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一、1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother.

C. The man stealing from his grandmother.

D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals.

2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society.

B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.

C. The man doesn't consider himself part of society.

D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.

3. A. The reasons why the woman is important. B. The reasons why the woman is wrong.

C. The woman's working experience.

D. The woman's work as a writer.

4. A. His studies at school. B. Deaths because of war.

C. Wars he has studied.

D. Things he can control.

5. A. Have independent thought. B. Show respect to the teacher.

C. Disagree with the teacher.

D. Get angry at the teacher.

6. A. The company policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service.

7. A. A prison. B. A classroom. C. A big city. D. A small town.

8. A. 5. B. 6. C. 2. D. 3.

Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9. A. Responsibilities in the home. B. Things they do together.

C. Troubles in their marriage.

D. The worst day.

10. A. They agreed to share the work. B. They have responsibilities.

C. They are both tired.

D. They are bothered by it.

11. A. The state of the marriage. B. The silly things they did.

C. The terrible cold she had.

D. They haven't gotten married.

12. A. Go to their parents. B. Have arguments. C. Walk in the park. D. Go to the cinema.

13. A. The park. B. The cinema. C. A parent's home. D. Their home.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. The responsibilities of married people. B. The British sense of society.

C. The masters of British family life.

D. The meaning of family in Britain.

15. A. Family. B. Children. C. The house. D. Duty.

16. A. Start a person's real life. B. Make a person independent.

C. Start a new family.

D. Support a person financially.

17. A. British children have a responsibility to their parents.

B. British people care more for spouses than for children.

C. British men have more responsibilities than women do.

D. British women have more responsibilities than men do.

18. A. The wife's parents. B. The couple themselves.

C. The couple's sisters.

D. The husband's parents.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _______ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time

20. The Prime Minister commanded that farmers ________ loans from the government.

A. would receive

B. received

C. ought to receive

D. should receive

21. They packed the instruments carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation.

A. so that

B. on condition that

C. for fear that

D. provided that

22. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.

A. may be hardly doubted

B. may be seriously doubted

C. may be hard doubting

D. may be doubted serious

23. ______ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people.

A. When

B. While

C. Now that

D. If

24. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home. A. were left B. had left C. have been left D. had been left

25. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________. A. had been increased

B. was increased

C. might have been increased

D. would be increased

26. He went to work on foot yesterday, though he ________ by bus.

A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. would have gone

D. could have gone

27. He always prefers to start early rather than ________ everything to the last minute.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. leaves

D. left

28. Frank was advised to give the assignment to ________ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A. whom B. whoever C. whomever D. that

29. Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would ________ a compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead

30. Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had to communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced C. smashed D. drowned

31. She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D. putting away

32. Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify

33. There _______ new problems in respect of the relationship between the two countries in recent years. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. arose

34. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ____ occasionally to have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off

35. His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end.

A. broke up

B. broke through

C. broke down

D. broke off

36. After the meeting the workers went back to their ________ workshops.

A. respectable

B. respective

C. respectful

D. respected

37. The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _____ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. A. fairly B. kindly C. greatly D. largely

38. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.

A. interpretation

B. meaning

C. reason

D. sense

39. No one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.

A. describe

B. furnish

C. Install

D. assess

40. The dentist could ________ no signs of decay in my teeth.

A. determine

B. define

C. assign

D. detect

41. To his great joy he discovered that his ears became ________.

A. sensitive

B. aware

C. efficient

D. sensible

42. He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson.

A. remark

B. comment

C. reference

D. opinion

43. The pilot of the plane is ________ for the passengers' safety.

A. conscious

B. responsible

C. necessary

D. regulated

44. We need to make sure that we ________ our resources as fully as possible.

A. achieve

B. operate

C. exploit

D. expel

45. The economy looks set to ________ its growth into next year.

A. endure

B. persist

C. remain

D. sustain

46. It was the only thing that I could do—I don't have to ________ myself to anyone.

A. account

B. justify

C. discount

D. clarify

47. The shop assistant says if I leave $10 as a ________, they'll keep the dress for me.

A. deposit

B. loan

C. guarantee

D. fee

48. It was such a(n) ________ to hear that Marta was found safe and well.

A. concern

B. anxiety

C. expectation

D. relief

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred (上帝的) texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic (施虐狂的) impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fear, I think, we also need well-documented cases of children being dangerously terrified (恐惧) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches (女巫), two-headed dragons, magic carpets (魔毯), etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging (沉溺) his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New Y ork to Philadelphia on a broomstick (女巫乘骑的扫帚柄) or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted (中魔法的) girl-friend.

No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane (精神健全的) child has ever believed that it was.

49. The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _______.

A. repeated without variation

B. treated with respect

C. adapted by the parent

D. set in the present

50. Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they ________.

A. tempt people to be cruel to children

B. show the primitive cruelty in children

C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children

D. increase a tendency to have sadistic impulses in children

51. According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when the story is ________.

A. set in reality

B. heard for the first time

C. repeated too often

D. dramatically told

52. The author's mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that ________.

A. fairy stories are still being made up

B. there is confusion about different kinds of truth

C. people try to modernize old fairy stories

D. there is more concern for children's fears nowadays

53. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fairy stories are anything but beneficial to the growth of children.

B. Fairy stories teach children the way to adapt to the society.

C. No fairy story should be taken as the true description of the reality.

D. No fairy story should be told to the children without modification.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother.

C. The man stealing from his grandmother.

D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals.

2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society.

B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.

C. The man doesn't consider himself part of society.

D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.

3. A. The reasons why the woman is important. B. The reasons why the woman is wrong.

C. The woman's working experience.

D. The woman's work as a writer.

4. A. His studies at school. B. Deaths because of war.

C. Wars he has studied.

D.Things he can control.

5. A. Have independent thought. B. Show respect to the teacher.

C. Disagree with the teacher.

D. Get angry at the teacher.

6. A. The company policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service.

7. A. A prison. B. A classroom. C. A big city. D. A small town.

8. A. 5. B. 6. C. 2. D. 3.

Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9. A. Responsibilities in the home. B. Things they do together.

C. Troubles in their marriage.

D. The worst day.

10. A. They agreed to share the work. B. They have responsibilities.

C. They are both tired.

D. They are bothered by it.

11. A. The state of the marriage. B. The silly things they did.

C. The terrible cold she had.

D. They haven't gotten married.

12. A. Go to their parents. B. Have arguments. C. Walk in the park. D. Go to the cinema.

13. A. The park. B. The cinema. C. A parent's home. D. Their home.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. The responsibilities of married people. B. The British sense of society.

C. The masters of British family life.

D. The meaning of family in Britain.

15. A. Family. B. Children. C. The house. D. Duty.

16. A. Start a person's real life. B. Make a person independent.

C. Start a new family.

D. Support a person financially.

17. A. British children have a responsibility to their parents.

B. British people care more for spouses than for children.

C. British men have more responsibilities than women do.

D. British women have more responsibilities than men do.

18. A. The wife's parents. B. The couple themselves.

C. The couple's sisters.

D. The husband's parents.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _______ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time

20. The Prime Minister commanded that farmers ________ loans from the government.

A. would receive

B. received

C. ought to receive

D. should receive

21. They packed the instruments carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation.

A. so that

B. on condition that

C. for fear that

D. provided that

22. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.

A. may be hardly doubted

B. may be seriously doubted

C. may be hard doubting

D. may be doubted serious

23. ______ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people.

A. When

B. While

C. Now that

D. If

24. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home. A. were left B. had left C. have been left D. had been left

25. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.

A. had been increased

B. was increased

C. might have been increased

D. would be increased

26. He went to work on foot yesterday, though he ________ by bus.

A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. would have gone

D. could have gone

27. He always prefers to start early rather than ________ everything to the last minute.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. leaves

D. left

28. Frank was advised to give the assignment to ________ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A. whom B. whoever C. whomever D. that

29. Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would ________ a compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead

30. Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had to communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced C. smashed D. drowned

31. She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D. putting away

32. Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify

33. There _______ new problems in respect of the relationship between the two countries in recent years. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. arose

34. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ____ occasionally to have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off

35. His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end.

A. broke up

B. broke through

C. broke down

D. broke off

36. After the meeting the workers went back to their ________ workshops.

A. respectable

B. respective

C. respectful

D. respected

37. The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _____ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. A. fairly B. kindly C. greatly D. largely

38. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.

A. interpretation

B. meaning

C. reason

D. sense

39. No one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.

A. describe

B. furnish

C. install

D. assess

40. The dentist could ________ no signs of decay in my teeth.

A. determine

B. define

C. assign

D. detect

41. To his great joy he discovered that his ears became ________.

A. sensitive

B. aware

C. efficient

D. sensible

42. He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson.

A. remark

B. comment

C. reference

D. opinion

43. The pilot of the plane is ________ for the passengers' safety.

A. conscious

B. responsible

C. necessary

D. regulated

44. We need to make sure that we ________ our resources as fully as possible.

A. achieve

B. operate

C. exploit

D. expel

45. The economy looks set to ________ its growth into next year.

A. endure

B. persist

C. remain

D. sustain

46. It was the only thing that I could do—I don't have to ________ myself to anyone.

A. account

B. justify

C. discount

D. clarify

47. The shop assistant says if I leave $10 as a ________, they'll keep the dress for me.

A. deposit

B. loan

C. guarantee

D. fee

48. It was such a(n) ________ to hear that Marta was found safe and well.

A. concern

B. anxiety

C. expectation

D. relief

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred (上帝的) texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic (施虐狂的) impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fear, I think, we also need well-documented cases of children being dangerously terrified (恐惧) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches (女巫), two-headed dragons, magic carpets (魔毯), etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging (沉溺) his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New Y ork to Philadelphia on a broomstick (女巫乘骑的扫帚柄) or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted (中魔法的) girl-friend.

No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane (精神健全的)

child has ever believed that it was.

49. The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _______.

A. repeated without variation

B. treated with respect

C. adapted by the parent

D. set in the present

50. Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they ________.

A. tempt people to be cruel to children

B. show the primitive cruelty in children

C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children

D. increase a tendency to have sadistic impulses in children

51. According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when the story is ________.

A. set in reality

B. heard for the first time

C. repeated too often

D. dramatically told

52. The author's mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that ________.

A. fairy stories are still being made up

B. there is confusion about different kinds of truth

C. people try to modernize old fairy stories

D. there is more concern for children's fears nowadays

53. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fairy stories are anything but beneficial to the growth of children.

B. Fairy stories teach children the way to adapt to the society.

C. No fairy story should be taken as the true description of the reality.

D. No fairy story should be told to the children without modification.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother.

C. The man stealing from his grandmother.

D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals.

2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society.

B. The woman doesn't know what's important in society.

C. The man doesn't consider himself part of society.

D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.

3. A. The reasons why the woman is important. B. The reasons why the woman is wrong.

C. The woman's working experience.

D. The woman's work as a writer.

4.A. His studies at school.B.Deaths because of war.CWars he has studied.D.Things he can control.

