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ATA/ATD (Actual Time of Arrival / Actual Time of Departure):实际到港/离港时间的缩写。

航空货运单(AWB) (Air Waybill):由托运人或以托运人名义签发的单据,是托运人和承运人之间货物运输的证明。

无人陪伴行李(Baggage, Unaccompanied):非随身携带而经托运的行李,以托运方式交运的行李。

保税仓库(Bonded Warehouse):在这种货仓内,或物可以在没有期限的情况下存放而无需缴纳进口关税。

散件货物(Bulk Cargo):未经装上货板和装入货箱的散件货物。

CAO (Cargo for Freighter Only):“仅限货机承运”的缩写,表示只能用货机运载。

到付运费(Charges Collect):在航空货运单上列明向收货人收取的费用。

预付运费(Charges Prepaid):在航空货运单上列明托运人已付的费用。

计费重量(Chargeable Weight):用来计算航空运费的重量。计费重量可以是体积重量,或是当货物装于载具中时,用装载总重量减去载具的重量。

到岸价格CIF (Cost, Insurance and Freightage):指“成本、保险和运费”,即C&F外加卖方为货物购买损失和损毁的保险。卖方必须与保险商签订合同并支付保费。




集运货物(Consolidated Consignment):由两个或两个以上托运人托运的货物拼成的一批货物,每位托运人都与集运代理人签订了空运合同。


COSAC (Community Systems for Air Cargo):“高识”计算机系统的缩写。是香港空运货站有限公司的信息及中央物流管理计算机系统。


海关代码(Customs Code):由香港海关(C&ED)为一批货物加注的代码,以表明清关结果或要求货站经营者/收货人采取何种清关行动。

清关(Customs Clearance):在原产地、过境和在目的地时为货物运输或提取货所必须完成的海关手续。

危险货物(Dangerous Goods):危险货物是指在空运时可能对健康、安全或财产造成重大威胁的物品或物质。

运输申报价值(Declared Value for Carriage):由托运人向承运人申报的货物价值,目的是要决定运费或设定承运人对损失、损害或延误所承担责任的限制。

海关申报价值(Declared Value for Customs):适用于,为核定关税金额而向海关申报的货物价值。


EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange for Ad mini stration, Commerce and Transportation):是“管理、商业和运输电子资料交换”的缩写。DIFACT是用于电子资料交换的讯息句法的国际标准。


ETA/ETD (Estimated Time of Arrival / Estimated Time of Departure):预计到港/离港时间的缩写。

出口许可证(Export License):准许持证人(托运人)向特定目的地出口指定商品的政府许可文件。

FIATA (Federation Internationale des Associations de Transitaires et Assimilées):FIATA 被许可人――被许可在香港发出FIATA文件[作为托运人和运输代理人收货证明(FCR)的FIATA 提单(FBL)] [FIATA Bill of Lading (FBL) "as Carrier" & Forwarders Certificate of Receipt(FCR)] 的成员。受货运代理责任保险的保障(最低责任限额:US$250,000)。

离岸价格FOB (Free on Board):在「船上交货」的条件下,货物由卖方在买卖合同指定的装船港装船。货物损失或受损害的风险在货物经过船舷(即离开码头被置于船上后)时便转移给买方,装卸费由卖方支付。

机场离岸价( FOB Airport):这术语与一般FOB 术语类似。卖方在离境机场将货物交与航空承运人后,损失风险便由卖方转移到买方。货运代理(Forwarder)提供服务(如收货、转货或交货)以保证和协助货物运输的代理人或公司。

总重(Gross Weight):装运货物的全部重量,包括货箱和包装材料的重量。

HAFFA (Hong Kong Air Freight Forwarding Association):香港货运业协会有限公司(HAFFA)的缩写,始创于1966年,是一个推动、保障和发展香港货物运输业的非赢利性组织。

货运代理空运提单(即:货运分运单)(HAWB) (House Air Waybill):该文件包括拼装货物中的单件货物,由混装货物集合人签发,并包括给拆货代理人的指示。

IATA (International Air Transport Association):国际航空运输协会的缩写。IATA是航空运输业的组织,为航空公司、旅客、货主、旅游服务代理商和政府提供服务。协会旨在促进航空运输安全和标准化(行李检查、机票、重量清单),并协助核定国际空运收费。IATA 的总部设于瑞士日内瓦。

