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必修1Unit 1


Ⅰ. 单项填空

1. (2015·合肥模拟)The manager put up a notice to keep the staff ________ of what to do this week.

A. inform

B. informing

C. informed

D. to inform

【解析】选C。句意: 经理张贴了通知告知员工这周要做什么。staff与inform为被动关系, 故用过去分词。

2. ________ I had done it, I knew I had made a mistake.

A. Hardly

B. Directly

C. Mostly

D. Nearly

【解析】选B。directly/immediately/instantly等少数副词具有连词的功能, 用来引导状语从句, 意思是“一……就……”, 相当于as soon as, the moment等用法。

3. Businessman as he is, his main goal is not only to ________ a profit.

A. earn

B. challenge

C. introduce

D. develop

【解析】选A。句意: 虽然他是商人, 但他的主要目标不仅仅是获利。earn后可接表示金钱含义的词, 表示“挣得……”。profit意为“利润”。

4. —When will we start the restoration of the historical sites?

—Not until our plan ________ by the committee.

A. will be approved

B. approve

C. is to approve

D. has been approved

【解析】选D。考查动词时态和语态。答句的后半部分被省略, 完整的句子是: “Not until our plan ________ by the committee will we start the restoration of the historical sites. ”。在not. . . until. . . 句型中, 如果强调从句的动作完成后主句的动作才发生, 从句的动词常用现在完成时替代将来完成时。

5. I think this is the best use that we can ________ the material.

A. make of

B. do with

C. take charge

D. make into

【解析】选A。句意: 我认为这是我们对这种材料的最好利用。本题考查短语make use of, use为先行词, that引导定语从句, 修饰use, 还原后即为: we can make the best use of the material。

6. (2015·南京模拟)—I’m sure Tom will come out first in the coming Youth Olympic Games.

—I think so. He ________ for it for months.

A. is preparing

B. was preparing

C. had been preparing

D. has been preparing

【解析】选D。句意: ——我确定汤姆会在即将到来的青奥会上获得冠军。——我也这样认为。他已经准备了几个月了。prepare的动作从过去某一时间开始一直持续到现在, 故用现在完成进行时, 选D项。

7. Life was difficult for her, but she ________ to make ends meet.

A. failed

B. succeeded

C. struggled

D. covered

【解析】选C。句意: 生活对她来说曾经很艰难, 但她努力使收支相抵。struggle to do sth. “努力做某事”。fail“失败”; succeed“成功”, 常构成短语succeed in doing sth. ; cover“覆盖; 报道”。

8. (2015·苏州模拟)The number of students who have graduated with a driving license has reached 200, 000, a(n) ________ of 40, 000 per year. A. average B. number

C. amount

D. quantity

【解析】选A。句意: 毕业考出驾照的学生人数达到了20万, 平均每年4万。an average of“平均”。

9. His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ________ family was poor.

A. that

B. whom

C. of whose

D. whose

【解析】选D。考查定语从句。句意: 他的父母不让他与家庭贫穷的女子结婚。family前缺少作定语的关系代词, 故选D。

10. (2015·苏州模拟)—How can I get to the island?

—You can’t get there ________ by swimming.

A. other than

B. rather than

C. more than

D. less than

【解析】选A。句意: ——我如何才能到达这个岛上? ——除了游泳之外

无法到达。other than“除了……之外(没有)”; rather than“而不是”; more than“不仅仅, 不只是”; less than“少于”。

11. China Dream is a great dream ________ anyone can make a positive influence on society and contribute to our country.

A. which

B. what

C. where

D. when

【解析】选C。考查定语从句引导词。句意: 中国梦是一个伟大的梦, 其中每个人都可以对社会有积极的影响, 都可以对我们的祖国做出贡献。该句是一个定语从句, a great dream是先行词, 分析从句可知句子中不缺主语、宾语或表语, 所以排除掉A; B项what不能引导定语从句; a great dream在从句中作抽象的地点状语, 而不是时间状语, 故选C, where=in which。

12. My friend Jack devoted all the time he could spare ________ his blog.

A. write

B. to write

C. writing

D. to writing

【解析】选D。考查devote time to doing sth. 的用法。句意: 我朋友Jack 把能抽出来的所有时间都用来写博客。句中he could spare为定语从句, 修饰time。13. (2015·盐城模拟) ________ abroad for a tour can be a great honor for an ordinary person like me.

A. Taken

B. Being taken

C. Taking

D. Having been taken

【解析】选B。句意: 对于像我这样的普通人来说被带去国外旅游是件


14. I’m not a little tired today after giving the room a thorough cleaning and I have never had ________ today.

A. as tiring a day as

B. as a tiring day

C. tiring as a day as

D. day as a tiring as

【解析】选A。考查“as+形容词+a/an+单数名词+as”结构。句意: 今天我彻底打扫了房间, 之后很累, 我从来没有度过像今天这么累的一天。【拓展延伸】

除as之外, 常用于该结构的副词还有so, too, how, 即: “so/too/how+形容词+a/an+单数名词+as”。另外, 当that用作副词, 表示“如此”时, 也可以用于该结构。例如:

This is too difficult a problem for me to work out.这道题太难, 我做不出来。

Professor Wang is so nice a person that we all respect him.

王教授人很好, 我们都很尊敬他。

How sweet a voice you have! (=What a sweet voice you have! )


15. (2015·南京模拟)Music should be taught routinely in schools because of the benefits ________ can have on the development of the brains of young children.

