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8.我们的调查进一步证实-----这并不令人感到意外(吃惊、惊奇)-- 我们的调查应答者























1.[A] very serious

2.[C] hardly care about law and order

3.[D] stealing sweets from a chain store was illegal

4.[C] they have enough money to buy them

5.[D] both A and C

6.[A] know very well what crime is

7.[A] severe punishment once used in the past

8.[D] she went to school in Denmark

9.[C] It was rather cold.

10.[A] complain angrily when handling our luggage

11.[B] They had to buy new furniture.

12.[A] To learn more English.

13.[A] are fond of having anything but meaningless conversations

14.[B] boring

15.[D] good manners are very important to everyone

16.[B] since before the time of Christ

17.[B] among people living close together

18.[C] was not to break out again

19.[C] fifteen million people

20.[A] the virus could not be found and vaccine developed

21.[A] a good international reporting system

22.[D] they change their nature quickly

23.[B] worldwide health organizations

24.[C] Soldier Sickness

25.[D] people who have a lot of free time

26.[A] are in great demand

27.[D] expensive

28.[B] exercise

29.[C] want to keep fit

30.[B] running energetically

31.[C] to show people's interest in exercise

32.[A] did not like any kind of sports

33.[B] vague about his own attitude

34.[A] drought

35.[B] ruined

36.[B] the river could be used for irrigation

37.[C] doubtful

38.[C] Tom was an outsider who had learned farming from books

39.[D] they should buy the new fertilizer with vitamin

40.[D] the water-wagon was once used by a college to carry water

41.[D] none of the above

42.[C] were bent and twisted but not damaged

43.[B] reading more wisely

44.[D] hinders reading efficiency

45.[C] to understand meaning

46.[C] not absolutely essential to the grasp of meaning

47.[C] point at key words

48.[C] a textbook

49.[C] reduces the death rate in traffic accidents

50.[B] make the front seat children under 14 wear a seat belt

51.[B] Someone who is picking up the children from the local school.

52.[C] to get a valid medical certificate before wearing a seat belt

53.[B] The Buildings Designed by the Greatest Architect Frank Lloyd Wright

54.[B] beautiful in design and practical in use

55.[A] It hadn't formed its own style yet.

56.[C] architectural design should match natural surroundings

57.[D] The houses are characterized by lines similar to those on the grassland.

58.[B] promoting their physical and mental health

59.[C] providing ideas that help in recovering the lost memory

60.[B] find it difficult sometimes to deal with matters calmly

61.[D] By ignoring them and talking about something else.

62.[C] helping them to revive old memories

63.[A] the presence of religious institutions

64.[B] It is not clearly told in the passage.

65.[B] Time and Culture.

66.[D] All of the above.

67.[C] people of different generations may have different views towards life, work and play

68.[D] Both A and C.

69.[D] the government would have funds to work for the welfare of people

70.[A] protect persons and property

71.[C] Everyone has his right to make a decision on the matter.

72.[C] the government had to pay all kinds of costs

73.[A] life insurance isn't fun to buy

74.[A] many people prefer not to confront the subject

75.[D] You should believe in either your agent only or those empirical estimates.

76.[A] either you or your family might suffer

77.[D] All of the above.

78.[D] 9 years

79.[C] Rome

80.[D] people who compete in the games

81.[B] Sir Ludwig Guttmann is an injured soldier.

82.[D] in favor of holding the games for the disabled

83.[D] planning our time scientifically

84.[A] Americans are forced to be efficient against their will

85.[C] Speeded-up work efficiency.

86.[B] were able to act of our own free will

87.[A] a slow-moving person

88.[B] the role of spelling in general language development

89.[D] to avoid using words one is not sure of

90.[B] teachers will have less trouble in correcting mistakes

91.[D] careless

92.[D] the relationship between spelling and the content of a composition


1~5 DACCC 6~10 BCCDC

11~15 AACAA 16~20 CAACC

21~25 AAACD 26~30 CCABC


1. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic " Should One Own a Car?". The beginning of each paragraph is given. Your part of writing should be no less than 120 words.

1. Car is very important nowadays in our life….

2. There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against having a car….

3. In my opinion,…

Car is very important nowadays in our life.In Spain every family has a car. but sometimes these families have more than one car. In consequence, it suposes more ecologycal problems. In fact, there are a lot of arguments for and against or having a car.One of the strongest arguments against having a car is the ecologycal problem that is produced by this transport. Pollution is increasing and petroil is decreasing more every year in the world.Furthermore, to drive a car suposes to spend a lot of time and to respect the rules, and if there is a lot of traffic you must wait.

There are, on the other hand, many good reasons against having a carthere are several arguments for having a car. Firstly, if you have this vehicle you have also more freedom because you don’t depend on public transport and its timetable. Secondly, you can travel and go wherever you want and the cost of this trip will not be so expensive as travelling by plane. Thridly, for a family of medium class the cost of having a car is better than the cost of paying a different transport for every trip. Finally, if you have an emergency you can drive your car and to solve your problem.

