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《高级英语》考试大纲 一、课程性质及课程设置的目的和要求 (一)教学目的: 高级英语是高等教育自学考试英语专业高级阶段(本科)的精读课,属必考课程。在语音、语调、词汇和语法的知识已经掌握,听、说、读、写、译的语言技能已经打好基础后,本课程的重点是:(1)提高阅读理解和词汇运用能力,即能掌握和使用所学的词汇,特别是同义词、近义词的区分和使用,正确理解文章的内容和主题思想,抓住文章的要点,分析文章的结构、语言技巧和修辞特点;(2)提高语言表达能力,即能用英语解释、用汉语翻译文章中的难句,使用英语归纳文章的主题思想,并能对文章的内容进行简单的分析、评论。 在这一阶段,学生应该能用辞典和其他工具书独立解决语言和文化、背景知识方面的难点,提高自学能力,增加自学能力,增加文化知识,尤其是所学语言国家(主要是英、美)的背景和文化知识,更好地使语言和文化结合在一起。 (二)教学要求: 本课程的教学要注重使用以学生为中心的讨论式教学方法。以目标语为授课和课堂交流语言。通过真实的交际型任务,创造好的语言产出环境,以便培养学生使用目标语言在高层次上表达、交流思想和分析问题的能力。同时要注重语言输入的质量和文化内涵,以便让学生得到真实和地道的语言信息。 本课程包括政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的文章。每课前附有导读课文后附有注释,包括作家介绍,历史背景,有关典故,语言难点并且每篇课文都配有大量的相关练习,包括课文理解、词汇练习、口头练习、中英互译和写作练习等。通过高级英语本课程的学习,学生应达到以下基本要求: (1)词汇:通过课堂学习和其他途径认知词汇达到10,000个,并能熟练地使用其中的4000个及其最常用的搭配,并具有按照构词法识别生词的能力。 (2)阅读:能顺利阅读语言难度较高、内容广泛、体裁多样的文章,掌握中心大意以及说明中心大意的事实和细节,领会作者的观点和态度,能就文章的内容进行预测、分析、推理、判断和综合概括,能分析篇章结构,阅读速度达到每分钟180个词。能顺利查阅和使用工具书,参考书及其他参考资料。 (3)听力:能听懂题材熟悉,内容广泛,语速正常的英语讲话,广播,演讲等,掌握其中心大意,抓住要点和有关的细节,领会讲话者的观点和态度,并能进行分析,推理和综合概括。 (4)口语:能就熟悉的话题进行交流,能就国内外重大问题与外宾进行流利而得体的交流,能系统,深入,连贯地发表自己的见解,语音基本正确,语调自然。 (5)写作:掌握基本的写作知识,能较好地掌握句子之间和段落之间的衔接手段,同时能熟练地使用各种衔接手段连贯地表达思想。能在阅读难度与课文相当的书面材料时作笔记,回答问题,写提纲和摘要。能在半小时内就一定的话题,提纲,表格或图示写出150—200字的短文。能写报告,评论,和日常应用文,内容完整,思路清楚。 (6)翻译:能运用翻译的理论和技巧,借助字典,将英美报刊上的文章和文学原著译成汉语或能将我国报刊,杂志上的文章译成英语,译文达意,语言通顺,译速为每小时英文为300单词,中文为250个汉字。 (7)文化:熟悉英语国家的地理,历史,文化传统和风俗习惯,具有较多的人文知识和科技知识。 二、课程内容 本课程教材共《高级英语》(上)和《高级英语》(下)两册。 教材精选课文32篇,每册16篇。读懂这32篇课文,并在此基础上完成课文后面练习题为考


Unit 6 I. Background to Text 1 Family is considered to be the “cell” of society. It is a group of people related to each other by blood or by marriage. There are extended families—a large group of relations living together or in close contact with each other. In such a family, usually several generations live under the same roof, including grandparents. On the other hand, there are “nuclear” families, consisting of parents and children. In some societies an extended family consists of a large group of people of different generations closely or distantly related, depending on each other for economic support and security. In others, even nuclear families can be very large with many children. In different countries, there are different policies for family size, and people take different attitude towards it. For instance, in some developed countries, people tend to marry late and have fewer children. Some governments have to give incentives to encourage births. However, in some developing countries, where people tend to have more children and population is growing so fast that it hinders the economic development and keeps the living standard low, governments are forced to formulate policies to limit family size. Of course, people still do not agree as to the matter of family size because there are a lot of factors involved such as economy, religion, cultural tradition, education and even politics. There are indeed advantages and disadvantages to have a number of brothers or sisters. This text is a narration of the experience by a young woman who was brought up with six other brothers or sisters. In her opinion, having a big family is a bad thing, for there is always competition among the brothers and sisters for things. They fight for better beds, for better places to watch TV, for own favourite TV programmes and for parents? care. They have no privacy, no peace and quiet because of too many friends (each has friends of their own) and pets and so on. For parents,