进口许可证(Import Licence):准许持证人(收货人)进口指定商品的政府许可文件。


航空公司货运单(Master Air Waybill):这是包括一批集装货物的航空货运单,上面列明货物集合人为发货人。

中性航空运单(Neutral Air Waybill):一份没有指定承运人的标准航空货运单。

鲜活货物(Perishable Cargo):在特定期限内或在不利的温度、湿度或其它环境条件下,易腐的货物。

预装货物(Prepacked Cargo):在提交货站经营者之前已由托运人包装在载具中的货物。

收货核对清单(Reception Checklist List):货运站经营者接收托运人货物时签发的文件。

受管制托运商制度(Regulated Agent Regime):是政府对所有空运代理进行安全检查的制度。

提货单(Shipment Release Form):承运人向收货人签发的文件,用于从货运站经营者处提取货物。


活动物/危险品托运人证明书(Shipper’s Certificate for live animals/

dangerous goods):托运人所作的声明-声明其货物已根据IATA最新版本的规则和所有承运人规则和政府法例的规定,将货物妥善包装、准确描述,使其适合于空运。

托运人托运声明书(简称:托运书)(Shipper’s Letter of Instruction):包括托运人或托运人的代理人关于准备文件和付运货物的指示的文件。

STA/STD (Schedule Time of Arrival / Schedule Time of Departure):预计到港/离港时间


TACT (The Air Cargo Tariff):由国际航空出版社(IAP)与国际航空运输协会(IATA)合作出版的“空运货物运价表”的缩写。


载具(Unit Load Device):用于运输货物的任何类型的集装箱或集装板。

贵重货物(Valuable Cargo):货物申报价值毛重平均每千克等于或超过1,000 美元的货物,例如黄金和钻石等。

声明价值附加费(Valuation Charge):以托运时申报的货物价值为基础的货物运输收费。

易受损坏或易遭盗窃的货物(Vulnerable Cargo):没有申明价值但明显需要小心处理的货物,或特别容易遭受盗窃的货物。...


英文推荐信常用到的词句 1.To Whom It May Concern 致有关人士 2.It is a pleasure to recommend to you…很高兴向你推荐… 3.I have been asked to write a letter of recommendation for …我欣然为……写这封推荐信。 4.His/Her ability to listening, speaking, reading and writing is very good. 他/她他她的听,说读写的能力很好。 5.He wants to apply to you for the position…他要应征贵公司的某职位。 6.…is one of the most outstanding students in the Department of…她/他是我们系最优秀的学生之一。 7.In the past three years, he has devoted his heart to his study and research. He got an excellent achievement in all his lessons. 8.As to his character and personality, he is honest, reliable and responsible. 9.XXX is a motivated and ambitious young man with well-defined goals. 10.I strongly recommend this promising young man and your favorable consideration and assistance to him will 2016全新精品资料-全新公文范文-全程指导写作–独家原创 1 / 2


accredited 官方认可的;鉴定合格的 advantage 优势; agency 代理处;行销处;经售店 agenda 议事日程;事项 analog 模拟 APEC ( = Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum) Appetize r 开胃食品 Appliances 家用)电器 常用词汇表 (the) Americas 北美洲、中美洲和南美洲的总称 a la carte 照菜单点 菜 abstrac t 摘要, 概 要 academic conference 学术研讨 会 accessory 附属 附 件 accident report 事故报 告 Apparel 衣服;服 装 acknowledge 承认;感谢 ad hoc committee 临时成立的工作委员会 advance funds 预支货款 amplifier 扩音器 animation 动画 亚太经合组织

Application service provider (ASP) 应用软件服务商 Arc light 弧光 Arrival pattern 团队抵达时间 Arrogan t 自大的,傲慢的 Artic le 物品:商品 Artist ic 艺术的;美术的 Assemble 集合,聚集;装 配 Assimilat e 同化;消化;吸收;彻底了解 Assistant stage manager 助理展台经 理 Associated firm 联号 Associatio n 协会 Attendance 观众;出席者,出席人 数 Attendee 参加会议或展览的人;出席 者 Attracti on 景点;引人注意之物 Au lait 加牛奶 Auction 拍卖 Audio conference 电话会议 Audiovisual (AV) 视听设备 Audiovisual aids 视听辅助设备 Authorized signature 授权签字 Automaker 汽车制造 商 Automation 自动化,自动 机