A. which

B. that

C. it

D. one

【解析】选C。考查代词。句意: 学校应该正常开设音乐课程, 因为音乐对孩子智力发展有益。benefits后面接的是定语从句, 作宾语的关系代词which或that被省略, it是定语从句的主语, 指代前面的music。本题需要分析句子结构, 否则易误选A或B。

Ⅱ. 完形填空

As a music teacher, I have always known that music touches the soul. It can1all kinds of barriers to reach students in a very special way. It can be the2for each child to find their light. I would like to3 a story about it.

For a few years I was4with the opportunity to teach disabled students. One of my most5students was a five-year-old girl called Vanessa, who had difficulty walking, and could not speak. We6sat on the floor for our music lessons and Vanessa liked to7on my lap(大腿). One of her favorite songs was John the Rabbit. It was a call and response song where I sang the call and the students8twice while singing the repeating phrase, “Oh, yes! ”Vanessa liked to9her hands together with mine and clap with me. We probably performed that song during every class, Vanessa and I clapping together. But she10said or sang a word.

One day, when the song was finished, Vanessa turned around, 11 me in the eye, clapped her tiny hands twice and said the words “Oh, yes! ”I opened my mouth in12and for that moment I was the one who could

not speak. When my heart13started beating again, I looked over at the assistant teacher to find her also14. Through music, we had made an awesome connection.

Several years later, I met Vanessa on the street in town. She waved with a big15on her face and then clapped her hands twice, imitating the song we had16so many times in our music class. The little girl, 17her connection with music, left an impression on me that will last forever. Every child has the18to learn and grow. It is up to us to19 the way to reach each and every one of our students. We all must find each child’s20.

【文章大意】音乐能够触及人们的心灵, 创造奇迹。

1. A. get across B. put away

C. take over

D. break through

【解析】选D。它能用一种特殊的方式突破各种障碍直击学生的心灵。get across被理解, 把……讲清楚; put away将……收起, 积蓄; take over 接替, 控制; break through突破, 克服(障碍等)。

2. A. means B. direction

C. process

D. effort

【解析】选A。它可能是让每个学生发现自己的闪光点的方法。means 方式; direction方向; process过程; effort努力。

3. A. add B. talk

C. share

D. write


4. A. blessed B. tired

C. covered

D. filled

【解析】选A。在过去的一些年中, 我曾经有机会教残疾孩子。be blessed with享有(幸福等), 具有。

5. A. troublesome B. hard-working

C. memorable

D. sensitive

【解析】选C。其中我最难忘的是一个五岁的孩子。troublesome带来麻烦的; hard-working努力工作的, 尽心尽力的; memorable容易记住的, 值得纪念的; sensitive敏感的。

6. A. hardly B. almost

C. nearly

D. mostly

【解析】选D。我们通常坐在地板上上音乐课。hardly几乎不, 几乎没有; almost几乎; nearly将近; mostly主要地, 通常。

7. A. stand B. sit C. lie D. jump

【解析】选B。联系上文“who had difficulty walking”可知这个小女孩是坐在我的大腿上的。

8. A. sang B. said

C. followed

D. clapped

【解析】选D。从下文“clap with me”可知答案, clap意为“拍手”。

9. A. strike B. put

C. give

D. shake

【解析】选B。Vanessa喜欢把她的手和我的手放在一起, 然后和我一起拍手。strike敲击; put放; give给; shake摇动。

10. A. ever B. never

C. still

D. even


11. A. looked B. saw

C. glared

D. noticed【解析】选A。Vanessa转过身, 直视着我的眼睛。look sb. in the eye直视某人的眼睛。

12. A. horror B. delight

C. astonishment

D. embarrassment

【解析】选C。我非常吃惊地张大了嘴。horror恐惧; delight高兴; astonishment吃惊; embarrassment尴尬。

13. A. immediately B. fortunately

C. slowly

D. finally

【解析】选D。因吃惊忘了呼吸, 忘了心跳, 但并不是不呼吸, 不心跳了, 而是最终回过神来了, 所以不能用slowly, 而用finally。

14. A. happy B. grateful

C. speechless

D. hopeless

【解析】选C。我看着那个助理教师, 发现她也惊讶得说不出话来了。speechless无语的。

15. A. greeting B. smileC. expression

D. sign

【解析】选B。她脸上挂着微笑, 向我招手。

16. A. performed B. operated

C. trained

D. organized

【解析】选A。模仿我们在音乐课上唱了很多次的歌。perform表演; operate操作; train训练; organize组织。

17. A. upon B. through

C. from

D. beyond

【解析】选B。由上文“Through music”可知答案。

18. A. standard B. ability

C. plan

D. necessity


19. A. discover B. invent

C. test

D. make

【解析】选A。得靠我们去发现通往学生心灵的路。discover发现; invent 发明; test检测; make做。

20. A. virtue B. dream

C. light

D. rhythm

【解析】选C。我们都必须找到每个孩子的闪光点, 这句话和第一段中的“It can be. . . find their light. ”相照应。

Ⅲ. 阅读理解

Every week in China, millions of people will sit in front of their TVs watching teenagers compete for the title Character Hero, which is a

Chinese-style spelling bee(拼写大赛). In this challenge, young competitors must write Chinese characters by hand. To prepare for the competition, the competitors usually spend months studying dictionaries.

Perh aps the show’s popularity should not be a surprise. Along with gunpowder and paper, many Chinese people consider the creation of Chinese calligraphy(书法)to be one of their primary contributions to civilization. Unfortunately, all over the country, Chinese people are forgetting how to write their own language without computerized help. Software on smart phones and computers allows users to type in the basic sound of the word using the Latin alphabet. The correct character is chosen from a list. The result? It’s possible to recognize characters without remembering how to write them.

