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门禁系统是最近几年才在国内广泛应用的又一高科技安全设施之一,现已成为现代建筑的智能化标志之一。门禁,即出入口控制系统,是对出入口通道进行管制的系统,门禁系统是在传统的门锁基础上发展而来的(英文ENTRANCE GUARD /ACCESS CONTROL)。






当凭据提交到读取器,读取器发送的凭证的信息通常是一个数字,一个控制面板,一个高度可靠的处理器。控制面板比较凭证的号码,访问控制列表,允许或拒绝所提出的请求,并发送到数据库的事务日志。当访问被拒绝的访问控制列表的基础上,门保持锁定状态。如果有一个认证和访问控制之间的匹配列表,控制面板操作的继电器,反过来门解锁。控制面板还忽略了一个开门信号,以防止报警。通常情况下,阅读器提供反馈,比如一个闪烁的红色LED的访问被拒绝和授予访问权限的LED指示灯呈绿色闪烁。凭证可以传来传去,从而颠覆访问控制列表。例如,ALICE拥有访问权限的服务器机房,但鲍勃没有。爱丽丝,要么给出一个鲍勃她的凭据或BOB需要; 他现在已经进入机房的服务器。为了防止这种情况,两个因素交易被使用。在两个因素的交易,凭证和第二个因素是必要的授予访问权限; 另一个因素可以是一个PIN ,一个第二的凭证,操作员的干预,或生物统计输入。





密码是验证用户的身份访问之前,是考虑到信息系统的常用手段。此外,第四个因素认证是目前公认的:你认识的人,其他人谁知道的情况下,系统已设置为允许这样的情况下,你可以提供一个人的因素身份验证。例如,一个用户可能有自己的密码,但忘记了自己的智能卡。在这样的场景中,如果用户是已知道指定的队列,队列可以提供他们的智能卡和密码的组合,与现存的因素,有问题的用户从而为用户提供两个因素缺少凭据,和三个因素整体以允许访问。现在,随着人们生活水平的提高和技术的进步,越来越多的本地需求,如小区出入口,车库入口,和其他公共场所的门禁控制系统需求越来越大。许多不同类型的门禁控制系统,因为它有不同的特点,所以不使用的地方,由于其较高的安全性,更好的便利性和成本效益的访问控制系统, IC卡门禁系统成为主流。IC卡技术,目前被广泛应用在各个行业,特别是公共交通,无线通信,识别,金融交易安全和国防等行业。访问控制系统通过进口和出口管制,限制人员和车辆进入控制区,




通常情况下,凭证可以是你知道的东西(如号码或PIN),你所拥有的(如接入徽章),你的东西(如生物特征)或一些组合这些项目。典型的凭据是门禁卡,钥匙链,或其他关键物品。有许多卡磁条,条形码,韦根125 KHZ感应技术,包括26位刷卡,接触式智能卡,非接触式智能卡技术。此外,还包括密钥钥匙环,这是比身份证更紧凑和重视的关键一环。典型的生物识别技术,包括指纹识别,面部识别,虹膜识别,视网膜扫描,声音和手形。









在生物特征识别的情况下,这样的读者输出用户的ID号码。韦根协议通常用于将数据传送到控制面板,但其他选项,如RS- 232,RS- 485和时钟/数据的情况并不少见。这是最流行类型的访问控制读者。这样的读者的例子是RF微型RFLOGICS ,PROX点HID ,P300远东足尖数据。


硬件(锁,门接触,退出按钮),但不作任何访问的决定。当用户提供一个卡或输入PIN ,读取器的信息发送到主控制器,并等待其响应。如果访问到主控制器的链接中断,这样的读者在这样降级模式的情况下停止工作或功能。通常,半聪明的读者通过RS-485总线连接到控制面板。这样的读者的例子是: INFOPROX的精简版IPL 200的CEM系统和AP- 510。

智能的读者:控制所有必要的输入和输出控制门的硬件,他们也有独立进行访问决策所需的内存和处理能力。同半聪明的读者比,他们通过RS-485总线连接到控制面板。控制面板发送配置更新和检索事件的读者。这样的读者可以是INFOPROX IPO200 CEM系统和AP-500。也有聪明的读者称为“IP读者”的新一代。系统的IP读者通常不具备传统的控制面板,读者直接与作为主机PC的沟通。这样的读者的例子是通过ISONAS安全系统的 POWERNET的IP读卡器,ID08索卢斯,有内置的WEB服务,它的用户界面友好,边缘ER40读者HID GLOBAL的通过ASPISYS的 LOGLOCK UNILO CK有限公司, SUPREMA 公司的 BIOENTRY PLUS读卡器。有些读者可能有额外的特征,如能数据收集(即打卡事件的考勤报表)的液晶显示屏和功能键,摄像头/喇叭/麦克风,对讲,智能卡读/写支持。


授予访问权限的对象。例如,要求可能是“ 18岁以上”。任何用户都可以证明这种说法被授予访问权限。用户可以用匿名身份验证和识别,对此并没有严格要求。例如,这可以使用匿名凭据或XACML(可扩展访问控制标记语言)来实现。

The Access control system Access control system is widely used in recent years and it i s one of the high-tech and safety equipment , has become one of t he intelligent signs of modern architecture. Access control , the exp ort and the entrance control system, is to control the export and en trance channel system. Access control system is developed on th e basis of the traditional locks (Entrance Guard/Access Control i n English).

