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基础英语3 末考复习

基础英语3 末考复习
基础英语3 末考复习

Fill in the blank

1.Her knowledge of the truth of th matter cause her more distress than pleasure.

2.She clutched her purse tightly, threading her way through the throng.

3.I liked the photo very much as it is the only photo that shows me in a natural relaxed curse.

4.The special agent sneaked past the guard and entered the building through the back door.

5.My greatest preoccupation was to accumulate a sufficient amount of money to travel to Europe.

6.It is extremely hard to break the shackle of convention.

7.Lonelines in old age is the pose of modern society.

8.After long deliberation, she decided to turn down the job offer.

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1.The fact was that no matter how mature I liked to consider myself , I was feeling just a bit first-gradish.


2.Freshmen manuals advised sitting near the front ,showing the professor in intelligent and energetic demeanor.


3.For three days I dined alone on nothing more than humiliation ,shame ,and an assortment of junk food from a machine strategically placed outside my room .


4.What I had interpreted as a malicious attempt to embarrass a na?ve freshmen had been merely a moment of college fun .


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It distressed me a great deal to hear the news that he had suffered repeated failures.


He assumed an air of cheerfulness, even though he lost favor with his boss.

3.格列佛Gulliver 经历了冒险奇遇,见到了各色奇异的人物。(assorment)

Gulliver met with extraordinary adventures and saw a strange assortment of people.


He will be furious with you if you repeat the same mistake.


We were all greatly drawn by his frank views, humorous words and genial manner.

6.等到欢呼的掌声平息下来,那位诺贝尔奖获得者开始演讲。(die down)

After the thunderous applause died down, the Nobel Prize winner began his speech.

7.他天生有一种特别的洞察力和预见力,因此,他很少随大流。(run with the crowd)

He is gifted with a sort of insight and foresight, so he rarely runs with the crowd.

8. 我发现现实毕竟是非常严酷的,一个人难以完全按照自己的理想去生活。(live up to )

I feel realities are after all very harsh, so one can hardly live up entirely to his ideas.

Fill in the blank

1.The women survived her husband nine years.

2.The plot of the novel grabs the reader.

3.Not wanting to draw any attention, Roy went discreetly into the lecture hall.

4.We learned about her deceased father by reading his obituary in The Times.

5.I do not understand how the arranged marriage could conceivably work out in the traditional societies.

6.T he old couple plans to board some students from the university.

7.Upper-intermediate English learners are often encouraged to r ead the classic of English literature.

8.The new business writing course is oriented towards executive and managers who want more individual attention and focused training that will help them write with impact and effectiveness.

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1.He had no outside ―extracurricular interests,‖ unless ,you think about a monthly golf game that way .


2.Missing him all these years ,‖she must have given up part of herself which had cared too much for the man .


3.He was one who tried to grab at his father ,and tried to mean enough to him to keep the man at home .


4.At the funeral ,the sixty-year-old company president told the forty-year-old widow that the fifty-one-year-old deceased had meant much to the company and would be missed and would be hard to replace .


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My immediate boss is a typical workaholic, for he works for over ten hours each day all the year round.


The principal attaches much importance to extracurricular activities and he believes that they will help to cultivate students’ tremendous interest in the external world.


He always grabs a shower, a sandwich and then a taxi to go to work every Monday morning.

4.既然你要离开公司了,你要在本周内清算账目。(straighten out)

Since you are learning the company, you should straighten out the accounts within the week.

5.为了按时完成博士论文,他经常熬夜。(stay up)

He often stays up late at night in order to finish writing his Ph. D dissertation on time.


Nothing can replace the profoundest love lodged in one's heart of hearts.

7.他被认为是总裁职位的当然人选,因为他已经出色地做了近10年副总裁(natural n.)He is considered a natural for the post of the president, for he has been an excellent vice-president for almost ten years.

8.他实在太普通了,丢人堆里根本找不着(pick out)

He is just too common to be picked out from the crowd.


Fill in the blank

1.We negotiated our way out of the airport and joined the flow of cars.

2.In her opinion, he will make a perfect husband; he is handsome, debonair , and wealthy.

3.In the old days the poverty-stricken travelers were often caught dodging fares on the train.

4.Could you explain yourself? I’m afraid I have no notion of what you mean.

5.It is curious that this compact car should have such plenty of boot space.

6.The children were awed by the exaggerated contortion of the clown’s body.

7.In spite of all the difficulties, his business continues to thrive.

8.Hosting the Olympic Games has been a massive undertaking to any city.

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1. Nearly every day, I walked to the post office or library or bookstore, and sometimes, if I am feeling particularly debonair, I stop at Rosey Jekes Caféfor a cappuccino.


2. We will go through the most extraordinary contortions to save ourselves from walking.


3. I’m sure he jogs extravagant distance and plays squash and does all kinds of healthful things, but I am just as sure that he drives to each of these undertakings.


4.At the time, it seemed ridiculous and exasperting, but afterwards I realized that I was possibly the only person ever to have entertained the notion of negotiating that intersection on foot.


