more hospitable宜人的

60F.However,problems may arise呈现when the atmospheric concentration集中of greenhouse gases increases.Scientists generally believe that the combustion燃烧of fossil fuels矿物燃料and other human activities are the primary主要的reason for the increased concentration集中of carbon dioxide二氧化碳.What has changed in the last few hundred years is the additional release过度释放of carbon dioxide by human activities.Fossil fuels burned to run cars and trucks,heat homes

家庭取暖and businesses,and power factories are responsible for为…负责,形成…的原因about 98% of US carbon diozide emissions排放,24% fo methane沼气emissions,and 18% of nitrous oxide一氧化碳emissions.Increased agriculture农

业,deforestation森林开伐,landfills垃圾掩埋,industrial production工业生产,and mining采矿also contribute起促成作用 a significant重要的share of emissions排放.In 1997,the United States emitted 放出about one-fifth of total global greenhouse gases温室气体.The 20th century's 10 warmest years最热的all occurred 发生in the last 15 years of the century.Of these其中,1998 was the warmest year on record.The snow covers in the Northern Hemisphereand半球floating ice in the Arctic Ocean北冰洋have decreased.Globally从全球看,sea level has risen 4-8 inches over the past century.Worldwide precipitation 降雨量over land has increased by about one percent.The frequency of extreme rainfall events has increased throughout遍

及….地域much of the United States.Increasing concentrations浓聚物of greenhouse gases are likely to accelerate加速the rate of climate change.Scientists expect预测that the average global surface temperaturecould rise 1-4F(0.6-2.5C)in the next fifty years,and 2.2-10F(1.4-5.8C)in the next century,with significant refional variation随着气候的变暖.Evaporation 蒸发

will increase as the climate warms,which will increase average global precipitation降雨量.Soil moisture土壤湿度is likely to decline降低in many regions地区,and intense强烈的rainstorms are likely to become more frequent更加频繁.Sea level is likely to ris two feet英尺along most of the US coasts海岸.Calculations 估计of climate change for specific areas局部much less reliable可靠than global ones,and it is unclear whether regional climate局部气候will become more variable.

Unit 5 Food and Drink

Monologue :The following monologue is about pumpkins.南瓜

Many Americans celebrated著名的Halloween万圣节前夕by placing pumpkins outside their homes.A Halloween tradition is to cut a face鬼脸into the big,round squash南瓜属植物;v.挤压,压碎.Pumpkins are also an important part of the Thanksgiving感恩节holiday in late November.Tradition says early settlers移民ate pumpkin pie馅饼,or something similar to it,with the Native Americans during the first celebration庆祝会.Pumpkins are members of the gourd葫芦family.They are related to melons瓜, cucumbers黄瓜and squashes南瓜属植物.They are,like all of their relatives,fruit,not

vegetables.Pumpkins have firm flesh坚实的肉,seeds in the center and a shell 外壳that is usually orange.And they contain more vitamin A维生素A than almost any other fruit.Pumpkins have been grown for thousands of years in North and Central America中美洲.They grow on vines藤or bushes.Most pumpkins weigh a few kilograms,but some have reached well over 450 kilograms.Pumpkin flowers are usually fertilized 受精,施肥,使肥沃by bees.The insects昆虫carry pollen花粉from the male to the female flowers.No fruit will grow if the female flower is not pollinated给…传授花粉at the right

time.Closely related squashes南瓜属植物and gourds葫芦can also fertilize pumpkins.Pumpkin is used in pies,breads,cakes and other baked烘烤制作的goods商品.Baked pumpkin seeds are also a kind of popular food.Pumpkin filling 馅for pies is produced industrially工业地,企业地.Pumpkins are very low in acid酸的,讽刺的, unlike many fruits.For this reason, experts say it is not a good idea to can crushed 压碎,粉碎,压倒,摧毁pumpkin at home.Whole pumpkins,however,store well in cool,dark places for weeks.

Passage:Enjoy Eating at"Melting Pot"

Y ou are what you eat."Nutrition营养experts 专家often use this saying to promote better eating babits.What we put in our mouth does become a part of us.But we can look at this statement声明、陈述another way.What we eat reflects who we are-as people and as a culture.Do you want to understand another culture?Then you ought to find out about its food.As a foreign traveler can prove,the relation between food and national identity物性is close and strong.Not only do citizents of most nations come to perceive感到、认识到some aspect方面of their cuisine烹饪、烹调风格as distinctive与众不同的,有特色的,but nations themselves are typically代表性地associated with particular food.Countries are what they eat,or at the very least,people tend趋向to think of nations is culinary 厨房的terms.Thus,learning about American food can give us a real taste of American cultrue.What is "American food?At first you might think the answer is easy as pie.To many

people,American food means hamburgers牛肉饼,汉堡包,hot dogs,fried chicken and pizza.If you have a "sweet tooth",you might even think of apple pie or chocolate chip cookies.It's true that American do eat those things.But are those the only thing you can find in America?Except for thanksgiving感恩节turkey火鸡,it's hard to find typically"American"food.The United States is a land of immigrants移民.So Americans eat food from many different countries.When people move to America,they bring their cooking styles with them.That's why you can find almost every kink of ethnic民族的food in America.In some cases,Americans have adopted foods from other countries as favorites.Americans love Italian pizze,Mexican tacos and