高级英语写作教案示范 Section One Choice of words措辞 The choice of words from one’s vocabulary can affect his writing style. Let’s look at two groups of words and compare them: Pretentious Wording(fml.) Common Wording(standard) in regards to concerning, about utilize use elucidate explain prior to before because of the fact because of the opinion believe ascertain find out commence begin When selecting words to use in an essay it is important to remember the four levels of diction: 1)Formal—Highly educated audience: ceremonial, scholarly or technical purpose. 2)Standard—Educated audience: college papers, mass publications, business communications, and many other writing purposes. 3)Informal—General audience: spoken rather than written situations, personal letters, conversational and entertaining purposes. 4)Slang—Specific audience: used to enhance the writing through dialogue essential to the character, such as in novels; or to build connections between members of a specific group or generation. Exercises: 1. In each sentence below, choose the more precise of the two words in brackets and fill in the blank with your choice: 1).A judge must be ______ in the cases he tries. (uninterested, disinterested) A few listeners were _____ and dozed off. disinterested, uninterested 2). Your niece impressed me as sweet and _____. (childish, childlike) Though she has grown up, her behavior is often _____. childlike, childish 3). The President spoken on the radio to the ____. (land, nation) nation 4).Why were you so ____ about your achievements? (humble, modest) modest 5).She has become very _____ since marrying him. (respectable, respectful) People are serious and _____ at religious services. respectable, respectful


高级英语写作教案示范 Part Two Basic Skill’s Training 基本技能训练 I.Teaching Materials See Part Two II.Teaching Aims 1.Teach the students how to use the most useful words appropriately. 2.Help the students make correct judgement about their own language mistakes and teach them to find out the correct ways to avoid the inappropriate, unidiomatic expressions. III.Teaching Time: 4 periods IV.Teaching Focuses 1.Unique ways of making correct judgement in choosing proper words to express oneself in writing. 2.General rules of correcting wordiness and omission in language. V.Teaching Procedures 1.Step One—Ask the students how many levels are there in language according to them? 2.Step Two—Give out some exercises concerning with the false usage of language and make corrections in class. 3.Step Three—Analysis and brief summary of each type of basic language training. 4.Step Four—Assignment VI.Detailed study of step one: a discussion on the formality of the words in different situations. VII.Detailed study of step two. Section One Choice of words措辞 The choice of words from one’s vocabulary can affect his writing style. Let’s look at two groups of words and compare them: Pretentious Wording(fml.) Common Wording(standard) in regards to concerning, about utilize use

高级综合英语教程1 (张维友)课后答案

Unit 1 I. Background to Text 1 The Natural Trust: A UK charity (i.e. a non-profit organization) founded in 1895 with the full name of Places of Historical Interest and Natural Beauty. The Trust owns historic buildings, gardens and land, which it opens to the public. Text I is taken from the Trust’s own magazine, issued to its members. The writers are 17-18-year-old students. Environment:The combination of external conditions that surround and influence a living organism, including light, temperature, availability of food and water, climatic conditions, geographical area, pollution by chemicals, radiation, noise, etc., the presence of other organisms possibly competing for the same resources, and the physical and chemical nature of the immediate surroundings, e.g. soil, sea water. The environment of human beings also includes social, cultural, economic and political factors, and the room, building, town, region, or country in which a person lives. II. Detailed study of the text 1. As young people we have a vested interest in…(L.1) vested interest: (often derog.) a share or right already held in something that is of advantage to the holder; used to show a good reason for someone to act in a particular way 2. …all the complexities of the issues involved…(L.3) 1) complexity: used both countably and uncountably to show (an example of) the state of being complex, e.g. the complexities of tax law; a diplomatic problem of great complexity 2) issue: an important subject to be discussed, argued about or determined …the issues are very complex, involving many different factors… 3. ...it is vital to conserve the countryside… conserve: preserve; keep from being wasted, damaged, or destroyed 4. Although we often take the beautiful rural scenery of North Devon for grant ed, we want to maintain the kind of diversity of landscapes…(L.6) 1) take sth. /sb. for granted: accept a fact or situation without questioning its rightness or thinking much about 2) maintain:continue to have, do etc. as before; keep something in good condition by making repairs or taking good care of it 3) diversity: variety; the condition of being different 5. …at the invitation of the National Trust. (L.9) …invited by the National Trust 6. The patchwork quilt of fields…(L.9) The fields of different s izes and colours looking like a patchwork quilt… 7. …probably at the expense of some of the least productive farmland. (L.14)