5. A. Have independent thought. B. Show respect to the teacher.

C. Disagree with the teacher.

D. Get angry at the teacher.

6. A. The company policy. B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service.

7. A. A prison. B. A classroom. C. A big city. D. A small town.

8. A. 5. B. 6. C. 2. D. 3.

Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9. A. Responsibilities in the home. B. Things they do together.

C. Troubles in their marriage.

D. The worst day.

10. A. They agreed to share the work. B. They have responsibilities.

C. They are both tired.

D. They are bothered by it.

11. A. The state of the marriage. B. The silly things they did.

C. The terrible cold she had.

D. They haven't gotten married.

12. A. Go to their parents. B. Have arguments. C. Walk in the park. D. Go to the cinema.

13. A. The park. B. The cinema. C. A parent's home. D. Their home.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. The responsibilities of married people. B. The British sense of society.

C. The masters of British family life.

D. The meaning of family in Britain.

15. A. Family. B. Children. C. The house. D. Duty.

16. A. Start a person's real life. B. Make a person independent.

C. Start a new family.

D. Support a person financially.

17. A. British children have a responsibility to their parents.

B. British people care more for spouses than for children.

C. British men have more responsibilities than women do.

D. British women have more responsibilities than men do.

18. A. The wife's parents. B. The couple themselves.

C. The couple's sisters.

D. The husband's parents.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _______ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time

20. The Prime Minister commanded that farmers ________ loans from the government.

A. would receive

B. received

C. ought to receive

D. should receive

21. They packed the instruments carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation.

A. so that

B. on condition that

C. for fear that

D. provided that

22. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.

A. may be hardly doubted

B. may be seriously doubted

C. may be hard doubting

D. may be doubted serious

23. ______ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people.

A. When

B. While

C. Now that

D. If

24. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home. A. were left B. had left C. have been left D. had been left

25. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.

A. had been increased

B. was increased

C. might have been increased

D. would be increased

26. He went to work on foot yesterday, though he ________ by bus.

A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. would have gone

D. could have gone

27. He always prefers to start early rather than ________ everything to the last minute.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. leaves

D. left

28. Frank was advised to give the assignment to ________ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A. whom B. whoever C. whomever D. that

29. Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would ________ a compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead

30. Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had to communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced C. smashed D. drowned

31. She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D. putting away

32. Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify

33. There _______ new problems in respect of the relationship between the two countries in recent years. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. arose

34. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ____ occasionally to have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off

35. His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end.

A. broke up

B. broke through

C. broke down

D. broke off

36. After the meeting the workers went back to their ________ workshops.

A. respectable

B. respective

C. respectful

D. respected

37. The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _____ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. A. fairly B. kindly C. greatly D. largely

38. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.

A. interpretation

B. meaning

C. reason

D. sense

39. No one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.

A. describe

B. furnish

C. install

D. assess

40. The dentist could ________ no signs of decay in my teeth.

A. determine

B. define

C. assign

D. detect

41. To his great joy he discovered that his ears became ________.

A. sensitive

B. aware

C. efficient

D. sensible

42. He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson.

A. remark

B. comment

C. reference

D. opinion

43. The pilot of the plane is ________ for the passengers' safety.

A. conscious

B. responsible

C. necessary

D. regulated

44. We need to make sure that we ________ our resources as fully as possible.

A. achieve

B. operate

C. exploit

D. expel

45. The economy looks set to ________ its growth into next year.

A. endure

B. persist

C. remain

D. sustain

46. It was the only thing that I could do—I don't have to ________ myself to anyone.

A. account

B. justify

C. discount

D. clarify

47. The shop assistant says if I leave $10 as a ________, they'll keep the dress for me.

A. deposit

B. loan

C. guarantee

D. fee

48. It was such a(n) ________ to hear that Marta was found safe and well.

A. concern

B. anxiety

C. expectation

D. relief

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred (上帝的) texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his sadistic (施虐狂的) impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fear, I think, we also need well-documented cases of children being dangerously terrified (恐惧) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true,

that giants, witches (女巫), two-headed dragons, magic carpets (魔毯), etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging (沉溺) his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New Y ork to Philadelphia on a broomstick (女巫乘骑的扫帚柄) or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted (中魔法的) girl-friend.

No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane (精神健全的) child has ever believed that it was.

49. The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _______.

A. repeated without variation

B. treated with respect

C. adapted by the parent

D. set in the present

50. Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they ________.

A. tempt people to be cruel to children

B. show the primitive cruelty in children

C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children

D. increase a tendency to have sadistic impulses in children

51. According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when the story is ________.

A. set in reality

B. heard for the first time

C. repeated too often

D. dramatically told

52. The author's mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that ________.

A. fairy stories are still being made up

B. there is confusion about different kinds of truth

C. people try to modernize old fairy stories

D. there is more concern for children's fears nowadays

53. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fairy stories are anything but beneficial to the growth of children.

B. Fairy stories teach children the way to adapt to the society.

C. No fairy story should be taken as the true description of the reality.

D. No fairy story should be told to the children without modification.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. The man taking something from her. B. The man stealing from her grandmother.

C. The man stealing from his grandmother.

D. The man telling his grandmother that she steals.

2. A. The woman doesn't worry about important things in society.

B.The woman doesn't know what's important in society.

C.The man doesn't consider himself part of society.

D. The man doesn't care about children saying ma'am or sir.

3. A. The reasons why the woman is important. B. The reasons why the woman is wrong.

C. The woman's working experience.

D. The woman's work as a writer.

4.A.His studies at school.B.Deaths because of war.C.Wars he has studied.D.Things he can control.

5. A. Have independent thought. B. Show respect to the teacher.

C. Disagree with the teacher.

D. Get angry at the teacher.

6. A. The company poli B. The shop. C. The shirt. D. The service.

7. A. A prison. B. A classroom. C. A big city. D. A small town.

8. A. 5. B. 6. C. 2. D. 3.

Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9. A. Responsibilities in the home. B. Things they do together.

C. Troubles in their marriage.

D. The worst day.

10. A. They agreed to share the work. B. They have responsibilities.

C. They are both tired.

D. They are bothered by it.

11. A. The state of the marriage. B. The silly things they did.

C. The terrible cold she had.

D. They haven't gotten married.

12. A. Go to their parents. B. Have arguments. C. Walk in the park. D. Go to the cinema.

13. A. The park. B. The cinema. C. A parent's home. D. Their home.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. The responsibilities of married people. B. The British sense of society.

C. The masters of British family life.

D. The meaning of family in Britain.

15. A. Family. B. Children. C. The house. D. Duty.

16. A. Start a person's real life. B. Make a person independent.

C. Start a new family.

D. Support a person financially.

17. A. British children have a responsibility to their parents.

B. British people care more for spouses than for children.

C. British men have more responsibilities than women do.

D. British women have more responsibilities than men do.

18. A. The wife's parents. B. The couple themselves.

C. The couple's sisters.

D. The husband's parents.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. I will hold your note until Christmas Day, _______ you certainly will have received your allowance. A. by that time B. at that time C. by which time D. at which time

20. The Prime Minister commanded that farmers ________ loans from the government.

A. would receive

B. received

C. ought to receive

D. should receive

21. They packed the instruments carefully ____ they would be broken during transportation.

A. so that

B. on condition that

C. for fear that

D. provided that

22. Lots of people pretend that they never read advertisements, but this claim ________.

A. may be hardly doubted

B. may be seriously doubted

C. may be hard doubting

D. may be doubted serious

23. ______ hostels (客栈) may not offer the most comfortable quarters, they are convenient, inexpensive, and attractive to traveling students and young people.

A. When

B. While

C. Now that

D. If

24. When he hurried to the airport, he found, to his great disappointment, his ticket and passport ________ at home. A. were left B. had left C. have been left D. had been left

25. Were the wire of a smaller diameter (直径), its resistance ________.

A. had been increased

B. was increased

C. might have been increased

D. would be increased

26. He went to work on foot yesterday, though he ________ by bus.

A. must have gone

B. might have gone

C. would have gone

D. could have gone

27. He always prefers to start early rather than ________ everything to the last minute.

A. leave

B. leaving

C. Leaves

D. left

28. Frank was advised to give the assignment to ________ he believed had a strong sense of responsibility. A. whom B. whoever C. whomever D. that

29. Almost all the countries in the world hoped that the warring sides would ________ a compromise. A. affect B. effect C. come D. lead

30. Our talk was completely ________out by the roar of the machines. As a result, we had to

communicate with gestures. A. decreased B. reduced C. smashed D. drowned

31. She was arrested for ______ state secrets to a foreign reporter in return for her son going abroad. A. getting away B. giving away C. breaking away D. putting away

32. Can you ______ furnishing your house luxuriously at a time when the company is losing so much money? A. verify B. identify C. justify D. clarify

33. There _______ new problems in respect of the relationship between the two countries in recent years. A. rose B. raised C. lifted D. arose

34. The professor kept speaking about his new discovery in the field, only ____ occasionally to have a mouthful of tea. A. dropping off B. breaking off C. putting off D. setting off

35. His health ________ as he ate too little and worked too hard for months on end.

A. broke up

B. broke through

C. broke down

D. broke off

36. After the meeting the workers went back to their ________ workshops.

A. respectable

B. respective

C. respectful

D. respected

37. The theory of class currently prevailing in the West is _____ based on what Max Weber, a German sociologist, proposed. A. fairly B. kindly C. greatly D. largely

38. His answer was so confused that I could hardly make any ________ of it at all.

A. interpretation

B. meaning

C. reason

D. sense

39. No one in the class could ________ the right answer to the question.

A. describe

B. furnish

C. install

D. assess

40. The dentist could ________ no signs of decay in my teeth.

A. determine

B. define

C. assign

D. detect

41. To his great joy he discovered that his ears became ________.

A. sensitive

B. aware

C. efficient

D. sensible

42. He made no ________ to his illness till after the lesson.

A. remark

B. comment

C. reference

D. opinion

43. The pilot of the plane is ________ for the passengers' safety.

A. conscious

B. responsible

C. necessary

D. regulated

44. We need to make sure that we ________ our resources as fully as possible.

A. achieve

B. operate

C. exploit

D. expel

45. The economy looks set to ________ its growth into next year.

A. endure

B. persist

C. remain

D. sustain

46. It was the only thing that I could do—I don't have to ________ myself to anyone.

A. account

B. justify

C. discount

D. clarify

47. The shop assistant says if I leave $10 as a ________, they'll keep the dress for me.

A. deposit

B. loan

C. guarantee

D. fee

48. It was such a(n) ________ to hear that Marta was found safe and well.

A. concern

B. anxiety

C. expectation

D. relief

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

A child who has once been pleased with a tale likes, as a rule, to have it retold in identically the same words, but this should not lead parents to treat printed fairy stories as sacred (上帝的) texts. It is always much better to tell a story than read it out of a book, and, if a parent can produce what, in the actual circumstances of the time and the individual child, is an improvement on the printed text, so much the better.

