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CET---6 Cloze、Correct and




Foreign Language Teaching and Research Department

Heilongjiang University

Chapter One Cloze

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.have knowledge of the features of cloze exercise;

2.be familiar with the procedures of doing cloze exercises;

3.have the knowledge of the strategies of doing cloze exercises

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

1.the features of cloze exercise;

2.the strategies of cloze exercise

III.T eaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents


2.Warming -up

Questions: 1. Do you think Cloze is difficult? Have you met some difficulties in your cloze exercises?

4.Do you have some strategies in doing cloze exercises?

5.Discuss your strategies with your partner.



To better understand the negotiation practices of other cultures, it is important for us to be aware of the standard negotiation practices in the United states. Americans grow up believing in the motto “He who hesitates is lost.” __1_, most Americans conduct business at lightning speed. It is 2 for contracts to be signed during the first business meeting. These rapid contracts are 3 by the fact that middle managers have the 4 to make quick decisions without consulting the boss or 5 with the group. Brief small talk often 6 the business interaction, 7 the short-term rewards, and financial arrangements quickly become the focus. 8 contacts are helpful but not necessary because a person’s last successes are deemed more important. Communication is usually indirect, informal , competitive and 9 argumentative.

Negotiation in western Europe is different from 10 in tehr United States. For the French, business is a very formal issue, and any 11 of a casual attitude will have a negative influence on the transaction. Their eye contact tends to be so intense that even North Americans may feel 12. In Germany, business is also conducted very formally 13 great attention to order, planning , and schedules. Because of this slow methodical process, it is virtually impossible to speed up a business transaction. Humor, compliments, and personal questions are not a part of German negotiations. 14, business may begin immediately after an introduction. Although the Dutch are

also straightforward and 15 in negotiations, business is conducted at a slower pace than in the United States.

Swedes are also very serious about business. They show little 16 during negotiation and expect the same from you. 17 is important to Swedish negotiations, and they tend to avoid confrontation. They may 18 a discussion abruptly if they think it will lead to an argument over a sensitive topic. In conversation, Swedes do not 19 exaggeration or superficiality. However, silence is part of their language pattern, so expect 20 to be filled with long pauses.

1. A) However B) Moreover C) Therefore D) Meanwhile

2.A) uninteresting B) uncommon C) customary D) conspicuous

3.A) foreseen B)forsaken C) facilitated D) fabricated

4. A) expertise B)intent C) ability D) authority

5. A) complying B) conceiving C) confirming D) conferring

6. A) proceeds B) precedes C) precludes D) predominates

7. A) once B)with C)but D) unless

8. A) Consequent B) Subsequent C) Prior D) Simultaneous

9. A) at most B) at large C) at times D) at best

10. A) whatever B) whichever C) those D) that

11. A) pretext B) appearance C) posture D) endurance

12. A) indifferent B) energetic C) fabulous D) intimidated

13. A)with B) in C) at D) for

14. A)_ Instead B) Otherwise C) Similarly D) Unexpectedly

15. A) practicable B) intricate C) efficient D) gracious

16. A) emotion B) collaboration C) contention D) enthusiasm

17. A) Proficiency B) Productivity C) Consensus D) Suspension

18. A) cut back B) cut down C) cut in D) cut off

19. A) accommodate B) appreciate C) authorize D) undermine

20. A) interactions B) engagement C) transactions D) reconciliation

(2) 题型特点







(3) Discuss summarize the procedures in doing cloze exercise





(4) Summarize the strategies






4. Practical exercise

Gender is a fundamental component of both personal and social identity . 1 else we are , or become we do so as a woman or man, as feminine or masculine. As individual members of society we need to know the gender of those with whom we interact and to give clear 2 about our own gender identity. It is a matter of great social 3 if we get it wrong, or fail to make things clear.

Not only is gender a 4 of identity, it is a major influence in determining life chances. Certain options are provided 5 a gender basis. For instance, some occupations may be considered appropriate for women, while others are 6 appropriate only for men. The observation that occupations depend on gender identity can be 7 across all human societies, 8 the classification of the tasks themselves may vary from society to society and over time . since occupations are one of the 9 used to rank members of society the 10 of occupation with gender becomes 11 as one of the systems of inequality within society.

12, women are in a socially inferior position to men, although both men and women have access to a 13 of positions. The 14 of women as inferior to men leads to the former having more 15 opportunities for social action. Inferiority of social positions is 16 in the things that women do being valued less than the things men do . women are 17 to men in social context. Men have greater access to means of coercion in order to 18 their will through both physical and symbolic violence . women are 19 to compete in male arena on masculine terms , and these terms inevitably 20 women as ‘second best’.

1. A) whoever B) whatever C) However D) wherever

2. A) responses B) signals C) symbols D) images

3. A) deficiency B) breakdown C) complication D) embarrassment

4. A) foundation B) distinction C) differentiation D) discrepancy

5. A) with B) on C) at D) in

6. A) discerned B) defied C) disclosed D) deemed

7. A) deduced B) acquired C) made D) caught

8. A) but B) although C) as D) since

9. A) means B) modes C) terms D) bases

10. A) classification B) availability C) access D) association

11. A) prevalent B) symbolic C) apparent D) productive

12. A) However B) Moreover C) Generally D) Increasingly

13. A) range B) scope C) scale D) number

14. A)ranking B) regarding C) concerning D) granting

15. A) restricted B) refrained C) repressed D) refined

16. A) applied B) ascertained C) manifested D) merged

17. A) superior B) available C) subject D) competent

18. A) embody B) entail C) endow D) enforce

19. B) permitted B) restricted C) confined D) encouraged

20. A) defy B) deny C) define D) depict

5. Assignment

Many people imagine that Alzheimer’s disease, the degenerative disorder that ultimately leaves sufferers with total memory loss, is an inevitable result of aging. This is not so . 1 the risks of contracting the disease increase with age, there are many elderly people 2 memories are perfect. Most of us are so ill 3 about all forms of memory loss that we label everything as “ Alzheimer’s “. Alzheimer’s disease itself can 4 people as young as 30 and can progress either quickly or slowly. It can also 5 the blame for other, non-degenerative conditions such as deep depression. 6, only an examination of the brain tissue during an autopsy can produce an accurate 7 of the disease.

The causes of Alzheimer’s are unknown. They may be either 8 or environmental . a study in 1996 of 13,000 people whose parents or siblings had the disease showed they had five times 9 chance of succumbing 10 the age of 80 than those with no family 11 of the problem.

There are other factors, however. In a study of identical twins it was found that only about half of the twin pairs developed Alzheimer’s and , when both twins 12 it , they did so as 13 as 15 years apart. The possibility 14 environment plays a part was 15 by another 1996 study, this time of two groups of elderly Japanese men . one group lived in Hawaii, the other in Japan. The Hawaiian group had a much higher 16 of the disease.

