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China experienced a period of enduring impoverishment and

long-standing debility in its modern history and was for a time at the mercy of other countries. Lagging behind leaves one vulnerable to attacks, which is the never-forgotten lesson the Chinese people have learnt from their tragic experience of repeated foreign invasions. A country has to strengthen itself before it can be sure of its place in the world. For over a hundred years, the Chinese people have made unremitting efforts toward the goal of rejuvenating the nation.


Since the founding of the People’ s Republic of China, the Chinese people, through self- reliance, have carried out the national program of reform and opening up and, by keeping pace with the times, have made great achievements in building socialism that have caught the attention of the world. At present, the Chinese people stay focused on the primary task of development, working together with full confidence to build a

moderately prosperous society in all respects and striving to achieve modernization.


We must recognize that the world today is diverse, manifold, colorful and rich in terms of culture. This should be an asset rather than a debt of humanity. It permeates all aspects of human rights, whether civil, political, economic, social or cultural. The world would be a much better place to live in if we respected cultural diversity, practiced tolerance and lived together in peace with one another as good neighbors. It is essential to transcend the differences in social system and ideology in handling state-to-state relations, and work to seek convergence of common interests, rather than model the world after one political system or development mode. We hope that the United Nations will truly become a center for harmonizing actions of nations. We call for stronger efforts by the United Nations to harmonize cultures through dialogues and consultation, as well as to resist any attempt to build a mono-cultural world by means of political pressure and coercion.





China pays great attention to U.S. concerns about trade imbalances, IPR protection and others, and has taken, and will continue to take, effective steps to address them gradually. China is not after prolonged surplus in trade with the United States, and will continue to honor its WTO commitments by opening its market still wider to U.S. products. The Chinese Government attaches great importance to IPR protection and will step up its measures in this regard. We have lowered the threshold for criminal penalties against IPR infringement, intensified law enforcement and launched IPR protection campaigns. These measures will continue to be implemented.


It takes the efforts of both China and the United States to address their economic and trade frictions. We hope that the United States will recogni ze China’s full market economy status, lift restrictions on commodity and technology exports to China and correct the wrong practices of trade protectionism. Increasing exports to China, instead of restricting imports from China, is the right course of action to solve trade imbalances.



Each season here has its beauty: bright flowers in full bloom covering the green slopes in spring, spectacular summer thunderstorms which are rarely seen elsewhere, blue rivers running across the mountains overlaid with red maple leaves in fall, and snow-capped mountains and frosted pine trees in winter that stage a quiet solemn spectacle of particular interest. On a clear day one can see the peaks rising one after another.



When the sky is overcast, the horizon disappears into a sea of clouds. Mount Tai is most famous for its spectacular sunrise and sunset. Its landscape and numerous historical sites have inspired many great classics of ancient writers, scholars and calligraphers. Mount Tai has long been the preferred gathering place of artists and poets.



The G20 mechanism has included in its members the primary players of both developed and developing countries as well as those in transition. Measured by population size, they account for two thirds of the world total; by GDP, over 90 percent, and by foreign trade, 80 percent. All this has made it a widely representative and influential international economic forum.



In light of the current international context, G20 members must engage in flexible and pragmatic dialogues on the basis of equality and mutual benefits, seeking common ground while shelving differences. Meanwhile, they must also increases exchanges and cooperation with other regional and international economic institutions to build trust, expand consensus and coordinate actions. All this will give them bigger and more active roles that can have a real impact on ameliorating the international trading systems and rules, improving the international economic and financial structures, enhancing North-South dialogue and cooperation and facilitating global efforts in poverty reduction and development.