Chinese egg rolls.But the American version 译文,译本doesn't taste quite like the original.As with any large country,the US has several distinct 截然不同的,独特的regions.Each region boasts its own special style of food.V isit the South and enjoy country-style cooking.Journey through Louisiana for some spicy Cajun cuisine.Take a trip to New England and sample尝试savory风味极佳的,可口的seafood 海味dishes.Travel through the Midwest,"the bread-basket of the nation",for delicious baked foods.Cruise over to the Southwest and try some tasty TexMex treats.Finish your food four in the Pacific Northwest with some gourmet 美食家,美酒coffee.Americans living at a fast pace often just"grab抓住a quick bite".Fast food restaurants offer people on the run匆匆忙忙everything from fried chicken炸鸡to fried rice.Microwave微波dinners and instant foods make cooking a home a snap容易方便的事.Of course,one of the most common quick American meals is a sandwich.If it can fit between two slices薄片、切片of breadm,Americans probably make a sandwich out of it.Peanut butter and jelly果子冻are all-time空前的,创纪录的American favorites.Aericans on the go also tend to eat a lot of "junk food".Potao chips,candy bar,soft drinks and other goodies are popular treats使人愉快的事.Many people eat too many of these unhealthy不健康的snacks小吃、快餐.But others opt for more healthy eating habits.Some even go"all natural".They refuse to eat any food prepared with chemicals or additives添加剂.American culturre is a good illustration说明,例证of the saying 谚语"Y ou are what you eat."Americans represent表现,描绘a wide range 范围of backgrounds 背景and ways of thinking.The variety of foods enjoyed in the US reflects反射,反映the diversity 差异、多样性of personal tastes.The food may be international or regional.Sometimes it's fast,and sometimes it's not so fast.It might be junk food,or maybe it's natur al food.In any case,the style is all-American.

Unit 6 Free Time Activities

Monologue :The following monologue is about chess.

Chess may be one of the oldest games in the world.An Arab traveler in India in the year 900 wrote that it was played long, long ago.It was probably invented in India, and it has been played everywhere from Japan to Europe since 1400.The name "chess"is interesting.When one player is attacking进攻the other's king, he says, in English,"check".When the king has been caught and cannot move anywhere, he says, "check mate".These words come from Persian古波斯语;波斯人,波斯的."Shah mat"means "the king is dead".That is when the game is over, and one player has won.Such an old game changes very slowly.The rules have not always been the same as they are now.For example, at one time the queen could only move one square at a time.Now she is the strongest piece on the board.It would be interesting to know why this has happened!Chess takes time and thought, but it is a game for all kinds of people.Y ou don't have to be a champion in order to enjoy it.It is not always played by two people sitting at the same table.The first time the Americans beating the Russians was in a match played by radio.Some of the chess masters are able to play many people at the same time.It is said that some people play chess by post.This must make chess the slowest game in the world.


Perhaps no other thing has such power to lift the poor out of his poverty贫穷,贫困,the wretched可怜的,悲惨的out of his misery痛苦,不幸,to make the burden担子,负担-bearer forget his burden,the sick his suffering苦楚,受难,as books.They are friends to the lonely,companions to the deserted,joy to the joyless,hope to the hopeless,good cheer to the disheartened使气馁,使沮丧,a helper to the helpless.They bring light into darkness,and sunshine into shadow.We may be poor,socially在社交方面ostracized受排斥的,shut out from all personal association协会;联合;结交with the great and the good,and yet be in the best society in the world,in books.The trend倾向,趋势of many a life for good or ill,for success or failure失败,has been determined by a single book.The books which we read early in life are those which influence影响,改变us the most.The greatest advantage of books does not always come from what we remember of them,but from their suggestiveness启发;建议;暗示.A good book often serves as a match to light the dormant睡眠状态的;静止的-powder within us.There is explosive爆炸的,爆发的material enough in most of us if we can only reach it.A good book or a good friend often excites thought in

