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V ol.38 No. 5

May. 2017电池化成用的能量回馈型直流变换器



摘要:电池在首次使用前需要进行多次充放电。电池化成的效果将极大影响电池的使用性能。目前市面上主流的化成装置主要 采用电阻耗散的方式放电,能源利用率低。针对这一问题,为有效回收放电能量,实现循环利用,同时尽可能提高能源转换效率,设计 了基于双向直流变换器的电池化成装置。该装置可以实现对电池能量的高效回收,彻底改变放电能量的丢失问题。采用开关电源的 方案实施,将进一步提升能源的转换效率。该装置采用STM32F334作为控制器,以双向Buck/Boost为主电路的拓扑结构,采取模糊PI 结构对环路进行补偿,实现对充放电过程中电压和电流的高精度控制,控制精度高达〇. 05% (FS)。通过与传统的化成装置进行测试 比较,结果表明,能量回馈型的电池化成装置的节能率高达70%。该装置将逐渐成为市场的主流。


中图分类号:TH89;TP21 文献标志码:A DOI:10.16086/j. cnki. issnlOOO -0380.201705006

Energy Feedback Type DC Converter Used for Battery Formation

LI Keke1,CHEN Jian2,WANG Jieyang1,ZHANG Jiantao1

(1. School of Information Engineering,Guangdong University of Technology,Guangzhou 510006,China;

2. School of Electro - Mechanical Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China)

Abstract :Prior to the first use of battery, repeated charging and discharging are needed. The effect of battery formation may greatly affect the applicative performance of battery. At present, the resistance dissipation mode is mainly adopted in major commercial available formation devices for discharging, so the energy utilization is low. Aiming at this problem, the discharging energy needs to be recovered to achieve recycling use and to improve the efficiency of energy conversion. With the battery formation device based on bi - directional DC converter, high efficient battery energy recovery can be realized and the problem of discharging energy loss can be completely avoided. The switching power supply scheme may further improve the efficiency of energy conversion. In the system,STM32F334 is adopted as the controller,the bidirectional Buck/Boost is used as the main circuit topological structure,and the fuzzy PI structure is selected to compensate the loop,thus the high precision control of the voltage and current during the charging and discharging process is realized,the control precision is up to 0.05%( F S). Comparing with the traditional formation devices, the results indicate that the energy saving rate of the energy feedback type battery formation device is up to 70% , such device will gradually become the mainstream in the market.

Keywords:Electric vehicle;DC converter;Energy feedback;Battery formation;High precision;Fuzzy control


电动汽车行业近年来的飞速发展,给电池相关产业 提供了千载难逢的机遇[1]。电池是电动汽车的能量源,其在电动汽车中具有举足轻重的地位。然而,电池出厂 前往往需要进行多次的充放电过程。所谓的电池化 成[2],是指对二次电池充放电的过程。老一代的电池化 成工艺所使用的电源大多为线性电源[3]。众所周知,线 性电源具有纹波小、噪声小等突出优势[4],但同时也存 在严重的缺陷,即充电完成后的电池能量只能通过热能释放,而不可以重复利用。这种无回收的化成方式不仅 严重降低了能源的利用率,更是与当今“可重复、高效 率”的节能减排[5]政策相冲突,因而迫切需要一种高效 方案来弥补当前方式的不足。由此能量回馈式的电池 化成方式应运而生[6]。





修改稿收到日期:2016-11 -24


作者简介:李科科(1990—),男,在读硕士研究生,主要从事电力电子方向的研究。E - mail :281991401 @ qq. com。

陈健(通信作者),男,博士,教授,主要从事机电液控制技术的研究。E -m ail:Chenjian7681@ 163. com 。
