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·Hello.may (can) I help you?[您好,我可以帮您吗?

·What seems to be bothering you?[您觉得哪儿不舒服?

·Do you have a record?[您有病历吗?

·I`ll transfer you to the surgery department.[我给您转到外科去

·what`s wrong with you?[您怎么了?

·Sit down, please.[请坐

·When did the symptom begin ?[症状是什么时候开始的?

·All right. Let me examine you. Would you mind taking off your coat?[好吧。我给您检查一下,您不介意脱掉外衣吧?

·Take a deep breath, please[请深呼吸

·I`ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination.[我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查

·I`m sure it`s Acute appendicitis . You should receive an operation.[我可以确定您得了阑尾炎,应当手术。

·How long have you been like this?[这种症状有多久了?

·When did you begin to notice these symptoms?[您什么时候发现这些症状的?·What`s up with you?[你生什么病了?]

·What`s the matter with you?[你哪儿不舒服?]

·When did the trouble start?[什么时候开始不舒服?]

·When did the pain start?[什么时候开始痛的?]

·When did it happen?[什么时候发生的?]

·When did your diarrhea start?[你什么时候开始腹泻的?]

·What kind of pain do you feel?[你觉得怎么个痛法?]

·What did you vomit, food or blood?[你吐的是什么?食物还是血?]

·What`s your stool like?[大便是什么样子?]

·Where is your pain?[你觉得哪儿痛?]

·Where does it hurt?[哪儿痛?]

·What`s your appetite?[你的胃口怎么样?]

·How`s your appetite those days?[近来食欲怎么样?]

·How long have you been feeling like this?[你有这样感觉多长时间了?]

·Have you got a high fever?[你发烧吗?]

·Do you feel pain after meals?[是饭后痛吗?]

·Do you feel abdominal pain when you go to the toilet?[你去厕所时感到腹痛吗?] ·Do you have a pain in your stomach?[你肚子痛吗?]

·Do you have a cough?[你咳嗽吗?]

·Do you remember how many times you went to the toilet?[你记得去过多少次厕所吗?]

·Did you receive any treatment before you came to the hospital?[来医院前你接受过治疗吗?]

·I`d like to listen to your belly.

·I`d like to run a few tests.[我想给你做些检查。

·You must have a blood (sputum) test.[你需要验验血(痰)。

Associate professor,Attending doctor

Electrocardiogram x-ray examination blood test Signed informed consent


目录 一、医院文书书写...................................... 错误!未定义书签。 二、医学英语常用前后缀................................ 错误!未定义书签。 三、医学英语缩写一览表................................ 错误!未定义书签。 四、医学英语常用短语.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 五、英语问诊常用句子.................................. 错误!未定义书签。 六、医院日常用品和设备................................ 错误!未定义书签。

一、医院文书书写 1、抗生素医嘱[Antibiotic order] ·Prophylaxis [预防性用药] Duration of oder[用药时间] 24hr Procedure[操作,手术] ·Empiric theraphy [经验性治疗] Suspected site and organism[怀疑感染的部位和致病菌] 72hr Cultures ordered[是否做培养] ·Documented infection[明确感染] Site and organism[部位和致病菌] 5days ·Other[其他] Explanation required [解释理由] 24hr ·Antibiotic allergies[何种抗生素过敏] No known allergy [无已知的过敏] ·Drug+dose+Route+frequency[药名+剂量+途径+次数] 2、医嘱首页[Admission / transfer] ·Admit / transfer to [收入或转入] ·Resident [住院医师] Attending[主治医师] ·Condition [病情] ·Diagnosis[诊断] ·Diet [饮食] ·Acitivity [活动] ·Vital signs[测生命体征] ·I / O [记进出量] ·Allergies[过敏] 3、住院病历[case history] ·Identification [病人一般情况] Name[性名] Sex[性别] Age [年龄] Marriage[婚姻] Person to notify and phone No.[联系人及电话] Race[民族] 身份证] Admission date[入院日期] Source of history[病史提供者] Reliability of history[可靠程度] Medical record No[病历号] Business phone No.[工作单位电话] Home address and phone No.[家庭住地及电话] ·Chief complaint[主诉] ·History of present illness[现病史] ·Past History[过去史] Family History[家族史] Ob/Gyn History[ 婚姻/生育史] Personnal history Surgical[外科] Medical[内科] Medications[用药] Allergies[过敏史] Social History[社会史] Habits[个人习惯] Smoking[吸烟] Alcohol use[喝酒] ·Review of Aystems[系统回顾] General[概况] Eyes,Ears,Nose and throat[五官] Pulmonary[呼吸] Cardiovascular[心血管] GI[消化] GU[生殖、泌尿系统] genitourinary Musculoskeletal[肌肉骨骼] Neurology[神经系统] Endocrinology[内分泌系统] Lymphatic/Hematologic[淋巴系统/血液系统] ·Physi cal Exam[体检] P[脉博] Bp[血压] R[呼吸] T[温度]