Access control is, in reality, an everyday phenomenon. A loc k on a car door is essentially a form of access control. A PIN on a n ATM system at a bank is another means of access control. Bouncers standing in front of a night club is perhaps a more primiti ve mode of access control (given the evident lack of information technology involved). The possession of access control is of prim e importance when persons seek to secure important, confidentia l, or sensitive information and equipment .Item control or electroni c key management is an area within (and possibly integrated wit h) an

access control system which concerns the managing of possession and location of small assets or physical (mechanical) keys.

Physical access by a person may be allowed depending on payment, authorization, etc. Also there may be one-way traffic of p eople. These can be enforced by personnel such as a border guar d, a doorman, a ticket checker, etc., or with a device such as a turn stile. There may be fences to avoid circumventing this access control. An alternative of access control in the strict sense (physica lly controlling access itself) is a system of checking authorized pre sence, see e.g. Ticket controller (transportation). A variant is exit c ontrol, e.g. of a shop (checkout) or a country. In physical security, t he term access control refers to the practice of restricting entranc e to a property, a building, or a room to authorized persons. Physic al access control can be achieved by a human (a guard, bounce r, or receptionist), through mechanical means such as locks and ke ys, or through technological means such as access control system s like the Access control vestibule.

Within these environments , physical key management may al so be employed as a means of further managing and monitoring a ccess to mechanically keyed areas or access to certain small asset s . Physical access control is a matter of who , where, and whe

n. An access control system determines who is allowed to enter o r exit, where they are allowed to exit or enter, and when they are al lowed to enter or exit. Historically this was partially accomplished t hrough keys and locks. When a door is locked only someone wit h a key can enter through the door depending on how the lock is c onfigured. Mechanical locks and keys do not allow restriction of th e key holder to specific times or dates. Mechanical locks and key s do not provide records of the key used on any specific door and t he keys can be easily copied or transferred to an unauthorized per son. When a mechanical key is lost or the key holder is no longer a uthorized to use the protected area, the locks must be re-keyed. El ectronic access control uses computers to solve the limitations o f mechanical locks and keys. A wide range of credentials can be us ed to replace mechanical keys. The electronic access control syste m grants access based on the credential presented. When acces s is granted, the door is unlocked for a predetermined time and th e transaction is recorded. When access is refused, the door remai ns locked and the attempted access is recorded. The system will al so monitor the door and alarm if the door is forced open or held op en too long after being unlocked.

When a credential is presented to a reader, the reader

Sends the credenti al’s information, usually a number, to a contro l panel, a highly reliable processor. The control panel compares th e credential's number to an access control list, grants or denies th e presented request, and sends a transaction log to a database. W hen access is denied based on the access control list, the door re mains locked. If there is a match between the credential and the a ccess control list, the control panel operates a relay that in turn unl ocks the door. The control panel also ignores a door open signal t o prevent an alarm. Often the reader provides feedback, such a s a flashing red LED for an access denied and a flashing green LE D for an access granted .The above description illustrates a singl e factor transaction. Credentials can be passed around, thus subv erting the access control list. For example, Alice has access right s to the server room but Bob does not. Alice either gives Bob her c redential or Bob takes it; he now has access to the server room. T o prevent this, two-factor authentic can be used. In a two factor tr ansaction, the presented credential and a second factor are neede d for access to be granted; another factor can be a PIN, a secon d credential, operator intervention, or a biometric input.

There are three types (factors) of authenticating information : something the user knows, ega password, pass-phrase o r PIN

something the user has, such as smart card

something the user is, such as fingerprint, verified by bio metric


Passwords are a common means of verifying a user's identit y before access is given to information systems. In addition, a fourt h factor of authentication is now recognized: someone you know, w here another person who knows you can provide a human elemen t of authentication in situations where systems have been set up t o allow for such scenarios. For example, a user may have their pa ssword, but have forgotten their smart card. In such a scenario, if t he user is known to designated cohorts, the cohorts may provide th eir smart card and password in combination with the extant factor o f the user in question and thus provide two factors for the user wit h missing credential, and three factors overall to allow access. No w, as people's living standards improve and technology advance s, more and more local needs of access control system such as re sidential entrance, garage entrance, the entrance and other publi c places. Many different types of access control system; because i t has different characteristics, so do not use the place, IC card acc ess control system because of its higher security, better convenien ce and cost-effective access control system into the mainstrea

m. IC card technology is currently widely used in various industrie s, particularly public transport, wireless communications, identificati on, financial transactions and security and defense industries. Acc ess control system through the import and export control, limiting s taff and vehicles entering controlled areas, to ensure that controlle

d regional security. This study focuses on th

e underground garag

e access control system, which the requirements o

f the access con trol system with a clear direction, this design refers to radio freque ncy technology, the use of computer control of the IC card reader f or readin

g and writing. ACCESS database software used to imple ment software system database services; using Visual Basic6.0 t o design software wit

h which the various common controls designe d to log basic information, equipment management, card manage ment, query management, system management a window Body. T he IC access control system software with easy to use, simple feat ures, the operator does not need a professional computer operatin g level.


