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课时作业(十八) Unit 3 A taste of English humour


1.According to my own understanding,a good teacher is also a

good________(perform) in class.

2.I________(convince) that he can finish the difficult task on time.

3.Although he is________(home),he feels his situation is not hopeless.

4.His experiment ended in________(fail).

5.I am________(fortune) in having such outstanding parents.

6.________(occasion),he would say something funny to make his wife happy.

7.With a________(mouth) of rice,he could hardly say anything.

8.Tom is jobless,penniless and he feels________(hope).

9.It was________(astonish) that he dared to oppose the headmaster to his face.

10.His hometown is in a________(mountain)area,which is surrounded by a lot of mountains.

答案:1.performer 2.am convinced 3.homeless 4.failure 5.fortunate




9.astonishing 10.mountainous


1.__________________(对目前的工作不满意),he has been busy hunting for a new one.

2.Careful studies have pointed out that as many as 50 percent of


3.In order not to be heard by the people around us,I__________________(对他低语)that I was leaving.

4.We__________________(听到这个消息很吃惊)that Wang Li failed in the competition.

5.Jones was ill,so she missed her chance of________________(主演)the school play last month.

6.I mentioned that point__________________(尤其,特别)for it was quite important.

7.Read the play again and__________________(找出)the major themes.

8.Sam__________________(偶然学会些电脑常识)just by watching others working on


答案:1.Not content with his present job

2.do not take drugs as directed

3.whispered to him

4.felt astonished to hear the news

5.starring in

6.in particular

7.pick out

8.picked up some knowledge of the computer



(2015·石家庄高三模拟) Seated in a convertible (敞篷车) with the top down at 60 miles an hour,Mary looked at the flies that sat on top of Mark's hair.How could they stay there?She wondered.

Mary had not seen Mark in years,until the other day when he came into the café where she worked.His appearance was different from when he was in high school.Now,he was a bit fat and thick glasses covered his eyes.However,that didn't change Mary's feelings for him at all.He had just bought a brand new red sports car and asked her if she would like to go for a ride and then have dinner with him.Her heart beat with excitement as he opened the door for her.She noticed something very strange as Mark got into the car and started to drive away.On the hair was a group of flies just sitting there.

Mary stared in amazement.It seemed the faster they drove,the more determined the flies were to stick to his hair.

Mary remained silent.She leaned forward and turned the radio on,to try to divert her attention away from the flies,but she couldn't help thinking about them.She looked up at Mark,who was completely devoted to what was going on and continued to sing to the music while driving merrily along.

Finally,Mark pulled the vehicle over to the side of the road beside a diner and looked in the mirror and said,“Mary,I would like to comb my hair before we get something to eat.Could you reach under the seat and give me my hair cream?”

Mary reached under the seat and pulled out a camping backpack,which contained a round jar and started to laugh wildly as she pointed to the label(商标).

“That's not hair cream on your ha ir,Mark!It says it's Fly Trap Glue!”



广东海康县2017高考英语阅读理解一轮系列 阅读下列四篇短文,从每小题后所给的A,B,C或D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Leadership i s the most significant word in today’s competitive business environment because it directs the manager of a business to focus inward on their personal abilities and style. Experts on l eadership will quickly point out that “how things get done” influences the success of the outcomes and indicates a right way and a wrong way to do things. When a noted leader on the art of management, Peter Drucker, coined the phrase“Management is doing th ings right; leadership is doing the right things”, he was seeking to clarify the distinctions he associates with the terms. When Stephen Covey, founder and director of the Leadership Institute, explored leadership styles in the past decade, he focused on the habits of a great number of highly effective individuals. His Seven Habits of Highly Effective People became a popular bestseller very quickly. His ideas forced a reexamination of the early leadership example, which centered on the feature that was found in the character ethic(道德准则) and the personality ethic. The former ethic suggested success was founded on modesty, loyalty, courage, patience and so on. The personality ethic suggested it was one’s attitude, not behavior, that inspired success, and this ethic was founded on a belief of positive mental attitude. In contrast to each of these ideas, Covey advocates that leaders need to understand universal principles of effectiveness, and he highlights how vital it is for leaders to first personally manage themselves if they are to enjoy any hope of outstanding success in their work environments. To achieve a desired vision for your business, it is essential that you have a personal vision of where you are headed and what you value. Business leadership means that managers need to “put first things first,” which implies that before leading others, you need to be clear on your own values, abilities, and strengths and be seen as trustworthy. 1. What does Peter Drucker’s phrase infer?