常用医学英语短语 常用医学英语短语常用医学英语短语i can't lift my right arm. i cough a great deal at night . i don't feel like eating anything. i feel a bit off color. i feel a pain in my left leg. i feel absolutely rotten. i feel chilly. i feel dizzy and i've got no appetite. i feel feverish. i feel hot and cold. i feel like i'm burning up. i feel like vomiting. i feel poorly. i feel rather unwell. i feel shivery and i've got a sore throat. i feel sick. i feel so ill. i feel very bad. i feel a dull pain in the stomach.

i have a headache. i have a splitting headache. i have a stomach-ache. i have a stuffed-up nose. i just feel all pooped out. i keep feeling dizzy. i really feel terrible. i seem to have pain all over. i think i'm dying. i tried some sleeping pills,but they have done nothing for me. i'm a bit stuffed up. i'm aching all over. i'm afraid i've got a temperature. i'm feeling rather out of sorts these days . i'm having some trouble sleeping. i'm rather sick. i'm running a fever. i'm running a temperature . i'm suffering from insomnia. i'm under the weather. it all began yesterday.


医学护理专业英语词汇大全 根据医院日常应用以及接待外宾时常用短语、句型,总结出最实用,最经典的词汇、短语、句型。使大家可以在不管是备战雅思、医学英语等级考试还是医院用语都能有帮助。 门诊部 Topic 1、挂号咨询 Topic 2、病历 Topic 3、医生问诊 Topic 4、候诊 Topic 1 单词: 挂号take a registration 挂号处 registration office 专家号expert number 普通号 average number 挂号费 registration fee 大厅main floor 内科 medical department 医务部medical administration division 院办 hospital administration office

护理部 nursing department 值班室 duty room 医护办公室 staff office 填表内容: name 、age、 gender、 address 、work place、 post code、 ID number、 telephone number 句型: where don’t you feel well? which department do you want to register with? you have to fill in this registration card. The registration card contains ( ). Topic 2 单词: 办理病历buy a case history 史 past medical history 家族史family history 个人病史 personal history 过敏史allergies 检查资料Inspection data 血液检查 blood test


这里汇聚了中西医学行业的大部分英语词汇和详细解说,如果要查询相关词汇,你可以点此word 文档工具栏的“编辑”,找到“查找”,然后点开输入你要查询的词汇就可以查询了。 西医篇: 1、医院部门及科室名称 2、医务人员名称 3、诊断和治疗常用词汇 4、常见疾病名称 5、常见手术名称 6、常用药物名称 7、常用护理术语 8、常用临床医学术语 9、医疗器材 10、医学英语快速记忆-后缀 11、主要人体系统名称 12、医院类型名称 13、医学词汇 14、医学常用字首与字根 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室 Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科 Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科 Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 E.N.T.department 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科 Department of endocrinology 内分泌科


1、中医学科 中医学:traditional Chinese medicine; 中医药学:traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacy 中医基础理论:basic theory of TCM 中药:Chinese material medica 中药学:traditional Chinese pharmacy 中西医结合:integreted traditional Chinese and Western medicine 中医诊断学:diagnosis of TCM 中医方剂学:science of traditional Chinese formula 中医内科学:internal medicine of TCM 中医皮肤病学:dermatology of TCM 中医肛肠病学:proctology of TCM 中医妇科学:gynecology of TCM 中医儿科学:pediatrics of TCM 中医眼科学:ophthalmology of TCM 中医耳鼻喉科学:oto rhino laryn gology of TCM

中医骨伤科学:orthopedics (矫正外科学) and traumatology (创伤学) of TCM 针灸学:acupuncture and moxibustion 中医推拿学:traditional Chinese tuina 中医养生学:traditonal Chinese life cultivation 中医康复学:traditonal Chinese rehabilitation 温病学:warm disease study / science of epidemic febrile (发热的,发烧的) disease of TCM 中医各家学说:theories of different schools in TCM 中药炮制学:processing of Chinese herbal medicinals 2.医院部门及科室名称 Out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处