But there’s still hope for the paint brush. China’s Education Ministry wants children to spend more time learning how to write.

In one Beijing primary school we visited, students practice calligraphy every day inside a specially decorated classroom with traditional Chinese paintings hanging on the walls. Soft music plays as a group of six-year-olds dip brush pens into black ink. They look up at the blackboard often to study their t eacher’s examples before carefully attempting to reproduce those characters on thin rice paper. “If adults can survive without using handwriting, why bother to teach it now? ”we ask the calligraphy teacher, Shen Bin. “The ability to write characters is par t of Chinese tradition and

culture, ”she reasons. “Students must learn now so they don’t forget when they grow up. ”says the teacher.

【文章大意】本文主要介绍了汉字拼写大赛的情况和意义, 汉字书写的复苏能更好地帮助了解中国的传统文化。

1. What can we learn about the Character Hero?

A. It’s open to people of all ages and all walks.

B. It’s the most-viewed TV program in China.

C. It aims to spread Chinese culture to the world.

D. It draws great public attention across the country.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第一段中Every week in China, millions of people will sit in front of their TVs watching teenagers compete for the title Character Hero, 可知这个节目吸引了公众的注意力。

2. Why are Chinese people forgetting how to write the characters?

A. Chinese people don’t refer to dictionaries very often.

B. Chinese people no longer use brush pens or practice calligraphy.

C. Chinese people are using the Latin alphabet instead of the characters.

D. Chinese people needn’t write by hand as often with the help of technology.

【解析】选D。细节理解题。根据第二段Chinese people are forgetting how to write their own language without computerized help. Software on smart phones and computers allows users to type in the basic sound of the word using the Latin alphabet. 可知选D。

3. According to Shen Bin, being able to write characters by hand is ________ .

A. necessary for adults to survive in China

B. a requirement made by the Education Ministry

C. helpful to keep Chinese tradition and culture alive

D. an ability to be developed only when you are students

【解析】选C。细节理解题。根据短文最后一段中“The ability to write characters is part of Chin ese tradition and culture, ”可知选C。

4. Where does this text probably come from?

A. A news report.

B. A science report.

C. An advertisement.

D. Children’s literature.

【解析】选A。文章出处题。本文主要讲了关于每周汉字拼写大赛的报道和大赛的意义, 推知本文是一篇新闻报道。


巧用寻读, 破解事实细节题

抓住文段中的事实和细节是做好事实细节题的关键。做这一类题一般采用寻读法, 即先读题, 然后带着问题快速阅读短文, 找出与问题有关的词语或句子, 再对相关部分进行分析对比, 找出答案。



三年级下册语文课堂作业本参考答案 【说明:主观题答案不唯一,仅供参考,学生的答案言之有理即可。另外,本册片段练习计入“每周三写”中。】 1、长城和运河 第1课时〔自主检测〕三、万里长城京杭大运河中华民族的祖先 〔自能拓展〕秦兵马俑圆明园北京故宫拉萨布达拉宫赵州桥敦煌莫高窟 第2课时〔自能拓展〕瞧,那透亮的蓝绸带是什么呀?哦,原来是京杭大运河。它北起首都北京,南到天堂杭州,有1700多千米长呢!阳光照在河面上,像撒上了一层金子。一艘艘大货船连接在一起,威风凛凛地驶向远方。看着滚滚的运河水,我的眼前仿佛出现了一群群劳动人民,是他们一锹锹,一担担挖出了这举世闻名的大运河!我们的祖先用智慧和汗水创造了这一奇迹,真了不起啊! 2、美丽的南沙群岛 第1课时〔自能拓展〕星罗棋布鳞次栉比琳琅满目 第2课时〔自主检测〕一、1、丰富丰盛丰满2、辽阔宽阔广阔二、2、海洋生物矿产资源海洋动力“南沙是祖国巨大的蓝色宝库”〔自能拓展〕南沙拥有难以计数的珍贵的海洋生物。她水产种类繁多,有浮游植物155种,浮游动物200多种,贝壳66种。站在海边,你会看见龙虾穿梭,燕鱼飞跃,海龟漫游,令你目不暇接。 3、庐山的云雾 第2课时〔自主检测〕二、1、一刹那顿时一眨眼随即一瞬间4、庐山的云雾,刚刚还是一棵参天的大树,转眼间就变成了一朵朵含苞欲放的荷花。〔自能拓展〕夏日的夜晚,亚细亚广场的喷泉美不胜收。这些喷泉千姿百态,有的像矮墩墩的蘑菇,有的像陡峭的山峰,有的像盛开的莲花……它们在五彩缤纷的灯光的照耀下,闪烁着迷人的光芒。 4、翻越远方的大山 第1课时〔自能拓展〕1、无论何事,只要对它有无限的热情你就能取得成功。——施瓦布 2、有所成就是人生唯一的真正的乐趣。——爱迪生 3、可以说成功要靠三件事才能赢得:努力、努力、再努力。——哈代 第2课时〔自主检测〕二4、佩服大海心胸宽广,海纳百川,不骄傲。〔自能拓展〕许海峰射击;周继红跳水;李宁体操;;楼云体操;马燕红体操女子高低杠;李玉伟射击;吴小旋射击;栾菊杰击剑等 5、雪儿 第1课时〔自能拓展〕1、火红银灰杏黄天蓝2、干干净净安安静静端端正正吞吞吐吐3、千变万化千军万马千言万语千丝万缕 第2课时〔自能拓展〕我趴在阳台上,双手轻轻托着雪儿。雪儿展开那洁白的翅膀,在蓝天中盘旋,忽然,它又朝我飞来,在我手心轻轻啄了两下,然后泪汪汪地看着我,似乎在说:“小主人,谢谢你使我健康,给我自由。我也希望你早日康复,回到温暖的集体中。”我哽咽着说:“雪儿,再见了,你要多保重!”雪儿依依不舍地飞远了,我含着眼泪目送着它……


