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安徽省2015届高考英语二轮复习 专题重点句型5

安徽省2015届高考英语二轮复习 专题重点句型5
安徽省2015届高考英语二轮复习 专题重点句型5



【句型1】On no account can we+V...“我们绝对不能……”


On no account can we ignore the value of knowledge.

【句型2】It is time+S+过去式“该是……的时候了”


It is time the authorities concerned took proper steps to solve the traffic problems.

【句型3】Those who...“……的人……”


Those who violate traffic regulations should be punished.

【句型4】There is no one but...“没有人不……”


There is no one but longs to go to college.


Once a farmer employed two servants who worked on the farm.One day,the farmer commanded them to plant seeds while he was away.The first servant worked hard in the fields every day.Though he felt so 1 sometimes,he never quit.He just took a 2 and thought of his master coming back.There were also times when he got 3 by stones,insects and other objects,but he still continued 4 his master's command.He knew that someday all his 5 would pay off.

But the other servant wanted to 6 the pleasure of the world.He thought that his master would 7 know what he was doing.Thus he put aside his master's 8 and followed his own will.Many years 9 ,but the master still did not come back.The faithful servant kept his master's words 10 and kept on planting seeds in the fields,while the other servant 11 around the world,enjoying himself.

One day their master 12 appeared.When seeing one servant harvesting the crops in the 13 ,he was very pleased,but when he couldn't find the other,he felt very 14 .The master called the two servants together,15 why he had been gone for such a long time.He said he had a(n) 16 house built,and whoever had been 17 to him would stay with him and live in the new home as payment.So he asked them to report to him 18 their harvest was.The first servant 19 announced that he had a good harvest every year while the other servant bowed his head and asked for forgiveness 20 he had nothing for his master.

The master finally rewarded the first servant with a new home.The other servant got nothing and was dismissed.


1.A.tired B.unhappy

C.worried D.lonely



答案 A

2.A.drink B.look

C.walk D.rest


答案 D

3.A.wounded B.hit

C.hurt D.disturbed


答案 C

4.A.holding B.obeying

C.ignoring D.denying

解析考查动词。即使主人不在家,他仍然执行主人的命令。obey照应句中的宾语command。答案 B

5.A.endless patience B.precious time

C.big dream D.hard work


答案 D

6.A.join B.search

C.enjoy D.share

解析考查动词。而另一个仆人则想及时行乐。enjoy the pleasure of the world“享受世界上的快乐”。join“参与”;search“查找”;enjoy“享受……的乐趣”;share“分享”。

答案 C

7.A.never B.seldom

C.always D.often


答案 A

8.A.saying B.command

C.hope D.plan

解析考查名词。他早把主人的命令忘到九霄云外了,这与第一段中的“but he still continued obeying his master's command”形成对比。

答案 B

9.A.ran by B.walked by

C.passed by D.stood by

解析考查动词短语。很多年过去了,但是主人仍然没有回来。pass/go by“时光流逝”。walk by“经过,从旁边走过”;stand by“做好准备,袖手旁观”。

答案 C

10.A.in the dark B.in the air

C.in heart D.in mind

解析考查介词短语。但是,第一个仆人仍然把主人说过的话记在心里。keep...in mind “把……记在心里”。

答案 D

11.A.wandered B.showed

C.turned D.looked


答案 A

12.A.secretly B.suddenly

C.instantly D.slowly


答案 B

13.A.village B.open air

C.fields D.his yard

解析考查名词。当看到一个仆人在田间(fields)干活时,他很高兴。由第一段中的“The first servant worked hard in the fields every da y.”可知答案。

