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Semantic Relevance and Aspect Dependency in a given Subject Domain

Semantic Relevance and Aspect Dependency in a given Subject Domain
Semantic Relevance and Aspect Dependency in a given Subject Domain

Semantic Relevance and Aspect Dependency in a given Subject Domain

Contents-driven algorithmic processing of fuzzy word

meanings to form dynamic stereotype representations?

Burghard B.Rieger

Arbeitsgruppe f¨u r mathematisch-empirische Systemforschung(MESY) German Department,Technical University of Aachen,

Aachen,West Germany


Cognitive principles underlying the(re-)construction of word meaning and/or world knowledge structures are poorly understood yet.In a rather sharp depar-

ture from more orthodox lines of introspective acquisition of structural data

on meaning and knowledge representation in cognitive science,an empirical

approach is explored that analyses natural language data statistically,repre-

sents its numerical?ndings fuzzy-set theoretically,and interprets its intermedi-

ate constructs(stereotype meaning points)topologically as elements of semantic

space.As connotative meaning representations,these elements allow an aspect-

controlled,contents-driven algorithm to operate which reorganizes them dynam-

ically in dispositional dependency structures(DDS-trees)which constitute a pro-

cedurally de?ned meaning representation format.


Modelling system structures of word meanings and/or world knowledge is to face the problem of their mutual and complex relatedness.As the cognitive principles un-derlying these structures are poorly understood yet,the work of psychologists,AI-researchers,and linguists active in that?eld appears to be determined by the re-spective discipline’s general line of approach rather than by consequences drawn from these approaches’intersecting results in their common?eld of interest.In linguistic semantics,cognitive psychology,and knowledge representation most of the necessary data concerning lexical,semantic and/or external world information is still provided introspectively.Researchers are exploring(or make test-persons explore)their own linguistic/cognitive capacities and memory structures to depict their?ndings(or let hypotheses about them be tested)in various representational formats(lists,arrays, trees,nets,active networks,etc.).It is widely accepted that these modelstructures ?Published in:COLING84—Proceedings of the10th International Conference on Computational Linguistics,Stanford(Stanford UP)1984,pp.298–301.

do have a more or less ad hoc character and tend to be con?ned to their limited the-oretical or operational performances within a speci?ed approach,subject domain or implemented system.Basically interpretative approaches like these,however,lack the most salient characteristics of more constructive modelstructures that can be developed along the lines of an entity-relationship approach(Chen1980).Their properties of ?exibility and dynamics are needed for automatic meaning representation from input texts to build up and/or modify the realm and scope of their own knowledge,however baseline and vague that may appear compared to human understanding.

In a rather sharp departure from those more orthodox lines of introspective data ac-quisition in meaning and knowledge representation research,the present approach(1) has been based on the algorithmic analysis of discourse that real speakers/writers pro-duce in actual situations of performed or intended communication on a certain subject domain,and(2)the approach makes essential use of the word-usage/entity-relationship paradigm in combination with procedural means to map fuzzy word meanings and their connotative interrelations in a format of stereotypes.Their dynamic dependencies(3) constitute semantic dispositions that render only those conceptual interrelations ac-cessible to automatic processing which can—under di?ering aspects di?erently—be considered relevant.Such dispositional dependency structures(DDS)would seem to be an operational prerequisite to and a promising candidate for the simulation of contents-driven(analogically-associative),instead of formal(logically-deductive)infer-ences in semantic processing.

2The approach

The empirical analysis of discourse and the formal representation of vague word mean-ings in natural language texts as a system of interrelated concepts(Rieger1980)is based on a Wittgenstein ian assumption according to which a great number of texts analysed for any of the employed terms’usage regularities will reveal essential parts of the concepts and hence the meanings conveyed.

It has been shown elsewhere(Rieger1980),that in a su?ciently large sample of pragmatically homogeneous texts,called corpus,only a restricted vocabulary,i.e.a limited number of lexical items will be used by the interlocutors however comprehen-sive their personal vocabularies in general might be.Consequently,the lexical items employed to convey information on a certain subject domain under consideration in the discourse concerned will be distributed according to their conventionalized communica-tive properties,constituting semantic regularities,which may be detected empirically from the texts.

For the quantitative analysis not of propositional strings but of their elements, namely words in natural language texts,rather simple statistics serve the basically descriptive purpose.Developed from and centred around a correlational measure to specify intensities of co-occurring lexical items used in natural language discourse, these analysing algorithms allow for the systematic modelling of a fragment of the lexical structure constituted by the vocabulary employed in the texts as part of the concomitantly conveyed world knowledge.