2012年9月高级口译考试翻译(汉译英) (总分:10.00,做题时间:90分钟) 1. 我们要创造更加良好的政治环境和更加自由的学术氛围,让人民追求真理、崇尚理性、尊重科学,探索自然的奥秘、社会的法则和人生的真谛。做学问、搞科研,尤其需要倡导“独立之精神,自由之思想”。正因为有了充分的学术自由,像牛顿这样在人类历史上具有伟大影响的科学家,才能够思潮奔腾、才华迸发,敢于思考前人从未思考过的问题,敢于踏进前人从未涉足的领域。不久前,我同中国科学家交流时提出,要大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境,鼓励自由探索,提倡学术争鸣。我们历来主张尊重世界文明的多样性,倡导不同文明之间的对话、交流与合作。我国已故著名社会学家费孝通先生,上世纪30年代曾就读于伦敦政治经济学院并获得博士学位,一生饱经沧桑。他在晚年提出:“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,世界大同。” 费老先生的这一人生感悟,生动反映了当代中国人开放包容的胸怀。 (分数:10.00) __________________________________________________________________________________________ 正确答案:( We should create a better political environment and a freer academic atmosphere in which people can pursue truth, exercise reasoning and respect science, in which the mysteries of nature, the laws governing society and the true meaning of life can be fully explored. The spirit ofindependence and freedom in thinking is particularly important in academic studies and research. It was in an environment of academic freedom that great scientists like Isaac Newton, who had aprofound impact on human history, were able to bring out their best, probe issues not questioned by predecessors and blaze a new trail. In my recent conversation with some Chinese scientists, I called for creating an environment which encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure, an environment that encourages free exploration of new things and stimulates academic debate. We have always called for respecting the diversity of civilizations and advocated dialogue, exchanges and cooperation among them. The late Mr. Fei Xiaotong, a well-known Chinese sociologist, received his PhD at the London School of Economics and Political Science in the 1930s. Having gone through many vicissitudes in life, he concluded in his late years that "The world will be a harmonious place if people appreciate their own beauty and that of others, and work together to create beauty in the world." These thoughts best illustrate the open and inclusive mindset of China today. ) 解析:出自温总理在英国皇家学会上的演讲。6月27日,温总理到访英国皇家学会,发表了“中国改革开放以来的发展变化及未来中国的走向”为主题的演讲,其中涉及大量国家政治经济、社会建设、科技发展、人民生活等宏大议题。文中关键词有:独立精神,spirit of independence;学术自由,academic freedom;文明多样性,diversity of civilizations;学术争鸣,academic debate等。文中开篇第一句的难点在于断句并找出文中暗含的关系。同学们一般采用的就是全部并列,忽略前后之间暗含的关系,示范译文处理为“in which”的关系。“大力营造敢于创造、敢冒风险、敢于批判和宽容失败的环境”考察的是学生在汉译英时词性转换的能力,译文通过“encourages innovation, criticism and risk-taking and tolerates failure”意译出原文。专有名词,如牛顿、伦敦政治经济学院,也比较考验学生的常识积累。“各美其美,美人之美,美美与共,世界大同。”这就要求拥有一定的文化积淀,准确理解其内涵,并用通俗易懂的语言转化为英文。


第十节长句的翻译 I. 1、在非洲,我遇到了一个小孩,他哭得很伤心,我问他时,他说他饿了,两天 没吃饭了。 2、我那屋子很叫人开心,它坐落在这所房子最高的一层,俯临大海,那时月光 正澄澈晶明地照在海面上。 3、我躺在床上,睡不着,听着雨点儿落在路面上啪啪作响。我思绪万千,恍恍 惚惚进入了一条幽暗的甬道,回想起许多痛苦的往事。心里一阵冰凉,不禁感到毛骨悚然。 4、数学家尝试用电脑模仿人脑的工作方式,他们发现即使最新近的电子设备做 出的电脑也超过了10000千克。 5、我认为一个没有受过教育的人,他的心灵犹如采石场上的大理石,只有能工 巧匠雕琢研磨,才能显出斑斓的色彩,光洁的层面,使其通体披上云纹、彩点和石理的盛装,否则它那天生丽质便无从显现。 6、这一简单的事实表明了,所抵消的摩擦了越大,球便滚得越远,因此,可以 推断,如果所有的吸引力和阻力都消失的话,球一旦滚动,就没有理由停下来。 7、有些国家,我想称之为大国的卫星国,甚至可以说是大国的应声虫。他们来 自不同的地区,操不同的语言,有着不同的宗教信仰,很可能会施加影响,赞成把西藏从中华人民共和国分裂出去。这正是他们求之不得的。 8、我们的宪章,作为历史的产物,有它的局限性。因此,尽管我国政府一贯认 为,严格遵守宪章的原则是世界各国共同进步的关键,但我们仍然冒昧地建议做某些修改。这种修改是技术性的而不是政治性的,以改善该组织的效率。 我们的工作效率越高,我们所向往的崇高目标越可能实现。 9、轮船离开港口,带着我们一家人在返回美国的途中开始第一段行程的时候, 我怀着既宽慰又怅然的心情凝视着从视野中逐渐消失的日本海岸——我为从被人监视的令人窒息的气氛中解脱出来而感到宽慰;又为我要写的书将要使我在我的出生之地成为不受欢迎的人而惆怅。 10、我复审并重新推敲了我再阅读原始材料时所做的笔记,确信自第二次世界大战结束后所推行的日本当代史是一部精心勾画的伪史,这部伪史是战争后期部分地由参谋本部中心反谍报专家,部分地由身居高位的廷臣们杜撰的。 II. 1、汽车和火车在已经刹车的情况下仍然移动一段距离。那些观察到这一现象的 人很清楚:运动着的物体具有继续运动的倾向。 2、所谓气体就是保持均匀状态的一种物质。如果温度维持不变,压力持续减少, 体积就会无限制地膨胀。


