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unit4 单选

unit4 单选
unit4 单选


1. Children and old people do not like having their daily ____ upset.

A) habit B) routine

C) practice D) custom

2. Mr. Edward was not in, so his brother acted as ____ at the party.

A) actor B) guest

C) host D) ghost

3. He was surprised that her English was so ____ as she had never been to England.

A) flexible B) fluid

C) formal D) fluent

4. He is a leading authority ____ plant diseases.

A) on B) about

C) for D) of

5. This diploma (毕业文凭) ____ that you have completed college education.

A) identifies B) justifies

C) certifies D) notifies

6. Since your manager has ____ the time for a talk with you, you must make sure that you will be there on time.

A) identified B) specified

C) qualified D) classified

7. ____ students often find it difficult to live in America at first.

A) Chinese B) Abroad

C) Overseas D) Domestic

8. After a quick ____ at the patient the doctor rang for an ambulance.

A) glance B) glimpse

C) gaze D) stare

9. He will surely finish the job on time ____ he’s left to do it in his own way.

A) in that B) as long as

C) in case D) as far as

10. It is up to the Government to tackle the air pollution problem a nd ____ measures in line with the council’s suggestions.

A) set about B) fill up

C) work out D) bring over

11. In the ____ of the project not being a success, the investors stand to lose up to $30 millions.

A) face B) time

C) event D) course

12. Frequently single-parent children ____ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.

A) take off B) take after

C) take in D) take on

13. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ____.

A) capacity B) strength

C) length D) possibility

14. This steam is used to drive a turbine which, ____, rotates the generator that produces the electricity.

A) in effect B) in return

C) in order D) in turn

15. She was showing a marked ____ of interest in her school work.

A) limit B) vacuum

C) short D) lack

16. He has decided to pursue his studies ____.

A) exteriorly B) externally

C) abroad D) aboard

17. Y ou sim ply can’t ____ a phone if you’re in business.

A) do away with B) do without

C) give away D) give out

18. The address of an e-mail message includes the source and ____ of the message.

A) destination B) target

C) objective D) reception

19. The speed of light is indeed enormous, but it is not ____.

A) indefinite B) endless

C) infinite D) utmost

20. As so many overseas and domestic business people have come to invest and build new businesses, the place looks much more ____ than it did a few years ago.

A) appropriate B) prosperous

C) tedious D) unremarkable

21. While some office jobs would seem ____ to many people, there are quite a few jobs that are stimulating, exciting and satisfying.

A) hostile B) fantastic

C) courageous D) tedious

22. Moving pictures present ____ scenes like battles, storms or races.

A) spectacular B) imaginary

C) offensive D) bloody

23. Markets are ____ and a company must learn to adapt.

A) temporary B) static

C) concrete D) dynamic

24. An application to join this scheme places you under no obligation ____.

A) indeed B) eventually

C) whatsoever D) apart

25. In their full uniforms, the soldiers looked _____.

A) magnificent B) prominent

C) significant D) respective

26. Switzerland is well-known for its impressive mountainous ____.

A) views B) scenes

C) sights D) scenery

27. Not having seen each other for a long time, the two sisters ____ warmly.

A) embraced B) enclosed

C) engaged D) exchanged

28. The West is traditionally the land of the pioneers and the cowboys, where ____ could be easily made in cattle or land.

A) property B) fortunes

C) opportunities D) treasure

29. The ____ of blood always makes him feel sick.

A) sight B) view

C) look D) form

30. The rain was heavy and ____ the land was flooded.

A) continuously B) constantly

C) consequently D) consistently

1---5 B C DA C 6—10BC A B C 11—15C D A D D 16—20CBACB 21—25D ADCA 26—30 D A B A C


经典专业实务单选题50题含答案,练习题50题含答案 单选题 1、患儿,8个月。因肺炎入院,现突然烦躁不安、发绀,进行性加重。体检:呼吸60次/分,脉搏170次/分,心音低钝,两肺布满细湿啰音,诊断为肺炎合并心力衰竭。心力衰竭缓解的主要指标是 A头孢菌素 B林可霉素 C链霉素 D青霉素 E氯霉素 答案:D 此题属于临床基础类考题,属于比较简单题目。肺炎链球菌性肺炎治疗首选青霉素,肺炎支原体肺炎治疗首选红霉素。故选D。 单选题 2、丁先生,入院7天,体温均在39.5~40℃。其热型是 A间歇热 B波浪热 C稽留热 D弛张热 E不规则热

