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PPassage two Disorders of bones and joints骨和关节障碍
Disorders of the skeleton often involve surrounding tissues---ligaments, tendons, and muscles, and may be studied together as diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The medical specialty that concentrates on diseases of the skeletal and muscular systems is orthopedics. Physical therapists and occupational therapists must also understand these systems.疾病的骨骼通常包括周围组织——-ligaments、肌腱、及肌肉,一起可研究骨骼肌肉系统的疾病。医学专业致力于骨骼和肌肉疾病的骨科系统。物理治疗家和职业治疗师也必须理解这些系统。
Most abnormalities of the bones and joints appear on simple x-rays. Radioactive bone scans, CT, and MRI scans are used as well. Also indicative of disorders are changes in blood levels of calcium and alkaline phosphatase, an enzyme needed for calcification of bone.大多数骨头、关节的异常出现在简单的x射线。放射性骨扫瞄,CT、MRI扫描在使用。象征的疾病也在发生变化的钙和血压水平碱性磷酸酶需要一种酶,钙化的骨头。
Infection. Osteomyelitis is an inflammation of bone caused by pus-forming bacteria that enter through a wound or are carried by the blood. Often the blood-rich ends of the long bones are invaded, and the infection then spreads to other regions, such as the bone marrow and even the joints. The use of antibiotics has greatly reduced the threat of osteomyelitis.感染。骨髓炎是一炎症的骨pus-forming细菌引起进去的伤口或所携带的血。经常是含长骨的两端,并且感染侵犯然后扩散到其它地区,如骨髓甚至关节。而使用抗生素的威胁,大大降低了骨髓炎。
Tuberculosis may spread to bone, especially the long bones of the arms and the legs and the bones of the wrist and ankle. Tuberculosis of the spine is Pott’s disease. Infected vertebrae are weakened and may collapse, causing pain, deformity, and pressure on the spinal cord. Antibiotics can be used to control tuberculosis as long as the strains are not resistant to these drugs and the host is not weakened by other diseases.肺结核传播,特别是长到骨骨武器和腿部及腕部的骨骼和脚踝。放入是脊柱结核的疾病。被感染的椎骨会被削弱,并可能会倒塌,造成疼痛、畸形和脊髓的压力。抗生素可以用来控制结核病只要菌不耐这些药物和主机不被其他疾病。

Fractures. A fracture is a break in a bone. The effects of a fracture depend on the location and severity of the break, the amount of associated injury, possible complications, such as infections, and success of healing, which may take months. In a closed or simple fracture, the skin is not broken. If the fracture is accompanied by a wound in the skin, it is described as an open fracture. Various types of fractures are listed in Table One. Reduction of a fracture refers to realignment of the broken bone. If no s

urgery is required, the reduction is described as closed; an open reduction is one that requires surgery to place the bone in proper position (also see Figure 4-1)骨折。骨折就是打破一根骨头。骨折的影响取决于位置和严重程度相关破裂,数量的伤害,可能的并发症,如感染、与成功的治疗,这可能花上几个月。在一个封闭的或简单的骨裂,皮肤也不折断。如果骨折伴随有伤口皮肤后,它被描述为一个开放的骨折。各种类型的断口列于表。降低骨折是指骨头的再次。如果没有手术是必需的,减少封闭,被描述为一个开放复位内固定是需要手术把骨头在适当的位置(也见图4 - 1)

Metabolic bone diseases. Osteoporosis is a loss of bone mass that results in weakening of the bones. A decline in estrogen after menopause makes women over 50 most susceptible to this disorder. Efforts to prevent osteoporosis include adequate intake of calcium, engaging in weight-bearing exercise, and estrogen replacement therapy (ERT). Osteoporosis may also be caused by nutritional deficiencies, disuse, as in paralysis or immobilization in a cast, and excess steroids from the adrenal cortex.代谢性骨病。骨质疏松症是一种损失骨量导致坝体的骨头。绝经后雌激素的减少会使妇女超过50岁的人最容易受到这种紊乱。努力预防骨质疏松症包括足够的钙的摄入量,是一家专业从事负重运动,雌激素替代疗法急诊室剖胸)。骨质疏松症也可能是由于营养不足,淘汰,在中风或固定和多余打了石膏,从肾上腺皮质类固醇激素。)

In osteomalacia there is a softening of bone tissue due to lack of formation of a calcium salts. Possible causes include deficiency of vitamin D (needed to absorb calcium and phosphorus from the intestine), renal disorders, liver disease, and certain intestinal disorders. When osteomalacia occurs in children, the disease is called rickets. It is usually due to deficiency of vitamin D.在骨软化症有软化,由于缺乏骨组织形成钙盐。可能的原因包括:缺乏维生素D(需要吸收钙和磷、肾疾病大肠)、肝脏疾病,和一定的肠道疾病。当骨软化症发生在孩子,这种疾病被称为——佝偻病。它通常是由于缺乏维生素D。
Paget’s disease (osteitis deformans) is a disorder of aging in which bones become larger but weaker. It usually involves the bones of the axial skeleton, causing pain, fracture, and hearing lost. With time there may be neurologic signs, heart failure, and predisposition to cancer of the bones.Paget的病例)是一种风湿性osteitis老龄化的,骨变得更大,但虚弱。它常表现中轴骨骼的骨头而引起肌肉疼痛、骨折、听到失传。随着时间的推移可能有神经系统的症状,心衰以及易感性的癌症的骨头