A credential is a physical/tangible object, a piece of knowledg e, or a facet of a person's physical being, that enables an individua l access to a given physical facility or computer-based informatio

n system. Typically, credentials can be something you know (suc h as number or PIN), something you have (such as an access bad ge), something you are (such as a biometric feature) or some com bination of these items. The typical credential is an access card, ke y fob, or other key. There are many card technologies including ma gnetic stripe, bar code, Wiegand , 125 kHz proximity, 26 bit card-s wipe, contact smart cards, and contactless smart cards. Also availa ble are key-fobs which are more compact than ID cards and attac h to a key ring. Typical biometric technologies include fingerprint, f acial recognition, iris recognition, retinal scan, voice, and hand geo metry.

Access control system components

An access control point, which can be a door, turnstile, parkin g gate, elevator, or other physical barrier where granting access ca n be electronically controlled. Typicallythe access point is a door. A n electronic access control door can contain several elements. At it s most basic there is a stand-alone electric lock. The lock is unlock ed by an operator with a switch. To automate this, operator interve ntion is replaced by a reader. The reader could be a keypad wher e a code is entered, it could be a card reader, or it could be a biom etric reader. Readers do not usually make an access decision bu t send a card number to an access control panel that verifies the n

umber against an access list. To monitor the door position a magn etic door switch is used. In concept the door switch is not unlike th ose on refrigerators or car doors. Generally only entry is controlle d and exit is uncontrolled. In cases where exit is also controlled a s econd reader is used on the opposite side of the door. In cases wh ere exit is not controlled, free exit, a device called a request-to-exi t (RTE) is used. Request-to-exit devices can be a pushbutton o r a motion detector. When the button is pushed or the motion detec tor detects motion at the door, the door alarm is temporarily ignore d while the door is opened. Exiting a door without having to electric ally unlock the door is called mechanical free egress. This is an im portant safety feature. In cases where the lock must be electricall y unlocked on exit, the request-to-exit device also unlocks the doo r.

Access control topology

Access control decisions are made by comparing the credenti al to an access control list. This lookup can be done by a host or s erver, by an access control panel, or by a reader. The developmen t of access control systems has seen a steady push of the looku p out from a central host to the edge of the system, or the reade r. The predominate topology circa 2009 is hub and spoke with a co ntrol panel as the hub and the readers as the spokes. The lookup a

nd control functions are by the control panel. The spokes communi cate through a serial connection; usually RS485. Some manufactur es are pushing the decision making to the edge by placing a contro ller at the door. The controllers are IP enabled and connect to a ho st and database using standard networks.

Types of readers

Access control readers may be classified by functions they ar e able to perform:

Basic (non-intelligent) readers: simply read card number or PIN and forward

it to a control panel. In case of biometric identification, such re aders output ID number of a user. Typically Wiegand protocol is us ed for transmitting data to the control panel, but other options suc h as RS-232, RS-485 and Clock/Data are not uncommon. This is t he most popular type of access control readers. Examples of suc

h readers are RF Tiny by RFLOGICS, Prox Point by HID, and P30

0 by Far pointe Data.

Semi-intelligent readers: have all inputs and outputs necessar y to control door hardware (lock, door contact, exit button), but d o not make any access decisions. When a user presents a card o r enters PIN, the reader sends information to the main controller an

d waits for its response. If th

e connection to the main controller is i nterrupted, such readers stop working or function in a degraded m ode. Usually semi-intelligent readers are connected to a control pa nel via an RS-485 bus. Examples o

f such readers are InfoProx Lit e IPL200 by CEM Systems and AP-510 by Apollo.

Intelligent readers: have all inputs and outputs necessary to co ntrol door hardware, they also have memory and processing powe r necessary to make access decisions independently. Same as se mi-intelligent readers they are connected to a control panel via a n RS-485 bus. The control panel sends configuration updates an d retrieves events from the readers. Examples of such readers cou ld be InfoProx IPO200 by CEM Systems and AP-500 by Apollo. Th ere is also a new generation of intelligent readers referred to as "I P readers". Systems with IP readers usually do not have traditiona l control panels and readers communicate directly to PC that acts a s a host. Examples of such readers are PowerNet IP Reader by Is onas Security Systems, ID08 by Solus has the built in webservice t o make it user friendly, Edge ER40 reader by HID Global, LogLoc k and

UNiLOCK by ASPiSYS Ltd, and BioEntry Plus reader by Suprema Inc .