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The university is one of the most venerable institutions of higher learning in the world.


If one is deficient in practical experience, he can hardly make himself a success with only what he has acquired in class.


I felt exasperated by constant interruptions, for I had to finish writing the monograph by the end of this week.


He feels that it is ludicrous to write on a contemporary theme in an ancient style.


The Bund in Shanghai was a place where young couples liked to come to coo in the 70s and the 80s of the last century.

6、作为10来岁的孩子,他女儿算是非常恬静的,因为她喜欢读书胜于嬉戏(sedate)His daughter is very sedate for a girl of about ten, for she kikes reading more than playing.


The couple strolled hand-in0hand along the country road when the sun in its first splendor steeped the earth.


The poet was commonly considered as an eccentric romantic genius when alive.


Fill in the blank

1.She is often misunderstood for the reason that her competitive nature overshadows the other quelities.

2.The international students had to traipse all over Rome to attend lectures.

3.It is believed that North Americans havw made a fetish of punctuality.

4.The writer recalled that he flunked all his science courses in high school.

5.The horseman sat there swilling his gin-and-tonics without a care in the world.

6.Mrs.Kennedy flicked the dust away from her purse with a handkerchief.

7.He is seen as the epitome of the hawkish, right-of-center intellectual.

8.The prime minister hated journalists and did his best to prevent“the great licentiousness of the press in censuring and reflecting upon all parts of the government.”

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1. ―Was it fun?‖became the question that overshadowed all other questions good questions like: Was it moral? Was it kind? Was it honest? Was it beneficial? Was it generous? Was it necessary? And (my favorite )was it selfless?


2. When the pleasures got to be the main thing, the fun fetish was sure to follow.


3.It occurred to me, while I was sitting around waiting for the fun to start, that not much is, and that I should tell you just in case you’re worried about you fun capacity.


4.The god of mirth is paying us back for all those tears of thinking fun was everywhere by refusing t come to our party.


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It goes without saying that Shakespeare overshadows all the other playwrights throughout the ages.


The Great Gatsby is commonly deemed as the epitome of the Jazz Age of the last century in America.

3.你最好不要在他去哈佛大学深造的兴头上泼冷水(put a damper on)

It is advisable for you not to put a damper on his enthusiasm to further his studies at Harvard.

4.年轻人容易盲目崇拜体育圈和娱乐圈迷人的明星(make a fetish of)

Young people tend to make a fetish of glamorous stars in sports and entertainment circles.


They traipsed all the way to the downtown area to watch the National Day fireworks display.


He does not deserve such a severe punishment as he has committed neither serous errors nor grave crimes.

7.我每次遇到他,他总是说一堆无聊的话(a whole lot of)

Every time I met him, he would talk a whole lot of nonsense.


Reputation is a trap into which many people are ready to fall.


Fill in the blank

1.My boss was very supportive and gave me time off work to look after my daughter.

2.She perceived him as a rather shy man.

3.All her attempts to question the authorities on the subject have been met by evasion(回避) and prevatication.

4.The eruption in May 1980 of Mount St .Helens, Washington State, astounded the world with its volence.

5.The continued gighting threatens to undermine efforts to negotiate an agreement.

6.The soldiers have never faltered in their determination.

7.Clearly either Angelina or Joanna was telling fibs.

8.The doctor who had volunteered to settle down in the poor village became the chief fable of the villagers.

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1.Most strikingly, these tellers-of-a-thousand-lies reported that their deceptions caused them ―little preoccupation or regret.‖


2.Despite these admissions, 91percent of all respondents said they were ―satisfied with my own ethics and character.‖


3.Surely, these ―nice lies‖ are harmless and well intended, a necessary social lubriant.


4.And if you’re not sure, Mark Twain has given us a good rule of thumb. ―When in doubt, tell the truth.It will confound your enemies and astound your friends.‖


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Hamlet feigned madness when he was hesitating what to do.


Prevarication is one of the techniques this businessman likes to employ.


Sometimes the light of the truth is just too dazzling, so white lies are ubiquitous.


Many women in America profess that they are unhappy with their status as second-class citizens.

5.一时冲动之下,他失言抖出了秘密(blurt out)

On the impulse of the moment, he blurted out the secret.


You should get rid of any prejudice, resist temptations and let nothing warp your judgment.

7.他是一个过于敏感和富于想象的人,经常在头脑里编织一张复杂的网络(a tangled web)Being over-sensitive and imaginative, he often weaves a tangled web in his mind.


He is very popular among his peers as he always tries to spare others any trouble.


Fill in the blank

1.The Odyssey is a/an epic of ancient Greece.

2.They were involved in rather squalid battle as to who controlled the party.

3.Her garden had become a veritable jungle by the time she came back from holiday.

4.Two hurricanes in month pounded the Carribean country.

5.I love nothing better than the wonderful aroma of freshly bake bread.

6.The amateur acting guoup eventually evolved into a theatrical company.

7.Paul Simon writes the lyrics for most of his own songs.

