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word list 15

word list 15
word list 15

Word list 15

1.in league (with) (与…)密谋,(与…)联合:they were in league with a gang of robbers 他们


2.own obligations to = be under obligations to 对…承担义务

3.be oblige to do sth 被迫做某事

4.be obliged to sb 感激某人

5.be liable for 对…有责任

6.be liable to 易于…;会…的

7.lean on 依靠,依赖:It’s good to know you’ve got friends to lean on 很高兴知


8.lean on sb. for help 依靠某人帮助

9.on the decline 在没落中,在衰退中

10.he studied hard and finally learned the lesson 他努力学习,终于学会了这一课

11.the more learned you are, the more modest you should be 你愈有学问,就愈应该


12.a learned journal 学术刊物

13.A little learning is a dangerous thing 一知半解是危险的

14.give/deliver a lecture 做演讲

15.why did you lecture me like that ? 你干嘛要那样训斥我?

16.let A be equal to B, and A2 must be equal to B2假设A与B相等,所以A2等于B2

17.et down ①放下,降低:he let down the bucket into the well 他把水桶放下井去②

使失望:I expected him to help me, but he let me down 我指望他


18.let go (of) 放开,松手:Don’t let go of the handle 不要松开把手

19.let off ①开(抢),放(炮、烟火等):let off the fireworks 放烟火②放过,宽恕:

if this were to happen again, we wouldn’t let you off so easily


20.let in 让…进来:open the window and let the fresh air in 打开窗子让新鲜空气


21.let up 减弱,放松,停止:the storm let up gradually 暴风雨逐渐停了

22.exercised as an outlet for frustration 锻炼当做受挫时的发泄途径

23.a fuel inlet 燃料入口

24.the river-bed is silted, so there is no outlet for the flood water 河道淤塞,


25.a man of letters 文学家

26.to the letter 严格地,完全地:carry out the order to the letter 严格地执行命

27.literal translation 直译

28.liberal translation 意译

29.he literally flew into the room 他简直飞一样的跑进了房间

30.cultural literacy 文化素养

31.literary works 文学作品

32.be liberal with money 给钱大方

33.a man liberal views 开明之人

34.a liberal of the article 文章的意译本

35.he often allowed him the liberties of reading other people’s letters 他经常


36.at liberty 自由的,不受囚禁的:you are at liberty to leave 你想走就可以走

37.she had an easy delivery 他分娩很顺利

38.you have to work on your delivery 你得练习演讲技巧

39.tell a white lie 讲一个善意的谎言:the doctor told a white lie that the patient

would recover soon 医生讲了一个善意的谎言,说病人很快就会康复40.the man lying there lied that he had laid the money on the table 躺在那里的人


41.he laid the carpet on the floor and then lay on it 他把毯子铺到地板上,接着便


42.he is lying the cat is not on the roof, it’s lying under the table 他说谎,


43.lie behind (sth) 为某事之理由:It is too early to guess what lies behind his

remarks 现在猜他评论的动机是什么还为时过早

44.lie in/with ①(问题、事情等)在于:the fault lies with us 过错在于我们②(问

题、事情等)由…决定:It lies with us to decide the matter 我们


45.lie down 躺下:I lay down on the sofa and fell asleep 我躺在沙发上睡着了

46.take…lying down 甘受(挫败等):Are you going to take this defeat lying down ?


47.lift a blockade 解除封锁

48.he lifted things in a supermarket 他从超市偷东西

49.he gave me a lift home 我搭他的便车回家

50.face lift 整容

51.freight lift 货梯

52.the fresh morning air elevated him 早晨清新的空气使他神清气爽

53.matrials are elevated to the top floor by a hoist 材料由起重机吊到楼顶

54.take the elevator to third floor 乘电梯至三楼

55.he was elevated to the president of the new company 他被提升为该公司的总裁

56.the patient was relieved to hear that he didn’t have cancer 听说自己没得癌症,


57.they sang songs to relieve the boredom of the job 她们唱歌以调剂工作的单调

58.the guards relieve each other every four hours 卫兵每四小时换一次班

59.the news relieved her from anxiety 那消息消除了她的忧虑

60.I released him from debt 我已免除了他的欠款

61.give a sigh of relief 松一口气

62.to one’s relief 令人感到宽慰的是

63.a relief pilot 接班的飞行员

64.stand in as peter’s relief 准备接替彼得

65.pain relief 止痛药

66.relief funds 救济金

67.on relief 接受救济的

68.families on unemployment relief 靠失业救济金生活的家庭

69.a grave man 庄重的人

70.a grave consequence 严重后果

71.behave with due gravity at funeral 在葬礼上表现应有的庄重态度

72.the room is not light enough for reading 这房间光线不足,不能看书

73.bring…to light 将…曝光,揭露:the investigation brought to light some important

facts 调查揭露了一些重要事实

74.in (the) light of 鉴于,考虑到:in the light of these changes, we must revise

our plan 鉴于有这些变化,我们必须修改计划

75.light up ①照亮,点燃:the whole town was lit up 全城灯火通明②喜形于色:her

faces lights up when he is present 当他在场时,她就满面春风

76.throw/cast light on/upon 使…容易理解,阐明

77.A light breaks in upon me 我恍然大悟

78.in a good light 在光线好的地方

79.in sunlight 在阳光下

80.in a broad daylight 在光天化日之下

81.the teacher highlighted the key concepts in the essay for the students 老师向


82.the highlight of our trip to New York was going to the top of the empire state

building 我们纽约之行最有意思的活动就是登上帝国大厦的楼顶

83.It lightened and thundered 电闪雷鸣

84.thunder and lighting 雷电

85.peter thought the word was flat until I enlightened him ! 在我给他讲明白以前,


86.what you said has really enlightened me, and I suddenly see the light 听君一


87.the romance of the three kingdoms 三国演义

88.can you enlighten me on the subject ? 你能否在这个科目上指点我一番?