诊断学 第一篇:症状学致热原 pyrogen 体温调节中枢 thermotaxic centre 外源性致热原 exogenous pyrogen 内源性致热原 endogenous pyrogen 白细胞致热源 leukocytic pyrogen 白细胞介素 I interleukin I 体温调定点 temperature setpoint 感染性发热 infective fever 细菌性致热源 bacteria pyrogen 非感染性发热 non-infective fever 吸收热 absorption fever 中枢性发热 centris fever 布鲁菌病 brucellosis 骤降 crisis 渐降 lysis 热型 fever type 稽留热 continues fever 弛张热 remittent fever 间歇热 intermittent fever 波状热 undulant fever 回归热 recurrent fever 霍奇金病 Hodgkin 不规则热 irregular fever 寒战 rigor 双重痛感 double 顿痛 dull pain 酸痛 aching pain 烧灼痛 burning pain 绞痛 colicky pain 牵涉痛 referred pain 刺痛 stabbing pain 刀割样痛 knife-like pain 胀痛 bursting pain 搏动性痛 throbbing pain 头痛headache 胸痛 chest pain 放射痛radiating pain 腹痛 abdominal pain 急腹症 acute abdomen 嗳气 belching 水肿(edema)


CASE Medical Number: ********** General information Name:** Age: 25 years old Sex: Female Race: Han Occupation: others Nationality: China Marital status: Married Address:ChangZhou JiangSu Tel: ********* Date of admission: Dec.27th, 2020 Date of record:11am, Dec.27th, 2020 Complainer of history: the patient herself Reliability: Reliable Chief complaint:The patient was found cessation of menstruation for 36+2w and vaginal bleeding for over one week. Present illness: The patient had regular menses previously. The first time when she was 14. Lasting4days every times and its cycle is about 30-45 days.LMP: 2020-4-17. Uric HCG test was positive after 50 days of amenorrhea. On 2020-6-10,her type-B ultrasonic revealed Intrauterine early pregnancy,correspond to gestational week of 6weeks+.According to the early ultrasonic result,we calculate EDC is 2021-2-2.The patient did not have obvious nausea and vomiting of pregnancy (NVP)in early stage of pregnancy .Fetal movements were felt in 4 months’gestation. She did ante-partum examination for totally seven times,but did not do down's screening and TORCH screening.OGTT showed that the level of her fasting blood glucose is 5.17mmol/L,while the level of postprandial blood sugar is normal.In the course of gestation, the patient did not get in touch with any radioactive rays,toxicant or pets. On 2020-12-20,the patient went to local hospital for treatment as a result of a little vaginal bleeding. After admission,she was given magnesium sulfate for fetus protection and dexamethasone for promotion of fetal lung maturity.when her bleeding station is under control, she left hospital. On 2020-12-26,as a result of “large amount of vaginal bleeding,more than menstr ual blood volume”, she went to Central Hospital of Wujin with emergency visit. After admission, she was given Ritodrine for fetus protection. And then she was sent to our hospital for further treatment. Until today, the patient is found cessation of menstruation for 36+2w,and further accounting gestational age is 35 weeks according to the ultrasonic. There is still some dark red vaginal bleeding. While the patient did not feel abdonimal pain, and there was no vaginal discharge. So she was accepted to our hospital and her diagnosis was “36+2weeks of gestation, Dangerous placenta previa”. After admission, she appears clear, with a good appetite, good sleeping, and normal urination and defecation. Her strength is a little diminished, and the weight has physiological changes. Past history Health status:good. Operative history: She received cesarean operation in 2011.