8.An unknown terrorist group has claimed responsibility for this morning’s bomb attack.

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1.You’ve had a rotten day or an astounding thought or a car accident or a squalid love affair and you want to record it for all time.


2.Good poets and poems are lost forever simply because there is no market for them, no people who write their own verse and seek out further inspiration from other bards.


3.Ideally, there would evolve a veritale society of poet-citizens, which would elevate the quality of life world wide.


4.This future-orientated ending lends an aura of hope and yet need not be grossly optimistic.


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1.有时,我们不得不做出选择,因为没有中间路可走(middle ground)

Sometimes, we have to make a choice because there is no middle ground.

2.他脑海里经常浮现过去的景象,那时的他无忧无虑,没有生活的重压(conjure up)

He often conjured up visions of the past when he was free from the pressures of life.


He often refreshed himself with a cup of string black coffee when he felt fatigued.


He trust past a throng of drunken men and bargaining women and walked on through the flaring streets.

5.唠叨的译者虽然理论不多,但可以凭借经验将一种语言转换成另一个语言(rule of thumb)Experienced translators thought lacking in theory can render one language into another by rule of thumb.

6.人们普遍认为外长此行的主要目的是打破两国关系的僵局(break the ice)

It was generally believed that the major purpose if the foreign minister’s trip was t o break the ice with regards to the relations between the two countries.


Reading good books and making friends with good people can elevate the mind.


The flowers and the colorful lights lent a festive atmosphere to this ancient small town.


Fill in the blank

1.Charles Dickens held that the whole legal system in Britain was becoming creaky and inefficient.

2.He peered through the mist, trying to get his beatings.

3.I have only some slight acquaintance with your boss.

4. His air of detachment lost him his popularity among his peers.

5.The fact the team won the championship sent its fans into raptures.

6.She felt giddy from too much accustomed exercise.

7.The need to be undetstood overwhelmed her.

8.The spokeswoman has always disobliging journalists with information they want.

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1."My dear sir," replied the old man, "my stock in trade is not very large —I don't deal in laxatives and teething mixtures — but such as it is, it is varied. I think nothing I sell has effects which could be precisely described as ordinary."


2. "Call it a glove-cleaner if you like," said the old man indifferently. "Maybe it will clean gloves.

I have never tried. One might call it a life-cleaner. Lives need cleaning sometimes."


3. "Oh dear, no," said the old man. "It would be no good charging that sort of price for a love potion, for example. Young people who need a love potion very seldom have five thousand dollars. Otherwise they would not need a love potion."


4. "For indifference," said the old man, "they substitute devotion. For scorn, adoration. Give one tiny measure of this to the young lady —its flavour is imperceptible in orange juice, soup, or cocktails — and however gay and giddy she is, she will change altogether. She will want nothing but solitude and you."


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To me, you are definitely more than an acquaintance.

2、这个地区的许多艺人(artisan)经营各种各样的手工艺品(deal in)

Many artisans in this region deal in a variety of handicrafts.

3、他们为这次意外的成功感到欣喜若狂(go into rapture)

They went into raptures over the unexpected success.


Much to my surprise, he analyzed with extraordinary detachment the dangerous situation that threatened all of them.


She peered at the stranger from behind the curtain.

6、假日里,她在海滩上尽情享受日光浴的快乐(indulge in)

During the holidays, he indulged in the luxury of a bath of sunshine on the beach.

7、听到他去世的噩耗,她不胜悲哀(be overwhelmed)

When she learnt the news of his death, she was overwhelmed with grief.

8、我不赞成用分期付款的方式买房子,我倒认为,我们每一个人都应该储蓄以备不时之需(save up)

I’m not in favor of buying a house on the installme nt plan; instead, I maintain that everyone of us should save up for a rainy day.

Unit 8

Fill in the blank

1.He said that Japan would continue to pur the policies laid down at the London summit.

2.The hostilities had ceased and normal life was resumed.

3.It is unrealistic to believe that perfection is a/an attainable goal.

4.There has been a historic enmity between Protestants and Catholics.

5.Indonesia is reported to be the fifth most populous country in the world.

6.His time for the 100 meters surpass the previous would record by one hundredth of a second.

7.The minister cannot be impartial in the way a judge would be.

8.The number of casualties was appalingly high in both wars.

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1.Most people would agree that, although our age exceeds all previous ages in knowledge, there has been no corresponding increase in wisdom.


2.This has the entirely unintended result of making the food supply inadequate and lowering the standard of life in the parts of the world.


3. It is by no means uncommon to find men wen whose knowledge is wide but whose feelings are narrow.


4.No one can view the world with complete impartiality; and if anyone could, he would hardly be able to remain alive.


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The result of the experiment far surpassed their expectations.

2.我们应该充分考虑这个项目的费用和可能遇到的问题(take account of)

We should take full account of the cost of the project and the difficulties we might encounter

3.好天气是这次远征科学考察成功的原因之一(contribute to)

The fair weather contributed to the success of the scientific expedition.