89.I left the island with a light heart 我怀着愉快的心情离开了那个岛

90.light losses 轻微的损失

91.a light car 小轿车

92.be light of foot 脚步轻快

93.a light woman 轻佻的女人

94.light beer 淡啤酒

95.his mood lightened after the solution of the knotty problem 难题解决后他的心


96.would like 想要,愿意:would you like to go shopping with me ? 跟我一起去东西


97.he comes as a manager, but he works like a worker 他是来当经理的,但却像工人


98.the two sisters are very like 这姐妹很像

99.the two sisters are much alike 这姐妹俩很像

100.like him, his son is very short 同他一样,他儿子很爽

101.unlike him, his son is very tall 与他不同,他儿子很高

102.unlike john, tom dislikes playing football .与约翰不同,汤姆不喜欢踢足球103.It is possible but not probable that it will rain before evening 傍晚前可能下雨,但不见得会下

104.It is likely to rain 天像要下雨了

105.set a limit to/set limits to 对…加以限制

106.limit sb. to (doing) sth 限制某人做某事

107.his bad eyesight is a limitation 他近视是一个缺陷

108.that fence is the limit of the school field 那个围栏是学校场地的边界

109.limited company 有限公司(缩写为:Co.,Ltd )

110.my life is limited, but leaning is limitless 吾生也有涯,而知也无涯

111.he was eliminated from the tennis much in the first round 他在第一轮网球比赛中被淘太了

112.he was excluded from the tennis team 他未能进入网球队

113.a preliminary meeting 预备会

114.a straight line 直线

115.a wavy line 曲线

116.a broken line 虚线

117.a dotted line 点线

118.in line ①成一条线,成一排:he set the chairs in line along the wall 他将椅子沿墙排成一排②(with)与…一致,与…符合:this plan is in line

with my ideas 这计划符合我的想法

119.out of line ①不成一直线:he was out of line with the others 他们和其他人排齐②不一致:the price was out of line with what I could afford


120.on line 与计算机连接的,联机的(on line即:在线)

121.line up (使)排成行,(使)排队:the visitors lined up at the entrance of the museum 参观的人在博物馆入口处排起了对

122.online transaction 网上交易

123.the outline of a plan 计划的概要

124.outline a plan 概述某计划

125.an overcoat lined with silk 衬有绸里的大衣

126.a file name 文件名

127.file folders (计)文件夹

128.file compression 文件压缩

129.file recovery 文件恢复

130.file-name extension 文件扩展名

131.on file 存档:we have all your particulars on file 我们已把你的全部资料存档132.this book profile the life of each president 这本书简要介绍了每位总统的生平133.soft, liquid eyes 温柔明澈的眼睛

134.liquid dance steps 流畅的舞步

135.liquid paper 修正液

136.be fond of liquor 喜欢喝酒

137.be in liquor 喝醉

138.live a happy life 过幸福的生活

139.live off 依赖…生活:she doesn’t work, but just lives off her friends 她不工作仅仅靠朋友救济为生

140.live on 以…为生,以…为食物

141.live out ①度过余生:will the patient live out the winter ? 这个病人能挺过这个冬天吗?②实践,实现(梦想等):live out one’s dream 实现梦

142.live through 度过,经受住:will he live through the night ? 这夜他挺的过去吗?143.live up to ①遵守,实践(诺言、原则等)②符合,不辜负(期望):live up to one’s position 符合自己的身份

144.live with ①与…在一起生活:he doesn’t live with his parents 他不和父母住在一起②忍受,忍耐:you have to learn live with stress 你得学会


145.he was alive to the danger 他对危险很警觉

146.the room was alive with laughter 屋子里充满了欢笑

147.be alive to 注意到或对…敏感

148.be alive with 充满(活的或活动的东西)

149.to live is not just to be alive, but to be alive is to live 一个人不是为了活才生,而是为了生才活

150.be careful ! this wire is live 当心!这电线是带电的

151.this is a live topic of general interest 这是一个当前人们普遍感兴趣的话题152.after they showing the game live or just recorded highlights ? 这场比赛是现场直播还是录像剪辑

153.a living language 仍在使用的语言

154.he was very much alive last time I saw him 我上次看见他的时候他还是生龙活虎的

155.a live mouse 一只活鼠

156.live coals 燃烧着的木炭

157.a live wire 通了电的电线

158.a live match 未用过的火柴

159.dead coals 熄了的煤炭

160.dead match 用过的火柴

161.cost of living 生活费用

162.living standard 生活水平

163.survive or perish 不管存亡

164.survive all perils 九死一生

165.he survived his wife by ten years 他比妻子多活十年

166.the survival of the fittest 适者生存

167.the survival rate 成活率

168.vivid green 嫩绿

169.the ship is loading for shanghai 这船正装货运往上海

170.the truck was carrying an enormous load 卡车装了大量货物

171.an overloaded vessel 超载的船只

172.be overload with duties 职务负担过重

173.locate the hole in the roof 屋顶上洞的位置

174.be located in = lie in 坐落于,位于

175.be situated in = lie in 坐落于,位于

176.as/so long as ①只要,如果:john is happy as long as he has a book to read 约翰只要有本书看就很高兴了②既然,由于