医学英语问诊常用句子 ·Hello.may (can) I help you?[您好,我可以帮您吗?] ·What seems to be bothering you?[您觉得哪儿不舒服?] ·Do you have a record?[您有病历吗?] ·I`ll transfer you to the surgery department.[我给您转到外科去] ·what`s wrong with you?[您怎么了?] ·Sit down, please.[请坐] ·When did the symptom begin ?[症状是什么时候开始的?] ·Are you bring anything up when you cough?[咳嗽时有痰吗?] ·Have you had any chills (chest pain)?[您有发冷(胸痛)吗?] ·Have you ever coughed up blood[您咳血过吗?] ·All right. Let me examine you. Would you mind taking off your coat?[好吧。我给您检查一下,您不介意脱掉外衣吧?] ·Take a deep breath, please[请深呼吸] ·I`ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination.[我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查] ·I`m sure it`s pneumonia. You should be admitted to the hospital.[我可以确定您得了肺炎,应当住院。] ·How long have you been like this?[这种症状有多久了?] ·When did you begin to notice these symptoms?[您什么时候发现这些症状的?] ·What`s the trouble?[怎么啦?] ·What`s your trouble?[你怎么啦?] ·What`s the trouble with you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s troubling you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s your complaint?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s bothering you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What can I do for you?[你哪儿不舒服吗?] ·What`s up with you?[你生什么病了?] ·What`s the matter with you?[你哪儿不舒服?] ·Is there a sense of distension and numbness?[你有胀和麻木的感觉吗?] Leg foot arm elbow head ·When did the trouble start?[什么时候开始不舒服?] ·When did the pain start?[什么时候开始痛的?] ·When did it happen?[什么时候发生的?] ·When did your diarrhea start?[你什么时候开始腹泻的?] ·What kind of pain do you feel?[你觉得怎么个痛法?] ·What kind of stool did you notce, watery or mucous?[你注意大便的样子了吗?是水样的还是粘液样?] ·What did you vomit, food or blood?[你吐的是什么?食物还是血?] ·What kind of treatment have you had?[你过去用什么方法治疗过?] ·What about your heart?[你的心脏怎么样?] ·What`s your stool like?[大便是什么样子?] ·Where is your pain?[你觉得哪儿痛?] ·Where does it hurt?[哪儿痛?] ·What`s your appetite?[你的胃口怎么样?]


Vocabulary Unit 1 neuron 神经元,神经细胞 overload 超载,超负荷 diabetes 糖尿病 hypertension 高血压 cholesterol 胆固醇 medication 药物 consultation 问诊,咨询 enzyme酶 osteoporosis骨质疏松(症)pneumonia肺炎 vaccine疫苗 prescription处方 simultaneous同时的 resident住院医生overwhelming巨大的,势不可挡的prioritize确定优先顺序 simulate模拟 omniscient全知的 tablet药片 eligibility适任,合格 criterion标准 prognosis预后 ward病房,病室infectious传染的,有传染性的hepatitis肝炎 metabolism新陈代谢exacerbate使加剧,使恶化relapse(旧病)复发epidemiology流行病学intravenous静脉内的 arterial动脉的 humanitarian人道主义的malaria疟疾 tuberculosis肺结核 integral完整的 control group对照组 famine饥荒 publicity宣传 exceed超过 compliance服从 Unit 2 doom注定 microbial微生物的vulnerable易受伤的penicillin青霉素 regression倒退,退步respiratory呼吸的

cholera霍乱plague瘟疫 venue地点radiograph射线照片, X 光照片mutation变异screen屏幕 pandemic大流行的(病)attend to照料,致力于influenza流行性感冒be infected with感染上 ... antigen抗原hit the headline成为头条immune免疫的contribute to捐献,有助于complication并发症Unit 3 infrastructure基础设施tornado龙卷风 deteriorate恶化adrenaline肾上腺素 exotic外国的residency专科住院医生实习期lethal致命的internist内科医生 eradicate根除autoimmune自体免疫病prevalence流行率assault攻击,袭击 toxicity毒性optimal最佳的,理想的immigration移民dementia痴呆 diagnostic诊断法physiology生理学 pathogen病原体biochemistry生物化学 chronic慢性的experimentation实验 gastric胃的cerebral大脑的 ulcer 溃疡therapist治疗学家 pesticide杀虫剂allergy过敏 smallpox天花abdominal腹部的 pathogenic致病的mercury汞 surveillance监督herbicide除草剂 vaccination接种疫苗toxin 毒素 panacea万全之策angina心绞痛