Ronaldo, one of the football stars from Brail, scored several spectacular goals in 2002 FIFA World Cup.

5.罗伯特*弗罗斯特(Robert Frost)由于对诗歌的杰出贡献被美国许多大学授予名誉学位(confer…upon)

Many honorary degrees from different colleges and universities in America were conferred upon Robert Frost for his remarkable contributions to poetry.

6.摆脱坏习惯需要耐心和毅力(emancipation from…)

Patience and perseverance are required in emancipation from bad habits.


They tried to instill such new ideas into students’ minds.


You should demonstrate impartiality in your assessment of the employees.

Unit 9

Fill in the blank

1.The old couple were too fastidious to eat in a fast-food restaurant.

2.The cast went in ecstasies when they heard about the Academy Award nomination.

3.Many Chinese parents lavish care on their children.

4.During the time of economic slowdown, success becomes even more elusive.

5.His rise to fame was quite phenomenal–in less than eighteen months he was a household name.

6.Preparations for the Olympic Games are proceeding rapidly.

7.Success came quickly, thanks to a mixture of talent, elusive , and luck.

8.Have the police contrive ways of handling the situation?

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1.How can one remain indifferent to something which will determine one's physical strength and ultimately one's spiritual and moral fibre and well-being.


2.In fact, one can assert with some justice that Chinese food is, nowadays, the only truly international food.


3.It is this increased sensuality and the desire for great freedom from age-bound habits in the West, combined with the inherent sensual concept of Chinese food, always quick to satisfy the taste buds, that is at the root of the sudden and phenomenal spread of Chinese food throughout the length and breadth of the Western World.



4. They may be chopped up and fiven parts with labels, such as ―cooking,‖―Health,‖―Character‖and the like,but none is in reality separate from the other.


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1.你应该提前告诉我你将去美国深造的事(in advance)

You should have told me in advance that you would further your studies in United States.


He lavished too much care on his grandchildren.

3.各种新技术产业已经兴起(spring up)

Various new technology industries have sprung up.

4.许多英语单词源于拉丁语、希腊语和法语词汇(derive from)

Many English words derive from Latin, Greek and French words.


A philosopher holds that contradictory oppositions are ubiquitous.

6.仁慈善良是他本性中不可缺少的一部分(part and parcel)

Kindness is part and parcel of his nature.


He possessed phenomenal memory and intelligence.


He is fastidious about what he eats and wears.

Unit 10

Fill in the blank

1.His works are characterized by a rich sense of transaction between the writer and the reader.

2.The car park will soon be cluttered up with vehicles.

3.The border dispute between the two African countries worsened into a long, arduous, and exhausting war.

4.The nurses were praised for their standrads of humanity and care.

5.The young man held his tongue and committed his thoughts to paper only.

6.The freshmen embrace with gusto their new life on the university campus.

7.Visitors are often bewildered by the maze of streets in Shanghai.

8.To our surprise, many of the world’s best athletes are engaged in solitary pursuits such as reading and sewing.

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https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6d14291365.html,ing home from an arduous day at hospital, he would go straight to his pad and write

tensions away.


2.I said that writing is a craft, not an art, and that the man who runs away from his craft because

he lacks inspiration is fooling himself.

我说,写作是一门手艺,不是一门艺术,要是因为没有灵感而逃避写作,那是在自欺。3." I love symbols!" Dr. Brock exclaimed, and he described with gusto the joys of weaving

them through his work.

―我喜欢象征!‖Brock 医生叫道,然后他眉飞色舞地描绘了将象征融入作品时的快乐。

4.It's a question of using the English language in a way that will achieve the greatest strength

and the least clutter.


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These modernist artists look vaguely bohemian.

2.不要搞错啊,他并不是你以为的什么纯洁的孩子(fool oneself)

Don’t fool yourself, he is by no means a pure boy as you think.


He is a frequent guest in some chic cafes and bars which mainly cater to foreigners.

4.他津津有味的叙述着他在非洲的冒险经历(with gusto)

He gives an account of his adventurous experience in Africa with gusto.


One of his objectives in life is to unite his vocation with his avocation.


The elderly are vulnerable to deceit practiced by dishonest sales persons.


This magazine is frequently by glamorous actresses.


I really feel fed up with commercial gimmicks on TV.

Unit 11

1、他的父母对他有很高的期望,他感到压力很大(feel weighted)

He felt heavily weighted with such high expectations from his parents.


He interpreted the incident in a favorable.

3、我很讨厌他,因为他特别喜欢诽谤他人(go out of one's way)

I detest him, for he often goes out of his light way to backbite others.


Many religious teachings urge people to transcend mundane success.


Personal initiative is one of the essential elements in promoting your career.


I don't think it is a good method of reaching to spoon-feed students.


I will spare no efforts to accomplish the task by the end of next month, for I don't want to suffer from the stigma of having broken my promise.


I've got much information pertinent to the new policy in education.

Unit 12

1、一个人生活在恐惧边缘的人是不可能感到快乐的(close quarters)

A man living in close quarters with fear cannot possibly feel happy.