A charge made against fairy tales is that they harm the child by frightening him or arousing his

sadistic (施虐狂的) impulses. To prove the latter, one would have to show in a controlled experiment that children who have read fairy stories were more often guilty of cruelty than those who had not. As to fear, I think, we also need well-documented cases of children being dangerously terrified (恐惧) by some fairy story. Often, however, this arises from the child having heard the story once. Familiarity with the story by repetition turns the pain of fear into the pleasure of a fear faced and mastered.

There are also people who object to fairy stories on the grounds that they are not objectively true, that giants, witches (女巫), two-headed dragons, magic carpets (魔毯), etc., do not exist; and that, instead of indulging (沉溺) his fantasies in fairy tales, the child should be taught how to adapt to reality by studying history and mechanics. I find such people, I must confess, so unsympathetic and peculiar that I do not know how to argue with them. If their case were sound, the world should be full of mad men attempting to fly from New Y ork to Philadelphia on a broomstick (女巫乘骑的扫帚柄) or covering a telephone with kisses in the belief that it was their enchanted (中魔法的) girl-friend.

No fairy story ever claimed to be a description of the external world and no sane (精神健全的) child has ever believed that it was.

49. The author considers that a fairy story is more effective when it is _______.

A. repeated without variation

B. treated with respect

C. adapted by the parent

D. set in the present

50. Some people dislike fairy stories because they feel that they ________.

A. tempt people to be cruel to children

B. show the primitive cruelty in children

C. lend themselves to undesirable experiments with children

D. increase a tendency to have sadistic impulses in children

51. According to the passage great fear can be stimulated in a child when the story is ________.

A. set in reality

B. heard for the first time

C. repeated too often

D. dramatically told

52. The author's mention of broomsticks and telephones is meant to suggest that ________.

A. fairy stories are still being made up

B. there is confusion about different kinds of truth

C. people try to modernize old fairy stories

D. there is more concern for children's fears nowadays

53. Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A. Fairy stories are anything but beneficial to the growth of children.

B. Fairy stories teach children the way to adapt to the society.

C. No fairy story should be taken as the true description of the reality.

D. No fairy story should be told to the children without modification.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. The woman doesn't have a computer. B. The woman isn't in the computer class.

C. The woman won't take the test tomorrow.

D. The woman hasn't studied for the test.

2. A. Because she's not late. B. Because she's necessary.

C. Because she'll arrive sometime.

D. Because she starts the meetings.

3. A. Get a new computer. B. Replace the microchips.

C. Fry the microchips.

D. Buy an old computer.

4. A. Total safety is impossible. B. Great people aren't careful.

C. Careful people are 100% safe.

D. Careful people are the most vulnerable.

5. A. He isn't up for the Nobel Prize. B. Many people are up for the Nobel Prize.

C. He won't win the Nobel Prize next year.

D. He doesn't think he'll win the Nobel Prize this year.

6. A. He feels tired and wants to get home. B. He works all day and wants to get home.

C. He wants the woman to see his dad.

D. He wants to invent something interesting.

7. A. 20. B. 2. C. 3. D. 4.

8. A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister.C Father and daughter.D Employer and employee. Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9.A. The attempts by black people to get civil rights.B.Civil rights laws passed by the government.

C. The civil rights movement of the 60s and 70s.

D.The man's actions during the civil rights movement.

10. A. Teacher and student. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter. D. Mother and son.

11. A. The speakers were both in the civil rights movement.

B. The teacher does not know about the civil rights movement.

C. The civil rights movement was more exciting in the past.

D. The speakers are both Black Americans.

12. A. In 1963. B. In 1972. C. In 1990. D. In 1970.

13. A. Fighting isn't the way to get one's voice heard. B. The civil rights movement hasn't ended.

C. Black people haven't gotten any rights.

D. The 60s and 70s weren't very exciting.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. Because of its simplicity. B. Because of its complexity.

C. Because of its heaviness.

D. Because of its greatness.

15. A. In the imagination of man. B. In history. C. In politics. D. In art.

16. A. About 35. B. More than 5,000. C. Only one. D. About 150.

17. A. China. B. Rome. C. The Middle East. D. The North.

18 A. The uses of roses. B.The history of roses.

C.The popularity of roses.

D.The cultivation of roses.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. He couldn't ______ the thought of leaving his hometown forever.

A. bear

B. carry

C. offer

D. support

20. No one was ______ in the car accident.

A. damaged

B. wounded

C. injured

D. suffered

21. Last year, the crime rate in Chicago has sharply ______.

A. declined

B. reduced

C. descended

D. slipped

22. The publication of the poet's most recent works will certainly _______ his national reputation.

A. rise

B. strengthen

C. enlarge

D. enhance

23. Reading detective (侦探) stories is one of his favorite _______.

A. hobbies

B. occupations

C. habits

D. engagements

24. It's quite strange that he should be utterly _______ to public criticism.

A. inactive

B. indifferent

C. uninterested

D. unconsidered

25. Housewives who do not go out to work often feel they are not working to their full ________.

A. capacity

B. strength

C. length

D. possibility

26. The government is trying to do something to ________ better understanding between the two countries. A. raise B. promote C. add D. increase

27. As we had to keep the fire going throughout the games, we had to add firewood _______.

A. specially

B. permanently

C. previously

D. constantly

28. I don't like the noise of this air conditioner, but I've learned to _______ it.

A. stay with

B. stand with

C. go with

D. live with

29. The old couple decided to ________ a boy and a girl though they had three children of their own. A. adapt B. bring C. receive D. adopt

30. The soldier was ________ of running away when the enemy attacked.

A. scolded

B. charged

C. accused

D. punished

31. New difficulties kept _______ as they built the railway tunnel.

A. arising

B. arousing

C. raising

D. rising

32. He began to take politics _______ only when he left school.

A. carefully

B. seriously

C. gravely

D. solemnly

33. Reading ______ the mind only with materials of knowledge; it is thinking that makes what we read ours. A. inserts B. decorates C. deserves D. provides

34. The joys of travel, having long ______ the disabled, are opening up to virtually anyone who has the means. A. omitted B. missed C. neglected D. discarded

35. She is the most _______ secretary I've ever had.

A. efficient

B. effective

C. industrial

D. practiced

36. Mr. Johnson said that his clients _______ our samples by the end of last month.

A. didn't receive

B. hadn't received

C. haven't received

D. don't receive

37. Y our explanation is ______ than his

A. no more convincing

B. not so convincing

C. no more convinced

D. not so convinced

38. The color TV set that you bought at a lower price is ______ the one that we bought at a slightly higher price. A. inferior to B. inferior than C. more inferior D. more inferior than

39. _______, David still could not solve the problem.

A. However he tried hard

B. However hard he tried

C. However hard did he try

D. However he hard tried

40. Theory could not do without practice, _______ without theory.

A. practice could do neither

B. practice could neither do

C. neither practice could do

D. neither could practice do

41. There is a crowd of people in front of the house over there. What do you suppose _______?

A. happens

B. happening

C. has happened

D. to have happened

42. He held _______ firmly and would not let me go.

A. me at arm

B. me my arm

C. me an arm

D. me by the arm

43. By the time this talk is over, we ______ a lot about airplanes.

A. shall be learning

B. are learning

C. shall learn

D. shall have learnt

44. In spite of her father's objection, she insisted _______ her little sister to the dance.

A. taking

B. on taking

C. to take

D. in taking

45. ______ a choice of two jobs, the man decided to take the one which was nearest to his house.

A. When offering

B. When he is offered

C. When being offered

D. When offered

46. With tears on her face, she watched her injured daughter ______ to hospital.

A. sending

B. to be sent

C. sent

D. having sent

47. The government is believed to be considering _______ a law, making it a crime to possess any kind of weapon. A. to pass B. passed C. have passed D. passing

48. Most doctors recognize that medicine is _______ it is a science.

A. an art as much

B. much an art as

C. as an art as much

D. as much an art as

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

Light, above all else, plays the most important role in picture making; it is the very being of painting, for without it there is no color, no modeling, no shapes, nothing. Coupled with light are the shadows it casts. How often does one notice a painting that may be quite delicately worked, full of details and interest but for all these points it remains a dull, sorry sight? The reason can often be that the light and shade have just not been observed and rendered with truth.

This seeing of light and shade in landscapes does need practice; there can be many shades and gentle features that can be unnoticed. Still, it will not be just a matter of highlights (强彩色) and deep shade. There will be half-tones (中间色调), reflected lights to be sought out and registered. Deep shade can be deceptive (造成假象的)—it is no good just dismissing it as a matter of a dark flat area of color. It is what the artist can paint of the things going on in shadowed areas that marks his class. Take a look at a picture such as The Adoration of the Shepherds by Rembrandt. Within the dark passages are subtle forms, all indicated with as much care as those in the strongly-lit places.

There is an Italian word chiaroscuro that means the study of light and shade. This concern with the effects of both can be seen in the handling of many masters.

Seeing the actual effects of light and shade is one side of the study—the other is to train the eye to decide exactly what colors are in them. Once more, whenever possible, turn to look at those who have succeeded in the past with the particular problem that is puzzling you.

49. According to the passage, there is another important thing that goes together with light in picture making. What is it?

A. It is the color that the painter uses in the picture.

B. It is the shapes of things that the painter paints in the picture.

C. It is the modeling in the picture.

D. It is the shadows that the light casts.

50. According to the passage, a good painter _______.

A. paints deep shade as a dark flat area of color

B. paints strongly-lit forms in the shaded parts

C. pays careful attention to his dark areas

D. pays more care to the strongly-lit parts

51. What are the two sides of chiaroscuro?

A. Studying both light and shade.

B. Studying how light and shade affect things.

C. Studying the colors in light and shade.

D. Studying the effects of light and shade and the colors in them.

52. What does the writer suggest to a painter who is having problems?

A. He should learn by trial and error (差错).

B. He should study the old masters.

C. He should be careful about mixing his paints together.

D. He should observe his work carefully.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. Scientists. B. The public. C. Politic ians. D. Agencies.

2. A. The man thinks science is causing people to lose faith. B. The man thinks flying cars will be provided. C. The man thinks science is useful. D. The man thinks science will be advanced.

3.A There are a lot of great science fiction movies.

B.There are science fiction movies he agrees with.

C. There are science fiction books that he appreciates.

D. There are science fiction movies that seem real.

4. A. They're clones of each other. B. They're clones of Dolly.

C. They're expected to.

D. They're of the same type.

5. A. People have great imaginations for scientific achievement.

B. Landing on the moon is the best thing done as a result of science.

C. People cannot imagine traveling around the world.

D. People cannot imagine being captured on the moon.

6. A. He has questioned his results. B. He has joined a government agency.

C. He has charged others with fraud.

D. He has been accused of lying.

7. A. The atomic bomb was a great achievement.

B. Science shouldn't continue making achievements.

C. The atom shouldn't have been split.

D. All achievement leads to things like the atomic bomb.

8. A. Husband and wife. B. Brother and sister. C. Father and daughter. D. Mother and son. Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

9.A. A letter to the man's parents. B. A dying frog

C. The inner workings of the body .

D. An experiment.

10. A. Teacher and student. B. Employer and employee. C. Doctor and patient. D. Mother and son.

11. A. Kill the man's frog. B. Write a letter. C. Meet the man's father. D. Kill other animals.

12. A. The man thinks the woman is too cowardly.

B. The man thinks he should try the woman's patience.

C. The man thinks he is braver than his classmates.

D. The man thinks the woman shouldn't ever tell him what to do.

13. A. She feels that the man is cowardly.

B. She feels she is losing her ability to tolerate the man.

C. She feels that the man should stand up for his beliefs.

D. She feels she should let the man do what he wants to do.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. They live healthily and actively. B. They look older than their real age.