答案 C

14.A.confused B.surprised

C.uneasy D.disappointed


答案 D

15.A.claiming B.explaining

C.demanding D.stating

解析考查动词。主人召集两个仆人在一起,给他们解释(explaining)了他长期不在家的原因。答案 B

16.A.beautiful B.expensive

C.simple D.strong


答案 A

17.A.friendly B.smart

C.faithful D.generous


答案 C

18.A.how good B.how soon

C.how long D.how far

解析考查语境选词。所以他让两个仆人给他汇报他们的收成有多好(how good)。

答案 A

19.A.anxiously B.happily

C.briefly D.generally


答案 B

20.A.unless B.when

C.although D.because

解析考查连接词。第二个仆人低下头请求主人原谅他,因为(because)他没有给主人干活。答案 D



高考英语特殊句式 2012,11,28 一.强调句型:“It is/was+被强调的部分+that/who+原句其他部分”。被强调的部分为“人”时用who/that,否则都用that。注意:被强调部分不能是谓语动词。 It was on Monday night that all this happened. It’s me who he blamed. It was what you did that made me satisfied. It is I who/that am in charge of the factory. 【考点一】考查not ... until 结构的强调句,其结构为It is/was not until+被强调部分+that+其他部分。 ①It ______ we had stayed together for a couple of weeks ______ I found we had a lot in common. A. was until; when B. was until; that C. wasn’t until; when D. wasn’ t until; that 【考点二】考查复合句中的强调句型 ②Was it _____ he was seriously ill that he didn’t come to school yesterday? ③______ he came back home that we knew what had happened. A. When it was B. It was when C. Was it when D. When was 【考点三】考查强调句的特殊疑问句


高中英语特殊句式练习题 1.Word came ______ our duties would be changed. A. that B. which C. whether D. when 2.Every year a great number of foreign tourists pay a visit to _____ we Chinese call Heaven Lake. A. where B. which C. what D. that 3.A warm thought suddenly came to me ______ I might use the picket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. A. if B. when C. that D. which 4.When ________ questions in class, one should answer them as clearly as possible. A.asking B.to ask C.to be asked D.asked 5.It is the first time that we ________ a film in the cinema together as a family.A.see B. had seen C.saw D.have seen 7.After the exam, my teacher told me that failure ____ the mother of success. A. was B. is C. be D. been 8.It was only when I reread his poems recently ______ I began to appreciate their beauty. A. that B. until C. then D. so 10.Our teacher said to us that the earth _________ around the sun. A. travelled B. travels C. is traveling D. was traveling 12.The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me___to call that in Chinese. A. whether B. where C. which D. what 13.—Dock doesn't know much about computers. —. A.So he did B.So does Mary C.Neither do I D.Nor will Mary 14.Before I left home, my mother taught me ________some simple dishes, such as noodles and garlic with vegetables. A. what cooking B. how cooking C. what to cook D. how to cook 15.Making great efforts to struggle hard in your study,if ______,will possibly lead to your great success in the college entrance exam next year. A. continued B.to continue C.continues D.continuing 16.It was many years ____ American women were given the rights to vote. A. when B. since C. before D. as 17.Don’t worry!There is still a great chance we can make up for the lost time. A.which B.that C.where D.when 18.Her last book sold five million copies and we hope this one will be____popular. A. so B. as C. such D. much 19.--- Will you waste your time and money on that? --- Certainly ________. A. I not B. don’t C. not D. no 20.______, I suppose, and the housing problems for the low-income families could be solved. A. If you double your efforts B. To make some more efforts


单项填空特殊句式 1.It's necessary that not only________to see a doctor but also have a good rest. A.will Bob go B.Bob will go C.should Bob go D.Bob should go C[考查虚拟语气和倒装。句意:鲍勃不仅要去看医生,还要休息好,这是必要的。在“It's necessary that...”句型中,主语从句常用“should+动词原形”;本题的主语从句中,not only置于句首,因此用部分倒装语序。] 2.Anne lost her wallet and mother wasn't surprised that________as she was too careless. A.she was so B.so was she C.so did she D.she did so D[考查省略句。句意:安妮丢了钱包,(她的)妈妈对此毫不惊讶因为她太粗心了。根据语境及句中的“Anne lost her wallet”可知,此处为省略句,do so常用来表示同一主语的同一动作,可以替代动词加宾语。故本句中谓语动词应用did so代替lost her wallet。故选D项。] 3.It is not only blind men who make such stupid mistakes.People who can see sometimes act________. A.just foolishly B.less foolishly C.as foolishly D.so foolishly C[考查固定用法和省略句。句意:犯这样愚蠢的错误的不只是盲人。看得见的人有时表现得(和盲人)一样愚蠢。本句考查了as ...as ...结构,含义为“和……一样……”。句中省略了as blind men,补充完整则为...act as foolishly as blind men。] 4.In any case,parents should make clear what,________,the child is expected to pay for with the pocket money. A.if ever B.if so C.if any D.if anything D[考查省略句。句意:在任何情况下,父母都应该明确,要说有什么的话,他们期望孩子用零花钱来支付什么。if ever意为“假如,要是”;if so


