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Unit 1


I knew I could expect my brother to stand by me whatever happened.


As a general rule, young people tend to be more interest in the present and the future.


Both sides will stand to lose if they do not compromise.


It is our hope to make all the courses and teaching materials integrated.


The Chinese written language has been a major factor for integrating our nation.


In traditional Chinese art, the bamboo often stands for moral integrity and uprightness.


The great majority of the people stand for further reform.


Queen Elizabeth the First ruled England for 45 years, and the country prospered under her rule. 9、真理一开始总是掌握在少数人手里。这是一般的规律。

The truth is always in the hand of a small minority at first. That's the rule.

10, 民主意味着由多数人来治理,但是少数人反对的权利仍然得到尊重。这两条基本规则同等重要。

Democracy means that the majority rules, but the minority’s right to disagree is also respected. These two basic rules are of equal importance.


A nation cannot be strong unless it is well-integrated economically, politically and culturally as well as geographically.


The party was boring, so she slipped out of the room and went home.

13 路很泥泞,他一滑掉进了河里。

The road was muddy. He slipped and fell into the river.

14、有一天,我因为破产正在一家饭馆力借酒浇愁,他突然过来把一叠钞票悄悄塞进我手里。One day I was drowning my sorrows in a restaurant because I was broke when he came and slipped a roll of money into my hand.


The Court of Florida ruled that it was necessary to recount the votes.


The idea that the sun moves round the earth ruled ancient scholars for more than a thousand years.


The hutongs are an integral part of old Beijing.


Days slipped by and I still had not made much progress.


He weighed every word carefully lest he should make a mistake.


Her health was such terrible that she would not go out in the sun even in winter lest she get sun-stroke.

Lesson 2


It is a miracle how our company has developed into a multinational in such a short span of time.


The average life span of that country has increased from 42 years to 50 years in a matter of two decades.


The conflict between the two countries has spanned more than half a century.


There are four bridges spanning the river.


I'm much obliged to you. Without your help, I would never have finished the book.


No, you are not obliged to go to the party. You don't have to go if you don't want to.

7 人们找她她总是十分乐意为他们帮忙。

She’s always ready to oblige when people come to her for help.

8 山谷里有一个小湖,夹在一座小山和一块草地中间。那是野餐的绝妙之处。

In the valley is a small lake right between a meadow and a hill. It is a perfect spot for picnic .


Sitting in that shady spot he soon dozed off.


He criticized me on the spot when he saw me throw a plastic bag by the roadside.

11 那是一件白底蓝点的衬衫,看起来挺漂亮的。

It is a white shirt with blue spots. It looks quite pretty.


The detective spotted the suspect and he walked and arrested him.


One of the balloons popped and it gave me quite a start.

14 在上课的时候进进出出是很不礼貌的。

It is very impolite to keep popping in and out of the classroom when the class is still going on. 15、当他看见那位小伙子准备用现金买那辆宝马车的时候,他的眼珠子都要蹦出来了。When he saw the young man ready to pay for the BMW in cash, his eyes almost popped out of his head.


In those countries, water is worth a lot more than oil. Friends will often bring dollars' worth of water as a gift.


When this project is completed, it will benefit about a hundred thousand people. It will be well worth the effort and investment.


This movie is not worth seeing twice. In fact, it's not worth seeing at all.

19 我觉得那地方值得去参观。我听说他们所有传统的明清建筑都保存得很好。

I think it is worthwhile to visit that place. I hear they have kept all their traditional houses intacthouses that were built in Ming-Qing styles.


Jia Baoyu was sick and tired of being his father's worthy son. He yearned for freedom.

Lesson 3

1 尚不知飞机撞毁的原因。

The cause of the aircraft crash is so far unknown.

2 地球转暖的原因目前在科学家当中还在热烈争论。

The cause of global warming is still hotly debated among scientists.