高级英语课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程代码:0305220308 课程类别:必修课 学时:总144学时;4学时/周 学分:8 适用专业:英语专业 开课院(系):国际关系学院、翻译学院 开课学期:2011~2012学年 二、课程性质和任务 本课程系英语专业高年级阶段的一门训练学生英语综合技能和综合素质的主干课程,是语言学、文学、高级听力、高级写作的重要支撑。 本课程通过指导学生阅读情感、中西文化、哲学、文学、社会、教育、经济、政治、语言、环境等不同话题文章和拓展阅读材料,系统地讲授和讨论各类文体和话题的英语佳作的谋篇策略、修辞手段、阅读技巧、写作技巧等方面的综合知识,要求学生在熟练掌握英语语音、语法和词汇的基础上,能较系统地掌握英文修辞知识、基本逻辑和谋篇布局方法,提高阅读赏析能力、概括能力、表达能力,同时扩宽学生的知识面,构建通识知识框架,增强对文化差异的敏感性,培养学生发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力、批判性思维能力、自主学习能力。 三、教学目标及教学要求 本课程通过指导学生阅读和欣赏文体不同、话题广泛的英文文章和拓展材料,以期从把握语言特点、谋篇策略、修辞手段、阅读技巧和写作技巧等方面深化学生的语言综合技能;同时,通过不同话题的探讨,扩宽学生的知识面,构建通识知识框架,培养的概括能力、发现问题、分析问题、解决问题的能力、批判性思维能力、自主学习能力和认知能力等人文综合能力,从而提高学生的综合素质。 四、教学内容及学时分配 以下各单元的Section A作为课堂教学的内容,Section B作为拓展课及讨论课的内容。 Unit 1 Emotion(12学时) 目的要求:要求学生通过学习富有生活趣味和人生哲理的散文,反思自己的人生及情感体验,提高对人生的感性认识。把握叙事和论辩的艺术和策略,提升自己的表达能力和写作能力。基本内容: Section A The Woman in the Kitchen


国家级精品课程《高级英语》课程建设方案 一、建设目标:用五年时间,把高级英语建设成为一门充分践行“学生本位”、“素质本位”思想,人文色彩浓郁,时代内涵丰富,教学方法创新,教学手段先进,教学环境信息化特色突出,课程评价体系完善,自我革新能力强的高年级“核心”课程。 二、建设步骤:本课程建设将在多项“分目标”同时并举的基础上,采取分层次、有优先、有重点、逐年推进的建设方略。具体规划如下: 1.人文及时代内涵建设 (1)本课程组刚刚编写、出版的《新编高级英语教程》取材广泛,选材新颖,时代性强,人文内涵丰富,这为本课程实现未来5年的“人文及时代内涵”建设目标打下了坚实的基础。 (2)适时引入、编写一批教辅、学辅材料,进一步扩充本课程人文内涵,保持其时代性。 (3)在课堂教学中,充分挖掘现有教材的人文内涵,探索有利于培养学生人文素养和科学创新精神的授课形式。 (4)将对学生人文、科学精神的培养作为设计、开展实践课教学的基本要求之一。 2.教学环境信息化建设 (1)“高英”课堂教学网建设:A. 完善并适时更新现有的电子资料库——CAI课件,背景知识、作者简介、语言知识点、文本赏析、注释、相关话题导引、习题、试题等教辅、学辅材料;B. 逐步实现课程全部模块授课录像并上网;C. 在现有朗文、韦氏、金山词霸等在线词典的基础上,再投放几部高质量的网络词典;D. 建设网上学习资料下载平台。