新加坡航空公司英文广播稿 Welcome Good morning (afternon, evening), Ladies and Gentlemen: Welcome aboard Singapore Airlines flight XX______to____ __(via______) The distance between______and_______is_ _____kilometers. Our flight will take ________ hours and_ ______minutes. We will be flying at an altitude of_______ _meters and the average speed is_______ kilometers per hour. In order to ensure the normal operation of aircraft navigati on and communication systems,mobile phones,toys and ot her electronic devices throughout the flight and the laptop computers are not allowed to use during take-off and land ing. We will take off immediately, Please be seated, fasten yo ur seat belt, and make sure your seat back is straight up, your tray table is closed and your carry-on items are sec urely stowed in the overhead bin or under the seat in fro nt of you. (This is a non-smoking flight, please do not sm


英文推荐信的常用词 (1)scholasticaptitude(学习方面的才能) a.nativeintellectualability(天赋) b.imagination(想象力) c.creativity(创造力) d.capacityforanalyticalthinking(分析思考能力) e.intellectualcuriosity;spiritofinquiry(好奇心) f.abilitytoworkindependently(独立学习工作的能力) g.memory(记忆力) h.accuracy(准确性) i.methodology(研究方法) j.capabilityforabstractreasoning(抽象推理的能力) k.potentialasaresearcher(研究的潜力) 1.potentialasateacher(教学的潜力) m.abilitytoexpresshisideasorallyandinwriting(口头或文字的表达能 力) n.capacity,desireanddeterminationforgoodqualitygraduate work(获 得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o.probablesuccessasagraduatestudent(作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)academicperformance(学业上的表现) a.breadthofgeneralknowledge(知识丰富) b.knowledgeofliteratureinhisfield(本专业领域知识) c.gradeorachievement(成绩或成就) d.industry,diligence(勤勉) e.participationindiscussion(讨论积极) f.academicmaturity(学业上的成熟) (3)languages(语言能力) a. abilitytospeak, understand, readandwritetheenglish language (听、 说、读、写英文的能力) b.abilitytoreadsignificantliteratureinotherlanguagesthan english (英语以外的语言阅读能力)


【essay】常用academic词汇来源:谭希的日志 1.增补(Addition) in addition另外, furthermore此外, again, also, besides, moreover此外, similarly, fi nally最后 2.比较(Comparison) in the same way, likewise同样地, similarly, equally, in comparison比较起来, just as 同样地 3.对照(Contrast) whereas然而, in contrast与此相反, on the other hand, instead同样, however然而, nevertheless然而, unlike, even though即使, on the contrary, while 4.因果(Cause and effect) because, because of, for, since, due to, owing to, thanks to, as a result(of), accor dingly, hence, so, thus 5.强调(Emphasis) certainly, above all, indeed, of course, surely, actually, as a matter of fact, chiefly, especially, primarily, in particular, undoubtedly, absolutely, most imprtant 6.让步(Concession) although, though, after all, in spite of, nevertheless, still, provided, while it is tru e.... 7.例证(Exemplification) for example, for instance, that is, namely, such as, in other words, in this case, b y way of illustration. 8.总结(Conclusion) to sum up, to conclude, in a word, in short, in brief, all in all, in all, to put it in a nutshell, in summary 9.推断(Inference) therefore, as a result(of), consequently, accordingly, so, otherwise 10.时间和空间(Time and space) afterward, after, first, later, then, soon, outside, near, beyound, above, below, on the right(left), in the middle, opposite, in front of