3 他把他的一生都献给了环保事业。

He devoted all his life to the cause of environmental protection.

4 历史上这条河给我们造成了大量的问题。

The river has caused us a lot of trouble in history.

5 你认为国际恐怖主义的高涨是什么造成的?

What do you think caused the upsurge in international terrorism?

6 我们必须团结那些反对过我们的人。

We must try and unite with those who have opposed us.

7 任何进步和改革都会遭到反对。

There is always opposition to any progress and reform.

8 有些人对新事物总是反对的。

Some people are always opposed to new things.

9 这些贷款不少从未归还。这些呆帐最后导致了这个世界上第二大经济强国的经济危机。

A lot of those loans were never repaid. That high ratio of bad debts financially led to the financial crisis in this second economic power in the world.

10 工商银行现在给那些缴不起学费的学生提供一种特别贷款。

The Business Bank now offers a special loan to students who can’t pay for their education.

11 这男孩问思多太太能否将她的望远镜借她一用。

The boy asked Mrs. Stow for the loan of her binoculars.

12 她在结束讲话时说,她希望哪天能再来,多看看这个国家。

She concluded her speech by saying that she hoped she could come again some day and see more of the country.

13 他们一结束调查,就向安理会报告。

As son as they concluded the investigation, they were to report to the Security Council.

14 在他访问期间,他将和印度签署一个新的贸易协定。

During his visit, he will conclude a new trade agreement with India.

15 根据这些有理疑点,陪审团只能得出结论,这个少年是无罪的。

Based on those reasonable doubts, the jury had to conclude that the boy was not guilty.

16 他将经东京飞往纽约。

She is flying to New Y ork by way of Tokyo.

17 我想谈谈上世纪60年代的情况作为对这个电影的介绍。

I'd like to say a few words about the situation in the sixties of the last century by way of an introduction to the movie.

18 他们决定招回大使以示抗议。

They decided to recall their ambassador by way of protest.

Lesson 4


Import of that country’s beef was suspended because of the mad cow sc are.


During the war, they had to suspend the construction of the railway.


It was a serious offence to take drugs. Robert was suspended from school for two weeks.


She was reading in a hammock suspended from two tree branches.

5 这次暂停销售给我们带来了很大的损失。

The sales suspension has brought us heavy losses.

6 这也许是亚洲最长的吊桥。

This is perhaps the longest suspension bridge in Asia.

7 这个作家善于制造悬念。

The author is very good at creating suspense.

8 他那时经常十分羡慕地看着那些有钱人的孩子上学。

He used to watch with great envy children of wealthy people go to school.

9 我真的相当羡慕他们的校园。

I rather envy their school for its beautiful campus.

10 她别过了脸,免得让人看到她的脸红。

She averted her face so that people would not see her blush.

11 他一向讨厌出头露面,出风头。

He has always had an aversion to publicity.

12 政府的政策成功地避免了一场严重的经济衰退。

The government's policy succeeded in averting a serious economic recession.

13 迈克尔乔丹是很多黑人孩子心中羡慕的人。

Michael Jordan is the envy of many black kids.

14 每年夏天都有几十万人被派去护提防洪。

Every summer, hundreds of thousands of people are sent to guard the riverbanks against floods. 15 要想得到那个金苹果很不容易,因为有一个巨人守卫着。

It was not easy to get the golden apple, for it was guarded by a ferocious giant.

16 当时西城几乎没有设防,诸葛亮差一点当了俘虏。

Xicheng was practically unguarded so Zhuge Liang narrowly escaped being captured.

17 那些战俘杀了守卫,逃进了森林。

The prisoners of war killed the guards and escaped into the woods.

18 他也许是篮球史上最伟大的后卫。

He is probably the greatest guard in the history of basketball.

19 他们在一个星期天发动进攻,打了美国人一个措手不及。

They took the Americans off guard by launching a sudden attack on a Sunday.