177.no longer 不再。已不

178.so long 再见:well, so long , I’m off 好吧,再见,我走了

179.a length of rope 一段绳子

180.at length ①详细地:they discussed the matter at length 他们仔细地讨论了那件事②最终,终于:at length she told me all that she knew 她终于


181.go to great length 竭尽全力:he went to great length to get what he wanted 他竭尽全力获取他想要的东西

182.time cannot be lengthened by man’s subjective will, but it can be shortened by his wasting it 时间不因人的主观意志而延长,却可以因其浪费而


183.the lengthy process of obtaining a visa 获得签证的漫长过程

184.in long.5°E and Lat. 40°N 在东经50度,北纬40度

185.good health and temperance prolong life. Intemperance often shortens life 身体健康,起居有节,能延年益寿。生活没有节制,往往缩短生命

186.look after ①照料,照顾,照管②负责处理

187.look for ①寻找,寻求②惹起,招来:if you drink and drive, you’re looking for trouble 如果你酒后开车,那就是自找麻烦

188.look in 顺便访问,顺便看望:I’ll look in at the shop on my way home 回家的路上我要顺便到那家商店看看

189.look like 似乎,好像:It looks like to rain 好像要下雨了

190.look on 观看,旁观:why don’t you play football instead of just looking on ?


191.look over ①把…看一遍:look over your exercises before handing them in 在交作业之前你要再看一遍②查看,检查:the principal allowed the

parents to look over the school 校长同意学生家长参观学校

192.look to ①注意,留心:look to your health 注意身体②(look to…for)指望,依靠:Japan looks for to foreign countries for oil 日本靠他国供


193.look up ①(在词典等中)查找②(生意等)好转:the business is looking up 生意正在好转③看望,拜访:look me up on your way home 回家时来看看

194.look up to 尊敬:they look up to him as a good example to follow 他们尊崇他为学习榜样

195.look upon ①看做:I looked upon you as an authority in this field 我把他看作是这一领域的权威②显得不错

196.the expert say that the business outlook for next year is good 专家们看好明年的商业前景

197.his room overlooked the sea 他的房间俯瞰大海

198.their services have been overlooked for years 他们的业绩多年来一直未受到重视

199.we decide to overlook his mistake 我们决定宽恕他的过错

200.my watch loses/gains five minutes a day 我的手表每天慢/快5分钟

201.lose oneself in 专心致志于:he lost himself in his reading 他专心致志地看书202.the loss of a battle 打败仗

203.I’m at a loss for words 我不知道说什么好

204.I’m at a loss what to say 我不知道说什么好

205.this is a loose translation of the original paper 这篇译文不太忠实于原文206.the horses were loose in the field 马群在田野里自由走动

207.the nut is loose; if you don’t tighten it you’ll lose it 螺母松了,如果你不宁紧,会把它丢了的

208.get/break loose 跑掉

209.he wears a loud tie 他带了一条鲜艳的领带

210.I don’t like such a loud person 我不喜欢这样一个爱出风头的人

211.read aloud 朗读

212.think aloud 自言自语

213.cyber love 网恋

214.puppy love 初恋

215.fall in love with (sb) 爱上(某人):she fell in love with a movie star 她爱上了以为电影明星

216.one’s beloved 心爱的人

217.in luck 运气好:you were in luck; you won the game 你们运气很好,赢了那场比赛

218.out of luck 运气不好he was out of luck; the bus had just left when he got to the station ,他运气不佳,到车站时,公共汽车刚开走

219.he was lucky to have a fortunate chance when he went into advertising 他真幸运能有机会步入广告业

220.when unlucky, be patient; when lucky, be patient, too 失意的时候忍三分,得意的时候留三分

221.mechanical drill 机械性的操练

222.there is no mechanism for changing the decision 没有改变这一决定的办法

223.the mechanism of government 政府机制


The Academic Word List (AWL) by Sublist Sublist 1 of the Academic Word List - Most frequent words in families This sublist contains the most frequent words of the Academic Word List in the Academic Corpus. The most frequent members of the word families in Sublist 1 are listed below. analysis approach area assessment assume authority available benefit concept consistent constitutional context contract create data definition derived distribution economic environment established estimate evidence export factors financial formula function identified income indicate individual interpretation involved issues labour legal legislation major method occur percent period policy principle procedure process required research response role section sector significant similar source specific structure theory variables


PET Topic Word List Travel and Transport 1accommodation食宿 2(aero)plane飞机 3bicycle自行车 4abroad国外 5airline航线 6airport机场 7ambulance救护车 8announcement通知 9arrive(v.)到达 10arrival(n.)到达 11baggage行李 12board(v) 登机,上车13boarding pass登机牌 14border国界 15brochure小册子 16bus station车站 17by air乘飞机 18by rail乘火车 19by road陆路交通 20by sea乘船 21cab计程车 22cabin船舱 23canal运河 24capital city首都 25case场合 26catch(v)赶车 27charter租船,租车 28check in(v)登记 ,安检29check out(v) 结账离开 30coach长途汽车,教练31confirm确认 32consul(ate)领事馆 33crossing斑马线 34crossroads十字路口 35currency货币 36custom风俗,习惯 37Customs海关官员 officer 38cyclist骑车的人 39deck甲板

. 40delay延迟,推迟 41deliver送货 42departure启程( depart) 43destination目的地 44direction方向 45document(s)文件 46double room双人间 47driving驾照 licence 48due到期的,应到的 49duty-free免税 50embassy大使馆 51euro欧元 52exchange rate汇率 53facilities设备 54fare费用 55ferry渡轮 56flight航班 57foreign外国的 58fuel燃油59guidebook指南 60guesthouse宾馆,旅社61handlebars手把 62harbour海港 63helicopter直升飞机64hitchhike搭便车 65hovercraft气垫船 66hydrofoil水翼艇 67immigration移民 68inn小旅馆 69jet喷气飞机70journey旅程 71lorry卡车 72lost property丢失的财产73luggage行李 74motorbike摩托车 75motorcycle摩托车 76motorway高速公路77nationality国籍 78on board上船,登机79on business出差 80on holiday度假 81on vacation度假 .