A correlation coe?cient appropriately modi?ed for the purpose has been used as a mapping function(Rieger1981a).It allows to compute the relational interde-


SYSTEM/system 2.035LEIT/guide 2.113

ELEKTR/electron 2.195COMPUTER 2.208

DIPLOM/diploma 2.288VERBAND/assoc 2.299

INDUSTR/industry 2.538STELLE/position 2.620

SUCHE/search 2.772SCHREIB/write 2.791

SCHUL/school 2.922AUFTRAG/order 3.058

FOLGE/consequ 3.135BERUF/professn 3.477

ERFAHR/experienc 3.485UNTERR/instruct 3.586

ORGANISAT/organis 3.846VERWALT/administ 3.952

GEBIET/area 4.055WUNSCH/wish/desir 4.081


Table1:Topological environment E UNTERNEHM

pendency of any two lexical items from their textual frequencies.Those items which co-occur frequently in a number of texts will positively be correlated and hence called a?ned,those of which only one(and not the other)frequently occurs in a number of texts will negatively be correlated and hence called repugnant.Di?erent degrees of word-repugnancy and word-a?nity may thus be ascertained without recurring to an investigator’s or his test-persons’word and/or world knowledge(semantic competence), but can instead solely be based upon the usage regularities of lexical items observed in a corpus of pragmatically homogeneous texts,spoken or written by real speakers/hearers in actual or intended acts of communication(communicative performance).

3The semantic space structure

Following a system-theoretic approach and taking each word employed as a potential descriptor to characterize any other word’s virtual meaning,the modi?ed correlation coe?cient can be used to map each lexical item into fuzzy subsets(Zadeh1981)of the vocabulary according to its numerically speci?ed usage regularities.Measuring the di?erences of any one’s lexical item’s usages,represented as fuzzy subsets of the vocabulary,against those of all others allows for a consecutive mapping of items onto another abstract entity of the theoretical construct.These new operationally de?ned entities—called an item’s meanings—may verbally be characterized as a function of all the di?erences of all regularities any one item is used with compared to any other item in the same corpus of discourse.

The resulting system of sets of fuzzy subsets constitutes the semantic space.As a distance-relational datastructure of stereotypically formatted meaning representations it may be interpreted topologically as a hyperspace with a natural metric.Its linguisti-cally labelled elements represent meaning points,and their mutual distances represent meaning di?erences.

The position of a meaning point may be described by its semantic environment. Tab.1shows the topological environment E UNTERNEHM ,i.e.those adjacent points being situated within the hypersphere of a certain diameter around its center meaning

point UNTERNEHM/enterprise as computed from a corpus of German newspaper texts comprising some9000tokens of360types in175texts fron the1964editions of the daily die welt.

Having checked a great number of environments,it was ascertained that they do in fact assemble meaning points of a certain semantic a?nity.Further investigation revealed(Rieger1983)that there are regions of higher point density in the semantic space,forming clouds and clusters.These were detected by multivariate and cluster-analyzing methods which showed,however,that the both,paradigmatically and syn-tagmatically,related items formed what may be named connotative clouds rather than what is known to be called semantic?elds.Although its internal relations appeared to be unspeci?able in terms of any logically deductive or concept hierarchical system, their elements’positions showed high degree of stable structures which suggested a regular form of contents-dependant associative connectedness(Rieger1981b).

4The dispositional dependency

Following a more semiotic understanding of meaning constitution,the present seman-tic space model may become part of a word meaning/world knowledge representation system which separates the format of a basic(stereotype)meaning representation from its latent(dependency)relational organization.Whereas the former is a rather static, topologically structured(associative)memory representing the data that text analysing algorithms provide,the latter can be characterized as a collection of dynamic and?ex-ible structuring processes to reorganize these data under various principles(Rieger 1981b).Other than declarative knowledge that can be represented in pre-de?ned se-mantic network structures,meaning relations of lexical relevance and semantic dispo-sitions which are heavily dependent on context and domain of knowledge concerned will more adequately be de?ned procedurally,i.e.by generative algorithms that induce them on changing data only and whenever necessary.This is achieved by a recursively de?ned procedure that produces hierarchies of meaning points,structured under given aspects according to and in dependence of their meanings’relevancy(Rieger1984b).

Corroborating ideas expressed within the theories spreading activation and the pro-cess of priming studied in cognitive psychology(Lorch1982),a new algorithm has been developed which operates on the semantic space data and generates—other than in Rieger(1982)—dispositional dependency structures(DDS)in the format of n-ary trees.Given one meaning point’s position as a start,the algorithm of least distances(LD)will?rst list all its neighbouring points and stack them by increasing distances,second prime the starting point as head node or root of the DDS-tree to be generated before,third,the algorithm’s generic procedure takes over.It will take the?rst entry from the stack,generate a list of its neighbours,determine from it the least distant one that has already been primed,and identify it as the ancestor-node to which the new point is linked as descendant-node to be primed next.Repeated succesively for each of the meaning points stacked and in turn primed in accordance with this procedure,the algorithm will select a particular fragment of the relational structure latently inherent in the semantic space data and depending on the aspect, i.e.the initially primed meaning point the algorithm is started with.Working its way through and consuming all labeled points in the space structure—unless stopped




d Fig.1.2

under conditions of given target nodes,number of nodes to be processed,or threshold of maximum distance—the algorithm transforms prevailing similarities of meanings as represented by adjacent points to establish a binary,non-symmetric,and transitive relation of semantic relevance between them.This relation allows for the hierarchical re-organization of meaning points as nodes under a prisme head in an n-ary DDS-tree (Rieger1984a).

