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中华人民共和国物权法Real Rights Law of the People's

Republic of China

English Version 中文版





所属分类:综合(民法->物权->综合)Promulgation Date:03-16-2007 Effective Region:NATIONAL Promulgator:National People's Congress

Document No:Order of the President [2007] No. 62


Effective Date:10-01-2007 Category:General(Civil Law->Right In Rem->General)

中华人民共和国物权法Real Rights Law of the People's

Republic of China

主席令[2007]第62号Order of the President [2007] No. 62 2007年3月16日March 16, 2007











第五章国家所有权和集体所(Adopted at the 5th session of the Tenth National People's Congress, promulgated by the Order of the President No. 62 on March 16, 2007 and effective as of October 1, 2007) Contents

Part I General Provisions

Chapter I Basic Principles

Chapter II Creation, Alteration, Transfer and Termination of Real Rights

Section 1 Registration of Immovables Section 2 Delivery of Movables Section 3 Other Provisions

Chapter III Protection of Real Rights Part II Ownership






















第十九章占有Chapter IV General Provisions on Ownership

Chapter V State, Collective and Private Ownerships

Chapter VI Partitioned Ownership of Building Areas

Chapter VII Neighboring Relationships Chapter VIII Co-ownership

Chapter IX Special Provisions on Appropriation of Ownership

Part III Usufruct Rights

Chapter X General Provisions on Usufruct Rights

Chapter XI Land Contractual Operating Rights

Chapter XII Construction Land Use Rights

Chapter XIII Residential Land Use Rights

Chapter XIV Easements

Part IV Collateral rights

Chapter XV General Provisions on Collateral rights

Chapter XVI Mortgage Rights

Section 1 General Mortgage Rights Section 2 Maximum Amount of Mortgage Rights

Chapter XVII Pledge Rights

Section 1 Movable Pledge

Section 2 Pledge of Rights

Chapter XVIII Lien

Part V Possession

Chapter XIX Possession Supplementary Provisions

第一编总则Part I General Provisions 第一章基本原则Chapter I Basic Principles

第一条为了维护国家基本经济制度,维护社会主义市场经济秩序,明确物的归属,发挥物的效用,保护权利人的物权,根据宪法,制Article 1 This Law is formulated in accordance with the Constitution, in order to maintain the basic economic system of the State, to safeguard the


(相关文章:相关案例1篇专业书刊1篇)socialist market economic order, to clearly define the attribution of specific properties, to promote the utilities of properties and to protect the real rights of rights holders.




(相关文章:相关案例21篇热点透视1篇专业书刊1篇)Article 2 The civil relationships arising from the attribution and utilization of properties shall be governed by this Law.

Properties referred to in this law include immovables and movables. Where it is prescribed in any provision that a certain right be the object of real rights, such provision shall apply.

For the purposes of this Law, "real rights" refer to a rights holder's exclusive right of direct control over a specific immovable or movable in accordance with the law, and include ownership, usufruct and collateral rights.




(相关文章:专业书刊1篇)Article 3 In the primary phase of socialism, the State adheres to the basic economic system with public ownership as a principal element, and diverse forms of ownership developing jointly.

The State shall consolidate and develop the public economy, and shall encourage, support and guide the development of the non-public economy.

The State shall adopt a socialist market economic system, and shall protect the equal legal status and the development rights of all market subjects.

第四条国家、集体、私人的物权和其他权利人的物权受法律保Article 4 The real rights of the State, collectives, individuals or any other


(相关文章:相关案例111篇热点透视2篇)rights holder shall be protected by law, and no entity or individual may infringe upon these rights.

第五条物权的种类和内容,由法律规定。Article 5 The categories of real rights and their contents shall be prescribed by law.


(相关文章:相关案例16篇热点透视1篇专业书刊1篇)Article 6 The creation, alteration, transfer or termination of a real right of an immovable shall be subject to registration in accordance with the law. The creation or transfer of a real right of a movable shall be delivered in accordance with the law.


(相关文章:相关案例23篇)Article 7 The acquisition and exercise of real rights shall comply with the law and be in respect of social ethics, and may not infringe upon the public interests and the lawful rights and interests of any other person.

第八条其他相关法律对物权另有特别规定的,依照其规定。Article 8 Where another law contains special provision in respect of a real right, such provision shall prevail.

第二章物权的设立、变更、转让和消灭Chapter II Creation, Alteration, Transfer and Termination of Real Right

第一节不动产登记Section 1 Registration of Immovables




热点透视2篇)Article 9 Upon registration in accordance with the law, the creation, alteration, transfer or termination of the real rights of an immovable shall come into effect; and it shall have no effect if it is not registered in accordance with law, unless otherwise prescribed by any law.

