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fter a series of reforms, China's decades-long endeavor to free up the interest rates is finally reaching the last mile.

On Tuesday, China's central bank issued a regulation for financial institutions to issue large-denomination certificates of deposit, known as CDs, to individuals and companies, which analysts hail as a key step forward towards the full liberalization of interest rates.

The certificates are tradable deposit agreements that allow lenders to bypass the interest rate controls. Currently, China has removed its grip on lending rates, but the ceiling on deposit rates is still retained at 1.5 times the benchmark.

"The introduction of the CDs is a milestone in pushing China's interest rate reform through the last mile," Deng Haiqing, an analyst with CITIC Securities, said.


The participation threshold for purchasing a CD is set at 300,000 yuan (about 48,860 U.S. dollars) for individual investors and 10 million yuan for institutions, according to the central bank.

Interest on the certificates will be mainly determined by the market. Banks and investors can set a fixed or a floating rate, using the Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (Shibor) as a benchmark.

Shibor, which measures costs of interbank borrowing that is not under state control, stood at 3.191 percent for six-month loans and 3.4080 percent for one-year loans on Wednesday.

The current interest rates for six-month and one-year ordinary deposits cannot exceed 3.075 percent and 3.375 percent, respectively.

With higher returns and less risks due to the deposit insurance system already in place, the CD scheme is expected to offer banks new channels to lure deposits at a time when they are under vehement attack from other wealth management products and a booming stock market.

Central bank data showed outstanding yuan deposits stood at 125.76 trillion yuan as of the end of April, up 9.7 percent year on year. The growth slowed 4.6 percentage points from a year earlier.

Lou Lili, general manager of the strategy and innovation department under Evergrowing Bank, a Chinese joint-stock commercial bank, said the certificates of deposit tailored to investors will further enrich investment options in China's financial market.

"Meanwhile, the certificates' tradable feature will help enhance deposit liquidity," Lou said.

But at the same time, the freedom to price the rates is likely to set off fierce competition among the lenders, which may translate into higher financing costs for the struggling real economy, a report by Huatai Securities warned.

In the long term, however, liquidity flow will become more market-oriented once interest rate liberalization is realized, the report added.


Interest rate liberalization is a significant part of China's pledge to allow the market to play a decisive role in allocating resources.

Zong Liang, a finance researcher at Bank of China, said Tuesday's introduction of CDs would enhance banks' capability to independently decide the price of interest rates, and nurture social expectations of market-based rates.

Since 1996 when the country removed its control over inter-bank lending rates, China has taken incremental steps toward interest rate liberalization, including a move in July 2013 to scrap the floor limit for bank lending rates and, later, a guideline for piloting negotiable deposit certificates on the interbank market.

On May 1, the long-awaited deposit insurance scheme was put in place, which was considered a precondition for China to free up deposit rates

At a press conference on the sidelines of the national legislature's annual session, central bank governor Zhou Xiaochuan said in March that the

possibility for China to fully liberalize its interest rate mechanism is "very high" this year.

And with Tuesday's introduction of the CDs, Guojin Securities predicted that the grip on deposit rate will be completely removed by the end of 2015.


In 1996, China removed control over inter-bank lending rates.

In 2004, the central bank scrapped an upper limit for banks' lending rate and allowed a downward flotation of no more than 10 percent from the benchmark lending rate.

In July 2013, the central bank fully scrapped the floor limit for banks' lending interest rate.

In December 2013, the central bank gave green light to the issuance of

inter-bank negotiable certificates of deposit, which expanded banks' financing channels and encouraged market-based interest rates.

In May 2015, China began implementing the deposit insurance scheme, which is regarded as an important part of financial safety and a precondition for China to free up deposit rates.

On May 10, 2015, the central bank lifted the upper limit of the deposit rate's floating band to 1.5 times the benchmark from the previous 1.3 times, granting banks more pricing autonomy.

On June 2, 2015, the central bank allowed banks to issue certificates of deposit to both individual and institutional investors, less than two years after the issuance of certificates were rolled out among banks.