Aluminum has been blamed for the development of Alzheimer’s . this is because a high level of aluminum has been found in the brains of sufferers. The disease was first diagnosed at the beginning of the 20th century. It was at this time 17 aluminum was becoming widely available for use in cooking pots.

Memory loss, difficulty 18 familiar tasks , and problems with abstract thinking are all 19 of the onset of the disease. One unusual feature is its on language . it attacks nouns first, 20 verbs. Grammar is one of the last things to go.

1. A) As B) Since C) While D) Although

2. A) whom B) which C) whose D) what

3. A) judged B) equipped C) informed D) advised

4. A) affect B) inhibit C) confine D) constrain

5. A) take B) put C) get D) hold

6. A) In a word B) In the main C)In not time D) In the end

7. A) description B) account C) demonstration D) diagnosis

8. A) instinctual B) natural C) genetic D) intuitive

9. A) slighter B) fainter C) less D) more

10. A) at B) for C) by D) until

11. A) relation B) history C) background D) correlation

12. A) came up with B) did away with C) dispensed with D) went down with

13. A) much B) many C) soon D) long

14. A) of B) that C) which D) with

15. A) undermined B) eliminated C) boosted D) underlined

16. A) conversion B) incidence C) concealment D) occurrence

17. A) at which B) when C) that D) during which

18. A) approaching B) performing C) supervising D) upholding

19. A) reflections B) variables C) constant D) indicatiors

20. A) least B)then C) last D) latter


Chapter Two

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.be familiar with the vocabulary questions in cloze exercises

2.have the knowledge of the strategies of doing cloze exercises

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

3.the question of cloze exercise;

4.the strategies of doing cloze exercise

III.T eaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents


1)the features of cloze exercise

2)the strategies used in cloze exercise


Question: 1) Do you think vocabulary is important in cloze exercise? Why?

2)How do you deal with vocabulary questions?

3. Body

1) 词义辨析

It has long been know that total sleep ___ is 100 percent fatal rats…

A. reduction


C. deprivation

D. restriction



Reduction意为“减少”;destruction 意为“破坏”;deprivation意为“剥夺,丧失”;而restriction意为“限制”。题意为“完全剥夺老鼠的睡眠对他而言是致命的”,所以选 C deprivation.

Conclusion:: 词义辨析主要集中在实词,即名词、动词、形容词,设题通常以同义词、反


2) 固定搭配


例 The key to the industrialization of space is the U.S. space shuttle. With it, astronauts will acquire a workhouse vehicle ___ of flying into space and returning many times.

A. capable

B. suitable

C. efficient

D. fit

答案 A

空格后的Of表示只有选项A capable 能用在此处。Suitable与to 或for连用,如:This wine is not suitable to my taste. 这就不合我的胃口;fit 与for 连用;efficient 意思为“有效率的”,显然不符合。

4.Practical exercise


In the United States, the first day nursery was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the ___61__ half of the 19th century; most of ___62___ were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S. the day-nursery movement received great ___63___ during the First World War, when ___64___ of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented(前所未有)numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were establishes ___65___ in munitions(军火)plants, under direct government sponsorship. ___66___ the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose ___67___, this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War ___68___, Federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control ___69___ the day nurseries, chiefly by ___70___ them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.

The ___71___ of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were ___72___ called upon to replace men in the factories. On this ___73___ the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools. ___74___ $6,000,000 in July, 1942, for a nursery-school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities ___75___ this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945, more than 100,000 children were being cared ___76___ in day-care centers receiving Federal ___77___. Soon afterward, the Federal government ___78___ cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later ___79___ them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their ___80___ at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled.

61. A) latter B) late C) other D) first

62. A) those B) them C) whose D) whom

63. A) impetus B) input C) imitation D) imitative

64. A) sources B) abundance C) shortage D) reduction

65. A) hardly B) entirely C) only D) even

66. A) Because B) As C) Since D) Although

67. A) unanimously B) sharply C) predominantly D) militantly

68. A) therefore B) consequently C) however D) moreover

69. A) over B) in C) at D) about

70. A) formulating B) labeling C) patenting D) licensing

71. A) outset B) outbreak C) breakthrough D) breakdown

72. A) again B) thus C) repeatedly D) yet

73. A) circumstance B) occasion C) case D) situation

74. A) regulating B) summoning C) allocating D) transferring

75. A) expanded B) facilitated C) supplemented D) compensated

76. A) by B) after C) of D) for

77. A) pensions B) subsidies C) revenues D) budgets

78. A) prevalently B) furiously C) statistically D) drastically

79. A) abolished B) diminished C) jeopardized D) precluded

80. A) nurseries B) homes C) jobs D) children

Answer: A 62. B 63. A 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. A 70. D

71. B 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. B 78. D 79. A 80. C


Human possess a biological-clock system like that of other animals. Most 1 is the daily rhythm of sleep and wakefulness. There are also a host of daily variations which 2 the sleep-waking cycle. The daily 3 in body temperature, heart rate , and blood pressure have long been know.

The human daily rhythms, like those of other living things, have been observed to be circadian under 4 in conditions of unvarying light and temperature. Under these circumstances, as in other living things, the rate of daily shrift of various bodily processes in the same individual may 5 one from another. This may affect the former 6 relationships between these processes.

Such a situation occurs 7 long trips in eastbound or westbound airplanes. Man arrives at this destination after a trip of this sort with his rhythms still 8 to his former 9 . various daily events cause his rhythms to be reset for the new day-night cycle. Some may become 10 reset in only a day or two , while others may require up to a week or so. During this periods, the 11 bodily processes are out of 12 with one another. Hence the individual is not operating at maximum 13. this has become increasingly evident 14 of such persons as jet-plane pilots and stewardesses, who fly constantly back and forth 15 many degrees of longitude and latitude.

Experiments have been performed with humans in the Arctic in summer at latitudes 16 no significant differences in 17 occur between day and night. Different groups were given watches that had been altered to indicate false day lengths –22 hours and 27 hours . participants were asked to use these watches to time their daily 18 . some bodily rhythms tended to follow the 19 artificial activity cycles. Others stubbornly 20 their 24-hour period. The result, again, was a lack of harmony between the different systems of the body .