2019高考英语一轮复习知识点总结 一、在复习词汇时,学生要学会自我总结 通过自我总结,学生主动取得了知识的精华,并转化为适合自己 需要的东西。善于归纳中学教材中常用词汇的基本用法及相关知识点 的异同,如:mean一词,能够表示“意思是”、“意味着”,常用于mean something/doing something,而在“mean to do something” 结构中,则是“计划”、“打算”之意。善于对有共同用法或特点的 词汇实行归纳,形成相关的小知识链。如:suggest(建议), insist(坚持要求),demand(要求)、ask(请求)等后接的宾语从句中都 要用虚拟语气。善于归纳近义词、同义词,如:在复习join的用法时,能够联系join in,take part in,join sb in归纳复习之后,要做 对应练习。这样才能扩大词汇量,又能够提升实际使用英语水平。 二、句型复习应结合课本的例句实行 中学英语课本的句型很多,有强调句、祈使句、倒装句、省略句、反意疑问句、插入语等句型。这些都是高考的常考点。我们通过复习 课本的例句,总结归纳这些句型的特点、用法及它们的适用条件,既 掌握英语的基本句型用法,又能够促动我们的英语谴词造句水平。 三、语法复习要考虑语境 通过语境来训练我们的语言使用水平。每一个语法项目的复习可 分三个层次实行:复习要点、主要考点、精选练习。如果能做到这个点,定能做到学以致用。现在高考英语试题淡化了语法,但学好语法 却是准确和规范使用英语的保证。所以,语法复习不可轻视。 四、重视交际用语复习 如今高考试题越来越重视考查学生的英语交际水平,而且中学英 语教材的每一单元都有以交际功能贯穿的对话课。所以,学生在复习时,要注意对各单元的对话实行排列分类,整理归纳,总结出相关话


高考英语一轮复习备考计划与做法 各位专家,领导,各位同仁 大家好。今天我在这里向大家汇报##五十八中高三英语组对本届一轮复习的一些设想和做法,希望能够对大家有所助益,同时欢迎大家进行批评指正。 我将从战略和战术两个层面给大家进行展示。首先是复习战略。孔子教育学生曾说过,取乎其上,得乎其中;取乎其中,得乎其下;取乎其下,则无所得矣。在战略的层面,我们需要高标准,严要求,甚至要有一些苛刻。这样做的话,哪怕我们只取乎其中,也会有不错的结果。从这个意义上讲,我们可以制定一个跳着高才能摸得到的目标,给自己以挑战,最关键的是向着这个目标去努力奋斗,我相信,如果这样,我们##的高考一定会再创辉煌战绩。 我们制定的战略有这样几条: 1. 效率第一。近些年,大家都在呼吁和建设高效课堂,各校也都有很多很好的具体做法。我们认为,一轮复习中的效率不仅仅指课堂效率,它还应当在此基础之上向前向后进行延伸,包括高效的集备和高效的反馈活动。高效的课堂我不多讲,什么是高效的集备呢?我们认为,一次高效的集备应该下大力气解决一个或几个十分具体的问题,并且最终一定要得到明确的、具体的,操作性很强的解决办法,且落实到纸笔上。如果一次集备没有得到最终的明确的结论,那你们是在玩,在走形式,在演戏给人看,这样的集备,不要也罢。所以说,集备集备,要么不备,要备就备出一个样儿来。