He was greatly depressed, for misprints glared from so many pages of his newly published book.


A man of calculating nature likes to play tricks, but tends to lack wisdom.


The man is wondering why so many girls crave to become pop stars.

5、我认为抓住别人的错误不妨是一种不厚道的行为(jump upon)

I consider it an inhumane act to jump upon other 's blunders.


He taunted his brother in an arrogant voice and called the latter an ignorant coward.

7、在酷暑中,那个身体微弱的姑娘突然晕倒了(keel over)

In the scorching heat, the girl in delicate heath suddenly keeled over.


Over the past five years, the city has been sprawling out in all directions.


英语基础测试题 一、Fill in the blanks with ‘in on at’. 1. Li ping is sitting ____the chair. 2.Tom was born _____the first of October. 3.I came to Shenzhen______2002. 4.Sam’s party is _____May. It is _____the eighteenth of May. 5. There are 365 days______ each year . 6. My birthday is ______ the fourth of July. 7.I get up_____ seven o’clock ______the morning. 8.Now, it is twelve o’clock ______ noon. 9. There is a pencil _____his box. 10.Sally is playing ______ the park. 11.I like riding _______ the roller coaster. 12.Whose birthday is ______ February? 13.She usually goes to school _____ seven ______ the morning. 14.He wrote a letter to me _____ April of 2006. 15 .We have a holiday _____ the eleventh of May. 二、Fill in the blanks with ‘is , am ,are ,do ,does ’。 1.There _____swings, they _____ in front of the slide. 2.I _____ a good student and they ______good students ,too. 3、Where _____ the slide? It____ behind the swings. 4.What _____ you like doing in the park? I like playing on the swings. 5.When ______ Sandy get up ? He gets up at half past seven . 6.How ______you ? Fine. Thanks. 7.Where _____ you from? I _____ from Shenzhen. 8Where ______ you come from? I come from Shenzhen. 9.Look at those people. What _____ happening? 10.I ______ not afraid of monsters. 11.______ she work in the shop? Yes ,she ______. 12._____you go to school at 7:00 in the morning? Yes ,I _____. 13._____ you a student? Yes, I _____. 14. Whose birthday ____ in February? Lily’s birthday ____ in February. 15.When _____ you have a holiday ? We have a holiday on the first of May. 三、Fill in the blanks with correct forms of verbs. 1. What subject does Sam _______(like)? He ______(like)English. 2.I am _______(read ) an English book now. 3.Wei fang ______(get up ) at seven in the morning every day. 4.I am good at _______and _______ (read, write) 5.He _______ (study) very hard. 6.We are lucky to have Sammy. Our team never ______(lose). 7.Please, may I_____ ( join ) the Sports Club? Yes, you may . 8.He often_______ (go)to catch fish . 9.He _______ (like) playing football and basketball. 10.They ______ ______(ride) on the roller coaster now. 1

开放英语3期末测试卷 试题编辑

开放英语3期末测试卷试题编辑:唐绍清、金小燕 姓名: 班级: 学号: 第一部分:英语知识运用(共10小题:每小提2分,满分20分) 此部分共有10个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请你从阿A, B, C, D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项. 1.--- What would you like to have, meat or fish? --- __________. A. Either will do B. Yes, I like meat C. Yes, I like fish D. No, they are not my favorite 2. --- Must I be home before seven? --- __________. A. No, you needn’t B. No, you mustn’t C. OK D. no, you won’t 3. --- I doubt whether the Chinese Football Team can win the game this time. --- __________. A. Yes, of course B. It’s hard to say C. I like the team D. I don’t believe it 4. --- Oh dear! I’ve just broken a window. --- __________! It can’t be helped. A. Great B. Never mind C. That’s fine D. Not at all 5. --- Thank you ever so much for the book you gave me. ---__________. A. No thanks B. I’m glad you like it C. Yes, it is good D. No, it’s not so good 6. --- Look at the rainbow! What a view! ---___________! A. Yes. What beautiful it is B. Yes. How beautiful it is C. Yes. What a beautiful it is D. yes. How a beautiful it is 7. --- Linda, can you give me a lift after work? --- ___________. A. It’s very king of you to do so B. Thank you for your offer C. Never mind. I’ll go shopping D. No problem. We go the same direction 8. --- Who has done your hair, Susan? ---___________. A. My hair has been done B. The hair stylist C. My hairstyle is cool D. Before another one 9. --- Don’t take too long at the coffee shop. I t’s14.15 ----___________. A. I’ll think your advice over B. I see. We have 30 minutes left C. That’s no problem D. I’m afraid so 10. --- Ami, I want this report typed today. --- __________. A. It’s be ready in the afternoon, sir B. I’d like you to help me C. I know nothing about the report D. Leave it to tomorrow 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题:每小题2分,满份40分) 此部分共有4篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题,每个问题后有4个选项,请你从A,B,C,D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 Passage 1 Mrs. Brown had a small garden behind her house, and in the spring she planted some vegetables in it. She looked after them carefully, and when the summer came, they looked very nice. One evening Mrs. Brown looked at her vegetables and said, “Tomorrow I am going to pick them, and then we can eat them.” But early the next morning, her son ran into the kitchen and shouted, “Mother, mother! Come quickly! Our neighbor’s ducks are in the garden and they are eating our vegetables.” Mrs. Brown ran out, but it was too late! All the vegetables were finished! Mrs. Brown cried, and her neighbor was very sorry, but that was the end of the vegetables! Then a few days before Christmas, the neighbor brought Mrs. Brown a parcel. In it was a beautiful, fat duck, and on it was a piece of paper with the words, “Enjoy your vegetables!”