1.A) predominant B) conspicuous C) decisive D) fundamental

2.A) compare with B) result from C) are correlated with D) lie in

3.A) modifications B) adaptations C) transitions D) fluctuations

4.A) verification B) intersection C) identification D) isolation

5.A) remove B) differ C) distinguish D) disintegrate

6.A) mutual B) hostile C) harmonious D) reciprocal

7.A) during B) before C) following D) over

8.A) admitted B)adjusted C) belong D) destined

9.A) repression B) obsession C) location D) succession

10.A) absolutedly B) finally C) reversely D) completely

11.A) healthy B) functional C) diverse D) repetitive

12.A) touch B) place C)gear D) order

13.A) proficiency B) achievement C) attainment D) efficiency

14.A) in any case B) in case C) in the case D) in the course

15.A) to B) through C) in D) with

16.A) that B) but C) when D) where

17.A) illustration B) division C) transformation D) illumination

18.A) rituals B) routines C) arrangement D) schedule

19.A) imparted B) imposed C) embedded D) incorporated

20.A) pertained B) sustained C) retained D) endured

Chapter Three

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.be familiar with the grammar questions in cloze exercises

2.have the knowledge of the strategies of doing cloze exercises

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

1.the question of cloze exercise;

2.the strategies of doing cloze exercise

III.T eaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents


3)the grammar questions of cloze exercise

4)the strategies used in cloze exercise


Question: 1) Do you think grammar is important in cloze exercise? Why?

2)How do you deal with grammar questions?

3. Body

1) 从语法的角度,完形填空涉及的语法规则主要包括:








2) 非谓语动词。

例 The rats develop bacterial infection of the blood, ___ their immune systems the self-protecting mechanism against diseases had crashed.

A. it

B. as if

C. only if

D. if only

答案 B

最后半句突然出现一个与前面不一致的过去完成时,说明作者用的是虚拟语气,那么此处就必须填入可以借虚拟语气的连接词as if.

4. Practical exercise


Although there are many skillful Braille readers, thousands of other blind people find it difficult to learn that system. They are thereby shut 61 from the world of books and newspapers, having to 62 on friends to read aloud to them.

A young scientist named Raymond Kurzweil has now designed a computer which is a major 63 in providing aid to the 64 . His machine, Cyclops, has a camera that 65 any page, interprets the print into sounds, and then delivers them orally in a robot-like 66 through a speaker. By pressing the appropriate buttons 67 Cyclops’s keyboard, a blind person can “read” any 68 document in the English language.

This remarkable invention represents a tremendous 69 forward in the education of the handicapped. At present, Cyclops costs $50,000. 70 , Mr. Kurzweil and his associates are preparing a smaller 71 improved version that will sell 72 less than half that price. Within a few years, Kurzweil 73 the price range will be low enough for every school and library to 74 one. Michael Hingson, Director of the National Federation for the Blind, hopes that 75 will be able to buy home 76 of Cyclops for the price of a good television set.

Mr. Hingson’s organization purchased five machines and is now testing them in Maryland, Colorado, Iowa, California, and New York. Blind people have been 77 in those tests, making lots of 78 suggestions to the engineers who helped to produce Cyclops.

“This is the first time that blind people have ever done individual studies 79 a product was put on the market,” Hingson said. “Most manufacturers believed that having the blind help the

blind was like telling disabled people to teach other disabled people. In that 80 , the manufacturers have been the blind ones.”

61. A) up B) down C) in D) off

62. A) dwell B) rely C) press D) urge

63. A) execution B) distinction C) breakthrough D) process

64. A) paralyzed B) uneducated C) invisible D) sightless

65. A) scans B) enlarges C) sketches D) projects

66. A) behavior B) expression C) movement D) voice

67. A) on B) at C) in D) from

68. A) visual B) printed C) virtual D) spoken

69. A) stride B) trail C) haul D) footprint

70. A) Likewise B) Moreover C) However D) Though

71. A) but B) than C) or D) then

72. A) on B) for C) through D) to

73. A) estimates B) considers C) counts D) determines

74. A) settle B) own C) invest D) retain

75. A) schools B) children C) families D) companies

76. A) models B) modes C) cases D) collections

77. A) producing B) researching C) ascertaining D) assisting

78. A) true B) valuable C) authentic D) pleasant

79. A) after B) when C) before D) as

80. A) occasion B) moment C) sense D) event Answer: 61-65.DBCDA 66-70.DABAC

71-75.ABABC 76-80.ADBCC

5. Assignment

The number of freshmen reporting less than average emotional health has been steadily rising since 1985, according to the newest data from an annual nationwide survey by the University of California. College therapists cite several reasons for the apparent 1 in student mental health. 2 has this generation grown up in the much-maligned era of the 3 American family, it is also more used to therapy and so more likely to sseek help. As competition to get into college get 4, students burn out 5 they even get there.

College first created counseling centers for students who needed career and 6 advice , says Robert Galagher, author of the counseling center survey and former director of the University of Pittsburgh’s services. As psychological counseling 7 , the centers’ other advising functions were given away to other parts of the campus.

The ballooning caseloads mean there isn’t the time for the staff to offer long-term therapy to any 8 the most troubled. 9 , colleges focus on getting students over 10 crises. Nearly half of the schools that Galapher surveys 11 the number of client sessions.

Some schools have tried filling the 12 by getting more involved with students’ lives. The University of South Carolina, the University of Nevada and Texas A&M offer in-depth seminars on the 13 to college that help students get to know one professor really well. MIT is putting together support teams of physicians and experienced counselors to spend time in the dorms, socializing with the students and keeping an 14 on them.

So 15 do parents fit in all this? 16 , they don’t. Federal privacy laws 17 the separation by

forbidding the 18 of education records to anyone except the student. So 19 those expensive tuition checks, parents often don’t get a full 20 of what their children’s lives are really like.

1. A) discrepancy B) disinterest C) deterioration D) dilemma

2. A) If only B) Only if C) Not only D) Even of

3. A) disorganizing B) disintegrating C) discriminating D) dissipating

4.A) tighter B) tougher C) stricter D) closer

5. A) when B) before C) once D) after

6. A)practical B) theoretical C) academic D) constructive

7. A) took away B) took over C) took in D) took up

8. A) besides B) person C) but D) one

9. A) Instead B) Nevertheless C) Moreover D) Likewise

10. A) immediate B) financial C) mental D) tentative

11. A) regulate B) contend C)contrive D) limit

12. A) emptiness B) blank C) gap D) vacant

13. A)transition B) entry C) access D) breakthrough

14. A) account B) eye C) appointment D) interest

15. A) what B) why C) when D) where

16. A) In no case B) In many cases C) In no time D)In no way

17. A) reinforce B) terminate C) hinder D) testify

18. A) duplication B) displacement C) release D) exposition

19. A) despite B) in spite C) in terms of D) granted

20. A) picture B) vision C) concept D) perception

Chapter Four

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.be familiar with the discourse questions in cloze exercises

2.have the knowledge of the strategies of doing cloze exercises

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

1.the question of cloze exercise;

2.the strategies of doing cloze exercise

III.T eaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents


5)the discourse questions of cloze exercise

6)the strategies used in cloze exercise


Questions: 1)Do you think context comprehension is important to answer questions in cloze exercise?

2) How do you deal with discourse question?