另一点,高效的反馈指的是什么呢?我们高三有无数次考试,每考完一次试,演练完某一语法项目,总会发现有几个或很多学生存在这样那样的问题,他们似乎总在给我们拖后腿。但是注意了,学生存在问题,恰恰提供了教育介入的契机,而这正是教师存在的全部意义,也正提供了教学的课题。要不然,我们要教育何用?我们要教师何用?从这个意义上讲,问题,就是教学的切入点,问题,吹响了教学的冲锋号。对于这些问题,我们必须敏锐地抓住它们,及时地解决掉它们,争取问题不过夜。有鉴于此,我们提出这样一个口号:(试卷、材料)有发必收,有收必改,有改必评。评了如果仍不满意,就继续再改再评,直到学生的问题消失为止。 2. 高三一轮复习战略第二点讲的是以什么为导向的问题,也就是向哪个方向努力的问题。我们确立的复习战略是问题导向;目标导向;成功导向的。问题导向上面已经提到,不再多说。目标导向指的是我们在复习时要尽全力达成自己事先设定的目标。每个教师,每个学生,在复习时都应明确自己的目标,目标要清晰,要公布,要让全世界知道,这就是心理学上所谓的being watched效应 --- 当你觉得有人总是在监督你时,你就会把自己最好的一面展示给他人看,就会爆发出惊人的学习能量。同时注意,需要为目标设立一个时限,这样在复习过程中就可以此为标准对自己的学习进行监督和评估,检查自己的目标达成情况。如果发现复习效果偏离目标甚远,应立即求助,反思或改变自己的复习策略。 成功导向指的是我们需要让学生在学习过程中体验一个又一个


广东大埔县 2017 高考英语一轮语法填空综合训练(4) 2016 高考语法填空。 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于 3 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 While thousands of college students headed for warm climate to enjoy sun and fun during their week off from classes, seven local students had other plans. The Northern Essex Community College (NECC) students and one of their teachers spent part of their spring break in New York City, helping repair an area 61 (destroy) by the hurricane. “I wanted to see for myself what happened,”said Terry. “I couldn’t imagine 62 it is like to lose your home and everything that you know and the 63 (power) effect the hurricane had on those people. I wanted to do something, to understand their feeling of helplessness.” The group headed into Brooklyn’s Red Hook district, which was hit hard by the hurricane. There they met people from other parts of the country, 64 had also volunteered to help. Together, those volunteers and the NECC students 65 (work) to clear rubbish out of a three-story building. They put on protective suits and gloves 66 they entered the building. Inside the building, the students saw nothing but broken walls and doors and pieces of the building 67 (lie) all over the place. The students returned to school with 68 sense of achievement, a feeling that 69 helped people in need. I was remarkable how a community lost so much and was still able to recover, and this left the deepest impression 70 the students. 语法填空 61. destroyed 62. what 63. powerful 64. who 65. worked 66. before 67. lying 68. a 69. they 70. On 语法填空。阅读下面短文,按照句子结构的语法性和上下文连贯的要求,在空格处填入一个适当的词或使用 括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Levi Strauss was born in 1829 in Germany. He was the fifth of six children. In 1845,his father died. All six children decided 1. (go) to the United States. Strauss went to the southeastern part of the US. For eight years,he walked along the country roads 2. (sell)


高考英语第一轮复习详细计划 1、认真回顾课本知识 这个阶段过程主要是用于高中三年全部课程的回顾。这时候我希望大家在回顾的过程中能够找到自己知识遗漏的部分。这个阶段相 当的冗长,最主要的是要会学回归课本。无论如何,高考绝大部分 内容都贴近课本的。高考试题的80%是基础知识,20%是稍难点的综 合题,掌握好基础,几乎能上一个比较不错的大学。因此高三前期,我希望同学们老老实实把课本弄懂。弄懂课本不是光记住结论,而 是要通读。即理科全部的原理要弄清、语文课文内标注的字词句摘抄、英语课文至少要达到念的通顺、文史类知识主线及同类型知识 要素要学会整理等。注意,第一轮复习十分重要,大家千万不要埋 头做题,而是先看课本,再“精”做题目。在复习过程中一定先将 课本看明白了,然后再做题,做题过程中不许看课本,不许对答案。会就会做,不会做一定要先想哪些内容遗忘了,哪里想错了,先做 后面的,等隔一定时间再看不会做的,马上看的话效果打折扣的。 2、把握好自己的节奏 很多学生因为在复习过程中跟不上老师的节奏,导致前面部分没弄懂,后面部分更是拉下,学校在教学节奏控制上又不能根据学生 本身制定。因此我建议学生一定要提高自学能力,如果实在跟不上 节奏,就先关注最基础最简单的题目,将遗漏的课本部分做好画线 标记,或将页面折起做标记,以利于及时的回顾。在学的过程中不 要因为面子问题不敢发问,建议学生在弄不懂的问题上多问同学, 多问老师。最好能够找到水平相当的同学,互相约定好给对方做考察,给对方讲解双方对知识点的认识,互相研究题目。同学之间相 互沟通时所掌握的内容比问老师的效果更好,因为在互相沟通的时 候可以带者任何疑问,可以很容易的将思维的漏洞补齐。 3、正确处理作业练习