◆国际民航公司 国家、地区航空公司名 Argentina Aerolines Argentinas 阿根廷航空公司 Australia (QF)Qantas 澳大利亚快递航空公司 Belgium Sabena 比利时航空公司 Brazil Varig 巴西航空公司 Canada (AC) Air Canada 加拿大航空公司 China CAAC 中国民航 Colombia Avianca 哥伦比亚航空公司 Egypt Egyptair 埃及航空公司 France (AF)Air France 法国航空公司 Germany (LH)Lufthansa 德国汉莎航空公司 Hong Kong (CX)Cathay Pacific Airways 国泰航空公司 India (AI) Air India 印度航空公司 Indonesia (GA)Garuda Indonesian Airways 印尼鹰航空公司 Israel (L Y)ELAL 以色列航空公司 Italy (AZ)Alitalia 意大利航空公司 Japan (JL)Japan Air Line 日本航空公司 Malaysia (MH)Malaysia Airlines 马来西亚航空公司Mexico (MX)Mexicana与(AM)Aeromexico 墨西哥航空Netherlands (KL)KLM 荷兰皇家航空公司 Nigeria Nigerian Airlines 尼日利亚航空公司 Philippines (PR)Philippine airlines 菲律宾航空公司 Russia (SU)Aeroflot 俄罗斯民用航空总局 Saudi Arabia (SAA)Saudia 沙特阿拉伯航空公司 Iran (I A)Iran Air 伊朗航空 Singapore (SQ)Singapore Airlines 新加坡航空公司 South Africa (SK)南非航空公司 South Korea (KE)Korean Airlines 大韩航空公司


英文推荐信的用词 留学申请时,推荐信的作用很重要,好的推荐信对申请人来说能够起到事半功倍的作用。在写推荐信时,必然会提及被推荐人的品性( Characters )。介绍每个人独特的个性用词也十分讲究,下列Characters 是国外大学所欣赏的形容词,请各位读者参考。列举该类词汇的目的并非要各位将之奉为圭臬,而是希望在大家头痛脚痛浑身都痛的时候有个参考。请别忘了你的独特性,还请别忘了别人同你一样看过这个表格。 (1)Scholastic aptitude (学习方面的才能) a.Native intellectual ability (天赋)b.Imagination (想象力)c.Creativity (创造力) d.Capacity for analytical thinking (分析思考能力) e.Intellectual curiosity; spirit of inquiry (好奇心)f .Ability to work independently (独立学习工作的能力)g. Memory (记忆力) h.Accuracy (准确性) i . Methodology (研究方法) j . Capability for abstract reasoning (抽象推理的能力) k. Potential as a researcher (研究的潜力) l. Potential as a teacher (教学的潜力) m. Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing (口头或文字的表达能力) n. Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work (获得学业成功的能力、愿望与决心) o. Probable success as a graduate student (作为研究生成功的可能性) (2)Academic performance (学业上的表现) a. Breadth of general knowledge (知识丰富) b.Knowledge of literature in his field (本专业领域知识) c.Grade or achievement (成绩或成就) d.Industry, diligence (勤勉) e.Participation in discussion (讨论积极)

Academic Vocabulary----学术应用词汇

Academic Vocabulary Equipping yourself with the relevant academic vocabulary will give you a head start in your university studies. Especially if you’re a second language learner of English, studying in a foreign language can be very difficult and time-consuming. In order to do well, you may want to consider the following ways of learning academic vocabulary more effectively and relevantly. You will need: The General Service List. The GSL is a list of general and basic vocabulary of English used in order of frequency. It has been recognized and used quite extensively among second lan- guage learners of English for work and study. It was first created by West in 1953. The version used was then adapted by Baumann and Culligan in 1995. It contains almost 2,300 words. The GSL here is divided into smaller sublists. Sublist 1 has the first 500 words. Sublist 2 the next 500 words etc. For the complete word lists, refer to: https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6311345913.html,/~alzsh3/acvocab/wordlists.htm Subject-related Word List. This is a list of words which is specific to your discipline of studies, for example, finance, accounting, education and others. The index at the back of your textbook is generally the best guide to the terms, concepts that are widely used in the subject. The index is a valuable guide to understanding the key concepts and terms used in a subject. So make good use of the book index. You may also want to consult this site for some additional help and ideas. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6311345913.html,/vocab/select/selframs.htm The Academic World List. The AWL is first developed by and compiled by Averil Coxhead Victoria University of Wellingtown, New Zealand. The AWL contains 10 sublists that include 570 word families which appeared most frequently in academic texts. There are 60 words in each sublist 1-9, and 30 in Sublist 10. Sublist one consists of the 60 mostly frequently ap- peared words in the academic texts and sublist two consists of the next 60 word families and so on. The academic corpus contained approximately3,500,000 active vocabulary taken from a variety of texts used and read across the faculties, spanning over more than 25 subject areas. The complete Academic Word list of 570 root words and their word families can be conveniently found in https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6311345913.html,/vocab/select/awl.htm with a quick link to their the dictionary meanings. A note to mention is that the list here is arranged in alphabetical order and NOT by sublists. Nevertheless, this is a great site to learn the meanings of the AWL words.