2015-2016牛津译林版 2015—2016学年度第一学期期末学情分析 七年级英语试卷 听力部分(共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) A) 听下面10段对话。每段对话后有1个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳 选项。每段对话读两遍。 1. Which festival are they talking about? A. B. C. 2. What is Miss Zhang’s job? A. B. C. 3. What does Jimmy do after school? A. B. C. 4. What does Mary want to have ? A. B. C. 5. What is Frank like? A. He is tall and slim. B. He is short and strong. C. He is tall and strong. 6. What colour is Lucy’s blouse? A. White. B. Red. C. Black. 7. What does John need to do? A. Some exercise. B. Lots of homework. C. Too much housework. 8. Where are they talking? A. In a fast food shop. B. In the hospital. C. In the school. 9. How does Kitty go to school? A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus. 10. What is the time now?


苏教版九年级上册物理课时作业本答案【六篇】基础练习 1、带了电;电荷;摩擦起电;轻小物体 2、玻璃棒;橡胶棒 3、排斥;吸引 4、相同;排斥 5、是否带电;同种电荷互相排斥 6、电荷多少;电荷;库伦;库;C 7、带电;吸引 8、正;同种电荷相互排斥 9、摩擦起电 10、摩擦;吸引轻小物体 11、12、13、14、 DCBC 拓展提高 15、可能;一定 16、ABC 17、18、19、20、21、 BDBDD 第十五章第1节两种电荷第2课时答案 基础练习

1、原子核;电子;转移 2、容易;不容易 3、大量的自由电荷;几乎没有自由移动的电荷;自由电子 4、5、6、7、 CCAA 拓展提高 8、导体;弱 9、10、11、12、13、 DCDDCD 第十五第2节电流和电路答案 基础练习 1、定向移动;正;正;负 2、导线;电源、用电器、开关;用电器、开关 3、符号;电动机;电阻;电池 4、自由电子;相反 5、断路;通路;短路 6、开关 7、8、9、10、 DDAD 11、12、13、14、 DCCC

拓展提高 15、断开;闭合 16、17、18、19、20、BDBDB 第十五第3节串联和并联答案 基础练习 1、逐个顺次;并列 2、并;串;并联 3、并 4、相互;不能;互不;能 5、S;S和S 6、7、8、 CCC 9、10、11、 DAB 拓展提高 12、短路;A;并联 13、B 14、D 15、(1)S;S和S (2)S和S;S

(3)L (4)S;S 16、(1)不一定;如果是并联的,开关接在干路中即可控制所有支路 (2)拧下其中一盏灯,若另一盏灯仍然发光,则是并联;若另一盏等不发光,则是串联 第十五第4节电流的测量答案 基础练习 1、电流强弱;I;安培 2、(1)200 (2)0.05 (3)0~3A;0.7;0~0.6A;0.42 4、0.48 5、6、7、8、9、 DBDDA 拓展提高 10、L;干路 11、AC 12、甲同学:电流表正、负接线柱接反了 乙同学:电流表量程选择太大 丙同学:电流表量程现在太小了


Unit 1 I’m Liu Tao 一、复习Unit1核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词。 二、认读下面的单词和短语 hello你好 hi 你好 I 我 I’m = I am 我是 Liu Tao 刘涛 Yang Ling 杨玲 Su Hai 苏海 Wang Bing 王兵 Amy 艾米 Tommy 汤米Lily 莉莉 *story 故事 * time时间 *fun 娱乐 *song 歌曲 *game 游戏 *play a game 玩一个游戏 *sing a song 唱一首歌

Unit 2 Good morning! 一、复习Unit2核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词 二、认读下面的单词和短语 good 好的 morning早上 afternoon 下午 evening 晚上 night夜晚Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 Good evening 晚上好Good night 晚安 woof (狗叫的)汪汪声 you 你 *say 说 *cat 猫 *dog 狗 *lion 狮子 *pig 猪 *rhyme 歌谣*say a rhyme 说一首儿歌 *play a game玩一个游戏*sing a song 唱一首歌*read a story 读一个故事

Unit 3 This is Miss Li 一、复习Unit3核心词汇,能看图说出英语单词 二、认读下面的单词和短语 this这 is是 Mr 先生 Miss 小姐 my 我的 dad 爸爸 mum妈妈Goodbye 再见 Good morning 早上好 Good afternoon 下午好 teacher 老师 This is …这是 … *brother 哥哥,弟弟 *sister 姐姐,妹妹 *grandpa 爷爷 *grandma 奶奶 *daddy 爸爸(昵称) *mummy 妈妈 (昵称)