三年级上学期英语期末测试 听力部分 1圈出每组中你听到的一个字母。(10分) 1. B D 2. F E 3. G J 4. C E 5. L F 6. l j 7. k h 8. p q 9. y z 10. i j II. 判断你听到的字母与下列每组字母是否一致,一致打“V”,不一致打“X”。(10分) 1 V() 2 a () 3 J () 4 m () 5 Q () 6 d() 7 x () 8 I () 9 q ()10 Z ()III. 听单词,按听到的顺序为图片标上序号。(10分) ()()()()() ()()()()() IV. 听句子,将你听到的句子的序号填在括号内。(10分) 1. ()What’s your name? _________________ A.My name’s Lisa. B.I am Lisa. 2. ( ) This is my friend Tutu. __________________ A. Nice to meet you. B.Have a nice day.

3. ( ) Who’s she? ___________________ A. She is my mom. B.She is my sister. 4. ( ) ____________________ My number’s two. A.What’s your number? B. What is your number? 5. ( ) Do you like monkeys? ____________________ A. Yes, I do. B. No,I don’t. 6 ( ) Is this your computer? ____________________ A: Yes,it is. B: No,it’s not 7 ( )What’s this? ____________________ A. It’s a car B. It’s a monster. 8 ( ) Are you okay? ____________________ A: Yes,I’m okay. B: I’m sorry. 9 ( ) Move your foot,please.____________________ A:OK B:Sure 10 ( ) Is he your brother,too?____________________ A: Yes,he is B:No,he isn’t. 读写部分 I.按字母表的顺序在横线上写字母。(5分) H I __ __ L M N __ P r s t __ v w x __ z


英语Ⅰ(1)模拟试题(A) 第一部分交际用语(10分) 1—5小题:阅读下面的对话,从A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选择,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1- Where are you from? -I am from London A Right B Wrong 2-Would you like a coffee? -No, I’m fine, thanks. A Right B Wrong 3-London is a bit less modern than Shanghai. -I agree with you. I think London is just as modern as Shanghai. A Right B Wrong 4-Shall we ask my friends to play live music? -Yes, let’s. A Right B Wrong 5-Hello, Could I speak to Mr David Manning please? -Speaking I am David Manning. A Right B Wrong 第二部分词汇与机构(40分) 6—25小题:阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个读下面的对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选择,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 6-I don’t like flying. I never feel ___. A relaxed B relaxing C relax 7-Liu Fan is currently working on TV advertisements, but right now he's ____ holiday. A for B on C with 8-Does this flat have a viewer? No, it doesn’t but I’ll get ____. A it B one C that 9-The bank is ____the corner, ____the


《基础英语2》复习题 I Vocabulary and Structure 30% 1. We have continued to work for one week, and the work is __C___ finished. A. all the more B. no more C. more or less D. what is more 2. I forgot that I had presented him__ C___ a dictionary. A. to B. / C. with D. about 3. I would like to rent a house, modern, comfortable and__B___ in a quiet neighborhood. A. all in all B. above all C. after all D. over all 4. The case against Robert Jones was ___B__ for lack of evidence. A. discovered B. dismissed C. eliminated D. resigned 5. There were some__A___ flowers on the table. A. artificial B. unnatural C. false D. unreal 6. She never laughed, __D___ lose her temper. A. nor she ever did B. or she ever did C. or did she ever D. nor did she ever 7. It was ___D__ that the queen would visit China next year. A. produced B. reviewed C. exposed D. revealed 8. The change in government is a/an ___A__ event of our time. A. historic B. historical C. permanent D. external 9. If you decrease the__B___ of alcohol in this solution, it would be less dangerous. A. part B. portion C. section D. share 10. Only in that way___C__ English well. A. we can learn B. we will learn C. can we learn D. can learn we 11.___A__, if he does not learn he knows nothing. A. Be a man ever so clever B. A man is ever so clever



说明:本课程期末复习内容包括三部分: 1.教材Unit 6,Unit 12,Unit 18三个复习单元; 2.中央电大印发的《开放英语(3)期末复习指导》(2011.4印刷版)内一套样题和两 套模拟题; 3.英语II (1)期末复习提纲2011-6(如下) 英语II(1)期末复习提纲2011-6 一、交际用语 1.-Excuse me, how can I get to the nearest supermarket? D -_______________. A. It’s not very far from here B. The supermarket is very large C. The goods there are very expensive D. Sorry, sir. I’m a stranger here myself. 2.I have an appointment with Dr. Johnson. C — ____________________. A. The appointment is put off B. You look sick and weak C. Please wait for minute. He is busy now D. Tell me your ID number 3.Afternoon, sir. Where to? A — ___________________. A. Please get me to the airport B. please pick me up next time