Some readers may have additional features such as LCD an d function buttons for data collection purposes (i.e. clock-in/clock-o ut events for attendance reports), camera/speaker/microphone for i ntercom, and smart card read/write support.Access control reader s may also be classified by the type of identification technology.

Attribute-based access control

In attribute-based access control (ABAC), access is granted n ot based on the rights of the subject associated with a user after au thentication, but based on attributes of the user. The user has to pr ove so called claims about his attributes to the access control engi ne. An attribute-based access control policy specifies which claim s need to be satisfied in order to grant access to an object. For inst ance the claim could be "older than 18" . Any user that can prove t his claim is granted access. Users can be anonymous as authentic ation and identification are not strictly required. One does howeve r require means for proving claims anonymously. This can for insta nce be achieved usinganonymous credentials or XACML (extensibl e access control markup language).


RFID Basic Principle

What is the RFID?

RFID is the abbreviation for Radio Frequency Identification, called electronics label .

What is the RFID technology?

RFID recognition is a non-contact automatic identification technolo gy, rf signal through its automatic target recognition and access to r elevant data, identify work without manual intervention, it can work in various environments. RFID technology can identify high-speed moving objects and can identify multiple tags, the operation is fast and convenient.

Accenture laboratory's chief scientist sir alex ferguson feels RFID i s a breakthrough technology: "first, can identify a very specific obje cts, rather like the code that can identify class objects; second, the use of rf, can read data through external materials, and bar code m ust rely on laser to read information; third, can also read on to multi ple objects, and bar code can only read one by one. In addition, st ore of information is also very big." What is the basic component of RFID?

The most basic RFID system consists of three parts:

Tag:Tag consists of components and chips, each Tag has only el ectronic coding, adhere to the object for identifiering target;

Reader:read (sometimes also can write) label information equip ment,it can be designed for portable or fixed;

Antenna: Transmit radio frequency signals between in the label and reader. The basic principle of RFID technology is what?

The basic principle of RFID technology is not complex: Label into t he field, Receive radio frequency signals from reader collision, with all the energy stored in a chip of the product information ( passiv e tag, there is no source label or labels ), Or

actively to send a frequency signals

( active tag and to label or labels ); to read information and un derstanding of the decoder after the central information systems to carry out the relevant data processing. What makes retailers so hig hly RFID?

Sanford Bernstein cristiano, according to analysts estimate the reta iling company, by adopting the RFID, wal-mart can save $8.35 billi on each year, mostly because of the purchase of artificial view doe s not need to save the cost of labor code. Although some analysts think $8 billion in the digital too optimistic, but undoubtedly, RFID h elp solve the problem: the two biggest retail commodities and loss


Unit 1 safety management system Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件Machine guarding 机械保护装置House-keeping 工作场所管理 Top management 高层管理人员Human errors 人因失误 Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型Munitions factory 军工厂 Causal factors 起因 Risking taking 冒险行为 Corporate culture 企业文化 Loss prevention 损失预防 Process industry 制造工业 Hazard control 危险控制 Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 企业绩效Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员Safety committee 安全委员会Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系 Status review 状态审查 Lower-level management 低层管理者Business performance 组织绩效Most senior executive 高级主管Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则 Wall-board 公告栏Implement plan 执行计划 Hazard identification 危险辨识Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions –invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration –that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment t o, and the style and proficiency of , an organization’s health and safety management. 译文:组织的安全文化由以下几项内容组成:个人和群体的价值观、态度、观念、能力和行为方式。这种行为方式决定了个人或团体对组织健康安全管理的责任,以及组织健康安全管理的形式和熟练程度。


Unit 1safety management system Accident causation models ?事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理 Physicalconditions ?物质条件 Machineguarding?机械保护装置 House—keeping工作场所管理 Topmanagement 高层管理人员Human errors人因失误 Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型 Munitions factory?军工厂Causal factors?起因 Riskingtaking?冒险行为 Corporateculture 企业文化 Lossprevention 损失预防 Process industry?制造工业 Hazard control 危险控制 Intensive study广泛研究 Organizationalperformance 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任Safetyofficer?安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会 Shop-floor?生产区Unionized company 集团公司 Seniority?资历、工龄Local culture当地文化Absenteeism rate?缺勤率Power relations?权力关系 Status review 状态审查Lower—level management低层管理者 Business performance?组织绩效 Most seniorexecutive 高级主管Supervisory level监督层 Safety principle?安全规则 Wall—board?公告栏 Implement plan?执行计划 Hazardidentification 危险辨识 Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presentedbySchein who has said theorganizational cultureis“a pattern of basic assumptions–invented, discovere d,or developedby agiven group as itlearns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration– that h as worked well enoughto be consideredvalidand,therefore, to betaught to new membersas the correct way to perceive, thin k,and feel in relation to thoseproblems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的.由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 The safety culture ofan organization isthe product of individual and group values,attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and pa tternsofbehavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of,an organization’shealthandsafety management.


