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A Country of Immigrants

As you walk along the street in any American city,you see many different faces.You see oriental faces of the United States,a country of immigrants from all over the world.Immigrants are people who leave one country to live permanently in another country.

The first immigrants came to North America in the 1600s from northern European countries such as England and Holland.These people generally had light skin and light hair.They came to live in North America because they wanted religious freedom.In the 1700s and early 1800s immigrants continued to move from Europe to the United States.At this time there was one group of unwilling immigrants,black Africans.These people were tricked or forced to come to the United States,where they worked on the large farms in the south.The blacks had no freedom;they were slaves.In the 1800s many Chinese and Irish immigrants came to the United States.They came because of economic or political problems in their countries.The most recent immigrants to the United States,the Indochinese,Cubans,and Central Americans also came because of economic or political problems in their own countries.Except for the blacks,most of these immigrants thought of the United States as a land of opportunities,of a chance for freedom and new lives.

In the United States,these immigrants looked for help from other immigrants who shared the same background,language,and religion.Therefore,there are neighborhoods in each U.S. city made up almost entirely of one ethnic or racial group.There are all Italian,all Puerto Rican,or all Irish neighborhoods in many East Coast cities and all Mexican neighborhoods in the Southwest.

In Dearborn,Michigan,there is a large group of Lebanese.There are racial neighborhoods such as oriental Chinatown in New York.There are also neighborhoods with a strong religious feeling such as a Jewish part of Brooklyn in New York.And,of course,there are economic neighborhood divisions;in American cities very often poor people do not live in the same neighborhoods as rich people.

This wide variety of neighborhoods in the cities is a reflection of the different groups in American society. American society is a mixture of racial,language,cultural,religious,and economic groups.People sometimes call America a melting pot and compare its society to a soup with many different ingredients.The ingredients (different races,cultures,religions,and economic

groups)supposedly mix together to make a smooth soup.But,in reality,there are a few lumps left in the soup.

Andrew Carnegie

One of the captains of industry of 19th century America,Andrew Carnegie,helped build the American steel industry,a process that turned a poor young man into one of the richest entrepreneurs of his age. Later in his life,Carnegie sold hie steel business and systematically gave his fortune away to cultural,educational and scientific institutions for “the improvement of mankind.”

Carnegie was born in Dunfermline,Scotland,in 1835.The town was a center of the linen industry,and Andrew?s father was a weaver,a profession the young Carnegie was expected to follow.But the industrial revolution that would later make Carnegie the richest man in the world,destroyed the weavers? craft.When the steam-powered looms came to Dunfermline in 1847,hundreds of handloom weavers became unemployed.Andrew?s mother opened a small grocery shop and mended shoes to support the family.

“I began to learn what poverty meant,”Andrew would later write.”It was burnt into my heart then that my father had to beg for work.And then and there came the determination that I would cure when I got to be a man.”

The family moved to the United States in 1848,and began a new life in

Pittsburgh,Pennsylvania.William Carnegie secured work in a cotton factory and his son Andrew took work in the same building as a bobbin boy for $1.20 a https://www.wendangku.net/doc/664157130.html,ter,Carnegie worked as a messenger boy in the city?s telegraph office.He did each job to the best of his ability and seized every opportunity to take on new responsibilities.For example,he memorized Pittsburgh?s street layout as well as the important name and addresses of those he delivered to.

Carnegie often was asked to deliver messages to the theater.He arranged to make these deliveries at night-and stayed on to watch plays by Shakespeare and other great writers.In what would be a life-long pursuit of knowledge,Carnegie also took advantage of a small library that a local benefactor made available to working boys.

One of the men Carnegie met at the telegraph office was Thomas A.Scott,then a director at Pennsylvania Railroad.Scott was taken by the young worker and referred to him as “my boy Andy,”hiring him as his private secretary and personal telegrapher at $35 a month.

“I couldn?t imagine,”Carnegie said many years later,”what I could ever do with so much money.”Carnegie was always eager to shoulder new responsibilities,and he worked his way up the ladder in Pennsylvania Railroad and succeeded Scott as head of the Pittsburgh Division.As the outbreak of the Civil War,Scott was responsible for military transportation for the North and Carnegie worked as his right-hand man.

The Civil War fueled the iron industry,and by the time the war was over,Carnegie saw the potential in the field and resigned from Pennsylvania Railroad.It was one of many brave moves that would typify Carnegie?s life in industry and earn him his fortune.He then turned his attention to the Keystone Bridge Company,which worked to replace wooden bridges with stronger iron ones.In three years he had an annual income of $50,000.

Carnegie would continue making huge amounts of money for the next 30 years.To improve the efficiency of his steel plant,Carnegie would make use of the Bessemer Process,which was the first cheap process for mass-producing steel.Carnegie threw his own money into the process and even borrowed heavily to build a new steel plant near Pittsburgh.Carnegie was strict in keeping down costs and managed by the saying “watch costs and the profits take care of themselves.”

“I think Carnegie?s genius was first of all,an ability to foresee how things were going to change,”says historian John Ingram. “Once he saw that something was of potential benefit to him,he was willing to invest enormously in it.”

Still,Carnegie?s steel plants developed rapidly,and by 1900,Carnegie Steel produced more of the metal than all of Great Britain.That was also the year that financier J.P.Morgan issued a major challenge to Carnegie?s steel empire.While Carnegie believed he could beat Morgan in a battle that could last five,10 or 15 years,the fight did not appeal to the 64-year-old man eager to spend more time with his wife Louise,whom he had married in 1886 at the age of 51,and their daughter,Margaret.

Carnegie wrote the asking price for his steel business on a piece of paper and had one of his managers deliver the offer to Morgan.Morgan accepted immediately,buying the company for $480 million. “Congratulations,Mr.Carnegie,”Morgan said to Carnegie when they finalized the deal, “you are now the richest man in the world.”

Carnegie liked to say that “the man who dies rich dies disgraced,”and turned his attention to giving away his fortune.He disliked charity,and instead put his money to use helping others help themselves.That was the reason he spent much of his fortune on establishing over 2,500 public libraries as well as supporting institutions of higher learning.By the time Carnegie?s life was over,he gave away 350million dollars.


I.M.Pei is sitting in his living room and is talking about architecture or the designing of buildings. “It is not just an idea,but the way in which that idea is done,that is important.This is what I mean by the …architecture of ideas.?I worry that ideas and the practice of architecture as a profession,as a business,do not come together often enough.”He stops,then adds: “Maybe my early training set me back.Maybe it made me too practical.”

That is an unexpected comment from a man like Pei,who runs a business that employs many people and has important customers all over the world.I.M.Pei questioning the value of money.Yet his company,I.M.Pei &Partners,is more than just a business that designs buildings.It has always tried to bring together beauty and art with business sense,and today it is probably the leader among American architecture companies that do very well both artistically and commercially.It is hard enough to become well know either as an artistic or as a business success in architecture:to do so as both is unusual and surprising.

I.M.Pei,a leader in his field for more than thirty years,seems to get better and busier as the years go by.One reason for his success is that he is well known as a kind and thoughtful person.But it is also because of the seriousness of his work.He believes in improving on and developing from styles and designs that have been used before,not in newness for its own https://www.wendangku.net/doc/664157130.html,panies hire him

because they believe that his designs are strong and modern without being shocking.

Pei?s style is based on geometric forms,like most of the architecture of modern times.But he has continued to use these forms while other important architects have begun to change their styles,making use of the forms of architecture from other countries and other periods in history.

Ieoh Ming Pei was born in China in 1917,but he calls himself “an American architect - absolutely.”He went to the United States in 1935 to study architecture,and remained there because of the war.In the late1940s he got a very good job and decided to become an American citizen.He has lived in New York since then,but he never forgotten the land of his childhood.

In 1978 Pei was invited to design s hotel in China.It was a very difficult thing for him to do because “there seems to be only two choices - either to copy the old Chinese style with red columns and golden roofs or to build modern Western buildings.I do not think either of these is right.There has to be a third way.”