此题属于临床基础类考题,属于比较简单题目。患者热型为稽留热,具体表现为体温持续在39?40℃左右,达数日或数周,24小时波动范围不超过1℃。故选C。 单选题 3、下列哪项为单根单处肋骨骨折的处理原则 A牵引固定 B胸腔闭式引流 C呼吸机辅助呼吸 D建立人工气道 E胸带固定胸廓 答案:E 单根单处肋骨骨折的处理重点是镇痛、固定胸廓和防治并发症 单选题 4、患者,女,45岁。行宫颈癌根治术后第12天。护士在拔尿管前开始关闭尿管。定期开放,以训练膀胱功能。开放尿管的时间为 A1~2d B3~4d C5~6d D7~8d E7-14d

子宫颈癌根治术是治疗子宫颈癌的主要方法之一,感染是影响妇科手术成败及康复的重要因素,子宫颈癌术后常规留置尿管1-2w,极易发生逆行性尿路感染,而尿路感染导致膀胱功能障碍 是宫颈癌根治术后最常见、最难治的并发症。 单选题 5、患者女性,患有急性宫颈炎,医生给予全身抗生素治疗。患者询问护士为什么不给她阴道上药治疗。护士正确的回答是 A宫腔镜检查 B盆腔检查 C腹部B超 D宫颈刮片细胞学 E碘试验 答案:D 下列选项中宫颈刮片细胞学可检查宫颈癌。 单选题 6、护理人员在临床工作中感染血源性传染病,最常见的原因是 A每月 B每周 C每季度 D每天 E每两周


高中英语必修五第四单元练习题 一、写出下列单词或短语的基本意思。 1.editor (n.)_______________________ 2.journalist(n.)_____________________ 3.photograph(v./n.)_________________ 4.admire(v.)____________________ 5.assist(v.)_____________________ assistant(n.)____________________ 6.submit(v.)____________________ 7.profession(n.)_________________ professional(adj.)________________ 8.colleague(n.)__________________ 9.eager(adj.)____________________ 10.concentrate(v.)________________ 11.amateur(n.)___________________ 12.update(v.)_____________________ 13.acquire(v.)____________________ 14.assess(v.)_____________________ https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6510727730.html,rm(v.)_____________________ 16.deadline(n.)____________________ 17.meanwhile(adv.)________________ 18.depend on = ____________________ 19.deliberately(adv.)_________________ 20.so as to (do sth.)_________________ 21.accuse sb. of sth._________________ 22.demand(n./v.)____________________ 23.publish(v.)______________________ 24.technically(adv.)_________________ 25.approve(v.)_____________________ 26.gifted(adj.)______________________ 27.process(v./n.)_____________________


初一年级英语上册单项选择100题 1、---What's her name?---__________Zhao Jun. A.His name is B.My name is C.Her name is 2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说: A.I am China.B.I live in china.C.I live in China. 3、---_______everyone here today? ---Yes,we are all here.A.Are B.Is C.Am 4、-Where is your eraser? -_________is in the pencil-box. A.My B.Your C.It D.That 5、-Is Alice a doctor? -No,__________.A.he isn't B.she isn't C.I am not D.she doesn't 6、-Thanks a lot.-________. A.That's all right B.That is all C.That's right D.No thank 7、-What's your name? -_________.A.Good morning B.I'm fine C.My name is Lucy 8、选择正确的译文: 她的盒子在哪里?在这里。 A.Where her box is?Here.B.Where is her box?It's

C.Her box is where?It's here.D.Her box where is?Here. 9、-_______are those markers? -They are blue.A.What colour B.What C.Which 10、Every day we _________there _______our friends. A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk;by D.on foot;with 11、Do you like _________? A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable 12、-Is the shirt from ________? -Yes,it is.A.Li Ming's father B.Li Ming father C.your D.Li Ming's 13、-Is Tom's pencil new or old? -________.A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.It's new D.It's a new 14、-Do you have any _________? A.shorts B.skirt C.hat D.dress 15、I like ________. A.this skirt B.skirt C.blue skirt D.some skirt 16、Here _______two black umbrellas.A.is B.are C.has