英译汉历年真题全文翻译 1994年真题参考译文 新学派科学家们认为,在扩大科学知识范围的过程中,技术是一股被忽视了的力量(71)他们认为,科学之所以向前发展,与其说是因为天才伟人的真知灼见,还不如说是因为像改进了的技术和工具之类更为普遍的东西。(72)一位新学派的领袖人物坚持说,简言之,所谓的科学革命主要是指一系列工具的改进、发明和使用;这一系列工具的改进、发明和使用在无数个方面拓展了科学的领域。(73)多年来,工具和技术本身作为根本性革新的源泉在很大程度上被历史学家和思想家们所忽视了。肯定技术的现代派认为,诸如伽利略、牛顿、麦克斯韦、爱因斯坦这样的著名科学大师以及像爱迪生这样的发明家都十分重视各种不同的、可用于科学实验的工艺信息和技术装置并从中获益匪浅,提倡肯定技术、否定天才的论点之核心是对伽利略在科学革命的初期所起作用的分析。当时人们对天体的认识源于公元二世纪时的天文学家托勒密。他认为,在复杂的天体系统中所有的天体都围绕着地球运动。(74)伽利略最伟大的成就在于,在l 609年他是第一个用新发明的望远镜来观察天空的人,以证实行星是围绕太阳旋转而不是围绕地球旋转的。但故事中真正的英雄,新学派科学家们认为,是改进制作眼镜的机器的漫长过程。 联邦政府的政策不可避免地卷入了这场“技术”对“天才”之争。(75)政府是应该以牺牲技术作为代价来增加对纯理论科学的经费投入,还是相反,这常常取决于人们把哪一个看作驱动力量。

1995年真题参考译文 广泛用来帮助选拔、分类、委派或者提拔学生、雇员和军事人员的标准化教育或心理测试最近在图书、杂志、日报甚至国会中成了攻击的目标。(71)把标准化测试作为抨击的目标是错误的,因为在抨击这些测试的时候,批评家没有注意到错误在于那些不甚了解或者是不能胜任的使用者。测试本身只是工具,其特点是在具体条件下可以得到相当精确的测定。测试结果究竟是有价值、无意义或者有误导作用在部分程度上取决于工具本身,但在很大程度上取决于使用者。 所有对未来表现有根据的预测都取决于对相关的过去表现的一些了解:学习成绩、研究能力、销售纪录或者任何合适的信息。(72)这些测试将在多大程度上为后来的表现所证实,这取决于所采用信息的数量、可靠性和适应性,还取决于解释这些信息的技能和才智。任何认真记分的人都知道,能获得的信息往往不全面,而且预测很容易出现错误。应该根据这种情况看待标准化测试。对于一个人的学识,他所掌握的技能或者他是哪种类型的人,标准化测试提供了快捷,而客观的获取信息的办法、和其他种类的信息一样,按这种方法获得的信息从质量上来讲也有其自身的长处和短处。(73)因此,在某一特定情况下,究竟是采用测试,(采用)其他种类的信息,或是两者兼用,取决于与相对效度有关的来自经验的证据,还取决于诸如费用和可获取性之类的因素。(74)一般来说,当所要测定的特征能够最为精确地界定时,测试最为有效;而当所要测定或预测的东西不能明确地界定时,测试的效果则最差。如果使用得当,测试提供一种快速获取有关许多人的可比性信息的方法,有时还会鉴别出潜力大、过去却未被承认的学生,但测试无法做到的事情也很多。(75)例如,这些测试并不能弥补明显的社会不公平现