Pei?s “third way”is very much like traditional Chinese architecture.It uses the same kinds of materials and forms,and is only different in one important aspect:it well have a flat roof instead of a curved one because that kind is safer and less expensive.

In New York City,IM.Pei&Partners will build a convention center,that is,a large building for meetings and shows that will be much bigger than the hotel in Beijing,and in some ways much simpler.In fact,the biggest problem is that the center may look too much like a large box.Therefore they are working to create a number of public areas within the one huge space.These will be used for other things even when there are no special meetings or shows,and will make the building itself into a tourist attraction.

It is possible that Pei?s way of working may soon change,becoming more like one or the other of the two major modern directions.He might decide to make more use of the styles and ideas of the architecture of older cultures (as he did with his hotel in China)or he might decide to treat his buildings even more artistically (as he did the Kennedy Library in Boston).But it does not seem likely that Pei?s work will move strongly in either direction.He believes his work gives his customers what they want and he tries to make his buildings fit the jobs they are supposed to do.

Internet Love Can Work

I had heard of the chat room on the Internet,but it had never appealed to me.Talking to total strangers that you cannot see struck me as too strange.One day I was surfing the net,when I discovered MSN?s chat rooms and making up a nickname decided to just watch and see what all the fuss was about.There on the screen were twenty or so people who were chatting away about anything and everything.As I studied the conversations,afraid to join on and expose myself as a “newbie”,I was drawn to one person.She was intelligent,witty and expressed a love of the UK,my home.Her name was Linda and she was from California,a part of the States I had never seen but

was interested in.So summoning up all my courage,I said hi and introduced myself.We began to chat and I found that it was very relaxed to the point that I was amazed when the conversation ended.We had been chatting for two whole hours,totally ignoring everyone else in the room.We parted company,saying that we hoped we would bump into each other again.All that next day,I wondered if that was just a polite goodbye or if she really wanted to continue our conversation.

That evening I logged on,half of me hoping Linda would be there,the other half afraid that she wouldn?t.Sure enough,she wasn?t in the chat room and I sat at the computer screen only half reading the conversations that flashed up before me.Then Linda?s name appeared and with the usual “Hi room”, she said “Hi Vince”.My life suddenly became brighter in that instant.I kept telling myself it was crazy,here was a woman I only just met,hardly knew and yet I had missed her all day.We chatted again,and the hours vanished,with the other chatters leaving us alone in the room.

I had dated quite a few times in my then twenty-five years of life,but never had anyone taken my interest so completely as this stranger from across the sea.We discussed everything,our

likes,dislikes,our troubles and our pleasures and the more we talked the more amazed we became at how much we had in common.

Weeks went by and every evening we would meet up and talk,the two hours becoming three,then four.We exchanged pictures,but were both afraid we would blow it by doing so.And ,as I looked at her picture on my screen,I was amazed at the fact that no one had snapped up this American beauty in the years since her graduation from college.

The weeks had become months and we both admitted we had feelings for each other,our friendship becoming something far greater.Then came the time that anyone who ever had an Internet relationship will know...the meeting.Linda had said that she would fly to the UK to meet me,but I insisted that I flew to the States.I explained to her my fears that should she come to me and for some reason we didn?t hit it off,then she would be a woman alone in a strange country where as for a guy it wouldn?t be so bad.

Linda finally agreed and a week or two later I found myself on a plane winging my way to San Diego.We had arranged that I would be met by her brother who would drop me off at my hotel and that I would ring her once I had freshened up and she would come over and we would go out for a meal.Forty five minutes of pacing up and down after I made the call,there was a knock on the door.I opened the door to the most beautiful woman I had ever known.Both of us were nervous when we kissed hello.We looked into each other?s eyes and that kiss became another filled with all the emotions that had developed over the months of online chatting.

I stayed for two weeks taking Linda out after she finished work at the local hospital.And we fell head over heels in love.I returned home,and missed Linda like crazy,the online chat now seeming so pale in comparison with holding the woman I loved in my arms.Linda missed me too and so I jumped on a plane and went back this time for a month.This went on for five visits and each time I would extend my return ticket because we couldn?t bear to part.

I finally asked Linda to marry me and she agreed,having discussed the fact she wanted to move to the UK to be with me.It is now two years later,Christmas 2007 and Linda is here for the holidays.This coming year we are to marry and Linda is finalizing things prior to her move to the UK for good.My family and friends love her to bits and I feel like the luckiest man on the face of the earth.So for all you out there that read the Internet horror stories of romances gone bad,take heart.They can work out.Love is a wonderful thing,and if true,will overcome both time and distance.


The story you are about to read is almost unbelievable,but it is true.It happened one winter?s night in 1944,during World War II.The airplanes of the Royal Air Force,after dropping their bombs on Germany,were on their way home.

In each plane,men looked anxiously over their guns into the darkness.This was the time when enemy fighter planes might attack.One of the air gunners was Nick Alkemade.He was a gunner in the back of the plane and he sat in the rear-gun position,at the very tail of the plane.It was so small that before climbing in,Nick had taken off his parachute and left it in another part of the plane.He felt more comfortable without it.Soon,however,he began to feel very uncomfortable

indeed.Suddenly there was a terrible explosion and the whole aircraft shook.The whole of the middle part of the plane burst into flames and Nick heard the captain shout, “We?re on fire!Jump!”

At first Nick could not get out of his seat.The tiny door was stuck.After struggling with all his strength for several moments,he forced it open.He looked for his parachute but it was already burning.He had to make a terrible decision:he could stay in the plane and be burnt to death or he could jump without a parachute and be smashed to death,after falling 6,000 metres.He jumped!

The cold air hit him and he could not breathe.At this height the air is too thin to breathe properly.As Nick began to lose consciousness,he thought, “So this is what it?s like to die.”Then he remembered no more.When he woke up some time later,he could not believe that he was

alive.Slowly he moved his arms,then his legs.They seemed all right.He was lying in a huge pile of snow.When he looked up,he saw a large fir tree.Its branches had broken his fall and the pile of snow had completed his soft landing.

When he got to his feet,he found that his back and one leg hurt but he was able to walk.He made his way to a German farm,and soon he was a prisoner,in a hospital bed.At first the Germans did https://www.wendangku.net/doc/664157130.html,tter,however,they found the crashed plane and his partly burnt parachute,with his name and number on it.This was the first time a man had jumped five and a half kilometres without a parachute and still lived!

Student Opinion

Why Manchester University?

I?m a second-year medical student and so far I really love it.I?m from Edinburgh which I suppose I should really miss more,but I like it here too much.My mum wanted me to stay in Edinburgh,but Manchester has the biggest and best medical school in the UK,and from the minute I saw this fantastic university I decided I had to come here.

My degree

We have 26 hours of classes a week and there are roughly two types of classes for second-year medical students:classes that deal with the science in medicine,and those that are devoted to the art of medicine,that is,giving medical service with a humane touch.We also have group learning sessions,which really help you to connect with other students in your year and also help you to learn and remember more-which is great when it comes to exams.

As second-year students,we can only take histories,conduct physical examinations,measure and record blood pressure and pules rate,and generally be an extra set of eyes for the doctor treating the patient.

Student life

In my spare time,I go swimming.I trained at my home club and I now train for four hours a week with the University club.We usually go out to a nearby bar called Jingles afterwards.Swimming has really made me feel more at home here.I would definitely advise other new students to join a club or society.It is a great way of making new friends outside your course and,of course,learn new skills.

There are lots of clubs and societies to choose from:course-related ones,sports,choir-and even things like Chinese Kung Fu.

I also have a part-time job in a grocery store in town.As long as you have your study time organized,a part-time job is a pretty good idea.


As for accommodation- apply as soon as you can.I waited until summer and got my last choice but I?m glad I did.I lived in Melburn House in Greenfield in the first year,which is a short journey on the bus.We have a common room in our flats(not all places do),laundry,nearby supermarket and our own bar.

Some of my new friends are in catered halls but I chose self-catered because it offered more flexibility for my classes.You can share things such as food with your roommates and also cook together.It saves time,effort,money and a lot of washing up.