高考英语二轮复习策略 英语卷无论是考试形式、试题结构,坚持稳定为主,注重基础考查,重点考查考生“在特定语境中语言运用能力”,即运用英语获取信息、处理信息、分析问题和解决问题的能力.始终不变的重点知识,考生应该将其列为复习内容,同时抓牢基础知识,不要一味做偏、难、怪题.现提供以下三大点备考建议供参考: 一、回归基础,突出对主干知识的复习 高考英语改革虽然从强调知识考查向注重综合语言运用能力转变,但是还应认识到能力要有扎实的基础作为依托.尤其是到最后冲刺阶段更要重视基础知识的复习.一模后,一些考生普遍都有这样的感觉:很多题目“一看就会,一做就错”.造成这种现象的根本原因在于对基础知识的掌握不牢固.只有扎扎实实地从基础做起,才能“一看就会,一做就对”.英语基础知识包括词汇、语法、句型等.词汇复习应做到从不间断、反复巩固.除了记忆和理解之外,尤其要注意常用词汇的使用和辨析,以及一词多义的掌握.语法复习要理清基本概念,着重复习主干知识.比如,动词的时态、语态、语气,非谓语动词、情态动词等都是高考常涉及的知识点.但切记不要在钻研语法的难点上花过多时间,英语语法不是数学公式,在不同的语境中用法就不同. 二、查漏补缺,强化专题训练 一模结束后,复习的重点要放在查漏补缺上.将做过的试卷整理后,建立错题档案,弥补知识漏洞,进行强化记忆和训练.比如,在建立错题档案时发现在非谓语动词、从句方面出错率比较高,就应该重

点复习这方面的知识.不要注重记多少题,重要的是记住老师在课堂上对这些题的分析过程.抄录资料或刊物上的讲解也是值得推荐的方法.到考试前再回顾、反思、比较、消化,以期达到遇到同类试题不再出错的目的.复习中要加强题型专项训练,在训练中提高解题能力和解题速度;尤其要重视听力训练,所选听力材料不宜过难,语速要适中.复习中应适当加强对重点内容的强化训练和题后分析,提高“考点识别、寻找已知条件、排错求证”的思维能力.训练快速阅读的能力,提高带着问题快速搜索信息,根据上下文提示进行逻辑推断的能力.多读一些原汁原味的文章,通过广泛涉猎,培养英语语感,提高对词、句、篇的理解速度和准确度.专项训练要多、模拟测试要适当. 强调阅读语速是语言实际运用的主要特征之一,一般应保持在60wpm左右,按照“高中英语课程标准”要求,高中毕业时甚至应该达到70―80wpm.在平时训练中一定要注意坚持阅读速度的要求.在真实语言环境中,所接触材料的篇章结构和语句结构往往是丰富多样的,需要通过自己平时的大量阅读实践掌握熟悉它们,考试中能够迅速突破,克服障碍,把握大意.选材中出现生词完全正常,平时培养处理词汇的能力,考试中才能应对所出现的各种情况,也正是真实语言运用中所需要的一种能力.阅读选材往往具有一定思想内涵,阅读中需要保持头脑清醒,在所提供的思维空间中捕捉观点与抽象概念,理顺思路,加深理解.训练形式也应该是精读与泛读相结合.不能一味地做阅读理解题,这样不利于培养学生的阅读能力.高考中很多考查项目都是以选择题形式出现的,但很明显,如果只用选择题来训练是不科学的.而在我平时教学和视导过程中,用大量选择题来“培养”学生语言运用能力的现象很普遍,需特别关注.另外,从运用语言的角度来看,所读材料为自己所不熟悉是完全正常的,应该让学生有此心理准备.尤其是英语语言文化背景鲜明的内容,需要凭借自己的阅读能力,读懂材料获取信息,解决问题,也正是成功运用语言的具体体现. 语言的输入决定语言输出,想写出更为地道的英文,必须通过听