Without introducing the algorithms formally,some of their operative characteristics can well be illustrated in the sequel by a few simpli?ed examples.Beginning with the schema of a distance-like data structure as shown in the two-dimensional con?guration of11points,labeled a to k(Fig.1.1)the stimulation of e.g.points a or c will start the procedure and produce two speci?c selections of distances activated among these 11points(Fig.1.2).The order of how these particular distances are selected can be represented either by steplists(Fig.1.3),or n-ary tree-structures(Fig.1.4),or their binary transformations(Fig.1.5).It is apparent that stimulation of other points within the same con?guration of basic data points will result in similar but nevertheless di?ering trees,depending on the aspect under which the structure is accessed,i.e.the point initially stimulated to start the algorithm with.

Applied to the semantic space data of360de?ned meaning points calculated from the textcorpus of the1964editions of the German newspaper die welt the Disposi-

Step z d z a 0a→a 1e→a 2b→a 3c→b 4f→e 5g→a 6d→b 7h→g 8i→h 9k→b 10j→c Step z d z a 0c→c 1j→c 2i→c













c k

e g



k d


tional Dependency Structure(DDS)of UNTERNEHM/enterprise is given in Fig.2as generated by the procedure described.

Beside giving distances between nodes in the DDS-tree,a numerical measure has been devised which describes any node’s degree of relevance according to that tree structure.As a numerical measure,a node’s criteriality is to be calculated with respect to its root or aspect and has been de?ned as a function of both,its distance values and its level in the tree concerned.For a wide range of purposes in processing DDS-trees, di?erent criterialities of nodes can be used to estimate which paths are more likely being taken against others being followed less likely under priming of certain meaning points.Source-oriented,contents-driven search and retrieval procedures may thus be performed e?ectively on the semantic space structure,allowing for the activation of dependency paths.These are to trace those intermediate nodes which determine the associative transitions of any target node under any speci?able aspect.

Using these tracing capabilities within DDS-trees proved particularly promising in an analogical,contents-driven form of automatic inferencing which—as opposed to logical deduction—has operationally been described in Rieger(1984c)and simulated by way of parallel processing of two(or more)dependency-trees.



d k g


i b

a d Fig.1.5


Chen,P.P.(1980)(Ed.):Proceedings of the1st Intern.Conference on Entity-Relationship Approach to Systems Analysis and Design(UCLA),Amster-

dam/New York(North Holland)1980

Lorch,R.F.(1982):Priming and Search Processes in Semantic Memory:A Test of Three Models of Spreading Activation.Journ.of Verbal Learning and Verbal


Rieger,B.(1980):Fuzzy Word Meaning Analysis and Representation,Proceedings of COLING80,Tokyo1980,76–94

Rieger,B.(1981a):Feasible Fuzzy Semantics.Eikmeyer/Rieser(Eds.):Words,Worlds, and Contexts.New Approaches to Word Semantics,Berlin/New York(de


Rieger,B.(1981b):Connotative Dependency Structures in Semantic Space.In:Rieger (Ed.):Empirical Semantics II,Bochum(Brockmeyer)1981,622–711 Rieger,B.(1982):Procedural Meaning Representation.In:Horecky(Ed.):COLING

82.Proceedings of the9th Intern.Conference on Computational Linguistics,

Amsterdam/New York(North Holland)1982,319–324

Rieger, B.(1983):Clusters in Semantic Space.In:Delatte(Ed.)Actes du Congr`e s International Informatique et Sciences Humaines,Universit′e de

Li`e ges(LASLA),1983,805–814

Rieger,B.(1984a):Semantische Dispositionen.Prozedurale Wissensstrukturen mit stereotypisch repr¨a sentierten Wortbedeutungen.In:Rieger(Ed.):Dynamik

in der Bedeutungskonstitution,Hamburg(Buske)1983(in print)

Rieger,B.(1984b):Inducing a Relevance Relation in a Distance-like Data Structure of Fuzzy Word Meaning Representation.in:Allen,R.F.(Ed.):Data Bases

in the Humanities and Social Sciences(ICDBHSS/83),Rutgers University,N.

J.Amsterdam/New York(North Holland)1984(in print)

Rieger, B.(1984c):Lexikal Relevance and Semantic Disposition.In:Hoppen-brouwes/Seurent/Weijters(Eds.):Meaning and the Lexicon.Nijmegen Uni-

versity(M.I.S.Press)1984(in print)

U N T E R N E H M E N 0.000/1.00S Y S T E M 2.035/.329

L E I T E N 1.425/.188E L E K T R O 0.528/.263C O M P U T E R 0.095/.735D I P L O M 0.115/.865S C H R E I B E N 1.257/.173

K R A N K 2.875/.057

S T R A S S E 4.435/.013S T E U E R 4.427/.003

R E I S E N 3.426/.004

S C H U L E 1.150/.186W U N S C H 1.795/.094

U N T E R R I C H T 1.583.142

V E R W A L T E N 2.650/.090

V E R A N T W O R T E N 2.242/.039E N T W I C K E L N 3.405/.011W I R T S C H A F T 3.459/.011

E R W A R T E N 4.611/.002

K U R Z 4.892/.000B A D 4.650/.000

H A U S 3.983/.000

V E R B A N D 0.734/.204

S U C H E 0.720/.207

H A N D E L 4.774/.002

A U F T R A G 1.923/.089

A U S L A N D 3.043/.004

V O R S I T Z 4.267/.021

I N D U S T R I E 1.104/.230

S T E L L E 2.003/.103K O S T E N 4.644/.022G E B I E T 3.445/.063

H E R R S C H A F T 3.913/.016M A S C H I N E 3.310/.019

B R I T E 3.531/.005

H O C H 4.023/.015

B E R U F 2.521/.115


F A H R E N 2.677/.041O R

G A N I S A T 1.888/.021A U S G A B E 2.220/.009F ?