Living in Manchester

In Manchester,you never get bored.Oxford Road is the king of all roads and pretty much everything you need will be on or off it.There are also so many shops in Manchester.The Johnson Centre near Walton is good and only a short walk away and the Kingston Mall is only a bus ride away-it?s huge,and has every possible shop in the world and really nice places to eat.

All I can say in Manchester University is a good place to study at.It is a vibrant,multicultural place with excellent resources,lots to do and see and will get you a degree that will be recognized


The Death Car

It was a cold night in September.The rain was beating on the car roof as George and Marie Winston drove through the empty country roads towards the house of their friends,the Harrisons,where they were going to attend a party.As they drove,they listened to the local radio station,which was playing classical music.

They were about five miles from the Harrisons? house when the music on the radio was interrupted by a news announcement:

“The Cheshire police have issued a serious warning atter a man escaped from Colford Mental Hospital earlier this evening.The man,John Downey,is a murderer who killed six people before he was captured two years age.He is described as large,very strong and extremely dangerous.People in the Cheshire area are warned to keep their doors and windows locked,and to call the police immediately if they see anyone acting strangely.”

Marie shivered. “A crazy killer.And he?s out there somewhere.That?s frightening.”

“Don?t worry about it,”said her husband. “We?re nearly there now.Anyway,we have more important things to worry about.This car is losing power for some reason - it must be that old problem with the engine.If it gets any worse,we?ll have to stay at the Harrisons? tonight and get it fixed before we travel back tomorrow.”

As he spoke,the car began to slow down.Finally they rolled to a stop,as the engine died completely.Just as they stopped,George pulled the car off the road,and it came to rest under a large tree.

“Blast!”said George angrily. “Now we?ll have to walk in the rain.”

“But that?ll take us an hour at least,”said Marie. “And I have my high-heeled shoes and my nick clothes on.They?ll be ruined!”

“Well,you?ll have to wait while I run to the nearest house and call the Harrisons.Someone can come out and pick us up,”said George.

“But George!Have you forgotten what the radio said?There?s a murderer out there!You can?t leave me alone here!”

“You?ll have to hide in the back of the car.Lock all the doors and lie on the floor in the back,under this blanket.No one will see you.When I come back,I?ll knock three times on the door.Then you can get up and open it.Don?t open it unless you hear three knocks.”George opened the door and slipped out into the rain.He quickly disappeared into the blackness.

Marie quickly locked the doors and settled down under the blanket in the back for a long wait.She was frightened and worried,but she was a strong-minded woman.She had not been waiting long,however,when she heard a strange scratching noise.It seemed to be coming from the roof of the car.

Marie was terrified.She listened,holding her breath.Then she heard three slow knocks,one after the other,also on the roof of the car.Was it her husband?Should she open the door?Then she heard another knock,and another.This was not her husband.It was somebody - or something else.She was shaking with fear,but she forced herself to lie still.The knocking continued -


Many hours later,as the sun rose,she was still lying there.She had not slept for a moment.The knocking had never stopped,all night long.She did not know what to do.Where was George?Why had he not come for her?

Suddenly,she heard the sound of there or four vehicles,racing quickly down the road.All of them pulled up around her,their tires screeching on the road.At last!Someone had come!Marie sat up quickly and looked out of the window.

The three vehicles were all police cars,and two still had their lights flashing.Several policemen leapt out.One of them rushed towards the car as Marie opened the door.He took her by the hand.

“Get out of the car and walk with me to the police vehicle,Miss.You?re safe now.Look straight ahead.Keep looking at the police car.Don?t look back.Just don?t look back.”

Something in the way he spoke filled Marie with fear.She could not help herself.About ten yards from the police car,she stopped,turned and looked back at the empty vehicle.

George was hanging from the tree above the car,a rope tied around his neck.As the wind blew his body back and forth,his feet were bumping gently on the roof of the car - bump,bump,bump,bump.

The Waitress

In 1973,when I was 22,three friends and I piled into a Ford van in my hometown of Chicago and started out across America.We ended up in Berkeley,Calif.,where I got a job cutting down eucalyptus trees with a chain saw for $3.50 an hour.

But my first real long-term job was at a local diner called the Buttercup Bakery.I worked there for seven years and learned so many lessons,especially from a fellow waitress.

Helen was in her 60s and had red hair and incredible self-respect,something I was sorely lacking.I looked up to Helen because she was doing what she loved-serving people-and nobody did it better.She made everyone smile and feel good,customers and co-workers alike.

I also learned how important it is to take pride in life?s little accomplishments.When I helped out in the kitchen,nothing made me feel better than putting two eggs on the grill, flipping them over easy,and serving them just the way the customer wanted.

Being a waitress changed my life.One of my regular customers was Fred Hasbrook,an electronics salesman.He always ate a ham omelet,and when I saw him walking toward the diner,I tried to have it on his table as soon as he sat down.

Thanks to the newfound confidence I picked up from Helen,I dreamed of having my own restaurant.But when I called my parents to ask for a loan,they said, “We just don?t have the money.”

The next day,Fred saw me and asked, “What?s wrong,sunshine?You?re not smiling today.”I shared my dream with him and said, “Fred,I know I can do more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

He walked over to some of the other diner regulars and the next day handed me checks totaling $50,000-along with a note that I have to this day.It reads, “The only collateral on this loan is my trust in your honesty as a person.Good people with a dream should have the opportunity to make that dream come true.”

I took the checks to Merrill Lynch - the first time I had ever entered a brokerage house - where the money was invested for me.I continued working at the Buttercup,making plans for the restaurant I would open.My investments soured,though,and I lost the money.

I found myself thinking about what it would be like to be a stockbroker.After great deliberation I decided to apply for a job at Merrill Lynch.Even though I had no experience, I was hired and ended up becoming a pretty good broker.Eventually I paid back Fred and my customers the $50,000,plus 14-percent annual interest.Five years later,I was able to open my own firm.

I got a thank-you note from Fred,which will be imprinted on my heart forever.He had been sick and wrote that my check had helped cover his mounting medical bills.His letter read, “That loan may have been one of the best investments that I will ever make.Who else could have invested in a counter …girl? with a million-dollar personality and watch that investment mature into a very successful career woman.How few …investors? have that opportunity?”

Tips for First-Year Students

This article is all about the things you need to do to not only survive your first year of college,but to develop in college.And many of the tools,skills,and habits you develop through this article can not only be used to help you succeed in college,but in your future career as well.

The first few weeks on campus are extremely important for all new students.It is during this time

that you make important decisions that will have an effect on the rest of your life.Some of these tips are important during your first weeks,while the other are meant for longer-term guidance and survival.Whatever you do,be sure to be yourself and try to enjoy your college experience as much as possible.Expect to feel some stress and homesickness,but don?t let these issues worry you too much.

Tip 1:Go to Class

New students often hear that in college,”you can go to class anytime you want.”NOT TRUE.Some classes may seem less interesting than others,but college is not for entertainment.Experienced students often say that the more time they spend in class,the less time they need to study outside of class.

Tip 2:Know Your Campus and the Resources It Has to Offer

Become well-acquainted with your campus and its resources,such as the gym,the library,computer facilities,and so on. Make use of all your school has to offer.After all,you?d hate to find yourself writing a paper late at night,have your printer fail,and not know where to go in order to get everything printed in time for your 8 a.m. Class.

Tip 3:Use Your Time Wisely

Have a social life,but plan your study time properly.Do not begin to study for a test or write a paper the night before either is due.Read the university calendar early for all major dates-such as when classes start and end and a listing of academic events on campus and put them down in a notebook. Remember,sleep is also necessary,so leave time for that as well.

Tip 4:Accept Constructive Criticism

Keep in mind that when a professor corrects your papers,he or she is doing you a favor.It is not because he has anything against you;any work can be improved.The more”red lines”you see on a paper,the more time that the professor took to point out ways for you to improve.It is very frustrating to see a grade assigned to a paper or test and no comments or feedback as to how that grade was determined or how you can do better next time.