3. Body


1) 所谓语境就是我们常说的上下文。广义的语境指所有的上下文,段与段之间,句子与句子之间,橘子与段之间的语义关系。一切语义的理解都离不开上下文。狭义的语境是指句子内部的词语在语义上的联系,我们根据这些联系和选项的辨析选出正确的答案,这种语境出题原则英语词汇水平中的辨析结合起来。

例Until recently, most historians spoke very critically of the Industrial Revolution. They ___ that in the long run industrialization greatly raised the standard of living for the average man.

A. admitted

B. believed

C. claimed

D. predicted

前一句主题句,定下文章的基调,“直到不久前,大多数历史学家对工业革命都持严厉批评的态度,”由于第二句中that从句的内容与他们的观点正好矛盾,讲的是工业革命带给人们的好处,所以believe相信与claim 声称都不能选,predict预测也不对,因为已是既成事实,而admit 表示对客观事实的承认,用在这里正好符合文意。


在完形填空中,句间逻辑关系主要包括:并列关系(连接词有and, while等);转折关系(连接词有but, however, though, whereas, nevertheless 等);顺序关系(连接词有before, after, and, first, second, then, next, finally等);解释关系(连接词有that is to say, in other words 等);因果关系(连接词有so, therefore, thus/because, for, since, as 等)让步关系(连接词有though, although, despite, in spite of 等);条件关系(连接词有if,unless, once, provided that, in case (of)等)

例 ————economy continues to recover, the US is increasingly becoming a nation of part-timers and temporary cookers.

A Even though B. Now that C. if only D Provided that

答案 A

“经济繁荣与工作临时化”之间不存在因果或田间关系,所以now that “既然”,if only “ 只要。。。就。。。 ,provide that “ 如果。。。就。。。“不符合题意,正确答案应为A even though 表示让步。

4.Practical exercise


When women do become managers, do they bring a different style and different skills to the job? Are they better, or worse, managers than men ?Are women more highly motivated and 71 than male managers?

Some research72the idea that women bring different attitudes and skills to management jobs, such as greater 73,an emphasis on affiliation and attachment, and a 74to bring emotional factors to bear 75making workplace decisions. These differences are 76to carry advantages for companies, 77they expand the range of techniques that can be used to 78the company manage its workforce 79 .

A study commissioned by the international Women's Forum 80 a management style used by some women managers (and also by some men)that81from the command and control style 82used by male managers. Using this “interactive leadership”approach,“women 83participation, share power and information, 84 other people's self-worth, and get others excited abort their work. All these 85reflect their belief that allowing 86to contribute and to feel 87and important is a win-win 88 -good for the employees and the organization .”The study's director 89that “interactive leadership may emerge 90the management style of choice for many organizations.”

71.A)committed B)confronted C)confined


72.A)despise B)supports C)opposes D)argues

73.A)coherence B)correlation C)combination


74.A)sensitivity B)willingness C)virtue D)loyalty

75.A)by B)with C)in D)at

76.A)seen B)revised C)watched D)disclosed

77.A)because B)whereas C)nonetheless D)therefore

78.A)direct B)enable C)help D)support

79.A)effectively B)evidently C)precisely


80.A)developed B)discovered C)located D)invented

81.A)derives B)detaches C)descends D)differs

82.A)traditionally B)conditionally C)inherently


83.A)engage B)dismiss C)encourage


84.A)enlarge B)ignore C)degrade D)enhance

85.A)things B)themes C)researches D)subjects

86.A)males B)women C)managers D)employees

87.A)skillful B)powerful C)thoughtful D)faithful

88.A)circumstance B)status C)situation D)position

89.A)defied B)predicted C)diagnosed D)proclaimed

90.A)as B)for C)into D)from

5. Assignment:

All insurance is a form of risk management. To deal with the 1 risks to health through accident or illness, various types of health insurance programs have been 2 . The insurers may be private companies or governments.

In some countries no insurance companies offer health care because governments have taken over the entire 3. China was an example. The United States has a combination of private and governments 4 insurance . Some government programs are limited to specific groups within the population such as veterans. Others, 5 Medicare and Medicaid, are open to most of the population.

The purpose of health insurance is to provide protection 6 losss of income and to cover the expenses of hospitalization and some of its associated costs. Some policies also 7 disability provisions, 8 will pay insured individuals 9 they be unable to work because of extended illness or permanent physical disability. Accident insurance covers sudden and unexpected injuries, while sickness insurance 10 to illness or disease. There are policies that cover accidents only, 11 normal health insurance covers accidents as well as illness.

Major medical or catastrophic coverage was introduced in 1949. it 12 an added coast. This coverage pays only for large medical expenses, such as open-heart surgery or organ transplants. Because of enormous increases in medical costs 13 the 1950s, major medical coverage has grown rapidly in 14.

Health insurance polices are 15 in two basic forms: cancelable and non-cancelable. Some policies can be canceled at any time by the insurer, 16 because of having to pay large benefits. Some are noncancelable during the time the policy is 17 but may be renewed 18 the insurer is willing. For the insured, the best policy is one that is non-concelable and 19 renewable. Premium rates for thes policies are often higher, 20.

1. A)unimaginable B) unforeseeable C) unanimous D) unacceptable

2. A) detected B) erected C) enlarged D) devised

3. A) division B) responsibility C) risk D) supervision

4. A) incurred B) sponsored C) advised D) advanced

5. A) inclusively B) invariably C) specifically D) generally

6. A) for B) with C) of D) against

7. A) retain B) carry C) take D) count

8. A) which B) and C) that D) who

9. A) provided B) whether C) should D) if

10. A) applies B) refers C) prefers D) prone

11. A) tough B) which C) while D) since

12. A) invests B) urges C) propels D) entails

13. A) across B) since C) by D) throughout

14. A) complexity B) popularity C) essence D) collection

15. A) offered B) summoned C) summarized D) triggered

16. A) barely B) particularly C) presumably D) rarely

17. A) in place B) in force C) in transit D) in vogue

18. A) now that B) so that C) as if D) only if

19. A) certified B) reassured C) sworn D) guaranteed

20. A) in effect B) however C) in a sense D) as a result

Chapter Five

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.be familiar with the questions in cloze exercises

2.have the knowledge of the strategies of doing cloze exercises

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

1.the question of cloze exercise;

2.the strategies of doing cloze exercise

III.Teaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents


1).the questions of cloze exercise

2).the strategies used in cloze exercise

2.Warming up

Questions: review the strategies learned in previous lessons

3. Body



In the United States, the first day nursery, was opened in 1854. Nurseries were established in various areas during the 61 half of the 19th century; most of 62 were charitable. Both in Europe and in the U.S., the day nursery movement received great 63 during the First World War, when 64 of manpower caused the industrial employment of unprecedented (前所未有) numbers of women. In some European countries nurseries were established 65 in munitions (军火) plants, under direct government sponsorship. 66 the number of nurseries in the U.S. also rose 67 , this rise was accomplished without government aid of any kind. During the years following the First World War, 68 , federal, State, and local governments gradually began to exercise a measure of control 69 the day nurseries, chiefly by 70 them and by inspecting and regulating the conditions within the nurseries.