2016-2017学年第一学期新闻听力练习 Unit 1: 事故灾难篇 News items News item 1 1. A. Category 3. B. Category 4. C. Category 5 D. Category 6. 2. A. Cooler ocean temperatures. B. Warmer ocean temperatures. C. Large ocean waves. D. Strong ocean currents. News item 2 3. A. Eighteen. B. Forty-five. C. More than eighty. D. At least one hundred and forty. 4. A. It was snowy. B. It was foggy. C. It was rainy. D. It was shiny. 5. A. 10 to 12 B. 60 to 70. C. 80 to 90. D. 140 to 150. Intensive Training No.1 1. A. On a northern island of Japan. B. On a southern island of Japan. C. On Japan’s southernmost main island of Kyushu. D. Off the east coast of Japan. 2. A. It would delay the plant’s restarting for a few months. B. It would lead to the cancellation of the plant’s restarting plan. C. It was not immediately clear if it would affect the plant’s restarting plan. D. It would incur more safety hurdles for the plant. No.2 3.A. Eleven. B. Thirteen. C. Twenty-six. D. Fifty. 4. A. The Greek coast guard. B. The International Organization for Migration. C. The Italian coast guard and Navy. D. The Greek Navy. No.3 5.A. Because traffic on the road was light when the quake occurred. B. Because the city’s buildings and highways were made more resistant to quakes. C. Because the city’s residents were well educated about earthquakes. D. Bothe A and B. 6. A. Steel and other strong metals. B. Steel and rubber. C. Steel and some special alloys(合金). D. Various metals and plastics. 7. A. Counterbalancing and earthquake’s action on the building. B. Predicting the coming of an earthquake with accuracy.


英语新闻报道写作的主要技巧 新闻报道的结构一般分为四个部分:(一)标题、(二)导语、(三)主体、(四)结语。 标题是新闻的题目,是编辑对最有新闻价值内容的浓缩、概括、提炼和再创造。撰写标题是为了撷取新闻要点、诠释新闻意义、吸引读者阅读。在今天繁忙的现代社会中,报纸的读者大多是标题浏览者。导语是消息开头的第一段或第一句话,它扼要地揭示出消息的核心内容。主体是消息的主要部分,它用充足的事实表现主题,是对导语内容的进一步开展和阐释。新闻报道的结语一般是最后一句话或者一段话,通常对全文内容作概括性的总结,或对新闻事件的发展趋势作出预测。有时,作者根据报道的事实在结语中提出令人深思的问题。 一般来说,标题、导语和主体是构成新闻报道的必不可少的三部分。可根据新闻报道的内容而确定是否要结语或其它内容(如事件和历史背景等),有时,还可将它们暗含在主体中。 在写新闻报道时,首先要注意新闻的标题具有语言幽默风趣的特点,有较强的吸引力。同时,写作依据的材料要充分,要用事实来说话,语言力求简洁。最后,报道中要有亮点,能引人深思或能让人产生强烈的兴趣。 请阅读下面一则关于刘翔获得奥运金牌的体育报道,并试着找出这则新闻报道的标题、导语和主体:

Liu Xiang:Dark Horse in the Athens Olympics Liu Xiang , born on July 13, 1983 in Shanghai, China, is a Chinese hurdling athlete. In 2002, Liu launched his career in fine style by winning the first IAAF (国际业余田径联合会) Grand Prix in Lausanne with a world youth and Asian record time of 13.12 seconds in the 110 metres hurdles. He has since made the finals at the IAAF World Championships in Athletics and IAAF World Indoor Championships in Athletics. Two of the three cases has seen American hurdling great Allen Johnson take the major prize, but in the last in May at Osaka, Liu managed to beat Johnson with an Asian-record time of 13.2014 seconds. Still young, Liu has improved steadily, and won a gold medal at the 2014 Summer Olympics in the 110 meters hurdles event. In the final, he equaled the world record of 12.91 seconds held since 1993 by Colin Jackson of Wales. This is the first time an athlete of non-African descent (后裔) has dipped under 13 seconds for the 110 meter hurdles.