最新专业实务单选50题(含答案) 单选题 1、患儿,女,8个月,因"发热、咳嗽伴气促”就诊,以“肺炎”入院。为防止患儿发生并发症,护士应重点观察 A1?2天 B3?4天 C5?7天 D8?10天 E10?15天 答案:C 此题属于临床实践类考题,比较简单。小儿支气管肺炎,抗生素治疗时,抗生素一般使用到体温正常后5?7天,临床症状、体怔消失后3天。葡萄球菌性肺炎易复发及产生并发症,体温正常后继续用药2周,总疗程6周。支原体肺炎至少用药2?3周。故选C。 单选题 2、丁先生,入院7天,体温均在39.5~40℃。其热型是 A间歇热 B波浪热 C稽留热 D不规则热 E弛张热

稽留热:体温持续升高达39-40℃左右,持续数天或数周,24h波动范围不超过1℃,常见于伤寒,肺炎球菌肺炎等 单选题 3、闭合性单处肋骨骨折的处理重点是 A消除纵隔摆动 B有利于咳嗽 C有利于患者活动 D止痛 E消除反常呼吸 答案:E 消除反常呼吸 单选题 4、患者,女,55岁,绝经5年,近日有阴道不规则流血,持续低热,前一阵子还有血性白带,量较多,未就医,自行消失。查子宫稍大稍软。为确诊,需要哪项辅助检查A阴道镜检查 B分段刮宫活组织检查 C腹腔镜检查 DB型超声检查 E胸部X线检查

宫颈和宫颈管活体组织检查是确定子宫颈癌前病变和宫颈癌的最可靠方法。 单选题 5、关于急性盆腔炎,下列处理不正确的是 A四环素 B甲硝唑 C万古霉素 D克拉霉素 E阿奇霉素 答案:B 此题属于识记类考题,比较简单。治疗急性盆腔炎常用的抗生素:①青霉素类:对革兰阳性球菌如链球菌、肺炎球菌、敏感的葡萄球菌的抗菌作用较强,对革兰阴性球菌及革兰阴性杆菌有抗菌作用,但容易产生耐药;②头孢菌素类;③氨基糖苷类:抗菌谱为革兰阴性杆菌;④大环内酯类:敏感细菌主要为革兰阳性球菌及支原体、衣原体;⑤四环素类:主要用于衣原体、支原体及立克次体的感染;⑥硝咪唑类:甲硝唑和磺甲硝咪唑等,主要用于厌氧菌感染。故选B。 单选题 6、各类环境空气、物体表面、医务人员手不得检出致病微生物,是指 A建立三级院内感染监控体系 B健全各项预防院内感染规章制度 C预防性使用广谱抗生素 D监督、核查医院感染管理措施 E建立日常预防感染教育制度


四年级英语上册Unit4 My home 教案 Part A Let’s learn Let’s do 教学目标: 1.能听懂、会说:This is my home.并能简单描述自己的房间。 2.?能听、说、认读study,bathroom,bedroom,living room,kitchen等单词并能在日常生活中运用。 3.能听懂Let’s do部分中的指示语,并能按指令做出相应的动作。 4.学唱歌曲“Donkey Donkey”。? 5.结合生活实际创设情境,使学生巩固所学的新单词,进行语言训练,激发他们对家的热爱,鼓励他们大胆设想自己未来的家。 教学重点: 1.听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。 2.学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点: 1.单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 2.让学生在语言的复习巩固活动中听、说、认读单词。 教学准备: 1.教师自制的单词卡。 2.教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。 3.教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let’s learn部分。 教学过程 一、Warm-up 1.Greetings 2.Let’s sing the song “Donkey Donkey”together. T:Boys and girls,now we are all in the classroom.But where is Amy Do you know Maybe she’s at home.Let’s go and find her,OK? Ss:OK! 二、Presentation A.单词导呈 1.利用挂图呈现一栋房子,并对学生说:Look!This is Amy’s home.It’s very big.Wow!There are so many rooms.然后指着某个房间中摆设的物品问学生: T:What’s this? S1:It’s a desk/chair. T:What are they? S2:They are books. T:Oh,a desk,a chair,some books.Where are they? Do you know? They are in the study.(以此导入单词study) 教读、板书、练读单词study。 2.出示bedroom的图片,问学生:What can you see?当学生回答出bed时,教师说:Yes,it’s a bed. We can have a sleep in the bedroom. (做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。 3.出示bathroom的图片,问学生:Is this a study? Is this a bedroom? 学生会回答:No.告诉学生:This is a bathroom. We can take a shower in the bathroom.(用动作帮助学生理解)教读单词bathroom,并板书,让学生认读。