广东陆丰县2017高考英语短文语法填空一轮选练语法填空。阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当内容(不多于3个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。【辽宁卷题型】 Ryan:Did you have a good vacation, Katie? Katie:Yeah! It was__1__(excite)?Probably my__2__ exciting vacation ever! Ryan:Wow! What did you do? Katie:I took a nature__3__(冒险) tour.For the first part, we went__4__(hike).It was so much fun! We hiked all the way__5__these beautiful waterfalls.I took lots of pictures. Ryan:Sounds great.So, what else did you do on the tour? Katie:Well, the best part was at the end of the trip.We went skydiving. Can you believe it? I jumped__6__an airplane. Ryan:Wow! Katie:Yeah, it was just a fantastic vacation.How did you spend your break, Ryan? Ryan:Oh, I__7__(drive) to visit my relatives. Katie:Oh-huh.Did you have a good time? Ryan:Well, it was pretty boring,__8__.It rained every day __9__we had to stay inside.We just stayed home and watched TV a lot. Katie:Oh, that's too bad. Ryan:No, that's OK.It really was very relaxing,__10__it was a little boring. 1.______ 2.______ 3.______ 4.______ 5.______ 6.______ 7.______ 8.______ 9.______ 10.______ 答案: 1.exciting 考查形容词。此处修饰事情,故用exciting。 2.most 考查最高级。 3.adventure 考查名词。此处用名词作定语。 4.hiking go hiking远足。 5.up to 直到那些美丽的瀑布下。 6.out of 从飞机里跳出去。 7.drove 考查时态。此文记叙一件事情,应用过去时。 8.actually 考查副词。actually竟然。 9.so 考查连词。此处上下文为因果关系,故用so。 10.even though 考查让步状语从句,即使有点厌倦。


2019 年高考词汇变形总汇 A 1.abandon v抛. 弃,舍弃,放弃abandoned adj.被抛弃的,放纵的abandonment n.抛弃 2.ability n. 能力;才能_______ n.无能,残疾 able adj. 能够;有能力的unable adj. 不会的,不能的vt. 使能够~sb to do sth 3.absence n.不在,缺席(__ n.出席) absent a.不在的,缺席的( adj.出席的) 4.absolute a.完全,全部,绝对的absolutely adv. 完全地,绝对地 5.accident n. 事故,意外的事___ a.事故的,意外的 __ adv. 6.accomplish v. 完成___ n. 完成,成就 7.______ n. 准确,精确accurate(ly ) a. 精确的 8.achieve vt. 达到,取得___ n. 成就,成绩,功绩 9.admit vt. 承认,准许(入场/学,入会)be admitted to/into 被??录取n. 准入, 接纳 10.advertise vt. 为??做广告advertisement n.广告 11.affect vt. 影响effect n.影响__________________ n. 喜爱,钟爱 a.情感的 12.agress v.攻击,侵犯 _ n. 侵略_____ a. 侵略的;咄咄逼人的 13.agree v. 同意;应允agreement n. 同意,一致;协定,协议 a.使人愉快的,惬意的 14.agriculture n. 农业,农学 a.农业的 15.act n.&v. 行动;表演action n.行为actor n.男演员n.女演员active adj.活跃的,积极的 activity n.活动___________ 积极参与 16.ambition n.目标,野心,雄心,抱负 a. 有野心的,雄心勃勃的 17.analyse/ze v.分析__ n. 分析,分析结果 18.anger n. 怒,愤怒 ___ adv. 生气地