The 71 of the Second World War was quickly followed by an increase in the number of day nurseries in almost all countries, as women were 72 called up on to replace men in the factories. On this 73 the U.S. government immediately came to the support of the nursery schools, 74 $ 6,000,000 in July, 1942,for a nursery school program for the children of working mothers. Many States and local communities 75 this Federal aid. By the end of the war, in August, 1945,

more than 100,000 children were being cared 76 in daycare centers receiving Federal 77 . Soon afterward, the Federal government 78 cut down its expenditures for this purpose and later 79 them, causing a sharp drop in the number of nursery schools in operation. However, the expectation that most employed mothers would leave their 80 at the end of the war was only partly fulfilled. 

61. A) latter B) late C) other D) first

62. A) those B) them C) whose D) whom

63. A) impetus B) input C) imitation D) initiative

64. A) sources B) abundance C) shortage D) reduction

65. A) hardly B) entirely C) only D) even

66. A) Because B) As C) Since D) Although

67. A) unanimously B) sharply C) predominantly D) militantly

68. A) therefore B) consequently C) however D) moreover

69. A) over B) in C) at D) about

70. A) formulating B) labeling C) patenting D) licensing

71. A) outset B) outbreak C) breakthrough D) breakdown

72. A) again B) thus C) repeatedly D) yet

73. A) circumstance B) occasion C) case D) situation

74. A) regulating B) summoning C) allocating D) transferring

75. A) expanded B) facilitated C) supplemented D) compensated

76. A) by B) after C) of D) for

77. A) pensions B) subsidies C) revenues D) budgets

78. A) prevalently B) furiously C) statistically D) drastically

79. A) abolished B) diminished C) jeopardized D)precluded

80. A) nurseries B) homes C) jobs D) children Answer : 61. A 62. B 63. A 64. C 65. D 66. D 67. B 68. C 69. A 70. D

71. B 72. A 73. B 74. C 75. C 76. D 77. B 78. D 79. A 80. C


Most people who travel long distances complain of jetlag(喷气飞行时差反应).Jetlag makes business travelers less productive and more prone 61 making mistakes. It is actually caused by 62 of your “ody clock”- a small cluster of brain cells that controls the timing of biological 63 .The body clock is designed for a 64 rhythm of daylight and darkness, s that it is thrown out of balance when it 6 5 daylight and darkness at the“wrong”times in a new time zone. The 66 of jetlag often persist for days 67 the internal body clock slowly adjusts to the new time zone Now a new anti - jetlag system is 68 that based on proven 69 pioneering scientific research. Dr. Martin Moore-Ede has 70 a practical strategy to adjust the body clock much sooner to the new time zone 71 controlled exposure to bright light, The time zone shift is easy to accomplish and eliminates 72 of the discomfort of jetlag. A successful time zone shift depends on knowing the exact time to either 73 or avoid bright light. Exposure to light at the wrong time can actually make jetlag worse.

The proper schedule 74 light exposure depends a great deal on 75 travel plans. Data on a specific flight itinerary (旅行路线)and the individual's sleep 76 are used to produce a Trip Guide with 77 on exactly when to be exposed to bright light. When the Trip Guide calls 78 bright light you should spend time outdoors if possible. If it is dark outside, or the weather is bad, 79 you are on an aeroplane, you can use a special light device to provide the necessary light 80 for a range of activities such as reading, watching TV or working.

61. A) for B)to C)from D) of

62.A)rupture B)corruption C) eruption D) disruption

63.A)actions B)functions C) reflection D) behavior

64.A)regular B)formal c) continual D) circular

65. A) retains B) encounters C) possesses D) experiences

66.A)diseases B)symptoms C) signs D) defects

67.A)while B)whereas C) if D) although

68. A) adaptable B) approachable C) available D) agreeable

69. A) broad B) inclusive C) tentative D) extensive

70.A)devised B)recognized C) scrutinized D) visualized

71. A) at B) through C) in D) as

72. A) most B) least C) little D) more

73. A) attain B) shed C) retrieve D) seek

74. A)on B)with C)for D) in

75.A)unique B)specific C) complicated D)peculiar

76.A)norm B) mode C) pattern D) style

77.A)directories B)instructions C)specifications D)commentaries

78. A)off B)on C)for D) up

79. A)or B)and C) but D) while

80.A)agitation B)spur C) acceleration D) stimulus

4. Assignment

As cellular or mobile phones proliferate rapidly, with more than 100 million US users , so do complaints about cell phone rudeness 1.

“No Cell Phones” signs are all over. Restaurants, theatres, libraries, museums and doctors’ offers have banned the devices. It is no 2 actor Laurence Fishburne became 3 of a hero for shouting at a member of the audience during a Broadway play last year: “Will you turn off that phone, please?”

Manufacturers are so 4 that they have started campaigns to 5 cell phone users about manners. Nokia Corp took part in Cell Phone Courtesy Week in San Diego in July, handing out “ Quiet Zone” stickers for companies to 6 in certain parts of their offices. Mayor Susan Golding started the campaign after 73 percent of people surveyed said they favored 7 cell phones in public places. You don’t have to look far to find evidence of the public’s 8 level: doctors at a Toronto hospital treated both mobile phone talkers and 9 bystanders 10 black eyes and even a broken rib 11 incidents of “cell phone rage”. A Chicago train commuter publicly 12 other passengers to do what he does when cell phone users push his button : take out a notebook , 13 closer and take notes of the conversation.

Then there’s the 14 safety issue of people using mobiles in cars. Several communities have 15 the use of them while driving.

Sociologist Jill Stein said that while the novelty of cell phones is 16, people still feel important when they use them in public: “Now everybody gets to be a big shot. “ She believes high-tech 17 have helped 18 the deterioration of old-fashioned 19.

“Manners between strangers have 20,” said Stein, a sociology professor and director of Cultural Research Assistants in Santa Monica, Calif. “ We’ve become colder towards each other.”

