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学校生活的常用词汇据360教育集团介绍:学校种类常用词汇: kindergarten 幼儿园 nursery school 托儿所 elementary school 小学(美) private school 私立学校 key school 重点中学 junior high school 初中 attached middle school 附中 technical school 技校 dancing school 舞蹈学校 palestra 体育学校 college 学院,大专 conservatory of music 音乐学院 university 大学 open university 夜大、函大 school of Arts and Sciences 文理学院 Alma Mater 母校 学生种类常用词汇: student/student body 学生 student 大学生 schoolgirl 女生 sophomore 大学二年级学生/高中一年级学生

senior 大学四年级学生/高中三年级学生auditor 旁听生(美) commoner 自费生 boarder 住宿生/寄宿生 prize fellow 奖学金生 classmate 同班同学 alumnus 校友(男) graduate 毕业生 abroad student 留学生 returned student 回国留学生 教育程度常用词汇: educational background 教育程度secondary education 中等教育 adult education 成人教育undergraduate 本科 Expert 专家 post doctorate 博士后 doctorate 博士学位 bachelor 学士 学生学习用品常用词汇: 点击查看详细内容 学习科目常用词汇: course/curriculum 课程


重点高中自主招生物理试题(五) 及参考答案 一、选择题(共15小题,45分,每小题所给的选项中有一个或一个以上的选项是正确的。 全部选对得3分,选对但不全得1分,错选或不选得0分。) 1、在某次举重锦标赛中,一名运动员在抓举比赛时,将质量为127.5 kg的杠铃举起历时约0.5 s,再停留3 s后放下杠铃.那么,该运动员在举起杠铃过程中的平均功率约为() A.几百瓦B.几千瓦C.几十千瓦D.几百千瓦 2、在一个明月如皓的夜晚,李刚走在回家的路上,高悬的月亮让李刚在右侧留下长长的身影。刚下过的雨在坑洼的路面留下了一个个积水坑,李刚为了不踏入水坑,下面说法正确的是() A.应踩在较亮的地方,因为水面发生了漫反射,看起来较暗 B.应踩在较亮的地方,因为路面发生了漫反射,看起来较亮 C.应踩在较暗的地方,因为路面发生了漫反射,看起来较暗 D.应踩在较暗的地方,因为水面发生了镜面反射,看起来较亮 3、2008年9月“神舟”七号顺利升空,广袤的太空第一次留下了中国人的脚印.图中所示为翟志刚身着国产航天服、身系安全绳,缓缓步出轨道舱时的照片.地球就像一轮巨大的月亮,悬挂在其头顶,此时飞船绕地运行的速度高达七至八千米每秒.根据我们所学的知识可知,下述说法正确的是() A.在此高空,翟志刚不受重力作用 B.白色的航天服能反射太阳光中的各种色光 C.由于地球对阳光的反射,飞船上的摄像机 才能拍摄到地球 D.尽管飞船速度很快,但在舱外翟志刚依靠 惯性也能随飞船飞行 4、在2008年北京奥运会中,牙买加选手博尔特成为了一名公认的世界飞人,在男子100 m 决赛和男子200 m决赛中他分别以9.69 s和19.30 s的成绩打破两项世界纪录,获得两枚金牌.关于他在这两次决赛中的运动情况,下列说法正确的是() A.200 m决赛中的路程是100 m决赛的两倍 B.200 m决赛中的平均速度约为10.36 m/s C.100 m决赛中的平均速度约为10.32 m/s D.100 m决赛中的最大速度约为20.64 m/s 5、如图所示的是握力计的原理图,其中弹簧上端和滑动变阻器滑 片固定在一起,AB间有可收缩的导线,R0是保护电阻,电压表可显 示压力的大小.则当握力F增加时,电压表的示数将() A.变大 B.变小 C.不变 D.无法确定 6、物理学常常把实际的研究对象或实际的过程抽象成“物理模型”。 下列选项中叙述正确的是()


F 2010年重点中学自主招生数学模拟试题一 姓名 一、选择题(共5小题,每题6分,共30分.以下每小题均给出了代号为A,B,C,D 的四个选项,其中有且只有一个选项是正确的.请将正确选项的代号填入题后的括号内.不填、多填或错填均不得分) 1、如果关于x 的方程2 2 30x ax a -+-=至少有一个正根,则实数a 的取值范围是( ) A 、22<<-a B 、23≤


