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当前位置:文档库 › 第八讲:加注和释义


Translation Skills ---Annotation and Paraphrase Amplification:

1. There is much woman about him.

2. The rest of the day was anti-climactic.

3. She looked up to see Amelia crooking a finger from the half darkness of the hall. “You back? What is it?” asked Amelia crossly.

4. They have, by this very act, opened Pandora’s Box.


5.We were cat’s paws

6.People considered that what he played on that occasion was no more than a Judas kiss.


由于社会文化差异,英语中有些词义在汉语中完全不存在,形成了词义空缺semantic vacancy。在这种情况下,英语译成汉语常常采用加注法来弥补空缺。加注法分为音译加注和直译加注。音译加注:多用于翻译单个词语,尤其是专有名词。

Pizza 皮萨饼

Toyota 丰田车

Sahara 撒哈拉大沙漠





1.He did it a Jordan in the basketball court.

2.I am Peter Darwin. Everyone asks, so I may as well say at once that no, I’m not related to


3. A dead leaf fell in Soapy’s lap. That was Jack Frost’s card. 一片枯叶飘落到苏皮的膝头,那是



Tree hugger: 紧抱树杆的人(指极端环保主义者)

Zero Ground: 零地带(指纽约世贸大厦在2001年9月11日遭两架被劫持飞机撞击坍塌后所形成的瓦砾场,源自原子弹着陆后的爆炸点。)

Sesame street:


1.But I am short-tempered, frazzled(疲惫的) from all responsibilities. I am the “sandwich

generation”, caught between kids and parents.

2.He suggested that a truly-inclusive politically-correct pronoun would be “s/h/it”.



3.You told me the other day that you weren’t going to write anything about him yourself. It would

be rather like a dog in the manger to keep to yourself a whole lot of material that you have no intention of using.

Translation methods:

1.direct translation, i.e. literal translation

2.indirect translation, i.e. liberal translation, or paraphrase

3.direct translation with notes or margin notes

4. transliteration: translate according to the sound of the original

The principle in the application of the methods:

Usually direct method is the first choice if it can convey the source message without causing confusion.

But because of the disparity between the two languages (linguistic or cultural), some adaptation, paraphrase or annotation (adding supplementary information) is always inevitable.

Linguistic disparity:

Eg. Englishman in New York: Your sky looks much cleaner than in London.

Cab driver: Sure! We have more skyscrapers here.

Eg. Mary: My mother gave me a dollar for being good today.

Jack: Wow! And all this time I’ve been good for nothing.

---- Call your dog off!

---- I can’t. I’ve always called him ‘Jimmy’and it’s too late to change now.

Cultural disparity

(1)Hygeia herself would have fallen sick under such a regimen; and how much more this poor old nervous victim?


(2)Big Ben is ringing the hour.

(3)New York was never Mecca to me.

(4)Like a son of Bachus, he can drink up two bottles of whisky at a breath.

(9)We have enrolled every local Cicero. 我们把各地西塞罗式都招来了。Orator, prose stylist

10. He slipped out of the State Department and crossed the Potomac to Arlington, Virginia, where the civil ceremony took place.


(1)It was Friday *and soon they'd go out and get drunk.


(2)While it may seem to be painting the lily, I should like to add somewhat to Mr.Alistair Cooke's excellent article.


(3) Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborn in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday.


(4)The man who waters his grass after a good rain is carrying coals to Newcastle.


(5)I am as poor as Job, my lord, but not so patient.


1.as drunk as a fiddler酩酊大醉



2。bring down the house 全场喝彩(不能直译为"把房子都弄倒了")

3.It's not easy to become a member of that club-they want people who have plenty of money to spend, not just every Tom, Dick, and Harry.


(2) A Red Light for Smoking


(这是美国Time《时代》周刊1983年一篇文章的标题。red light本意是红灯,指停车信号、危险信号。文中指出美国社会中蔑视法令的现象已到了触目惊心的地步,必须采取措施加以制止。译成"玩忽法令之风不可长"一目了然,言简意明。

(3)Our son must go to school. He must break out of the pot that holds us in.


(4)The study had a Spartan look.

(古希腊斯巴达人)\ (9)She scolded her maid and was as cross as two sticks.

(13). The young girl thumbed her way to the passing cars.

(thumbed her way 为英语手势语,意为"站在路边向来往的汽车摆动着竖起的拇指表示她要搭车",在汉语中没有这种手势语,翻译时只有采用释义法,以便让我国读者明白其意.)

(17)Mr. Kingsley and his Red Brick boys will have to look to their laurels.

(Red Brick又称Red Brick Universities,指英国除牛津、剑桥大学以外的其他地方性二流大学。因其建筑主要是红砖砌成,不象牛津、剑桥的建筑均为古色古香的石块所建成,故得此名。

The first American foot soldiers to reach the British Isles in preparation for the invasion arrived early in 1942, just 50 days after the Japanese attached Pearl Harbor. Britain had never seen the likes of these breezy, long-legged Yanks, eventually to be 1.5 million strong. They came with swarms of planes, parked their Sherman tanks in rows ten miles long, and stockpiled six million tons of bombs, guns and ammunition——threatening, the British said, to sink their island. GIs were everywhere, jitterbugging to “In the mood”and politely inquiring whether there was a trapeze act at Piccadilly Circus.Few could resist their ingenuous high spirits.(From Reader’s Digest, June, 1984)

GI: government issue: 军需用品

Piccadilly Circus is a famous road junction and public space of London"s West End in the City of Westminster,built in 1819 to connect Regent Street with the major shopping street of Piccadilly. In this context a "circus", from the Latin word meaning a circle, is a circular open space at a street junction. "circus", Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Edition 1989It now links directly to the theatres on Shaftesbury Avenue as well as the Haymarket, Coventry Street (onwards to Leicester Square) and Glasshouse Street. The Circus is close to major shopping and entertainment areas in a central location at the heart of the West End. Its status as a major traffic intersection has made Piccadilly Circus a busy meeting point and a tourist attraction in its own right. The Circus is particularly known for its video display and neon signs mounted on the corner building on the northern side, as well as the Shaftesbury memorial fountain and statue of an archer popularly known as "Eros" (sometimes called "The Angel of Christian Charity", but intended to be "Anteros"). It is surrounded by several noted buildings, including the London Pavilion and Criterion Theatre. Directly underneath the plaza is Piccadilly Circus London Underground station


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