新闻写作由于记者写作风格不同,文体结构无定格。但大体上说新闻文体的主体结构是由标题、导语、 正文三部分组成。 标题(headline):浓缩概括全文的中心实质问题。 导语(1ead or introduction):通常为文章的第一段。文章的第一段提供主要话题和最主要的事 实。 正文(body):在导语的基础上,引入更多的与主题相关的事实,使之更加详实、具体,并展开评论, 进而得出结论。 在此我们以消息为例,详细分析一下它的基本结构。消息类新闻属于“硬新闻”,是广泛采用的的一种 新闻体裁。消息报道中的导语十分重要,它位于第一段或第一、二段。通过它点出新闻的主题,这是消 息这种新闻文体区别于其它文体的一个重要特征。五个w和一个h(when?where?who?what?why?和 how?)是构成一则完整的消息不可缺少的要素。直接的消息报道或纯消息报道一般采用“倒金字塔形 式”(the inverted pyramid form),其特点是按新闻报道最重要的五个w和一个h头重脚轻地安排材 料,把新闻的高潮和结论放在最前面的导语里,然后以事实的重要性递减的顺序来安排(in the order of descending importance)材料。 在报纸、广播、电视等新闻媒体每天刊载和播发的新闻中,百分之九十是用倒金字塔结构写成的。 对于报纸来说,倒金字塔结构的新闻有自己的优势。主要是可以使读者很快得到新闻的精华部分;在生 活节奏越来越快的今天,一般读者很少把一条新闻从头到尾读完,他们可能随时放下报纸,因此,报纸 有必要让读者首先读到最重要的新闻内容。 为了帮助读者了解这种倒金字塔式结构,请见西方新闻学著作中的图表说明: the inverted pyramid form introduction containing most important or most interesting


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


The 14th "Chinese bridge" Chinese proficiency competition for Turkish university students opened in Middle East Technology University here on Saturday. "My Chinese dream," which is the topic of the contest, attracted 25 students, who have past the writing test in the morning, to give their own story about their connection with Chinese language and culture. "The world is so big, I want to go to china and have a look," the sentence which is quite popular on Chinese web, was used in Arad's speech about why he chose to learn Chinese. Dance of Little Apple, the most popular song in China in 2014, and the drunken beauty of leading Chinese opera performer Li Yugang, among other famous Chinese songs and dances, were included in the performance list of the competitors. The show of famous poetry "To the Oak Tree" written by Chinese poet Shu Ting helped Gullu from sinology department of Ankara University to win the first runner-up and gain a chance to go to China, a dream she has been trying to fulfill for a long time. "I love Chinese poem and songs and I wish to go to China to get my master degree," Gullu said. Zeynep, the girl who won the ticket to the world "Chinese Bridge" competition host annually by Hanban in Beijing, was very excited after the contest. "I am fascinated by Chinese culture and I could even touch the pulse of this dragon. Now I have a chance to improve my Chinese by communicate and compete with the students from other countries in China. What a dream come true!" she said. Wu Changqing, the headmaster of Confucius institute in Middle East Technology University which held this year's "Chinese bridge" competition together with the Chinese embassy to Turkey, said that "The quality of the competition is higher than last year because it is harder to choose better students through writing test and speech competition. The number of Turkish students interested in studying Chinese is increasing these years which force the competitors to learn harder to win the champion." "'Chinese bridge' is not only a contest among Turkish students but also an important pillar of the bridge of social, cultural and economical relationship between Turkey and China, which will definitely benefit Chinese and Turkish people," said Yu Hongyang, the Chinese ambassador to Turkey.


I. Give definition to the following jargons on Journalism. (5’ X 4 = 20’) 1. banner 通栏标题 2. jump 跳远 3. cutline 插图说明 4. tabloid 小报;小型画报 II. Write down the following column names in English. ( 5 X 2’= 10’) 1.国际新闻World News 2. 简明新闻NEWS BRIEF 3. 社论EDITORIAL PAGE 4. 体育版sports page 5. 一周回顾Weekly Review III. Answer the following questions briefly. (15’ X 2= 30’) 1. What are the advantage and disadvantage of a summary lead? a summary lead can outline the main point of the entire text. catch the main idea of the text . readers can have a proper and general idea of what the article contained on the short time through the summary. but the disadvantage is that we will not know the details about the article.Besides, a summary lead is A bstract and lack of lively.so, some



应用文写作之新闻报道(金版学案52页) ?技巧点拨 1.新闻通讯的第一句往往为全文的中心句(topic sentence),因此这个句子中主要讲清what (事件), when (时间), where (地点) 和who (人物),而在下文则要补充事件的过程和细节,往往包括why(目的或原因)和how(具体过程)等。 2.注意新闻类型题材的一些常用语,如It is reported that..., As is reported..., According to the report...; It is estimated that...等。 3.新闻通讯亦为记叙文,时态一般要用过去时,注意句子结构;主句,从句结构要清晰,语言要客观平时,不必追求过分花哨的词汇和过于复杂的句型。 4. 阅读范文时, 重在掌握时间的表达, 背诵范文的第一句和斜体字的句型。 ●假设你是一名新闻记者,请根据以下表格信息给英语报社写一篇新闻报道。 【写作内容】 国际背景今年4月,墨西哥爆发了H1N1流感(flu),疾病迅速蔓延到全球多个国家。国内影响截至8月30日下午,有报道称河南省某中学共发现确诊病例 (confirmed case) 80 例,那儿的中小学全部推迟开学。 专家估计该疾病的死亡率低于1%,低于SARS 和禽流感(bird flu)。 预防方法勤洗手,多喝水,充足睡眠。 个人信念在政府的帮助下,我们一定能够打赢这战争。 【参考范文】 The H1N1 flu broke out in Mexico in April this year and it has spread quickly to many countries in the world. To our disappointment, by the afternoon on August 30, 80 confirmed cases of H1N1 flu had been reported in a school in He’nan province, resulting in the