医用英语问诊常用句子 ·Hello.may (can) I help you?[您好,我可以帮您吗?] ·What seems to be bothering you?[您觉得哪儿不舒服?] ·Do you have a record?[您有病历吗?] ·I`ll transfer you to the surgery department.[我给您转到外科去] ·what`s wrong with you?[您怎么了?] ·Sit down, please.[请坐] ·When did the symptom begin ?[症状是什么时候开始的?] ·Are you bring anything up when you cough?[咳嗽时有痰吗?] ·Have you had any chills (chest pain)?[您有发冷(胸痛)吗?] ·Have you ever coughed up blood[您咳血过吗?] ·All right. Let me examine you. Would you mind taking off your coa t?[好吧。我给您检查一下,您不介意脱掉外衣吧?] ·Take a deep breath, please[请深呼吸] ·I`ll take a white blood count and give you a x-ray examination.[我将给您做白细胞计数和胸片检查] ·I`m sure it`s pneumonia. You should be admitted to the hospital.[我可以确定您得了肺炎,应当住院。] ·How long have you been li ke this?[这种症状有多久了?] ·When did you begin to notice these symptoms?[您什么时候发现这些症状的?] ·What`s the trouble?[怎么啦?] ·What`s your trouble?[你怎么啦?] ·What`s the trouble with you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s troubling you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s your complaint?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What`s bothering you?[你哪儿不舒服] ·What can I do for you?[你哪儿不舒服吗?] ·What`s up with you?[你生什么病了?] ·What`s the matter with you?[你哪儿不舒服?] ·Is there a sense of distension and numbness?[你有胀和麻木的感觉吗?] ·When did the trouble start?[什么时候开始不舒服?] ·When did the pain start?[什么时候开始痛的?] ·When did it happen?[什么时候发生的?] ·When did your diarrhea start?[你什么时候开始腹泻的?] ·What kind of pain do you feel?[你觉得怎么个痛法?] ·What kind of stool did you notce, watery or mucous?[你注意大便的样子了吗?是水样的还是粘液样?] ·What did you vomit, food or blood?[你吐的是什么?食物还是血?] ·What kind of treatment have you had?[你过去用什么方法治疗过?] ·What about your heart?[你的心脏怎么样?] ·What`s your stool like?[大便是什么样子?] ·Where is your pain?[你觉得哪儿痛?] ·Where does it hurt?[哪儿痛?] ·What`s your appetite?[你的胃口怎么样?]


一、绪论 中医学TCM(Traditional Chinese Medicine), 中医学理论体系的形成Origination of TCM, 形成formation, 发展development 中医学理论体系的基本特点 The basic characteristic of Traditional Chinese Medicine theory 整体观the whole concept, 辨证论治syndrome differentiation and treatment 第一章阴阳五行学说 阴阳Yin-yang , 阴阳的特性the property of yin-yang 阴阳之间的相互关系Interaction between yin and yang 阴阳对立制约Opposition of yin and yang 阴阳互根互用Interdependence between yin and yang 阴阳消长平衡Wane and Wax between yin and yang 阴阳相互转化Mutual transformation between yin and yang 阴阳学说在中医学中的应用 The applications of the theory of yin-yang in TCM 说明人体的组织结构Explanation of the histological structure of the human body 解释人体的生理功能Explanation of the physiology function activity of the human body 阐释病理变化Explanation of pathogenesis 阴阳偏盛Relative predominance of yin or yang 阳偏盛Relative predominance of yang 阴偏盛Relative predominance of yin 阴阳偏衰Relative decline of yin or yang 阳偏衰Relative decline of yang 阴偏衰Relative decline of yin 五行the five elements,


医学英语:看医生常用词汇及句子 看医生的英语我们都知道是see a doctor,但是头痛怎么说?发烧怎么说?如何表达具体症状呢?下面跟小编一起来学习看医生常用英语词汇及句子吧! 常用看医生词汇: have a cold 感冒have a cough 咳嗽headache 头痛 have a stomachache 胃痛 have a toothache 牙痛 have a fever 发烧 allergy 过敏 pneumonia 肺炎 medication 药物 pills 药丸 see a doctor 看病 have an operation 动手术 recover 复原,痊愈 常用看医生句子: I feel sick,I want to see a doctor. 我觉得不舒服,我想去看医生。 Please call an ambulance. 请叫救护车。 What are your symptoms? 量一下体温吧。 The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。 The doctor says that I should take quinine. 医生说我应该服用奎宁。 The doctor gave me a chest X-ray and took my blood pressure. 医生给我做了X光胸透并量了血压。

The doctor gave me a shot and said to go to bed for a few days. 医生给我打了针,并吩咐我躺着休息几天。 I took some medicine and went to bed at once. 我服了药就上床休息。 The doctor says that I should not eat anything oily. 医生说我不能吃油腻的东西。