great writers,even upon entirely完全地,全然地dfferent subjects.We often find in books what we thought and felt,could we have expressed ourselves.Indeed,we get acquainted使熟悉,使相识with ourselves in books.We discover one feature面貌的一部分in Emerson,another lineament特点,特征in Shakespeare,an expression in Homer,a glimpse一瞥,一看of ourselves in Dante,and so on until we spell out our whole individuality个性.True,we get many pleasing令人高兴的,愉快的reflections of ourselves from fiends鬼,邪恶的人,many mirrored deformities缺陷;畸形from our enemies,and a characteristic特性,特征here and there from the world;but in calm and unbiased没有偏见的way we find the most of ourselves,our strength,our weakness,our limitations局限性;限制,our opinions,our tastes,our harmonies协调,融洽and discords不一致,意见不合,our poetic诗的,诗意的and prosaic散文的,散文体的qualities,in books.We form many of our opinions from our favorite books.The author whom we prefer is our most potent使人信服的teacher;we look at the world through his eyes.If we habitually习惯地read boods that are elevating振奋精神的in tone语调;语气,pure in style,style风格;风度,sound in reasoning,and keen敏锐的,锋利的in insightinsight,our minds develop the same characteristics.The best books are those which stir激起;鼓动us up mostand make us the most determined to do smething and be something ourselves.Libraries are no longer a luxury奢侈;豪华,but a necessity必要性,需要.A home without books and periodical期刊,杂志sand newspapers is like a house without windows.Children learn to read by being in the midst中间of books;they unconsciously无意中,不知不觉absorb吸收knowledge by handling处理;操作them.No family can now afford to be without good reading."No entertainment娱乐is so cheap as reading,"says Mary Wortley Montagu,"nor any pleasure so lasting."Good books elevate the character,purify使纯净the taste,take the attractiveness吸引人,有魅力out of low pleasures,and lift us upon a higher plane水平,程度of thinking and living.Whatever you read,read with enthusiasm狂热,热心,with energy,read with the whole mind,if you would increase your mentalk stature高度.Learn to absorb the mental and the moral道德的;精神的life of a book,and assimilate吸收;彻底了解it into your life.He is the best reader who consumes 消耗,消费the most knowledge and converts使转变,转换it into character.Mechanical机械的,呆板的readers remember words,the husks外壳,皮of things,but digest融会贯通nothing.They cram填满their brains but starve their minds.If you are getting the most out of a book,you will feel a capacity才能,能力for doing things which you never felt before.

Unit 7 Daily Life

Monologue :The following monologue is about the mentality of students in adolescence青春期.

Students in adolescence青春期are likely to be confused mentally心理上,精神上, to be subject to受影响,受制于involuntary不知不觉的,无意的distractions and romanti c浪漫的,空想的dreaminess.They are basically timid怯弱的,胆小的or self-conscious有自我意识到;they lack frankness坦率,直白and are usually sensitive but hate to admit it.They are motivated激发either by great ambition, probably out of all proportion比例,均衡to their capabilities能力,性能, or by extreme laziness caused by the fear of not attaining达到,获得their objectives目的.Fundamentally they want to be kept busy but they refuse to admit it.They are usually willing to work, but they hate to work without obtaining the results they think they should obtain.Their critical批评的,评论的faculties能力,本领,大学的科系are beginning to develop and they are critical of their instructors 教练,导师,(大学)讲师and of the materials they are given to learn.They are beginning to feel the pressure of time;and although they seldom say so, they really want to be consulted参考,商量and given an opportunity to direct their own affairs, but they need considerable相当大的,相当可观的guidance.They seldom admit that they need this guidance引导,指导,领导and they frequently rebel 反叛,造反;n.造反者against it, but if it is intelligently offered they accept it with enthusiasm.It is in this period that students can be most easily and permanently永久地influenced.Their outlook on life is usually extremely exaggerated夸张.They are either far too modest or too boastful自夸的.They are much more susceptible易受影响的,易受感动的to the influence of a strong personality than that of a great intelligence.Of all periods of life, this is what may be called the"plastic age".


Sometimes,people come into your life and you realize that they are there for some purpose目的,to teach you a lesson,or to help you to know who you are or who you want to become.Y ou'd never know who these people may be,your friend,your classmate,your neighbor,your co-worker同事,your teacher,or even a stranger,but they will deeply affect your life in some way.And sometimes things happen to you that may seem unfair,painful 痛苦的and horribleat 可怕的,极不友好的first,but later,you realize that without overcoming战胜those difficulties you would never know your strength力量,willpower 意志力or potential潜能.Everything happens for a reason.Nothing happens by chance or by means of good luck.Illness疾病,great achievement成绩,love,Injury伤害and failure all come to test the limits of your soul灵魂.Without these tests,life would be like a straight笔直and flat平坦road,but it goes nowhere.It would be safe and comfortable安逸的,but dull枯燥无味的and compoletely meaningless毫无意义.Those people who affect your life,and the failure and the success you experience can help you to create who you are and who you become.Even the bad experiences can be learned from.In fact,they are the most important ones.If someone breaks your heart,or hurts you,please forgive them,for they helped you to lean about the importance of being careful when you open your heart.If someone loves you,love them back,because they are teaching you to love and how to open your heart and eyes to things.Y ou can make of your life anything you wish.Appreciate every moment and take everything from those moments as possible as you can because you may never be able to experience them again.Talk to people who you have never talked to before,and when they talk ,you'd better listen to them.Let yourself fall in love,then break free and set your sights high.Tell yourself you are a great person and believe in yourself,for if you don't believe in yourself,it will be difficult for others to believe in you.Make every day meaningful and interesting.Create your own life and live without any regrets.Love your life and you may have some pleasant,cheerful and happy hours.If we are strong enough to forgive,brave enough to love,generous慷慨的,大方的enough to rejoice in 因…感到喜悦,高兴other's happiness,we can make great achievements成绩;成就in our lives.

Unit 8 Shopping

Monologue :The following monologue is about one famous supermarket Wal-Mart.