As for natural resources owned by the State in accordance with the law, the

registration of ownership is not required.



(相关文章:相关案例4篇热点透视1篇)Article 10 The registration of an immovable shall be handled by the registrar at the locality of the immovable. The State shall adopt a uniform registration system for immovables. The relevant laws and administrative regulations shall prescribe the scope, particulars of the registrar and measures of uniform registration .


(相关文章:相关案例1篇)Article 11 In light of the different registration items, an applicant shall, when applying for the registration of an immovable, provide such necessary materials as the ownership certificate of the immovable and the location and area of the immovable.







(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例4篇)Article 12 The registrar shall perform the following duties:

1. Verifying the ownership certificate and other required materials as provided by the applicant;

2. Querying the applicant on the registration items concerned;

3. Registering the relevant items in accordance with the facts and in a timely manner; and

4. Other duties as provided for in any law or administrative regulation. The registrar may request the applicant provide supplementary materials where further proof in relation to the situation of the immovable under application for registration is needed, and may conduct on-site inspection when





(三)超出登记职责范围的其他行为。Article 13 The registrar may not commit any of the following actions: 1. Asking for an appraisal of an immovable;

2. Undertaking repetitive registration in the name of annual inspection; or

3. Any other actions beyond the scope of registration duties.


(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例21篇热点透视1篇)Article 14 Where the creation, alteration, transfer or termination of a real right of an immovable is required by law to be registered, it shall take effect on the date it is recorded in the register of immovables.


(相关文章:相关案例95篇专业书刊1篇)Article 15 Where a contract is entered into by the related parties concerning the creation, alteration, transfer or termination of the real rights of an immovable, the contract shall take effect upon the initiation of the contract, unless it is otherwise prescribed by any law; and the validity of the contract is not affected, whether the real right has been registered or not.



(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例10篇)Article 16 The register of immovables shall be the basis for deciding the ownership and contents of an immovable and shall be under the management of the registrar.

第十七条不动产权属证书是权利人享有该不动产物权的证明。不动产权属证书记载的事项,应当与不动产登记簿一致;记载不一致Article 17 The certificate of ownership of an immovable shall be the evidence for the rights holder's ownership of an immovable. The items


(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例62篇)recorded in the certificate of ownership of an immovable shall accord with those recorded in the register of immovables. In the case of any inconsistencies, unless it is proven that the register of immovables is incorrect, items recorded in the register of immovables shall prevail.

第十八条权利人、利害关系人可以申请查询、复制登记资料,登记机构应当提供。Article 18 A rights holder or interested party may apply to consult and copy the registration materials, and the registrar shall make these materials available.



(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例5篇)Article 19 Where a rights holder or interested party believes that any item recorded in the register of immovables is incorrect, he may apply for a correction of the registration. The registrar shall revise the registration accordingly if the rights holder recorded in the register of immovables agrees in writing to revise the registration, or if there is evidence to prove that the registration is incorrect.

Where the rights holder recorded in the register of immovables does not agree to the alteration, the interested party may apply for objection registration. Where the registrar grants the objection registration but the applicant fails to lodge an action within 15 days, the objection registration shall lapse. Where the objection registration is improper and causes damage to the rights holder, the rights holder may request the applicant compensate for damages.

第二十条当事人签订买卖房Article 20 Where the related parties



(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例3篇专业书刊1篇)enter into a purchase agreement on a premise or the real rights of any other immovable, they may apply to the registrar for pre-registration so as to ensure realization of real rights in the future. Any disposal of the immovable, after the

pre-registration, is not valid without the consent of the holder in the pre-registration.

If after the pre-registration is made, the obligee's right is terminated or the application for the registration of the immovable is not filed within 3 months of the date it can be registered, the pre-registration shall lapse.



(相关文章:相关案例7篇)Article 21 Where any related party provides false materials in applying for registration and causes damages to any other person, he shall be liable for compensation of damages.

Where a registrar causes damages to any other person by virtue of a mistake in registration, the registrar shall be liable for compensation of damages. After making the compensation, the registrar may seek to recover the amount from the person responsible for the registration mistake.


(相关文章:相关案例1篇)Article 22 Immovable registration fees shall be charged per unit, and may not be charged on the basis of the size, volume or price of the immovable. The relevant departments of the State Council in collaboration with the competent pricing department shall formulate the rate of fees.

第二节动产交付Section 2 Delivery of Movables


(相关文章:相关案例25篇)Article 23 The creation or transfer of the real rights of a movable shall take effect upon delivery, unless otherwise prescribed by any law.