In my opinion, the fact of having a car is very important in our society, aulthough it would be necessary that all the families wich have more than one car, they should think in the possibility of use pulic transport. On balance, nowadays there are more people that has started to use gasoil (a product that can sustitute petroil).

2. For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a composition on the topic "SHOULD EXAMINATION BE ABOLISHED". Your composition should be based on your own understanding of the topic and it should be no less than 120 words.

As we know that the examination system has come to be the main theme of modern education. Every one from his early child-hood should take endless examinations and succeed in passing them, before he could graduate from a college or university. As much importance has been attached to it in school education, it has been subjected to mounting criticism as to its validity. People in favor of it praise this system to great extent; and those oppos-ing to it maintain that such a system should be abolished.

A lot of people think that the examination system should be abolished. In the first place, because of the existence of the exami-nation system, students go out for gaining high marks so that they often forget the main purpose of education. Many so-called "clever" students are nothing but bookworms who merely know the skeleton of knowledge. The aim of education is to enable

stu-dents to learn how to live, how to work, and how to contribute to the country with their expertise. To do this, the students must re-ceive training, in physical as well as mental areas. But the present examination system has discouraged students from making such an attempt.

To summarize, I really think that the examination system should be further improved instead of being abolished. Hopefully, one day we can study for our ideals without great pressure. And if that is so, I can definitely see a bright future ahead out there wait-ing for us anxiously !


题1 - 50 B2U1 1. The behavior of men as individuals is _________ from their behavior in a group. A) explicit B) separable C) distinct有区别的明显的D) definite √[1]. 【参考答案】:C 2. They are trying to ______ the waste discharged by the factory for profit. A) expose B) exhaust C) exhibit D) exploit开发 √[2]. 【参考答案】:D

3. We all enjoy our freedom of choice and do not like to see it _______ when it is within the legal and moral boundaries of society. A) compacted B) restricted受限制的C) dispersed D) delayed √[3]. 【参考答案】:B 4. ___________ our sales forecasts we may begin to make a profit next year. A) On the basis of根据B) Owing to C) With regard to D) Concerning √[4]. 【参考答案】:A

5. The university departments have been ________ $600 000 to develop good practice in teaching and learning. A) promoted B) included C) secured D) awarded授予嘉奖 ×[5]. 【参考答案】:D 6. I know a(n) _______ young lady who would be an excellent cooperator for you. A) probable B) sustainable C) feasible D) eligible 合格的 √[6]. 【参考答案】:D


Vocabulary Unit2 Book2 my wonder you are, being a soft-hearted girl, so much ________ to have seen the film of murder that you stay excited overnight. A. dismayed B. frustrated C. thrilled D. comforted [1]. 【参考答案】:C 2. I don’t like you, yet I am ________ constantly(偏偏) to meet you every day I step into my workplace. A. guided B. doomed C. driven D. conducted [2]. 【参考答案】:B 3. Everyone attending the funeral ________ him for his bad argument with his wife over where to locate a grave. A. encouraged B. persuaded C. condemned D. assisted

[3]. 【参考答案】:C 4. To treat a(n) ________ leniently without principle will undermine the values on which our society runs smoothly. A. citizen B. servant C. employer D. criminal [4]. 【参考答案】:D 5. Her hobbies cover such a large ________ that I fear she can’t concentrate on her school work, yet my fear proves unnecessary. A. sphere B. condition C. globe D. kingdom [5]. 【参考答案】:A 6. If you ________ your son to so small a circle of friends, how can you expect him to grow into a man of open mind and high aim A. reduce B. control C. confine D. hinder [6]. 【参考答案】:C 7. Enough money raised for a cause of charity set me ________ dedicatedly toward building a school for those orphaned children. A. to work B. worked C. having worked D. working [7].


2.诚信公司20 x9年10月发生部分经济业务如下: (1) 10月2日,将款项交存银行,开出银行汇票一张,金额为 40000元,由采购员王强携往沈阳以办理材料采购事宜。 (2) 10月5日,因临时材料采购的需要,将款项50000元汇往上海交通银行上海分行,并开立采购专户,材料采购员李民同日前往上海。 (3) 10月9日,为方便行政管理部门办理事务,办理信用卡一张,金额为12000元。 (4) 10月13日,采购员王强材料采购任务完成回到企业,将有关材料采购凭证交到会计部门。材料采购凭证注明,材料价款为31000元,应交增值税为5270元。 (5) 10月14日,会计入员到银行取回银行汇票余款划回通知,银行汇票余款已存入企业结算户。 (6) 10月17日,因采购材料需要,委托银行开出信用证,款项金额为150000元。 (7) 10月20日,材料采购员李民材料采购任务完成回到本市,当日将采购材料的有关凭证交到会计部门,本次采购的材料价款为40000元,应交增值税为6800元。 (8) 10月22日,企业接到银行的收款通知,上海交通银行上海分行采购专户的余款已转回结算户。 (9) 10月25日,行政管理部门小王用信用卡购买办公用品,支付款项3200元。 (10) 10月28日,为购买股票,企业将款项200000元存入海通证券公司。 要求:根据上述经济业务编制会计分录。 (1)借:其他货币资金——银行汇票40 000 贷:银行存款40 000 (2)借:其他货币资金——外埠存款50 000 贷:银行存款50 000 (3)借:其他货币资金——信用卡12 000 贷:银行存款12 000 (4)借:材料采购31 000 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 5 270 贷:其他货币资金——银行汇票36 270 (5)借:银行存款 3 730 贷:其他货币资金——银行汇票 3 730 (6)借:其他货币资金——信用证150 000 贷:银行存款150 000 (7)借:材料采购40 000 应交税费——应交增值税(进项税额) 6 800 贷:其他货币资金——外埠存款46 800 (8)借:银行存款 3 200 贷:其他货币资金——外埠存款 3 200 (9)借:管理费用 3 200 贷:其他货币资金——信用卡 3 200 (10)借:其他货币资金——存出投资款200 000 贷:银行存款200 000 3.3.星海公司20 x9年6月30日银行存款日记账的余额为41 100 元,同日转来的银行对