中国东方航空公司 中文全称:中国东方航空集团公司 中文简称:中国东航集团公司 英文全称:China Eastern Air Holding Company 英文简称:CEA Holding 总部、主运营基地:上海虹桥机场 IATA/ICAO代码:MU/CES 中国航空集团公司 中文全称:中国航空集团公司 中文简称:中航集团公司 英文全称:ChinaNationalAviationHoldingCompany 英文简称:CN Air Holding 英文缩写为CNAH CA 中国国际航空公司Air China MU 中国东方航空公司China Eastern Airlines CZ 中国南方航空(集团)公司China Southern Airlines SZ 中国西南航空公司China Southwest Airlines WH 中国西北航空公司China Northwest Airlines CJ 中国北方航空公司China Northern Airlines F6 中国航空股份有限公司China National Aviation Corporation XO 新疆航空公司Xinjiang Airlines 3Q 云南航空公司Yunnan Airlines MF 厦门航空有限公司Xiamen Airlines Ltd. 3U 四川省航空公司Sichuan Airlines FM 上海航空公司Shanghai Airlines G8 长城航空公司Greatwall Airlines WU 武汉航空公司Wuhan Airlines Z2 中原航空公司Zhongyuan Airlines G4 贵州省航空公司Guizhou Airlines H4 海南省航空公司Hainan Airlines X2 中国新华航空公司China Xinhua Airlines 4G 深圳航空公司Shenzhen Airlines 2Z 长安航空公司Chang`an Airlines IV 福建航空公司Fujian Airlines SC 山东航空公司Shandong Airlines 8C 山西航空公司 Shanxi Airlines


各航空公司代码表 国内航空公司 中文名称英文名称2位代码 3位代码中国国际航空公司Air China CA CCA 中国北方航空公司China Northern Airlines CJ CBF 中国南方航空公司China Southern Airlines CZ CSN 中国西南航空公司China Southwest Airlines SZ CXN 中国西北航空公司China Northwest Airlines WH CWN 东方航空公司China Eastern Airlines MU CES 厦门航空公司Xiamen Airlines MF CXA 山东航空公司Shandong Airlines SC CDG 上海航空公司Shanghai Airlines FM CSF 深圳航空公司Shenzhen Airlines 4G CSJ 中国新华航空公司Chinaxinhua Airlines X2 CXH 中国航空股份公司F6 CAG 云南航空公司Yunnan Airlines 3Q CYH 新疆航空公司Xinjiang Airlines XO CXJ 四川航空公司Sichuan Airlines 3U CSC 中原航空公司Z2 CYN 武汉航空公司Wuhan Airlines WU CWU 贵州航空公司Guizhou Airlines G4 CGH 海南航空公司Hainan Airlines H4 CHH 中国通用航空公司GP CTH 南京航空公司3W CNJ 浙江航空公司ZJ CJG 长城航空公司GW CGW 福建航空公司Fujian Airlines FJ CFJ 长安航空公司2Z CGN 国际航空公司 中文名称英文名称2位代码 3位代码