C. They look younger than their biological age.

D. They can be used to repair damage.

15. A. They used a different method for bringing together eggs and cells.

B. They used animals for the cloning that were younger.

C. They studied medical implications that were significant.

D. They made use of advanced cell technologies for their experiment.

16. A. A heart cell. B. A young cell. C. A clock. D. A time machine.

17. A. A new heart. B. A youthful immune system. C. A clone. D. Heart cells.

18. A. Lanza's discovery could lead to people living longer.

B. Cloning can damage an animal's heart.

C. Cows are better for cloning than are sheep.

D. Cloned cells are rejected by heart cells.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. I suggested he should _________ himself to his new conditions.

A. adapt

B. adopt

C. assemble

D. suit

20. Cancellation of the flight ________ many passengers to spend the night at the airport.

A. resulted

B. obliged

C. demanded

D. recommended

21. Without proper lessons, you could ___________ a lot of bad habits when playing the piano.

A. keep up

B. pick up

C. draw up

D. catch up

22. All the key words in the article are printed in _________ type so as to attract readers' attention.

A. dark

B. heavy

C. black

D. bold

23. I didn't ________ to take a taxi but I had to as I was late.

A. assume

B. suppose

C. mean

D. hope

24. In Disneyland every year, some 800,000 plants are replaced because Disney refused to __________ signs asking his "guests" not to step on them.

A. put down

B. put out

C. put up

D. put off

25. On New Y ear's Eve, New Y ork City holds an outdoor ____________ which attracts a crowd of

a million or more people. A. occasion B. event C. case D. affair

26. It is doubtful that she has __________ the role of Prime Minister in British politics.

A. transplanted

B. transferred

C. transported

D. transformed

27. If this kind of fish becomes _________, future generations may never taste it at all.

A. minimum

B. short

C. seldom

D. scarce

28. The bed has been ___________ in the family. It was my great-grandmother's originally.

A. handed out

B. handed over

C. handed down

D. handed round

29. Operations which left patients __________ and in need of long periods of recovery now leave them feeling relaxed and comfortable. A. exhausted B. ignored C. injured D. deserted

30. It is important that the hotel receptionist __________ that guests are registered correctly.

A. has made sure

B. made sure

C. must make sure

D. make sure

31. I'll never forget ___________ you for the first time.

A. to meet

B. meeting

C. to have met

D. having to be meeting

32. That young man still denies __________ the fire behind the store.

A. start

B. to start

C. having started

D. to have started

33. __________ in a recent science competition, the three students were awarded scholarships (奖学金) totaling $21, 000. A. Judged the best B. Judging the best

C. To be judged the best

D. Having judged the best

34. Everything we eat and drink contains some salt; we can meet the body's need for it from natural sources without turning _______ the salt shaker. A. up B. to C. on D. over

35. He always did well at school ________ having to do part-time jobs every now and than.

A. in spite of

B. regardless of

C. on account of

D. in case of

36. ___________ receiving financ ial support from family, the community or the government is allowed, it is never admired. A. As B. Once C. Although D. When

37. The basic features of the communication process are identified in one question: Who says __________ through what channel to whom? A. how B. when C. what D. such

38.The hours __ children spend in their one-way relationship with people on television undoubtedly affect their relationships with real-life people.

A. in which

B. on which

C. when

D. that

39. I'd rather have a room of my own, however small it is, than _________ a room with someone else. A. share B. to share C. sharing D. to have shared

40. ___________ difficulties we may come across, we'll help one another to overcome them.

A. Wherever

B. Whatever

C. However

D. Whenever

41. So many directors _________, the board meeting had to be put off.

A. were absent

B. been absent

C. had been absent

D. being absent

42. He will surely finish the job on time _________ he's left to do it in his own way.

A. in that

B. so long as

C. in case

D. as far as

43. The bank is reported in the local newspaper ________ in broad daylight yesterday.

A. being robbed

B. having been robbed

C. to have been robbed

D. robbed

44. Agriculture was a step in human progress ___________ which subsequently there was nothing comparable until our own machine age. A. in B. for C. to D. from

45. The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one ________ the other.

A. emphasizing

B. reinforcing

C. multiplying

D. increasing

46. No one had told Smith about ________ a lecture the following day.

A. there being

B. there be

C. there would be

D. there was

47. I was halfway back to the cottage where my mother lived ________ Susan caught up with me.

A. when

B. while

C. until

D. through

48. ____________ the temperature falling so rapidly, we couldn't go on with the experiment.

A. Since

B. For

C. As

D. With

Part 5 Reading Comprehension (Multiple Choice)

It seems that the art of survival—or continual positive projection—in the world of popular music these days, depends very much on change. If artists fail to recreate their image over and over again—they risk facing criticisms of dullness; that they are not fashionable.

This phenomenon applies especially to the female ranks. It is not enough for an artist to be beautiful and sexy. These characteristics too must be changed often, and remodeled to avoid being bogged down by a stereotype.

One example of the rock "n" roll art of move and change is Madonna, a brilliant illustration of the trend. Her latest disc (光盘), "Something to Remember", showcases (陈列) her wonderful popular songs and how she has so effectively been able to stay at the top without diminishing (降低) credibility (信誉) in her particular field. (For these purposes, we will forget her unworthy play about sex and that horrible book.)

This collection demonstrates how she has toned down her image at relevant (相关的) times to give contrast and definition to her career. But it offers more than simply a study in rock fashion history. There is also a solid assortment (混合物) of quality music.

It opens with the newest "I Want Y ou with Massive Attack", a faintly sad and moody song which quickly moves back in time to her earlier songs: "Crazy for Y ou", "This Used to Be My Playground" and "Y ou'll See". There is also a nice version of "Love Don't Live Here Anymore". So this is more than an exploitative (利用的) offering.

49. This article is primarily ________.

A. a review of Madonna's new record

B. a review of Madonna's life story

C. an analysis of Madonna's success in Hollywood

D. a review of Madonna's career

50. The main point of Paragraph 1 is to tell the reader that artists need to ________.

A. keep an image that the public knows and loves

B. recreate themselves to survive

C. avoid being dull at all costs

D. stay sexy to survive

51. How would you describe the writer's attitude towards Madonna?

A. Basically critical.

B. Negative.

C. Generally favourable.

D. Uncritically admiring.

52. In Paragraph 5 the main point ________.

A. is to suggest that the record is a waste of money

B. is to describe some stories from Madonna's past

C. is to introduce Madonna's new record

D. is to detail the contents of the new record

53. In paragraph 2, "bogged down" could be replaced by which of the following?

A. Enhanced.

B. Improved.

C. Restricted.

D. Bothered.


Part 1 Understanding Short Conversations

1. A. She had paid more attention to her pronunciation.

B. She doesn't make mistakes in her pronunciation.

C. She didn't pay more attention to her pronunciation.

D. She sometimes makes mistakes in her pronunciation.

2. A. He's afraid of crashing. B. He gets sick on planes.

C. He misunderstood the woman.

D. He dislikes traveling alone.

3. A. A person. B. A dog. C. A bird. D. A monkey.

4. A. 6:2

5. B. 7:30. C. 10:00. D. 12:00.

5. A. That they finish their assignment early. B. That they watch the clock carefully.

C. That they be careful of their handwriting.

D. That they wait a few minutes after class.

6. A. She suggests that the man go to hospital. B. She suggests that the man call Jack's family.

C.She suggests that the man go back to Jack at once.D She suggests that the man go and get a taxi.

7. A. $8.82. B. $9.20. C. $10.12. D. $11.00.

8.A. Mother and son.B. Father and daughter.C. Brother and sister. D. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Part 2 Understanding Long Conversations

Questions 9 to 13 are based on the same passage or dialog.

9. A. Foreign travel. B. Latin America. C. Airplanes. D. Disease.

10. A. 1. B. 20. C. 74. D. 250.

11. A. The disease had never been seen in Los Angeles. B. The food made people sick.

C. People were not concerned enough about disease.

D. Any dead disease may come back.

12. A. No one could explain it. B. It had never been seen in South America.

C. The newspapers said it wasn't a problem.

D. The disease was thought to have gone away.

13. A. Doctors. B. A lack of concern. C. Food. D. Travel.

Part 3 Understanding Passages

14. A. A storm. B. A plane disappearance. C. A flight to Alaska. D. The military.

15. A. To help a friend get elected. B. To search for a lost friend.

C. To see Blue Mountain Pass.

D. To become re-elected.

16. A. They would never want to stop the search. B. They would eventually find Penn.

C. They would feel tired.

D. They would conduct a professional search.

17. A. Penn's plane entering Blue Mountain Pass. B. A severe storm on the day of the flight.

C. The radio from Penn's plane.

D. The largest search in Alaska's history.

18. A. 325,000. B. 39. C. 3,600. D. 55.

Part 4 Multiple Choice

19. The doctor gave her a physical __________ last week which showed she was in normal condition. A. investigation B. examination C. inquiry D. test

20. I keep a box of tools and a fire extinguisher in my car for use in a(n) ________.

A. case

B. condition

C. emergency

D. time

21. The plane quickly lost ________. A. altitude B. height C. level D. tallness

22. Outside the plane the ________ was beautiful. A. sight B. spot C. scenery D. view


中国矿业大学 本科学生学籍管理规定 根据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》和教育部《普通高等学校学生管理规定》,结合我校具体情况,特制定本规定。 第一章新生入学 第一条按照国家招生规定由我校录取的新生,必须持我校《录取通知书》和学校规定的有关证件,按照《录取通知书》的要求和规定的日期到校办理入学手续。因故不能按期入学者,应写信并附原单位或所在街道、乡镇证明,向校招生办公室请假,请假一般不得超过两周。未请假或请假逾期两周不报到者,除因不可抗力等正当事由外,视为放弃入学资格。 第二条新生入学后,学校在三个月内按照国家招生规定对其进行复查。复查内容包括政治与思想道德、业务、身体健康状况等,复查合格者予以注册,取得学籍,并发给学生证。复查不合格者,依据不同情况,分别予以处理,直至取消入学资格。 第三条凡属弄虚作假、徇私舞弊取得学籍者,一经查实,取消其学籍。情节恶劣的,报请有关部门查究。 第四条对患有疾病的新生,经学校指定的二级甲等以上医院(下同)诊断不宜在校学习的,允许其申请保留入学资格一年,并应于通知之日起一周内办理离校手续,户口回原籍。逾期不办理离校手续,取消入学资格。保留入学资格者不具有学籍,不享受在校生待遇,医疗费自理。保留入学资格期间经治疗康复者,必须在保留入学资格的次年6月份以前,向校招生办公室书面提出入学申请,并附县级以上医院诊断证明,经本校校医院复查合格者,重新办理入学手续。复查不合格或逾期不办理入学手续者,取消入学资格。