1操作系统概述自测题 1 选择题 1.以下_____操作系统中的技术是用“时间”来换取“空间”的。 A.虚拟存储器 B.缓冲技术 C.SPOOLing技术 D.快表 2.设计实时操作系统必须首先考虑系统的______。 A.效率 B.可移植性 C.可靠性 D.使用的方便性 3.一个作业第一次执行时用了5min,而第二次执行时用了6min,这说明了操作系统的______特点。 A.并发性 B.共享性 C.虚拟性 D.不确定性 4.下述操作系统类型中,哪个操作系统一定是由多台计算机组成的系统? A.实时 B.批处理 C.分时 D.分布式 5.操作系统中,以下______采用了以“空间”换“时间”的技术。 A.终端技术 B.缓冲技术 C.通道技术 D.虚拟存储技术 6.按照所起的作用和需要的运行环境,操作系统属于_______。 A.支撑软件 B.用户软件 C.应用软件 D.系统软件 7.操作系统的主要功能是存储器管理、设备管理、文件管理、用户接口和______。 A.进程管理 B.用户管理 C.信息管理 D.操作系统管理 8.操作系统的最基本的两个特征是资源共享和_______。 A.多道程序设计 B.程序的并发执行 C.中断 D.程序顺序执行

9.采用多道程序设计技术可以提高CPU和外部设备的______。 A.稳定性 B.可靠性 C.利用率 D.兼容性 10.在计算机系统中,操作系统是_______。 A.处于裸机之上的第一层软件 B.处于硬件之下的底层软件 C.处于应用软件之上的系统软件 D.处于系统软件之上的用户软件 11.操作系统是对_____进行管理的软件。 A.软件 B.硬件 C.计算机资源 D.程序 12.从用户的观点,操作系统是______。 A.用户与计算机之间的接口 B.控制和管理计算机资源的软件 C.合理地组织计算机工作流程的软件 D.是扩充裸机功能的软件,是比裸机功能更强、使用方便的虚拟机 13.操作系统的基本类型是_____。 A.批处理系统、分时系统和多任务系统 B.实时系统、分时系统和批处理系统 C.单用户系统、多用户系统和批处理系统 D.实时系统、分时系统和多用户系统 14.为了使系统中的所有用户都得到及时的响应,操作系统应该是___. A.实时系统 B.批处理系统 C.分时系统 D.网络系统 15.如果分时系统的时间片一定,那么____会使响应时间越长。 A.用户数越少 B.用户数越多 C.内存越少 D.内存越多


1、什么叫电气主接线对电气主接线有哪些基本要求 答:电气主接线又称为电气一次接线,它是将电气设备以规定的图形和文字符号,按电能生产、传输、分配顺序及相关要求绘制的单相接线图。 基本要求:可靠性、灵活性和经济性。 2、电气主接线有哪些基本形式绘图并说明各接线形式的优缺点。 答:单母线接线及单母线分段接线; 双母线接线及双母线分段接线; 带旁路母线的单母线和双母线接线; 一台半断路器及三分之四台断路器接线; 变压器母线组接线; 单元接线; 桥形接线; 角形接线。 3、在主接线方案比较中主要从哪些方面来考虑其优越性 答:经济比较;可靠性、灵活性,包括大型电厂、变电站对主接线可靠性若干指标的定量计算,最后确定最终方案。 4、某水电站装机为4×25MW,机端电压为,现拟采用高压为110kV,出线3回, 中压为35kV,出线6回与系统相连,试拟出一技术经济较为合理的电气主接线方案,并画出主接线图加以说明。 答:单母线分段 110kv 三回单母线分段带旁路母线 35kv 六回单母线分段 5、某220kV系统的变电所,拟装设两台容量为50MVA的主变压器,220kV有两 回出线,同时有穿越功率通过,中压为110kV,出线为4回,低压为10kV,有12回出线,试拟定一技术较为合理的主接线方案,并画出主接线图加以说明。 答:220kv 2回双母线带旁母;110kv 4回单母线分段带旁母; 10kv 12