英语新闻报道范例 看别人是如何写新闻报道的,你用英语是否也能够写的出来呢?下面是给大家整理的英语新闻报道范例,供大家参阅! Hillary Clinton, reentering the political fray months after her 2016 campaign loss, will soon launch a political organization aimed at funding "resistance" groups that are standing up to President Donald Trump, sources with knowledge of the plans tell CNN. 据熟知内情的消息来源向CNN透露,在2016年竞选败北数月后,希拉里;克林顿再度参与到了政治斗争中来,她将马上成立一个政治组织,旨在资助那些对抗唐纳德;特朗普总统的“抵抗”团体。 Clinton, according to the sources, is currently working with former aides and donors to build an organization that will look to fund and invest in groups that have impressed her since her 2016 election loss. 据消息来源表示,希拉里目前正在与前助手们和捐赠者们协力成立一个组织,该组织将会寻求资助及投资那些在她2016年败选后给她留下深刻印象的团体。 Clinton identified herself as part of the so-called resistance earlier last week, and that was not in passing.


Listen to the BBC news recording and complete the following exercises. Item 1. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 1.David Cameron said the United Kingdom takes this irresponsible action extremely seriously. 2.Iranian offices in Tehran were smashed and flags torn down in the attacks. 3.The Iranian foreign ministry described the incident as the unacceptable behaviour of a small group of protesters. Item 2. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The US doctor 1 ending the life of Michael Jackson has been given the 2 of four years in jail. The judge said Doctor Conrad Murray had 3 and was caught in a cycle of 4 that violated 5 as a doctor. He was found guilty earlier this month of 6 . Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 41. Who read a statement to the court? a. a lawyer of the Jackson family b. a friend of the Jackson family c. the Jackson family d. a lawyer and friend of the Jackson family 42. Conrad Murray is NOT convicted of _____________. a. providing a dangerous drug to a vulnerable man b. not caring for him once he stopped breathing c. not caring for him after his death d. trying to cover up what he'd done Item 3. Listen to the news recording and choose the right answer to each question. 43. Laurent Gbagbo is on a plane heading for ____________. a. Ivory Coast b. Korhogo c. the Hague d. Abidjan 44. ____________ has been keen for Mr Gbagbo to be sent to the International Criminal Court. a. The former president b. The government of President Alassane Ouattara c. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups d. the International Criminal Court 45. presence on Ivorian soil caused tension. a. President Alassane Ouattara’s b. Pro-Gbagbo armed groups’ c. T he country's national prosecutor’s d. Laurent Gbagbo’s 46. Around 3,000 people died in . a. April b. National Assembly elections c. a post-election crisis d. the International Criminal Court Item 5. Listen to the news recording and fill in the blanks. The measure: Purpose of the measure: President’s demand: Item 6. Listen to the news recording and decide whether the statements are True or False. 47. Two psychiatrists spent 36 hours talking to Anders Breivik and checking his diaries and police