(相关文章:相关案例16篇)Article 24 The creation, alteration, transfer or termination of the real rights of any vessel, aircraft, or motor vehicle, etc. may not challenge any bona fide third party if it is not registered.


(相关文章:相关案例1篇专业书刊1篇)Article 25 Where the rights holder has taken legal possession of a movable prior to the creation or transfer of a movable's real rights, the real rights shall take effect upon the effectiveness of the legal act.

第二十六条动产物权设立和转让前,第三人依法占有该动产的,负有交付义务的人可以通过转让请求第三人返还原物的权利代替交付。Article 26 Where a third party has taken legal possession of a movable prior to the creation or transfer of a movable's real rights, the person assuming the obligation of delivery may assign the right to request the third party to return the original object in lieu of delivery.


(相关文章:相关案例2篇)Article 27 Where both parties agree to let the transferor retain possession of the movable when the real rights of a movable are transferred, the real rights shall take effect upon the effectiveness of the agreement.

第三节其他规定Section 3 Other Provisions

第二十八条因人民法院、仲裁委员会的法律文书或者人民政府的征收决定等,导致物权设立、变更、转让或者消灭的,自法律文书或者人民政府的征收决定等生效时Article 28 For the creation, alteration, transfer or termination of real rights resulting from a legal document issued by the People's Court or arbitration committee or a


(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例32篇)requisition decision issued by the People's Government, etc., the real rights shall take effect upon the effectiveness of the legal document or the requisition decision of the People's Government, etc.


(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 29 Where real rights are acquired through inheritance or bequest, the real rights shall take effect at the commencement of the inheritance or bequest.


(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例9篇)Article 30 Where real rights are created or terminated as a result of such factual events as the legal construction or demolition of premises, the real rights shall take effect upon the accomplishment of the factual event.


(相关文章:相关案例7篇)Article 31 Regarding real rights of an immovable appropriated according to the provisions of Articles 28 through 30 of this Law, any disposal thereof will not effect the real rights until it is registered as required by law.

第三章物权的保护Chapter III Protection of Real Rights


(相关文章:相关案例53篇)Article 32 Where real rights are infringed upon, the rights holder may settle the problem by means of conciliation, mediation or arbitration, etc.


(相关文章:相关案例73篇)Article 33 Where the ownership or contents of real rights are in dispute, the interested parties may require the confirmation of the real rights.


(相关文章:相关案例203篇)Article 34 Where an immovable or movable is under unauthorized possession, the rights holder may require the return of the original object.


(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例155篇)Article 35 Where real rights are under obstruction or may be obstructed, the rights holder may require the removal of the impediment or the elimination of the danger.


(相关文章:相关案例46篇)Article 36 Where an immovable or movable is damaged, the rights holder may require the repair, remake, change or the restoration to the original state.


(相关文章:相关案例162篇)Article 37 Where an infringement upon real rights causes losses to the rights holder, the rights holder may require compensation for the losses or the assumption of any other civil liability.



(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 38 The methods for protecting real rights as prescribed in this Law may apply either independently or jointly in light of the circumstances of infringement.

In addition to assuming civil liabilities, any entity or individual infringing upon real rights shall assume the administrative liabilities where he violates any provision on administrative regulation; and where any crime is established, he shall assume the criminal liabilities.

第二编所有权Part II Ownership

第四章一般规定Chapter IV General Provisions on




热点透视1篇专业书刊1篇)Article 39 An owner of an immovable or movable is entitled to possess, utilize, profit from and dispose of the immovable or movable in accordance with the law.


(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 40 An owner of an immovable or movable is entitled to establish usufruct rights or collateral rights over the immovable or movable. When exercising the right, the holder of usufruct rights or collateral rights may not infringe upon the rights and interests of the owner.


(相关文章:相关案例11篇)Article 41 Where an immovable or movable is exclusively owned by the State according to law, any entity or individual may not acquire its ownership .





(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例29篇热点透视2篇)Article 42 In order to meet the demands of public interests, the requisition of lands owned collectively, premises owned by entities and individuals or other immovables is permitted according to the limits of statutory power and procedures.

The requisition of collectively owned landrequires, in accordance with the law, the full payment of land compensation fees, relocation subsidies, compensation for the above-ground fixtures of the land and seedlings, etc., the arrangement of social security fees for farmers affected by the land requisition, the guarantee of their livelihood and protection of their lawful rights and interests. The requisition of premises or other immovables owned by

entities and individuals requires compensation for demolishment and relocation in accordance with the law and protection of the lawful rights and interests of the owners of the requisitioned immovables. The requisition of individuals' residential houses requires the guarantee of the housing conditions of the owners of the requisitioned houses.