一.单词变化(10分) (复数)_________ (反义词) _________ (单三)__________ 4..get to (同义词)________ 5. late(反义词)________ (副词)________ (原形)__________ (反义词)________ (复数) __________ (形容词) _________ 二.单词填空(10分) have to wear sports shoes for g______ class. ’d better not break the r_________. 3. ________ (not fight ) with each other in the classroom. can eat in the d_________ hall every day ’t run in the h__________ . It’s dangerous. _________(talk) in class! is wearing the school u_________ today. girl often comes back early on s_________ nights. _______ your teacher look like? She is tall and thin. 10. _________(read) in the sun is bad for your eyes. 三.选择填空(20分) ( ) can eat in the cafeteria. But we _______ eat in the classroom. . A. don’t B. didn’t C. can’t D. aren’t


2013-10-24 14:09 来源:巨人网·英语作者:佚名 ?[ ?标签: ?词汇 ?] 小编导语:2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一是小编为你准备的2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一。选词填空是中考英语中必考的题型之一。以下就是2014年中考英语选词填空精选练习题一,供你学习参考。 1. ---We’ll do what we can ____English well this term. ---It’s high time for you to work hard. A. study B. to study C. be studied D. be studying 2. ---I don’t think your team can beat theirs. ---____. But we could if Lin Tao were on the team. A. No, we can’t B. Yes, we can’t C. Yes, we can D. No, we can 3. ---Have you finished your work yet? ---No, not yet. I think it’ll take _____ ten minutes. A. another B. other C. others D. more 4. Roy made several kites, but _____ of them can fly high in the sky. A. neither B. none C. all D. most 5. ---Will you be back ____ five in the afternoon? ---I’m not sure, maybe later than that.


Unit 4 My home 【单元学习内容】 本单元学习的主题是询问物品的位置。 【单元学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1、能够在真实或模拟的情境中运用句型Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 来询问物品位置。 2、能够在情境中运用句型Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. Yes, they are./ No, they aren’t. 进行回答。 3、能够正确说出元音字母u在单词中的发音,并能够根据其发音规律拼读学过的语音例词。 二、知识目标: 1、能听、说、认读单词bedroom、study、kitchen、bathroom、living room、bed、table、sofa、fridge、phone。 2. 能熟练朗读并模仿本单元的对话。 3. 能理解Let’ s do内容,并按照指令做出相应的动作。 4. 知道元音字母u在单词中的发音. 5. 学唱歌曲。 三、情感目标: 通过学习本单元内容养成整齐摆放物品的好习惯。 【单元学习重点、难点】 本单元重点学习句型是:Where is... Is she in the study Where are... Are they on the table 及相应回答。本单元难点是复数的用法,It has...的用法。 【课时安排】 第一课时:A Let’s talk Let’s play 第二课时:A Let’s Learn Let’s do 第三课时:A Let’s spell 第四课时:B Let’s talk Ask, answer, and write 第五课时:B Let’s learn Let’s play 第六课时:B Read and write Let’s check Let’s sing Story time 第一课时 【学习目标】 一、能力目标: 1. 能用Is it/she … ?询问物品所在。 2. 能准确选择合适的语言表达自己的意愿,并能作出准确地回答。 二、知识目标: 1. 能熟练朗读并模仿本节课对话。 2、能表演本节课对话。 3、能在实际生活中运用本节课对话,能听懂会说Is she in the bed room?Yes, she is . No, she isn’t. Is it … ?Yes,it is/No,it isn't. I have … . Where's… 4、了解知识点:Is she in the study No, she isn’t. (一般疑问句am, is, are提前,肯定、否定回答等。)三、情感目标:热爱自己的家,积极参与劳动,做家务。 【学习重点、难点】 教学重点:句型Is she in/on/under/… Yes, she is./ No, she isn’t. 词汇:isn’t 教学难点:发音it is 连读,isn’t