I G 1.860/.022

T E C H N I K 1.440/.015K E N N E N 1.513/.010E I N S A T Z 4.459/.002R A U M 3.890/.001B I T T E 1.227/.012P E R S O N 2.165/.006

V E R H A N D E L N 4.559/.050


G E 3.135/.242

A M T 5.328/.15



Zadeh,L.A.(1981):Test-Score Semantics for Natural Languages and Meaning Rep-resentation via PRUF.In:Rieger(Ed.):Empirical Semantics I,Bochum



英语语用学教程 English Pragmatics: A Coursebook 1. Background and definitions Warming up activity What does the boy still need to learn about using language? A little boy comes in the front door. Mother: Wipe your feet, please. He removes his muddy shoes and socks and carefully wipes his clean feeton the doormat. 1.1Background of pragmatics 1.1Definitions of pragmatics Pragmatics is the study of how the speaker produces and how the hearerunderstands the peculiar uses of language. 1.2Component vs. perspective分相论与综观论 1.2.1Component view of pragmatics Davis points out in his book Pragmatics: A Reader(1991) that pragmatics,likephonetics,phonology,morphology,syntaxandsemantics,isacomponent of linguistics. 1.2.2Perspective view of pragmatics Verschueren(1999) proposes that pragmatics is not a component oflinguistics, but a new way of looking at language. Pragmaticsisspecifiedas“ageneralcognitive,social,andculturalperspective on linguistic phenomena in relation to their usage in forms ofbehavior”(Verschueren,1999)


Chapter 6 Pragmatics 语用学 1.What is pragmatics? 什么是语用学? Pragmatics can be defined as the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. As the process of communication is essentially a process of conveying meaning in a certain context, pragmatics can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study. It places the study of meaning in the context in which language is used. 语用学研究的是说某种语言的人怎样用句子去实现成功的交际。 由于交际的过程从本质来说是在一定的语境中表达意义的过程,因而语用学的本质是一种意义研究。它是一种将语言置于使用的语境中去的意义研究。 2.Pragmatics and semantics 语用学和语义学 Pragmatics and semantics are both linguistic studies of meaning, but they are different. What essentially distinguishes semantics and pragmatics is whether in the study of meaning, the context of use is considered. If it is not considered, the study is restricted to the area of traditional semantics; if it is considered, the study is being carried out in the area of pragmatics. 语用学和语义学都是对意义的语言学研究,但两者是不同的。它们的本质区别在于研究意义时是否考虑了语言使用的语境。没有考虑到语境进行的研究就没有超出传统语义学的研究范围;相反,考虑到语境进行的研究就属于语用学的研究范围。 3.Context 语境 Context is essential to the pragmatic study of language. It is generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境是语言的语用研究中不可缺少的概念。它一般被理解为说话者和听话者所共有的知识。The shared knowledge is of two types: the knowledge of the language they use, and the knowledge about the world, including the general knowledge about the world and the specific knowledge about the situation in which linguistic communication is taking place. 共有的知识包括他们所使用的语言方面的知识和双方对世界的认识,包括对世界的总的认识和对正在进行的语言交际所处的环境的具体认识。 4.Sentence meaning and utterance meaning 句子意义和话语意义The meaning of a sentence is abstract, and de-contextualized, while utterance meaning is concrete, and context-dependent. Utterance is based on sentence meaning; it is the realization of the abstract meaning of a sentence in a real situation of communication, or simply in a context. 句子的意义是抽象的,非语境化的,而话语的意义是具体的,受语境制约的。话语意义基于句子意义;它是一个句子的抽象意义在特定语境中的具体体现,或简而言之,在一个语境中的具体化。 5.Speech act theory 言语行为理论 Speech act theory is an important theory in the pragmatic study of language. It was originated with the British philosopher John Austin in the late 50’s of the 20th century. 言语行为理论是语言语用研究中的一个重要理论。它最初是由英国哲学家约翰.奥斯汀在20世纪50年代提出的。 According to speech act theory, we are performing actions when we are speaking.


The Cooperative Principle of Pragmatics: An Analysis of the Verbal Humour in the Sitcom Home with Kids Since the language was born, the research of it has never interrupted. Humor is the spice of our lives, leave it the life will be boring. Pragmatics is a main branch of Linguistics, with the development of pragmatic theory, linguists and hobbyists from many angles analysis on verbal humor and achieved fruitful results.While cooperative principle, as one of the most important pragmatic principle, makes a systemic study about language use and lays a solid foundation for later development of pragmatics. The violation of cooperative principle can often generate conversational implicature or achieve certain communicative effects. On the basis of previous humour and pragmatic theory research, I will analysis from the point of the cooperative principle of those verbal humour dialogue in the sitcom "Home with Kids", which reflects the daily life of a rebuilt family and attracts many Chinese audiences by its creating writing, good acting as well as its wonderful transcripts. 1. Four Maxims of the Cooperative Principle In 1975, the language philosopher H. P. Grice published a seminal article entitled “The Cooperative Principle” which created quite a stir in the linguis tic world and generated a large number of linguistic publications that are built on Grice's postulates. According to Grice, in conversational exchange, people usually try to reach a common goal by mutual efforts or at least make the conversation develop in the direction of their expectation. To achieve this, people need to cooperate with each other. Grice' theory of the cooperative principle explains how it is possible for the speaker to convey more than what is literally said and foe the hearer to understand. The four maxims of CP are Quantity Maxim, Quality Maxim, Manner Maxim and Relation Maxim. The maxim of quantity has two sub-maxims that require the cooperative