1. A) popping up B) propping up C) pouring out D) picking up

2. A) doubt B) wonder C) way D) difference

3. A) something B) somebody C) anybody D) everything

4. A)enthusiastic B) confused C) urgent D) concerned

5. A) remind B) inquire C) educate D) inform

6. A) put aside B) pull out C) put up D) pull together

7. A)eliminating B) excluding C) subduing D) restricting

8. A) anxiety B) hysterical C) dubious D) aggravation

9. A) nervous B) irritated C) aggressive D) indifferent

10. A) in B) of C) with D) for

11. A) from B) during C) after D) because

12. A) urged B) claimed C) provoked D) imposed

13. A) draw B) lean C) trudge D) trot

14. A) aggregate B) separate C) social D) serious

15. A) banned B) excluded C) expelled D) denied

16. A) reducing B) thriving C) fading D) prospering

17. A) specialty B) sanction C) predominance D) innovation

18. A) improve B) speed C) ensure D) hasten

19. A) routine B) device C) curtsey D) technology

20. A) broken in B) broken down C) broken even D) broken away

Chapter Six

I. Teaching Objectives:

On completion of this chapter, students should be able to:

1.be familiar with the correct exercises

2.have the knowledge of the questions which often appear in correct

II. The Points to Be Highlighted:

1.the questions in correct exercise;

2.the strategies of doing correct exercise

III.T eaching Approaches and Facilities

Approaches: 1. Pair/Group work 2. Discussion 3 Questions and answers

Facilities: blackboard

IV. Teaching Procedures and Contents








例: …about an American who had been invited to an Arab meal at one of the countries of the Middle East. (2000年6月)

At 应该为in, in the country 为固定搭配。



例 We will offer them a piece of our house, and they will offer us a new way to keep us warmly.

Warmly 改成warm从结构上看,本句中副词warmly处于宾补的位置上,修饰代词us 应该为形容词warm.

3). 近义词误用


例 Between sunrise and sunset, streets and highways are a constant source of voice from cars, buses and trucks.


4). 形进词误用


例 The farmer aroused at dawn or before and had much work to do, with his own muscles like his chief source of power.


5). 反义词误用



6月大学六级考试试题 Part ⅠWriting Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1. 近年来大小写生中出现了忽视中文学习的现象 2. 出现这种现象的原因和后果 3. 为了改变这种状况,我认为…… Due Attention Should Be Given to the Study of Chinese ________________________________ Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) Obama's success isn't all good news for black Americans As Erin White watched the election results head towards victory for Barack Obama, she

felt a burden lifting from her shoulders. "In that one second, it was a validation for my whole race," she recalls. "I've always been an achiever," says White, who is studying for an MBA at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee. "But there had always been these things in the back of my mind questioning whether I really can be who I want. It was like a shadow, following me around saying you can only go so far. Now it's like a barrier has been let down." White's experience is what many psychologists had expected—that Obama would prove to be a powerful role model for African Americans. Some hoped his rise to prominence would have a big impact on white Americans, too, challenging those who still harbour raci'st sentiments. "The traits that characterise him are very contradictory to the racial stereotypes that black people are aggressive and uneducated," says Ashby Plant of Florida State University. "He's very


Part I Writing (30 minutes) Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay based on the picture below. You should start your essay with a brief description of picture a nd then discuss whether technology is indispensable in education. You should give so undargument to support your views and write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. “I’m going to need tech support” Part II Listening Section A Directions:In this section,you will hear 8 short conversations and 2 long conversations. At the end of each conversation, one or more questions will be asked about what was said. Both the conversation and the questions will be spoken only once. After each question there will be a pause. During the pause,


大学英语六级阅读:2011年情人节祝福语 1. I can be myself when I am with you. 和你在一起的时候我才是真正的自己。 2. You and me together, we can make magic. 我们两个一起可以创造奇迹。 3. Your love gives me the feeling that the best is still ahead. 你的爱让我相信我们的未来会更好。 4. Your undying faith is what keeps the flame out of love alive. 你永恒的信任让我们的爱火永不熄灭。 5. Every time I look at you, my heart misses a beat. 每次看着你,我的心都会漏跳一拍。 6. You…re the one who holds the key to my heart. 只有你,握着开启我心门的钥匙。 7. You always say what I need to hear. 你的话总是那么悦耳动听。 8. You have taught me the true meaning of love. Love is, what you mean to me - and you mean everything. 你教会了我爱的意义。爱就是你在我心中的分量——而你,就是一切。 9. You are my theme for a dream. 你是我梦的主旋律。 10. I have had the time of my life and I owe it all to you. 我生命中的美好时光全都归功于你。 2011年6月份英语六级阅读:完美的情人节 情人节到了,在满是红玫瑰的海洋里面你是有了另一半还是孤单一个人呢怎么样在情人节里好好享受和伴侣的甜蜜时光,把握住任河机会“施展”自己的魅力原来也有科学依据的。科学家近日总结出了“科学引诱另一半”的诸条方法,仅供参考!这些科学方法花样繁多,有怎样正确地吸引伴侣的眼神、最科学的搭讪功夫,甚至还有最吸引人的名字等等,科学支招可以让你有一个完美的情人节哦! Just in time for Valentine?s Day, scientists have come with a guide on the secrets of seduction. Their tips, which range from what to wear to catch a suitor?s eye, to the best chat-up lines and even the most attractive names, could make the difference between enjoying a romantic meal for two on Monday or a TV dinner for one.


年12月大学英语六级模拟题 Part I Writing (30 minutes ) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Learn to Be Grateful by commenting on the saying, “God has two dwellings, one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart. Being grateful to others is a way to show your love.” You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200 words. Learn to Be Grateful ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2014


Model Test Four Part ⅠWriting (30 minutes) Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled The Popularity of Getting Certificates on Campus. You should write at least 150 words following the outline given below. 1.大学校园内各种证书的报考十分火热 2.大学生考证的利弊 3.考证面前,我的选择 The Popularity of Getting Certificates on Campus Part ⅡReading Comprehension (Skimming and Scanning) (15 minutes) Directions: In this part, you will have 15 minutes to go over the passage quickly and answer the questions on Answer Sheet 1. For questions 1-7, choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). For questions 8-10, complete the sentences with the information given in the passage. Guide Dogs For most dog owners, the expression “work like a dog”doesn’t make much sense. But some dogs happily perform very demanding jobs for much of their life, putting in a full day’s work just like the rest of us. Guide dogs, one of the most familiar sorts of working dog, provide an invaluable service to humans. Every day, they help their masters get from place to place more safely. What Guide Dogs Do Guide dogs help blind or visually impaired people get around in the world. In most countries, they are allowed to anyplace where the public is allowed, so they can help their handlers be in any place they might want to go to. To do this, a guide dog must know how to: ·Keep on a direct route, ignoring distractions such as smells, other animals and people ·Maintain a steady pace, to the left and just ahead of the handler ·Stop at all curbs until told to proceed ·Turn left and right, move forward and stop on command ·Recognize and avoid obstacles that the handler won’t be able to fit through (narrow passages and low overheads) ·Stop at the bottom and top of stairs until told to proceed ·Bring the handler to elevator buttons ·Lie quietly when the handler is sitting down ·Help the handler to board and move around buses, subways and other forms of public Vehicles ·Obey a number of verbal commands Additionally, a guide dog must know to disobey any command that would put the handler in danger. This ability, called selective disobedience, is perhaps the most amazing thing about guide dogs that they can balance obedience with their own assessment of the situation. This capacity is extremely important at crosswalks, where the handler and dog must work very closely together to navigate the situation safely. Dogs cannot distinguish the color of traffic lights, so the handler must make the decision of when it is safe to proceed across the road. The handler listens to the flow of traffic to figure out when the light has changed and then gives the command “forward”. If there is no danger, the dog proceeds across the road in a straight line. If there are cars approaching, the dog waits until the danger is gone and then follows the forward command. On the Job and After Hours Guide dogs enjoy their work immensely, and they get a lot of satisfaction from a job well done, but there is no