The Academic Word List学术词汇表

AcademicWordList Sublist1 analyze[??n?laiz]vt.〈美〉分析,分解,解释 constitute[?k?nstitju:t]vt.构成,组成建立,制定选定,任命 establish[is?t?bli?]vt.建立,成立安置确定,证实 indicate[?indikeit]vt.标示,指示,指出象征;表明或暗示…的可能性 occur[??k?:]vi.发生;举行;存在被发现;想到[起] role[r?ul]n.作用,职责角色 approach[??pr?ut?]n.靠近,接近,临近通路,入口,途径方式,方法vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近 context[?k?ntekst]n.背景,环境上下文,语境 estimate[?estimeit]n.估计,估价报价判断vt.&vi.估计;评价,评估 individual[??ndi?vidju?l]adj.个别的,单独的,个人的独特的n.个人人 percent[p??sent]n.百分比,百分数 section[?sek??n]n.章节部分部门,科截面,剖面地区,区 area[???ri?]n.面积区域,地区领域,方面 contract[k?n?tr?kt]n.契约,合同vt.缔结;订契约vt.&vi.染上(恶习,疾病等)缩小;紧缩evident[?evid?nt]adj.明显的,明白的 interpret[in?t?:prit]vt.解释;说明vt.&vi.口译;翻译 period[?pi?ri?d]n.(一段)时间时期,时代学时,课时句号,句点 sector[?sekt?]n.部门;领域防御地区,防卫区域扇形,扇形面 assess[??ses]vt.估价,估计评定,核定 create[kri?eit]vt.创造,创作,创建引起,产生 export[eks?p?:t]n.输出,出口输出[出口]物vt.&vi.出口,输出 involve[in?v?lv]vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果;需要使参与,牵涉 policy[?p?l?si]n.政策,方针策略,精明的行为,上策保险单 significant[siɡ?nifik?nt]adj.重要的,重大的,可观的有意义的,有用意的意味深长的assume[??sju:m]vt.假设,臆断,猜想假装承担,担任,就职呈现,采取 data[?deit?]n.资料,材料 factor[?f?kt?]n.因素,要素〈数〉因子,因数 issue[?isju:]n.问题,议题;争论点发行物放出,流出;发出,发行〈正〉结果,结局vi.冒出,流出;传出vt.出版,发行发表,发布分配,发给 principle[?prins?pl]n.原则,原理准则,规范操守,道义工作原理 similar[?simil?]adj.类似的;同类的;相似的;同样的 authority[?:?θ?riti]n.权力,职权官方,当局权威,专家 define[di?fain]vt.精确地解释;界定规定,确定 finance[fai?n?ns]n.财政,金融财源,资金,财务情况vt.为…供给资金,从事金融活动 labour[?leib?]n.劳动,努力;工作劳工,工人分娩,(分娩时的)阵痛vi.劳动;努力艰难行进proceed[pr??si:d]vi.前进;行进进行;继续下去 source[s?:s]n.河流的源头,发源地来源,出处原因提供资料者,资料来源 available[??veil?bl]adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的,可与之交谈的 derive[di?raiv]vt.&vi.得到源于 formula[?f?:mjul?]n.准则,原则公式,方程式配方


Word list 6 heritage 遗产 appropriate 适当的( be x to / x sth.for) annual 每年的(预算:budget) depict 描绘,描述 literacy 有文化;有教养calculate 计算,推算luxury 豪华(品);奢侈souvenir 纪念品purchase 买,购买 constant 经常的,不断的dormancy 休眠 particular 特殊的,特别的subscription n.订阅pitch 投掷 entitle 給……权利shutter 百叶窗demolish 破坏durable 耐用品cope 成功地应付circulation (液体的循环) tradition 传统,惯例benefit v.使受益decay n.腐烂 distribution 分发,分配defect 缺点oppose 反对statistics n.统计数字stuffy 不透气的 approximately 近似,大约excusable 可原谅的;可谅解的propose 提议,建议ornament 装饰,装饰物energetic 有力的atmosphere 大气的cooperative 合作的corrode 腐蚀,侵蚀honour 光荣,尊敬except 将……除外 soluble 可溶的;可解决的administration 管理部门 environment 周围状况,环境license 许可证,执照 underline 画线于……之下;强调activate 激活;使活动,使活化 major 主要的,专业学生主修专攻specific 特定的,明确的objective 目标目的 concentrate 全神贯注,全力以赴,集中conflict 冲突,抵触 antidote 解毒药,矫正方法discover 发现,找到,发觉necessarily ad.必要地;必然地continent n.大陆,陆地;洲turret 塔楼,角楼 elastic 有弹性的;灵活的enhance 增高,增强 demonstration 论证,证明 interrupt 中断,中止,打断,打扰redundant (因人员过剩而)被解雇的; 多余的;过剩的;累赘的,冗长的 mishandle 粗鲁的对待;错误的处理discovery 发现 alcohol 含酒精饮料,酒;酒精suppression 镇压,压制,抑制;扑灭mainly 大体上,主要地property 财产,所有物naked 裸体的,无遮蔽的 feature n.特征,特色;面貌,特写lens 透镜;镜片;镜头coordinator 协调者nourish 养育,滋养;培养(情绪观点等)crisp 脆的;利落的n.[pl.]油炸土豆片guilty 内疚的;有罪的 crack 裂缝,缝隙;爆炸声(使)破裂;(使)发出爆裂声;重击;崩溃。瓦解