(2)校园网、局域网建设与利用:A. 进一步拓展校园网的“资源”功能;B. 开展网上资源利用研讨活动;C. 进一步发掘Internet网上学习资源,提供具体链接地址。 (3)在线语料库建设:A. 探索能充分利用现有BNC、BROWN,LOB,LDC等在线语料库的教学新形式;B.适时购进1-2个切合“高英”(及其它课程)教学、科研需要的国、内外语料库(尤其是英、汉平行语料库);C.力争自主建设1-2个切合本课程及其它多门课程教学、科研需要的校本语料库。 3.教学过程建设 (1)课堂教学建设:A. 教学理念与方法:开展对学生期望的理想教学形式的调查分析,进一步探索能充分实践启发、体验式、发现式、研究式、合作式等现代教学理念的有效授课形式,拓展其内涵。B. 教学资源:探索能有效利用现有多功能教学资源形式的途径和方法;开辟新的资源形式;加强网络教学资源的动态性、再创性、多样性、结构合理性研究。C. 教学手段:探索能增强课堂感染力、提高教学效果的各种传统及信息化教学手段。D. 加强信息化学习方式(如适应性学习、WebQuest 学习,探险性学习)及其影响因素的研究。E.加强课堂教学评估指标研究。 (2)在线辅助教学建设:A. 创建网上学习社区,构筑学生自主学习平台。B. 创设BBS电子布告板系统,增加师生互动。C. 建立师生个人电子档案,探索在线教学规律。D.加强网上教学实践技术培训。 (3)实践课建设:A. 融高年级学生毕业论文写作与实践课教学于一体;B.通过实践课培养学生的体验式、探究式学习能力以及人文素养和科学创新精神;C.通过实践课为学生提供就业、创业的体验和能力训练;D.探索一切行之有效的实践课形式,培养学生获取知识的能力、创新能力,交流能力、协作能力、适应工作的能力、知人处事的能力以及灵活应变的能力。 4.革新能力建设

高级英语教案 Book1 Unit3

Unit Three Ships in the Desert Teaching Object: English majors of junior year Time: 8 periods Teaching Aims: ·To enable students to get better understanding of the text ·To help students learn to use new words and useful expressions in the text ·To enable students learn to paraphrase some complicated sentences ·To enable students to learn the use of rhetoric devices in the text ·To help students appreciate the techniques of argumentative writing ·To arouse students’ awareness of enviromental protection Teaching Focus: ·Background Information ·Language points and expressions ·Main idea summarizing ·Figures of speech ·Writing practice Teaching Difficulties: ·Appreciation of argumentative writing style ·Paraphrasing some sentences ·Identifying figures of speech ·Translating some sentences Teaching Procedures: ·Background information ·Question to ponder ·Structural analysis ·Detailed study of the text ·Writing skills ·Exercises Time Allocation:8 periods, 360minutes ·Background information (45 minutes) ·Intensive study of the text (225 minutes) ·Exercise (90 minutes) I. Background Information AL Gore: born in I948 in Washington D.C., U.S. Senator (1984-1992) from the State of Tennessee, and U.S. Vice-President (1992-2000) under President Bill Clinton. He failed to won the great presidential election in 2000 with a controversial results. Some people say his failure was, to a large extent, a result of the negative effects of Clinton's scandal. But more people are convincing that he will win next time. He is the author of the book Earth in the Balance from which this piece is taken. Global warming: the earth is getting warmer due to the heat from gas in industry, and surfs heat accumulated because of too many man-made pollutants. The


Unit 2 I. Background to Text 1 biography: an account of a person’s life, usually written by someone else and published or intended for publication. As a literary form it has become increasingly popular since the second half of the 17th century. It was rare before. The origins of biography are to be found in the early accounts of monarchs and heroes, for example in the Greek, Celtic and Scandinavian epics and sagas. During the Middle Ages there little biography. But at the renaissance biography, like autobiography—written by oneself acquired considerable interest. The 17th century was the most important period for the development of English biography. Since the 1950s the art of biography has burgeoned, and biography has become a major publishing industry. Scores of new biographies have been written each year. There is a vast quantity of historical and political biography, and majority of those have become prominent in the performing arts and in sports. Literary biography has become immensely popular. Literary biography is usually long and reads like novels. Most of the biographies such as we see in encyclopedia are condensed, recording only the most important events or achievements which the subject is remembered for. II. Detailed study of the text 1. …“one of the great names in the history of human thought,”… (L.4) one of the great thinkers in human history… 2. grammar school (L.12): formerly a English secondary school emphasizing the study of academic rather than technical subjects 3. He was considered a poor student (L.13). He was thought of as a student who did badly in his study. This implies that it was not true since he turned out to be a great scientist. 4. sundial (L.16): an instrument that uses sunlight to tell the time, by the changing position of the shadow that a vertical arm that casts on a horizontal plate with graded markings 5. He showed no exceptional ability during his college career, and was graduated in 1665 without any particular distinction. (L.19) As a college student he did not show any special ability and graduated like anybody else without special honours. 1) exceptional: (adj) unusually good; outstanding 2) distinction: special consideration or honour 6.…as a fellow of Trinity College…