安全工程专业英语 Unit1 1. Because of the very rapid changes in these jobs and professions, it is hard for students to learn about future job opportunities. It is even more difficult to know about the type of preparation that is needed for a particular profession-or the qualities and traits that might help individuals succeed in it. 由于这些工作和职业的飞速变更,其变化之快使得学生们很难了解未来有什么样的工作机会,更不知道为未来的具体职业生涯做出怎样的准备,也就是说学生们很难知道掌握何种知识、具备何种能力才能成功适应未来的社会。 2. The purpose of this article is to provide in depth information about the safety profession that should help students considering a career in this challenging and rewarding field. 这篇文章将提供较为深入的安全专业方面的具体信息,它应该能够为安全专业的学生们在这个充满挑战也蕴含着发展机遇的职业中获得良好的发展而提供帮助。 3. While these efforts became more sophisticated and widespread during the twentieth century, real progress on a wide front did not occur in the U.S. until after Word War Ⅱ. 尽管这些专业手段在20世纪已经发展的较为成熟,也具有一定的广泛适应性,但在美国,这些都是第二次世界大战以后才取得的突破性进展。 4. This legislation was important because it stressed the control of workplace hazards. This, in turn, defined a clear area of practice for the previously loosely organized safety profession. Other legislation passed during the next twenty years has increased the scope of safety practice into areas of environmental protection, product safety, hazardous materials management and designing safety into vehicles, highways, process plants and buildings. 这部法律很重要,因为它强调工作场所的危险控制,同时这部法律也为以前不成体系的安全业务划定了工作范围。此后20年中通过的一


Unit6 Industry hygiene工业卫生physical hazard物理危害、物质危害nonionizing radiation非电离辐射adverse effects副作用loud noise嘈杂的声音chemical bum化学烧伤live electrical circuits 带电电路confined space密闭空间hearing loss听力丧失physical or mental disturbance身体或精神障碍annoyance烦恼power tools电动工具impulse脉冲sound level meter噪声计jet engine喷气式发动机time-weighted average时间加权平均heat stress热应力、热威胁shivering 颤抖hard labor辛苦工作fatigued疲劳的living tissue活组织plastic sealer塑料密封机biological hazard生物危害potable water饮用水sewage污水physical contact身体接触allergic reaction 过敏反应severe pain剧烈疼痛manual handing手工处理airborne空中的on a daily basis每天hazard communication standard危害通识规定stipulation规定、条款trade name商标名 工业卫生被定义为:“致力于预测、识别、评估和控制环境因素或压力的科学与技术,这些压力产生或来自与工作场所,能够造成疾病、损害人们的幸福安康、或是工程或社区居民的工作效率不高,并使他们感觉到很不舒服。(P67) 当噪音导致暂时或永久的听力丧失,使身体或精神发生紊乱,对语言交流产生干扰,或对工作、休息、放松、睡觉产生干扰时,它是一种非常严重的危害。噪音是任何不被期望的声音,它通常是一种强度变化但不包括任何信息的声音。他干扰人们对正常声音的辨别,可能是有害的,能使人烦恼,并干扰人们说话。(P68) Unit9 Accident investigation事故调查after-the-fact事实背后的take an investigation进行调查fact-finding process寻找事实的过程insurance carrier保险公司/承保人plance blame推卸责任permanent total disability永久全部劳动力丧失for simplicity为简单起见accident prevention 事故预防investigation procedures调查过程fact finding寻找事实operating procedures flow diagrams操作过程流程图maintenance chart维修图表bound notebook活页笔记本physical or chemical law物理或化学定律table of contens 目录narrative叙事的counter-measure干预措施 调查人员在调查过程中从各方面收集证据,从证人、旁观者及一些相关报道中得到信息,在事故发生后尽快的找目击证人谈话,在事故现场遭到改变前进行检查,对事故场景进行拍照并绘制草图,记录与地形相关的所有数据,并将所有的报道复印保存。记录常规的操作流程图、维修图表或对困难、异常现象的报告等非常有用。在活页笔记本中完整准确地记录。记录事故发生前的环境、事故顺序及事故发生后的环境情况等。另外,记录伤者、证人、机械能量来源和危害物质的位置。(P119) Unit10 Safety electricity安全用电electrical equipment电力设备fuse puller保险丝夹break contact断开接点/触电hot side高压端load side 负荷端line side线路/火线端groundfault circuit Interrupt 漏电保护器ground fault接地故障receptacle电源插座hot bubs热水澡桶underwater lighting水底照明fountains 人工喷泉ungrounded(hot)conductor 未接地(高压)单体/火线neutral conductor中性导体fault current载荷中心panelboard 配电板branch-circuit分支电路CB一种多功能插座plug-in插入式 上锁/挂牌成套设备也是可用的。上锁/挂牌套件中包含有必须满足OSHA上锁/挂牌标准的组件。上锁/挂牌套件中包含有可重复使用的危险标签、临时悬挂标志、各种闭锁、锁、磁性标志、及与上锁/挂牌相关的信息。无论什么原因停下工作或当天不能完成工作时,在返回