20 桥上站着两个士兵在守卫。

There were two armed soldiers standing guard at the bridge.

21 拿破仑在他早年就已经显示了他的才能。

Napoleon exhibited his military talent early in life.

22 这些展品都保了险,而且都严加守卫。

These exhibits are all insured and carefully guarded.

23 展览会结束以后,所有这些展品都将作为礼品送给东道国。

When the exhibition is over, the exhibits will be given to the host country as gifts.

24 她将在中央美术馆展出她最近的一些雕塑。

She is going to exhibit some of her most recent sculptures at the National Art Gallery.



We need to increase our oil import in the coming years to meet the growing demand for energy 2、在过去的两年里,我们的利润增加了20%。

Our profit has increased by 20% in the past two years.


The number of privately-owned cars has increased five times (fivefold) in five years.


The number of mobile phone owners in our city has increased from 20 thousand to about half a million in less than 5 years.


She propped her bike against a tree.


The local economy is largely propped on tourism.


He was fast asleep with his head propped on a big rock.


Y ou need strong props to keep the tower from leaning any further.


Flight 901 is due to land at the airport at 8:55.


Many foreign observers say that the next man to land on the moon may very well be a Chinese. 11、他们扔的一块石头落到了一个年轻士兵的头上。

One of the stones they threw landed on the head of a young soldier.


If you go on like this, you will land yourself in a jail.


I landed a powerful punch to his chin and sent him sprawling.


When you approach a drowning person, you must not let him grip your hands.


Reports of the sudden appearance of these whales gripped the interest of the whole city.


If she lost grip on the rope, she’d fall 1,000 feet to sure death.


Y ou must keep a grip on yourself. Don’t despair.


Our government did everything possible to defend the value of our currency.


The total value of our exports to that country in the first nine months this year has reached $94 billion.


A man who dares to waste one hour of time has not discovered the value of life. (Charles Darwin)


At college, students acquire certain values. This is an important part of their education.


If your value your life, quit smoking.


This painting is valued at $20 million.


大学英语精读第三版第四册答案 Unit1 翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2 翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 We have ample time for a leisurely lunch.


第一课 大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10) 标签:答案教育分类:大学英语 V ocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In


U n i t 1 Baptist counsel encyclopedia agenda attitudinal contribute crisis endeavor ethical ethnic masculine resentment evaluate feminine adulthood option perceive project excessive functional genetic inherit interaction peer process stressful endowment ethnic adolescence affirm approval unquestionably heighten inhibition internalize newscast

rebel seminary theological wardrobe unit4 bearded Cynicism elegant guffaw lunatic monarch page pebble scant scratch block elaborately fountain half-naked nudge olive paradox privacy scoop squatter stroll titter sweat unit5 abundance adapt angler biocide birch bound built-in

chorus colossal confined considerable throb trout vegetation migrant suppress synthetic contamination counterpart deliberate ecologist evolve fern flame flicker gear harmony immune reserve score sicken span spiral subject mold outbreak potent primitive puzzle rapidity resurgence midst modify organism


Page 39 6. Translate the following sentences into English. 1.It seemed impossible to me, but all the others looked very confident. Sth. seems (to be) + adj.(表) + to sb. 2.We looked around. There wasn't a building standing in sight. The earthquake seemed to have destroyed everything. Sth. /sb. +(seem + to do)复合谓语3.He seems to be in low spirits these days. Sth./Sb. + seem to be + 表语 wonder why. I think it's because he doesn't seem to be making much progress in his studies. He is afraid of being looked down upon by his classmates. Sb. + seem to do sth There seems to be 4.What are you looking for, Dick? I seem to have lost my key. How annoying! 5.If you find that a word doesn't seem to

make any sense in the sentence, you should look it up in the dictionary. That's the only way to learn to use a word. 6.They went on arguing for hours. Neither of them seem (to be) willing to listen to each other. I suddenly remembered someone saying "Discussion is an exchange of knowledge while argument is an exchange of ignorance." 7.The situation there seems to be very complicated. The government has promised to look into it. 8.My grandpa seems to be getting better and better, but he still needs somebody to look after him. 9.Economists have already come to the conclusion that the crisis seems to be coming to an end. W orld economy is looking up. 10.When I got well I looked at my bank account. To my sadness, I found my balance was almost zero. All my savings in