高中英语倒装句 倒装句分为全部倒装和部分倒装 1全部倒装全部倒装是只将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。此结构通常只用于一般现在时和一般过去时。常见的结构有:1)here, there, now, then, thus等副词置于句首, 谓语动词常用be, come, go, lie, run等表示来去或状态的动词。例如:Then came the chairman. 那时总裁来了。Here is your letter. 你的信。 2). up,down,out,away,in , off, ahead放于句首Up jumped the cat and caught the mouse. Ahead sat an old woman. 3)表示地点,时间,方向等的介词短语放在句首时例如:After the head walked a group of workers. 4.“作表语的现在分词/过去分词/形容词+系动词+主语”形式的完全倒装 Seated in the front were the guests. 注意:上述全部倒装的句型结构的主语必须是名词,如果主语是人称代词则不能完全倒装。例如: Here he comes. 他来了。Away they went. 他们走开了。 2部分倒装 部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态倒装至主语之前。如果句子的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do, does或did,并将其置于主语之前。 1. 句首为否定或半否定的词语,如no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, rarely, scarely, in no way, under no circumstance, at no time决不, not until…等。例如: Never have I seen such a performance. 从未见过如此糟糕的表演。 Nowhere will you find the answer to this question. 无论如何你不会找到这个问题的答案的。 Not until the child fell asleep did the mother leave the room. 母亲一直到孩子入睡后离开房间。 当Not until引出主从复合句,主句倒装,从句不倒装。注意:如否定词不在句首不倒装。例如: The mother didn\'t leave the room until the child fell asleep. 典型例题 1)---Why can\'t I smoke here? ----At no time___ in the meeting-room A. is smoking permitted B.smoking is permitted C. smoking is it permitted D.does smoking permit 2)Not until the early years of the 19th century ___ what heat is. A. man did know B. man know C. didn\'t man know D. did man know 2.Not only…but also前面倒装,后面不倒装 Not only did he refuse the gift, he also severely criticized the sender. 他没有收下礼物,还狠狠批评了送礼的人。 3.Hardly/Scarcely…when, No sooner…than等,要倒装。 Hardly had she gone out when a student came to visit her. No sooner had she gone out than a student came to visit her. 典型例题No sooner___ than it began to rain heavily. A. the game began B.has the game begun C. did the game begin D.had the game begun 4so, neither, nor作部分倒装 so/neither/nor+be/can(should/will/could…..)/do(did/does)+sb表示\"也\"、\"也不\" 的句子要部分倒装。例如: 典型例题---Do you know Jim quarrelled with his brother? ---I don\'t know, _____. A. nor don\'t I care B. nor do I care C. I don\'t care neither D. I don\'t care also 注意:当so引出的句子用以对上文内容加以证实或肯定时,不可用倒装结构。意为\"的确如此\"。例如: Tom asked me to go to play football and so I did. ---It\'s raining hard.---So it is. 5 only在句首后接状语用总分倒装。例如: Only in this way can you learn English well. 只有这样,你才能学好英语。 如果句子为主从复合句,则主句倒装,从句不倒装。例如: Only when he is seriously ill does he ever stay in bed. 病得狠重时,他才卧床休息。 注意:如果only后的词组不是状语,不需倒装。