高考英语二轮 专题复习词汇系列(一)

2012届高考英语二轮专题复习词汇系列(一) 【必会词汇】 时刻:dawn, deadline, instant, moment, by the time, from now on, in time, on time 时段:age, century, decade, future, interval, period, stage; contemporary, permanent, temporary, forever, meanwhile, for a time/ while, for the time being 频度:annual, daily, frequent, occasional, regular, monthly, weekly, yearly, occasionally, once, seldom, twice, at a time, at times, time and time again, now and then 时序:final, former, previous, afterward(s), ago, eventually, ever, first, gradually, immediately, just, last, late, later, next, shortly, since, soon, then 相关:介词: after, at, before, by, during, for, in, on, since, throughout, until, upon 动词: last, pass, run, take 连词: after, as, as soon as, before, hardly…when, no sooner…than, once, since, till, until, when, whenever, while 天气:寒冷天气:frost, ice, snow, wind, freeze, cold, freezing, snowy, windy, 温热天气:heat, warmth, clear, dry, fine, fresh, hot, mild, sunny, warm 云雨天气:cloud, downpour, rain, rainbow, shower, storm, thunder, thunderstorm, lightning, pour, cloudy, cool, damp, rain, wet 雾:fog, mist, foggy 其他:climate, forecast, weather, changeable, terrible 自然灾害:名称:earthquake, fire, flood, hurricane, volcano, typhoon, 相关动词:blow, burn, burst, destroy, die, erupt, predict, rescue, ruin, shake, supply, survive 其他:ash, damage, danger, death, disaster, nature, survival, victim, dangerous, muddy, natural 天气(Weather) 相关话题 天气与人类的生活息息相关,谈论天气,是老百姓最关注的话题之一。在写作中weather涉及的主要内容有:a. Describing weather ( sunny, cloudy, windy, rainy, hot, warm, cold, cool, etc.) b. Understanding weather reports (conditions, temperature, rain, snow, wind, sun, cloud) c. Dressing for the weather (coat, hat, umbrella, raincoat, windbreaker, etc.) d. Extreme weather (storms, gales, hurricanes, etc.) 1. 常见描述天气状况的词汇有: rainfall(降雨), snowfall(降雪), storm(暴风雨), sandstorm(沙尘暴 ), temperature(气温 ), bright, clear, fine, sunny, windy, cloudy, rainy, snowy, foggy(有雾的 ), cool, hot, dry, wet, warm, cold, chilly(寒冷的), freezing, frost(霜冻)etc. 2. 谈论天气常用的句型: 1). Asking about the weather(询问天气情况) a). What’s the weather like today?/How is the weather today?/How is it today?今天的天气怎么样? b) How do you like our weather? 你知道我们这儿的天气怎么样? c). Is the weather always like this? 天气总是这样吗? d). Is it always as cold as this? 天气总是这样冷吗?


2012届高三英语二轮专题复习----七选五根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 (1) Are you truly happy? 1 These are important questions for anyone who is seeking happiness to ask themselves.The following are a few tips that I follow to create happiness in my life. ● Make a plan for attaining goals that you believe will make you h appy.Your moods will very likely increase if you are going after something you value. ●Surround yourself with happy people. 2 On the contrary, if you are around people who are happy, their emotional state will be infectious. ●When something goes wro ng, try to figure out a solution instead of being absorbed in self pity.Truly happy people don’t allow setbacks to affect their mood because they know that with a little thought they can turn the circumstances back to their favor. ● 3 These few minutes will give you the opportunity to focus on the positive things in your life and will lead you to continuous happiness. ● 4 You can treat yourself to lunch, take a long, relaxing bath or simply spend a few extra minutes on your appearance.Then you will be subconsciously(下意识地)putting yourself in a better mood. ●Finding the humor in situations can also lead to happiness.Find a way to make light of a situation that would otherwise make you happy. ●Keeping healthy is another way to achieve happiness. 5 A.It is easy to begin to think negatively when you are surrounded by people who think that way.B.Being overweight or not eating nutritious foods can have a negative effect on your mood. C.Do you ever know what it means to be happy and what it takes to achieve happiness? D.It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself. E.Is true happiness hard to reach for most of us? F.Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy. G.Speak your trouble out to your close friends openly. (2) You can never be too sure these days in the United States of your neighbours or even your customers!