Unit 1 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。 轻轻松松赚大钱 “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”)“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。 “我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。 “看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。 孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 “好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 “棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。” “又一辆卡车?” “今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” 我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 “不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。 “六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” “西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?” “你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。” 第二天中午,我回到旅馆,看到一份紧急留言,要我马上给妻子回电话。她的声音高得很不自然,而且有些颤抖。家里又运到了好几卡车的广告插页。“有百货公司的,廉价商店的,杂货店的,食品店的,汽车行的,等等。有些像整本杂志那么厚。我们这里有数十万页,说不定是几百万页的广告!我们家整个房子从东墙到西墙,从南墙到北墙统统堆满了广告,一堆又一堆,比你大儿子还要高。现在只剩下一点点空间,刚够一个人走进去,从十一种插页中各取一份,卷在一起,套上橡皮筋,再塞进一只塑料袋内。我们的塑料袋足够供应全美所有的外卖餐厅!”她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋。“这么多的广告必须在星期日早晨七点以前统统送出去。”


大学英语精读4 汉译英练习答案 UNIT 1 1.我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 2.我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 3.学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 4.看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) 5.在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的 一种方式。 6.该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 1.We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2.I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3.Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4.It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5.Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6.The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. UNIT 2 1.比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 2.这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 3.工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 4.他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 5.我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 6.地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。 1.Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2.There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3.Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4.He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5.We have ample time for a leisurely lunch. 6.The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis.

大学英语精读 第三版 第四册课文翻译

大学英语精读(第三版)第四册课文翻译 第一单元 两个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。 轻轻松松赚大钱 约翰·G·哈贝尔 “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”)“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。 “我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。 “看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。 孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 “好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。”你过得怎么样”我问道。 “棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”

“又一辆卡车” “今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” 我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 “不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。 “六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” “西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办” “你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。”他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。” 第二天中午,我回到旅馆,看到一份紧急留言,要我马上给妻子回电话。她的声音高而颤抖,很不自然。家里又运到了好几卡车的广告插页。“有百货公司的,廉价商店的,杂货店的,食品店的,汽车行的,等等。有些像整本杂志那么厚。我们这里有数十万页,说不定是几百万页的广告!我们家整个房子从东墙到西墙,从南墙到北墙统统堆满了广告,一堆又一堆,比你大儿子还要高。现在只剩下一点点空间,刚够一个人走进去,从十一种插页中各取一份,卷在一起,套上橡皮筋,再塞进一只塑料袋内。我们的塑料袋足够供应全美所有的外卖餐厅!”她越讲声音越响,几乎震耳欲聋。”这么多的广告必须在星期日早晨七点以前统统送出


-* 第一课 大学英语精读第五册课后习题答案(1u)(2010-07-20 13:49:10)转载 标签:答案教育分类:大学英语 V ocabulary work 一 1. given 2. at a glance 3. fluency 4. Given 5. hopefully 7. define 8. looked him up 9. no good 10. quoted, context 11. guidance 12. immediate 13. disgust 14. come across 15. put into practice 16. scope 二 1. washed his hands of 2. given 3. putting…into practice 4. was confronted with 5. countering 6. were reduced to eating 7. at a glance 8. took refuge in 9. less practicable 10. countered 11. dedication 12. in disgust 13. relied on 14. for their part 15. gave up 三 1. Without suitable entertainment, these young people often get bored and take refuge in drinking and taking drugs. 2. The school washed its hands of the students’ behavior during the spring recess. 3. The innocent girl was reduced to crying at his cruel remarks. 4. Many difficult words are out of the scope of his learner’s dictionary. 5. The thief admitted his guilt as soon as he was confronted with evidence. 6. The incident should be viewed in the wider context of the political turmoil of that time. 四 1. has come down 2. came to 3. comes out 4. come up with 5. come in 6. came across 7. has come about 8. come off 9. come to 10. give up 11. was given back 12. gave away 13. gave out 14. give in 15. gives off/out cloze 1. express 2. both 3. intended 4. still 5. where 6. personal 7. of 8. them 9. make 10. before 11. still 12. before 13. fluent 14. while 15. enough 16. on 17. in 18. In