Click ONCE on the speaker icon to start listening! 放音结束前请不要离开本页。否则就听不成啦! Part 1 Short dialogs and multiple choice questions (每小题:分) Directions: Listen to the short dialogs, then choose the correct answers to the questions. You will hear the recording twice. After the first playing, there will be time for you to choose the correct answers. Use the second playing to check your answers. Questions 1 to 1 are based on the following passage or dialog. 1. A. He asks the woman to call Mr. Owen. B. He asks the woman to call Mr. Woods. C. He asks that Mr. Woods call Mr. Owen. D. He asks that Mr. Owen call Mr. Woods. Questions 2 to 2 are based on the following passage or dialog. 2. A. One. B. Two. C. Three. D. Four. Questions 3 to 3 are based on the following passage or dialog.


I. 单项选择。 1. He came to China _______ 1998. A. from B. since C. at D. in 2. — ____ did you buy the new bag?—Last Monday. A. Where B. How C. When D. Who 3. Mr. Yang is too ______ to go on walking. A. strong B. tall C. kind D. tired 4. ______ trees are cut down every year. A. Thousand B. Thousands of C. Thousands D. Thousand of 5. He's lived here ________ 1980. A. after B. in C. from D. since 6.—Can you understand me ? —Sorry, I can__ understand you. A. hardly B. almost C. nearly D. ever 7. — ______ does it take me to go from my school to your school ?—About f ive minutes. A. How many B. How far C. How much D. How long 8. —Hello. May I speak to Jim, please? — _________, please? A. Who are you B. How is he


资格证专业实务单选50题(含答案),练习50题(含 答案) 单选题 1、可以使用肛温测量患者体温的情况是 A体温39.8℃,高于正常范围 B皮肤发红、触之有热感 C痰液不易排出 D呼吸、心跳均加快 E不能出汗 答案:A 诊断依据包括相关的症状、体征以及有关病史等。因而体温过高的临床判断标准当然应该以实际测得的患者体温为依据。 单选题 2、患者,女,18岁。因失血性休克给予特级护理,不符合特级护理要求的是 A门诊病历手册 B住院证 C诊断证明 D医保卡 E就诊卡

答案:B 住院证是患者人住病房的凭证。 单选题 3、患者女,32岁。痛经2年,呈进行性加重。子宫后倾固定,子宫后壁触及3个痛性结节,给予达那唑治疗。目前最重要的护理措施是 A保持心情愉快 B避免剧烈运动 C湿热敷下腹部 D指导规范用药 E给予清单饮食 答案:D 此题属于临床类考题,属于简单类考题。根据患者痛经,进行性加重,妇科检查子宫后倾固定,子宫峡部后壁可触及多个小结节,触痛明显,诊断首先考虑子宫内膜异位症。达那唑,该药副作用大,对肝肾的有一定损害,长期使用会引起骨质疏松。需要规范用药。故答案选D。 单选题 4、患者,男性,27岁,酒后4h剧烈腹痛。患者中午聚餐,饮6两白酒。下午出现剧烈、持续的上腹部疼痛,并向腰背部呈带状放射,伴有恶心、呕吐,吐出食物和胆汁。查体:体温39℃,脉搏87/min,血压105/75mmHg(14/10kPa);左上腹压痛明显,无明显肌紧张。临床诊断为急性胰腺炎。首选的检查方法是 A血常规 B血淀粉酶 C血清脂肪酶