小学英语三年级上册期末测试题 听力部分(40分) (每题读两遍) 一、Listen and number.(字母宝宝请上车:听一听,将听到字母的序号写在题前的小车上。)(10分) 1.A. EF B. ES 2.A. MSN B. MCN 3.A. CLM B. CLN 4.A. UFO B. QFO 5.A. XOI B. XOL 二、Listen and choose. (听音辨图。听一听,选择恰当的图片。)(10分) 1.I have an eraser. A. B. 2.This is a brown pencil. A. B. 3.Look at me. This is my ear. A. B. 4.What’s this? It’s a pig. A. B. 5.I’d like some rice. A. B. 三、Listen and choose.(捕鱼达人,听录音选答句,快快动手捕鱼吧!)(10分)()1.I am Wu Yifan. This is Wu Yifan. ()2.Very well, thanks. Goodbye. ()3.It’s a duck. Great!

( )4.You are welcome. Here you are. ( )5.Happy birthday. I am six years old. 四、Listen and colour.(我是小小化妆师:熊熊要去参加森林之王的海选,听一听,给熊熊的身体部位涂上对应的颜色吧!)(10分) 笔试部分(60分) 五、Look, think and number (下面的小动物要参加运动会,可它们正在为出场顺序吵个不停,你能根据它们的名字的首字母确定出场顺序吗?)(10分) 1.cat 2.fish 3.monkey 4.dog 5.tiger 6.bear 7.pig 8.elephant 1. ____________ 2. ___________ 3. ____________ five rice pen body dog red


Application of material quality control in Civil Engineering Author: Ma Dongmei Abstract: with the rapid development of social economy, the urbanization process of our country is more and more quickly, and the level of urbanization is increasing. In the market economy environment, but the quality of the construction project can not be ignored, especially for building materials quality control, can effectively promote the construction quality construction safety performance improvement. This paper will discuss the application of material control in civil engineering. Key words: material, quality, construction, safety, control One, the importance of building materials control (a) engineering material quality is the foundation of quality engineering, and is the important guarantee to improve the quality of the project, is also the creation of the premise of the normal working conditions. General construction engineering materials cost about 60% of the total project cost, only effective control of the quality of construction materials, the entire construction quality can be guaranteed. (2) in the economic environment is more and more complex now, changes in the prices of building materials also have fluctuated greatly, for a longer duration of engineering, strengthen the management of material quality is particularly important, only from the material seized can effectively reduce the project construction cost to obtain good economic benefits. (three) organize the material supply is the precondition of building construction, is to ensure the normal production of the material. Strengthen the material quality management is the important guarantee for the good use of the flow of funds. In order to prevent the interruption in the supply of materials, enterprises must establish the reasonable material reserve, which will inevitably occupy a large amount of liquidity, in construction, building materials is affect the quality of the project of the most direct and the most important factors. Therefore, to strengthen the management of the quality of materials is improve the assurance of the engineering quality, productivity and efficiency. Two, construction materials control measures (a) to pay attention to the material from the contract.


1.选择题 Once the king of India fell ill and sent for his doctor. The doctor came, examined him and said, “You will be well again in a few days if you take bull’s milk.” The king was very surprised, for he had never heard of a bull that gave milk. “How is it possible?” he asked. “Order Gulbo, the scholar, to get it for you. He can do anything.” The doctor was an enemy to Gulbo, and thought this would be a way of making him suffer. When the king told Gulbo what the doctor had said and ordered him to get bull’s milk, Gulbo immediately understood what the doctor was trying to do. When he got home he sat thinking how to get out of the difficulties. His daughter, seeing him worried, asked what was the matter. On hearing what the king had asked for, she said, “Don’t worry, father, I’ll help you.” The next day she took some old clothes, went to the bank of the river near the palace, and chose a place below the king’s bedroom window. In the middle of the night, when everyone was in bed, she started to do her washing. She made so much noise that the king could not sleep. The king got very angry and set a guard to find out what was the matter. The soldier found the girl, and led her to the king. “Why do you wash your clothes here at night?” asked the king. The girl pretend ed to be afraid and said, “I had to wash clothes at night. This afternoon my father had a baby. I was busy all day because of that. Then I found there were no clean clothes for the baby, so I had to come and wash them now.” “What!” cried the king, “Are y ou trying to make a fool of me? Who ever heard of a man having a baby?” “Well, if the king himself orders someone to get bull’s milk for him, why can’t a man have a baby?” The king smiled and said, “You must be Gulbo’s daughter. Go and tell your father tha t he may keep the bull’s milk for his baby.” 1. According to the doctor in the story, the king’s illness can be cured by ______. A. making Gulbo suffer B. drinking bull’s milk C. seeing another doctor D. feeding him with cow’s milk 2. The doctor told the king to ask Gulbo to find bull’s milk because he ______.