Discount折扣stores sell goods at low prices.They succeed only if they sell a lot of goods and keep their costs low.One company has succeeded beyond imagination.Wal-Mart is bigger than any competitor竞争者.It has more than 4 000 stores in the United States and 9 other countries.It has more than 1 million workers.It is America's largest private employer.Wal-Mart reported sales of almost 260 000 million dollars in 2003.And profits利润?The company reported earnings of 9 000 million dollars that year.Sam萨姆Walton沃尔顿opened the first Wal-Mart store in 1962.He began to use computers to control the flow流动,【河水】泛滥of goods.He reduced折扣价格prices to levels no one thought 想法、关心possible.By 1985,Sam Walton was the richest man in America.He added some businesses and opened more Wal-Mart stores.Wal-Marts are big stores.They sell just about everything.Wal-Mart Supercenters特大购物中心are even bigger.They include a market full of food.Other food stores are worried.So are labor unions工会in that industry.To keep labor costs劳动成本low, Wal-Mart has worked hard to prevent预防its employees from joining a union联盟.The company has faced面临legal法律上的actions over some of its employment activities.But labor劳动is not the only issue.Critics评论家,批评家say Wal-Marts ruin small businesses and replace them with low-paying jobs.Wal-Mart denies否认this happens.It says people save money which they can spend on other things.

Passage:The Difference between Men's Shopping Style and Women's Shopping Style

The Spring Festival is approaching.As a tradition,people are supposed to have something new to use or wear,especially children,no matter they are rich or poor.Therefore,you can see many families going shopping on the streets.And,interestingly enough,you may notice that men's shopping style is different from that of women.Let's look at men's clothes shops:A man comes into a shop,has a glance at the whole shop and goes to his target area.He has a brief简短的look of the colorsand begins to ask the shop assistant for the right size.He tries it on,extending伸出his arms or kicking his legs to check if it is comfortable enough.The clothing fits him and he asks for a plastic bag.He pays the money,puts the new dress in the bag and leaves the shop.The deal is done in only a few minutes.If the dress is sold in package,he doesn't want to be bothered to unpack 打开it.So,you see men's shopping is quite direct and hence time-saving.Now enters a couple.The man is just doing the same as the previous先前的man.The difference is that the lady checks it carefully before she pays.She examines the surface of the dress,turns it over and check the inner里面的side as well.She pays much attention to the stitches针脚and the ironing熨烫.Only when she is sure that the clothes seem perfect will she pay.A lady is more careful when shopping.Now,let's move to see a ladies'clothes shop.What do you expect to see there?Many husbands are carrying bags and holding their

wives'clotheswhile the ladies are busy trying on the new clothes.They try several clothes of the same size but different colors;or the same color but different styles again and again.They stand in front of the mirrors and see how they look like f rom the front.They turn their backs to the mirror,twisted heads struggling to see how they look like from the back;if the color,size and style are right.They look smart in the new dresses.However,they go to some other shops to try more.They don't make their decisions until they are too exhausted疲倦的to move onor their husbands complain too much.Sometimes,even though the clothes fit them well,They go hoime without the desired clothesbecause they want their friends'comment on the dresses.If the majority of their friends say OK,they rush back to the shop and get them.Of course,they don't forget to examine the clothes carefully.Maybe,more carefully than they do to their husbands'dresses before paying.See,women's shopping is exhausting but interesting.After visiting the men's and women's clothes shops,shall we visit the kids'clothes shop?Including the kids'own views on what they would like to wear,the parents discuss about what they should wear.The dads may have found the"proper"dress in no time,but the moms insist on the kids'trying different colors,sizes,styles and materials.They help the children to try on as many times as possiblewithout worrying about the health of children.Most often,the dads lose their patience and wait outside the shop.They have the same attiudes as that buying their own clothes.Why does this

happen?First,men usually know what they need before shopping,and they are more determined,while women are less sure about what to buyand they may easily change their minds.Second,men are not as patient as women.Most of all,men have fewer choices than women.Men's clothes don't change the color or style as quickly as women's clothes.The common colors for men are white,black,brown,gray or coffee.The styles are suits,jackets,coats,jeans,jumpers,vests and trousers.however,for ladies,the color may be any pur color or a mixture混合物of them.Besides the same styles as men's the ladies'dresses very.A little change in either collar,cuff袖口,length and width of sleeves袖子and legs,the place and design of different types of flowers,the number and size of some designs,the English words and Chinese characters汉字;字体may make the dresses different.Even the size and design and color of buttons may make the dresses special.No wonder women spend so much time and energy on shopping.

Unit 9 Holidays

Monologue :The following monologue is about the celebration of New Year's Eve in New York.