新闻写作习题练习库(夏玲) 新闻知识写作练习题一 一、名词解释 1、新闻真实性 真实性,最简单的定义是:新闻必须反映客观事物的原貌。真实性是新闻存在的基本条件,也是新闻传媒必须遵守的原则。 2、故意失实 指媒体或者新闻报道者事先明知报道内容不符合客观事实,具有虚假成分,但却出于种种主客观因素的制约和影响,而有意为之所导致的新闻报道失实。 3、非故意失实 指新闻报道者并无故意造成失实报道的动机,而是由于种种主客观条件的限制或影响,未能按照客观事实的本来面目如实做出报道所导致的新闻失实。 4、用事实说话 指通过客观地叙述新闻事实及其背景来体现观点、发表意见;或者说是把思想观点藏在精心选择的某些事实里,让受众通过事实自己领悟其中的道理。总之,是“事实”和“观点”的结合。 5、新闻的时效性、可读性、针对性 时效性——指新闻事件的发生与报道之间的时间差,时间差越短,则时效性越强。 可读性——指新闻便于阅读、吸引读者的特性,把新闻报道写得让读者愿意读、喜欢读、读的下去。 针对性——两层意思:一是指在写新闻时,你的心中要有对象感,二是要明确你为什么而写,你的报道针对的是什么问题而发。 6、新闻角度 指记者发现事实、挖掘事实、表现事实的着眼点或入手处。 7、“倒金字塔”结构 消息的倒叙结构,按照事件发生、发展的时间顺序来组织材料,把先发生的放在前面叙述,后发生的放在后面叙述。倒金字塔式的结构,其特点是头重脚轻地组织、安排材料,把新闻的高潮或结论放在最前面,然后按事实重要性递减的顺序来安排,借以突出最重要、最新鲜的事实。 8、“蒙太奇”结构 把新闻事件的情节、场面、细节写成镜头感很强的段落,利用跳笔省略过程的叙述,突出事物的主要特征,再组合和连接而成写作表现方式。 9、新闻语言 通过新闻媒介,向受众报道新近发生的事实,传播具有新闻价值的信息时所用的文字语言叫做新闻语言。 10、新闻白描 新闻白描,是指文字描写的具体方法,即不尚修饰,不用或少用形容渲染,以质朴的文笔,力避浮华、做作,简练而直接地勾勒出事物的特征 11、新闻背景 宏观意义上的新闻背景,是指对人物和事件起作用的历史情况或现实环境。狭义的新闻背景,是指新闻事实之外,对新闻事实或新闻事实的某一部分进行解释、补充、烘托的材


英语新闻词汇大全accredited journalist n. 特派记者 advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报 government organ 官报


新闻写作试题库(共287题) 一、填空题:(56题) 1、狭义的新闻指(消息)。 2、广义的新闻包括(消息、通讯、述评及其所属品种)。 3、没有(事实)就没有新闻。 4、(真实)是新闻的生命。 5、(言之无物)是写新闻的大忌。 6、新闻写作的原则是(用事实说话)。 7、新闻写作的要求是(真、短、快、活、强)。 8、新闻的快应以(新闻的新鲜和真实的事实)为前提。 9、新闻报道要快的表现是一(及时)、二(适时); 10、新闻的思想性是指(一条新闻在思想上给读者教育、影响和启迪)。 12、新闻写作要求强的(思想性强、政策性强、针对性强)。 13、“新闻是新近发生的事实的报道”这个实义的作者是(陆定一)。 14、新闻六要素是(何时、何地、何人、何事、何因、何果)。 15、新闻的要素说的是(构成新闻不可缺少的事实材料)。 16、新闻背景从内容分为(人物、历史、地理、事件背景)。 17、新闻背景从作用分为(对比性、说明性、注释性); 18、背景材料可用于(新闻的导语、正文、结尾)三个不同部分。 19 、新闻的主题应从(新闻事实挖掘)中来。 20、提炼新闻主题应注意两点:一是(一条新闻一个主题);二是(新闻主题一定要从新闻事实中挖掘、提炼出来)。 21、选择最佳角度是表现(新闻主题)的好办法。 22、几家新闻单位同时报道同一新闻应注意(错开角度)。 23、新闻语言的特点是(具体形象、准确鲜明、简练生动、通俗易懂)。 24、动态新闻(叙述)为主. 25通讯重于(叙述、描写); 26述评新闻兼有(新闻和评论)两种作用。 27、新闻和消息的结构一般由(导语、正文、结尾和标题)组成。 28、新闻通常有金字塔(倒金字塔、倒正混合结构)三种结构形式。 29、倒金字塔结构的特点是(把高潮或结局排在开头,把最不重要的材料排在后面)。 30、金字塔结构的特点是(将事实的结果、最重要的材料安排到最后一段)。 31、倒金字塔结构的开头部分称(导语)。 32、倒、正混合结构的特点是(有一个好的新闻导语和有一个重要的新闻结尾)。 33、新闻导语的“导”字有(开始、启发、引导)三个涵义。 34、新闻正文是(导语之后的展开部分),对新闻事实作充分的具体的报道和说明。 35、简明新闻是新闻报道中(最简练、最短小)的一种新闻体裁。 36、消息一般分为(简明新闻、动态新闻、综合新闻、述评新闻)。 37、综合新闻有两种,一是(横断面综合报道) ,二是(纵深度的综合报道)。 38、通讯《中国的西北角》的作者是(范长江)。 39、通讯《谁是最可爱的人》的作者是(魏巍)。 40、通讯《西行漫记》的作者是(埃德加·斯诺特)。