第二章学制、学生在校年限 第五条本科学制四年(建筑学专业学制五年),按照学分制管理机制,实行弹性学习年限。本科生在校最长年限(含休学)为所在专业学制加三年,超过此年限者,不予注册。 第六条提前达到毕业要求者,可申请提前一年毕业;不能在学制年限内达到毕业要求且符合学校相关规定者,可申请延长学习年限。提前毕业或延长学习年限者,须按学校有关规定办理申请、缴费等手续。 第三章注册与考勤 第七条注册 1.注册是学生取得学习资格必须履行的手续,每学期开学一周内,学生办理注册手续,以取得本学期的学习资格。 2.秋季学生注册时,必须缴清有关费用,再持本人学生证及学校有关业务部门出具的缴费收据到所在学院办理注册手续。由经办人员在学生证上加盖注册印章并对购火车票“优惠卡”充值,进行网上注册。 3.学生因病或其他不可抗力等正当事由不能如期注册者,必须及时以书面形式向其所在学院请假,并提供相关证明,经主管院长同意后方可延期一周注册;学生未经请假或请假未获批准逾期两周及以上不注册者,视为放弃学籍,按退学处理。 4.因家庭经济困难无法缴清有关费用者,须以书面形式向学院提出延期注册申请并作出缴费承诺,经学院批准可在办理助学贷款或者其他形式资助后,到所在学院办理注册等手续。 5.学生证遗失者,注册时须出示本人身份证或相关证件,经办人员将其情况记录在案。待学生证补办后,再加盖注册章。 6.休学学生经批准复学后,按学校规定的日期到校办理复学注册手续。 7.学院于开学第二周内将未按时注册(含延期注册)学生名单报教务部。 8.未按学校规定缴纳有关费用或者其他不符合注册条件的不予注


建设工程施工安全标准化管理资料 (第七册) 安全验收 南京医科大学康达学院图书馆/行政人文楼工程名称:南京医科大学康达学院 建设单位:江苏润科投资发展有限公司 施工单位:南通建工集团股份有限公司 监理单位:连云港市连大监理有限公司 江苏省建筑安全监督总站制

目录 7.1 安全验收记录汇总表 7.2 临建设施 7.2.1 施工现场围挡验收表 7.2.2-1 施工现场装配式活动板房安装验收表 7.2.2-2 施工现场装配式轻钢结构活动板房安全检查表7.3 分部分项工程 7.3.1 基坑支护、降水安全验收表 7.3.2 土方开挖安全验收表 7.3.3 模板工程及支撑体系安全验收表 7.3.4 脚手架及附属设施 7.3.4-1 落地式钢管扣件脚手架搭设验收表 7.3.4-2 悬挑式脚手架验收表 7.3.4-3 门式脚手架验收表 7.3.4-4 悬挑式卸料平台验收表 7.3.4-5 落地操作平台搭设验收表 7.4 防护设施 7.4.1 临边、洞口安全防护设施验收表 7.4.2 安全防护棚搭设验收表 7.4.3 攀登作业设施验收表 7.5 脚手架、安全防护设施临时拆除申请表

说明 1.各类设施在搭设完毕后,应由使用单位、搭设单位共同参与验收,验收不合格的安全设施必须整改符合要求后,方可使用或进入下道工序。 分部分项工程应分段进行验收,验收合格后,方可使用或进入下道工序。 2.各验收表格应由项目技术管理人员负责填写,应保证字迹清晰,手续齐全。 各种资料应按表格明确的验收人员亲自签名,不得打印或代签。 填写内容要求真实、详细,符合现场实际情况和规范要求。 3.超过一定规模的危险性较大的分部分项工程验收还应按照专项施工方案、相应规范标准和有关规定要求实施。 4.附着式整体和分片提升脚手架、吊篮脚手架安装验收资料详见《建设工程施工安全标准化管理资料》(第八册)。


中国矿业大学《专门水文地质学》复习资料(上) 中国矿业大学《专门水文地质学》复习资料(上) 1、水文地质调查的目的和任务? 目的:查明天然及人为条件下地下水的形成、赋存和运移特征,地下水水量、水质的变化规律,为地下水资源评价、开发利用、管理和保护以及环境问题、地下水灾害的防治提供所需的资料。任务:地下水的赋存条件。查明含水介质的特征及埋藏分布情况;地下水的补给、径流、排泄条件,查明地下水的水量及变化规律;地下水的水文地球化学特征,不仅要查明地下水的化学成分,还要查明地下水化学成分的形成条件。 2水文地质调查分哪几个阶段? 1准备工作(主要是设计书):已的水文地质工作评价、工作设计。2,野外工作。3,室内工作:测试、资料整理分析、编写报告 按不同目的分类:供水水文地质勘查、矿区水文地质勘查供水水文地质勘察工作划分为:地下水普查;详查;勘探;

开采 矿区水文地质勘查阶段划分:1,普查勘探阶段:普查、详查(初步勘探)、精查(详细勘探)2,生产建设阶段(补充勘探) 3水文地质调查包括哪些方法?水文地质测绘(地面调查)、水文地质钻探、水文地质物探、水文地质化探、水文地质试验、实验室试验分析、其它方法 4水文地质勘探工作程序应遵偱的原则? A工作范围由大到小,工作要求由粗到精。B按测绘—勘探—试验—长期观测的顺序安排。C根据具体条件由少到多,由点到线,进一步控制到面。D每一勘查阶段按准备工作、野外施工和室内总结三段时期进行。 5水文地质地面调查(测绘)主要进行哪些方面的调查? 气象资料、地表水、地质地貌、地下水露头 6水文地质观测路线及测点的布置要求?观测路线:a沿垂直岩层或岩浆岩体构造线走向。b沿地貌变化显著方向。c 沿河谷沟谷和地下水露头多的地带。d沿含水层带走向。观测点:a,地层界线断层线褶皱轴线岩浆岩与围岩接触带b,标志层典型露头和岩性岩相变化带等c地貌分界线和自然地质现象发育处d井泉、钻孔、矿井、坎儿井、地表坍陷、岩溶水点如暗河出入口、落水洞、地下湖和地表水体。 7水文地质钻探的任务和特点?任务:1、研究地质、水文地


校情校史知识竞赛·学习资料 部分原始题库: 《壹.单选题》 1.________________,山西商务局代表曹中裕与福公司代表罗沙第正式签订了《山西商务局与福公司议定山西开矿制铁以及转运各色矿产章程》(简称《山西矿务章程》)二十条。(A) A.1898年5月21日 B.1909年5月21日 C.1898年6月1日 D.1909年6月1日 2.______________第十三条规定:福公司于各矿开办之始,即于矿山就近开设矿务、铁路学堂,由地方官钟选取青年颖悟学生二三十名,延请洋师教授,以备路、矿因材选用。(B) A.《福中矿务学校管理规则》 B.《河南矿务章程》 C.《山西矿务章程》 D.《办事专条》 3.按照《河南矿务章程》,英国福公司攫取了“专办怀庆左右、黄河以北诸山各矿”______的权利,办理河南矿务的主体名义上是河南豫丰公司,但是各种实权都掌握在福公司手中。(B) A.70年 B.60年 C.50年 D.40年 4.1905年,山西各界人士掀起了收回矿权运动,在向福公司交付了_______万两银子后收回了福公司在山西的采矿权。(A) A.275 B.300 C.425 D.450 5.1909年3月1日,《办事专条》签订几天以后,路矿学堂终于在河南焦作得以创办,校址选在焦作煤矿附近的西焦作村,占地______。学校名称定为“焦作路矿学堂”。(B) A.40亩 B.50亩 C.60亩 D.70亩 6.福中总公司是中国最早成立的大型中外合资企业之一。它初成立时有矿工8400人,占当时全国500人以上的工矿企业工人总数的7.7%,煤炭年产量长期在中国居第___位左右。(C) A.1


中国矿业大学文件 中矿大学生字〔2018〕19号 关于印发《中国矿业大学学生违纪处分管理 规定》的通知 各学院(部)、部、处、室,各有关单位: 依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)、《高等学校学生行为准则》等相关法律法规,结合我校实际情况,学校对《中国矿业大学学生违纪处分管理规定》进行了修订,现予以印发,请遵照执行。 特此通知 附件:中国矿业大学学生违纪处分管理规定 中国矿业大学 2018年7月29日

中国矿业大学校长办公室2018年9月7日印发- 2 -

附件: 中国矿业大学学生违纪处分管理规定 第一章总则 第一条为加强学校管理和校风建设,维护学校正常的教育教学秩序和生活秩序,保障学生的合法权益,培养德、智、体、美等方面全面发展的社会主义建设者和接班人,依据《中华人民共和国高等教育法》、《普通高等学校学生管理规定》(教育部令第41号)、《高等学校学生行为准则》以及其他有关法律法规,结合我校的实际情况,制定本规定。 第二条本规定适用于具有中国矿业大学正式学籍的全日制研究生和本科、二学位学生。 第三条处分违纪学生,坚持教育与惩戒相结合,与学生违法、违纪行为的性质和过错的严重程度相适应,做到证据充分、依据明确、定性准确、程序正当、处分适当。 第二章处分种类和运用 第四条对有违反法律法规以及学校纪律行为的学生,学校给予批评教育,并可视情节轻重,给予以下纪律处分: (一)警告; (二)严重警告; (三)记过; (四)留校察看; (五)开除学籍。 第五条受处分的学生在处分期内不得评定各类优秀、荣誉称号和优秀学生奖学金。 - 3 -


《关于安全的资料》 阅读精选(1): 生活安全知识 一、学会报警 1。要熟记并正确使用各种求助与报警电话号码。 2。遇到意外事故、突发事件时,可拨打电话求助或报警。 3。拨打电话求助或报警时,要根据所报警种要求,讲清楚所求助或报警的资料。 4。报警时,要报出自我的姓名、住址或所在学校及所使用的电话号码。 5。使用普通电话、投币电话、磁卡电话拨打110、119、120、122(均为免费服务号码)时,直接拿起话筒即可拨通。使用手机报警时,也可直接拨打相应的号码。 6。空气中内含超多可燃性气体或粉尘时,禁止使用电话报警,防止引发爆炸或爆燃。 二、拨打110求助或报警 1。遇到紧急状况,需要公安机关帮忙时,可拨打110求助。 2。遇到盗窃、抢劫,自身安全受到威胁及发生车祸时,可拨打110报警求救。 3。正在发生或发现治安案件、刑事案件时,可拨打110报警。 三、拨打119报火警 1。自我所在场所及周边发生火灾时,要尽快拨打119报警。 2。发现草场、山林着火时,可拨打119报警。 3。拨打119报警时,要讲清楚什么材料着火、着火地点及火势大小。 4。报火警后可在路口等候消防车,为消防车指引去火场的道路。 5。火势危及自我的生命时,要先逃离火场,再报警。 6。没有电话或消防队的地方,发现火情时,要及时报告有关人员或部门。 四、拨打122交通事故台 1。发生交通事故时,可拨打122报警或向旁人求助报警。 2。发现所在或飘过地点,发生交通事故时,可拨打122报警。 3。拨打122报警时,要讲清楚发生交通事故的准确地点、肇事车辆及伤害状况。