英语个人素质常用用语(推荐信必用) Personal Qualities 1. Mature,dynamic and honest.思想成熟、精明能干、为人诚实。 2. Excellent ability of systematical management.有极强的系统管理能力。 3.Ability to work independent1y,mature and resourcefu1. 能够独立工作、思想成熟、应变能力强。 4.A person with ability plus flexibility should app1y.需要有能力及适应力强的人。 5.A stable personality and high sense of responsibility are desirable. 个性稳重、具高度责任感。 6.Work well with a multi-cultural and diverse work force. 能够在不同文化和工作人员的背景下出色地工作。 7. Bright,aggressive applicants.反应快、有进取心的应聘者。 8. Ambitious attitude essential.有雄心壮志。 9.Initiative,independent and good communication skill. 积极主动、独立工作能力强,并有良好的交际技能。 10.Willing to work under pressure with leardership quality.愿意在压力下工作,并具领导素质。 11. Willing to assume responsibilities.应聘者须勇于挑重担。 12.Mature,self-motivated and strong interpersonal skills. 思想成熟、上进心强,并具极丰富的人际关系技巧。 13. Energetic,fashion-minded person.精力旺盛、思想新潮。 14. With a pleasant mature attitude.开朗成熟。 15. Strong determination to succeed.有获得成功的坚定决心。 16. Strong leadership skills.有极强的领导艺术。 17.Ability to work well with others.能够同他人一道很好地工作。 18. Highly-motivated and reliable person with excellent health and pleasant personality. 上进心强又可靠者,并且身体健康、性格开朗。 19.The ability to initiate and operate independently. 有创业能力,并能独立地从业。 20.Strong leadership skill while possessing a great team spirit. 有很高的领导艺术和很强的集体精神。 21. Be highly organized and effecient.工作很有条理,办事效率高。 22.Willing to learn and progress.肯学习进取。 23.Good presentation skills.有良好的表达能力。 24.Positive active mind essential.有积极、灵活的头脑。 25. Ability to deal with personnel at all levels effectively。 善于同各种人员打交道。 26. Have positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision。 有积极的工作态度,愿意和能够在没有监督的情况下勤奋地工作。 27.Young,bright,energetic with strong career-ambition.


闻报道常用英语词汇 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告.advance n.预发消息;预写消息affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdote n.趣闻轶事assignment n.采写任务attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题beat n.采写范围blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻brief n. 简讯bulletin n.新闻简报byline n. 署名文章caption n.图片说明caricature n.漫画carry vt.刊登cartoon n.漫画censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版clipping n.剪报column n.专栏;栏目columnist n.专栏作家continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人copy desk n.新闻编辑部copy editor n.文字编辑correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写cover girl n. 封面女郎covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明daily n.日报dateline n.新闻电头deadline n.截稿时间dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘editorial n.社论editorial office 编辑部daily 日报morning edition 晨报evening edition 晚报quality paper 高级报纸popular paper 大众报纸evening paper 晚报government organ 官报party organ 党报trade paper 商界报纸Chinese paper 中文报纸English newspaper 英文报纸vernacular paper 本国文报纸Japanese paper 日文报纸political news 政治报纸Newspaper Week 新闻周刊the front


国内外各大航空公司英文缩写 国内航空公司 3U:四川航空?BK:奥凯航空 8L:祥鹏航空?CA:中国国际航空公司?CN:大新华航空 CZ:中国南方航空公司 FM:上海航空?HO:吉祥航空代号?HU:海南航空代号 JD:金鹿航空代号?JR:幸福航空代号 MF:厦门航空代号 MU:中国东方航空公司代号?PN:西部航空代号?SC:山东航空代号?ZH:深圳航空代号 外国航空公司 AM墨西哥航空公司墨航墨西哥 AQ 阿罗哈航空公司美国 AR 阿根廷航空公司阿根廷?AS 美国阿拉斯加航空公司美国 AT 摩洛哥王家航空公司摩洛哥?AU 奥斯特拉尔航空公司阿根廷 AV哥伦比亚国家航空公司哥伦比亚 AY 芬兰航空公司芬航芬兰 AZ意大利航空公司意航意大利?BA英国航空公司英航英国?BD 不列颠内陆航空公司英国 BE 布兰尼夫国际航空公司美国 BG 孟加拉航空公司孟航孟加拉?BI文莱皇家航空公司文莱航空文莱 BN 热带海航空公司泰国 BP博茨瓦纳航空公司博茨瓦纳?BR 中国台湾长荣航空公司长荣航空中国台湾 BU布拉森斯南美远东空运公司挪威?BV 博普航空公司南非?BW 特立尼达与多巴哥航空公司 CE 城市航空公司瑞士?CI 中国台湾中华航空公司中华航空中国台湾 CK 冈比亚航空公司 CM 巴拿马空运公司科帕公司 CO 美国大陆航空大陆航空美国 CU 古巴统一航空公司古巴?CV 卢森堡国际货运航空公司 CW 马绍尔群岛航空公司?CX 中国香港国泰航空公司国泰香港 CY 塞浦路斯航空公司 DI 德英航空公司德国?DL 美国三角航空公司美国?DT安哥拉航空公司 DU 赫穆斯航空公司保加利亚?EF 远东航空运输公司中国台湾?EI爱尔兰航空公司爱尔兰 EK阿联酋国际航空阿联酋航空阿联酋?EP 布莱克·霍克航空公司美国?ET 埃塞俄比亚


