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Unit 4 Agarden of poems课本要点精练



1.In the a o f the manager I shall be in charge.

2.A fro m the injuries to his face and hands,he bro ke both leg s.

3.Honesty and hard w ork c to success and happiness.

4.These pictures r me o f my school day s.

5.The best f o f the house is the beautiful balcony .

6.T he sty le and atmosphere in their poems has o ften led to (比较)w ith poets

such as Du Fu and L i Bai.

7.(诗歌)of ten fo llow s special patterns of rhythm and rhyme.

8.This boo k has been

(翻译)into mo re than 30languag es.


(引进)o f new manufacturing methods brings about a rapid increase in production.

10.T he y oung so ldier ’s brav e deeds in the

battle earned him ev erlasting (光荣).


从A 、B 、C 、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

1.Y ou should fo llow these sentence to

Unit 4A garden of poems 课


talking w hile she w orks.(stand)

5.Our teacher

(要我们记住)the impo rtance of industry and eco nomy .(impress)

6.Reading is to mind (犹如食物之于身体).(foo d)

7.If (你方便),I w ill visit yo u next Tuesday .(convenient )

8.I try

(腾出一点时间)each day to do some exercises.(set )9.She (发现房子修好了)w hen she went back ho me.(find )10.When yo u speak,yo u hav e to

(使自己被理解).(make )


Architecture loo ks at the man-made liv-ing env iro nment.Every great 1in the past had its ow n ideas of beauty 2in art and architecture.When yo u lo ok around at the buildings,streets,squares and parks,yo u will 3them designed,planned and built in 4styles.M odernism 5in the

1920s,so me architects wanted to chang e peo -ple ’s feeling o f beauty .T hey w anted their

buildings look 6.Dev elo ping co untries w ant to build the most modern-loo king build-ing s as the first 7to wards beco ming a modern country.M odern building s 8us because they are huge,but many peo ple don ’t find them beautiful.T he buildings lo oks like 9w ith flat roofs,sharp co rners and g lass w alls that act as mirro rs.Ancient architecture sho ws us many beautiful buildings.Bo th in the 10of materials and shapes o f build-ing s,ancient architectures stands much clo ser to nature.!




Eng lish Journal 单元笔记


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