2019-2020年高考英语高频词汇必背及训练8 adj.乐观的 We are still optimistic, whatever the result may be. 我们仍然乐观,不论结果如何。 The stockholders are optimistic about the pany's future.股东对公司的前景很乐观。 反义词:pessimistic adj.悲观的 Her pessimistic attitude turns him off. 她那悲观的态度令他很不高兴。 ________,she is the sort of woman to spread sunshine to people through her smile. A.Shy and cautious B.Sensitive and thoughtful C.Honest and confident D.Lighthearted and optimistic n. (1)气候 She is not used to living in a cold climate. 她不习惯寒带生活。 (2)(某一社会、时代的)风气,趋势;气氛,环境气氛 social climate 社会风气 political climate政治气候 the current climate of opinion目前的舆论环境 After the revolution,the climate of the country remained tense. 革命以后,那个国家的气氛依然紧张。 climate/weather辨析 climate:气候,指一个地区气候的总情况,如气温、降雨量等,还可指(社会)风气。weather:天气,指特定的一天或某个时节的天气的具体情况,如冷暖阴晴等。 What will the weather be like tomorrow 明天天气怎样 I would rather live in France because of the climate. 由于气候原因,我宁愿住在法国。 单项填空 (1)For the sake of her daughter's health,she decided to move to a warm________. A.weather B.temperature C.season D.climate (2)Although farmers there mainly grow wheat,the________is also warm enough to grow rice. A.criminal B.climate C.air D.sky (1)n.洪水,水灾(可数) The town was destroyed by the floods after the storm. 暴风雨过后,小镇被洪水淹没了。 (2)n.大批,大量流入 There was a flood of plaints about the poor service at the restaurant. 许多人投诉这家餐馆服务质量差劲。


高一英语学校生活话题写作常用词汇和短语 英语写作是高考必考内容,英语写作要经常练习才能在考试时下笔如神。今天,小编为大家整理了高一英语学校生活话题写作常用词汇和短语,供大家学习! 学校生活 一、常用词汇、短语练习。 Be crazy about着迷的,疯狂的 Masses of 大量的 Endless 无穷尽的 A variety of = Various各种各样的 Out-of class课外的 After-class课后的 Outdoor 户外的 Participate (in…)参加 Take part in / join in参加 Come / rank first获得第一名 Make progress取得进步 Mid-term exam期中考试 End-of-term exam / final exam期末考试 Fail in the test考试不及格 Extra额外的 Be expert / skilled in擅长 Be weak / poor in在某方面薄弱

Be tired of 厌烦 A knowledge of….方面的知识Broarden one’s horizons拓宽视野Major in主修 Weekly meeting每周例会 In high / low spirits情绪高昂/低落 In good / bad mood心情好/坏 In no mood for / to do sth.没心情做…. Gain获得 Acquire获取 Employ利用 Determined有决心的 Determination决心 Preserve坚持,不屈不挠Perseverance坚忍不拔Entertainment娱乐消遣 Outing远足 Campsite野营地 Accompany陪伴 Keep sb. Accompany陪伴某人Entrance exam入学考试 Lay a good foundation for为…打下基础A piece of cake小菜一碟,很容易 Get fully developed得到全面的发展