Word list 7

Word list 7 1.climax n.高潮,最令人兴奋(或感兴趣的)部分They believed that this was not the climax but merely the beginning of their campaign for equality.他们相信这不是场争取平等运动的高潮,相反,它仅仅是一个开始。 2.cling vi.紧紧抓住(或抱住);黏着,挨近;依附,依恋;坚持,墨守,忠实于At the party we found the shy girl clinging to her mother all the time.在晚会上,我们发现那个腼腆的姑娘一直缠着她的母亲。 3.clip n.弹簧夹子,回形针,别针;弹仓;剪,修剪;剪报,电影或电视片段vt.夹住,扣 住;修剪 4.clockwise adj./adv. 顺时针方向的(地)We went with a clockwise motion.我们按顺时针 方向移动。 5.cluster n.(果实、花等)串,簇;(人、物等的)群,组vi.群集,丛生vt.使群集,集中 6.clutch vi.企图抓住vt抓紧,紧握.n.(汽车、机器等的)离合器;掌握,控制;把握, 抓紧He raises his arms into the air tries to clutch at something.他举起双臂伸向空中,想努力抓住什么东西。 7.coalition n.结合体,同盟;结合,联合 8.coarse adj.粗糙的;粗劣的;粗俗的She hates her coarse skin very much.她烦透了自己粗 糙的皮肤。 9.cocaine n.可卡因 10.cognitive adj.认知的,认知能力的 11.coherent adj.条理清楚的,连贯的;一致的,协调的It was still very hard to run a coherent foreign policy.推行一种协调一致外交政策仍然很难。 12.coincide vi.同时发生;相符,相一致;位置重合,重叠It is fortunate for the old couple that their son’s career goals and their wishes for him coincide.这对老夫妇太幸运了,儿子的职业目标和他们的期望相一致。 13.collaboration n.合作,协作;勾结He was looking admiringly at the photograph published by Collins in collaboration with the imperial museum.他十分钦佩地看着科林斯和皇家博物馆联合出版的照片。 14.collapse n./vi. 倒塌,瓦解;崩溃,突然失败The mine collapsed with a boom of explosion. 矿井随着一声爆炸轰然倒塌。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,bat n.战争,斗争,格斗vt.与斗争,与战斗Our brave soldiers were ready to combat the enemy.我们的勇士已准备好与敌人作战。 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,memorate vt.纪念,庆祝To commemorate important dates in history, countries create special holidays. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mence v.开始The space age commenced in October in 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the soviet union. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mend vt.称赞,表扬;推荐 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mentary n.(广播员对球赛的)实况报道,(电影的)解说词;评论,评论文章 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mission n.委任状;委员会;佣金,回扣;授权,委托vt.委任,委托The best solution to this problem is to commission a famous architect. https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mitment n.承诺,许诺,保证;信奉,献身;承担的义务 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,mittee n.委员会,全体委员 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,modity n.商品,货物 https://www.wendangku.net/doc/7e4559164.html,monplace adj.普通的,平庸的n.寻常的事物Do not be fooled by its commonplace


百词斩四级单词wordlist 说明:本单词表来自《百词斩》app 应用软件四级词汇。本单词表是配合《朗读女》使用的。 由于百词斩不能颠倒词序,不能调换发音。故用此表作补充。 百词斩将四级单词背到一定程度,再背也会程序化。使用此表,导入《朗读女》朗读,可以大大提高效率。几个小时便可完成一遍所有单词复习。 此为表3,打乱词序。请珍藏之。 1 调成双语模式,空格可以设置等待时间。 2 调换发音人,再次增强记忆。 pint 品脱aboard 上(车、船、飞机)thorough 完全的ability 能力 remind 提醒abundance 大量enhance 增加abroad 到国外 implement 贯彻,执行accidental 意外的division 分歧absorb 吸收 inquiry 询问accommodate 容纳;使适应guilty 内疚的abstract 抽象 altitude 海拔accompany 伴随downward 向下abuse 滥用 patient 耐心的account 账户congratulation 祝贺accelerate 加速 gear 齿轮accuracy 准确(性)democratic 共和的acceptance 接受 bake 烘焙accurate 精确的reveal 揭露access 方式,路 data 数据ache 疼痛;渴望drama 戏剧accommodation 膳宿 brake 刹车acquire 获得cease 停止accountant 会计 balloon 气球active 积极的;起作用的thick 厚的action 行动 ignorance 天真,无知act法令numerous 无数的agency 部 ditch 沟渠Acute 严重;急性的;灵敏governor 主宰者airline 飞机 considerate 体贴的address演说drift 漂流allow 允许 mechanical 力学的advance预付(款等)millimetre 毫米ambassador 大使 band 带,乐团aerial 航空的;空中的;天线durable 持续的appliance 器械 grace 优雅affection 感情;爱慕boring 枯燥的appropriate 恰当的 stare 凝视age变老offensive 有侵略性的approximate估计 slight 轻微的aggressive 倾略性的insurance 保险arbitrary 专制的,武断的 continual 连续的aim针对horsepower 马力architecture 建筑学 relief 缓解air样子;晾干;公开minority 少数ash 灰 decrease 降低aisle 通道intelligent 智慧的assistant 助手 coach 教练alarm 惊恐;警报pigeon 鸽子atmosphere 大气 aid 援助alcohol 酒精discount 打折attitude 态度 poisonous 有毒的alter 改变extend 延伸auto 汽车 magic 魔法ambitious 有抱负的handle 处理automobile 机车 haste 急忙ankle 踝关节painter 画家barber 理发师 vapour 蒸汽apparent 明显的exterior 外部的bark 吠叫 keen 强烈的appear似乎;发表anchor 锚barrier 障碍,栅栏

word list英语(乱序)

