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12 Civil Engineering Materials


Building Materials


The materials are the basic elements of any building. Building materials may be classified into three groups, according to the purposes they are used for. The first group is structural materials. Structural materials are those that hold the building up, keep it rigid, form its outer covering of walls and roof, and divide its interior into rooms. The second group is materials for the equipment inside the building, such as the plumbing, heating and lighting systems. Finally,there are materials that are used to protect or decorate the structural materials.


The basic structural materials are wood, clay, stone, plastic, steel, and concrete.


1 Wood


Wood is the oldest of the structural materials. It has been used since prehistoric times. Wood can be shaped with simple tools, and it can be easily fastened with nails, screws, or adhesives. It is available either as lumber, which is a natural wood, or as glued laminated timber. This latter form is much stronger and consists of specially selected and prepared wood laminations securely bonded together with glue or adhesives. The laminations do not exceed in thickness. Glued laminated beams are available in a variety of shapes. Both lumber and glued timber is widely in building



Wood contains certain natural defects, such as knots, shakes, etc., which require that it be stress-traded to establish design or allowable stress values for particular members. Another important factor is the grain of the wood .The allowable stress in compression parallel to the grain,for instance, is higher than the allowable stress perpendicular to the grain.


2 Clay


The essential feature of most clays is that they contain a variety of intimately mixed minerals.The balance of the various types depends on the origin of the clay and widely differing properties result accordingly. The nature of clay varies greatly with depth and from region to region, and the manufacturing method and properties of the resultant unit vary accordingly. Clay is used in the form of bricks and tile. Most bricks today are made from clay which is pressed into moulds either by hand or machine. Since there are many types of clay, there are many types of brick of varying strengths. The strongest bricks, the type frequently used to support the ends of bridges, are called engineering bricks. A well-known engineering brick is dark blue in color .There are also red engineering bricks, which, like the blue bricks, are very hard, dense and



3 Bricks


All bricks are much stronger in compression than in tension, and their tensile strength is so low that they are unsuitable for resisting forces which would produce tension. It is not possible to obtain an accurate estimate of the strength of brickwork in compression by testing to destruction of individual bricks, since both the nature of the mortar and the quality of the workmanship have influences on strength.


The great advantage of brick construction is its low cost. Clay is cheap and plentiful, and bricks are small enough to be laid easily by hand.


4 Stone


Stone is strong and durable. In many respects it is an ideal building material.

However, it is difficult to handle. For use in a large building, stones must be cut from the solid rock in a quarry.All this labor makes stone very expensive. Because it is expensive and difficult to work with,stone is used today mainly as a thin outside covering for large buildings and for the decorative walls and floors of entrance lobbies.


Properties of stone depend on what nature has provided. Therefore, the designer does not have the choice of properties and color available in some of the manufactured building units. The most the stone producer can do for purchasers is to avoid quarrying certain stone beds that have been proved by experience to have poor strength or poor durability.


5 Steel


Steel is one of the most useful of structural building materials. Because of its high strength, it is particularly suitable for use with heavy loads and over long spans. But it must be painted to prevent rusting. It has some of wood’s elastic quali ty. And it can be formed into almost any shape.In modern construction steel is used for the supporting framework of large buildings.


6 Plastic


Plastic is modified with plasticizers, fillers, or other ingredients. Consequently, each base material forms the nucleus for a large number of products having a wide variety of properties.Plastics are quite different in their composition and structure from other materials, such as metals,their behavior under stress and under other conditions is likely to be different from other materials.Just as steel are markedly different and are used for different applications, so are the various plastics materials - some hard and brittle, others soft and extensible.


More than many other materials, plastics are sensitive to temperature and to the rate and time of application of load. This viscoelastic behavior, combining elastic and viscous or plastic reaction to stress, is unlike the behavior of materials which are traditionally considered to behave only elastically.


7 Concrete


Concrete is a man-made material created by the proper mixing of coarse aggregate, such as gravel, fine aggregate, sand and cement, with adequate and controlled amounts of water. Concrete is very strong in compression, and ultimate strengths of 34.5 N/mm2 to 41.4 N/mm2 can be obtained. But concrete is very weak in tension, and so has to be adequately reinforced with steel bars. The concrete then takes the compression, and the steel takes all the tension. Both materials work together as a composite material. This material is then called reinforced concrete.

混凝土是一种人造材料,通过集料混合而成,所需的粗集料像碎石,细骨料像沙子和水泥,足够且适量的水。混凝土抗压性能非常强,现在混凝土的极限强度可以达到34.5 N/mm2到41.4 N/mm2。但是混凝土的抗拉能力非常弱,所以混凝土必须与钢筋充分结合。混凝土抗压,钢筋抗拉。这两种材料结合在一起作为一个复合材料。这种材料被称为钢筋混凝土。

Concrete solidifies and hardens after mixing and placement due to a chemical process known as hydration. The water reacts with the cement, which bonds the other components together,eventually creating a stone-like material. It is used to make pavements, architectural structures,foundations, motorways (roads), overpasses, parking structures, brick (block) walls and footings for gates, fences and poles.


Concrete is used more than any other man-made material on the planet. As for 2005, about six billion cubic meters of concrete are made each year, which equals one cubic meter for every person on Earth. Concrete powers a US $35 billion industry which employs more than two million workers in the United States alone. More than 55,000 miles of freeways and highways in America are made of this material. The People's Republic of China currently consumes 40% of the world's cement (concrete) production.


Many other kinds of materials besides the basic structural materials are needed for a building.There is window glass admitting light and provide a view. There is insulation keeping the building warm in winter and cool in summer. A big office or apartment building contains vast and complicated heating, air conditioning, pluming,

electrical, and lighting systems. These will use great quantities of metals and alloys, plastics, adhesives, coatings, such as paint for walls and tar to keep roofs from leaking. By the end of Word war Ⅱ the nonstructural materials used in abuilding added up to more than half the total cost of the building itself.