一、填空题 1.下列条件能形成集合的是 ________. (1)充分小的负数全体 (2)爱好飞机的一些人; (3)某班本学期视力较差的同学 (4)某校某班某一天所有课程. 【解析】 综观 (1)(2)(3) 的对象不确定,唯有 (4)某校某班某一天所有课程的对象确定,故能形成集合的是 (4). 【答案】 (4) x +y =2 .方程组 的解集用列举法表示为 ________;用描述法表示为 ________. 2 x -y =5 【解析】 x +y =2 的解集为方程组的解. 因 x -y =5 7 3 解该方程组 x = 2, y =- 2 . 7 3 则用列举法表示为 {( 2,- 2)} ;用描述法表示为 x , y x +y =2 . x -y =5 【答案】 {( 7 ,- 3 , x +y = 2 2 2)} x y x -y = 5 3.函数 y = x 2 -2x - 1 图象上的点组成的集合为 A ,试用“∈”或“ ?”号填空. ① (0,- 1)________A ;② (1,- 2)________A ; ③ (-1,0)________A. 【解析】 把各点分别代入函数式,可知 (0,- 1)∈ A , (1,- 2)∈ A ,(- 1,0)?A. 【答案】 ∈,∈, ? 4. (2013 ·徐州高一检测 )若一个集合中的三个元素 a ,b ,c 是△ ABC 的三边长,则此三角形一定不是 ________三角形. (用“锐角,直角,钝角,等腰”填空 ) 【解析】 由集合中元素的互异性可知 a ≠b ≠c ,故该三角形一定不是等腰三角形. 【答案】 等腰 5.用描述法表示如图 1- 1- 1 所示中阴影部分的点 (包括边界上的点 )的坐标的集合是


Unit One This is me! 1.What’s your name? 2.This is… 3.an instruction book 4.look after 5.make friends with 6.introduce oneself to each other 7.a profile of oneself 8.welcome to + n. 9.at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School 10.Good morning (afternoon, evening, night)! 11.12 years old=12-year-old 12.live in (a flat) 13.be clever at (be good at = do well in) 14.in the school basketball team 15.in the Reading Club 16.call sb. + name https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6d15844111.html,e from = be from 18.be born in (on) 19.at school (compare with: at the school) 20.have hair in a ponytail (have hair in bunches) 21.like doing sth. (love doing sth, enjoy doing sth.) 22.listen to (music, teacher) 23.look at 24.work hard (compare with: hard work) 25.wear glasses 26.play computer games 27.want to do sth. 28.make notes about 29.know each other 30.the Class 1, Grade 7 students =the students in Class 1, Grade 7 31.help sb. do sth. 32.It’s time for sth. =It’s time to do sth. 33.PE class 34.football boots 35.tennis racket 36.football field 37.tennis court 38.swimming pool 39.play…with sb. 40.talk to sb. 41.at lunchtime 42.take sb. for a walk 43.after school 你叫什么名字? 这是……(用于介绍人或物) 一本说明书 照料,保管 与……交朋友 相互间进行自我介绍 一份某人自己的档案 欢迎到……来 在北京阳光中学 早上好!(下午好,晚上好,晚安)12岁 住在(公寓里) 在……方面聪明(在……很擅长)在校篮球队 在阅读俱乐部 称某人为…… 来自……,……地方人 出生于…… 在校学习班(在学校里) 将头发扎成马尾辫(扎辫子) 喜欢做某事 听(音乐,老师讲课) 看…… 努力工作(对比:艰苦的工作) 戴眼镜 玩电脑游戏 想要做某事 做有关……的记录 相互了解 七年级一班的学生 帮助某人做某事 是该做某事的时候了。 体育课 足球鞋 网球拍 足球场 网球场 游泳池 和某人一起玩…… 和某人交谈 在午餐时间 带某人去散步 放学后


上句:回答: 1. Hello, I’m Liu Tao. 你好,我是刘涛。 Hi, I’m Yang Ling.你好,我是杨玲 2. Hello, Wang Bing. 你好,王兵。 Hi, Su Hai.你好,苏海。 3. Good morning. 早上好 Good morning. Good afternoon. 下午好 Good afternoon. Good evening. 晚上好 Good evening. Good night. 晚安 Good night. 4.This is Miss Li. 这是李老师 Good .....Miss Li Hello/Hi Miss Li. 5.Is this a teddy? 这是一只泰迪熊么? Yes, it is No, it isn’t. It’s a puppy. 6. A cherry, please. 请给我一颗樱桃。 OK. 好的 Thank you.谢谢 7.Look at my balloon. 看我的气球 It’s red/nice/beautiful....它是红/漂亮等等 8.I can dance/sing/... 我会。。。 Great. 好棒 9.Put on your coat. 穿上你的外套 OK/Yes.好的 10.How many red marbles?多少个红色弹珠? Three red marbles. 三颗红色弹珠 11.Ouch! 嗷! I’m sorry. 对不起 That’s OK.没关系 12.Is this your pencil?这是你的铅笔么? Yes, it is. 是的,它是。 No, it isn’t.不,它不是。 13.I like carrots.我喜欢胡萝卜。 Me too.我也是 14.Onions? 要洋葱么? Yes, please. 好的,谢谢。 No, thank you.不要,谢谢 15.Look at the flowers.看那些花。 They’re colourful.它们多彩的 16.Look at the flower.看这朵花。 It’s colourful..它是多彩的 17.Look at the ladybird.看这只七星瓢虫。 It’s cute.它真可爱。 18.What’s this? 这是什么? It’s a cicada.它是一只蝉。 19.Are you ready? 你们准备好了吗? Yes. 20.One, two, three, run.1,2,3,跑! OK. 好的。 Well done.干的好。 21.What’s that? 那是什么? (Baa!) It’s a lamb.(咩)它是一只羊。 22.What’s in your bag? 你书包里有什么? A bottle, a hankie and three stickers. 一个瓶子,一块手帕和3张贴纸

苏教牛津译林版小学英语一年级上册Unit 52练习

苏教牛津译林版 小学英语 内容精选 学习单词,背诵课文,基础知识很重要! 苏教牛津译林版小学英语和你一起共同进步学业有成! Unit 5 A cherry, please第二课时习题 一、选出正确的汉语意思 ( ) 1. peach A. 苹果 B. 桃子