全国大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行) 教高厅[2005]1号 大学英语教学改革是“高等学校教学质量与教学改革工程”的一项重要内容,2004年,教育部组织制定了《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》。大学英语四、六级考试(以下简称四、六级考试)改革是大学英语教学改革的重要组成部分。全国大学英语四、六级考试委员会(以下简称考委会)和大学英语四、六级考试改革项目组在广泛听取多方意见的基础上,经过近一年的研究和论证,根据《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》,制定本方案。 一、四、六级考试改革的指导思想、目标和原则 四、六级考试是为教学服务的标准化考试。考试改革的指导思想是在保持科学性、客观性和公正性的同时,使考试最大限度地对大学英语教学产生正面的导向作用,即:通过改革,引导师生正确处理教学与考试的关系,更合理地使用四、六级考试,使考试更好地为教学服务。考试改革的目标是更准确地测量我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英语听说能力,以体现社会改革开放对我国大学生英语综合应用能力的要求。改革要按照前瞻性与可行性相结合、分步实施的原则进行,既有近期改革目标,又有中长期规划。 二、四、六级考试改革的措施 (一)全面改革计分体制和成绩报导方式 自2005年6月起,面向所有考生,四、六级考试成绩将采用满分为710分的计分体制,不设及格线;成绩报导方式由考试合格证书改为成绩报告单,即考后向每位考生发放成绩报告单,报导内容包括:总分、单项分等;为使学校理解考试分数的含义并根据各校的实际情况合理使用考试测量的结果,四、六级考试委员会将向学校提供四、六级考试分数的解释。 (二)考试内容改革 按照《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》修订考试大纲,开发新题型,加大听力理解部分的题量和分值比例,增加快速阅读理解测试,增加非选择性试题的题量和分值比例。试行阶段的四、六级考试内容由四部分构成:听力理解、阅读理解、综合测试和写作测试。听力理解部分的比例提高到35%,其中听力对话占15%,听力短文占20%。听力对话部分包括短对话和长对话的听力理解;听力短文部分包括短文听写和选择题型的短文理解;听力题材选用对话、讲座、广播电视节目等更具真实性的材料。阅读理解部分比例调整为35%,其中仔细阅读部分(Careful Reading)占25%,快速阅读部分(Fast Reading)占10%。仔细阅读部分除测试篇章阅读理解外,还包括对篇章语境中的词汇理解的测试;快速阅读部分测试各种快速阅读技能。综合测试比例为15%,由两部分构成。第一部分为完型填空或改错,占10%;第二部分为短句问答或翻译,占5%。写作能力测试部分比例为15%,体裁包括议论文、说明文、应用文等。试行阶段四、六级考试各部分测试内容、题型和所占分值比例如下表所示:近期内,四、六级考试口语考试仍将与笔试分开实施,继续采用已经实施了五年的面试型的四、六级口语考试(CET-SET)。同时,考委会将积极研究开发计算机化口语测试,以进一步扩大口语考试规模,推动大学英语口语教学。 (三)考务管理体制改革 2005年6月起,教育部考试中心将启用新的四、六级考试报名和考务管理系统,严格认定考生报名资格,加强对考场组织和考风考纪的管理,切实做好考试保密工作。从2006

大学英语四六级考试 完型填空(cloze)专项训练

完型填空模拟练习 Exercise 1 The man who brings my milk used to knock for his money for the week’s milk while I was eating breakfast on Saturday morning. 1lately he has been arriving before I get up. Staff 2mean that four men are sharing five rounds. So he has to start 3. Delivering milk to people’s homes is scarcely good business, especially when the consumer may have a choice of two or three firms 4 a single road. 5my local difficulties, however, labor troubles are not as acute as a few years ago. There are enough men prepared to make an early morning stake 6an open-air job 7 a fair measure of freedom. 8 they did stop calling, women should find 9hard work to collect all the milk they need 10self-service stores. Dairies 11that stopping deliveries in the United States resulted in falling sales. Marketing ideas have included introducing extra lines, 12dairy products, 13 the milkmen can carry to increase turnover. Already they have taken over many rounds given up by bakeries. One dairyman said: ―It won’t be long 14the milkman delivers more bread than milk.‖ Some milkmen deliver potatoes, 15it seems as though diversification will be limited only 16the size of the vans. So the milkman is likely to remain a familiar 17, and the dairy products he sells 18 change very much in this decade. Flavored milk is popular on the Continent. In Britain those who like it buy plain milk and add their own flavoring.19the returnable bottle continues to be used. As long as it has a reasonable life-----30 to 40 trips are usual-----the cost of collection and cleaning is 20. 1. A) Soon B) Just C) After D) When 2. A) storage B) lack C) short D) shortages 3. A) early B) earliest C) earlier D) more early 4. A) serving B) deserving C) reserving D) preserving 5. A) In spite of B) in case of C) Because of D) With 6. A) for the reason of B) for the sake of C) in order for D) as for 7. A) with B) for C) in D) to 8. A) If B) Though C) As D) Because 9. A) that B) it C) this D) X 10. A) from B) for C) into D) through 11. A) noticed B) are aware C) get to know D) understand 12. A) except for B) for example C) in addition to D) such as 13. A) for which B) in which C) of which D) which 14. A) that B) when C) after D) before 15. A) and B) for C)so D) however 16. A) for B) by C) in D) with 17. A) figure B) number C) staff D) rate 18. A) are unlikely to B) are likely to C) are surely to D) are likely not to 19. A) So B) For C) Even D) As


全国大学英语四、六级考试 改革总方向、目标 为适应我国高等教育新的发展形势,深化教学改革,提高教学质量,满足新时期国家对人才培养的需要,2004年初教育部高教司组织制 定并在全国部分高校开始试点《大学英语课程教学要求(试行)》(以下简称《教学要求》).《教学要求》规定,大学英语课程的教 学目标是:培养学生的英语综合应用能力,特别是听说能力,使他们在 今后工作和社会交往中能用英语有效地进行口头和书面的信息交流. 自《教学要求》在全国部分院校开始试点以来,广大教师积极参加和 关心这次改革,在教学模式、教学手段和教材使用等各方面做了许多 有益的尝试.参加试点的学生也普遍反映新的教学理念和方法大大提 高了他们学习英语的兴趣,实现了个性化学习,提高了学习的效率. 为此,作为对我国在校大学生英语能力是否达到《教学要求》的 主要鉴定手段的大学英语四、六级考试也必须相应改革,以适应新的 形势,使考试更好地为贯彻《教学要求》服务.在高教司的主持和领 导下,大学英语四、六级考试改革组和考试委员会经过反复研讨和论证,并广泛听取了大学英语第一线教师和学生的意见,制定了《全国 大学英语四、六级考试改革方案(试行)》. 大学英语四、六级考试是一种为教学服务的标准化考试.因此,考试改革的方向是在保持考试的科学性、客观性和公正性的同时,使考 试最大限度地对大学英语教学产生正面的导向作用,即通过四、六级 考试的改革,引导师生正确处理教学与考试的关系,更合理地使用四、六级考试,使考试更好地为教学服务.大学英语四、六级考试改革的 目标是更准确地测量我国在校大学生的英语综合应用能力,尤其是英 语听说能力,以体现社会改革开放对我国大学生英语综合应用能力的 要求.由于大学英语四、六级考试是一个超大规模的标准化考试,因 此考试的改革需前瞻性与可行性相结合,分步实施,既有近期改革目标,又有中长期规划.