Tip 5:Realize That Being a Student Is a Full-time Job

You can?t work hard only one day a week and get acceptable grades.Look at collegiate life as a full-time career for the present.Develop good study habits,social skills,and balance your priorities.Now is the time to develop skills that will be expected after graduation in your chosen career.

Tip 6:Develop an Appreciation for the Mastery of Language

No matter what your major or field of interest,the single most important skill for life success is communication.Understand what language is acceptable and in what situations.How you communicate your skills and thoughts shows the depth of your education.Even if your grades in technical courses get you that first job,it is your communication skills-usually in writing-that get you promoted.

Tip 7:Become Part of University Life

Become Part of the campus community is just as important as going to class,writing papers,and taking exams.Don?t join every group,and only take part in activities that will offer balance to your life.Take advantage of the variety of university experiences.

Tip 8:Meet Your Professors

Take the opportunity to meet your professors and visit with them during office hours.You will learn something about them and gain new information on the subjects they teach.Hopefully,you?ll make new friends.In addition,you may need a letter of recommendation from a professor some day,and knowing them will certainly help you when you go to ask.

Tip 9:Have the Courage to Deal with Your Challenges

In high school,a good student is supposed to know all the answers and get everything right.But in college,you take on more difficult challenges and more difficult material.It is no longer possible to have “all the answers.”Beyond college,that kind of high school perfection isn?t possible.Learn to be patient with others and with yourself.Learn to do well in situations where 100% success isn?t possible;look for and value the big questions which are more important than answers.

Tip 10:Take Responsibility for Yourself and Your Actions

You will make errors or mistakes during your collegiate career.Don?t place the blame on others for your mistakes;admit to them and move on.Being an adult means taking responsibility for everything that happens to you.

Tip 11:Learn to Communicate in the Classroom

There are no foolish questions concerning subject matter.If you don?t know or don?t understand something,chances are several of your classmates don?t either.Learning to ask questions is a skill.Develop it!

Tip 12:Protect Your Health

When tired,rest.Eat proper food and know when to relax.Play sports.No one is going to thank you for working until you are exhausted or get ill,let alone for staying up all night.It is amazing how many students demand their independence and simply do not know how to take care of themselves.

Tip 13:Make Full Use of All University Services

The university DOES want you to succeed and will help you by means of all its services.These range from math and writing skills centers to help from student advisors.Let the university serve you.After all,it is your school.You are paying for these services anyway,in the form of tuition and fees.

Tip 14:Write Home

It may sound silly but parents and family can prove to be the best support service.Families honestly want to know how you are doing.they may not be able to do more than listen,but that act alone is essential to your well-being.Brothers and sisters,grandparents,and neighborhood friends

are on your side and want you to succeed.Let them share in your new life.

P.S.E-mail works great!

Welcome Letter for New First-Year Students

Welcome to your first year at the University of Ottawa! The University of Ottawa is carrying out a number of measures to improve the quality of the first-year experience(FYE) and increase the success of our beginning students.

The “first year experience”concept is an attempt to make certain that our UO first-year students are supported through the use of first-year student advisors,orientation classes,freshman activities,and increased interaction with faculty outside the classroom.Upon the completion of the first year,you should feel more positive about yourself,because you will be more confident and have the tools necessary to achieve both academic and life-long goals.

Your first semester can be exciting and frustrating at the same time.Through this letter I am offering to help in any way possible as you deal with those frustrations.At the same time,I want you to know that there are many offices here on campus that can help you manage both the academic and student life aspects of your University of Ottawa experience.I want your first year here to be enjoyable in every way.You are special to the UO community and I want you to feel that way.

As I look back on my own education here at the University of Ottawa,I have some thoughts I?d like to share.Yes,I am a proud UO alumna,mom,teacher and student advisor!

“If I could start my college experience over,what would I do differently in my first year?”

I would definitely prepare myself better for the change from my sheltered high school life to a life of independence.I would plan my college career path better by exploring career choices earlier in the game,getting better advice on what classes to take,taking classes at levels that matched my ability(and not too hard,of course),studying harder than I did,and trying not to be too frightened to ask for help.I would get to know my advisor early and contact him/her often.I would also have:

Taken more”fun” classes and explored more of my interests;

Tried to become better at studying because not making good use of my time is what held me bake the most;

Met more people,made better friends sooner,and definitely taken part in campus activities earlier;

Looked for leadership positions in college that would look good on my resume;

Made sure I gained some work experience in my major field early in my college career;

Stepped out and experienced Ottawa events and activities such as the Gatineau Park,Parliament Hill,the Art Museum,the Rideau Canal sooner;and finally?

Not missed any classes!(Or,maybe just a couple!)

Maybe you?ve heard all this before,but these ideas are certainly useful.You have begun a wonderfully exciting journey.Your would,which is changing now,will get larger and more interesting every day!Stay in touch.Please frequently check out our website(https://www.wendangku.net/doc/664157130.html,/fye)to help you in your first year here.


Not Your Average Teen Lots of teenage girls dream of becoming rich and famous. But it's not a fantasy for Michelle Wie. Just before her 16th birthday last fall, she became the highest-paid woman golfer in history simply by turning professional and lending her name to commercial endorsements that will pay her between $10 million and $12 million a year, most of which will go into a trust fund until she becomes an adult. Wie has been a celebrity since she was 13, when people began predicting she would become the Tiger Woods of women' sgolf. But, as correspondent Steve Kroft reports, that has never been enough for Wie. She wants to become the first woman ever to successfully compete with men in a professional sport. She has tried a couple of times on the PGA Tour without embarrassing herself. As you will see, she has changed a lot since we first talked to her way back in 2004, when she was 14. At the time, Wie told Kroft her ultimate goal was to play in the Masters. "I think it'd be pretty neat walking down the Masters fairways," she said. It was a neat dream for a 14-year-old kid. Nothing has happened in the last two years to change Wie's mind or shake her confidence. She is stronger now, more mature and glamorous. She has already demonstrated that she can play herself into the middle of the pack against the best men on the PGA Tour and has come within a shot of winning her first two starts on the LPGA Tour this year as a part-time professional. The day before 60 Minutes interviewed her at the Fields Open in Honolulu, she shot a final round of 66, coming from six strokes off the lead to just miss a playoff. "You won your first check yesterday," Kroft says. "Uh-huh," Wie says. "It was, it was really cool. I mean, I was like looking at how much I won. I was like 'Oh my God.' " Wie says she won around $72,000. Asked whether she gets to keep that money, Wie said she didn't know. "I'm trying to negotiate with my dad how much I can spend of that, and stuff like that. We're still working it out. But, you know, I'm definitely gonna go shopping today," she says, laughing. Half of her life is spent in the adult world, competing with men and women twice her age for paychecks they may need to make expenses and dealing with the media, sponsors and marketing executives. The rest of the time she is a junior at Punahou High School in Honolulu, where she is an A student and claims to lead the life of a typical 16-year-old.


西湖七月半 预习案 一、文学常识 1、本文作者()字宗子,又字石公,号(),浙江山阴人。 2、张岱文学创作以()见长,本文就是一篇() 3、张岱作品的内容() 4、张岱作品的风格()。 5、张岱主要作品() 探究案 二、分析课文 原文: 西湖七月半,一无可看,止.可看看七月半之人。 重点字词: 分析课文: 1、本句作用是什么?答:开篇明义,领起下文,描摹世风民情 原文: 看七月半之人,以五类看之。其一,楼船箫鼓,峨冠 ..,声光相乱.,名为看月 ..盛装,灯火优傒 而实不见月者,看之;其一,亦船亦楼,名娃闺秀,携及童娈 ..,笑啼杂之,还坐露台,左右 盼望,身在月下而实不看月者,看之;其一,亦船亦声歌,名妓闲僧,浅斟低唱,弱管轻丝 ........., 竹肉相发 ..,酒....,亦在月下,亦看月,而欲人看其看月者,看之;其一,不舟不车,不衫不帻 醉饭饱,呼群三五,跻.入人丛,昭庆、断桥,嘄呼嘈杂,装假醉,唱无腔曲,月亦看,看月者亦看,不看月者亦看,而实无一看者,看之;其一,小船轻幌,净几.煖炉,茶铛旋煮,素 瓷静递,好友佳人,邀月同坐,或匿影 ..里湖,看月而人不见其看月之态,亦不 ..树下,或逃嚣 作意 ..看月者,看之。 重点字词: 分析课文: 1、本段写了几种人?其情态如何? 2、本段语言特色? 3、举出语言生动传神的句子?