2019届高考英语第一轮总复习教案 高考英语一轮重点复习 module 8 unit5一.重点单词1. interrupt v.i’m sorry to interrupt you but how could they live here?很抱歉打扰你, 我想问问他们是怎么在这里生活的? 1)阻断, 中断his studies were interrupted by the war. don’t interrupt him, for he hasn’t finished yet.2)打岔; 插嘴it is rude to interrupt.“don’t interrupt,” he said.区别: interrupt 和disturbinterrupt v. 打扰,打断,阻碍。常有“使……停止(中断)”的意思。his speech was constantly interrupted by applause. disturb v. 打扰, 妨碍。常指失去了正常的状态或导致困难产生。bad dreams disturbed her sleep.2. suggest vt. to make evident indirectly; imply 意为“暗示, 意味, 表明”her pale face suggests that she was ill. 她苍白的脸色表明她病了。the handwriting of the letter suggests that the letter might be from a lady. 从书信的字体上看, 写信人是一位女性。a silence that suggested disapproval.沉默暗示着反对。her face suggest she is happy now. 从她脸上能看出她现在很幸福。his bad manners suggest a lack of family education. 他的无礼反映了他缺乏家教。但当suggest作“建议”讲时, 其用法为:(+doing)/ +(that)… should do…i suggest her going

高考英语一轮复习 题型整合练(4)(含解析)

四川2019高考英语一轮题型整合练(4) 李仕才 一、阅读理解。 A “BANG!”the door caused a reverberation (回声). It was just standing there, with father standing on one side, and me on the other side. We were both in great anger. “Never set foot in this house again!”stormed father. With tears welling up in my eyes, I rushed out of the flat and ran along the street. The street lights were shining, causing rather sad feelings. I wandered aimlessly. A young father who held a child in his arms walked past me. I felt as if I saw my childhood from another space: happy and carefree. But now …I don’t know whether it is because I have grown up or because dad is getting old. We differ in our ways of thinking. We are just like two people coming from two different worlds. It feels like there is an iron door between us that can never be opened. I wandered the streets, without a destination in mind. My heart was frozen on this hot summer night. As I walked on, there were fewer and fewer people on the streets, until I had only the street lights to keep me company. When I finally reached the high-rise apartment block in which I lived, I saw that the light was still on. I thought to myself: “Is father waiting for me, or is he still angry with me?” In fact, it was nothing. Perhaps, dad was throwing away some of his old stamps.


20XX年中学测试 中 学 试 题 试 卷 科目: 年级: 考点: 监考老师: 日期: 20XX届广东省英语高考一轮复习(六)

一. 教学内容: 一轮知识点Module 3 Unit 1 &2 二. 重点、难点 (一)重点单词 1. forgive vt. 原谅;宽恕 please forgive me—I didn’t mean to be rude. I’ll never for give you for what you have done wrong to your parents. 辨析:forgive, excuse和pardon excuse常指原谅轻微的过错(用于问路,问事;表示失礼;纠正别人的话;在打喷嚏、打嗝时;插话;表示异议等场合的客套话)。 forgive 有很浓的个人感情色彩,语气较重。 pardon指饶恕严重过错或法律上的犯罪。 Excuse me, but I must say you are completely wrong. The government pardoned the criminal.政府赦免了那个罪犯。 2. satisfy vt.使满足;使满意;符合(达到)标准satisfaction n. Just to satisfy my curiosity, how much did you pay for your car? It is by no means easy to satisfy everyone. 要满足每一个人绝非易事。 Looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction. 观赏一幅美丽的图画使人心满意足。 联想记忆: satisfy the eye悦目 satisfy the people’s needs满足人民的需要 satisfy one’s desire(curiosity)满足欲望 be satisfied with sth. / sb. 对……感到满意 with satisfaction满意地 satisfactory adj.令人满意的(to),圆满的;符合要求的 far from satisfactory远不能令人满意 考点例题: Our teacher was ____________ with us. Because our answers are ___________. A. satisfy; satisfy B. satisfied; satisfying C. satisfied; satisfaction D. satisfying; satisfied 3. gain vt.获得;得到。该词有三种含义 (1)表示经过努力一点一点地获得自己渴望的东西 Gain experience, fame/other’s respect, love, trust获得经验、名望/别人的尊敬、爱戴、信任He has gained rich experience in these years.