广东省2011届高三英语专题训练(词汇练习) 易错词汇练习 1.If you practise it _________ (repeat) , you will have a good command of it . 2.They are trying to find evidence of the _________ (exist) of this kind of rare animal. 3. This is the __________ (twenty) anniversary of the great event. 4. You can see lots of ________ (bacterium) in the food through a telescope. 5.__________ (theory), you can take three of them with you at a time. 6.He lied to the policemen to escape ________ (punish). 7.__________ (hope), all the nations came to help the victims in the earthquake. 8.Shooting, __________ (origin) as a means of survival, developed into a sport only in the late 19th century. 9.He put on so much ________ ( weigh) that he found it difficult to climb the stairs. 10. Some art _______ (history) doubt whether the London paintings hold this much documentary evidence. 11.There was a ______ (die) silence before the doors opened and the men started to step out. 12. The taxi driver was badly hurt and still _________ after the accident, but his daughter was ___________ and was smiling to us __________. (conscious) 13. They supplied a lot of advanced _________ to the school with the hope that the students can be _________ with knowledge and in the future they can make contributions to nation. (equip) 14. The victim __________the criminal carefully to the police. They soon caught him according to the victim’s __________. (describe). 15.As a shipbuilder, Cooker was trying to find a _________ to the problem of the wave resistance. After many trials, he finally _________ the problem. (solve) 16. She pursued her ____in another country, ______, he found that it turned for worse. (fortunate) 17. Only when you overcome your own fears will you ________ (success). 18. It not only broadens our minds, but also _____ (rich) our life during summer vacation. 19. According to a new study, it may be much more _______ (benefit) to human body than we have imagined. 20. What’s the _______ (long) and ________ (wide) of our classroom? 21. He is late. He is _________ (probable) stuck in a traffic jam. 22. Agricultural work is traditionally seen as a male __________ (occupy). 23. Only two of the applicants had the necessary _______________ (qualify) 24. ______________ (employ) among graduates is increasing because they lack work experience. 25. Her ___________ was purely ______________ scientific (curious). 26. After 25 years the town centre had changed beyond all __________(recognize). 27. Children should learn how to protect themselves to avoid __________(occur) of accidents. 28. His teachers told him to stick to his study, or he'd ________(doubt) fail his exam. 29. His_________(annoy) kid made him_________(annoy) a lot. 30. When someone catches a cold, signs of cough and ___________(breath) are common. 31. Your________(belief) are very powerful and have the power to create or to destroy your life. 32. Though John is a person with ________(able), his strong will still ___________(able) him to overcome many difficulties. 33. Many people benefited from his countless __________(generous) 34. _______( beg) can’t be c hoosers. 35. She has played a ___________(decide) role in the peace negotiation. 36. His hesitation indicates __________(will). 37. Women increasingly went out to work, usually out of economic ________(necessary). 38. They delight small children because they have strong rhythm and rhyme and have a lot of __________(repeat). 39. In the winter the total absence of sunlight can be __________(tire),and for some, depressing. 40.Anna will be remembered for his effective management and personal diplomacy, and his____________(warm) and charm. 41. If there were no bad people, there would be no good__________(law). 42. It is a very effective way to learn the language and improve your __________ (pronounce) and intonation. 43.Many people are ___(picnic) on the river bank.


高三英语话题写作必备词汇 一、人品人物 【必备词句】 年龄 (1)a five-year-old boy一个五岁的男孩 (2)a boy aged five 一个五岁的男孩 (3)in my teens /twenties在我十/二十多岁时 (4)at the age of five在五岁时 (5)As a child, I liked to... 我小时候喜欢…… 出生 (1)was born in ... 出生在…… (2)be/come from a wealthy family出生于富裕人家 (3)was born into a peasant family出生于一个农民家庭 外表 (1)a 1.80-meter-tall boy 一个高1.8米的男孩 (2)overweight胖的;thin瘦的;slim苗条的;strong强壮的 (3)look young for one’s age 显得比实际年龄年轻 (4)good-looking 长得好看; plain-looking 长得一般 (5)well dressed 穿得漂亮; neatly dressed 衣着干净整洁 能力 (1)efficient办事高效率的 (2)intelligent有智力的;creative 富创造力的 (3)a boy with great ability 能干的男孩 (4)a qualified teacher 一名合格的教师 (5)speak fluent English 讲流利的英语 (6)have a gift for = have a talent for 有……的天赋 (7)be skilled in 在……方面熟练 (8)be experienced in 在……方面有经验 健康 (1)be in good health/shape/condition 身体健康 (2)energetic精力充沛的;well-built身材健美的


2016年高中部自主招生考试试题 数学(试题卷) 一.选择题(共6小题,每小题6分,共36分) 1.一列数a 1,a 2,a 3,…,其中a 1=,a n = (n 为不小于2的整数),则a 100=( ) 2.已知 ,则的值为( ) 或1 3.已知AD ∥BC ,AB ⊥AD ,点E ,点F 分别在射线AD ,射线BC 上.若点E 与点B 关于AC 对称,点E 与点F 关于BD 对称,AC 与BD 相交于点G ,则( ) ADB= AGB= 4.如图,若将左图正方形剪成四块,恰能拼成右图的矩形,设a=1,则b=( ) 5.如图所示,在直角坐标系中,A 点坐标为(﹣3,﹣2),⊙A 的半径为1,P 为x 轴上一动点,PQ 切⊙A 于点Q ,则当PQ 最小时,P 点的坐标为( ) 6.已知抛物线y=﹣x +1的顶点为P ,点A 是第一象限内该二次函数图象上一点,过点A 作x 轴的平行线交二次函数图象于点B ,分别过点B 、A 作x 轴的垂线,垂足分别为C 、D ,连结PA 、PD ,PD 交AB 于点E ,△PAD 与. .