Unit 1 safety man ageme nt system Accide nt causatio n models 事故致因理论 Safety man ageme nt 安全管理 Physical conditions 物质条件 Machi ne guard 机械保护装置 ing House-keep ing 工作场所管理 Top man ageme 高层管理人员 nt Huma n errors 人因失误 Accide nt-pro nen ess models 事故倾向模型 Mun iti ons factory 军工厂 Causal factors 起因 Risk ing tak ing 冒险行为 Corporate culture 企业文化 Loss preve nti on 损失预防 Process industry 制造工业 Hazard con trol 危险控制Inten sive study 广泛研究 Organi zati onal performa nee 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任 Safety officer 安全官员 Shop-floor 生产区 Seni ority 资历、工龄

Local culture 当地文化 Abse nteeism rate 缺勤率 Power relatio ns 权力关系 Status review 状态审查 Lower-level man ageme nt 低层管理者 Busin ess performa nee 组织绩效 Most senior executive 高级主管 Supervisory level 监督层 Safety prin eiple 安全规则 Wall-board 公告栏 Impleme nt pla n 执行计戈U Hazard ide ntificati on 危险辨识 Safety performa nee 安全性能 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。 译文:组织的安全文化由以下几项内容组成:个人和群体的价值观、态度、观念、能力和行为方式。这种行为方式决定了个人或团体对组织健康安全管理的责任,以及组织健康安全管理的形式和熟练程度。 Un it 2 System Safety Engin eeri ng System safety engineering 系统安全工程


安全工程专业英语部分 翻译 文档编制序号:[KK8UY-LL9IO69-TTO6M3-MTOL89-FTT688]

Unit 1 safety management system Accident causation models 事故致因理论 Safety management 安全管理Physical conditions 物质条件Machine guarding 机械保护装置 House-keeping 工作场所管理 Top management 高层管理人员 Human errors 人因失误 Accident-proneness models 事故倾向模型 Munitions factory 军工厂Causal factors 起因Risking taking 冒险行为Corporate culture 企业文化 Loss prevention 损失预防Process industry 制造工业Hazard control 危险控制Intensive study 广泛研究Organizational performance 企业绩效 Mutual trust 相互信任Safety officer 安全官员 Safety committee 安全委员会 Shop-floor 生产区Unionized company 集团公司Seniority 资历、工龄Local culture 当地文化 Absenteeism rate 缺勤率Power relations 权力关系Status review 状态审查

Lower-level management 低层管理者 Business performance 组织绩效Most senior executive 高级主管Supervisory level 监督层Safety principle 安全规则Wall-board 公告栏Implement plan 执行计划Hazard identification 危险辨识Safety performance 安全性能 One comprehensive definition for an organizational culture has been presented by Schein who has said the organizational culture is “a pattern of basic assumptions – invented, discovered, or developed by a given group as it learns to cope with its problems of external adaptation and internal integration – that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems” 译文:Schein给出了组织文化的广泛定义,他认为组织文化是由若干基本假设组成的一种模式,这些假设是由某个特定团体在处理外部适应问题与内部整合问题的过程中发明、发现或完善的。由于以这种模式工作的有效性得到了认可,因此将它作为一种正确的方法传授给新成员,让他们以此来认识、思考和解决问题[指适应外部与整合内部的过程中的问题]。


Breath of fresh air With no aspect of underground mine safety more fundamental than proper ventilation, various modern systems are being used to ensure airflow is safe for workers BY BREE FREEMAN When it comes to underground mine workings, few things are more important than adequate ventilation. Every year enormous efforts are made to maintain and improve airflow to working areas. This is to dilute emissions below statutory limits, render the air harmless, carry away hazardous contaminants and provide necessary levels of oxygen for the miners. As a result, ventilation systems form a crucial pan of the design of any mine, the layout of which is determined by the orebody geology, legislation, available manpower, mining methods and the equipment used. Specific environmental issues such as virgin rock temperatures, spontaneous combustion and dust control further complicate theoretical ventilation systems. Moreover, whatever system is eventually planned will inevitably suffer from imperfect implementation and control because of the day-to-day complexities of the extraction operation. “V entilation in the modem mine is an essential prerequisite, perhaps even more so than in the past.Apart from the obvious biological aspect of preventing depletion of oxygen and the build-up of carbon dioxide in the air, the mine-ventilation system must be able to keep quantities of contaminants below harmful levels,”says Mike Beare, principal mining engineer for consultancy SRK. He explains: “A modern mine has many sources of harmful substances, including fumes from explosives, dust from broken rock and gases present in the rocks themselves. in addition to these, the modem approach to mining (including the use of diesel-engine trucks and loaders) results in large quantities of CO, nitrous fumes and diesel-particulate matter entering the mine airflow. While scrubbers are fitted, they do not remove all the contaminants and the ventilation system has to be designed to be able to dilute these to safe levels.” These issues demonstrate the need for expert design, observes SRK, which also signals the need for ventilation costs to be minimised in the same way as any other cost aspect As a result, various production scenarios need to be addressed at the outset. Central to all of these calculations is the simple fact that airflow is determined by temperature and pressure differences, air flows from high-pressure to low-pressure areas . In a mine, It is caused by pressure differences between the intake and exhaust openings. Airflow follows a square-law relationship between volume and pressure - in order to double the volume of air, four times the pressure must be exerted. CREATING THE PRESSURE There are two main types of fan:


一、专业词汇翻译 mine n. 矿山,矿井。 v. 采矿 colliery n. 矿井 coal mining 采煤 coalfield n. 煤田 strike n. 走向 dip n. 倾向 roadway n. 巷道 mining district 采区coalface n. 采煤面 working face工作面 ventilation n. 通风 bolt v. 打锚杆;n. 锚杆immediate roof 直接顶; floor 底板; gas,methane 瓦斯 outcrop 露头,露出地面的岩层fault n. 断层 occurrence 赋存 coalfield 煤田 air shaft风井 surrounding rock 围岩 Mine ventilation 矿山通风internal combustion engine 内燃机dilute冲淡, 变淡, 变弱, 稀释contaminant 污染物 noxious 有害的 exhaust shaft 出风井 colliery 煤矿 trap door 通风门 moisture content 湿度 rank 品级 bituminous 烟煤 anthracite 无烟煤 igneous[地]火成的 natural fracture原生裂隙 cleat【地质】割理 porosity 多孔性 sorptive吸附的 Permeability渗透性 free gas游离状态瓦斯adsorbed gas吸附状态瓦斯voidage孔隙度

adsorption isotherm吸附等温线 Methane drainage 瓦斯抽放 Borehole 钻孔 ★Accident Causation Models:事故致因模型 ★System safety:系统安全 ★Hazard analysis:危害分析 ★Hazard identification:危险源辨识 ★Ergonomics process 人机工程过程 ★Hazard Identification 危险源辨识 ★safety culture 安全文化 ★corporate culture 企业文化 ★Accident Investigation:事故调查 ★mine fire 矿井火灾 二、句型翻译 ★1、Rasmussen and Jensen have presented a three-level skill-rule-knowledge model for describing the origins of the different types of human errors. Rasmussen和Jensen提出了一种技能—规范—知识的三级模型,用来描述不同类型的人为失误的来源。 ★2、The safety culture of an organization is the product of individual and group values, attitudes, perceptions, competencies, and patterns of behavior that determine the commitment to, and the style and proficiency of, an organization’s health and safety management. 组织的安全文化是个人和群体的价值观、态度、认识、能力以及行为方式的产物,这些因素决定着组织健康与安全管理的投入、形式和水平。(定语从句的分译) ★10、The ergonomic process’ key purpose, is to communicate information among all those involved, so that adequate and feasible solutions to problems having ergonomics issues can be solved. 人机工程过程的主要目的,是为了在所有涉及到的因素之间进行信息交流,从而为涉及人机工程的问题提出充分、可行的解决方法。 ★11、The expected benefits of hazard identification are a decrease in the incidents of injuries, a decrease in lost workdays and absenteeism, a decrease in workers’ compensation costs, increased productivity, and better cooperation and communication. 危险源辨识的预期目标包括:降低伤害事故的发生、减少工时损失和旷工、降低工人赔偿开支、提高生产力、增进合作与交流 ★21、Williams et al take issue with the notion that organisational culture reflects shared behaviours, beliefs, attitudes and values. The argue that not all organisational members respond in the same way in any given situation, although there may be a tendency for them to adopt similar stystles of dress, modes of conduct, and perceptions of how the organisation does, or should, function.