代词的辨析(重点掌握四组比较) 1.(2013·四川高考)The traffic on the main streets has a longer green signal than ________ on the small ones. A.one B.this C.that D.it 解析:选C 考查代词。句意:大街上的绿灯比小街上的绿灯亮得时间更长。that在此处替代前面提到的traffic,以避免重复。one泛指可数名词单数;this通常指代下文要提到的事情;it指代上文出现的同一事物。 2.(2013·天津高考)At our factory there are a few machines similar to ________ described in this maga zine. A.them B.these C.those D.ones 解析:选C 考查代词。句意:我们工厂里的一些机器与这本杂志里描述的那些机器很相似。空格处应用those表特指,替代前面出现的复数可数名词machines。注意题干中machines后有限制语described in this magazine,故不能用表泛指的ones,若选ones,则应在其前加上the。 3.(2012·辽宁高考)If you're buying today's paper from the stand, could you get ________ for me? A.one B.such C.this D.that 解析:选A 考查代词。句意:如果你去报摊上买今天的报纸,给我捎回一份好吗?one 用来代替上文提到过的paper,相当于a copy of paper。 4.(2011·北京高考)The employment rate has continued to rise in big cities thanks to the efforts of the local governments to increase________. A.them B.those C.it D.that 解析:选C 考查代词。根据句意“由于地方政府的努力,大城市的就业率在上升” 可知应用it 指代the employment rate。


高三英语一轮复习方案 一、主要任务:认真研读高考评价体系,注重知识的横向联系,避免单一性,做到以点带面,点面结合,有效地突破重点、难点,由浅入深,循序渐进,把原来分散在各单元中的知识点加以梳理、归纳,构筑完整的英语知识体系。1、复习模块1-8,共24个单元的词和句子; 2、掌握基本的语法规则可以自然表达自己的意思。二、目标达成:夯实基础,梳理知识,查漏补缺,系统归纳与提高。1、模块复习目标:①能够将课标词汇音、形(含各种变形)、意烂熟于心,掌握其重要用法,并能在不同语境中灵活运用;②能够掌握教材中的重点句型,并能正确、灵活运用;③能够辨析易混词、短语、句型并且正确使用。2、语法复习目标:①掌握各项语法的基本概念及用法;②熟练掌握并能够在不同语境中灵活运用各项语法功能。 3、能力目标:①重视基础知识的正确、灵活运用;②重视并坚持听力、阅读、写作训练。三、复习进度:原则上每大周复习两个单元的重点词汇和句型;每大周复习一项语法(重点班及以上班级任务)。考纲3500词汇书复习同步进行。具体如下:周计划:周一:复习上周知识+习题讲解+ 词汇验收。周二:复习早读任务+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周三:复习周二知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周四:复习周三知识+语法+词汇验收。周五:复习周四知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。周六:复习周五知识+单元重点知识点拨+习题讲评+词汇验收。注:各班级结合各自情况做微调。四、每周作业安排:1.每单元英语测试卷一张,教