二.填空题(共4小题,每小题6分,共24分) 7.如果函数y=b的图象与函数y=x2﹣3|x﹣1|﹣4x﹣3的图象恰有三个交点,则b的可能值是.8.如图,已知直线交x轴、y轴于点A、B,⊙P的圆心从原点出发以每秒1个单位的速度向x轴正方 向移动,移动时间为t(s),半径为,则t=s时⊙P与直线AB相切. 9.一般地,我们把研究对象统称为元素,把一些元素组成的总体称为集合.一个给定集合中的元素是互不相同的,也就是说,集合中的元素是不重复出现的.如一组数1,1,2,3,4就可以构成一个集合,记为A={1,2,3,4}.类比实数有加法运算,集合也可以“相加”.定义:集合A与集合B中的所有元素组成的集合称为集合A与集合B的和,记为A+B.若A={﹣2,0,1,5,7},B={﹣3,0,1,3,5},则A+B=. 10.对于X,Y定义一种新运算“*”:X*Y=aX+bY,其中a,b为常数,等式右边是通常的加法和乘法的运算.若成立,那么2*3=. 三.解答题(共5题,每题12分,共60分) 11.如图,二次函数与x轴交于A、B两点,与y轴交于C点,点P从A点出发,以1个单位每秒 的速度向点B运动,点Q同时从C点出发,以相同的速度向y轴正方向运动,运动时间为t秒,点P到达B点时,点Q同时停止运动.设PQ交直线AC于点G. (1)求直线AC的解析式; (2)设△PQC的面积为S,求S关于t的函数解析式; (3)在y轴上找一点M,使△MAC和△MBC都是等腰三角形.直接写出所有满足条件的M点的坐标; (4)过点P作PE⊥AC,垂足为E,当P点运动时,线段EG的长度是否发生改变,请说明理由. 试题图 备用图

最新上海市重点高中自主招生英语试题学生版 -

上海市重点高中自招考试学员水平测试卷(英语) Part1 Grammar 1. He had hoped to go to the U.S. by plane, but last week he came to China for __________ visit in _____________European ship. A. the…/ B. a…a C. /…a D. a…an 2. There are two ways to operate the machines, but ____________ is easy to learn. A. all B. both C. either D. neither 3. Other students didn’t pass the exam ______________ Bob. A. beside B. besides C. except D. except for 4. There’s only ____________time left. Let’s hurry. A. little B. a little C. few D. a few 5. There is no more money with him, which makes ___________ for him to travel to many places. A. it impossible B. him possible C. it unable D. him stop 6. ---Is Jane twenty? ---Not yet. She will turn _________next month. A. twenties B. twentieth C. twenty D. the twentieth 7. The school is nothing like ______________ I thought. A. what B. that C. which D. as 8. We were driving along _____________a speed of about 25 mph in the snow. A. at B. on C. for D. in 9. Help yourselves to the fish. It tastes _______________. A. wonderful B. wonderfully C. well D. pleasantly 10. __________ carefully before you buy a new house. A. Thinking B. To think C. Thinks D. Think 11. The street won’t grow ____________ until midnight. A. quiet B. silently C. silence D. quietly 12. The two boys __________ us with the luggage yesterday. A. help B. do help C. helped D. did helped 13. ___________ we have today! A. What a lovely weather B. How lovely weather C. What lovely weather D. How a lovely weather 14. The pair of trousers ____________ too short. Will you show me _______________. A. are…another pair B. is…another pair C. are…others D.is…others 15. In Shanghai, the first ____________ of a school year usually begins in September. A. example B. rule C. term D. team 16. ---I forgot to bring my notebook. ---____________. You can borrow some paper from me. A. Help yourself B. I’m sorry C. No problem D. So careless 17. He works in ___________ university and is considered as _______________ honest man. A. an…a B. a…an C. a…a D. an…an 18. Though small, the grapes sell____________, because they taste ______________. A. well…nice B. good…will C. nicely…well D. nice…good