PART 1 SAFETY ENGINEERING THEORIES 第一部份安全工程理论 1. Why do we need safety engineering? 为什么我们需要安全工程专业? It’s difficult to open a newspaper or turn on the television and not be reminded how dangerous our world is. Both large-scale natural and man-made disasters seem to occur on an almost daily basis. An accident at a plant in Bhopal, India, killed over 2,500 people. A nuclear power plant in the Ukraine exploded and burned out of control, sending a radioactive cloud to over 20 countries, severely affecting its i mmediate neighbors’ livestock and farming. 无论翻开报纸或打开电视都很难不被提醒到:世界是多么危险。大范围的自然和人为灾难的发生似乎已成为每日的组成部分。在印度Bhopal一工厂发生的事故,造成超过2500人的死亡。乌克兰一核能工厂发生爆炸,燃烧无法控制,放射云蔓延超过20个国家,严重地影响了邻国的畜牧业。 A total of 6.7 million injuries and illnesses in the United States were reported by private industry in 1993. Two commuter trains in metropolitan Washington, DC, collided in 1996, killing numerous passengers. Large oil tankers ran aground in Alaska and Mexico, spilling millions of gallons of oil and despoiling the coastline. An automobile air-bag manufacturing plant exploded, killing one worker, after it had had over 21 fire emergencies in one year. Swarms of helicopters with television cameras were drawn to the plant after every call, creating a public relations nightmare and forcing the government to shut down the plant temporarily. 1993年,在美国,据报道共有670万例受伤和疾病发生在私营行业。1996年,两列往返于华盛顿特区内大城市之间火车发生碰撞,众多乘客遇难。一往返于阿拉斯加和墨西哥的大型油轮,溢出的百万加仑的原油吞噬着海岸线。一汽车安全气囊制造厂发生爆炸,造成一人死亡,随后在一年内又发生了超过21次火灾紧急情况。大量配有电视摄像机的直升机每次报警后都会前往工厂,造成公众恐慌,迫使政府临时关闭该工厂。 An airliner crashed into an apartment building in downtown Sao Paulo, Brazil, killing all on board and many in the apartment building. Another, airplane mysteriously dipped and spun into the ground in Sioux City, Iowa. Two airplanes collided on a runway in the Philippines. An airliner crashed into the Florida Everglades after an oxygen generator exploded in the cargo hold, killing all 110 people on board. 一架客机撞入巴西圣保罗市区一住宅楼,机上所有乘客及部分楼内人员死亡。另外,一客机神秘地坠毁在爱荷华州Sioux城内。菲律宾两架飞机在跑道上相撞。由于货舱内氧发生器发生爆炸,一飞机坠毁于佛州一湿地,机上110人全部遇难。 In 1995 the Fremont, California, Air Route Traffic Control Center lost power, causing radar screens covering northern California, western Nevada, and 18 million square miles of Pacific Oceans to go dark for 34 minutes while 70 planes were in the air, almost resulting in two separate midair collisions. In another incident, a worker in downtown Chicago cut into a cable and brought down the entire Air Route Traffic Control System for thousands of square miles. Some of these accident occurred many years ago. Some of them occurred very recently. Many of the accidents crossed international borders and affected millions of people in other countries. Many more did not extend beyond national borders but still affected a great number of


100个安全工程专业词汇(中文)所对应的英文词汇 安全操作规程Safety regulations for operations 安全极限Safety margins 安全间隙safe gap 安全监测Safety monitoring 安全监察Safety supervision 安全检查safe review,SR 安全检查表分析safety checklist analysis,SCA 安全鉴定Safety appraisal 安全经济效益Safety Cost Effectiveness 安全经济学Safety economics 安全考核Safety check assessment 安全可靠性Safety Reliability 安全模拟与安全仿真学Safety simulation & imitation 安全评价Safety Assessment 安全人体工程Safety livelihood engineering work 安全人因工程学Safety human factors engineering 安全认证Safety approval and certification 安全审核员Safety auditor 安全生产指标体系safety production target system 安全生产指数safety production index 安全事故Safe Accidents 安全事故罪Crime of safety accident 安全疏散Evacuation 安全梯,防火应急出口,安全出口fire escape 安全危害因素Hazardous elements 安全系数Safety Factor 安全系统工程Safety System Engineering 安全销Shear pin 安全信息论Safety information theory 安全验收评价Safety Assessment Upon Completion 安全隐患potential safety hazard 安全预评价Safety Preliminary Evaluation 安全阈值Safe threshold value 保安矿柱Safety pillars 保护装置Protection devices 保险装置Physical protection devices 报警设备Warning equipment 爆破blasting 爆破地震blast seism 爆破片bursting disc 爆破有害效应adverse effects of blasting 爆破有害效应intrinsic safety 不安全行为unsafe act 抽出式通风exhaust ventilation 防爆Explosion-proofing 防爆电气设备explosion-proof electrical equipment 防爆墙anti-explosion wall 防尘工程Dust control engineering 防毒Anti-toxin 防高温High temprature prevention 防护堤protection embankment 防护口罩Safety mask 防护设备Safeguard 辐射防护Radiation protection 高温作业Hotwork 个体保护用品Individual protection articles 工程事故Engineering accidents 工伤事故industrial accidents 工业防尘Industrial dust suppression 工业防毒Industrial gas defense 工业通风Industrial ventilation 工业灾害控制Control of industrial disaster 共同安全署(美国) Mutual Security Agency (U. S. ) 故障假设分析方法what…if,WI 故障类型和影响分析failure mode effects analysis,FMEA

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