现代大学英语精读教案 Revised final draft November 26, 2020

U n i t1H a l f a d a y 教学目的 1. 了解作者及其背景知识; 2.熟悉本文使用的写作手法; 3.掌握修辞疑问句、倒装句等修辞手法; 4.熟练掌握三类构词法; 5.通过深刻理解文章内涵,培养学生社会洞察力和相关的讨论能力,同时掌握文中的核心语言点。 教学内容 1. 热身 2.作者 教育与背景 主要着作 创作观 3.作品赏析 结构分析 如何赏析文学作品 扩展式讨论 4.写作技巧 省略疑问句和修辞疑问句 倒装句 “with”独立结构 5.语言理解 长难句解析 核心词汇学习 band, convince, daze, exert, intricate, observe, overlook, rank, revolve, startle, uviverse, vary 介词练习 构词法:-tion; -volve; -ly 6.课堂讨论 7.练与讲 教学重点 1. 文学作品的赏析; 2.文学中的修辞手法――省略疑问句和修辞疑问句;倒装句;“with”独立结构 3.构词法:前缀 教学方法结合实际吸收各种教学法(讲授、问答、讨论、模仿、练习、多媒体使用)的优点。 教学手段用投影仪播放PowerPoint课件及板书;群发电子邮件布置课堂资料和课后作业(或其来源)。 ⅠAbout the author ★ Naguib Mahfouz was born on the 11th Dec. 1911 in an old quarter of Cairo, the youngest son of a merchant. (mummies and pyramids / sphinx 狮身人面)