一、①直到最近,科学家才终于了解材料的结构要素与其特性之间的关系。 It was not until relatively recent times that scientists came to understand the relationships between the structural elements of materials and their properties. ②材料工程学主要解决材料的制造问题和材料的应用问题。 Materials engineering mainly sloves the problems of manufacture and applications of materials ③材料的加工过程不但决定了材料的结构,同时决定了材料的特征和性能。 The processing of the materials not only decides their structure but also their properties and performance. ④材料的力学性能与其所受外力或负荷而导致的变形有关。 Mechanical properties of materials relate deformation to an applied load or force. 二、①金属元素有许多游离电子,金属材料的许多性质可直接归功于这些电子。 Metallic materials have large number of nonlocalized electrons , and many properties of metals are directly attributable to these electrons. ②许多聚合物材料是有机物,并具有大的分子结构。 Many polymer materials are organic compounds and they have large molecular structure. ③半导体材料的电性特征介于导电材料(如金属、金属合金)与绝缘体(陶瓷材料和聚合体材料)之 间。 Semiconductors have electrical properties that are intermediate between the electrical conductors (viz. metals and metal alloys ) and insulators (viz. ceramics and polymers). ④生物材料不能产生毒性,并且必须与人体组织互相兼容。 Biomaterials must not produce toxic substances and must be compatible with body tissue. 三、①从我们呼吸的空气到各种各样性质迥异的金属,成千上万种物质均是由100多种原子组成的。These same 100 atoms form thousands of different substances ranging from the air we breathe to the metals which have different properties. ②事实证明金属原子是通过很强的键结合在一起的。 The facts proved that the atoms of metals are held together by strong bond. ③微观结构是指能够通过显微镜观察到的而不是用肉眼直接观察到的结构;宏观结构是指可以直接用 肉眼观察到的结构。 Microstructure, which includes features that cannot be seen with the naked eye but using a microscope. Macrostructure includes features that can be seen with the naked eye. ④原子核中质子和中字的量的总和就是原子量。 The atomic weight of an atom indicates how many protons and neutrons in the nucleus. 四、①化学性质是用来描述一种物质是怎样变成另外一种完全不同的物质的性质。 Properties that describe how a substance changes into a completely different substance are called chemical properties. ②相变是一种物理性质,并且物质存在四种相:固相、液相、气相和等离子体。 Phase is a physical property of matter and matter can exist in four phase: solid, liquid, gas and plasma. ③当温度低于熔点是,聚合物的晶体结构破坏,但其分子仍然连接在分子链上,从而形成一种柔软和柔顺性材料。 At some temperature below the melting point, they start to lose their crystalline structure but the molecules remain linked in chains, which results in a soft and pliable material. ④在工程应用中,渗透率通常用相对值而不是绝对值来表示。 In engineering applications, permeability is often expressed in relative, rather than in absolute, terms.