4、举出笔调轻松随意诙谐的句子? 5、“匿影 ..树下”者在后文有没有出现过? 6、、不舟不车,不衫不帻,酒醉饭饱,呼群三五,跻入人丛,昭庆、断桥,嘄呼嘈杂,装假醉,唱无腔曲 这是写的第几类人?作者对他们持什么态度? 1、这段话可见,作者最欣赏哪一种人? 原文: 杭人游湖,巳出酉归,避月如仇。是夕好名,逐队争出,多犒门军酒钱,轿夫擎燎,列俟.岸上。一入舟,速.舟子急放.断桥,赶入胜会。以故二鼓以前,人声鼓吹,如沸如撼,如魇如呓,如聋如哑;大船小船一齐凑岸,一无所见,止见篙击篙,舟触舟,肩摩肩,面看面而已。少刻兴尽,官府席散,皂隶喝道去。轿夫叫船上人,怖.以关门。灯笼火把如列星,一一簇拥而去。岸上人亦逐队赶门,渐稀渐薄,顷刻散尽矣。吾辈始舣.舟近岸。断桥石磴始凉,席.其上,呼客纵饮。 此时月如镜新磨,山复整妆,湖复颒面 ..。向之浅斟低唱者出,匿影树下者亦出,吾辈往通声 气,拉与同坐。韵友 ..来,名妓至,杯箸安,竹肉发。月色苍凉,东方将白,客方散去。吾辈 纵舟 ..,酣睡于十里荷花之中,香气拘人,清梦甚惬.。 重点字词: 分析课文: 1、本段写作上的特点是什么? 2、本段写了哪些人对比? 3、分析“杭人游湖”与“吾辈”赏月构成对比情景? 4、本文主题?(立意)如何评价? 5、作者怎样将景人结合起来的? 6、“杭人游湖”是否包括“吾辈”?


Unit 3 New orleans is sinking For 300 years, the sea has been closing in on New Orleans. As the coastal erosion continues, it is estimated the city will be off shore in 90 years. Even in good weather, New Orleans is sinking. As the city begins what is likely to be the biggest demolition project in U.S. history, the question is, can we or should we put New Orleans back together again? Life has been returning to high and dry land on Bourbon Street, but to find the monumental challenge facing the city you have to visit neighborhoods you have never heard of. On Lizardi Street, 60 Minutes took a walk with the men in charge of finishing what Katrina started. Correspondent Scott Pelley reports. Before Katrina, "There would be noise and activity and families and people, and children, and, you know, I haven't seen a child in a month here," says Greg Meffert, a city official who, with his colleague Mike Centineo, is trying to figure out how much of the city will have to be demolished.


《要好好学字》第一课时课堂教学实录 课题:苏教版小学语文二年级上册《要好好学字》 执教时间:2010年10月25日 执教班级: 执教老师:海陵小学吴春方 教学过程: 一、开门见山,读好课题 师:小朋友们,今天我们一起学习一篇新的课文。谁来读读课题。 生:要好好学字。 师:这里两个“好”都是第三声。你再读读。 生:要好好学字。 师:我们大家一起来读。 生:要好好学字。 【开门见山,直奔主题,吸引学生注意力。】 二、初读课文,认识人物 师:小朋友们都预习了课文,你们知道这句话是谁说的?他对谁说的? 生:这句话是毛主席说的。 生:毛主席对两个小八路说要好好学字。 师:你说得真完整。(板书毛主席两个小八路)毛主席说这句话还有一段故事呢。请大家先听老师读课文,然后找出他们的名字。 【带着问题听老师范读课文,引导学生抓住课文的要点。】 师:你们找到了吗? 生1:两个小八路,一个叫安定宝。 生2(迫不及待):还有一个叫刘长贵。 师:你会连起来说说吗?(板书安定宝刘长贵) 生3:我会连起来说,两个小八路,一个叫安定宝,另一个叫刘长贵。 师:嗯,我们也学着李小明一起来说说。 生:两个小八路,一个叫安定宝,另一个叫刘长贵。 生:我找到了毛主席叫毛泽东。 师:我们一起来读读他们的名字。 生:毛主席毛泽东小八路安定宝刘长贵 师:真不错!小朋友已经会读了,能学会写生词宝宝就更好了。我们来看这个字。(出示生字“席”)这个字是什么结构? 生:半包围结构。 师:请看老师范写(三部分不同颜色,竖撇长一点),广字头的撇长一点。想一想,你有什么好办法记住这个字? 生:这个字外面是广,里面是草字头加了一横。下面是个毛巾的“巾”。 生:这个字里面分两个部分,上面是“廿”,下面是“巾”。


采桑子·清明上巳西湖好原文|翻译及赏析 写作背 北宋皇祐三年(1049年),欧阳修赴颍州任职。颍州的西湖是当时的游览名胜,欧阳修被那里的旖旎光陶醉了,他把颍州选为晚年居住之所,多次来往其地,并一连写下十首《采桑子》吟咏西湖胜景。这十首词意境优美,风采各异。这首《采桑子》是其中的一篇。 作品鉴赏 这首词是写清明时节西湖游春的热闹繁华景象,从侧面来写西湖之美,着意描绘游春的欢乐气氛。古时以农历三月上旬巳日为上巳,这一天历来有到水滨踏青的习俗。《梦梁录》卷二载:三月三日上已之辰,曲水流觞故事,起于晋时。唐朝赐宴曲江,倾都禊饮踏青,亦是此意。《东京梦华录》也记载:四野如市,往往就芳树之下,或园囿之间,罗列杯盘,互相劝酬。都城之歌儿舞女,遍满园亭,抵暮而归。这就可以看出是郊外人们游春的盛况。西湖景色迷人,是游人的最佳去处。看绿柳丛中,车如流水马如龙,争相抢道,西湖岸上,游人如织,各色人等都在享受欣赏着大好春光。词人自己也乘着朱轮钿车加入了这欢乐春游的队伍。 词上片描绘的是一幅白天西湖春游图。下片写游人返归的景象。日暮时分,酒醒了的、还在醉着的,前后相将归家。从西湖弯斜的堤

岸一直到城头,一路之上,头攒动。直到城头总是花,这里既指从西湖到颍州城下的路边鲜花盛开,又当指一路上游人皆头上簪花而归。唐宋时,人们有采花簪头之俗,无论男女。如杜牧《九日齐安登高》中即写道:尘世难逢开口笑,菊花须插满头归。苏轼《次韵苏伯固主簿重九》说道:髻重不嫌黄菊满,手香新喜绿橙搓。刘克庄《上巳》也有句云:暮归尚有清狂态,乱插花满角巾。可见,直到城头总是花,写的是人们春游而归,头上簪花络绎回城的情景。 清明上巳时节,是古人往水边游玩的时侯。以这样一个游览的时节,再加上西湖这样一个游览胜地,真可谓良辰美景,两者铸备,热闹景象自是非同寻常。本词所表现的正是一派盛景,满目繁华即为全词的核心。 满目繁华的特点,首先体现在对游者的描写上,这也是作品表现的重点。游者一是多,二是欢。游者之多,在词中写道:争道谁家,绿柳朱轮走锢车。这一句写了两种不同的游者,一种是乘车者,一种是徒步者。车多,才会引起人们的争相指点;行者多,也才可能出现争道的景状。最后这两句用寥寥数字,展示出了一个毂击肩摩的游览盛况。另外,下片喧哗一词,又从音响的角度突出了游者之多,以西湖这样的敝廓之地,竟有人声鼎沸之感,那行人熙来攘往的情景是可想而知的了。何以见出游者之欢?从上述行人争道谁家车的描写中,已传出一片欢快活跃的气氛,接着写游人日暮归返时的醒醉二字,更是道尽了游者各各相异的神态。这令人想起明代文学家张岱在《西湖七月半》一文中对各种赏月人的生动描写:他们有的浅