作业:P62页 2-1,2-6 2-1 哪些设备属于一次设备哪些设备属于二次设备其功能是什么 注:基本是没有写错的啊就是有些同学的答案不全需要把一次设备和二次设备的功能和设备类型名称写全 2-6 简述交流500kv变电站电气主接线形式及其特点 作业:1-3、 2-3 、4-2、 4-3 、4-10 4-2 隔离开关与断路器的主要区别何在在运行中,对它们的操作程序应遵循哪些重要原则 答:断路器带有专门灭弧装置,可以开断负荷电流和短路故障电流;隔离开关无灭弧装置,主要作用是在检修时可形成明显开断点。 操作中需要注意不可带负荷拉刀闸, 送电时先合线路侧隔离开关再合母线侧隔离开关最后合上断路器 停电时先断开断路器再断开线路侧隔离开关最后断开母线侧隔离开关 4-3 主母线和旁路母线各起什么作用设置专用旁路断路器和以母联断路器或分段断路器兼做旁路断路器,各有什么特点检修出现断路器时,如何操作 答:主母线主要作用是汇集和分配电能;旁路母线的作用主要体现在检修出现断路器时,可用旁路断路器代替出线断路器以使出线断路器可以不停电检修。 可靠性安全性投资操作是否方便 检修出现断路器时先合上旁路断路器检查旁路母线是否完好若完好断开旁路断路器合上该出线的旁路隔离开关合上旁路断路器之后退出出线断路器(先断开断路器再断开线路侧隔离开关最后断开母线侧隔离开关) 4-10 参考答案见下图 注意:画主接线图时一定要在相应的电压等级母线边上注明电压等级 1.什么是弧隙介质强度和弧隙恢复电压 弧隙介质能够承受外加电压作用而不致使弧隙击穿的电压称为弧隙的介质强度。


中南大学网络教育课程考试复习题及参考答案 操作系统1 一、判断题: 1.资源共享是现代操作系统的一个基本特征。() 2.信号量机制中,P、V操作必须成对出现。() 3.若进程资源分配图中含有环,则一定有进程处于死锁状态。() 4.绝对装入方式需要对内存地址进行重定位。() 5.“分页对换”和“分段对换”是为了支持虚拟存储系统。() 6.通道没有自己的内存,通道所执行的通道程序是放在主机的内存中的。() 7.程序的并行执行是现代操作系统的一个基本特征。() 8.一个进程被唤醒意味着重新占有了CPU。() 9.进程在运行过程中,请问和释放资源顺序不当,同样可以引起死锁。() 10.分段存储管理的引入是为了满足用户(程序员)在编程和使用上多方面的要求。() 11.系统中的各个部件,如CPU、存储设备等的连接都是由总线设备来实现的。() 12.在文件的索引存取方法中,允许随意存取文件中的一个记录。() 13.程序在并发执行时会失去封闭性。() 14.由于用户的响应时间要求,因此要求设置大的时间片长度。() 15.预防死锁是指在资源动态分配过程中,用某种方法去防止系统进入不安全状态。() 16.内存的单一连续分配模式只能用在单用户、单任务的OS中。() 17.虚拟存储器的“虚拟”是指用户可使用的内存容量比实际的内存容量大的多。() 18.在文件系统支持下,用户也需知道文件存放的物理地址。() 19.在单CPU环境下可以实现“多道程序系统”。() 20.程序与进程最主要的区别在于程序是静态实体,而进程是动态实体。() 21.死锁与程序的死循环一样。() 22.内存固定分区分配模式只能用在单用户、单任务的OS中。() 23.采用LRU置换算法时,当驻留集增大时,页故障率一定不会增加。() 24.通道与CPU共享内存。() 二、填空题: 1.操作系统的基本任务是( )。 2.从资源分配的角度看,P(wait)操作意味着向系统( )一个资源,V(signal)操作意味着( )一个资 源。 3.一个批处理型作业,从进入系统并驻留在外存的后备队列上开始,直至作业运行完毕,可能要经历下 述三级调度()、()、()。 4.产生死锁的四个必要条件是()、()、()和()。 5.()称之为“页内碎片”。 6.文件按其用途可分为:用户文件、()和()。 7.分时系统的四个主要特征是()、()、()、()。 8.进程调度分为以下两种方式()、()。 9.死锁的必要条件之一是“互斥”,该条件是指()。 10.根据链接时间的不同,可把链接分为()、()、()三种。 11.I/O控制方式主要分为()、()、()。 12.直接存储器DMA方式是专对()设备进行I/O控制的。 13.多道批处理系统的优缺点主要有()、()、()。 14.程序的并发执行的特征有()、()、()。 15.调度队列模型分为()、()、()。 16.程序的装入分为()、()、()。 17.缓冲区可工作在()、()、()和提取输出四种工作方式下。