Passage 1 Australia is a land of exceptional beauty. It is the world's smallest continent and largest island, and a relatively young nation established in an ancient land. A series of geological and historical accidents has made Australia one of the world's most attractive counties from the tourist's viewpoint. This country has a land area of 7,686, 850 square kilometers and its coastline is 36,735 kilometers.// The vast movements of the earth's crust created a vast land of Australia, isolated it and positioned it across the tropical and temperate climatic zones. This land has a small population, which left enormous areas unspoiled. Here you witness an astonishing variety of environments, from desert to rain forest, tropical beach to white snowfield, from big, sophisticated cities to vast uninhabited areas.// 澳大利亚是一个异常美丽的国家。这是世界最小的洲,也是最大的岛,是在古老的土地上建立起来的较为年轻的国家。地质史上,这块土地的地貌形态发生了一系列变化,澳大利亚在旅游者眼中成了世界上最吸引人的国家之一。这个国家的陆地面积为7686850平方公里,海岸线长达36735公里。//地壳的剧烈运动使澳大利亚成了幅员辽阔,与大陆分离,地处温、热带地区的国家。由于澳大利亚可以观赏到各种地形风貌,从沙漠到热带雨林,从地处热带的海滩到白雪皑皑的田野,从扑朔迷离的大都市到人迹罕到的旷野,景观各异,令人叹为观止。// Passage 2 It is always a pleasure to be among the best and the brightest in an atmosphere of learning. The university setting is the best incubator that exists for the inception and sharing of ideas. The agenda you’ve set forth here for the next two-and-a-half days is one that goes to the heart of what is exciting and important to business and industry today. I’ve been asked to share my thoughts with you today about moving from “me” thinking to “we” thinking. My view is simple: individuals add; team players multiply.// Tsinghua undergrads are fortunate in that more and more your


第三部分:中译英 1. 中国的丝绸产品比世界上任何其他国家都要多。 China produces more silk products than any other countries in the world. 2. 不论她如何说,我也不相信这个消息。 Whatever she said, I won’t believe this piece of news. 3. 不管发生什么,他们都将完成这个试验。 No matter what happens, they will complete this experiment. 4. 大多数人相信因特网的益处多于问题。 Most people believe that the advantages of the Internet outweigh its disadvantages. 5. 很难记住你不感兴趣的信息。 It is very difficult to memorize the information that you are not interested in. 6. 他们受到的教育越多,就越能更好地工作。 The more education they receive, the better they can work. 7. 作为志愿者,她利用业余时间在社区教英语。 As a volunteer, she teaches English in the community in her spare time. 8. 研究表明,成功的语言学习者在许多方面都有共同之处。 Research indicates that successful language learners have a lot in common. 9. 我们还没有找到一个代替他的人。 We still haven’t found a substitute for him. We still haven’t found anyone to take his place. 10. 他建议她工作时间不要太长。 He advised her not to work long hours. 11. 因为他没有遵守安全规则,出了事故。 Accidents happened because he didn’t obey the safety/security rules. 12. 为提高生活水平,他不得不找一份兼职工作。 In order to improve his standard of living, he had to look for a part-time job. 13. 由于成本问题,它的实际应用受到了限制。 Due to cost problems, its actual/practical application has been limited. 14. 你不得不承认他的表现接近完美。 You have to admit that his performance is nearly perfect. 15. 在英语学习中,我们最重要的就是练习。 In English studies, the most important thing for us is practice. 16.市场经济在中国发展中发挥着重要的作用. Market economy has played a significant part/role in China's development. 17. 因为海伦拒绝了他吃饭的邀请,约翰很失望. John was very disappointed because Helen declined his invitation to dinner. 18. 因为他的帮助,我英语期末考试终于通过了. Thanks to his help, I finally passed the end-of-term English exam. 19. 学生们都盼着假期去旅游. The students are looking forward to traveling during the vacation. 20.不采用新技术,就不能大幅度增加产量. Without adopting new technology there will be no great increase in production.


汉译英: 试题一:必作题(汉译英)(20分) 从19世纪80年代之后的鸦片战争、甲午战争,到庚子之乱乃至20世纪30年代的日本侵华战争,中国惨遭东西方列强的屠戮和极其野蛮的经济掠夺;再加上封建腐败和连年内乱,中国主权沦丧、生灵涂炭、国力衰弱、民不聊生。深重的灾难、惨痛的事实使中华民族深知和平之珍贵、发展之重要。这样的历史实践形成了中国人民渴望和平、企求安定的心理,坚定了中国人民走和平发展道路的信念。 1949年新中国成立后,我们在发展道路上艰辛探索,既经历过成功的喜悦,也经受过失败的挫折。从1978年开始,中国开启了新的征程,从计划转向市场,从封闭转向开放,从自成一体转向融入经济全球化,走独立自主地建设中国特色社会主义的道路,取得了举世瞩目的辉煌成就。实践充分证明,坚持走和平发展的道路是正确的,既符合中国国情,又顺应时代潮流。中国将沿着这条和平发展的道路,坚定不移地走下去。 试题二:选作题(泽译英)(20分) 1968年我从北京来到陕西,惟一挂念的是在故乡身患绝症的老母亲。母亲的时日已经不多,身边再无亲人,离别成为我心中最沉重的痛。 惟一能传递母亲信息的就是那枚小小的邮票。母亲当时已经双目失明,信是让别人代写的,内容千篇一律的干枯,邮票却是母亲自己摸索着贴上去的,她贴了一叠信封,随用随取,为的是不给别人添麻烦。 每回接到母亲来信,我都要抚摸贴在信封右上角的邮票,那是母亲亲手贴上去的,它贴得规正却无画面感,很多时候是头朝下的,因为母亲根本看不见,她是凭感觉在贴。 邮票残留着母亲的手印,承载着母亲的挂念,那上面有母亲的气息。凝视中,我常常泪眼模糊…… 来自母亲的邮票一张一张地攒着,它们是母亲的替代。我对邮票的认识源自于此。