留学推荐信英文范文 in capacity as professor of mathematics at fudan university?i’m writing to emend mr. wang?gesintosyour phd program in puter science. i have known r. wang since his sophomore year of college?and have acted as his thesis advisormentor. in my experience?he is a gifteddiligent student?and an admirably hard worker. wang is an impressive student because he has been forced to overe the significant challenge of a serious illness during his freshman year. when i first met wang in my discrete math class he did not appear to be anything special to me. while his exam scores were good?they were not as high as i would now expect of him. what i didn’t know then was that due to his illness?wang was attempting to take all of the difficult early mathematics courses at one time?including discrete mathematics?advanced mathematics?linear algebra?and possibilities. while most students found preparing for just one set of these exams difficult?wang was overwhelmed by four of them. but in the end?he achieved an impressive score on the final exam?which made me conscious of his unusual determination he demonstrates when confronting difficult challenges. mr. wangi have often talked about a variety of mathematicsputer science conceptsproblems. during these discussions?i always found him to be delightfully intelligent. not only does he quickly understand the conceptsproblems presented to him?he is able to analyze these problemspresent solutions. but perhaps most important is that wang’s thinking is intensely rigorous. when looking at any question?he carefully scrutinizes itif he finds any uncertain issue he clears them up immediately. i believe this kind of thought is essential to bee an excellent puter programmer. serving as his thesis advisor?i had a first-hand opportunity to observe the way in which wang’s mind works. in his senor thesis? mr. wang mainly discussed two challenging questions in regards


The Academic Word List (AWL) by Sublist Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most frequent words in families This sublist contains the most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. The most frequent members of the word families in Sublist 1 are listed below. analysis approach area assessment assume authority available benefit concept consistent constitutional context contract create data definition derived distribution economic environment established estimate evidence export factors financial formula function identified income indicate individual interpretation involved issues labour legal legislation major method occur percent period policy principle procedure process required research response role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory variables


航空公司名称中英对照China Airlines ||中华航空公司 Xinjiang Airlines ||中国新疆航空公司 China Southwest Airlines ||中国西南航空公司 China Northwest Airlines ||中国西北航空公司 China Southern Airlines ||中国南方航空公司 Air China ||中国国际航空公司 China National Aviation Corporation ||中国国际航空公司 China Eastern Airlines ||中国东方航空公司 China Northern Airlines ||中国北方航空公司 Lan Chile Airlines ||智利航空公司 Pacific Airlines ||越南太平洋航空 Vietnam Airlines ||越南航空公司 British Midland ||英国米德兰航空公司 British Airways ||英国航空公司 Jet Airways ||印度捷达航空公司 Air India ||印度航空公司 Alitalia ||意大利航空公司 EL AL Israel Airlines Ltd ||以色列航空公司 AirAsia ||亚洲航空 Emirates Airline ||亚联酋航空公司 Malev - Hungarian Airline ||匈牙利航空公司

Singapore Airlines ||新加坡航空公司 Air Niugini ||新畿内亚航空公司 Hong Kong Airlines Limited ||香港航空有限公司Xiamen Airlines ||厦门航空公司 Aloha Airlines Hawaii||夏威夷航空公司Olympic Airways ||希腊奥林匹克航空公司Northwest Airlines ||西北航空公司 Iberia Airlines of Spain ||西班牙航空公司Uzbekistan Airways ||乌兹别克航空公司Servivensa ||温萨服务公司 Avensa ||委内瑞拉国内航空公司 Virgin Atlantic Airways ||维珍航空公司 Lauda Air Hong Kong ||维也纳航空公司Turkish Airlines ||土耳其航空公司 Tyrolean Airways ||提洛林航空公司 Thai Airways Int'l ||泰国国际航空公司 Orient Thai Airlines ||泰国东方航空公司 Cebu Pacific Air ||宿务太平洋航空公司SriLankan Airlines ||斯里兰卡航空公司 Silk Air ||胜安航空公司 Shenzhen Airlines ||深圳航空 Shandong Airlines ||山东航空公司

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