高考英语重点词汇填空专项练习 请根据句意和汉语提示填入一个恰当的英语单词(注意形式)。 1. Prices have risen steadily during the past _________(十年), namely from 2005 to now. 2. His interest in this subject gradually _________(减少) because he dislikes the new teacher. 3. Such _________(装饰品) is a typical feature of the new year festival. 4. It was not long before the ________(潮湿的) clothes dried up in the sun. 5. I must apologize for the ________(延误) in writing back to you. 6. I am much __________(高兴) to be present at the lecture and to give you a speech. 7. The thin mailman _________(递送) letters and parcels from door to door every morning. 8. Our headteacher _________(要求) we get to the classroom before half past six in the morning. 9. He had been suffering from toothache for a few days before he went to see a _________(牙医). 10. The hero should _________ (值得/应得) praise and a reward for his brave behavior. 11. It’s admitted that everyone _________(期望/想要) to live in a world free of wars and starvation. 12. If you don’t speak good English, you will be at a big _________(劣势) when seeking a job. 13. There was a ________(失望的) look on his face when he failed to pass the driving test again. 14. Our school _________(阻止/使气馁) us from staying up late to study. 15. Every day after I get up, I _______(给……穿衣服) my son and then wash his hands and face. 16. So _________(满是灰尘的) is the window that I can’t see anything clearly outside. 17. I _______(捐赠) my blood for free each year with the hope of helping those people in need. 18. He works hard, but he does not ______(赚/挣) much money to support his family. 19. I go all out for my ideal university, for I think nothing is more important than ________(教育). 20. What is certain is that every ________(结果) must have a cause. 21. I work hard to improve my English, believing that my ________(努力) will pay off soon. 22. There are four _________(紧急情况) exits in the department store in all. 23. To save money, many shops prefer to ________(雇佣) students during summer vacation. 24. Without your _________(鼓励), I would have given up learning and dropped out of school. 25. When asked why she remained single all the time, she felt a bit _________(尴尬). 26. Some people are tired of living on the earth and want to ________ (体验) the life on Mars. 27. With the College E Examination coming, we are under great pressure. 28. Mr. Smith is an ________(专家) on foreign language teaching. 29. Only by practicing a lot can you speak (流利的) English. 30. She had the f the other day and she went to see a doctor. 31. He is so poor that he can’t afford to buy the ________ (昂贵的) furniture. 32. The whole building was in ________(火焰) and it took two hours to put out the great fire. 33. As the saying goes, f is the mother of success. 34. We should try our best to create a better living ________ (环境). 35. Mr. Wang often encourages me to join in more activities to ________ (丰富) my

话题阅读Topic 5 School Life (学校生活)

Topic 5 School Life (学校生活) 基础篇 school /5 At first, there were no schools for children in the colonies. Boys and girls had to learn from their parents at home. However, not all parents could read or write. The first schools in New England were called "dame schools," because housewives were teachers. Children gathered in their homes to learn reading, writing and spelling. Public schools were started in New England in 1647. A new law was passed that every town of fifty or more families had to establish a grade school. A town with one hundred or more families had to have a high school, too. Grade schools in New England were little log buildings. All of the children learned together in one room. Some students sat on wooden benches and studied quietly. At the same time, other students stood near the wall reciting their lessons. For textbooks, they used only the Bible and the New England Primer, which contained spelling words, short poems, and questions about the Bible. Schoolhouses had no light except the light from the fireplace. All students had to bring wood for the fireplace, and if they did not, they had to sit farthest from it. The schoolmaster was very strict and whipped students if they made mistakes or did not behave well. They attended classes from seven or eight in the morning to four or five in the afternoon, Monday through Saturday. Every church had its own school in New Netherland. These schools were supported mainly by the government, but wealthy parents paid a small fee. Most boys and girls attended these schools. However, when English people took over the colony, they stopped the government support. Southern colonies established few schools. People lived far apart, and they did not think learning was important. Wealthy parents who wanted to educate their children hired tutors from England, but no one educated poor children. During colonial times, only men went to college. Sons of wealthy Southern colonists studied at universities in England. There were also nine colleges in the colonies, most of which were started by churches to train ministers. Some of these later became famous universities. 1. Why did the “dame school” get its name? A. For its teachers. B. For its founders.

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