新版PEP小学英语三年级上册期末测试卷 (满分:100分考试时间:40分钟) Class(班级)______ Name(姓名)_________ Mark(成绩)________ Listening Part(听力部分,共40分) I. Listen and circle. (听一听,圈出单词的首字母,共10分 ) Ⅱ. Listen and circle. (听一听,圈出正确图片的字母,共5分) 1. Hello! I am Chen Jie. A. B. 2. This is a brown crayon. A. B. 3. What’s this? It’s a pig. A. B. 4.I’d like some bread. A. B. 5. Can I have some juice? A. B. III. Listen and judge(听句子,判断与图画意思是否相符,打“√”或“×”,共8分)

()()()() ()( ) ( ) ( ) IV. Listen and number.(根据你听到的内容给下面的图片标序号,共7分) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) V. Listen and draw or . (听音判断,画或,共10分)

Writing Part (笔试部分,共60分) I. Think and write.(按字母表顺序,默写26个大小写字母,共13分) II. Read and number(读一读,根据单词的顺序给图片标序号, 共10分)1. bear 2. tiger 3. panda 4. duck 5. elephant 6. bag 7. ruler 8. eraser 9.pencil 10. book ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) III. Read and number(读一读,给下面数字按从小到大排列,将单词序号填在横线上,共5分) ①three ②one ③four ④nine ⑤seven ⑥two ⑦eight ⑧ten ⑨six ⑩five _________________________________________________________ IV. Read and circle.(读一读,圈出不同类的单词,共6分) 1. four foot five 2. milk juice monkey 3. book duck bear 4. hand head bread 5. ruler blue yellow 6. pen black book V. Read and choose. (读一读,选择正确的一项,共6分) ( )1.当你把你爸爸介绍给Miss Wu时,你应说:______ A. This is Miss Wu. B.Miss Wu, this is my dad.


《开放英语3》期末考试模拟试题1 第一部分:英语知识运用(共10小题:每题2分,满20分) 此部分共有10个没完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有四个选择,请你从A,B,C,D四个选项中,选出正确答案。 1. --Would you like to have dinner with us this evening? --______C__________. A. OK, but I have to go to a meeting now B. No, I can't C. Sorry, but this evening I have to go to the airport to meet my parents D. I don't know 2. -- Hi, is Mary there, please? --________A________. A. Hold on. I'll get her B. No, she isn't here C. Yes. she lives here D. Yes, what do you want 3. -- Please help yourself to the fish. -_______A_________. A. Thanks, but I don't like fish B. Sorry, I can't help C. Well, fish don't suit me D. No, I can't 4. -- Hurry up please, or I'll be late. --______B__________. A. Sorry sir, but the traffic is thick now' B. Well, it's alright, sir C. How can you say that, sir? D. Oh, we are going the right way 5. -- Excuse me, but can you tell me the way to the airport?


小学英语初学者基础测 试题 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

一:选出下列不同于其他的发音的单词。(5) 1.A pear B here C where D dear 2.A apple B head C bed D letter 3.A hot B door C watch D body 4.A old B most C out D hope 5.A chicken B child C sure D chip 二:单项选择题(20) 1.Thank you________your help. A with b for c at 2.I see ______elephant in the zoo today. A the b a c / 3.There _________ a book,two pens and three boxes in the room. A is b are c am 4.She _______like the song,but I can sing the song. A don’t b isn’t c doesn’t 5.Every day,our teacher will play ____basketball,but I play____ violin. A the, a b a,the c the,the d /,the 6.I often go to the park ______my friends. A and b with c about 7.____________two books on the table. A there have b there is c there are


《开放英语3》《英语Ⅱ(1)》期末复习题及参考答案 第一部分交际用语 阅读下面的小对话,从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。 1. ---Well, Mary, how are you? ---__________C_________ A.I’m good B I’m nice C I’m fine 2.--- Let’s take a walk. ---_____A_____ A. Yes, let’s B. oh, thanks C. yes, please 3. -----I think the Internet is very helpful. ----_________A__________ A.Yes, so do I B.That’s a very good idea C.Neither do I 4. ---Hello, could I speak to Don please? --- _____C______? A.Who are you B Are you Jane C Who’s speaking 5. ---What kind of TV program do you like best? ---_______B________ A.I like them very much B.It’s hard to say, actually C.I’m too busy to say 6. ---What subjects are you studying? ---______C____ A.Yes, I’m studying history B.I’m doing my homework C.I’m studying philosophy 7. ---Which language do you speak at home? ---_____B_________ A.I can speak English and French B.English, most of the time C.English is my mother tongue 8. ---Must we hand in our homework now? ---_________C_________ A.Yes, you mustn’t B.Yes, you mustn’t C.No, you needn’t 9. ---Do you think the exam will be put off? ----______A_______