……○…………外…………○…………装…………○…………订…………○…………线…………○…………学校 :_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _姓 名:_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _班 级:_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _考 号:_ _ __ _ __ _ __ _ … … ○ … … … … 内 … … … … ○ … … …… 装 … … … …○ … … … … 订 … … … … ○ … ………线…………○…………高中英语特殊句式练习题 1.Word came ______ our duties would be changed. A. that B. which C. whether D. when 2.Every year a great number of foreign tourists pay a visit to _____ we Chinese call Heaven Lake. A. where B. which C. what D. that 3.A warm thought suddenly came to me ______ I might use the picket money to buy some flowers for my mother’s birthday. A. if B. when C. that D. which 4.When ________ questions in class, one should answer them as clearly as possible. A .asking B .to ask C .to be asked D .asked 5.It is the first time that we ________ a film in the cinema together as a family . A .see B. had seen C .saw D .have seen 7.After the exam, my teacher told me that failure ____ the mother of success. A. was B. is C. be D. been 8.It was only when I reread his poems recently ______ I began to appreciate their beauty. A. that B. until C. then D. so 10.Our teacher said to us that the earth _________ around the sun. A. travelled B. travels C. is traveling D. was traveling 12.The Frenchman pointed to the spoon and asked me ___to call that in Chinese. A. whether B. where C. which D. what 13.—Dock doesn't know much about computers. — . A.So he did B.So does Mary C.Neither do I D.Nor will Mary 14.Before I left home, my mother taught me ________some simple dishes, such as noodles and garlic with vegetables. A. what cooking B. how cooking C. what to cook D. how to cook 15.Making great efforts to struggle hard in your study ,if ______,will possibly lead to your great success in the college entrance exam next year. A. continued B .to continue C .continues D .continuing 16.It was many years ____ American women were given the rights to vote. A. when B. since C. before D. as 17.Don’t worry !There is still a great chance we can make up for the lost time. A .which B .that C .where D .when 18.Her last book sold five million copies and we hope this one will be ____popular. A. so B. as C. such D. much 19.--- Will you waste your time and money on that? --- Certainly ________. A. I not B. don’t C. not D. no 20.______, I suppose, and the housing problems for the low-income families could be solved. A. If you double your efforts B. To make some more efforts


2018届高考英语二轮复习专题 mother died ____ hungry and cold Afrom,of Bof,from Cfrom,from Dofof 6 If you run ____ two hares you will catch neither Ainto Bafter Coff D out of 7 This is a mon mistake ____ students A between Bover C among D about 8 My father began to work ____ a bus driver when he was twenty years old Afor Bto Cat Das 9 _____ hearing the news, I was wild ____ joy A At, in B On, with C After, by D /, over 10I don’ t think Xiao Li is ____ the other students ____ mathematics A after, on B after, with C behind, in D behind, at 11 Nobody knows it ____ me A except for B except that C besides D but 12 The windois never opened ____ in summer A but B except C except for D but for 13 It happened ____ the Long March A during Bin Cat Dfor 14 We go to school ____ a bike Ain Bon Cby Dove 15 It’s very kind____ you to repair the bike ____ me Aforfor Bof,of Cof,forDfor,of 16 Fresh air is good ____ your health Aat Bfor Cof Dto 17The boy is waiting ____ his sister and they will go to