(List 1) ability able academic academy access accessible acre act action active activity actor actress actual adapt adaptation add addition additional admirable admire adopt adoption advance advantage advice advise after afternoon afterward age agency agenda agent agree agreement agricultural agriculture air aircraft airline airmail airplane airport airspace alarm alcohol alcoholic allow allowance amaze amazed amazing ambassador ambiguous ambition ambulance analysis analyze ancestor anchor ancient anger angle angry ankle answer Antarctic antique anxiety anxious any anybody anyone anything anywhere apparent appear appearance applicant application apply approach approximate approximately Arctic argue argument arm army around arrange arrangement arrival arrive culture disability disable disabled disadvantage disagree disagreement disappear embassy exact optimistic option optional range rank react rectangle round roundabout some somebody someone something somewhere surround surrounding surroundings swear teenager transparent triangle unable vague

Word List 1(2004)

Word List 1 1. Please run and fetch a doctor. This man is ________ to death. A. dripping B. bleeding C. circulating D. breeding 2. I would like to open a deposit ________ in your bank. A. insurance B. detail C. amount D. account 3. As compared with wheat flour, corn flour is rather ________. A. harsh B. rude C. coarse D. course 4. The U. N. resolution had a clear ________, that is, to drive the Iraqi army out of Kuwait(科威特). A. objective B. objection C. goal D. purpose 5. The exterior of the museum was not very impressive, but its exhibits were ________. A. rural B. marvelous C. routine D. royal 6. A 30-kilometre neutral zone will leave the capital out of the ________ of heavy weapons. A. scale B. extent C. range D. scope


Unit Verbs Attack carry catch climb control die emigrate 移居国外explore hope imagine想像send sink try win Nouns Accident bottom century cholera [医]霍乱competition coral珊瑚disease疾病farmland gunshot(射出的)枪弹habitation illness journey life live mountain museum Native American ocean recording contract remains残骸settlement定居点;聚居地settler移民侨民ship shipwreck site submarine潜艇 trail wagon四轮的运货马车waterfall瀑布wheel accidental ancient barefoot brilliant非常好的dangerous fit frozen helpful live underwater actually实际上 Unit 2 Fashion Baggy宽松的beads珠子button纽扣casual便装的decorated 有装饰denim斜纹粗棉布dye染料fabric 织物fashionable流行的flared 呈喇叭形展开low-waisted低腰的pattern 样式straight直的style风格trainers软运动鞋trousers裤子wig假发Get angry生气get an idea想到一个主意 get a surprise得到一个惊喜get close接近get home回家

M1U1 Wordlist

M1U1 School life Wordlist 1、enjoyable adj. 有乐趣的;令人愉快的 an enjoyable experience enjoy doing sth. vt. enjoy enjoy oneself = have fun = have a great/good time 2、experience ① n. 经验[U] a teacher with much experience have (much) experience in sth./doing sth. in my experience 根据我的经验 adj. experienced inexperienced be experienced in sth. / doing sth. ② n. 经历[C] an enjoyable experience ③ vt. 经历,体验,体会 experience a different way of life experience happiness 3、earn ① vt. 赚,挣得 earn a great deal of money / earn a fortune earn a / one’s living = make a / one’s living ② vt. 获得,赢得 earn sb. sth. 为某人赢得 earn him respect earn respect from sb.= earn one’s respect 4、respect ① n. 尊敬,敬重[U] earn / win respect from sb. = earn / win one’s respect show / have respect for ② n. 方面,细节[C] in all respects 在所有方面 in respect of sth. 就….而言,关于 with respect to sth. 关于,就….而言 ③ n. 问候(常用复数) send one’s respects / regards to sb