汉译英。 1.他1989年出生在美国。 2.这位护士细心地照顾那位病人。 3.他过去常常五点钟起床,但现在起来很晚。 4.那个穿红衣服的是我的妹妹。 5.我来大连是为了学英语。 6.当我五岁的时候,我喜欢数星星。 7.中国是一个发展中国家,所以我们应当努力学习。8.为了找到一个好工作,他选择了外语。 9.哪里能买到我的鞋呢?我的脚太大了。 10.我们应该向前看,不应该向后看。 11.我花了一个小时到达昌临。 12.把你所说的话付诸实践。 13.告诉我你的电话号码以便我打电话给你。 14.爱吃巧克力的那位同学考试及格了。 15.尽管下雨,他们还在操场上打篮球。 16.昨天我的包被偷了。 17.他们在这儿住了20年了。 18.你是第一次来英语角吗? 19.她比她的妹妹更小心。 20.他们是去年结婚的。 21.我知道他喜欢与年轻人一起工作。 22.当非典爆发时,我正在北京旅游。 23.你知道什么是幸福吗? 24.你最好尽快把作业做完。 25.他告诉我那个苹果已经被他吃了。 26.我害怕狗,所以我总是远离它。 27.皮特说话很快,我很难听懂。 28.天气越来越暖和,人们喜欢在街上散步。 29.那就是我需要的东西。 30.我是不是该安静地走开?

31.你花了多少时间完成你的作业? 32.我们应该保持宿舍干净。 33.他好像有很多车。 34.你正是我要找的人。 35.大声点说话以便大家都能听见。 36.既然天黑了,你介意呆在这儿吗? 37.尽管我们失败了,但至少我们也尽力了。38.房子太贵了,我买不起。 39.他将照我说的做。 40.金钱不能带来幸福和爱情。 41.当她穿上那件裙子,她看上去年轻了。42.我害怕晚上出门。 43.当妈妈进卧室的时候,爸爸假装在看报纸。44.他被人看作世界上最好的篮球运动员。45.我们不应该嘲笑她,因为我们也有缺点。46.我与他相处感到轻松惬意。 47.老师要求我们星期日去英语角。 48.越来越多的人开始学怎样上网。 49.这本书出版于1998年。 50.我相信我的梦想将会实现。 51.怎样解决这个问题是非常重要的。 52.这个电视节目充满了暴力。 53.我不认为中国足球队会赢。 54.我不理解他为什么离开家。 55.没人知道他在想什么。 56.我在国外买的电视坏了。 57.他即不懂英语又不懂汉语。 58.这部电影令人恶心。 59.她照看的那个孩子是个10岁的小男孩。60.如果你努力工作,你会成功的。