[必须收藏】高中英语特殊句式! 奇速在线教育:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6910852497.html, 特殊句式包含: A. there be 句型 B. 倒装句 C. 强调句 D. 省略句 E. 插入语 F. 分隔句式 A. there be 句型 1、there be 句型的意义:表示“某处有某物”。 2、there be 句型的时态there is/are ; there was/were ; there will be /there going to be ; 3、there be 句型的特殊用法: there be 不可与have 连用 there be 后的谓语动词遵循就近原则 there be 的反义疑问句为谓语动词+there there +具体的动词使表达更生动 there be 的非谓语动词为若前面的动词后是不定式时,就用there to be 若前面的动词后是v-ing 时,就用there being 4、there be 句型的固定搭配 there is no use / sense / point + v-ing there is no need +to do there is no doubt +that 从句 蔡章兵主编QQ757722345 二、部分倒装(高考考点) 1、由as、though、that、引导让步状语从句要用部分倒装或前置 2、含有否定意义的副词、连接词放在句首引起的部分倒装 3、“so(nor, neither)+助动词+ 主语”与“so(nor, neither)+主语+助动词”之间的区别以及与“so + 主语+ 助动词”的句式区别 4、省略if的虚拟条件句以had / were / should开头引起的部分倒装 5、not until 置于句首引起后面句子的部分倒装 6、only 短语置于句首引起的部分倒装 1、由as、though、that、引导让步状语从句要用部分倒装或前置,主语是代词时不倒装。句式为:表语/状语/动词原形+as+主语+其他。 Clever as he is,he does n’t study well.虽然他很聪明,但他学习不好。 Child as he is,he knows a lot.虽然他是个孩子,但他懂得不少事情。 注意:表语前的名词无形容词修饰时冠词要省略 Much as I like it,I won’t buy it.虽然我非常喜欢它,但我不买它。 Try as she might, she failed.虽然她试过了,但还是失败了。 =Although she try as she can, she failed . 2、含有否定意义的副词、连接词放在句首引起的部分倒装 表示否定的副词never,nor,neither,


高考英语二轮复习策略 高三英语复习在如火如荼的进行着,同学们的复习效果可谓是冰火两重天,有的同学掌握了英语的学习规律,复习的十分轻松,有的同学因为不得法,整天向我抱怨英语难学,有的甚至因为英语的瘸腿而与名牌大学失之交臂,许多家长也对孩子的英语是忧心忡忡。小编的八个必方法供同学们参考。 一、多听老师的,少自作主张 虽然同学们之前经历过很多考试,但高考对于我们来讲还是有些陌生。就算有些学生在高一、高二已经做过高考题,对于自己的知识缺陷到底有哪些,高考的重点是什么也不一定有非常清晰的了解。而高三的英语第一轮复习主要就是从语法和词法两个方面帮助大家梳理知识,并对应试策略加以指导。教高三的教师大都有着非常丰富的高考经验,也都会制定详细的教学计划,因此我们在安排自己的复习内容时要尽量和老师同步,把当天复习的内容彻底搞清楚,并辅以相应的练习加以巩固。遇到不会的,应该第一时间请教老师,千万不要留到最后甚至弃置不管。 二、多用碎时间,少搞大突击 英语学科是非常适合利用零碎时间来学习的。五分钟的时间能干什么?也许别的学科可以安排的复习活动并不多,但是英语却有很多。比如我们可以背单词,可以做一篇速读,

可以朗读一篇文章,可以做若干个单项选择,可以听听力,可以翻看任何英语的杂志、报刊甚至小说等。总而言之,时间是海绵里的水,挤挤总是有的。当然,如果我们要复习一个比较重要的语法项目,或者做一套英语试题的时候,我们也需要相对完整的时间,但基于语言学习的灵活性,同学们要培养语言学习的意识。Learning is anytime, anywhere with anyone。(学习无处不在)有些学生在制定自己的复习计划时,把一个星期中的七天分别给了不同的科目,这样做是不太科学的。正确的做法是每天复习两至三科为宜,而英语虽然持续时间不需要很长,但每天都接触确实十分必要的。A little bit every day makes perfect(点滴铸就完美)。 三、多接触英语,少钻研语法 近几年的高考越来越重视同学们运用英语的能力,逐渐削弱了对于语法的考察。纵观一份高考英语试卷,单纯考察语法的题目几乎没有。善于观察的学生更会发现,即使是在语法聚集的单项选择题中,也是强调语境的理解。此外,还逐渐加大了词义、词语辨析的考察。完形填空的四个选项是没有语法的错误的,考察大家是否能够根据文章的意思,选择用法上最恰当的词。阅读理解更是考察大家对于篇章的理解。当然,语法并不是不重要,有很多重点的项目是需要同学们掌握的。只是提醒大家在复习的时候,要做到从语言的