The Any individual or entity may not embezzle, misappropriate, privately share, detain or delay the payment of compensation fees for requisition and other fees.


(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 43 The State provides special protection for agricultural lands, stringently restricts the conversion of agricultural lands into construction lands and controls the aggregate quantity of construction lands. The requisition of any collectively owned land must not be in violation of the limits of statutory power and procedures.

第四十四条因抢险、救灾等紧急需要,依照法律规定的权限和程序可以征用单位、个人的不动产或者动产。被征用的不动产或者动产使用后,应当返还被征用人。单位、个人的不动产或者动产被征用或者征用后毁损、灭失的,应当给予补偿。Article 44 In emergency situations or for disaster relief, the use of immovables or movables owned by entities and individuals according to the limits of statutory power and procedures is allowed. After emergency use, the immovables or movables shall be returned to the owners. Where an immovable or movable owned by any entity or individual is damaged or lost after being used, commensurate compensation shall be made.

第五章国家所有权和集体所Chapter V State, Collective and

有权、私人所有权Private Ownerships


国有财产由国务院代表国家行使所有权;法律另有规定的,依照其规定。Article 45 Where properties are legally owned by the State, the State holds ownership rights, and the properties can be considered as owned by all the people.

The State Council shall exercise the ownership rights of State-owned properties on behalf of the State. Where another law contains provision in respect to ownership rights of State-owned property, such provision shall prevail.


(相关文章:法律法规1篇)Article 46 Mineral deposits, waters and sea territories are subject to State ownership.


(相关文章:相关案例2篇)Article 47 Urban lands are subject to State ownership. Where land in rural areas and suburban areas are legally owned by the State, the State holds ownership rights.


(相关文章:相关案例1篇)Article 48 Natural resources such as forests, mountains, grasslands, wastelands and tidal flats are subject to State ownership, except for those under collective ownership as provided for by law.

第四十九条法律规定属于国家所有的野生动植物资源,属于国家所有。Article 49 Where wildlife resources are legally owned by the State, the State holds ownership rights.

第五十条无线电频谱资源属于国家所有。Article 50 Radio frequency spectrum resources are subject to State ownership.

第五十一条法律规定属于国家所有的文物,属于国家所有。Article 51 Where cultural relics that are legally owned by the State, the

State holds ownership rights.


铁路、公路、电力设施、电信设施和油气管道等基础设施,依照法律规定为国家所有的,属于国家所有。Article 52 National defense assets are subject to State ownership.

Where infrastructures such as railways, highways, electric power facilities, telecommunication facilities, and petrol and gas pipelines are legally owned by the State, the State holds ownership rights.


(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 53 State authorities have the power, in accordance with the law and the relevant provisions of the State Council, to possess, utilize and dispose of any immovable or movable directly controlled by them.


(相关文章:相关案例4篇)Article 54 A public institution held by the State has the power, in accordance with the laws and the relevant provisions of the State Council, to possess, utilize, seek profit from and dispose of any immovable or movable directly controlled by them.

第五十五条国家出资的企业,由国务院、地方人民政府依照法律、行政法规规定分别代表国家履行出资人职责,享有出资人权益。Article 55 Where an enterprise is set up with State funds , the State Council and the local people's governments shall perform the contributor's duties as well as carry the rights and interests on behalf of the State in accordance with the relevant laws and administrative regulations.


(相关文章:相关案例3篇)Article 56 State-owned properties are protected by law, and no entity or individual may impinge upon, embezzle, privately distribute, detain or damage them.


违反国有财产管理规定,在企业改制、合并分立、关联交易等过程中,低价转让、合谋私分、擅自担保或者以其他方式造成国有财产损失的,应当依法承担法律责任。Article 57 The institutions in charge of performing the duties of managing and supervising State-owned assets shall, in accordance with the law, strengthen the management and supervision of State-owned assets in order to promote economical maintenance and appreciation and to prevent losses thereof. Where any entity or individual causes any loss of State-owned assets by misusing authority or neglecting duty, he shall assume legal liabilities in accordance with the law.

Where, in the process of enterprise restructuring, merger, division or affiliated transactions, any entity or individual found causing a loss in State-owned assets by way of transferring them at less than their value, conspiring to distribute them secretly, providing a guarantee without authorization or in any other manner considered a violation of the provisions on the management of State-owned assets, shall be liable in accordance with the law.