高考数学答题得分的几个窍门_答题技巧 数学自古以来就是所有科目中比较重要的,也是比较难的一棵,很多学生都不喜欢数学,特别是上高中以后,高中数学简要的就是代数和几何两部分,无论是文科还是理科生,数学所占分值都是非常高的,现特联合烟台市几所重点初高中多年在职教师,总结出一些适合每一个学习数学的学生所使用的方法,供大家参考讨论. 高考题量大、面广且有一定难度,想要做到快速、准确地答题并不是一件容易的事。以数学为例,考试时间只有两个小时,90%的学生在限定的时间内都答不完。如果快速与准确发生冲突,应以准确为主。由于考试时间紧,不少考生没有时间检查,所以,我们在作答时要稳中求快,做选择题、填空题要“一步到位”,不要寄希望于最后检查时再纠正错误。 平时与学生交流时,经常有学生面带遗憾地说:“其实这次考试并没有考出我的正常水平,有些题我明明可以得分的,要不是??????” 实际教学过程中,我对这一点也是深有体会,有些同学平时学习成绩一直很不错,但一考试就会考得不如人意。在对这些学生进行一番观察后,我发现他们身上存在这样一个共通的缺点:不懂一些最大限度拿分的技巧。比如: 相同的一道题目,花费的时间总是比别人多; 对整张试卷没有全局观,结果对试题难易程度没有很好的把握,导致在难题上浪费时间太多,最终时间不够用; 因此,尽管他们本身的水平并不差,但却很难取得与自己的知识水平相对应的成绩。 听我说到这里,可能你会问:“我们究竟该怎么做,才能将实际知识与能力水平转化为应有的考试分数呢?” 这里除了身体因素、临场考试状态外,最主要的还是答题应试的策略。 在前一节的内容中我们已经讲到了充分利用考前5分钟和合理分配时间两个技巧,下面我再结合自己的教学实践和一些优秀学子的经验之谈,谈谈另外几个答题得分的技巧。 (1)力争首次就做对。 在考试的时候,很多同学拿到卷子后的第一反应往往是急于作答,急切地一题题往下做,潜意识里并不重视正确率。用他们自己的话说,反正一会儿还要检查呢,先把试卷做完再说。正因为第一遍作答时放松了要求,结果有些本来能答好的题目也出了不少错误。 很显然,这种应试方法就很不明智。 一位成绩优异的同学就曾这样说: “做题要抓正确率,保证做过的题目尽量得分。没有把握的题目标个记号等你全部做完再回头检查或补做。否则,你匆匆做完考卷,然后寄希望于整张卷,这相当于每道题目都做了两遍,你根本没有这个时间,而且做时匆匆,毛毛躁躁,错误率必然高,隐患大。” 考场上的时间是非常宝贵的,有时因为题量过大或者其他原因,做过一遍的题目可能就没时间再检查了。因此我们在考试的过程中,对自己会做的题目,在确信解题思路正确之后,第一遍作答时就应力求准确无误。也许你的“认真仔细”会花掉一些时间,但与第一遍马虎从事、第二遍检查出错再重做相比还是要节省不少时间的。 还有,我必须意识到这样一点:考试中的复查只是一种辅助手段,因此初次作答时最好不要寄希望于复查。 (2)答题应先易后难,从前到后。 答题顺序应怎样安排才算合理呢?一般来说,答题的原则是,先易后难。这样做至少有以下几个方面的好处:

新版简明英语语言学 Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学

Chapter 6 pragmatics 语用学 知识点: 1.*Definition: pragmatics; context 2.*sentence meaning vs utterance meaning 3.*Austin’s model of speech act theory 4.Searle’s classification of speech acts 5.*Grice’s Cooperative Principle 考核目标: 识记:*Definition: pragmatics; context 领会:Searle’s classification of speech acts 综合应用:sentence meaning vs utterance meaning;Austin’s model of speech act theory;Grice’s Cooperative Principle 一、定义 1. Pragmatics语用学: Pragmatics: the study of how speakers of a language use sentences to effect successful communication. Pragmatic can also be regarded as a kind of meaning study.语用学研究的是语言使用者是如何使用句子成功进行交际的。语用学也可以看作是一中意义研究。(它不是孤立地去研究语义,而是把语义置于使用语境中去研究的一门学科。) 2. Context 语境:The notion of context is essential to the pragmatic study of language, it’s generally considered as constituted by the knowledge shared by the speaker and the hearer. 语境这个概念对语言的语用研究来说是必不可少的。一般认为他是由言者和听者的共享知识所构成的。 二、知识点 6.1.2 pragmatics vs. semantics语用学与语义学 二十世纪初,Saussure’s Course in General Linguistics 一书的出版标志着现代语言学研究的开始,同时也为现代语言学奠定了基础调,即语言应该作为一个独立的,内在的系统来加以研究。 语用学和语义学既有相关性又有相异性。两者都是对意义的研究。传统语义学把语义看成是抽象的,内在的,是语言本身的特性,不受语境的影响。因此传统语义学只研究语义的内在特征,不把语义研究置于语境中来考察。语用学研究的是交际过程中语言意义的表达和理解。语用学家认为不把意义放在语境中来考虑就不可能对语义进行充分的描述,因此在研究语义时是否考虑语境便成了传统语义学和语用学的根本区别所在。 Semantics 和Pragmatics的区分 Pragmatics studies how meaning is conveyed in the process of communication. The basic difference between them is that pragmatics considers meaning in context, traditional semantics studies meaning in isolation from the context of use.