D腹部CT E血肌酐测定 答案:B  血清淀粉酶在发病后6-12小时开始升高,48h下降,持续3-5天;尿淀粉酶在12-24h 才开始升高,下降缓慢。  单选题 5、患者,男性,89岁,消瘦,卧床。护士巡视发现其骶尾部红、肿、硬结、有小水疱和上皮剥落,触痛,有渗液。判断该患者的情况是 A淤血红润期 B炎性浸润期 C炎性红润期 D溃疡红润期 E溃疡期 答案:A Ⅰ期(淤血红润期)的表现是:局部受压的皮肤出现红、肿、热、麻木或触痛感。但皮肤表面无破损,为可逆性改变。而Ⅱ期(炎性浸润期)的表现是:受压部位紫红,表皮有水疱形成,皮下产生硬结,易破溃,患者有痛感。 单选题 6、患者,女,28岁。颈部增粗,伴失眠,易激动,突眼,食欲亢进,对该患者的心理疏导措施不包括 A药物过量


小学英语四年级Unit4 My home 第一课时教学反思 PEP教材四年级上册Unit 4 My home的第一课时,包括A部分Lets Learn、Lets do,第四单元主要话题之一是room。所以首先应让学生掌握各个房间的名称,这是十分重要的,也是必要的,是接下来 的话题学习的基础。A部分的Lets Learn主要是让学生学习和掌握五个单词study、living room、bedroom、bathroom、kitchen。再通过Lets do等TPR活动进行巩固操练。 本课的教学对象是学过一年英语的四年级学生,此阶段学生天真活泼,好奇心强,有较强的模仿能力和求知欲望,而且富有一定的逻 辑思维能力,对英语的喜欢已初步体现出个性。但在单词的学习过程中,还是较容易出现发音不到位或发音不准确的语音错误。 本课是词汇教学课,不少老师会认为词汇课比会话课简单。而通常的词汇课也会侧重于各种游戏简单堆积,缺少一定的深度。针对这些普遍现象,我在本课的设计中给自己定下了以下三个标准,即“趣、实、新”。 所谓“趣”是指整堂课的设计应符合小学生的心理特点,能激发学生的兴趣和参与意识,使学生一直处于英语学习的兴奋状态,在本课中我根据四年级学生的特点,采用猜一猜,做一做,谈一谈,比一比 等多种教学形式,让学生在宽松的氛围中体验到英语学习的兴趣。 所谓“实”是指整堂课的教学活动应紧紧围绕本课的重点和难点, 做到由浅入深,衔接自然.。本课中,对于5个新词的教学我基本做

到先示范,再机械操练,然后进行意义操练,最后达到实际运用。努 力使全体学生在有限的时间内实实在在的学到更多的英语知识。 所谓“新”,一是指教师的教学理念要新,本课我比较侧重于学生 语言运用能力的培养。对于5个新授词我都尽量安排不同的问题让学生展开讨论让学生在思维中运用语言,并真正体会到成功的乐趣。“新”的另一方面指的是在本课中,我让学生做出走的姿势和看电视、 吃点心、读书、洗澡和睡觉等动作,边听边说边做,调动了学生的肢 体语言,让学生动起来、让课堂活起来,使英语学习显得不那么枯燥。 通过这次活动,我也明白了上英语课的几大误区:一是重活动形式,轻活动目的;二是重个体活动,轻全体参与;三是重机械操练, 轻真实情节运用。要上好一堂英语课必须准确定位目的,做到有的放矢,面向全体学生,力求人人参与。同时设计的活动要符合学生的年 龄特征,贴近学生的生活,还可以采用合作学习。通过这次教研课, 让我明白了注重细节的重要性:在自己制作单词时虽然可以剪成奇形怪状,但也要剪的有根据,可以按字母形状来剪,既能引起学生兴趣,又能帮助学生记单词;要充分利用课堂资源,特别是多媒体资源,不 能把它仅作为是美化课堂的一个工具,中看不中用;在引出一个个单词时要让学生有思考的时间,不能讲太多,所以老师在课堂上要注意自己的语言量。