(相关文章:相关案例18篇)Article 58 Collective ownership of immovables and movables includes: 1. Land, forests, mountains, grasslands, wastelands and tidal flats that are legally under the ownership of a collective;

2. Buildings, production facilities, agricultural land, and water conservancy facilities that are legally under the ownership of a collective;

3. Education, science, culture, sanitation and sports facilities, etc that are legally under the ownership of a collective;

4.Other immovables and movables that are legally under the ownership of a collective.








(相关文章:相关案例74篇)Article 59 The immovables and movables that are under the ownership of a rural collective shall be collectively owned by all the members of this collective.

Members of a collective shall determine the following issues according to statutory procedures: 1. The land contracting plan and whether to contract land out to an entity or individual not included in the collective;

2. The adjustment of contracted land among the rights holders of the contracted management of land;

3. The methods for use and distribution of such fees as land compensation fees;

4. The alteration of ownership or any other related issue of an enterprise set up with the funds invested by the collective; and

5. Other issues provided for by law.




(相关文章:法律法规1篇相关案例12篇)Article 60 Where any land, forest, mountain, grassland, wasteland or tidal flat is under collective ownership, the ownership thereof shall be exercised according to the following provisions:

1. Where owned by a rural collective of a village, the villagers' committee or collective economic organization of the village shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective;

2. Where owned by two or more rural collectives, all the villagers' committees or collective economic organizations of the village shall

exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective; and

3. Where owned by a rural collective of a town, the collective economic organization of the town shall exercise the ownership on behalf of the collective.

第六十一条城镇集体所有的不动产和动产,依照法律、行政法规的规定由本集体享有占有、使用、收益和处分的权利。Article 61 As regards any immovable or movable owned by an urban collective, this urban collective has the rights to possess, use, seek profit from and dispose of it according to the related laws and administrative regulations.


(相关文章:相关案例1篇)Article 62 In accordance with the relevant laws, administrative regulations, articles of association, village regulations and villagers' pledges, the collective economic organization, villagers' committee or group shall make known the situation of the properties owned by a collective to the members of the collective.



(相关文章:相关案例63篇)Article 63 Properties under collective ownership shall be protected by law, and any entity or individual may not impinge upon, embezzle, privately distribute, detain or destroy them.

Where the legitimate rights and interests of any member of the collective are infringed upon by any decision made by a collective economic organization, villagers' committee or the principle thereof, such member may request the People's Court revoke the decision.

第六十四条私人对其合法的收入、房屋、生活用品、生产工具、Article 64 An individual has ownership rights to own his legal income,


(相关文章:相关案例37篇)premise, household goods, production equipment, raw materials as well as other immovables and movables.


(相关文章:相关案例6篇)Article 65 An individual's legal savings, investments and their proceeds shall be protected by law. An individual's right of inheritance, as well as other legal rights and interests shall be protected by the State in accordance with the law.


(相关文章:相关案例76篇)Article 66 An individual's legal properties shall be protected by law and any entity or individual may not impinge upon, embezzle or destroy them.


(相关文章:相关案例1篇)Article 67 The State, any collective or individual may invest in the establishment of a limited liability company, a company limited by shares or any other form of enterprise. Where the State, a collective or an individual invests the immovables or movables it owns in an enterprise, the contributor shall, in accordance with the agreement or on the basis of his proportion of investment, hold rights such as obtaining asset returns, making important decisions, selecting operators and managers and carrying out their duties.



(相关文章:相关案例5篇)Article 68 In accordance with the law, administrative regulations and its articles of association, an enterprise legal person is entitled to possess, utilize, seek profit from and dispose of any immovable or movable it owns. The provisions of related laws, administrative regulations and its articles of associations shall apply

to rights over immovables and movables owned by a legal person other than an enterprise legal person.

第六十九条社会团体依法所有的不动产和动产,受法律保护。Article 69 Immovables and movables owned by social organizations shall be protected in accordance with the law.

第六章业主的建筑物区分所有权Chapter VI Partitioned Ownership of Building Areas


(相关文章:相关案例16篇)Article 70 An owner shall hold ownership rights where there are private areas within buildings, such as residential premises or premises used for business purposes, while owners shall have common ownership and management rights over common areas of the building..


(相关文章:相关案例7篇)Article 71 An owner is entitled to possess, utilize, seek profit from and dispose of the private areas of the building. Any owner may not compromise the safety of the building or infringe upon the lawful rights and interests of any other owner when exercising his rights.



(相关文章:相关案例8篇)Article 72 An owner holds the rights and assumes the obligations over the common areas of the building, and may not neglect his obligations under the pretext of abandoning rights.

In case an owner transfers his residential premises or premises used for business purposes within the building, the common ownership and management right held by him over the common parts shall be transferred at the same time.

第七十三条建筑区划内的道Article 73 Roads within the building

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