It is December 31 in New Y ork City.Hundreds of thousands of people are gathered in Times Square时代广场, waiting in

the cold darkness for midnight.They count数数,计算,有价值the seconds until the New Y ear arrives."Ten...nine...eight..."A huge巨大的glass New Y ear's ball falls球、舞会through the darkness, looking like thousands of burning stars流星.When it reaches the ground, the New Y ear has begun.People shout "Happy New Y ear"!They throw扔tiny极小的pieces of colorful paper into the air.They dance and sing a traditional New Y ear song of friendship called "Auld Lang Syne.友谊地久天长"Each year, at about 6 p.m., the New Y ear's Eve 新年前夕ball is raised to its highest position.The electric company电力公司turns on the thousands of little lights in the ball.Then everyone waits for the beautiful object to fall.The first New Y ear's Eve除夕celebration庆祝、庆祝会in Times Square时代广场took place in 1904 when the owners of a building on the square held that first party on top of their building. 3 years later, a New Y ear's ball was dropped from the top of the building for the first time.The ball has been dropped every year except除…之外for 2 years during World War II.In 1942 and 1943, crowds 人群still gathered in Times Square.They observed a moment of silence.After that, bells rang from a vehicle车辆in Times Square. People do not pay to attend the Times Square celebration.But other New Y ear's Eve celebrations can be costly昂贵的.




Passage:Christmas Lost and Found 失而复得的圣诞节

Christmas was a quiet affair when I grew up伴随我成长的圣诞节是安安静静的.There were just my parents and I.I vowed宣誓,立誓that someday I'd marry and have six children,and at Christmas my house would vibrate颤动with energy and love让满屋都颤动着活力和爱.

I found the man who shared my dream, but we had not reckoned料想,估计on the possibility可能性of infertility不能生育. Undaunted大无畏的,勇敢的,we applied for请求,申请adoption收养,领养,and then he arrived.

We called him Our Christmas Boy because he came to us during that season of joy.Then nature surprised us again接着,天意又给我们带来了惊喜. We added two biological有血亲关系的children to the family-not as many as we had hoped for, but three made an entirely satisfactory满意的crowd.但三个孩子已全然是一个令人满意的一家子了。

As Our Christmas Boy grew,he made it clear that only he had the expertise专门知识,专门技术to select and decorate装饰the Christmas tree.He rushed the season他催赶季节,starting his gift list in November. He pressed us into singing carols他硬要我们和他一起唱圣诞节颂歌,our froglike蛙鸣般的voices contrasting使对照,使对比with his musical gift of perfect pitch音调.Each holiday he stirred us up他都让我们兴奋激动,leading us through a round一连串of merry欢乐的,愉快的chaos无秩序,混乱. 带我们度过了一段愉快的喧闹

Then,on his 26th Christmas,he left us in a car accident on his way home to his wife and infant 婴儿的daughter.离开了在家等待他的妻子和他出生不久的女儿。But first he had stopped by the family home to decorate装饰our tree.而在此之前他先到我家装饰了圣诞树

Grief-stricken悲痛欲绝的,his father and I sold our home,where memories clung粘紧,附着to every room,and moved away.Seventeen years later,we grew old enough to return home,and settled into 安顿a small quiet house,like the house of my childhood孩童时期.Our other son and daughter had married and had begun their own Christmas traditions传统,惯例in

another part of the country.One day,I heard the doorbell铃ring.There stood our granddaughter,and in her gray-green灰绿色eyes I saw the reflection映象,反射of Our Christmas Boy.Behind her,lugging拖拉 a large pine松树,松木tree,came her mother and stepfather继父.They swept past us in a flurry阵风of laughter他们欢声笑语地从我们身边掠过;and then decorated装饰the tree."Y ou'll recognize the ornaments装饰物,"said my former daughter-in-law前儿媳."They were his.I save them for you这是我为你们留的.

"When I murmured低声说,低语that we hadn't had a tree for 17 years,our granddaughter said,"Then it's time to have one!"

They asked 邀请us to join them the next morning for church教堂and for dinner at their home.

Our granddaughter ordered发号施令,"I'm singing the solo独唱曲and I want you to be there.

"We had long ago given up放弃the poignant令人痛苦的Christmas services仪式,but now,we sat rigid僵直的in the front pew教堂内的靠背长凳,fighting back tears.Our granddaughter's magnificent华丽的;高尚的voice soared高飞;昂扬,clear and true,in perfect pitch音调.How her father would have relished爱好,喜欢that moment!

We had been alerted警告that there would be a lot of people for dinner-but 35!I could not sort out who belonged to whom,but it didn't matter.They all belonged to each other.It occurred 突然想到to me that a true family is not always one's flesh亲属and blood亲骨肉,亲属.It is a climate气氛of the heart. Had it not been our adopted son,we would not now be surrounded包围by caring 有同情心的strangers.

Later,our granddaughter asked us to come along with her to a place she likes to go.

In the foothills山麓,小丘there was his grave墓穴,坟墓.As we stood by the headstone墓石in the chilly寒冷的but somehow comforting安慰的silence静默,we were not prepared预料for our granddaughter's next move举动.Once more that day her voice,so like her father's,lifted in song,and the mountainside山腹,山腰echoed发回声on and into infinity无限. 那一天,她酷似她父亲的歌声再一次响起,在半山腰回荡,余音回响,悠悠不绝。

When the last pure note音符had faded减弱下去,I felt a sense of peace,of the continuity连续性of life,of renewed更新的,重建的faith信仰and hope.The real meaning fo Christmas had been restored恢复,使回复to us.