( ) 2. banana A. 香蕉 B.西瓜 ( ) 3. box A. 盒子 B. 书包 ( ) 4. cherry A. 葡萄 B. 樱桃 二、选择与图片相应的单词写一写。 1. ________________ 2. _________________ 3. _________________ 4.___________________ 三、按要求写一写。 1. This is a cherry.(疑问式)___________ 2. yes (反义词)________________ 3.a banana (英译汉)_______________ 4. Thank you(英译汉)______________ 四、情景交际 ( )1. 当你想要一颗葡萄时,你应说:________ A. A grape, please B. A cherry, please. ( )2.当你想问对方“这是一只”泰极熊”吗时,你应说:______ A. Is this a puppy? B. Is this a teddy? ( )3.当你想告诉对方“这是一个盒子”时,你应说:______ A. This is a box. B. This is a bag. ( )4.当别人给了你一个苹果时,你应说:_______ A. Thank you B. OK. 五、看图,选出正确的答语。 peach banana cherry grape

一年级上册英语教案 Good morning 牛津译林

教学目标: 知识能力与技能 Learn to greet people with hello, hi, Good morning/afternoon/evening. How are you? And their answers; Learn the pronunciation and the writing of letters Aa-Hh; Know something about familiar boy names and girl names; Understand some abbreviations HB, CD、BBC. 过程与方法 With the studying strategies of Imitating and Drilling, get the students to do Pair work to learn how to say hello to and greet people in English by using the teaching courseware, pictures, flashcards; Catch the others’ information by practicing conversations; Know the greetings well by singing English song. 情感、态度与价值观 This content is easy to understand and the basic greetings in English, and it’s the easiest to imitate and use. It can not only make the students fall interest in English, but also make them learn how to communicate with others politely; At the same time, it can make the students learn how to call the westerners and know something about the western cultures. 重点难点: 1、Learn the pronunciation and writing of letters Aa~Hh and consolidate the pronouncing rules of the vowel letters A, E in English


第一单元评估检测题听力材料及参考答案 听力材料 A. 根据所听的内容,选择正确图片,每段对话读两遍。 1. W: What is your uncle, Jim?M: He is a policeman. 2. W: Look! What are the boys doing there?M: Oh, they are reading books. 3. W: What’s this in English?M: It’s a rubber. 4. M: Are my glasses by the telephone?W: No. Here they are, under the table. B. 根据所听的内容,选择正确答案。听两遍。 5. M: What is Millie doing?W: She is swimming. 6. M: Could you tell me your telephone number?W: Sure, It’s 84561968. 7. M: Hi, Lucy. Is this white blouse yours?W: No, it isn’t. It’s Lily’s. 8. W: How many boys and girls are there in Class One?M: There are 24 boys and 19 girls in it. 9. W: Who in our class has a ruler? M: Tom has a green ruler. Mike has a brown one. David has a yellow one. 10. M: Can I help you, sir?W: I’d like to buy a book. C. 听对话,选择正确答案. 听两遍。听第一段对话,回答第11-12小题。 M: Hello, Amy. Are you at home now?W: Yes. I’m staying with my cousin at home. M: What’s he doing?W: He’s playing a new computer game. M: Are you playing the game with him now?W: No. I’m reading a book. 听第一篇短文,回答13-15题。请根据短文内容,选择正确答案,完成信息记录表。听两遍。 Miss Wu is only twenty-one. She is tall and thin, and she has brown, long hair. She likes children and her teaching work. From Monday to Friday she stays at school and gives the children classes. She has much work to do , but she often plays games with her students after school . The children like her very much. On Sunday she goes home by bus and stays with her father and mother. Sometimes she goes to see her friends on Sunday. She likes singing and swimming. She’s a nice teacher. 听第二篇短文,选择正确答案,共听两遍。 Jack and John are twins. They are good at English. They like to swim and ride bikes in their holidays. They like to fly kites too. They often fly kites near the lake. But they are not all the same .Jack likes playing football, but John likes playing ping-pong. Jack likes listening to music, but John likes drawing pictures. They often help each other. 参考答案 I. 1~5 BCAAA 6~10 BABCB 11~15 ABABC 16~20 ABAAA II. 21~25 CBBCA 26~-30 CBBCC 31~35 DDBDD 36~40 CDBDB III. 41~45 BABBB 46~50 BCABC IV. 51~55 CCBDB 56~60 BBCCA 61~65 CBCAD 66~-70 CAABC 阅读理解A短文:试题分析: 51.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Their father , Mr King , is a teacher .””理解可知,故选C. 52.细节理解题,根据文中语句“Lily can play the guitar .”理解可知,故选C. 53.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mrs King ,is a teacher ,too .She teaches Chinese .”理解可知,故选B。 54.细节理解题,根据文中语句““Mr and Mrs King are in different schools .”理解可知,故选D. 55.细节理解题,根据文中语句““They are in the same class in the NO.1 Middle School .”理解可知,故选B.