2010年第2期(总第74期) 边疆经济与文化 THEBORDERECONOMYANDCULrllJRE No.2.20lO GeneralNo.74 【教育纵横】 语用学对英语教学的作用 于松 (哈尔滨师范大学西语学院,哈尔滨150080) 摘要:长期以来,中国英语教学都采取传统模式,教师在教学过程中过分注重学生词汇、语法以及句子分析的能力,造成了学生的满腹理论而不知如何应用的结果。语用学作为一门新兴学科,主要研究语言的应用并已被应用到众多领域。在英语教学中结合语用学的理论不但可以教会学生学会基本的语言知识,更可以促使其掌握语用知识,正确的使用英语这一交际工具。 关键词:语用学;语用学理论;英语教学;教学启示 中图分类号:G424.1文献标志码:A文章编号:1672-5409(2010)02-0156-02 一、引言 当代英语教学大都将英语视为一种语言知识进行传授,只注重孤立地对学生进行英语单词、语法、句法、翻译、写作等方面的教学,却忽视了对学生实际运用英语语言知识的能力的培养。通过以上教学,学生可以在应试中取得很好的成绩,然而在用语言进行交流时却不能很好的运用所学知识进行有效的交流。语言是交际的工具,语言各方面的知识是相互联系的整体,只有掌握了具体的语言形式所具有的功能并结合一定的语境,才能真正掌握和使用一门语言,因此在英语教学中不仅应重视对英语听说读写等基础知识的教学,更应注重语用方面的教学,这是本文研究的目的。 二、语用学对英语教学的作用 英语教学实际上是一个动态的过程。是学生通过书面阅读等方式进行信息交流、理解,并在理解的过程中增长知识、提高能力的过程。因此英语教师应充分认识到英语教学并不仅仅是教授语音、词汇、语法等语言基础知识,还应对语言环境、语言知识、文化背景等进行语用分析。在实际教学中不仅要明确提出提高学生语用能力的教学目标,在实际教学的各个环节中都要贯彻执行这一目标。 1.语用学对词汇教学的作用 传统英语词汇教学往往注重词汇本身的意义和语法意义,孤立地讲词义而不是将词汇放人具体语境去教词义,然而在不同的语境中同一个词也会有不同的意义。学生在学习过程中能很好的记住某一单词的各种意义,但到了实际应用时却一头雾水,常常出现语用错误。由于同一单词在不同语境中会有不同的意义,学生在阅读文本时只知道该词的基本意义,因此在理解文本时产生障碍,不能有效的进行认知。例如good一词,简单的定义为“好的”是不合适的,例如:“heisagoodboy”并不一定表示“他是个好男孩”。如果在前面加上“hehasstolen10,000bicycles.”则表示“他是个坏男孩。”此外,在词汇教学过程中,教师还应让学生注意到某些词汇用法的局限。 例如,conference一词简单的定义为会议,但它往往不能与我们较熟悉的meeting互换。原因是前者用法较正式通常指较大型的会议。后者指一般的、较小型的、常见的会议。例如我们在日常生活中常用“tIleteacheraskedMarytoattendthecIass.roommeetingat120’clock.”而不是用“theteach.eraskedMarytoattendtheclassroomconference.” 2.语用学与语法教学 语法教学在传统的英语教学中也同样采用孤立的教学方式。语法教学的常规模式通常是教师以一本语法书为基础,在课堂上尽可能多的向学生罗列语法知识,而学生在课堂上主要的任务就是不停地记笔记,课后花费大力气记住老师所讲的语法要点。这种教学方法的后果往往是学生有着很好的理论基础,可是实际应用时却错误百出。另一种结果是学生为了应付考试进行大量的练习,考试时能够取得不错的成绩,可考完试后所学的语法知识便忘在脑后。教授语法知识的目的是为了让学生掌握语用能力,掌握语法知识和句型是正确运用英语的前提,但有了这一前提并不代表有了语用能力,如果把语法教学与语用知识结合起来无疑会收到更好的 收稿日期:2009-09.15 作者简介:于松(1985一),女,黑龙江尚志人,硕士研究生,从事外国语言学及应用语言学研究。围删一舢Jw哪蝴 万方数据


1.Pragmatics is the study of language in use. Pragmatics is concerned with the study of meaning as communicated by a speaker (or writer) and interpreted by a listener (or reader). Pragmatics is the study of speaker meaning Pragmatics is the study of contextual meaning Pragmatics is the study of the expression of relative distance. Pragmatics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and the users of those forms. 2.Syntax is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms, how they are arranged in sequence, and which sequences are well-formed. 3.Semantics is the study of the relationships between linguistic forms and entities in the world; that is, how words literally connect to things. 4.Deixis 指示语is a technical term (from Greek) for one of the most basic things we do with utterances. It means ‘pointing’ via language.Any linguistic form used to accomplish this ‘pointing’ is called a deictic expression. Deictic expressions are also sometimes called indexicals. They are among the first forms to be spoken by very young children and can be used to indicate people via person deixis(such as, ‘me’, ‘you’), or location via spatial deixis(such as ‘here’, ‘there’), or time via temporal deixi s (such as ‘now’, ‘then’). 5.Proximal terms近指are typically interpreted in terms of the speaker’s location, or the deictic center指示中心.‘this’, ‘there’, ‘now’, ‘then’near speaker 6.Distal terms远指can simply indicate ‘away’ from speaker’, but, in some languages, can be used to distinguish between ‘near addres see’ and ‘away from both speaker and addressee’. 7.Person deixis人称指示语clearly operates on a basic three-part division, exemplified例证by the pronouns for first person, second person, and third person./ forms used to point to people, “me””you” 8.Expressions which indicate addressee higher status are described as honorifics敬语. 9.The discussion of the circumstances which lead to the choice of one of these forms rather than another is sometimes described as social deixis./forms used to indicate relative social status 10.A distinction between forms used for familiar versus a non-familiar addressee in some languages. This is known as the T/V distinction. 用复数形态来表示单数敬语,在语言中叫T-V distinction。此概念由1960 年的学者Brown 和Gilman 提出,他们将第二人称单数分为两种形态:T 形态(T-form)和V 形态(V-form),前者在非正式场合、尊称呼卑、关系亲密的人之间使用,后者在正式场合、下级称呼上级、称呼陌生人的时候使用 11.exclusive ‘we’ (speaker plus other(s), excluding addressee); inclusive ‘we’ (speaker and addressee included). 12.spatial deixis空间指示语- the relative location of people and things is being indicated. Eg, here, there/ forms used to point to location. 13.‘Yonder’那边(more distant from speaker) ‘hither’这边(to this place) ‘thence’从那里(from that place) 14.deictic projection指示投射manipulate speaker’s location eg: I am not here now./speakers acting as if they are somewhere else. 15.psychological distance心理距离I don’t like that. it is ‘invested’ with meaning in a context by a speaker./speaker’s marking of how close or distant something is perceived感知to be. 16.temporal deixis时间指示Back in an hour. the coming week./ forms used to point to location in time 17.It is clear that the present tense is the proximal form近端形式and the past tense is the distal form远端形式. if-clauses 18.In temporal deixis, the remote or distal form can be used to communicate not only distant from current time, but also distant from current reality or facts. 19.Discourse deixis/ textual deixis语篇指示语“the use of expressions within some utterance to refer to some portion 部分of the discourse that contains that utterance (i ncluding the utterance itself)”This is what he did to me. He ripped 撕扯my shirt and hit me on the nose