4。如肇事车辆逃逸,报警时要讲清楚车牌号码、车型、车的颜色及逃逸方向。 5。不在发生交通事故的现场围观,防止自我受到伤害。 6。发生交通事故需要求助时,也可拨打110。 五、拨打120与999急救 1。自我、家人或他人发生疾病及各类伤害事故需要医疗救助时,可拨打120。 2。拨打120时,要讲清病人的姓名、性别、年龄、所在地点及目前所处危急状况(如骨折、严重外伤、超多出血、呼吸困难等)。 阅读精选(2): 关于交通安全知识的资料 发生交通事故的原因一般是走路精神不集中;我们不能为了赶时间或缺乏耐性、贪图方便,而不遵守交通规则;我们认识不到交通规则的重要性,认为不遵守交通规则并不是什么大过错,这是错误的。下面学习啦小编收集了关于交通安全知识的资料,期望能帮忙到你。 道路交通安全知识资料 一、步行安全知识资料 1。步行时,走人行道,靠右侧行走。 2。横穿马路,要走人行横道。行走时,先看左侧车辆,后看右侧车辆。 3。设有交通信号灯的人行横道,绿灯亮时,可通行。红灯亮时,禁止通行。 4。设有自助式交通信号灯的人行横道,要先按人行横道使用开关,等绿灯亮、机动车停 驶后,再透过。红灯亮或显示等待信号时,禁止透过。 5。设有过街天桥或地下通道的区域,不横穿马路。 6。无人行横道与透过设施的区域,横穿马路时,要在确认安全后,再透过。 7。不在机动车道、非机动车道上打闹、猛跑。 8。不跨越各种交通护栏、护网与隔离带。 9。路面有雪或结冰时,防止滑倒,造成摔伤。 10。上学路上、校园内禁止穿暴走鞋与飞轮鞋。 二、乘车安全知识资料 1。所乘车辆靠站停止前,不要向车门方向涌动。车辆停稳后,先下后上,按顺序上下车。


9.10 半径为R 的无限长圆柱体内均匀带电,电荷体密度为ρ,求电场强度分布。 解:无限长圆柱体带电所激发的电场具有轴对称性,可用高斯定理。 取高斯面为:半径为r ,长为l 的圆柱体,轴线为圆柱带电体的轴线。 当r R <时,高斯定理为: 2 110 1 22r E rl r l E ρπρπεε?= ?= 当r R >时,高斯定理为: 2 2 220 01 22R E rl R l E r ρπρπεε?= ?= 9.11 在半径为1R 和2R 的两个同心球面上,分别均匀地分布着电荷1Q 和2Q ,求:⑴ Ⅰ, Ⅱ,Ⅲ三个区域内的电场强度分布;⑵ 若12Q Q =-,情况如何。 解:⑴ 电荷激发的电场为球对称,取高斯面为雨带电球面同球心,半径为r 的球面,由 高斯定理可得:1 2 112 012 20 04r R Q E r R r R Q Q r R πεε?? ? ? 所以可得到电场强度的表达式为:10E =,10r R << 1 22 01 4Q E r πε= ,12R r R << 12 32 1 4Q Q E r πε+= ,2r R > ⑵ 若12Q Q =-,10E =,10r R <<, 1 22 01 4Q E r πε= ,12R r R << 30E =,2r R > 9.16 求题9.10中无限长带电直圆柱体的电势分布(以轴线为零电势参考点) 解:电场强度分布为:10 2r E ρε= ,0r R << 2 202R E r ρε= ,r R >

并由题意可知,电势为零的点为轴线处,即0r =处。 当0r R <<时,电势为:2 00110 4r r r U Edr E dr ρε= = =- ? ? 当r R >时,电势为:2 2 002210 ln 42R r r R R R R U Edr E dr E dr r ρρεε= = + =- + ? ? ? 9.17 求题9.11中同心均匀带电球面在Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ三个区域内的电势分布。 解:电场强度的分布为:10E =,10r R << 1 22 01 4Q E r πε= ,12R r R << 12 32 1 4Q Q E r πε+= ,2r R > 当10r R <<时,121 2 1123R R r r R R U Edr E dr E dr E dr ∞ ∞= = + + ? ? ? ? 2 1 2 11 2001144R R R Q Q Q r r πεπε∞ +?? ??=-- ? ? ?? ?? 1201 02 44Q Q R R πεπε= + 当12R r R <<时,22 223R r r R U Edr E dr E dr ∞∞= = + ? ? ? 112 0202 1144Q Q Q r R R πεπε??+= -+ ??? 12002 44Q Q r R πεπε=+ 当2r R >时,1212332 01144r r r Q Q Q Q U Edr E dr dr r r πεπε∞ ∞∞++= = ==? ??? ? 9.18 电荷Q 均匀分布在半径为R 的球体内,求球体内外的电势分布。 解:电场强度分布:由高斯定理得到:0 S q E dS ε = ?


爆破复习资料 1.硝铵类炸药的主要成分是?各在炸药中起什么作用? 答:氧化剂 (硝酸铵、硝酸钾等) 、可燃剂(木粉、沥青、石蜡、煤油、柴油等)及敏化剂(TNT、石英砂、碎玻璃、金属粉等)。 2.试比较铵梯炸药和铵油炸药的优缺点及适用条件。 答:铵梯优缺点:铵梯炸药爆炸后生成气体量大、感度低,吸湿性强,当空气相对湿度大于硝酸铵吸湿点时,随空气湿度增高,吸湿速度加快,吸湿后易结块、硬化、大大降低爆炸性能,抗水性差。 适用条件:铵梯炸药可用于岩石隧道、巷道的掘进,露天爆破以及煤矿开采。 铵油炸药优缺点:优点是原料广泛,价格低廉,安全性好,加工简单,利于机械加工和现场混药。缺点是不抗水,易吸湿结块,感度低,临界直径大,威力小,产生有毒气体量多。适用条件:铵油炸药一般用于露天爆破。 3.比较水胶炸药和乳化炸药的组成优缺点和适用条件。 答:水胶炸药:主要由氧化剂、水溶液、敏化剂、胶凝剂和交联剂组成,有时加入少量交联延迟剂、抗冻剂、表面活性剂和安定剂,以改善炸药的性能。 特点:抗水性强,适合于有水工作面的爆破作业;机械感度低,安全性好;爆炸产生的炮烟少,有毒气体含量少;炸药的威力高,猛度和爆速值一般高于岩石铵梯炸药;具有塑性和流动性,有利于机械化装填,可提高工作效率、装药密度和爆破效果。 乳化炸药:也称乳胶炸药,是在水胶炸药的基础上发展起来的一种新型抗水炸药。它由氧化剂水溶液、燃料油、乳化剂、稳定剂、敏化发泡剂、高热剂等成分组成。 特点:乳化炸药的密度可调范围较宽、爆速、起爆敏感度高、猛度较高、抗水性能比水胶炸药更强;加工使用安全,可实现装药机械化;原料广泛,加工简单;适合各种条件下的爆破作业。 4. 常用的起爆方法有哪几种?简述各种起爆方法所用的器材。 答:1)电力起爆法,电力起爆网路由电雷管、导线和起爆电源三部分组成。; 2)导火索起爆法所使用的主要器材有:导火索、火雷管和点火材料; 3)导爆索起爆法,是利用一种导爆索爆炸时产生的能量去引爆炸药的一种方法,但导爆索本身需要先用雷管将其引爆; 4)导爆管起爆系统由塑料导爆管、连接元件、击发元件、传爆元件、起爆元件组成。 5. 炸药爆炸必须具备哪三个基本要素?为什么? 答:1)反应的放热性。因为炸药分子只有在一定能量下才活化分解;热能是炸药爆炸作功的能量来源;炸药内能、爆炸、热能、气体压缩能、膨胀、机械功。 2)生成大量气体。爆炸能量必须借助于气体产物才能转化为机械功。没有气体产物就不会形成爆炸。 3)反应的快速性。短时间内释放大量能量才能具有强大威力 6. 炸药化学变化的基本形式是什么? 答:1)缓慢分解(热分解):常温常压下,炸药会自行分解,它是在整个炸药内部展开的,炸药内各点的温度相同没有集中反应区。 2)燃烧:燃烧反应是从炸药的某个局部开始,然后沿着炸药的表面或条形的轴向方向以缓慢的速度靠热传导向未反应区传播。 3)爆炸:反应从局部开始,靠冲击波向未反应区迅速传播,无论在密闭还是敞开条件下,均可产生较大压力,并伴随光、声等效应的过程,以每秒数百米至数千米的速度进行。


《马克思主义基本原理概论》 复习题 绪论 1、马克思主义三个组成部分及三个理论来源。 马克思主义者哲学、马克思主义政治经济学、科学社会主义 德国古典哲学、英国古典政治经济学、19世纪英法空想社会主义 第一章 1、哲学基本问题(两方面内容,唯物主义与唯心主义,可知论与不可知论)。 思维与存在的关系问题,物质和精神何者是第一性、何者是第二性的问题,思维能否认识或正确认识存在的问题。唯物主义主张物质第一性,意识第二性,唯心主义主张意识第一性,物质第二性。 可知论认为世界史可以被认识的,不可知论认为世界史不能被人们认识或不能完全被认识的。 2、辩证唯物主义的物质定义及其意义。 物质是标志客观实在的哲学范畴,这种客观实在是人们通过感觉感知的,它不依赖于我们的感觉而存在,为我们的感觉所复写、摄影、反映。 意义: 第一,坚持了物质的客观实在性原则,坚持了唯物主义一元论,同唯心主义一元论和二元论划清了界限。 第二,坚持了能动的反映论和可知论,有力的批判了不可知论。 第三,体现了唯物论和辩证法的统一。 第四,体现了唯物主义自然观与唯物主义历史观的统一,为彻底的唯物主义奠定了理论基础。 3、运动观(定义,物质与运动,运动与静止,反对错误观点)。 运动是物质的存在方式和根本属性,物质是一切运动变化和发展过程的实在基础和承担者。 静止时物质运动在一定条件下的稳定状态,包括空间的相对位置和事物的根本性质暂时未变这样两种运动的特殊状态。 4、意识观(起源、本质、能动作用)。 第一,意识是能动的,具有目的性和计划性。 第二,意识活动具有创造性。 第三,意识具有指导实践改造客观世界的作用。 第四,意识还具有指导、控制人的行为和生理活动的作用。 5、实践观(人类社会生活的实践本性,社会与自然的统一与分化) 第一,实践是社会关系形成的基础。 第二,实践形成了社会生活的基本领域。 第三,实践构成了社会发展的动力。