Academic Word List Sublist1 analyze[??n?laiz]vt.〈美〉分析,分解,解释 constitute[?k?nstitju:t]vt.构成,组成建立,制定选定,任命 establish[is?t?bli?]vt.建立,成立安置确定,证实 indicate[?indikeit]vt.标示,指示,指出象征;表明或暗示…的可能性 occur[??k?:]vi.发生;举行;存在被发现;想到[起] role[r?ul]n.作用,职责角色 approach[??pr?ut?]n.靠近,接近,临近通路,入口,途径方式,方法vt.接洽,交涉;着手处理vt.&vi.接近,走近,靠近 context[?k?ntekst]n.背景,环境上下文,语境 estimate[?estimeit]n.估计,估价报价判断vt.&vi.估计;评价,评估 individual[??ndi?vidju?l]adj.个别的,单独的,个人的独特的n.个人人 percent[p??sent]n.百分比,百分数 section[?sek??n]n.章节部分部门,科截面,剖面地区,区 area[???ri?]n.面积区域,地区领域,方面 contract[k?n?tr?kt]n.契约,合同vt.缔结;订契约vt.&vi.染上(恶习,疾病等)缩小;紧缩evident[?evid?nt]adj.明显的,明白的 interpret[in?t?:prit]vt.解释;说明vt.&vi.口译;翻译 period[?pi?ri?d]n.(一段)时间时期,时代学时,课时句号,句点 sector[?sekt?]n.部门;领域防御地区,防卫区域扇形,扇形面 assess[??ses]vt.估价,估计评定,核定 create[kri?eit]vt.创造,创作,创建引起,产生 export[eks?p?:t]n.输出,出口输出[出口]物vt.&vi.出口,输出 involve[in?v?lv]vt.使某事物成为必要条件或结果;需要使参与,牵涉 policy[?p?l?si]n.政策,方针策略,精明的行为,上策保险单 significant[siɡ?nifik?nt]adj.重要的,重大的,可观的有意义的,有用意的意味深长的assume[??sju:m]vt.假设,臆断,猜想假装承担,担任,就职呈现,采取 data[?deit?]n.资料,材料 factor[?f?kt?]n.因素,要素〈数〉因子,因数 issue[?isju:]n.问题,议题;争论点发行物放出,流出;发出,发行〈正〉结果,结局vi.冒出,流出;传出vt.出版,发行发表,发布分配,发给 principle[?prins?pl]n.原则,原理准则,规范操守,道义工作原理 similar[?simil?]adj.类似的;同类的;相似的;同样的 authority[?:?θ?riti]n.权力,职权官方,当局权威,专家 define[di?fain]vt.精确地解释;界定规定,确定 finance[fai?n?ns]n.财政,金融财源,资金,财务情况vt.为…供给资金,从事金融活动labour[?leib?]n.劳动,努力;工作劳工,工人分娩,(分娩时的)阵痛vi.劳动;努力艰难行进proceed[pr??si:d]vi.前进;行进进行;继续下去 source[s?:s]n.河流的源头,发源地来源,出处原因提供资料者,资料来源 available[??veil?bl]adj.可用的或可得到的可会见的,可与之交谈的 derive[di?raiv]vt.&vi.得到源于


Word list 2 I.根据所给的中文和词性写单词。 adj.超重的,过重的v.吹口哨n.侦探 n.典礼,仪式n.裂缝;一缕光n.资源;应付办法 v.占用;忙碌于v.得分,给……打分v.说服;使相信 adj.动物学的adj.正确无误的,精确的adj.嫩的;脆弱的;温柔的n.合作;配合n.一系列;丛书v.拒绝n.不合格品 adj.局部范围的;地方性的v.确保;担保n.(山等的)最高点,顶峰adj.上级的;优越的v.漏出,渗漏adj.深思熟虑的;从容不迫的adj.遗传的n.壁球v.挤压n.迁徙,移民 II.根据所给的音标写单词、词性和中文。 [pr??z?:v] [?f?br?'ke??n] [?a?t?m] [m??t???r?ti] [??v?kjue?t] [?d??st?fa?] [???d?(r)] [?kr?k?da?l] [?da??gn??z] [?n?ta??(r)] [?m?b?s?d?(r)] [?kwest???ne?(r)] [ru:?ti:n] [??p??n?nt] [?n?:t??(r)] [d??sa?s?v] Word list 2 I.根据所给的中文和词性写单词。 adj.超重的,过重的v.吹口哨n.侦探 n.典礼,仪式n.裂缝;一缕光n.资源;应付办法 v.占用;忙碌于v.得分,给……打分v.说服;使相信 adj.动物学的adj.正确无误的,精确的adj.嫩的;脆弱的;温柔的n.合作;配合n.一系列;丛书v.拒绝n.不合格品 adj.局部范围的;地方性的v.确保;担保n.(山等的)最高点,顶峰adj.上级的;优越的v.漏出,渗漏adj.深思熟虑的;从容不迫的adj.遗传的n.壁球v.挤压n.迁徙,移民 II.根据所给的音标写单词、词性和中文。 [pr??z?:v] [?f?br?'ke??n] [?a?t?m] [m??t???r?ti] [??v?kjue?t] [?d??st?fa?] [???d?(r)] [?kr?k?da?l] [?da??gn??z] [?n?ta??(r)] [?m?b?s?d?(r)] [?kwest???ne?(r)] [ru:?ti:n] [??p??n?nt] [?n?:t??(r)] [d??sa?s?v]




Academic Word List Academic Word List Coxhead (2000). The most frequent word in each family is in italics. There are 570 headwords and about 3000 words altogether. Headwords Other words in the family. abandon abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons, e.g. abstract abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstracts, e.g. academy academia, academic, academically, academics, academies, e.g. access accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible accommodate accommodated, accommodates, accommodating, accommodation accompany accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied accumulate accumulated, accumulating,


模块一 A academic adj. 学业的,学术的 achievement n. 成就 act n. (戏剧的)一幕 adolescence n. 青春期 adult n. 成年人 affect vt. 影响;(病毒)感染 along with 与……一起 amount n. 数量 annoyed adj. 愤怒的,生气的 anyhow adv. 反正;尽管如此 approve vt./vi. 批准,通过;赞成,同意 approximately adv. 大约 argument n. 争吵,辩论;论点,论据 as a matter of fact 事实上,其实 as if 好像,似乎 ashamed adj. 惭愧的,羞愧的 assembly n. 集会,会议 at present 现在 athlete n. 运动员 attractive adj. 有吸引力的,有魅力的 average adj. 一般的,普通的;平均的 B balance vt./vi./n. 平衡;抵消 be supposed to 应该……,应当…… behavior (BrE behaviour) n. 行为,举止 bend vi. 弯腰,屈身 vt.(使)弯曲 bicycle n. 自行车 branch n. 分支;分部;树枝 broadcast vt./n. 广播,播放 C cafe n. 咖啡馆,小餐馆 Internet cafe 网吧 can't wait to do something 迫不及待地做某事 cash n. 现金 challenge n./vt. 挑战 challenging adj. 具有挑战性的 charge n. 负责,掌管 vt. 使承担责任;收费 in charge of 负责,掌管chat vi./n. 聊天,闲聊 chemical n. 化学物质 adj. 化学的, chip (通常用复数chips) n. 薯条 clinic n. 诊所 comfort n. 安慰;舒适 composition n. 作品;成分 concentrate vt./vi. 集中(注意力、思想等);全神贯注 confused adj. 困惑的,不解的