第一、二章 1.请编写程序输入三角形的三条边,判别它们能否形成三角形,若能,则判断是等边、 等腰、还是一般三角形。程序可多次判别,程序结束的条件自行定义。 【解答】未加入循环 #include void main() { float a, b, c ; cout << "a, b, c = " ; cin >> a >> b >> c ; if ( a+b > c && b+c > a && c+a > b ) { if ( a == b && b == c ) cout << "等边三角形!" << endl; else if ( a == b || a == c || b == c ) cout << "等腰三角形!" << endl; else cout << "一般三角形!" << endl; } else cout << "不能形成三角形!" << endl ; } 2.编一程序显示如下图案,注意行数可由用户确定: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 【解答】 #include void main() { int i,j,k; for( i=1; i<=5; i++ ) { for( k=1; k<=5-i; k++ ) cout << " "; for( j=1; j<=2*i-1; j++ ) cout << "*"; cout << endl; } } 第三章 1.输入a,b和c的值,编写一个程序求这三个数的最大值和最小值。要求把求最大值和最小值编写成函数,并使用指针或引用作为形式参数把结果返回函数main。


一、什么是操作系统?你都用过什么操作系统?各有什么特点? 操作系统是管理计算机硬件资源,控制其他程序运行并为用户提供交互操作界面的系统软件的集合。操作系统是计算机系统的关键组成部分,负责管理与配置内存、决定系统资源供需的优先次序、控制输入与输出设备、操作网络与管理文件系统等基本任务。DOS系统都是以命令的方式运行指令,有的也支持鼠标,甚至也可以做成菜单方式,但跟windows的亲和性相比是无法相比的。windos系列的操作系统主要特点就是简单,图形操作,不需要死记命令,适合非专业人士使用。unix系列由于是开源的,所以操作复杂,功能强大,可以按自己的需求设计与改造,适合专业人士,不适合初学者。 二、试说明操作系统系统的主要功能模块及其主要任务? 处理机管理的主要功能是:进程管理、进程同步、进程通信和处理机调度; 进程管理:为作业创建进程,撤销已结束进程,控制进程在运行过程中的状态转换。 进程同步:为多个进程(含线程)的运行进行协调。 进程通信:用来实现在相互合作的进程之间的信息交换。 处理机调度: (1)作业调度。从后备队里按照一定的算法,选出若干个作业,为他们分配运行所需 的资源(首选是分配内存)。 (2)进程调度:从进程的就绪队列中,按照一定算法选出一个进程,把处理机分配给 它,并设置运行现场,使进程投入执行。 内存管理的主要功能有:内存分配、内存保护、地址映射和内存扩充。 内存分配:为每道程序分配内存。 内存保护:确保每道用户程序都只在自己的内存空间运行,彼此互不干扰。 地址映射:将地址空间的逻辑地址转换为内存空间与对应的物理地址。 内存扩充:用于实现请求调用功能,置换功能等。 设备管理主要功能有: 缓冲管理、设备分配和设备处理以及虚拟设备等。 主要任务: 完成用户提出的I/O 请求,为用户分配I/O 设备;提高CPU 和I/O 设 备的利用率;提高I/O速度;以及方便用户使用I/O设备. 文件管理的主要功能是文件存储空间的管理,目录管理,文件的读写管理和文件的共享与保护。主要任务是对用户文件和系统文件进行管理,以方便用户使用,并保证文件的安全性。 三、什么是多道程序设计技术?试叙述多道程序运行的特征。 所谓多道程序设计指的是允许多个程序同时进入一个计算机系统的主存储器并启动进行计算的方法。也就是说,计算机内存中可以同时存放多道(两个以上相互独立的)程序,它们都处于开始和结束之间。从宏观上看是并行的,多道程序都处于运行中,并且都没有运行结束;从微观上看是串行的,各道程序轮流使用CPU,交替执行。多道程序技术运行的特征:多道、宏观上并行、微观上串行。 四、在一个分时操作系统中,用户提交了一个作业,作业的内容包括:①请求内存(memory);