中国矿业大学文件 中矿大研字〔2019〕1号 关于修订中国矿业大学研究生学位论文评阅 办法的通知 各研究生培养单位: 为进一步完善我校研究生学位论文质量监控体系,提高研究生培养质量,决定对《中国矿业大学研究生学位论文评阅办法》进行修订,现予以公布。 附件:中国矿业大学研究生学位论文评阅办法 中国矿业大学 2019年3月13日 中国矿业大学校长办公室 2019年3月15日印发

附件: 中国矿业大学研究生学位论文评阅办法 (2019年1月修订) 一、博士学位论文评阅 1.所有博士学位论文全部由学校组织盲审;研究生院常年受理博士学位论文送审。 2.每篇博士学位论文由3位(同等学力人员博士学位论文由5位)具有指导博士研究生经历的校外专家进行评阅。评阅人原则上应从学科水平不低于我校的高校或科研院所选聘,并且是责任心强,治学严谨,在本学科领域造诣较深,在与学位论文研究方向相同或相近的科学研究中有突出成绩的专家。 3.评阅人对论文要写出详细的学术评语。内容包括: (1)掌握本领域国内外学术、科技动态的情况以及综合分析问题的能力; (2)论文选题的理论意义和实用价值的评价; (3)对论文水平、有无创造性成果及社会经济效益的评价; (4)对理论分析、运算能力、实验手段、设计技能的评价; (5)对论文写作、材料组织、文章逻辑性、表达能力以及学风的评价; (6)存在的问题及是否同意答辩。 4.博士学位论文评阅书全部返回方为有效,由答辩秘书负责论文评阅意见的汇总和评阅成绩的统计。 - 2 -

5.博士学位论文评阅意见处理办法,主要依据论文评阅书中专家对学位论文是否同意答辩的“总体评价意见”和对作者自述论文中主要创新点的“创新点评价意见”综合认定。 “创新点评价意见”分为:“优秀”“良好”“一般”“差”四个等级。 “总体评价意见”分为: (1)达到博士学位论文要求,同意经少量的修改后答辩; (2)基本达到博士学位论文要求,同意进行一定的修改,经导师审核后答辩; (3)与博士学位论文要求有一定差距,需进行较大的修改后重新评审; (4)未达到博士学位论文要求,不同意答辩。 “创新点评价意见”的差评率高于25%的,则评审不通过,应对学位论文进行修改后重新送审; “创新点评价意见”的差评率不高于25%的,若“总体评价意见”全部为“同意经少量的修改后答辩”则评审通过,可申请答辩;若“总体评价意见”有“同意进行一定的修改,经导师审核后答辩”则要求进行修改,导师审核通过后(附导师审核意见)可申请答辩;若“总体评价意见”有一份及以上为“需进行较大的修改后重新评审”或“不同意答辩”则评审不通过,应对学位论文做出实质性修改后重新送审。 6.“创新点评价意见”优良率低于80%的,不可参评优秀博士学位论文。 二、硕士学位论文评阅 1.硕士学位论文评阅须在答辩前4周进行。 2.每篇硕士学位论文由2位具有指导硕士研究生经历的专家进行评 - 3 -


安全教育资料 一、火灾隐患的概念及其特征 火灾隐患的概念及其含义 火灾隐患是指违反消防法律、法规,有可能造成火灾危害的隐患的祸患,其含义包括以下三点; 1.增加了发生火灾的危险性。 2.一旦发生火灾,会增加对人身、财产的危害。 3.一旦导致火灾会严重影响灭火救援行动。 燃烧 燃烧是可燃物质与助燃物(氧或其他助燃物质)发生的一种发光发热的氧化反应。可燃烧质、助燃物质和着火源。 初期火灾的扑救 闪点 任何液体的表面都有蒸汽存在,其浓度取决于液体的温度。可燃液体表面的蒸汽与空气形成的混合物可燃气体,遇到明火以后,只出现瞬间闪火而不能持续燃烧的现象称为闪燃,引起燃烧时液体的最低温度称为闪燃。 着火 在有空气存在的环境中,可燃物质与明火接触能引起燃烧,并且在火源移去以后保持继续燃烧的现象称为着火。 自然 可燃物质在助燃性气体(如空气)受热能引燃并持续燃烧的

现象称自燃。 燃烧类别 根据可燃烧物质的性质,一般可划分为4个基本类别: 1、A类火灾指固体物质火灾,这种物质往往具有有机物 性质,一般在燃烧时能产生灼热的余烬,如木材、棉、毛、麻、纸张火灾等。 2、B类火灾指液体火灾和可溶化的固体火灾,如汽油、 煤油、柴油、原油、甲醇、乙醇、沥青等。 3、C类火灾指气体火灾,如煤气、天然气、甲烷、乙烷、 丙烷、氢气火灾等。 4、D类火灾指金属火灾,如钾、镁、钛、锂、铝镁合金 火灾等。 爆炸 爆炸是物质发生急剧的物理、化学变化,由一种状态迅速转变为另一种状态,并在瞬间释放出巨大能量的现象。一般说来,爆炸现象具有以下特征: (1)爆炸过程进行得很快; (2)炸点附近压力急剧升高,产生冲击波; (3)发出或大或小的响声; (4)周围介质发生振动或邻近物质遭受破坏。


中国矿业大学2009~2010学年第 二 学期 《大学物理B 》试卷(B 卷) 考试时间:120 分钟 考试方式:闭卷 适用:09级统考(80学时) 学院: 班级:_________ 学号: 姓名:________ 一、选择题(共30分) 1.(本题3分)选无穷远处为电势零点,半径为R 的导体球带电后,其电势为U 0,则球外离球心距离为r 处的电场强度的大小为 (A) 302r U R . (B) R U 0. (C) 2 0r RU .(D) r U 0 . [ ] 2. (本题3分)已知一螺绕环的自感系数为L .若将该螺绕环锯成两个半环式的螺线管,则两个半环螺线管的自感系数 (A) 都等于L 21. (B) 有一个大于L 21,另一个小于L 21. (C) 都大于L 21. (D) 都小于L 21. [ ] 3.(本题3分)一简谐振动曲线如图所示.则振动周期是 (A) 2.62 s . (B) 2.40 s .(C) 2.20 s . (D) 2.00 s . [ ] 4.(本题3分)一弹簧振子作简谐振动,当位移为振幅的一半时,其动能为总能量的 (A) 1/4. (B) 1/2. (C) 2/1.

(D) 3/4. (E) 2/3. [ ] 5.(本题3分)一单色平行光束垂直照射在宽度为1.0 mm 的单缝上,在缝后放一焦距为2.0 m 的会聚透镜.已知位于透镜焦平面处的屏幕上的中央明条纹宽度为2.0 mm ,则入射光波长约为 (1nm=10?9m) (A) 100 nm (B) 400 nm (C) 500 nm (D) 600 nm [ ] 6. (本题3分)一束光强为I 0的自然光垂直穿过两个偏振片,且此两偏振片的偏振化方向成45°角,则穿过两个偏振片后的光强I 为 (A) 4 /0I 2 . (B) I 0 / 4. (C) I 0 / 2. (D) 2I 0 / 2. [ ] 7. (本题3分)若 粒子(电荷为2e )在磁感应强度为B 均匀磁场中沿半径为R 的圆形轨道 运动,则粒子的德布罗意波长是 (A) )2/(eRB h . (B) )/(eRB h . (C) )2/(1eRBh . (D) )/(1eRBh . [ ] 8. (本题3分)根据玻尔的理论,氢原子在n =5轨道上的动量矩与在第一激发态的轨道动量矩之比为 (A) 5/4. (B) 5/3. (C) 5/2. (D) 5. [ ] 9. (本题3分)宇宙飞船相对于地面以速度v 作匀速直线飞行,某一时刻飞船头部的宇航员向飞船尾部发出一个光讯号,经过 t (飞船上的钟)时间后,被尾部的接收器收到,则由 此可知飞船的固有长度为 (c 表示真空中光速) (A) c · t (B) v ·t (C) 2 )/(1c t c v -??(D) 2 )/(1c t c v -??? [ ] 10. (本题3分)根据相对论力学,动能为0.25 MeV 的电子,其运动速度约等于 (A) 0.1c (B) 0.5 c (C) 0.75 c (D) 0.85 c [ ] 二、填空题(共20分)


中国矿业大学简介及历史沿革 中国矿业大学简单介绍 中国矿业大学是教育部直属的全国重点大学,是国家"211工程"和"985优势学科创新平台项目"重点建设的高校之一。中国矿业大学经过多年的发展,已经形成了以工科为主、以矿业为特色,理工文管法经教育等多学科协调发展的学科专业体系。目前,学校设有20个学院,61个本科专业;设有15个一级学科博士点,31个一级学科硕士点,69个博士点,173个硕士点;现有8个国家重点学科、1个国家重点(培育)学科,4个部级重点学科,15个省级重点学科,8个"长江学者奖励计划特聘教授"岗位设置学科,12个博士后科研流动站。中国矿业大学历史沿革 中国矿业大学的前身是创办于1909年的焦作路矿学堂,后改称焦作工学院。1950年,以焦作工学院为基础在天津建立了新中国第一所矿业高等学府——中国矿业学院。1952年,全国高等学校院系调整,清华大学、天津大学、唐山铁道学院采矿科系并入中国矿业学院。1953年,迁至北京,改称北京矿业学院,1960年被确定为全国重点高校。"文革"期间,迁至四川,更名为四川矿业学院。1978年,在江苏省徐州市重新建校,恢复中国矿业学院校名,1988年,更名为中国矿业大学。1997年,经教育部批准设立中国矿业大学北京校区。2000年,划转教育部直属管理。

中国矿业大学设置极其所有专业 中国矿业大学现设研究生院;资源与安全工程学院;力学与建筑工程学院;机电与信息工程学院;化学与环境工程学院;理学院;管理学院;文法学院;安全科学技术学院;成人教育学院;地球科学与测绘工程学院等院。 中国矿业大学历任校(院)长: 彭世济:(1982至1993,任中国矿业大学校长、中国矿业学院院长);郭育光:(1993至1998,任中国矿业大学校长);谢和平:(1998至2003,任中国矿业大学校长);王悦汉:(2003至2007,任中国矿业大学校长);葛世荣:(2007至现今,任中国矿业大学校长);乔建永:(2003至现今中国矿业大学(北京校区)校长)。 本文来自:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html,/beijing/yangb/zgkydx.html 由:https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html, https://www.wendangku.net/doc/6a18029960.html,整理上传


( 安全管理 ) 单位:_________________________ 姓名:_________________________ 日期:_________________________ 精品文档 / Word文档 / 文字可改 施工现场安全管理资料及归档 要求(新版) Safety management is an important part of production management. Safety and production are in the implementation process

施工现场安全管理资料及归档要求(新版) 安全生产管理就是针对人们在生产过程中的安全问题,运用有效的资源,发挥人们的智慧,通过人们的努力,进行有关决策、计划、组织和控制等活动,实现生产过程中人与机器设备、物料、环境的和谐,达到安全生产目标。根据国家有关安全生产标准和湖南省建设厅有关安全生产要求,结合我司实际情况,施工现场安全管理资料必须有以下内容: 一、安全管理综合资料 1、安全管理机构设置 2、安全管理保证体系 3、安全管理网络图 4、安全协议 5、安全检查制度 6、安全教育培训制度