Unit1 Twocollege-ageboPs,unawarethatmakingmonePusuallPinvolveshardwork,aretemptedbPanadvertis ementthatpromisesthemaneasPwaPtoearnalotofmoneP.TheboPssoonlearnthatifsomethingseemstog oodtobetrue,itprobablPis. 一个大学男孩,不清楚赚钱需要付出艰苦的劳动,被一份许诺轻松赚大钱的广告吸引了。男孩们很快就明白,如果事情看起来好得不像真的,那多半确实不是真的。BIGBUCKSTHEEASPWAP轻轻松松赚大钱"Pououghttolookintothis,"Isuggestedtoourtwocollege-agesons."ItmightbeawaPtoavoidtheindignitP ofhavingtoaskformonePallthetime."Ihandedthemsomemagazinesinaplasticbagsomeonebadhungon ourdoorknob.AmessageprintedonthebagofferedleisurelP,lucrativework("BigBuckstheEasPWaP!")o fdeliveringmoresuchbags. “你们该看看这个,”我向我们的两个读大学的儿子建议道。“你们若想避免因为老是向人讨钱而有失尊严的话,这兴许是一种办法。”我将挂在我们门把手上的、装在一个塑料袋里的几本杂志拿给他们。塑料袋上印着一条信息说,需要招聘人投递这样的袋子,这活儿既轻松又赚钱。(“轻轻松松赚大钱!”) "Idon'tmindtheindignitP,"theolderoneanswered.“我不在乎失不失尊严,”大儿子回答说。"Icanlivewithit,"hisbrotheragreed.“我可以忍受,”他的弟弟附和道。"Butitpainsme,"Isaid,"tofindthatPoubothhavebeenpanhandlingsolongthatitnolongerembarrassesPou."“看到你们俩伸手讨钱讨惯了一点也不感到尴尬的样子,真使我痛心,”我说。TheboPssaidthePwouldlookintothemagazine-deliverPthing.Pleased,Ilefttownonabusinesstrip.BPmi dnightIwascomfortablPsettledinahotelroomfarfromhome.Thephonerang.ItwasmPwife.Shewantedt oknowhowmPdaPhadgone.孩子们说他们可以考虑考虑投递杂志的事。我听了很高兴,便离城出差去了。午夜时分,我已远离家门,在一家旅馆的房间里舒舒服服住了下来。电话铃响了,是妻子打来的。她想知道我这一天过得可好。 "Great!"Ienthused."HowwasPourdaP?"Iinquired.“好极了!”我兴高采烈地说。“你过得怎么样?”我问道。 "Super!"Shesnapped."Justsuper!Andit'sonlPgettingstarted.Anothertruckjustpulledupoutfront."“棒极了!”她大声挖苦道。“真棒!而且这还仅仅是个开始。又一辆卡车刚在门前停下。”"Anothertruck?"“又一辆卡车?” "Thethirdonethisevening.ThefirstdeliveredfourthousandMontgomerPWards.Thesecondbroughtfour thousandSears,Roebucks.Idon'tknowwhatthisonehas,butI'msureitwillbefourthousandofsomething.S incePouareresponsible,IthoughtPoumightliketoknowwhat'shappening.“今晚第三辆了。第一辆运来了四千份蒙哥马利-沃德百货公司的广告;第二辆运来四千份西尔斯-罗伯克百货公司的广告。我不知道这一辆装的啥,但我肯定又是四千份什么的。既然这事是你促成的,我想你或许想了解事情的进展。” WhatIwasbeingblamedfor,itturnedout,wasanewspaperstrikewhichmadeitnecessarPtohand-deliverth eadvertisinginsertsthatnormallPareincludedwiththeSundaPpaper.ThecompanPhadpromisedourboPs $600fordeliveringtheseinsertsto4,000housesbPSundaPmorning.我之所以受到指责,事情原来是这样:由于发生了一起报业工人罢工,通常夹在星期日报纸里的广告插页,必须派人直接投送出去。公司答应给我们的孩子六百美金,任务是将这些广告插页在星期天早晨之前投递到四千户人家去。 "Pieceofcake!"ouroldercollegesonhadshouted.“不费吹灰之力!”我们上大学的大儿子嚷道。"SiGhundredbucks!"Hisbrotherhadechoed,"Andwecandothejobintwohours!"“六百块!”他的弟弟应声道,“我们两个钟点就能干完!” "BoththeSearsandWardadsarefournewspaper-sizepages,"mPwifeinformedme."TherearethirtP-twot housandpagesofadvertisingonourporch.Evenaswespeak,twobigguPsarecarrPingarmloadsofpaperup thewalk.Whatdowedoaboutallthis?"“西尔斯和沃德的广告通常都是报纸那么大的四页,”妻子告诉我说,“现在我们门廊上堆着三万二千页广告。就在我们说话的当儿,两个大个子正各抱着一大捆广告走过来。这么多广告,我们可怎么办?”"JusttelltheboPstogetbusP,"Iinstructed."TheP'recollegemen.TheP'lldowhatthePhavetodo."“你让孩子们快干,”我指示说。“他们都是大学生了。他们自己的事得由他们自己去做。”AtnoonthefollowingdaPIreturnedtothehotelandfoundanurgentmessagetotelephonemPwife.Hervoic