阅读理解 Passage 1 Romantic love is one of the most enticing (迷人的) topics around. Just about every movie, TV show, and country-music song contains some element of romance. For many, romantic relationships are by far the most important in their lives. As a society, we long for intimacy. We grow up believing that if we "just meet the right person" we will be happy. This message is popularized by modern media. It is perhaps one of the most destructive messages around. Quentin Crisp says: "The consuming desire of most human beings is to deliberately plant their whole life in the hands of some other person. I would describe this method of searching for happiness as immature ..." When we feel unhappy it is natural to start searching for the cause of our distress. There is nothing wrong with this, but it becomes a problem when we start searching outside of ourselves. We are taught that if we are happily "coupled" we won't have problems. It is therefore natural to blame our partner for our "aloneness." The consequences of this belief are enormously self-destructive. Romantic love is exciting, but what happens when the romance wears off? Experts estimate that romantic sexual attractions last only 18 months to two years. Using love or sex as a drug will only prevent us from reaching maturity. We do need excitement and stimulation and joy and intimacy. But in mature love we are concerned with our loved one's joy and fulfillment. The satisfaction comes not from our own immediate gratification, but from the joy of giving to the other person, and watching them grow and thrive. If you are single, the best thing you can do to prepare for a life-long loving relationship is to work on getting your own needs met. The first thing to do is to start identifying what they are. For instance: you long for affection and need a hug. Have you thought of asking a friend to hug you? You will be amazed what will happen if you start asking people directly to meet your needs. You will get some negative responses, but for the most part you will find that people are happy to help you. Many of us were taught our needs are wrong. Our needs are not wrong. We get into difficulty when we try to meet our needs in indirect ways. It is not that we shouldn't enjoy the excitement of a new relationship or love interest; we get into difficulty when we think we will get all our needs met from this one "magical" person. 1. What does Quentin Crisp think of the popular search for happiness?____ [A] The search is not sensible. [B] The media should be responsible for the search. [C] You can surely find happiness without the help of some other person. [D] It is advisable to make such a search together with some other person. 2. When one is unhappy, he tends to ____. [A] make himself happily coupled with another [B] search for the cause of his distress inside himself [C] search for the cause of his distress with his partner [D] think it's his beloved one that causes his problems


1、什么叫电气主接线?对电气主接线有哪些基本要求? 答:电气主接线又称为电气一次接线,它是将电气设备以规定的图形和文字符号,按电能生产、传输、分配顺序及相关要求绘制的单相接线图。 基本要求:可靠性、灵活性和经济性。 2、电气主接线有哪些基本形式?绘图并说明各接线形式的优缺点。 答:单母线接线及单母线分段接线; 双母线接线及双母线分段接线; 带旁路母线的单母线和双母线接线; 一台半断路器及三分之四台断路器接线; 变压器母线组接线; 单元接线; 桥形接线; 角形接线。 3、在主接线方案比较中主要从哪些方面来考虑其优越性? 答:经济比较;可靠性、灵活性,包括大型电厂、变电站对主接线可靠性若干指标的定量计算,最后确定最终方案。 4、某水电站装机为4×25MW,机端电压为10.5kV,现拟采用高压为110kV,出 线3回,中压为35kV,出线6回与系统相连,试拟出一技术经济较为合理的电气主接线方案,并画出主接线图加以说明。 答:10.5kv 单母线分段 110kv 三回单母线分段带旁路母线 35kv 六回单母线分段

5、某220kV系统的变电所,拟装设两台容量为50MV A的主变压器,220kV有 两回出线,同时有穿越功率通过,中压为110kV,出线为4回,低压为10kV,有12回出线,试拟定一技术较为合理的主接线方案,并画出主接线图加以说明。 答:220kv 2回双母线带旁母;110kv 4回单母线分段带旁母;10kv 12回双母线不分段;

作业:P62页2-1,2-6 2-1 哪些设备属于一次设备?哪些设备属于二次设备?其功能是什么? 注:基本是没有写错的啊就是有些同学的答案不全需要把一次设备和二次设备的功能和设备类型名称写全 2-6 简述交流500kv变电站电气主接线形式及其特点 作业:1-3、2-3 、4-2、4-3 、4-10 4-2 隔离开关与断路器的主要区别何在?在运行中,对它们的操作程序应遵循哪些重要原则? 答:断路器带有专门灭弧装置,可以开断负荷电流和短路故障电流;隔离开关无灭弧装置,主要作用是在检修时可形成明显开断点。 操作中需要注意不可带负荷拉刀闸, 送电时先合线路侧隔离开关再合母线侧隔离开关最后合上断路器 停电时先断开断路器再断开线路侧隔离开关最后断开母线侧隔离开关 4-3 主母线和旁路母线各起什么作用?设置专用旁路断路器和以母联断路器或分段断路器兼做旁路断路器,各有什么特点?检修出现断路器时,如何操作? 答:主母线主要作用是汇集和分配电能;旁路母线的作用主要体现在检修出现断路器时,可用旁路断路器代替出线断路器以使出线断路器可以不停电检修。 可靠性安全性投资操作是否方便 检修出现断路器时先合上旁路断路器检查旁路母线是否完好若完好断开旁路断路器合上该出线的旁路隔离开关合上旁路断路器之后退出出线断路器(先断开断路器再断开线路侧隔离开关最后断开母线侧隔离开关) 4-10 参考答案见下图


《操作系统》课程作业 (2013年春) 姓名: 学号: 专业: 年级: 学校: 日期:

作业一:作业管理 1、有三道程序A、B、C在一个系统中运行,该系统有输入、输出设备各1台。三道程序 A、B、C构成如下: A:输入32秒,计算8秒,输出5秒 B:输入21秒,计算14秒,输出35秒 C:输入12秒,计算32秒,输出15秒 问:(1)三道程序顺序执行的总时间是多少? (2)充分发挥各设备的效能,并行执行上述三道程序,最短需多少时间(不计系统开销)?并给出相应的示意图。 2、假设一个单CPU系统,以单道方式处理一个作业流,作业流中有2道作业,共占用CPU 计算时间、输入卡片数和打印输出行数如下: 其中,卡片输入机速度为1000张/分钟,打印机输出速度为1000行/分钟,试计算:(1)不采用spooling技术,计算这两道作业的总运行时间(从第1道作业输入开始到最后一个作业输出完毕)。 (2)如采用spooling技术,计算这2道作业的总运行时间(不计读/写盘时间),并给出相应的示意图。