(一) For many people today, reading is no longer relaxation. To keep up their work they must read letters, reports, trade publications, interoffice communications, not to mention newspapers and magazines: a never-ending flood of words. In 1 a job or advancing in one, the ability to read and comprehend 2 can mean the difference between success and failure. Yet the unfortunate fact is that most of us are 3 readers. Most of us develop poor reading 4 at an early age, and never get over them. The main deficiency 5 in the actual stuff of language itself-words. Taken individually, words have 6 meaning until they are strung together into phrased, sentences and paragraphs. 7 , however, the untrained reader does not read groups of words. He laboriously reads one word at a time, often regressing to 8 words or passages. Regression, the tendency to look back over 9 you have just read, is a common bad habit in reading. Another habit which 10 down the speed of reading is vocalization—sounding each word either orally or mentally as 11 reads. To overcome these bad habits, some reading clinics use a device called an 12 , which moves a bar (or curtain) down the page at a predetermined speed. The bar is set at a slightly faster rate 13 the reader finds comfortable, in order to “stretch” him.The accelerator forces the reader to read fast, 14 word-by-word reading, regression and subvocalization, practically impossible. At first 15 is sacrificed for speed. But when you learn to read ideas and concepts, you will not only read faster, 16 your comprehension will improve. Many people have found 17 reading skill drastically improved after some training. 18 Charlce Au, a business manager, for instance, his reading rate was a reasonably good 172 words a minute 19 the training, now it is an excellent 1,378 words a minute. He is delighted that how he can 20 a lot more reading material in a short period of time. 1. A.applying B.doing C.offering D.getting 2. A.quickly B.easily C.roughly D.decidedly 3. A.good B.curious C.poor D.urgent 4. A.training B.habits C.situations D.custom 5. A.lies https://www.wendangku.net/doc/75531256.html,bines C.touches D.involves 6. A.some B. A lot C.little D.dull 7. A.Fortunately B.In fact C.Logically D.Unfortunately 8. A.reuse B.reread C.rewrite D.recite 9. A.what B.which C.that D.if 10. A.scales B.cuts C.slows D.measures 11. A.some one B.one C.he D.reader 12. A.accelerator B.actor C.amplifier D.observer 13. A.then B.as C.beyond D.than 14. A.enabling B.leading C.making D.indicating 15. A.meaning https://www.wendangku.net/doc/75531256.html,prehension C.gist D.regression 16. A.but B.nor C.or D.for 17. A.our B.your C.their D.sucha 18. A.Look at B.Take C.Make D. Consider 19. A.for B.in C.after D.before 20. A.master B.go over C.present D.get through 答案


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 Part ⅠListening Comprehension (20 minutes) SECTION A 1. A) Prepare the coming exam carefully. B) Suggest a place to find his book. C) Try to find the book in his desk. D) Claim that he has lost the book. 2. A) She has already seen the movie. B) The movie is out of date. C) She has to do her project. D) Her computer is down. 3. A) Environment of the lecture. B) Topic of the lecture. C) Date of the lecture. D) Listeners’remarks about the lecture. 4. A) Study marine biology. B) Go to the beach. C) Go to attend the biology class. D) Buy some textbooks. 5. A) She cannot remember the title of the film. B) She has temporarily forgotten the name. C) This film is very excellent. D) The name is rather difficult to pronounce. 6. A) Jun 15th. B) Jun 5th. C) Jun 25th. D) Jun 20th. 7. A) 17 dollars. B) 8.5 dollars. C) 20 dollars. D) 10 dollars. 8. A) Follow the woman. B) Finish his project. C) Help the woman count. D) Help the woman . 9. A) She should not buy that new dress. B) She can buy the dress later. C) She should be careful about spending money. D) She should buy it right now. 10. A) He is now enjoying the weather.


试题一:中秋节 中国人自古以来就在中秋时节庆祝丰收,这与北美地区庆祝感恩节的习俗十分相似,过中秋节的习俗与唐代早期在中国各地开始流行,中秋节在农历八月十五,是人们拜月的节日,这天夜晚皓月当空,人们合家团聚,共赏明月。2006年,中秋节被列为中国的文化遗产,2008年又被定为公共假日,月饼被视为中秋节不可或缺的美食,人们将月饼作为礼物馈赠亲友或在家庭聚会上享用。传统的月饼上带有“寿”(longevity)、“福”或“和”等字样。 Since ancient times, the Chinese people usually celebrate harvest in the Mid-Autumn, which is similar to the custom of celebrating Thanksgiving in the North America. The tradition of celebrating Mid-Autumn festival became popular throughout China in the early Tang dynasty. The lunar August 15 is a day for people worshiping the moon. On this day, under the dazzling bright moon, families reunite and enjoy the moon’s beauty. In 2006, Mid-Autumn festival was listed as one of China's cultural heritage, and in 2008, it was classified as a public holiday. Moon cakes, as indispensable delicious food of the festival, were gifts people sent to families and friends during the festival and usually eaten on family gatherings. There are characters of “longevity”,“good fortune”and “harmony” on the Traditional mo on cakes. 试题二:丝绸之路 闻名于世的丝绸之路是一系列连接东西方的路线。丝绸之路是古代中国的丝绸贸易。丝绸之路上的贸易在中国、南亚、欧洲和发挥这重要作用。正是通过丝绸之路,中国的造纸、火药、指南针、印刷术传遍各地。同样,中国的丝绸、茶叶和瓷器也传遍各地,欧洲也是通过丝绸之路出口各种商品和植物,满足中国市场的需要。 The world-renowned Silk Road is a series of routes connecting the East and the West. The Silk Road represents the ancient Chinese silk trade. The Silk Road trade played an important role in China, South Asia, Europe and Africa. It was through the Silk Road that Chinese papermaking, gunpowder, the compass and the printing press spread all over the world. Similarly, Chinese silk, tea and porcelain also spread all

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