2021届课标版高考英语一轮复习训练:第二部分 专题十一 特殊句式

专题十一特殊句式 题组1 限时模拟 A单句填空 1.[2020山东潍坊期中,62]Evidence suggests that you can remove more germs(病菌)from your hands for this amount of time while (wash)your hands. 2.[2020黑龙江大庆实验中学开学考,65]It’s in this magical world Miguel gets to discover the truth about his great-great-grandpa. 3.[2020安徽江淮十校高三第一次联考,29]Psychologist Adrian North from Curtin University in Australia says there (be) two groups of possible explanations as to why we enjoy listening to sad music. One is from social psychology, and the other is from cognitive neuroscience(认知神经学). 4.[2020内蒙古奋斗中学高三考试,24]She opened it and let out a deep breath. Inside it two sharp knives. 5.[2019北京中央民族大学附属中学高三检测, 13]Not until he retired from teaching two years ago he consider having a holiday abroad. 6.[2019陕西商南县高级中学高三二模,69]It was he first set up private schools and received students from all walks of life without consideration of their social status. 7.[2019江苏徐州第一中学高三检测,2](commit) to the research work in the lab is a distinguished expert from China who has won great achievements in this field. 8.[2019江苏南通高三模考,8]—What did she want to know, Tom? —She wondered when it was we could complete the experiment. 9.[2019江苏徐州第一中学高三检测, 19]Some of you may have finished the text. so, you can go on to the next. 10.[2019广东深圳耀华实验中学检测,15](keep) a clear head when in danger and you’ll protect yourself from serious harm. B单句改错 11.[2020广东佛山第一中学考试]When asking by my classmates, I will be absolutely embarrassed. 12.[2020河南八市重点高中联考]However, I am at a loss about what to start. 13.[2020河北保定高三上学期摸底测试]My mother said to me, "You have been planning to volunteer at the local hospital. Why not to volunteer to help her instead?" 14.[2020广东佛山七校联考]It was just then which I began to worry about my safety. 15.[2020吉林长春东北师大附中摸底考试]It’s from you who I have learned a valuable lesson. 16.[2020四川绵阳第一次诊断性考试]Seeing the Great Wall wind its way over the mountains, all of us felt really amazed. How a wonder! 17.[2019山东济宁第一中学高三第一次调研]Without rain, the water supply would be cut off and we would die, such would plants and animals. 18.[2019山东烟台第一中学高三第一次质量检测]Only in this way I do a better job on my study in high spirits. 19.[2019河北邯郸九校第一次联考]There have many reasons for this.


高考英语特殊句式专练100题(带答案) 1. Only after Mary read her composition the second time _____ the spelling mistake. A.did she notice B.she noticed C.does she notice D.she has noticed 2. _______, who was happy to be bathed in the warm sunshine. A.Lying on the grass was a boy B.On the grass had lain a boy https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6910852497.html,in on the grass was a boy D.On the grass did a a boy lie 3. China's development can't continue without lawmakers, nor _______ move forward without scientists. A.it can B.can it C.can't it D.it can't 4. You might find the people who made complaints about our services unkind, but at no time _______ they were unreasonable.

A.I had felt B.had I felt C.I felt D.did I feel 5. Word has come _______ some American guests will come for a visit to our college next week. A.what B.that C.whether D.when 6. It is about ten years _______ I met you last time. A.since B.for C.when D.as 7. _______ back made her parents angry and sad. A.Not her coming B.your coming C.Her not coming

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