医学英语问诊常用语100句 问诊常用语 1、Hello.May I help you?/How can I help you? 您好,我能为您效劳吗?/我能为您做些什么? 2、What's wrong with you? 您哪儿不舒服? 3、When did the trouble start? 什么时候开始不舒服? 4、How long ago was that? 症状是什么时候开始的? 5、How long have you been feeling like this? 这种症状有多久了? 6、What kind 0f treatment have you had? 您接受过什么治疗? 7、Would you mind I do a physical examination for you? 我现在要检查一下您的身体,您不介意吧? 8、I’d like to have a few tests for you. 我想给您做些检查。 9、I suggest that you have a blood test/sputum test/chest X-ray/ECG /ultrasound scan. 我想给您做验血/验痰/胸部x光/心电图/超声波检查。 10、Please point to the part of your body where you feel pain/discomfort.请指出您身体哪部分感到疼痛/不舒服。

11、Do you have any history of illness? 您既往曾患什么疾病? 12、Do you have any other existing health problems? 您现在患有其他病吗? 13、Are you on medication for existing illness? 您有没有作药物治疗? 14、Are you taking any other medication for any reason? (e.g.contraceptive pills/vitamins) 您还因为别的原因吃其他的药吗? (如避孕药、维生素之类)15、Have you had any bacterial or viral infection recently? 您最近是否受过细菌或病毒感染? 16、Have you had any medical tests recently? 您最近做过什么检查? 17、Do you smoke? How many cigarettes a day do smoke? 您吸烟吗?每天抽多少? 18、Do you drink alcohol? How much do you drink a day? 您喝酒吗? 一天喝多少? 19、Is there anything you need to tell me that you think will be helpful? 您是否还有其他对病情有用的信息可以提供给我? 20、I’m afraid you will have to be hospitalized for further treatment/investigation. 您需要住院治疗/检查。


分类整理的医学英语词汇大全 1.医院部门及科室名称 out-patient department 门诊部 In-patient department 住院部 Nursing department 护理部 Admission office 住院处 Discharge office 出院处 Registration office 挂号处 Reception room, waiting room 侯诊室Consultation room 诊察室 Isolation room 隔离室 Delivery room 分娩室 Emergency room 急诊室 Ward 病房室 Department of internal medicine 内科Department of surgery 外科 Department of pediatrics 儿科 Department of obstetrics and gynecology 妇科Department of neurology 神经科 Department of ophtalmology 眼科 耳鼻喉科 Department of stomatology 口腔科 Department of urology 泌尿科 Department of orthopedic 骨科 Department of traumatology 创伤科Department of endocrinology 内分泌科Department of anesthesiology 麻醉科Department of dermatology 皮肤科 Department of infectious diseases 传染病科Department of pathology 病理科 Department of psychiatry 精神科 Department of orthopacdic surgery 矫形外科Department of cardiac surgery 心脏外科Department of cerebral surgery 脑外科Department of thoracic surgery 胸外科



常用医学英语(100句) Unit One Registering (挂号) 1. This is the outpatient department of Hebei Provincial Hospital.这是河北省医院门诊部。 2. Excuse me. Where can I register please? 请问在什么地方挂号? 3. Many people are queuing for registration. 许多人在排队挂号。 4. I want to register with the Department of Internal Medicine. 我想挂内科。 5. How much is the registration fee? 挂号费是多少? 6. The registration is free here. 我们这里是免费挂号。 7. Do you have a registration card? 你有挂号证吗? 8. I’ll make a file for you. 我给你建份病例。 9. Please fill in the form. 请填写这张表。 10. Here is your registration card. 给你挂号证。

Useful Words and Expressions internal medicine 内科 surgery 外科 ophthalmology 眼科 stomatology 口腔科 pediatrics 儿科 dermatology皮肤科 gynecology and obstetrics 妇产科 Unit Two Asking the Patient about the Illness ( 询问病情 ) 1. What’s the matter with you? 你怎么了? 2. What’s your complaint? 你哪儿不舒服? 3. Do you cough? 你咳嗽吗? 4. Are your bowels regular? 你大便正常吗 5. Do you feel tired? 你觉得疲劳吗 6. Do you have any appetite? 你胃口怎么样? 7. Are you feeling dizzy?