Passage 11 The psychology of the market is one that includes both the psychology of investing and the psychology of gambling. There are the compulsive attractions of gambling in the market. The undulating moods of the stock market, alternating between its bull phase of energy greediness and grandiosity, and the bear phase of timidity, anxiety, indecisiveness and self-doubt, reflect the manic behavior of the gambling addict. Speculation differs from most gambling activities in that the beliefs of the participants affect the results. In certain circumstances speculators are capable of creating self-fulfilling prophecies.// Success in speculation is ultimately dependent on finding someone else to buy your shares at a higher price than you paid for him or her. Every speculative bubble resembles a chain letter in that profits are provided by late entrants to the market. Everyone is attempting to anticipate the immediate intentions of his competitors. In such circumstances, paying attention to shifts in market psychology becomes essential.// 市场的心态表现出投机与赌博兼而有之的两重性。市场有难以抗拒的赌博诱惑。股市的情绪在牛市和熊市之间交替波动,牛市充满了高涨的贪婪情绪,熊市则弥漫着胆怯、焦虑、犹豫不决和自我怀疑的情绪。股市心态的这种波动折射出赌徒的躁狂行为。投机活动与大多数赌博活动的不同之处在于,投机参与者的信念会影响投机结果。在某些情况下,投机者能够创造出自我实现的预言。//投机的成功归根到底取决于别人能否以比你买入时更高的价格买下你手中的股票。每个投机泡沫就好比一封连锁信,利润是由后来入市者提供的。每一个人都在预测竞争对手下_步的意图。在这种情况下,对市场心理变化的关注是至关重要的。// Passage 12 The utility of the United Nations to the United States as an


汉译英 1.There will be a car show this weekend.(改为否定句) There_________ __________a car show this weekend. 2.I need 40000 yuan to pay for the summer camp.(对划线部分提问) __________ __________money do you need to pay for the summer camp? 3.I found it difficult to get to sleep in the night.(改写同义句) I found _______ ________ difficult to get to sleep in the night. 4.你能告诉我怎样处理这些问题吗? Can you tell me how I can________ _______these problems? 根据所给提示,完成句子。每空一词,含缩略词。 5.There is a supermarket near his house. (用next week改写) There ________ ________ a supermarket near his house next week. 6. My cousin went to America and bought the expensive handbag for $300.(同义句转换) My cousin went to America and ________ $300 ________ the expensive handbag. 7. They will go home in five days. (对划线部分提问) ________ ________ will they go home? 8.他努力学习,以便于考试合格。(完成译句) He studied hard _________ ___________ to pass the exam. 9.听音乐是有乐趣的事。 ____________________________________________________________________. 10.Tom希望他的梦想成真。 _____________________________________________________________________. 11.那个短发男子教我们语文 _____________________________________________________________________. 12.我经常放学后打篮球。 _____________________________________________________________________. 13.我和Millie都是阅读兴趣小组的新成员。 _______________________________________________________________________. 14.Kate是一个留着长直发的害羞女孩。 Kate is a ________ girl ________ long _______ hair. 15.多么诚实的男孩啊!他从不撒谎。 What _______ ________ boy! He never ________ lies. 16.英国学生暑假比美国学生少休息几周。 British students ________ ________ weeks _______ for the summer holiday than American students. 17.我弟弟总是乐于帮助其他人解决问题。 My brother is always _______________________________________ problems. 18.因为看演出,昨天放学比平时稍微迟了点。 Because we watched a show, school ended ______________________________ yesterday. 19.谁能再向他们提供三本书? Who _______________________________________________? 20.桑蒂留着长发。 Sandy ________ long ________. 21.我希望他的梦想成真。 I hope his dream will ___________ ____________. 22.他不擅长球,放学后他不打球。