十五从军征全文拼音版(注音版): shí wǔ cóng jūn zhēng ,bā shí shǐ dé guī。 dào féng xiāng lǐ rén :jiā zhōng yǒu ē shuí? yáo kàn shì jūn jiā,sōng bǎi zhǒng léi léi 。 tù cóng gǒu dòu rù,zhì cóng liáng shàng fēi 。 zhōng tíng shēng lǚ gǔ,jǐng shàng shēng lǚ kuí。 chōng gǔ chí zuò fàn ,cǎi kuí chí zuò gēng 。 gēng fàn yī shí shú,bù zhī yíē shuí! chū mén dōng xiàng kàn ,lèi luò zhān wǒ yī。 十五从军征全文(原文): 十五从军征,八十始得归。 道逢乡里人:家中有阿谁? 遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。 兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞。 中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。 舂谷持作饭,采葵持作羹。 羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁! 出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 十五从军征全文翻译(译文): 十五岁就应征去参军,八十岁才退伍回到故乡家中。 半路上碰到一个故乡的村民,问:“我家里面还有什么人?” “你家那个地方现在已是松树柏树林中的一片坟墓。'

走到家门前看见野兔从狗洞里出进,野鸡在梁上飞来飞去。 院子里长着野生的谷子,野菜环绕着井台。 捋些野谷舂米来做饭,摘下葵叶煮汤算是菜。 汤和饭一会儿都做好了,却不知应该送给谁一起分享。 走出大门向着东方张望,老泪纵横洒落在征衣上。 十五从军征字词句解释(意思): 始:才;归:回家。 道逢:在路上遇到;道:路途上。 阿(ē):语气词,没有实在意义。 君:你,表示尊敬的称呼;遥看:远远地望去。 松柏(bǎi):松树、柏树。 冢累累:坟墓一个连着一个。冢(zhǒng),坟墓、高坟。累累(léi léi),与“垒垒”通,连续不断的样子。 狗窦:给狗出入的墙洞。窦(dòu),洞穴。 雉(zhì):野鸡。 中庭:屋前的院子。 旅:旅生,植物未经播种而野生; 旅葵(kuí):葵菜,嫩叶可以吃。 舂(chōng):把东西放在石臼或乳钵里捣掉谷子的皮壳或捣碎。 羹(gēng):用菜叶做的汤。 一时:一会儿就。 贻(yí):送,赠送。


Unit 1 Pirates of the Internet It’s no secret that online piracy has decimated the music industry as millions of people stopped buying CDs and started stealing their favorite songs by downloading them from the internet. Now the hign-tech thieves are coming after Hollywood. Illegal downloading of full-length feature films is a relatively new phenomenon, but it’s becoming easier and easier to do. The people running America’s movie studios know that if they don’t do something----and fast---they could be in the same boat as the record companies. Correspodent: “What’s really at stake for the movie industry with all this privacy?” Chernin: “Well, I think, you know, ultimately, our absolute features.” Peter Chernin runs 20th Century Fox, one of the biggest studios in Hollywood. He knows the pirates of the Internet are gaining on him. Correspont: “Do you know how many movies are being downloaded today, in one day, in the United States?” Chernin: “I think it’s probably in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions.” Correspondent: “And it’s only going to grow.” Chernin: “It’s only going to grow. √Somebody can put a perfect digital copy up on the internet. A perfect digital copy, all right. And with the click of mouse, send out a million copies all over the world, in an instant.”


12要好好学字 教学目标: 1.学习本课生字新词,能够正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文。 2.学生在自主阅读课文的过程中自主生成问题,自主解决问题,在阅读探究的过程中理解“参 加革命了,要好好学字啊!”这句话的意思。懂得干革命需要文化知识,知道从小要好好学习,天天向上。 3.在自主探究课文怎么写毛主席教育小八路的过程中领会课文的语言表达方式。 课时安排:两课时 自主探究方案: 1.读一读课题,想一想围绕课题能产生哪些疑问?再猜一猜课文可能写了什么? 2读一读课文:带着你的疑问和猜想读课文,看看课文内容与你的猜想有什么区别? 3.读一读课文:读准字音,读通句子,思考读题时产生的疑问。 4.读读想想:这篇课文主要写了(谁)教育(谁)要。先写了,接着写了,最后写了。 5.自学生字词,用自己的方法记住生字的字音、字形、字义,并把难写的字多书空几遍,再写出“延、弯、遇”的笔顺。 延 弯 遇 6.看拼音,写汉字。 看拼音,写汉字。 Yán ān yù dào àn dìng bǎo liú cháng guì ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) Zhī dào wān xia yāo gé mìng hǎo a ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 7.课外搜索: (1) 搜集关于延安和毛泽东的资料。 (2)按照文中描写小八路的方法,仔细观察自己熟悉的同学,并介绍。 第一课时(总课时) 上课时间:月日课型:新授课 教学过程: 一、学生“展示自学”——教师“了解学情 展示学习: 1.揭示课题:板书课题。 2.学生展示学习成果:“我领大家读一读” 出示: 延安遇到手心知道、 参加革命点头回答

开火车读词。 3.听写。检查对照孩子的书写情况,学习新部首建字底,重点指导书写“延”“遇”两个字: 4. 通读课文。 二、学生“交流问题”——教师“定向目标” (一)提出问题: 1. 通过预习,你们认为这篇课文应该学习哪些内容呢? 根据学生的回答,相机引导写什么。 2.我们逐句朗读课文。 3.学生交流课文写了什么内容? 概括总结:课文写的是毛主席教育两个小八路要好好学字的事。 4. 对于这篇课文,通过预习,你有什么问题要问吗? 针对学生的提问,相机引导---怎么写。 针对学生提出的问题进行讨论,学生自主解决问题;同时形成共性需要解决的问题。(想一想,课文怎么写毛主席教育两个小八路要好好学字的?) (二)探究问题: 1.本课讲的是在革命根据地延安,毛主席教育两位小八路要好好学字的事,课文的结构是怎样安排的呢? 相机给课文划分段落。 2.学生讨论,教师小结:课文按照事情的发展顺序来叙述,自成三个自然段。 第一自然段:交代事情发生的时间、地点、人物; 第二自然段:毛主席和小八路交谈,教他们认字; 第三自然段:毛主席教育小八路要为革命好好学字。 三、学生“学习释疑”——教师“点难拨疑” 同学们刚才在读书的过程中已经解决了很多疑问,搞懂了课文写什么,那么课文是怎么写毛主席教育两个小八路要好好学字的呢?这个问题还需要我们进一步读书探究。 (一)学习第一自然段 1.数一数这一节有几句话?(两句话) 2.谁能简要说说每句话写了什么?(第一句话说的是毛主席遇到两个小八路;第二句话分别介绍两个小八路的情况。) 3.课文是按照什么顺序介绍两个小八路的?(顺序是:姓名——年龄——个子) 4.“才”在这里是什么意思?(“才”是“只是”的意思)指名朗读,读出“才”的含义,这位小八路真不简单。这么小的年龄就参加了革命。 参加八路军的孩子大多是穷苦出身,没有上学读书识字的机会. 找出这句话里的一对反义词。(高——矮) 5.看书上的插图。 分别指出图上谁是毛泽东、安定宝、刘长贵? 6.学生展示自己收集的有关延安的资料。 介绍延安:位于陕北高原,延河之滨,是我国的革命圣地。自1937年至1947年,是中共中央所在地。宝塔是革命圣地延安的象征。 7.小结:说一说这一段告诉我们什么?(故事发生的时间、地点和人物)