Unit 4 练习一 姓名 、翻译下列词组或者句子 1. seven friends _____________ 2. ten clocks ________ 2. twelve eggs _________ 4一只手表 _________________ 5.两个女孩 _______________ 6三本书 _________________ 7. eleve n crayons __________ 8.nine cameras ________________________ 、在下面钟面上画出正确的时间。 Seven o'clock eight o 'clock ten o'c lock One o 'clock five o 'clock eleven o 'clock 、把下面的句子按正确的顺序排列成对话。 A . See you. B . It ' seve n c fc lock. C . See you , Mum. D . It ' time to have breakfast.(吃早饭) E . Mum ,what's the time, please. Unit 4 练习二 姓名 、选择正确的答案 ( )1. _______ have some cakes? A. Let ' B. Shall we ( )2.--- _______ ?---Yes, it is. A. Is this your aunt? B. Is this your pen? ( )3. eleven 的左邻右舍是 _________ . A. ten , nine B. twelve , ten ( )4. Time ____ g o to bed. A. to B. for 、连词成句


初一英语选择题练习 1. Tom is too ____ to say. A. reached B. played C. excited D. wanted 2. --- ____ is it from your school to your home? --- It's about 300 meters. It's near. A. How long B. How far C. How often D. How 3. We are having a party ____ eight o'clock ____ the afternoon ____ New Year 's Day. A. at; in; in B. at; on; in C. in; at; on D. at; in; on 4. I invited the twins ____ my birthday party. A. into B. / C. to D. for 5. He ____ home late. A. arrives at B. arrives in C. gets to D. reaches 6. He is writing a ____ article [文章]. A. two thousand word B. two thousands words C. tow thousands word D. two thousand words 7. There are ____ of students in the meeting-room. A. hundred B. hundreds C. a thousand D. thousand 8. This river is ____ than that one. A. deep and clean B. deeper and cleaner C. deeper and clean D. deep and cleaner 9. --- How will you go to the zoo? --- I will go there ____. A. take a bus B. take bus C. by bus D. by a bus 10. ____ from London to Edinburgh? A. How far is it B. What a long way is it C. How long is it D. How is it 11. What time does the bus ____ Chengdu? A. go away to B. go away for C. leave to D. leave for 12. I ____ home at half past six. A. was at B. come at C. arrive in D. get to 13. ____ beautiful these flowers are! A. So B. What C. How D. Too 14. Can this camera ____ good pictures? A. make B. makes C. take D. takes 15. He comes late sometimes, ____ he? A. is B. isn't C. comes D. doesn't 16. --- Whose hat is it? --- It's ____. A. he's B. his C. his's D. he 17. Mary with John ____ listening to the radio. A. is B. are C. do D. does 18. The boy is ____ young to join the army [参军]. A. so B. too C. older than D. to 19. The new bridge over the river is ____. A. two kilometers long B. two kilometer long C. two long kilometers D. two long kilometer


专业实务单选题50题(含答案),单选50题含答案, 练习50题含答案 单选题 1、护理诊断的书写,不正确的是 A清理呼吸道无效 B气体交换受损 C肺气肿 D肺部炎症 E自主呼吸困难 答案:B 气体交换受损是指个体能经受的肺泡和微血管系统之间的氧和二氧化碳交换减少的状态,常见于肺部疾患。该患者肺气肿15年,临床有胸闷、憋气、烦躁不安、呼吸加快、发绀等缺氧和二氧化碳潴留的表现,符合气体交换受损的诊断。 单选题 2、绌脉常见于 A先测脉率,后测心率 B先测心率,后测脉率 C两人同时分别测心率和脉率 D一人同时测心率和脉率 E两人同时一起测,一人测心率,一人测脉率

答案:E 该患者脉率为72次/分,心率为110次/分。所以应同时测心率和脉率 单选题 3、对化疗敏感的肺癌是 A周围型 B混合型 C边缘型 D中央型 E巨块型 答案:D 此题属于临床应用类考题,属于比较难题目。肺癌中鳞癌和小细胞癌为中央型,多与抽烟有关。腺癌,女性多见,多为周围型。化疗在杀灭肿瘤细胞的同时,对正常细胞也会造成不同程度的损害,严重时引起骨髓抑制等严重不良反应。因此化疗前必须告知患者化疗的不良反应,签署化疗同意书。突然感觉静脉穿刺处疼痛,怀疑药物外渗刺激引起,若外渗则可能导致组织坏死,要立即停止输液,进一步处理。正常白细胞为“(4~10)×109/L,化疗过程中当白细胞低于3.5×109/L时应停止化疗或减量,必要时用升白细胞的药物。 单选题 4、患者,男,56岁,Ⅲ度烧伤,面积大于60%,入院后护理措施是 A湿热敷 B湿冷敷 C红外线照射 D无菌纱布包扎,避免感染