作业二:进程管理 1、 请写出两程序S1和S2可并发执行的Bernstein 条件。 2、 有以下5条语句,请画出这5条语句的前趋图。 S1:y=x+1 R(x) W(y) S2:c=f-w R(f,w) W(c) S3:d=r-y R(r,y) W(d) S4:x=a+b R(a,b) W(x) S5:r=c+y R(c,y) W(r) 3、 设在教材第62页3.6.4节中所描述的生产者消费者问题中,其缓冲部分为m 个长度相等 的有界缓冲区组成,且每次传输数据长度等于有界缓冲区长度以及生产者和消费者可对缓冲区同时操作。重新描述发送过程deposit(data)和接收过程remove(data)。 P P P i P .. .. 1 2 i k 4、 设有k 个进程共享一临界区,对于下述情况,请说明信号量的初值、含义,并用P ,V 操作写出有关互斥算法。 (1) 一次只允许一个进程进入临界区; (2) 一次允许m (m


UNIT 5 1. Michael put the cigarette to his lips and _____ in the smoke. A).puffed B).sucked C).terrified D).spit 【参考答案】:B 2. The students often _______themselves with socializing network like Renren or Facebook. A).amuse B).arouse C).accuse D).acronym √ 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 3. Could you _______ a nail into the wall to hang this picture up? A).buy B).purchase C).hammer D).borrow √ 【参考答案】:C 【学生得分】:2.0 4. My heart was ________ as I walked out onto the stage. A).pounding B).bleeding C).breaking D).fasting √ 【参考答案】:A 【学生得分】:2.0 5. I have no _______ for people who say they can't find work but are really just too lazy to look. A).amusement B).sympathy C).telepathy D).audience √ 【参考答案】:B 【学生得分】:2.0 6. A __________ is not just a part of a telephone but also the part of a radio or television that receives signals from the air. A).sign language B).symbol C).receiver D).receptionist √


第一阶段 作文 【作业要 求】: 命题作文 Directions:For this part you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the given topic. Your composition should meet the word limit set by the test syllabus at this level. You should base your composition on the outlines provided and then type your composition in the box below.[题数:1;分数:15分;参考时间:30分0秒] 1. For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic On Keeping Pets. You should write at least 120 words, and base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below. 1. 有人喜欢养宠物,也有人反对养宠物,他们都有各自的道理 2. 我的看法 On Keeping Pets 【参考答案】: In almost every neighborhood, there are people who like

pets and people who don't. The former group of people think that pets are good and helpful companions. Some of them even go so far as saying that animals are also human, and their rights should be respected. Those who hate pets say that animals are noisy, dirty and dangerous. They think laws should be made to forbid people to keep dogs and cats in cities and towns. The different opinions on keeping pets, which reflect personal preferences, have caused many disputes and much unpleasantness among people who are close neighbors. Personally I do not like pets. But I think we should learn to respect the rights of pet lovers. We have no right to forbid people to keep pets in their homes, as long as the animals are properly taken care of and do not threaten the safety and peace of others. 翻译 【作业要 求】: 单句翻译(英译汉) Directions:In this section you are required to translate some English sentences into Chinese. Type your translation on the web page.[题数:10;分数:10分;参考时间:20分0秒] 1. A shortage of water in heavily populated agricultural areas will cause great hardship and starvation as crops fail.


电化学部分练习题 一、选择题 1.在极谱分析中,通氮气除氧后,需静置溶液半分钟,其目的是( ) A.防止在溶液中产生对流传质 B.有利于在电极表面建立扩散层 C.使溶解的气体逸出溶液 D.使汞滴周期恒定 2.在下列极谱分析操作中哪一项是错误的? ()A.通N2除溶液中的溶解氧 B.加入表面活性剂消除极谱极大 C.恒温消除由于温度变化产生的影响 D.在搅拌下进行减小浓差极化的影响 3.平行极谱催化波电流比其扩散电流要大,是由于( ) A.电活性物质形成配合物, 强烈吸附于电极表面 B.电活性物质经化学反应而再生, 形成了催化循环 C.改变了电极反应的速率 D.电极表面状态改变, 降低了超电压 4.确定电极为正负极的依据是()A.电极电位的高低B.电极反应的性质 C.电极材料的性质D.电极极化的程度 5.催化电流和扩散电流的区别可以通过电流随汞柱高度和温度的变化来判断,催化电流的特征是( ) A.电流不随汞柱高度变化, 而随温度变化较大 B.电流不随汞柱高度变化, 而随温度变化较小 C.电流不随汞柱高度变化也不随温度而变化 D.电流随汞柱高度变化, 随温度变化也较大 6.在1mol/LKCl支持电解质中, Tl+和Pb2+的半波电位分别为-0.482V和-0.431 V, 若要同时测定两种离子应选下列哪种极谱法? ( ) A.方波极谱法B.经典极谱法 C.单扫描极谱法D.催化极谱法