十五从军征 (汉)《乐府诗集》 十五从军征,八十始得归。 道逢乡里人:“家中有阿谁?” “遥望是君家,松柏冢累累。” 兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞, 中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。 舂谷持作饭,采葵持作羹。 羹饭一时熟,不知贻阿谁。 出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 注释 始:才。 归:回家。 道逢:在路上遇到 道:路途。 阿(a):在文章中是一个语音词 君:你,表示尊敬的称呼。 遥看:远远的看 柏(bǎi):松树。 冢(zhǒng):坟墓。 累累:与“垒垒”通,形容丘坟一个连一个的样子。 狗窦(gǒu dòu):给狗出入的墙洞,窦,洞穴。 雉(zhì):野鸡 中庭:屋前的院子 生:长 旅谷:植物未经播种叫“旅生”。旅生的谷叫“旅谷”。 旅葵(kuí):即野葵。 舂(chōng):把东西放在石臼或乳钵里捣掉皮壳或捣碎。 持:用。 作:当作 羹(gēng):菜。糊状的 一时:一会儿就 贻(yí):送,赠送 沾:渗入 译文 十五岁就应征去参军,八十岁才退伍回到故乡家中。 路上碰到一个乡下的邻居,问:“我家里还有什么人?” “你家那个地方现在已是松树柏树林中的一片坟墓。” 走到家门前看见野兔从狗洞里出进,野鸡在屋脊上飞来飞去。 院子里长着野生的谷子,野生的葵菜环绕着井台。 用捣掉壳的野谷来做饭,摘下葵叶煮汤算是菜。 汤和饭一会儿都做好了,却不知赠送给谁吃。 走出大门向着东方张望,老泪纵横洒落在征衣上。

浅析 十五从军征,八十始得归。道逢乡里人:“家中有阿谁?”“遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。”兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞;中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。舂谷持作飰(饭),采葵持作羹。羹飰一时熟,不知贻阿谁。出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。 《十五从军征》,是一首暴露封建社会不合理的兵役制度的汉代乐府民歌,反映了劳动人民在当时黑暗的兵役制度下的不平和痛苦。作品真实、深刻、令人感愤,催人泣下。 诗的开头,统摄全篇、韵长旨远:“十五从军征,八十始得归。”一个芳年稚齿、未谙世事、生气勃勃的少年,转瞬成了一个龙钟老态的皤然衰翁。那漫长的六十五年的岁月是在哪里,是怎样度过的呢?作者没有写,却以此把读者带进了深沉绵远的诗的意境,同主人公一起去体味接下去作品所描写的怆神寒骨,冰冷严酷的现实。一个“从军征”的“征”字,概括了主人公六十五年的戎马生涯;一个“始得归”的“始”字,准确、精到地传达了主人公六十五年昼思夜家,愁肠几断,盼归不得,年朽力衰方得回转家园的亦悲亦喜,说不清是悲是喜的复杂心情。作者没有絮絮描述这个老士兵六十五年南北征战、杀敌立功、九死一生的惊心动魄的往事。那些,对于年及八旬、日日沙场、夜夜枕戈、乡音久绝的主人公来说,早已习以为常、无甚新鲜了。或者说那些或足自慰或不堪回首的往事,与他此时此地急切渴望知晓家况的心情相比,实实微不足道、不劳挂齿了。平平常常的十个字,突出了主人公不平凡的特殊经历和当时心境心情,创造了足以笼罩全诗的氛围。 “道逢乡里人,‘家中有阿谁?’”主人公的思想脉络由六十五年的征战生活进入邈邈旷野、漫漫古道,对亲人家园的现状由茫然无际的想象到急切的、盼知又怕知的询问,读者由开头两句诗展开的遐想的翅翼也在主人公焦急的劈头问话声中收束。同没有详述主人公六十五年的征战生活一样,作品也省去了对他餐风宿露、匆匆赶路、与乡亲邂逅相遇的惊喜的描摹,一句“家中有阿谁”的追问,推出了作品的聚光点——家。“少小离家老大回,乡音无改鬓毛衰”,六十五年了,岂敢奢望阖家无恙、亲人健在?能有一二幸存者已是不幸中之万幸了。所以他只问,家中还有谁侥幸苟活人世呢?可是,“乡里人”的回答却如站在冰天雪地里当头浇下的一盆冰凌未澌的水:“遥看是君家,松柏冢累累。”在这动乱的年月,我可亲可爱的亲人们啊,竟无一幸存者吗?满怀希望,满腹衷情,六十五年的风霜雨雪,六十五年积压心底的感情,向谁倾诉、向谁表达啊?唯有那青青松柏、垒垒坟冢吗?那,就是我的家吗?不,不,不可能! 摆在他面前的现实是:“兔从狗窦入,雉从梁上飞;中庭生旅谷,井上生旅葵。”由遥看到近见,满眼更加荒凉凄楚的景象。作者没说室空无人,而是抓住野兔见人钻进家畜窝中自以为得所,野鸡惊飞落到屋内梁上自以为安的情景;作者没有直书庭园荒芜杂乱,只摄取了井边、中庭随意生长的葵菜和谷物两个“镜头”,人去屋空,人亡园荒,更其形象,倍伤人心神。你看,一个风尘仆仆的老人,站在曾经炊火融融、庭园整洁的“家”的面前,孑然一身,形影茕茕,盼望了六十五年可又无一亲人相迎的家,竟然比想象的还不堪十倍、百倍……这是怎样一种情境,将掀起读者怎样的感情波澜呢?作者没有直接抒写渲染感情,作品却收到比直接抒情更强烈的抒情效果。 有些迷蒙、有些浑噩、有些凄怆的老人,象对“松柏冢累累”不闻不见一样,对荒凉的家园的感触也变得麻木了。于是,他默默无言地舂去成熟的谷子的皮壳,采下冬葵嫩嫩的叶子。而当饭熟羹沸时,他才恍然想起不知该给谁吃。 “出门东向看,泪落沾我衣。”他走出年久失修的破门,向东方看去,他也许还抱着希望,他看到了谁?看到了什么呢?他也许看到了久别的亲人?也许什么也没有看。他茫然地从幻想中走出来,潸然泪下。他已不能象年轻人那样嚎啕大哭,只有那凝聚着六十五年的艰辛、六十五年的思念、六十五年的盼待、六十五年的沙场风尘、六十五年人世沧桑的老泪,扑簌簌落到满布征尘的衣襟上。“泪落沾我衣”五个字,饱和了多么丰富、多么深厚、多么沉痛

英语高级视听说下册 unit 10

Burning Rage This story originally aired on Nov. 13, 2005. When they first emerged in the mid-1990s, the environmental extremists calling themselves the "Earth Liberation Front" announced they were "the burning rage of a dying planet." Ever since, the ELF, along with its sister group, the Animal Liberation Front, has been burning everything from SUV dealerships to research labs to housing developments. In the last decade, these so-called "Eco-terrorists" have been responsible for more than $100 million in damages. And their tactics are beginning to escalate. Some splinter groups have set off homemade bombs and threatened to kill people. As correspondent Ed Bradley first reported last November, things have gotten so bad, the FBI now considers them the country's biggest domestic terrorist threat. 错误! The biggest act of eco-terrorism in U.S. history was a fire, deliberately set on the night of August 1, 2003, that destroyed a nearly-completed $23 million apartment complex just outside San Diego. The fire was set to protest urban sprawl. "It was the biggest fire I have ever responded to as a firefighter," remembers Jeff Carle, a division chief for the San Diego Fire Department. "That fire was not stoppable. At the stage that the fire was in when we arrived, there were problems in the adjacent occupied apartment complexes. Pine trees were starting to catch fire. Items on patios were starting to light up and catch fire. And we had to direct our activity towards saving life before we could do anything about the property." Hundreds were roused from their beds and evacuated. Luckily, nobody –including firefighters – was injured. By the time the fire burned itself out the next morning, all that remained was a 12-foot-long banner that read: "If you build it, we will burn it." Also on the banner was the acronym: E-L-F. When Carle saw the banner, he says he knew he had a problem. A problem, because he knew what ELF stood for: the Earth Liberation Front, the most radical fringe of the environmental movement. It's the same group that set nine simultaneous fires across the Vail Mountain ski resort in 1998 to protest its expansion, causing $12 million in damage. And it is the same group that has left SUV dealerships across America looking like scenes from Iraq's Sunni triangle, their way of protesting the gas-guzzling habits of American car buyers. The ELF is a spin-off of another group called the ALF, or Animal Liberation Front, whose masked members have been known to videotape themselves breaking into research labs, where they destroy years of painstaking work and free captive animals. In recent years,