师全批改。2.单元周周清一张,教师做好查缺补漏。3.听力训练每隔一天进行一次,时间是晚饭后。五、目标达成的保障:1、抓基础、重应用、强化词句的积累和运用。 要求学生重视并充分利用每单元学案、课本上的重点词汇、短语和句型,以及每单元的综合训练,认真对其辨析、总结和归纳,查漏补缺,坚持积累,最重要的是能够在合适的语境中正确、灵活地运用。保证课堂高效。2、抓课堂、重效率、要求学生紧跟老师的节奏。一轮复习是将重点知识提炼,容量大,速度快。所以,学生的思路必须时时刻刻跟随着老师的思路,要快速地用脑思,用心听、用嘴说,用手写,才能达到高效。课下及时、反复复习,巩固课上成果。同时,高三的每节课都进行习题讲评,除了听知识讲解,老师更需要传授解题思路和方法指导。总之,课堂是第一主阵地。只有抓住课堂,才能抓住高考!3、抓自习、重过程、增强得分的意识。学案都是在规定的时间内完成,重视规范的做题步骤,重视思考过程。更重要的是,做完题后要对做过的题目进行反思、整理。大量的、甚至可能是枯燥的训练是做题速度和准确度的保证。希望老师要保证所有同学从每套题中都获得最大收获。4、抓阅读、重反思、全面提高成绩。得阅读者得天下。阅读是强化英语思维的最佳途径之一。一轮复习中,重视基础知识的同时,要坚持阅读训练,促进英语成绩的整体提高。5、抓时间,重效果,扎实做好每个复习环节。一轮复习时间紧,任务重,需要同学们充分抢抓时间,利用时间,紧跟复习进度。同时,重视复习效果,做到做一件事,有一点收获。英语成绩的进步并非一蹴而就,


四川汉源县2017高考英语阅读理解一轮编选 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项。 【2016高考训练】 The first tape re corder didn’t use tape. It used long thin wire. It was invented in 1900 by Valdermar Poulsen. In 1930, German scientists invented the tape we use today. Back then the tape was on big rolls. In 1964 the Philips company in Holland invented the cassette. It’s pretty much a holder for the tape. People use cassettes all over the world. If you don’t have a cassette recorder, borrow one. Think of a book your parents read out loud to you. That might be a great book to read out loud to your mom or dad in their car. Put a cassette in the recorder, open the book, hit the record button and start reading out loud. Remember there is no such a thing as a wrong way to do this. You might think you’ve made a mistake, but this gift is part of you, and nothing about that can be a mistake. It’s impossible. You get to be all artistic and creative here. You might want to play music in the background. Do whatever you want. The gi ft is you, so you decide. Remember to say “I love you”at the end of your reading. That’s like the prize at the end of the book. 1. Why does the author mention the history of tape recorders in Paragraph 1? A. To inform readers of new inventions. B. To lead into his following suggestion. C. To give an example of his suggestion. D. To show the importance of tape recorders 2. What does the author advise us to do? A. To read a book to our parents in their car B. To ask our parents to record a book. C. To make a gift for our parents. D. To practice reading out loud. 3. Why does the author say it is impossible to make a mistake in Paragraph 3? A. Because the tape shows your true love. B. Because it’s easy to use a tape recorder. C. Because the music is what your parents like. D. Because it’s impossible to find a mistake in the book. 参考答案、B C A


广东台山县2017高考英语阅读理解九月训练【二】 (2016高考训练)阅读下列材料,从每题所给的选项中选出最佳选项。 体裁:记叙文话题:名人传记词数:660 时间:8′ This was spring.One day in spring four men were riding on horseback along a country road.These men were lawyers, and they were going to the next town to attend court. There had been a rain, and the ground was very soft.Water was dripping__from the trees, and the grass was wet. The four lawyers rode along, one behind another; for the pathway was narrow, and the mud on each side of it was deep.They rode slowly, and talked and laughed and was very happy. As they were passing through a row of small trees, they heard a great flutter(拍动)over their heads and a weak cry in the grass by the roadside. Some voice came from the green branches above them. Some voice came from the wet grass. The ground was wet.It's obvious that there had been a heavy wind and rain.And soon,one of the men,Speed, recognized that the sounds were from the robins(知更鸟).They came to the grass, and found there were two robins were in the grass.It was probable that the birds had been blown out of their nest by the storm.The birds were hurt and their mother was very worried about it.The birds were in danger! Lincoln believed that something should be done to help the birds.But his companions did not think it important.They went away, but Lincoln stayed. The three men, as they passed, looked down and saw the little birds fluttering in the cold, wet grass.They saw the mother robin flying about, and crying to her mate. Then they rode on, talking and laughing as before.In a few minutes they had forgotten about the birds. But the fourth lawyer, whose name was Abraham Lincoln, stopped.He got down from

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