“课程思政”教学案例(附说明) 一、案例名称(主题) 比照中美经济发展模式差异,坚定“四个自信”,建设富强民主的社会主义现代化强国 二、结合章节 英语专业:《高级英语II》第十四单元浮士德经济学(《高级英语第二册》第三版重排版) 三、教学目标 1.知识目标 词汇知识:掌握课文中的新词汇与表达,拓展有关经济学、经济发展规律、中美经济发展模式的中英文表述。 语篇知识:了解说明文的语篇特点,语篇衔接与连贯。 文化知识:了解美国经济发展的历史条件、制约因素、模式特点,以及相较于美国经济发展模式,中国特色社会主义经济发展模式的制度优越性。 2.能力目标 综合英语应用能力:围绕中美经济发展模式的主题,通过听、说、读、写、译等语言技能训练,提高学生的综合英语应用能力。 跨文化交际能力:通过比照中美经济发展模式差异,探讨两者历史条件及模式特点,提高学生跨文化交际能力,培养学生运用英文进行中国文化表达的能力。

逻辑思辨能力:引导学生辩证地思考、分析中美经济发展模式的差异,通过对西方经济发展模式的批判性思辨及讨论,培养学生逻辑思辨能力。 3.素质目标 思想道德:增强学生对我国社会主义经济发展模式的认同与信心,坚定“四个自信”,树立为中华民族伟大复兴而努力奋斗的坚强决心。人文素养:培养学生传承中国优秀传统文化及价值理念,帮助学生形成正确的国家和民族认同。 专业素质:通过比照及思辨,培养学生运用中英双语表述中国特色社会主义的发展观,表达中国立场,传播中国文化的能力和素质。 四、案例意义 以“比照中美经济发展模式差异”为授课主题,引入有关“四个自信”的思政元素。通过了解浮士德经济学的概念、内容、实质,以及中国特色社会主义四个自信的有关表述和内涵,引导学生认识浮士德经济学发展模式的实质,并对比分析中西方经济发展模式的差异。通过分析说明美国现行经济模式是一种基于无节制地消耗自然资源的浮士德经济,帮助学生进一步理解美国经济发展模式的本质,能够正确认识“四个自信”的重要价值,批判西方现行经济发展模式,增强对中国特色社会主义发展道路的自信。 五、教学过程 本单元教学过程包括课前准备、教学主题呈现、课堂讲解与讨论、观点分享与课后拓展四个部分,计划8个学时。其中课前准备与课后


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 大学英语精品课程建设及申报 大学英语精品课程建设与申报 1/ 26

内容1.精品课程建设背景和现状 1.精品课程建设背景和现状 2.国家精品课程建设及申报 2.国家精品课程建设及申报 3.我校精品课程建设的经验我校精品课程建设的经验

---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 1.精品课程建设的背景和现状 1.精品课程建设的背景和现状教育部“关于启动高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程精品课程建设工作的通知”(教高[2003]1号)建立各门类、专业的校、省、国家三级精品课程体系建设1500门国家精品课程门国家精品课程(每年评300门)门国家精品课程教育部财政部关于实施高等学校本科教学质量与教学改革工程的意见(教高[2007]1号)教育部关于进一步深化本科教学改革全面提高教学质量的若干意见(教高[2007]2号)3000门国家级精品课程门国家级精品课程(2764)、建设10000种高质门国家级精品课程量教材、3000个特色专业点 3/ 26

1. 配额外国语言文学类84门(03年-10年)已经建成57门(大学英语25门,42%)估计09-10年:10门左右一级学科文学二级学科03-10年 09-10年 03-10年已入选 09-10年课程总配额配额外国语言文学类845727