苏教版语文二年级上册第四单元第12课《要好好学字》同步练习(I)卷 姓名:________ 班级:________ 成绩:________ 小朋友,带上你一段时间的学习成果,一起来做个自我检测吧,相信你一定是最棒的! 一、基础题 (共25题;共103分) 1. (8分)比一比,组词语。 枣________ 棵________ 匆________ 缓________ 束________ 颗________ 沟________ 暖________ 2. (4分)在括号里填上合适的词。 ________豌豆荚 ________叫________望________说 3. (8分)给下面的字加偏旁变成新字,再组成词。 力________ ________ 关________ ________ 尚________ ________ 寺________ ________ 4. (3分)组词语 两________ ________ ________ 5. (4分)照样子,写一写。 例:棵一棵棵一棵棵高大的树木。 个 ________ ________。 ________ ________。 6. (5分)读拼音,写汉字。 yán ān ________yùdào________shǒu xīn________ ɡé mìnɡ ________diǎn tóu ________

7. (2分)照样子,填上合适的词。 例:毛主席写了三个字。毛主席弯下腰写了三个字。 ①王平讲故事。王平________讲故事。 ②李白看天上的明月。李白________看天上的明月。 8. (4分)看拼音,写汉字; zhī dào ________cān jiā________huí dá ________ zhǔxí ________ 9. (5分)我会写笔顺。 ①延:撇、竖、横、竖折/竖弯、横折折撇、捺 ②弯: ③遇: 10. (3分)写出下列各词的反义词。 高—________ 弯—________ 点头—________ 11. (2分)写出下列词语的近义词。 知道—________ 连连—________ 12. (4分)写出带有下面偏旁的字,并组词。 廴________ ________ 辶________ ________ 13. (4分)根据汉字写拼音。 毛主席 ________ 安定宝 ________ 刘长贵 ________ 八路 ________ 14. (2分)加偏旁,变新字。 禺---________ ________

西湖七月半 张岱(原文及译文)

西湖七月半张岱 西湖七月半,一无可看,只可看看七月半之人。看七月半之人,以五类看之。其一,楼船箫鼓,峨冠盛筵,灯火优傒(xī),声光相乱,名为看月而实不见月者,看之。其一,亦船亦楼,名娃闺秀,携及童娈,笑啼杂之,环坐露台,左右盼望,身在月下而实不看月者,看之。其一,亦船亦声歌,名妓闲僧,浅斟低唱,弱管轻丝,竹肉相发,亦在月下,亦看月,而欲人看其看月者,看之。其一,不舟不车,不衫不帻(zé),酒醉饭饱,呼群三五,跻(jī)入人丛,昭庆、断桥,嚣呼嘈杂,装假醉,唱无腔曲,月亦看,看月者亦看,不看月者亦看,而实无一看者,看之。其一,小船轻幌,净几暖炉,茶铛chēng)旋(xuàn)煮,素瓷静递,好友佳人,邀月同坐,或匿(nì)影树下,或逃嚣里湖,看月而人不见其看月之态,亦不作意看月者,看之。 杭人游湖,巳(sì)出酉(yǒu)归,避月如仇。是夕好名,逐队争出,多犒门军酒钱,轿夫擎燎,列俟岸上。一入舟,速舟子急放断桥,赶入胜会。以故二鼓以前,人声鼓吹,如沸如撼,如魇(yǎn)如呓(yì),如聋如哑,大船小船一齐凑岸,一无所见,止见篙(gao)击篙,舟触舟,肩摩肩,面看面而已。少刻兴尽,官府席散,皂隶喝道去。轿夫叫船上人,怖以关门,灯笼火把如列星,一一簇拥而去。岸上人亦逐队赶门,渐稀渐薄,顷刻散尽矣。 吾辈始舣(yǐ)舟近岸。断桥石磴(dèng)始凉,席其上,呼客纵饮。此时月如镜新磨,山复整妆,湖复颒(huì)面,向之浅斟低唱者出,匿影树下者亦出,吾辈往通声气,拉与同坐。韵友来,名妓至,杯箸(zhù)安,竹肉发。月色苍凉,东方将白,客方散去。吾辈纵舟,酣睡于十里荷花之中,香气拍人,清梦甚惬。 西湖七月半(译文) 西湖的七月半,没有什么可看的,只可以看看七月半的人。看七月半的人,可以分五类来看。其中一类,坐在有楼饰的游船上,吹箫击鼓,戴着高冠,穿着漂亮整齐的衣服,灯火明亮,优伶、仆从相随,乐声与灯光相错杂,名为看月而事实上并未看见月亮的人,可以看看这一类人。一类,也坐在游船上,船上也有楼饰,带着有名的美人和贤淑有才的女子,还带着美童,嘻笑中夹着打趣的叫喊声,环坐在大船前的露台上,左盼右顾,置身月下但其实并没有看月的人,可以看看这一类人。一类,也坐着船,也有音乐和歌声,跟著名歌妓、清闲僧人一起,慢慢喝酒,曼声歌唱,箫笛、琴瑟之乐轻柔细缓,萧管伴和着歌声齐发,也置身月下,也看月,而又希望别人看他们看月,这样的人,可以看看这一类人。又一类,不坐船不乘车,不穿长衫也不带头巾,喝足了酒吃饱了饭,叫上三五个人,成群结队地挤入人丛,在昭庆寺、断桥一带高声乱嚷喧闹,假装发酒疯,唱不成腔调的歌曲,月也看,看月的人也看,不看月的人也看,而实际上什么也没有看见的人,可以看看这一类人。还有一类,乘着小船,船上挂着细而薄的帏幔,茶几洁净,茶炉温热,茶铛很快地把水烧开,白色瓷碗轻轻地传递,约了好友美女,请月亮和他们同坐,有的隐藏在树荫之下,有的去里湖逃避喧闹,尽管在看月,而人们看不到他们看月的样子,他们自己也不刻意看月,这样的人,可以看看。 杭州人游西湖,上午十点左右出门,下午六点左右回来,如怨仇似地躲避月亮。这天晚上爱虚名,一群群人争相出城,多赏把守城门的士卒一些小费,轿夫高举火把,在岸上列队等候。一上船,就催促船家迅速把船划到断桥,赶去参加盛会。因此二鼓以前人声和鼓乐声恰似水波涌腾、大地震荡,又犹如梦魇和呓语,周围的人们既听不到别人的说话声,又无法让别人听到自己说话的声音;大船小舟一起靠岸,什么也看不见,只看到船篙与船篙相撞,船与船相碰,肩膀与肩膀相摩擦,脸和脸相对而已。一会儿兴致尽了,官府宴席已散,由衙役吆喝开道而去。轿夫招呼船上的人,以关城门来恐吓游人,使他们早归,灯笼和火把像一行行星星,一一簇拥着回去。岸上的人也一批批急赴城门,人群慢慢稀少,不久就全部散去了。 这时,我们才把船靠近湖岸。断桥边的石磴也才凉下来,大家坐在上面,招呼客人开怀畅饮。此时月亮仿佛刚刚磨过的铜镜,光洁明亮,山峦重新整理了容妆,湖水重新整洗面目。原来慢慢喝酒、曼声歌唱的人出来了,隐藏树荫下的人也出来了,我们这批人去和他们打招呼,拉来同席而坐。风雅的朋友来了,出名的歌妓也来了,杯筷安置,歌乐齐发。直到月色灰白清凉,东方即将破晓,客人刚刚散去。我们这些人放船在十里荷花之间,畅快地安睡,花香飘绕于身边,清梦非常舒适。

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