7A Unit1 This is me 1.your name你的名字 2.my master我的主人 3.rend this book读这本书 4.look after照顾,照看 5.good morning/ afternoon/evening早上/下午/晚上好 6.nice to meet you见到你很高兴 7.Class l,Grade 7七年级(1)班 8.12 years old 12岁 9.love reading喜爱阅读 10.my new classmates我的新同学们 11.like sports喜欢体育运动 12.play football 踢足球play with sth 玩耍 13.after school放学后 14.like music喜欢音乐 15.be from= come from 来自be from Nanjing来自南京 16.be good at = do well in + v-ing 擅长 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6d15844111.html,e from来自 18.live with sb和某人一起居住 19.wear glasses 戴眼镜 20.an e-dog 一只电子狗 21.master n. 主人,大师v. 掌握 22.welcome to + 地点欢迎来到......(副词home,there和here,to省略) 23.let sb not do sth 让某人(不要)做某事 24.like to do sth. like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 25.This is...... 向别人介绍某人 26.live with sb in ... 和别人住在某地 27.be nice/friendly to sb 对某人友好的 28.all one’s lesson 某人所有的功课all the lessons 所有的功课 Unit2 Let’s play sports 1.play sports做运动;进行体育活动 2.many times a day一-天多次 3.play tennis打网球 4.enjoy listening to music喜爱听音乐 5.go swimming去游泳 6.Huanghe Football Club黄河足球俱乐部 7.the World Cup世界杯 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6d15844111.html,e true变为现实;成为事实 9.free time空余时间 10.get up起床 11.on/at weekends( = on/ at the weekend)在周末 12.of course当然 13.table tennis乒乓球 14. a lot of(= lots of)许多;大量 15.talk about/of谈论 16.watch basketball matches观看篮球赛 17.play with和某人一起玩;玩弄 18.once 一次twice两次three times 19.favourite = like...best 最喜欢的 20.what about = how about + v-ing ......怎么样?


牛津译林版一年级英语上册教学计划 一、学情分析 一年级小朋友刚接触英语,对英语学习兴趣很浓,模仿能力很强,学习习惯还未养成,因此要注重学生习惯养成。但由于年龄的特点,注意力容易分散,如果单调的一味的讲解知识,会影响他们的学习积极性,取得的效果也会不如意。所以,应当从他们的年龄特点出发,多在课堂上设计活动,增强趣味性。从而达到使他们从一开始就喜欢英语的目标。 二、教材分析: 本册教科书共八个单元(包括六个新授单元和两个复习单元),每个新授单元都按"话题--功能--结构--任务"相结合的体系,设计和编排了大量视、听、读、唱、画、游、演、做等语言实践活动。话题贴近生活、对话浅显易懂、活动丰富多样、语言地道典型、情景自然真实、歌曲优美动听、歌谣明快流畅、插图活泼生动,比较符合儿童的生理和心理特点以及儿童学习语言的规律。 三、教学目的: 1、培养良好学习习惯,激发学生学习英语的兴趣; 2、培养学生纯正的语音、语调; 3、能根据教师的简单指令做事情,自己也能发号简单指令; 4、能运用所学的知识进行简单的交流; 5、能唱简单的英文歌曲,能说简单的英文歌谣;

6、能看图说出单词,听到单词说出物品; 四、教材重点、难点: 1、能根据教师的简单指令做事情,自己也能发号简单的指令; 2、能运用所学的对话进行简单的交流; 3、能唱简单的英文歌曲,能说简单的英文歌谣; 4、能看图说出单词,听到单词说出物品。 五、教学措施 针对目前学生刚入学的现状和所学英语水平参差不齐的现状,以及这册书所提出的教学要求,我在提高教学质量,为学生能够顺利进入一年级小学生的学习生活中来,我准备采取以下几项措施: 1.加大游戏及歌曲在课堂中出现的频率,充分利用低年级学生好动的年龄特点,通过课堂活动调动学生学习的积极性。 2.加强学生听训练。主要包括:课上大量听课文录音;回家让家长督促孩子听已学过的知识,并要求学生做到及时预习新知识。 3.总结、积累和归纳语言素材,包括词汇、词组、短语、短句,并加大灵活运用力度,使学生扎扎实实的掌握每课书所出现的词汇。 4、给予学生明确的期望值,激励学生不断进取。学习是件愉快的事,也是件需要不断付出劳动的工程。要相信学生,肯定他们是一定能不断成功的。 5、要尽可能多地创造充足的语言"习得"机会,给孩子们创设"习

牛津译林版英语一年级下Unit4 Spring 教案和习题及答案


Unit 4 Spring 第一课时习题一、看图写单词。 1. ____________ 2.____________ 3,____________ 4.____________ 二、根据要求写词汇或句子。

1 .漂亮(翻译成英语)____________ 2. 高兴的(翻译成英语)______________ 3. 他们是。(翻译成英语)______________ 4. colourful.(翻译成汉语) ___________ 5. green.(翻译成汉语) ______________ 三、根据汉语提示写单词。 1. ___ ___ _______ (看这)the giraffe . 2. I like playing________(放风筝) . 3. They are ________ (漂亮). 四、选择题。 ( ) 1. I like _________. Do you like _________? A. kites ; it B. kites ; them C. kite; them D. kites ; they ( ) 2. Let’s __________ the pictures . A. look at B. to look at C. looking D. looks 五、按要求完成句子。 1. Do/ like/ you/flowers (?) (连词成句) ___________________________________________ 2. at/ look/the/trees (.)(连词成句) ___________________________________________ 3. They are flowers. (提问) _________________________________________ 4. The apples are red. (翻译成汉语) _________________________________________ Unit 4 Spring. 第一课时答案


整理牛津译林版小学一年级英语下册全册教案精写 一年级集体备课教案 ●课题 Unit1 Let’s count ●使用 1 课时●总第 1 课时 ●教学目标 1、能听懂、会说、会读句型How many marbles?并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles来回答。 2、能听懂、会说、认读单词One, two, three,four,five, marbles 3、能听懂他人使用的Let’s count. ●教学重点难点 教学重点:能听懂句型How many marbles?并明白要用One, two, three,four,five marbles来回答。 教学难点:数字的熟练运 ●教学具准备及辅助活动 图片,多媒体 ●主要板书计划 Unit 1 Let’s count How many marbles? One, two three, four, five. ●作业设计、安排