Neoplasm. Osteogenic sarcoma (osteosarcoma) most commonly occurs in the growing region of a bone, especially around the knee. This is a

highly malignant tumor that often requires amputation. It most commonly metastasizes to the lungs.肿瘤。肉瘤(骨肉瘤)最常出现的地区,骨,特别是围绕在膝部。这是个高度恶性肿瘤,往往需要截肢。它最常metastasizes至肺部。

Chondrosarcoma usually appears in midlife. As the name implies, this tumor arises in cartilage. It most frequently metastasizes to the lungs and may require amputation.通常会在肉瘤归属感。如名字暗示的那样,该肿瘤出现在软骨。它最常metastasizes到肺并且可能需要截肢

In cases of malignant bone tumors, early surgical removal is important to prevent metastasis. Signs of bone tumors are pain, easy fracture, and increases in serum calcium and alkaline phosphatase. Aside from primary tumors, neoplasms at other sites often metastasize to bone, most commonly to the spine.恶性骨肿瘤的病例,早期手术切除是很重要的,以防止转移。骨肿瘤的迹象是痛苦,容易骨折、增加血清钙和碱性磷酸酶类。除了原发肿瘤,肿瘤常转移至其他网站骨,最常见的是脊柱的位置

Arthritis. In general, arthritis means inflammation of a joint. The most common form is osteoarthritis or degenerative joint disease (DJD). This is a gradual degeneration of articular (joint) cartilage due to wear-and-tear. It usually appears at midlife and beyond and involves the weight bearing joints and joints of fingers. X-rays show narrowing of the joint cavity and thickening of the bone. The cartilage may crack and break loose, causing inflammation in the joint and exposing the underlying bone. Osteoarthritis is treated with analgesics to relieve pain, anti-inflammatory agents, such as corticosteroids, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. (NSAIDs )关节炎。一般来说,关节炎意味着的发炎关节。最常见的形式是骨关节炎或退化性关节疾病(DJD)。这是一个逐渐退化软骨关节(接头)由于折磨人的。它通常出现在中年,远远超出了,它包括负重手指关节和关节。x射线显示缩小联合腔和增厚的骨头。,可能会龟裂的软骨,引起燥热挣脱了联合和揭示潜在的骨头。骨关节炎处理可以舒缓疼痛,止痛剂、抗炎药物,例如皮质激素治疗,非甾体类抗炎药物。(非甾体类抗炎药
Rheumatoid arthritis is a systematic inflammatory disease of the joints that commonly appears in young adult women. Its exact causes are unknown, but it may involve immunologic reactions. A group of antibodies called rheumatoid factor often appears in the blood, but is not always specific for the rheumatoid arthritis, as it may occur in other systemic diseases as well. There is an overgrowth of the synovial membrane that lines the joint cavity. As this covers and destroys the joint cartilage, synovial fluid accumulates, causing swelling of the joint. There is degeneration of the underlying bone, eventually causing fusion of the bones, or ankylosis. Treatment includes re

st, physical therapy, analgesics, and anti-inflammatory drugs.类风湿性关节炎是一种系统的炎症性疾病通常出现在关节成年女性。它的确切原因不明,但它可能包括免疫反应。一群抗体称为类风湿因子经常出现的血液,但并不总是如此专用类风湿性关节炎的患者,因为它可能出现在其它全身性疾病。有过多的滑膜隔膜,线联合腔。作为这套破坏关节软骨,滑膜液积淀,导致浮肿的关节。有贬低的潜在的骨头,最终导致融合骨骼或者黏连。治疗包括休息,物理治疗,止痛剂及抗炎药物。
Gout is caused by an increased level of uric acid in the blood, salts of which are deposited in the joints. It mostly occurs in middle-aged men and almost always involves pain at the base of the great toe. The cause may be a primary metabolic disturbance or a secondary effect of another disease, as of the kidneys. Gout is treated with drugs to suppress formation of uric acid or to increase elimination of uric acid (uricosuric agent).痛风是水平增加引起的血、尿酸盐是存放在关节。主要发生在中年男性和几乎总是包括疼痛在该基地的大脚趾。产生的原因可能是主要的代谢失调或者一个继发效应的其他疾病,如肾脏。痛风与药物来抑制形成尿酸或增加消除尿酸(uricosuric剂)。

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