Unit 10 Places

Monologue :The following monologue is about the capital of America---Washington.D.C

Washington.D.C.华盛顿哥伦比亚was the first city in history to be created solely唯一地,独自地,单独地for the purpose of为了,因…起见political 政治上的rule and administration行政部门.Following the Revolution革命, members of Congress国会had hotly argued辩论,争论about the question of a permanent永久的,持久的home for themselves and for the central government .

In 1790, largely in order to put an end to congressional国会的,大会的quarreling争吵, George Washington was charged受命with selecting a site for the newly designated指定,任命federal联邦的district地区,区域. Not much to anyone's surprise but to the disappointment失望of many, he chose a piece of land一片地on the banks of the Potomac River波托马可河, a few miles from Mount V ernon弗农山, where he used曾经to be a landowner土地所有者,地主.The District特区of Columbia哥伦比亚was taken in part from Virginia弗吉尼亚州and in part from Maryland马里兰州.At the time it consisted包含of gently rolling hills起伏缓和的山峦, some under cultivation 被开垦and the rest heavily wooded剩下的长着茂密的森林, with a number



of streams小溪and much swampy沼泽的,湿地的land along the Potomac 波托马可.There is now a section of Washington that is commonly referred to as Foggy Bottom华盛顿有一区域人们通常称为“雾谷”;that section bore the same nickname昵称,绰号180 years ago.Two port港口cities, Alexandria and Georgetown亚历山大和乔治敦, flourished繁荣,兴旺within sight of the new capital and gave it access通道,机会,权利by ship to the most important cities of the young nation such as Philadelphia, New Y ork and Portsmouth, and also to the far-off遥远的ports of England and the Continent大陆.Among its most famous buildings are United States Capitol国会大厦, the Pentagon五角大楼,五角形, the Whitehouse, the Washington Monument纪念碑, etc.这个名称180年前就有了。两个港口城市,亚历山大和乔治敦,在新首都的范围内发展很快,欣欣向荣,通过航运让华盛顿这座城市和这个年轻国家的大部分重要城市相连,比如费城、纽约和朴茨茅斯,以及英国和欧洲大陆的遥远港口。华盛顿的重要名胜有美国国会山、五角大楼、白宫、华盛顿纪念碑等。

Passage:The Beauty of Britain美丽的不列颠

The beauty of our country is as hard to define定义;详细说明as it is easy to enjoy.Remembering other and larger countries,we see at once that one of its charmsis吸引力,魅力that it varies immensely无限地;非常within a small compass罗盘,指南针.We have here no vast广阔的mountain ranges范围;vi.变化;vt.排列,no illimitable无限的,无边际的plains平原,草原but we have superb华丽的,极好的variety(使)变化,改变;vi.呈现不同.A great deal of everything is packed into little space.Nature,we feel,has carefully adjusted调整,调节

things-mountains,plains,rivers,lakes-to the scale规模,比例of the island itself.

For a variety of landscape,the Y orkshire约克夏Dales山谷cannot be matched with与…相配this island or anywhere else.A day's walk among them will give you almost everything fit to be seen on this earth.Y ou will enjoy the green valleys山谷,with their rivers,and find old bridges,pleasant 农民villages村庄and smooth平坦的fields.And you will find yourself facing the moorland(地)高沼地slopes斜坡,斜面,with their rushing急流的,旺盛的stream溪,川,流,salty有盐分的,咸味浓的winds and white farmhiouses农舍,农家.And then you will reach the lonely heights,which seem to be miles above the ordinary普通的word.Y et less than an hour in a fast motor will bring you to the middle of some manufacturing制造业的towns,which can be left and forgotten just as easily容易地,不费力地as it can be reached from these heights.

With variety goes surprise.Ours is the country of happy surprises.If you go down into the West Country,among rounded圆形的hills and soft pastures牧地,牧场,草原,you will suddenly arrive at the bleak荒凉的,阴冷的tablelands高原.But before you have reached them you have already been surpised by the queer古怪的bit of fen沼泽地带country you have found in the neighborhood附近,邻近of Glastonbury.After the




easy rolling起伏的,摇摆的Midlands内地,the dramati c引人注目的Peak District地区,with its genuine真正的,名副其实的steep悬崖,峭壁fells山岗,never fails to astonish使惊讶me.A car will take you all round the Peak District in a morning. It is nothing but a crumpled褶皱的,弄皱的green handkerchief.Nevertheless然而,we hear of search parties going out there to find lost travelers.I have never explored探究,探险this region区域,地方properly适当地,完全地,and so it remains to me a country of mystery神秘,神秘的事物.I could go on with this list of surprises,but perhaps you had better make your own.