Unit1翻译 1) 我们接到通知,财政部长将于次日接见我们。 We were informed that the Minister of Finance was to give us an audience /receive us the next day. 2) 我觉得很奇怪,他似乎不记得自己的生日。 I thought it odd that he didn't seem to remember his own birthday. 3) 学期论文最迟应在下星期二交来,可是至今大部分学生却几无进展。 Next Tuesday is the deadline for handing in the term papers, but most students have hardly made a dent in the work so far. 4) 看到学生人数不断减少,校长心里很难受。(pain) It pained the headmaster to find the number of students shrinking. 5) 在那个国家一般用现金付账,但支票变得普遍起来了,不久会代替现金作为人们结账的一种方式。 Cash is commonly used in paying bills in that country, but checks are becoming more popular and will, in a short while, replace cash as a way for people to settle their accounts. 6) 该公司声称,这条河流的污染不是它造成的。 The company claims that it is not responsible for the pollution in the river. Unit2翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。


大学英语精读第五册 Unit 2 Translation Chinese to English 1.我认为向他求助是不现实的。事实上,他自己也需要帮助。 I don’t think it is realistic to turn to him for help.As a matter of fact, he himself is in need of help. 2.越来越多的人正在意识到与空气污染作斗争的迫切需要。 More and more people are being awakened to the urgent need of combating air pollution. 3.有明显的迹象表明一些古老的传统和价值观念采不再被年轻人珍视。 There are visible signs that some of the time-honored old traditions and values are no longer cherished by the young people. 4.我们许多人觉得宇宙无限这一概念难以理解。 Many of us find the notion of a boundless universe hard to grasp. 5. 因为法律和规章中有许多漏洞(loophole),一小撮投机倒把者一夜之间暴富就没 有什么奇怪了。 There being so many loopholes in the laws and regulations, it is little wonder that a handful of speculators got rich overnight. 6. 旅游事业的空前兴旺使这个从前只住有三百人的边境小镇突然繁荣起来。 An unprecedented boom in tourism brought sudden prosperity to the small border town, which was formerly inhabited by only three hundred people. 7.根据这一信息,该国已经具有制造核武器的能力。 In the light of the information, that country already has the capabilities to make nuclear weapons. 8.他不顾朋友的反复警告,把所有的钱都投向了高风险企业。 Regardless of repeated warnings from his friends,he staked all his money on high-risk ventures. 大学英语精读第五册 Unit 4 TRANSLATION Chinese to English 1. 有人说对于不公正的批评的最好反映是原谅和忘却(不念旧恶)。 Somebody says that the best response to unfair criticies is to forgive and forget. 2. 天哪,你为什么不给我打电话? For God’s sake, why didn’t you call you? 3.绝望之中,我一脚把门踢开,结果发现他躺在床上,已经昏迷不醒。 I kicked the door open with desperation, and found him lying in the bed unconciously. 4.那机修工气愤地把工具扔到一边,再也不肯干了。


大学英语精读book4第四册第三版课后翻译答案 Unit2翻译 1) 比尔已是个成熟的小伙子,不再依赖父母替他做主。 Bill is a mature young man who is no longer dependent on his parents for decisions. 2) 这个地区有大量肉类供应,但新鲜果蔬奇缺。 There are abundant supplies of meat in this region, but fresh fruit and vegetables are scarce. 3) 工程师们依靠工人们的智慧发明了一种新的生产方法,使生产率得以提高。 Drawing on the wisdom of the workers, the engineers invented a new production method that led to increased productivity. 4) 他花了许多时间准备数学考试,因此当他获知自己只得了个B时感到有点失望。 He spent a lot of time preparing for his math exam. Hence he was somewhat disappointed to learn that he got only a B. 5) 我们有充裕的时间从从容容吃顿午饭。 We have ample time for a leisurely lunch. 6) 地方政府不得不动用储备粮并采取其他紧急措施,以渡过粮食危机。 The local government had to draw on its grain reserves and take other emergency measures so as to pull through the food crisis. Unit3翻译 1) 萧伯纳在他一个剧本的前言中提出这样的看法:今天人们比在中世纪时更加迷信。

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