课内 练习How many marbles? one two three four five 课外 熟练课中所学内容 ●教学过程二次备 课 Step1 Greeting T:Class begins. Ss:Stand up. T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning, Miss ... T: Good morning, boys. Boys: Good morning, Miss ... T: Good morning, girls. Girls: Good morning, Miss ... T: Sit down, please. T: Nice to see you again. This is the first leSson this term.Let’s enjoy a song first.播放 Step 2 Presentation


苏教牛津译林初中英语 重点知识精选 掌握英语语法知识,巩固词汇量和各种语态,学好英语基础一定要扎实,大家一起练习吧! 牛津译林初中英语和你一起共同进步学业有成!

unit2 Great people Teaching aims Reveiew different tenses have learnt before. Review the simple present and present continuous tense. Review the simple past and past continuous tense. Review the simple past and present perfect. Teaching focus Review the simple present and present continuous tense. Review the simple past and past continuous tense. Review the simple past and present perfect. Difficult points Review the simple past and present perfect. Teaching method Task-based approach,Learning & practice Teaching procedures The second preparing lessons Step1. Presentation We have learnt different tenses . Review different use of simple present tense. Used for Example A preent state John lives in New York. Daily routine and habits I always go to bed at 10 p.m. Present actions that happen one after another School is over and the students go home. Actions set by a timetable or schedule The talk show starts at 7 p.m. Review different use of present continuous tense. It is 6:30 p.m. It is raining heavily outside. Used for Example Actions that happen at the same time Look! The reporter is interviewing the astronaut. Actions that happen at the same time Mum is doing the housework and Dad is working on the computer Action in a limited period of time I am work ing on a history project this week.


1.1 100以内的连加、连减和加减混合运算 1.口算。 62—30+25= 16—5+31= 20+28—13= 89—39—6= 2.在计算90—50+29时,先算(),再算(),结果是() 3.40与20的差再加上35,列式是(),结果是() 4.竖式计算。 46+36+18= 93—26—35= 23+47—28= 5.上午在摘了38个西瓜,下午摘了46个西瓜。 (1)一天共摘了多少个西瓜? (2)运走了60个,还剩多少个? □○□=□()□○□=□() 答案: 1.57 42 35 44 2.减法加法 69 3.40-20+35 55 4.100 32 42 5.(1)38+46=84(个)(2)84-60=24(个) 1.2 把两个数量摆成同样多的实际问题 1.第一行摆9个圆,第二行摆5个,第一行比第二行多()个,第一行移()个到第二行就同样多。 2.第一行摆8个,第二行摆12个,两行相差()个,第二行去掉()个就和第一行同样多。 3.画一画,再解答 (1)在横线上画△,比☆多6个,△有()个

☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ □○□=□ (2)在横线上画△,比○少7个,△有()个○○○○○○○○○○ □○□=□ 4.看图填空。 OOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOO (1)第一行添上()个,就和第二行同样多。 (2)第二行拿掉()个,就和第一行同样多。 (3)从第二行拿()个摆到第一行,两行的个数就同样多。 答案: 1.4 2 2.4 4 3.(1)13 △△△△△△△△△△△△△7+6=13 (2)3 △△△ 10-7=3 4.(1)6 (2)6 (3)3 1.3 求比一个数多(少)几的数是多少的实际问题 1、在横线上画○,比△少2个。 △△△△△△ □○□=□ 2、笑笑摘了21个葫芦,强强摘的葫芦比笑笑多12个,强强摘了多少个葫芦?


第1课时口算和估算 一、想一想,算一算。 2×4= 3×5= 5×6= 20×4= 30×5= 50×6= 200×4= 300×5= 500×6= 二、口算。 10×3= 8×20= 6×200= 50×9= 7×80= 400×3= 三、在中填上“>”“<”或“=”。 59×4 240 6×51 300 102×5 500 8×198 1600 答案:一、8 80 800 15 150 1500 30 300 3000 二、30 160 1200 450 560 1200 三、< > > <

第2课时倍的认识。 四、○○○ △△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△△ ☆☆☆☆☆☆ 18里面有()个3,△的个数是○的()倍。 18里面有()个6,△的个数是☆的()倍。 五、一支钢笔16元,一本练习本4元,一支钢笔的价钱是一本练习本的几倍? 六、王阿姨家来了客人。王阿姨从水果店购买了24个苹果,4个西瓜,8个橘子。 (1)苹果的个数是橘子的几倍? (2)橘子的个数是西瓜的几倍? (3)你还能提出一个什么数学问题?并解答。 答案:一、6 6 3 3 二、16÷4=4 三、(1)24÷8=3 (2)8÷4=2 (3)略

第3课时求一个数的几倍是多少的实际问题 七、9的3倍是多少?列式为()。 9是3的几倍?列式为()。 八、 一辆大客车限乘多少人? 九、体育课上跑步的有6人,拍球的人数是跑步的3倍,跳绳的人数是跑步的5倍。 答案:一、9×3 9÷3 二、6×9=54(人)答:一辆大客车限乘54人。 三、拍球:6×3=18(人)跳绳:6×5=30(人)

第4课时练习一 十、40×4= 8×200= 70×2= 500×4= 30×9= 800×6= 十一、一根电缆长900多米,某施工队每天用80~90米,9天能用完这根电缆吗?()(填“能”或“不能”) 十二、 (1)爸爸今年多少岁? (2)妈妈今年多少岁? 答案:一、160 1600 140 2000 270 4800 二、不能 三、(1)8×5=40(岁)(2)8+28=36(岁)

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