Another characteristic典型的of our landscape is its exquisite优美的,高雅的,精致的moderation适度.It has been born of a compromise和解,妥协,折衷between wildness野生and tameness驯熟,温顺,between Nature and Man.One reason for this is that it contains that exquisite精致的balance平衡between Nature and Man.The fence栅栏and the gate are man-made,but are not severely严格地regular and trim整齐的,整洁的as they would be in some other countrites.The trees and hedges树篱,the grass and wild flowers,all suggest that Nature has not been forced into被迫obedience服从,顺从.The irregularity不规则,无规律and coloring色彩;染色,着色of the cottage村舍make it snugly舒适温暖地into the landscape,and you feel it might have grown there,because it looks nearly as much a piece of natural history as the trees.In some countries,the cottage would have declared公告的,"Man,the drainer,the tiller耕种者,the builder,has settled稳定的here."In this English scene背景there is no such direct opposition反对,敌对,相反.Men and trees and flowers,we feel,have all settled down 平息comfortably together.The motto座右铭,格言is,"Live and let live."This exquisite精美的harmony 和谐between Nature and Man explains in part the charm魅力of the older Britain.The whole town fitted snugly 安适地into the landscape,as if they were no more than bits of woodland森林地,林地;and roads went winding蜿蜒前进the easiest way as naturally as rivers.It was impossible to say where cultivation耕作,栽培ended and wild life began.It was a country rich in trees,birds,and wild flowers,as we can see to this day. 地低洼的水草地已经让你感到惊奇了。在穿越地势微微起伏的米德兰之后,来到山石俊俏、风景奇特的匹克区也总是让我感到惊奇无比。搭辆车一个早晨的功夫就可以游遍整个皮克区。这个地方小得像块折皱的绿手帕,然而我们却听说有人在那里迷了路,为了寻找他们还派去了搜寻队。这个地区我没有好好游历过,因此对我来说十分神秘。这个让人惊喜的景物的名单我还可以继续列下去,不过我想最好还是把这项工作留给读者自己。


Unit 11 Travel

Monologue :The following monologue is a comment on the differences between culture s.

Every country tends to accept its own way of life as being the normal one and praise称赞or criticize批评,责备others as they are similar to or different from it.And unfortunately遗憾地,不幸地, our picture of the people


and the way of life of other countries is often a distorted扭曲,歪曲(真理,事实等),误报,弄歪(嘴脸等)one.Here is a great argument争论,辩论,论点,意见in favor of 赞成,以…取代foreign travel and learning foreign languages.It is only by traveling in, or living in, a country and getting to know its inhabitants居民,居住者and their language that one can find out what a country and its people are really like.And the knowledge one gains收益this way frequently turns out结果是to be very different from the secondhand information gathered from other sources!How often we find that the foreigners whom we thought to be different people from ourselves are not very different after all.Differences between people do exist and, one hopes, will always continue to do so.The world will be a dull 无趣的,呆滞的,阴暗的place indeed when all the different nationalities国家,部落,民族behave表现exactly准确地alike同样的, and some people might say that we are rapidly迅速地approaching接近,动手处理;n.方法,途径this state of affairs事态、情势.With the much greater rapidity迅速and ease of解除travel, there might seem to be some truth in this at least as far as Europe is concerned担心的.However this may be, the greater ease of travel today has revealed显示,揭示,暴露to more people than before that the Englishman or Frenchman or German is not some different kind of animal from themselves.是,我们对别国人民和生活方式的看法常常是扭曲的。这里有个大的观点支持人们到别国参观和学习别国语言。只有去过或者是在那里生活过,了解了那里的居民和语言后才能真正认识到该国及该国人民是什么样子的。通过这种途径得到的认识往往和从别的途径得来的二手资料非常不同。有好多次我们发现我们以为和我们非常不同的外国人和我们差别并不那么大。人与人之间的确存在不同,并且我们也希望继续存在下去。如果所有国家的具名变得完全一样的话那这个世界该是多么的发而无味啊。有人可能会说我们很快就将变成那种情况。随着旅游的进一步快捷和舒适,也许这一观点有些道理,至少欧洲就是如此。不管怎样,旅游的极大便捷使更多的人感觉到英国人、法国人、德国人和他们自己并非很不同。


Looking for a vacation spot地点,场所that combines结合,联合the excitment of a bustling熙熙攘攘的citywith the ease安逸,悠闲of an island paradise天堂?Then consider Auckland,New Zealand.About 11 hours from Southeast Asia,this city is sandwiched夹在中间between two harbors 海湾on New Zealand's North Island.

Auckland is becoming more famous all over the world for its high quality of life.And if you don't have a lot of vacation time,don't worry.Y ou can experience much of this city in just two days.

Start your first day in downtown Auckland.Go to Queen Street and try climbing the Sky Tower.At 328 meters,it's the tallest structure建筑,结构in the Southern Hemisphere半球.Inside the tower,you'll find a hotel,casino娱乐场,theater and many restaurants.

The tower's newest attractionis a guided climb up a unique ladder system through the middle of the tower.Trained guides take you up to the top for a stunning出色的;令人惊奇的view of Auckland.Once on the ground again,make your way to V ictoria Park Market.It's just a few minutes'walk from the tower.

Victoria Park Market was originally最初,原先built in 1950 as an industrial site地点.But the area was transformed转换;改造in 1981 into an open-air shopping mall.All the clothes and crafts工艺,手艺you'll find here are made locally.So take your time wandering漫步,徘徊through this






special market.