The relationship between semantics and pragmatics As a branch of linguistics, semantics can be simply defined as the study of linguistic meaning, which studies literal, structural or lexical meaning conveyed by words, phrases and sentences. What we concerned with is the denotation of the word, namely the relationship between words , phrases and sentences not the possible connotations. It is context independent, de-contextualized.and it deals with what is said. while pragmatics is a study which can be defined as the analysis of meaning in a particular context, which studies non-literal, implicit meaning. It deals with the relations between language and context that are basic to language understanding. pragmatics is context dependent, contextualized. What we concerned is what is communicated by a speaker and interpreted by a listener. Through the definition of semantics and pragmatics, we can see that semantics and pragmatics both concern the meaning of language. But they research the different sides of language, and they have different study methods. The study objects of semantics is words, phrases and sentences, what we need to know is their meaning, sense , reference and presupposes. Different words may have the same or similar meaning, the same one word may have more than one meaning. And one word may belong to another word. So we can conclude the words to these relations, Such as synonymy, polysemy, homonymy,hyponymy and antonymy. And when we talk about the sense relations between sentences ,we may think of presupposes. Whether it is right under the presupposes. All those are semantics. It would not change with the


一、考试简介 自2008年度起全科医学、临床专业(专业代码为026至084)以及中药学初级(士)、初级(师)、中级(专业代码分别为002、014、091)、中医护理学初级(师)、中级(专业代码分别为016、098)各专业“基础知识”、“相关专业知识”、“ 专业知识”和“专业实践能力”4个科目考试均改用“人机对话”方式进行;其他49个专业4个科目仍采用纸笔作答方式进行考试。在今后考试中会继续增加机考专业范围。 人机对话考试是国内外医学考试发展的方向,是借助计算机及网络技术对考试进行实施、管理的一种测试形式;它可以根据考试设计的需求,有针对性地进行命题、组卷,并完成试题呈现、接受答案、计分、数据分析以及结果解释等一系列环节。其特点包括:①形象性:人工智能装臵、模拟系统的运用使得人机对话考试更加生动、直观;②简易性:通过计算机系统,省略了考生涂卡环节及繁杂的评卷工作,节约了大量的时间和费用;③安全性:可随机组卷,将备选答案顺序打乱,有效地防范作弊行为;④科学性:更及时地检测考试的信度和效度,确保考试数据的准确性,排除人为因素的影响,使考试成绩真实可靠。⑤经济性:人机对话考试减少了试卷的印刷、运送等过程,可以节省大量的人力、物力。 人机对话考试系统提供的是一种接近“傻瓜式”的操作,在整个考试过程,考生通过简单的键盘和鼠标操作就能完成作答,因此并不需要过多的担心。即便如此,考前熟悉考试系统操作和题型仍然是必要的。

人机对话考试的题型与纸笔考试一样,均为客观选择题。人机对话考试的新题型(案例分析题)将主观题客观化,一方面继承了选择题的优点,如高信度和高效度,快速出成绩,更容易做数据分析并提供信息反馈等;另一方面,案例分析题着重考查考生综合应用知识的能力,通过计算机实现作答的不可逆性,更接近现实临床情景。 人机对话考试突破了传统考试方法表达试题形式的限制,它利用声音、录像、图形等多媒体形式,真正做到视觉和听觉相结合,文字和画面相结合,借助典型病例和各种生动的画面(如典型体征、X线、心电图、超声心动图等)营造接近临床实际的环境,通过计算机显示,考生边观察边分析边判断边回答问题,能较全面、真实地反映出考生解决临床问题的能力和水平。 人机对话的考试方式还可以准确地控制考试时间,设定的时间一旦用尽后,计算机将自动收卷,任何考生无法继续作答,确保了考试时间对所有考生的公平性。在人机对话考试整个过程中,计算机屏幕下方会显示答题进度和考试剩余时间,方便考生控制答题速度和掌握时间。 对于参加考试的卫生专业技术人员而言,除掌握专业知识和专业实践能力外,还应掌握计算机的基本操作,熟悉人机对话考试形式、题型和特点,方能取得好成绩。 二、考试操作及答题技巧 (一)考试操作