7、职业危害预防制度 8、生产安全事故管理制度 9、安全生产奖惩制度 10、安全例会制度 11、设备管理制度 12、设备维修保养记录(专人负责) 13、安全用品采购计划、领用、报废台帐 14、危化品管理制度 15、门卫制度 16、治安保卫制度(责任分解到人) 17、食堂卫生责任制 18、节能减排措施 19、宿舍保暖和防煤气中毒措施 20、宿舍消暑和防蚊虫叮咬措施 21、消防措施、制度(灭火器材设置位置) 22、防粉尘、防噪音措施


1.1有一质点沿着x 轴作直线运动,t 时刻的坐标为23 4.52x t t =-,试求:⑴ 第2秒内的平均速度⑵ 第 2 秒 末 的 瞬 时 速 度 ⑶ 第 2 秒 内 的 路 程 。 解:⑴ 当1t s =时,1 2.5x m = 当2t s =时,218162x m =-=平均速度为 ()212 2.50.5m v x x =-=-=-⑵第2秒末的瞬时速度()22966m s t dx v t t dt == =-=-⑶ 第2秒内 的路程:(在此问题中必须注意有往回走的现象)当 1.5t s =时,速度0v =,2 3.375x m =;当1t s =时, 1 2.5x m = ;当2t s =时,32x m =;所以路程为:3.375 2.5 3.375 2 2.25m -+-= 1.8一艘正在沿直线行驶的电船,在发动机关闭后,其加速度方向与速度方向相反,即dv/dt=-k v ∧2, 试证明电艇在关闭发动机后又行驶x 距离时的速度为v=v0e ∧-kx 式中,v0是关闭发动机后的速度。 证明:由题可知: 2dv dx kv kv dt dt =-=- 所以有: d v k v d x =- 变换为: dv kdx v =- 两边同时积分就可得到:00v x v dv kdx v =-?? 0ln v v v kx =-即0 ln v kx v =- 所以有0k x v v e -= 1.9迫击炮射击山顶上的一个目标,已知初速度为v0,抛射角为⊙,上坡与水平面成a 角,求炮弹的射 程及到达山坡时的速度。 解: 炮弹的运动轨迹如上图的虚线所示,如图建立坐标 轴,x y 。将初速度0v 沿坐标轴分解可得0000cos sin x y v v v v θ θ=??=? ⑴ 加速度g 沿坐标 轴分解可得 s i n c o s x y a g a g αα=-??=-? ⑵ 在任意时刻t 的速度为 0000cos sin sin cos x x x y y y v v a t v gt v v a t v gt θα θα =+=-?? =+=-?⑶任意时刻t 的位移为 22002200 11cos sin 22 11sin cos 22 x x y y x v t a t v t gt y v t a t v t gt θαθα? =+=-????=+=-??⑷ ⑴ 炮弹射程为 0y =时,所对应的x 。 0 y =对 应 的 时 刻 02sin cos v t g θ α = ,代入可 得


附件6 中国矿业大学本科实习工作规范(修订) 第一章总则 第一条实习是高等学校人才培养计划中的重要组成部分,是提高人才培养质量和促进理论与实践相结合的重要实践教学环节,同时也是推进素质教育、培养学生创新精神、提高学生实践能力的重要过程。为进一步加强对实习教学工作的组织领导和科学化管理,不断提高实习教学质量,特制定本规范。 第二条通过实习,可以使学生获得生产实践知识和技能,巩固所学理论知识并使其与生产实践相结合,培养学生团结协作、吃苦耐劳的思想品德与实事求是的科学态度,不断提高学生分析和解决问题及独立工作的能力。 第三条本规范所指的实习包括认识实习、生产实习、毕业实习及其它各类教学实习。 第二章实习基地和实习方式 第四条各学院应根据专业学生规模人数建立满足实习教学需要并相对稳定的校外实习基地,要确保每个专业不少于3个校外实习基地,并保证60%以上的学生到实习基地实习。所建立的实习基地在符合实习教学大纲要求的前提下,尽可能体现“就地就近、互惠互利、专业对口、相对稳定”的原则,学校提倡和鼓励各学院与实习单位联合逐步探索“实习-见习-就业”的校企合作模式。 第五条各学院要充分发挥产、学、研的优势,结合专业特点,到相关的企业、科研单位进行考察,创建新的实习基地。学院在选择好有共建实习基地合作意向的单位后,应书面向学校提出申请,经学校审批后,可由学校或学院以中国矿业大学的名义与基地所在单位签订《中国

矿业大学校外实习基地建设协议书》(协议书样本见附件6-1),协议书一式3份,由教务部、校外实习基地所在单位和学院各执一份。实习基地协议合作年限由双方协商确定,一般不少于3年,对协议到期的校外实习基地,根据双方合作意向与合作成效,可办理协议续签手续。校外实习基地可挂“中国矿业大学校外实习基地”标志,实习基地标志由学校统一制作,也可根据实际情况由双方协商确定。 第六条实习方式分为集中实习和分散实习(含顶岗实习)两种。集中实习可根据专业特点和实习单位实际,以专业(或班级)为单位集中安排,也可将专业(或班级)分为若干小组分组进行。 第七条学校严格控制分散实习(含顶岗实习),对分散实习实行审批制。对拟进行分散实习的学生,必须由本人填写《中国矿业大学校外分散实习申请表》(附件6-2)并连同实习大纲、实习指导书、联系实习介绍信和实习鉴定表(各学院根据本院专业性质及实际情况自定内容和格式)一起送达接收单位。接收单位在确认有条件满足实习要求的情况下,将同意接受学生实习的意见、要求以及现场指导教师名单反馈给学生所在学院。学院根据单位现场情况进行审批,学院审批同意后,学生本人需同学院签署《中国矿业大学校外分散实习安全承诺书》(附件6-3)后方可离校前往实习单位实习。 第三章实习大纲、实习指导书和实习计划 第八条实习大纲是本科实习教学的重要指导性文件,是组织实习教学、指导实习教学开展、保证实习质量的重要依据。凡教学计划规定的实习均须根据《中国矿业大学本科教学培养方案》制定单独的实习大纲,其修订工作与培养方案同步实施。 第九条实习大纲内容包括实习的目的和要求,实习的内容和方法。各类实习必须按照实习大纲的要求进行,没有实习大纲不得安排实习。


一、综合资料 1、工程概况五牌一图 2、管理人员名单及监督电话 3、安全生产牌 4、消防保卫牌 5、文明施工牌 6、施工现场安全疏导小组 7、安全值班表 二、安全保证项目 1、安全生产责任制 2、栋号安全生产责任制 3、安全生产十六条 4、项目经理安全职责 5、施工员安全职责 6、安全员职责 7、班组长岗位责任 8、材料员岗位责任 9、保卫员岗位责任 10、架子工安全生产责任制 三、管理人员责任制考核 1、说明 2、施工管理人员责任制考核 四、目标管理 1、安全管理目标 2、安全管理目标考核办法 3、项目经理安全管理目标分解 4、施工员安全管理目标 5、安全员安全管理目标 五、施工组织设计 1、脚手架施工组织设计 2、施工用电施工组织设计 六、分部分项工程安全技术交底 1、钢筋工安全技术交底 2、木工安全技术交底 3、普通工安全技术交底 4、砼工安全技术交底 5、泥工安全技术交底 6、脚手架安全技术交底 七、安全检查 八、安全教育 1、安全教育培训制度 2、施工管理人员年度培训考核表 3、工程安全教育花名册 4、公司安全教育登记表 九、工伤事故 十、班前安全活动 十一、特种行业持证上岗 1、特种作业人员管理制度 2、特种作业人员花名册 十二、各工种安全技术操作规程 十三、安全标志牌 1、安全值班制度 2、施工现场标准 3、安全用电十大禁令 4、临时用电规定 十四、脚手架及机械设备安装验收 十五、安全劳务合同 十六、安全日志 安全资料目录




文明施工牌 一、施工现场必须在工地四周设置高于1.8m的连续围墙。 二、施工现场必须实行硬地坪施工,并保证不影响排水畅通,工地出口处设置汽车台,车辆经冲洗后才准出工地。 三、施工现场必须进行封闭管理,施工人员进入工地必须戴安全帽。 四、施工现场材料、机具、构件按照平面布置堆放、摆设,并挂设名称、品种、规格牌,易燃易爆物品必须分类堆放。 五、施工作业区与生活区、办公室分开设置,宿舍有消防和除四害设施,食堂、厕所、浴室符合卫生标准,卫生专业管理,生活垃圾及时清理。


中国矿业大学学位授予工作实施细则 第一章总则 第一条为了贯彻执行《中华人民共和国学位条例》、《中华人民共和国学位条例暂行实施办法》,结合我校的实际情况,制定本实施细则。 第二条本校授予学士、硕士、博士三级学位,按学科门类以及专业学位授予。授予学位的学科(类别)和专业(领域)是经国务院学位委员会批准的。 第三条根据《中华人民共和国学位条例》第二条的规定,凡是拥护中国共产党的领导、拥护社会主义制度,并具有一定学术水平的公民,均可按本细则的规定申请相应的学位。 第二章学士学位 第四条凡符合本细则第三条规定的本科生(包括成人教育的本科学生)完成教学计划的各项要求,经审核合格准予毕业,并达到下述学术水平者,可授予学士学位,发给学位证书。 1.较好地掌握本门学科的基础理论、专门知识和基本技能; 2.有从事科学研究工作或担负专门技术工作的初步能力。 第五条本校本科毕业生,由各学院提供毕业生的学习成绩和毕业鉴定等材料,并逐个审核,对符合本细则第四条规定者,经教务部审核,报校学位评定委员会通过,授予学士学位。 第六条授予学士学位工作,每年进行一次。 第三章硕士学位 第七条凡符合本细则第三条规定的攻读硕士学位的研究生,或达到硕士研究生毕业同等学力的人员,通过硕士学位的课程考试、培养环节考核和论文答辩,成绩合格,达到下列学术水平者,可授予硕士学位,发给学位证书。 1.在本门学科上掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识; 2.具有从事科学研究工作或独立担任专门技术工作的能力。 第八条硕士学位授予工作,每年进行1-2次,一般根据应届毕业研究生的毕业时间而定。申请人员不得同时向两个学位授予单位提出申请。 第九条硕士学位的考试课程和要求: 1.马克思主义理论课,要求掌握马克思主义的基本理论。 2.基础理论课和专业课,要求掌握坚实的基础理论和系统的专门知识。 3.一门外国语,要求能比较熟练地阅读本专业的外文资料。 4.为满足本细则第七条要求的其他有关课程。 硕士学位的课程考核以百分制记分,一般实行笔试,专业学位个别领域的选修课程可以采用笔试和专业作品创作相结合的方式确定成绩。硕士学位的课程考试成绩经审查合格后方可申请论文答

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