第二讲英语新闻标题特点 一、标题的结构 主题(headline)+辅题(sub-headline/subhead) 1. 主题:揭示新闻最主要的、读者最关心的核心问题。 2. 辅题: 1)引题:眉题、肩题:突出说明新闻事件的背景、原因、结果、新闻来源等内容。置于主题上方 2)副题:子题、次题:对主题进行补充、解释和印证。置于主题下方 例1: Draft Law Business groups say move to ban discrimination on basis of race, gender and disability is bureaucratic threat to free enterprise South Africa National Assembly backs “equality bill” (Jan.27, 2000 Financial Times) 例2: Spent fuel shipments Germany to lift ban on transport of N-waste

(Jan.27, 2000 Financial Times) 例3: July 13, 2011 China Daily CNOOC’s new oil spill in Bohai Bay Control system failure at oilfield blamed for third leak since June 例4: March 6-7, 2010 China Daily Pledge to narrow gap welcomed Addressing social divide takes govt priority 二、标题的类型 1. 陈述式 例: 1) Girls Die in Blaze 2) Taiwan Recognizes Mainland Currency 2. 设问式


英语新闻系列讲座词汇特色(1) 现代社会发展迅猛,其结果之一便是新词语不断涌现。新中国成立以来,尤其是改革开放以来,现代汉语中出现了大量的新词汇,包括旧词新义、流行语、外来新词语等;甚至不少己湮没多年的旧词语也频频亮相,给人们,尤其是年轻一代,以耳目一新之感。在改革开放的今天,由于词典等工具书的编纂周期难以赶上现实生活中新词语的产生速度,广大英语学习者面临的一大难题就是,如何把这些新词语译成地道的英语。而英语报刊正好起到了为一般双语词典“拾遗补缺”的作用,如“双休日”、“拳头产品”、“人才流动”、“外向型经济”、“三资企业”、“扫黄运动”、“不正之风”、“小康水平”、“退居二线”、“有偿新闻”,“与国际接轨”等词语的英译,首先都是见诸英语报端的。现列举几则摘自英语报刊含有这类新词语英语表达的实例,以资佐证: 1)Taking advantage of the two-day dayoffs,he basked in the spring sunshine with his family. (他和家人一起沐浴在春天的阳光之下,享受双休日所带来的乐趣。) 2)The central government called on every region to develop its own export-oriented hit products according to its local advantages and characteristic. (中央政府号召各地利用本地优势和特点开发当地的出口型拳头产品。) 3)In order to fully tap the human resources,the rational flow of trained personnel should not only be allowed but also be encouraged. (为了充分发掘人才潜力,不仅应该允许人才合理流动,而且还要鼓励人才流动。) 4)To further develop the export一oriented economy,Shanghai is to make a number of preferential policies soon to encourage business people both at home and abroad to set up more enterprises in the the three forms of ventures,i.e. enterprises for Sino-foreign joint venture,for Sino-foreign co-production and enterprises with sole foreign capital. (为了进一步发展外向型经济,上海最近将出台一系列优惠政策,以鼓励国内外经营者创建更多的三资企业,即中外合资企业、中外合作企业和外商独资企业。) 5)The disappearance of such materials as pornographic(色情画,色性描写)and obscene(淫秽的)books,periodicals and tapes is proof that China''s campaign against porns is making progress. (黄色书刊及音响制品现己难觅踪迹,这证明了中国的扫黄运动正在取得进展。) 6)Some austere measures should be taken to check the unhealthy tendencies which,according to the press exposures ,were rampant in some localities. (从新闻媒介所暴露的情况来看,不正之风在一些地区已非常严重,必须采取严格措施刹住这股歪风。) 7)The next ojective for the Chinese people to strive for is to reach the well-to-do level.(中国人民的下一个奋斗目标是在本世纪末达到小康水平。) 8)He works enthusiastically as ever even though he has retired from the leading post. (尽管己退居二线,他的工作热情丝毫不减。) 9)Journalists should firmly object to the payoffs-aimed journalism which deviates from press ethics. (新闻记者应坚决反对有偿新闻,因为它违背了新闻记者的职业道德。) 10)Many large companies in Shanghai have geared(使齿轮连接,使适应)themselves to the international conventions and set up aftersales services accepting repairs and

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