Unit 4 My home 第一课时教案示例 课题: Unit 4 My home 教学重点:听、说、认读单词:study, bathroom, living room, bedroom, kitchen。学习表示指令的词组。 教学难点:单词study, bathroom, bedroom的发音。 教具准备: 1. 教材相配套的教学课件[Unit 4 Let’s learn/A] 2. 教材相配套的教学录音带 3. 教师自制的单词卡 4. 教师使用的study, bathroom, bedroom, living room, kitchen图片。 5. 教师使用的课文挂图P46页Let’s learn部分。 教学过程: 一、热身、复习(Warm-up / Revision) A. Learn these sentences Where is the doll? It is in the box. Where is the doll? It is on the box. Where is the doll? It is under the box. Where is the box? It is on the table. B. Ask and answer Where is the farmer? He is in the van. Where is the monkey? It is under the taxi. Where is the elephant? It is in the car. Where is the boy? He is on the train. Where is the nurse? She is on the bus.


1、---What's her name?--______Zhao Jun.A.His name is B.My name is C.Her name is 2、当别人问你是哪国人时,你应说:A.I am China.B.I live in china.C.I live in China. 3、---_______everyone here today? ---Yes,we are all here.A.Are B.Is C.Am 4、-Where is your eraser? -_________is in the pencil-box.A.My B.Your C.It D.That 5、-Is Alice a doctor? -No,__________.A.he isn't B.she isn't C.I am not D.she doesn't 6、-Thanks a lot.-________.A.That's all right B.That is all C.That's right D.No thank 7、-What's your name? -_________.A.Good morning B.I'm fine C.My name is Lucy 8、选择正确的译文:她的盒子在哪里?在这里。 A.Where her box is?Here.B.Where is her box?It's here. C.Her box is where?It's here.D.Her box where is?Here. 9、-_______are those markers? -They are blue.A.What colour B.What C.Which 10、Every day we _________there _______our friends. A.walk to;and B.walk;with C.walk;by D.on foot;with 11、Do you like _____?A.vegetables B.vegetable C.eat vegetables D.green vegetable 12、-Is the shirt from ________? -Yes,it is.A.Li Ming's father B.Li Ming father C.your D.Li Ming's 13、-Is Tom's pencil new or old? -________.A.Yes,it is B.No,it isn't C.It's new D.It's a new 14、-Do you have any _________?A.shorts B.skirt C.hat D.dress 15、I like ________.A.this skirt B.skirt C.blue skirt D.some skirt 16、Here _______two black umbrellas.A.is B.are C.has D.be 17、If your friend ________happy,you _________happy. A.are;are B.feel;are C.is;are D.feel;feel 18、How _______ you feel?____________ you tired today? A.do;is B.are;Are C.do;Do D.do;Are 19、Put your right hand in.Don't ________ out.A.take B.take it C.put D.look 20、I ___ my books____ the bag.A.take;in B.put;in C.shake;with D.put;with 21I have____ hands and___ fingersA.two;two B.two;five C.one;ten D.two;ten 22、Let's _________ a song for you.A.sing B.singing C.give D.like 23、How many _______ do you like?A.finger B.fingers C.any fingers D.the fingers 24、-____?-It is warm and sunny. A。How are you B.How is the weather C。How old are you D.How much is it 25、It is _________.A.sun B.snow C.snowy D.cloud 26、-What's the date?-It's__.A.June oneB.June Day C.June first D.Monday 27、-____is Danny's birthday?-___June 8. A.What;It's B.When;Its C.When;It's D.What;It is 28、-What _________is it today?-It's________. A.day;May 1 B.date;May 1 C.day;Monday D.date;Monday 29、0ctober 1 is__.A.May Day B.Children's Day C.National Day D.New Year's Day 30、I can see a bird _________the sky.A.in B.at C.with D.on 31、-What's this ________?