Next,head over to the V iaduct Harbor.Here,you'll find the team bases for the America's Cup.More than four million people came to see this

world-famous yacht游艇race last https://www.wendangku.net/doc/62635101.html,e join the millions of visitors flocking涌向,聚集to see the 2003 races next month.

On your second day,wake up early and board a ferry渡船to Waiheke Island.Only 30 minutes away from Auckland,nearly every Aucklander goes there to relax and have fun.Take advantage of the early morning sun and go swimming in the sea.Or you can a boat and go sailing.Did you know that Aucklanders own the most boats per capita人均in the world?No wonder it's called the City of Sails.

Y ou can easily spend the whole day on Waiheke.If you tire of the beach,visit the island's vineyards.

For your next destination,catch a ferry boat to the mainland大陆.Get on the 2 p.m.ferry that stops at the seaside village of Devonport.Make a beeline for any cafe and order some fish and chips.

Finish your whirlwind tour of Auckland by heading back to the Sky Tower.Don't worry.Y ou don't have to climb it again.This time,ride the

elevator to the top.

Have dinner in any fo the seven restaurants at the Tower,and take in Auckland's skyline by night.As you admire敬佩the splendid view,enjoy some famous New Zealand lamb or some seafood.Then pat yourself on the backfor having managed to see this exciting city in just two days. 本地,因此你可以花些时间在这个特别的市场里逛一逛。






Unit 12 Health and Fitness

Monologue :The following monologue is about the disease called asthma. 以下独白介绍了哮喘

Asthma哮喘is a serious lung disease that causes breathing problems.It can affect影响,感动,侵袭people of all age groups but often begins in childhood.It can be controlled but not cured.Sufferers must deal with the disease every day.Doctors do not know the cause of asthma.Y et they have identified确认,识别,认同most of its triggers引发,引起,触发.For example, the common cold can cause an asthma attack in a person.There are also several air pollutants污染物质that can lead to an asthma attack.Pollen is one such pollutant, which is fine dust that comes from plants that produce seeds.However, almost any kind of dust can cause an asthma attack if enough of it is in the air.This includes common dust found in houses.Air pollution from burning fuel can also cause an asthma



attack.Tobacco烟草,抽烟smoke can do the same.Some kinds of animal hair are a trigger for asthma.And, even some insects in the home can lead to asthma attacks.Asthma kills about 180 000 people a year.The W.H.O. says the disease also has huge economic costs.The costs linked to asthma are believed to be higher than those of tuberculosis肺结核and AIDS combined.Medical experts have suspected怀疑,猜想for some time that there was a genetic遗传的,起源的link to asthma.A child has a greater chance of developing asthma if his or her parent is asthmati c哮喘的,患哮喘症.British and American scientists say they may have found a gene[遗传]基因involved in the disease.生的大气污染物、香烟、一些动物的毛发,甚至是家里的某些昆虫也会引起发哮喘。哮喘每年致使18万人丧失生命。世界卫生组织宣称该病也造成了巨大的经济损失,据说比肺炎和艾滋病加起来的损失还大。医学专家曾一度怀疑哮喘病有一部分是受遗传基因影响。如果一个儿童的父母中有得过哮喘的,那么这个孩子得哮喘的机会会大大增加。英美科学家称他们有可能找到与哮喘相联系的基因。

Passage:Lower Salt,Better盐量更少,健康更好

Health Doctors have long known that cutting back on减少saltor sodium钠can help lower blood pressure in folks人们;民族with hypertension高血压,a silent condition that increases the risk风险of heart attack and stroke中风.What hasn't been so clear is whether reducing the amount of sodium in the dietwill benefit有益于those whose blood pressure压力is normal.Now comes word that restricting 限制salt can indeed lower normal blood pressure level.Though the effect isn't as great,it's still important,according to a study published in The New England Journal of medicine.

The decrease减少,下降in blood pressure occurred regardless of不管,不论race or gender性别and whether or not study participants参加者ate a "typical典型的American diet",which is high in saturated饱和的fatsand contains few fruits and vegetables or the so-called

DASH(for Dietary Approaches 方法,途径to Stop

Hyertension)diet,which emphasis重点lots of fresh produce,low-fat diary奶制品,fish and fewer sweets and which was proved in 1997 to reduce hypertension.The biggest decrease in blood pressure in this studywas recorded in subjects主题who ate the DASH dietand reduced their sodium intake摄入to 1200mg a day.

Why is this significant重大的,意义显著的?Public-health experts estimate估计that Americans consume,on average,about 3500mg of sodium equal to about 9 grams of salt- daily.It's not that we're tht heavy-handed with the saltshaker盐瓶.Most of our dietary饮食的sodium is added during food processing.To get down to 1200mg,you'd have to forgo放弃,绝念most prepared foods,take-out deliveries and restarurant meals.

So pay attention to how much salt you're eating,but don't forget to make fruits,vegetables and whole grains a larger part of your diet.They'll help lower your cholesterol胆固醇level as well as your blood pressure.Be sure to一定要做到drink alcohol酒精moderately适度






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