7.极谱定量测定的溶液浓度大于10-2mol/L时,一定要定量稀释后进行测定,是由于( ) A.滴汞电极面积较小 B.溶液浓度低时, 才能使电极表面浓度易趋于零 C.浓溶液残余电流大 D.浓溶液杂质干扰大 8.在单扫描极谱图上,某二价离子的还原波的峰电位为-0.89V,它的半波电位应是( ) A.-0.86V B.-0.88V C.-0.90V D.-0.92V 9.金属配离子的半波电位一般要比简单金属离子半波电位负,半波电位的负移程度主要决定于( ) A.配离子的浓度B.配离子的稳定常数 C.配位数大小D.配离子的活度系数 10.某有机化合物在滴汞上还原产生极谱波R+nH++ne-RHn请问其E 1/2( ) A.与R的浓度有关B.与H+的浓度有关 C.与RHn的浓度有关D.与谁都无关 11.若要测定1.0×10-7 mol/LZn2+,宜采用的极谱方法是()A.直流极谱法B.单扫描极谱法C.循环伏安法D.脉冲极谱法 12.循环伏安法在电极上加电压的方式是()A.线性变化的直流电压B.锯齿形电压 C.脉冲电压D.等腰三角形电压 13.电解时,由于超电位存在,要使阳离子在阴极上析出,其阴极电位要比可逆电极电位()A.更正B.更负C.者相等D.无规律 14.pH 玻璃电极产生的不对称电位来源于( ) A.内外玻璃膜表面特性不同 B.内外溶液中H+浓度不同 C.内外溶液的H+活度系数不同 D.内外参比电极不一样 15.平行催化波的灵敏度取决于( ) A.电活性物质的扩散速度 B.电活性物质速度 C.电活性物质的浓度


操作系统练习题 第一章引言 (一单项选择题 1操作系统是计算机系统的一种( 。A.应用软件 B.系统软件c.通用软件D.工具软件 2.操作系统目的是提供一个供其他程序执行的良好环境,因此它必须使计算机( A.使用方便 B.高效工作 C.合理使用资源 D.使用方便并高效工作 3.允许多个用户以交互方式使用计算机的操作系统是( 。A.分时操作系统 B.批处理单道系统 C.实时操作系统 D.批处理多道系统 4.下列系统中( 是实时系统。A.计算机激光照排系统 B.办公自动化系统 C.化学反应堆控制系统 D.计算机辅助设计系统 5.操作系统是一种系统软件,它( 。A.控制程序的执行 B.管理计算机系统的资源 C.方便用户使用计算机 D.管理计算机系统的资源和控制程序的执行 6.计算机系统把进行( 和控制程序执行的功能集中组成一种软件,称为操作系统 A.CPU管理 B.作业管理 C.资源管理 D.设备管理 7.批处理操作系统提高了计算机系统的工作效率,但( 。 A.不能自动选择作业执行 B.无法协调资源分配 c.不能缩短作业执行时间 D在作业执行时用户不能直接干预 8.分时操作系统适用于( 。A.控制生产流水线B.调试运行程序c.大量的数据处理D.多个计算机资源共享 9.在混合型操作系统中,“前台”作业往往是指( 。A.由批量单道系统控制的作业 B.由批量多道系统控制的作业 c.由分时系统控制的作业D.由实时系统控制的作业

10.在批处理兼分时的系统中,对( 应该及时响应,使用户满意。A.批量作业B.前台作业c.后台作业D.网络通信 11.实时操作系统对可靠性和安全性要求极高,它( 。A.十分注重系统资源的利用率B.不强调响应速度 c.不强求系统资源的利用率 D.不必向用户反馈信息 12.分布式操作系统与网络操作系统本质上的不同之处在于( 。A.实现各台计算机之间的通信B.共享网络个的资源 c.满足较大规模的应用 D.系统中若干台计算机相互协作完成同一任务 13.SPOOL技术用于( 。A.存储管理B.设备管理C.文件管理 D.作业管理 14.( 为用户分配主存空间,保护主存中的程序和数据不被破坏,提高主存空间的利用率。 A处理器管理 B.存储管理 c.文件管理 D.作业管理 (二填空题 1. 计算机系统是按用户要求接收和存储信息,自动进行_______并输出结果信息的系统。 2.计算机是由硬件系统和_______系统组成。 3.软件系统由各种_______和数据组成。 4.计算机系统把进行_______和控制程序执行的功能集中组成一种软件称为操作系统。 5.操作系统使用户合理_______,防止各用户间相互干扰。 6.使计算机系统使用方便和_______是操作系统的两个主要设计目标。 7.批处理操作系统、_______和实时操作系统是基本的操作系统。 8.用户要求计算机系统中进行处理的一个计算机问题称为_______。

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