《高级英语Ⅰ》课程教学大纲 一、课程基本信息 课程名称:高级英语Ⅰ课程英文名称: Advanced EnglishⅠ 课程类别: 专业基础课课程属性:必修 学分:3 学时:54学期共1学期 考核方式:笔试+口试 二、课程性质及教学目的 根据《高等学校英语专业英语教学大纲》培养目标要求,高等院校英语专业要培养具有扎实的基本功、宽广的知识面、一定的相关专业知识、有较强适应能力、应变能力、自主能力和良好身心素质的复合型英语人才。在基础阶段的英语教学完成以后,必须继续进行更高一级的英语阅读教学。高级英语课程是英语专业基础阶段综合英语课程在高层次上的延续,是一门训练学生阅读理解、语法修辞与写作能力的综合英语技能课程,是一门专业必修课。 顺应时代和社会的要求,我系高年级综合英语教研组在总结传统教学经验、在探索新的教学理念、学习现代教育技术的基础上,以语言教学理论和多媒体网络教学技术理论为基础,以更新教学内容和手段、重组教学结构为出发点,大力改革高级英语课堂教学模式,把课堂教学和多媒体网络技术相结合,寻求以学生为中心的互动性、协作性、个性化的高年级综合英语教学模式。学生通过多媒体课堂教学、课后自主学习,巩固和深化语言基础知识、提高词义辨析能力,扩大词汇量,阅读和分析涉及政治、经济、社会、语言、文学、教育、哲学等方面的名家作品,扩大知识面,加深对社会和人生的理解;培养学生对名篇分析和欣赏能力,逻辑思维与独立思考能力,使学生增强对文化差异的敏感性;初步了解各种修辞手段和各种写作技巧;使学生能够熟悉常用的文学、科技等词汇;并引发学习者对社会、历史、科学和文化等重大问题的自我思考能力,全面发展学生的语言技能、思辨能力、赏析能力、解决问题的能力,从而培养学生的语言综合运用能力,提高其自主学习、持续学习的能力。


英语视听说国家精品课程建设(2006-2007年度) 总 结 报 告 湖南师范大学外国语学院 二〇〇七年十二月二十三日

目录 一、教师队伍建设 (1) 1.青年教师培养 (1) 2.团队建设 (1) 二、教学改革研究 (1) 1.教学获奖 (1) 2.教改课题 (2) 3.教改论文 (2) 三、网络资源更新 (2) 1.新编教材 (2) 2.课外资源 (2) 3.实况录相 (3) 四、系统软件维护 (3) 1.资源管理与远程备课平台 (3) 2.教学与管理网站 (3) 五、硬件设施建设 (4)

自成功申报国家精品课程以来,我们按建设规划中的既定目标对本课程进行了教师队伍、教改研究、网络资源、系统软件和硬件设施等方面的建设、维护和完善工作。 一、教师队伍建设 继续发扬学校和外国语学院一贯坚持的“传”、“帮”、“带”的优良传统,鼓励教师积极参与国家精品课程建设,在课程建设中培养教师的教学与科研能力。 1.青年教师培养 为了进一步提高青年教师的教学理论水平和实践能力,课程组开展了多种形式的教研活动,制订了多项激励措施: 1)召开课程组例会,分专题讨论,探讨能体现本课程特色和创新的相关教学与理论问题; 2)激励青年教师申报各级教改课题。先由课程组统一规划选题指南,然后结合个人特长选择研究课题或任务,最后由课程组统一审批并提供一定的启动经费;对于结合 精品课程进行研究的论文,一旦发表即给予奖励。 3)组织青年教师参加学院和学校举办的青年教师课堂教学艺术竞赛; 4)带领青年教师进行《英语视听说》多媒体网络版立体教材的编写和开发; 5)协助青年教师进行录相课的设计、排练和录制。 2.团队建设 实行课程组成员年度滚动制,每年按一定比例滚动。本年度考察和发展新成员1人。 二、教学改革研究 一年来,在国家精品课程建设的项目支持下,本课程组开展了一系列教改研究与实践活动,取了丰硕的成果和骄人的成绩。 1.教学获奖 1)白解红,全国第三届高等学校教学名师奖; 2)白解红、邓杰、邓颖玲、朱小舟、黄继勇,英语视听说多媒体网络教学研究与实践,湖南省教学成果一等奖、湖南师范大学教学成果特等奖; 3)邓杰,标记技术及其在教学中的应用研究,湖南师范大学教学成果三等奖; 4)邓杰,DJ音视频网络教学系统,湖南师范大学首届多媒体课件设计大赛一等奖; 5)邓杰,湖南师范大学2007年度教学优秀奖; 6)朱小舟,第八届青年教师课堂艺术竞赛,湖南师范大学二等奖; 7)罗辉,第八届青年教师课堂艺术竞赛,外国语学院一等奖,湖南师范大学优胜奖。

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