[标签:标题] 篇一:2015汉译英句子翻译(包括参考译文) 2015年汉译英综合练习 1. 她就是这样风里来,雨里去,成年累月地工作着。 This is how she carries on her work, rain or shine, all the year round. 2. 西湖如明镜,千峰凝翠,洞壑幽深,风光奇丽。 The West Lake is like a mirror, embellished all around with emerald hills and deep caves of enchanting beauty. 3. 但我就是这个脾气,虽然几经努力,却未能改变过来。 But it’s the way I am, and try as I might, I haven’t been able to change it. 4. 一踏上中华人民共和国国土,我们就随时随地地受到关怀和照顾。 From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 5. 袭人道:“一百年还记得呢!比不得你,拿着我的话当耳边风,夜里说了,早起就忘了。”“I’ll remember it if I live to be a hundred!”said Aroma. “I am not like you, letting what I say go in at one ear and out at the other forgetting what’s said at night by the next morning.” 6. 要制造飞机,就必须仔细考虑空气阻力问题。 Air resistance must be given careful consideration when the aircraft is to be made. 7. 为什么总把这些麻烦事推给我呢? Why should all the unpleasant jobs be pushed onto me? 8. 只有在我过于劳累,在我长时间无间断地工作,在我感到内心空虚,需要补充精神营养 的时候,我才感到寂寞。 I am lonely when I am overtired, when I have worked too long without a break, when for the time being I feel empty and need filling up. 9. 中国成功地爆炸了第一颗原子弹,在全世界引起了巨大的反响。 The successful explosion of the first atomic bomb in China caused great repercussions all over the world. 10. 我们应该实行国民经济信息化和科研成果产业化。 We should build an information-based national economy and apply scientific research achievements to industrial production. 11. 你说的倒轻巧,你也给我捧个奖杯回来。 You talk as if it were very simple. Why not try yourself and see if you can bring back a trophy, too? 12. 中国应该用实践向世界表明,中国反对霸权主义、强权政治、永不称霸。 China should show the world through actions that she is opposed to hegemonism and power politics and will never seek hegemony. 13. 中国明朝的著名旅行家徐霞客一生周游考察了16个省,足迹几乎遍布全国。 Xu Xiake, a great traveler in China’s Ming Dynasty, visited 16 provinces in his lifetime, leaving his footprints in nearly every corner of the country. 14. 阿Q将衣服摔在地上,吐一口唾沫,说:“这毛虫”! Ah Q flung his jacket on the ground, spat, and swore, “Hairy worm!”


翻译第十讲长句的译法(汉译英) 1.使用分词 ?与此同时,香港,新加坡的地产大鳄已经开始在中国如火如荼地做起了时尚广场,而大陆地地产商还在忙着建房子。 ?靳羽西标志性的一抹红唇,一袭黑衣,与设计师普拉达则偏爱跳跃鲜艳的橘色和紫色,形成了鲜明的对比。 ?市长号召与会成员一起为城市的发展作出贡献,随后,副市长也号召来宾们一起为城市的发展献计献策。 2. 使用同一动词 ?那次晚会,夏洛特被一名男士迷的神魂颠倒,以至于丢失了一条珍贵的项链。 ?在实施行动之前,欧盟将查明现存的文化遗迹的数量,指出那些保护力度不够的措施,并说明那些管理条例应该被纳入国家法律。 ?我们怎能不感叹学院构思者的睿智,怎能不钦佩办学决策者的远见,怎能不感念艰辛创业者的奉献,又怎能不赞美后来者的贡献。 3. 使用同位语从句 ?布诺在欢迎致辞时说,中国有望取代日本,成为全球最大的奢侈品消费国。 ?王晶利用她在市场信息部学习到的知识,对中国的酒类市场做出分析,这样一来,他得以站在潮流的前沿.

?当《新闻周刊》杂志电话采访首批赶赴灾区的商场员工刘林时,他作了以上的开场白。 4. 使用定语从句 ?对女性而言,这一时代充满了机遇,社会开始追求多元化,女性领导日益获得认可。 ?我们游程的最后一站是五彩湾,听朋友说很棒,但需要在晚霞时出现时才能一揽胜景。 ?在经历48小时的连轴奋战后,赛事进入最高潮,来自全球顶尖大学的19名参赛者,他们的任务是为一家上海公司所面临的公关危机提供一个最佳解决方案。 篇章翻译: Lucrative bonuses and international travel were once the main attractions for prospective employees, but companies no longer mention glitz. Their new selling points are sandwiches with the boss, opportunities for advancement, flexible working hours and more holiday time.Another shift comes from companies’ attempts to reconcile their desire to cut costs now with their need for talent later. One solution, popular in many industries, is to offer deferred start dates to new hires, giving them six months or a year to travel or do public service. Because of the slowdown in recruiting, colleges and business schools are going on the offensive. Some have set up networks to help place students with firms run by alumni. Some schools have come to terms with the idea that finding full-time work for all graduates might be unrealistic and are creating new schemes to find temporary placements for graduating MBAs. The Johnson School of Business at Cornell, for example, has set up a programme that links MBAs with short-term projects over the summer. This way, students can at least get a foot in the door. 环保词汇:

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