Giving statistics and making generalizations统计与概括 1 in 3每3个中有1个two thirds of三分之二a lot of许多half of一半 it is(un)common for很(不)常见just over刚超过more and more越来越多most多数a quarter of四分之一ten percent(10%)of /ten百分之十 the majority of大多数 Make new friends交新朋友 Bond with建立特殊关系feel left out感觉被疏离fit in融入join in加入 settle in适应 Foreign culture异国文化 Continent洲大陆culture文化dialect方言emigrate vt.移居国外 Foreign异国的immigrant(入境)移民n immigrate移民(入境)vi.vt immigration(入境)移民移居入境n.invade入侵 Adjectives Contemporary当代的emotional情感的rhythmical押韵的suburban郊区的traditional传统的war-torn受战争破坏的surprisingly令人惊讶地 Nouns Entertainment娱乐environment环境percentage百分比poem诗poet诗人politics政治population人口report报告representation呈现statistic统计数据teen13-19岁的人trend潮流 Verbs Adapt适应earn挣得find out发现increase增加prefer更喜欢tend to倾向于


TKT wordlist 01.Approaches方法 Activity-based learning 活动型学习法Communicative approaches 交际法 Content-based learning 教学内容为基础的学习法Functional Approach功能法 Grammar-Translation method 语法翻译法 Guided discovery 有指导的发现学习法 Lexical Approach 词汇方法学 Presentation, Practice and Production (PPP) 3P教学法Situational presentation 情境呈现法 Structural Approach 结构方法 Task-based Learning (TBL) 任务型教学 Test-teach-test 试题教学法 Total Physical Response (TPR)全身反应法 02.Assessment 评价, 评估 Achievement test 成绩测验 Assess v. 估定, 评定 Assessment n.评估 Assessment criteria 评估标准, ‘Can-do’ statements积极的陈述 Cloze test 填字测验 Comprehension questions 理解力问题 Continuous assessment n. 对进步的连续评估Diagnose v. 判断 Diagnostic test 诊断测验,学习困难测试 Evaluation n. 估价, 评价 Formal assessment, evaluation 正式评估 Formative assessment, evaluation形成性评估Informal assessment, evaluation 非正式评估 Item n. 项目 Learner profile 学生素质 Matching task配对练习 Multiple-choice questions选择题 Objective tes t客观测验 Oral test口试 Peer assessment, evaluation同伴评价 Placement test分级/分班测验 Portfolio n. 文件夹, 作品集 Proficiency test 能力测验 Progress test阶段性测试 Self-assessment, evaluation 自我评价 Sentence completion填空题 Sentence transformation 句子转换 Subjective test主观测验 Summative test总结性测验 Test n. 测试 True/false questions对错题 Tutorial n. 个别指导 3. Background to language learning 英语学习背景Achievable target, goal 可达成的目标 Acquire vt. 占有, 获得, 取得, 学到 Acquisition n. 获得, 所获之物 Attention span注意力的持续时间 Auditory learner听觉学习者 Autonomous adj. 自治的 Cognitive (processes) adj. 认知的, 认识的, Confidence n. 信任, 信心 Conscious (of) n. 意识 Demotivate vt. 使失去动力;使变得消极Developmental error发展型错误 Effective adj. 有效的, 有影响的 English-medium school以英语为教学语言的学校 Error n. 错误, 过失 Expectation n. 期待, 期望 Expose vt. 暴露, 揭穿 Exposure n.显露, 暴露, 揭露 Factor n. 因素, 因子 First language本国语 Focus on form 集中于语言形式的学习Goals n. 目标 Guidance n. 引导, 指导, 导航系统 Ignore (errors) 忽略的(错误) Independent study 独立学习 Intensive cours e密集课程 Interference n. 妨碍, 干扰 Interlanguage n. 人工辅助语言 Kinaesthetic learner 动觉型学习者 L1/L2 学习者母语/第二语言 Language awareness语言意识 Learner autonomy学习自主性 Learner characteristics学习者特征 Learner independence自我学习 Learner training 学习者培训 Learning resources n. 学习辅助资料 Learning strategies学习策略 Learning style学习风格 Linguistic adj. 语言的, 语言学的 Literacy n. 读写能力, 识字 Mature adj. 成熟的,充分发育的, vt. 使...成熟, 长成Maturity n. 成熟, (支票等的)到期 Memorable adj. 值得纪念的 Memorise vt. 记忆(存储) Mother tongue n. 母语 Motivate vt.激发(兴趣或欲望) Motivation n. 动机 Natural orde r自然顺序 Needs n. 需要 Participate vt. 分享vi. 参加, 参与 Participation n. 参加, 参与 Personalisation n. 个性化 Personalise v.个人化 Pick up vt. (后天)习得,浸入式 Processing language处理语言 Proficient [pr?'fi??nt] adj. 熟练的, 精通的 Silent period 安静期;静默期 Slip n. 滑; 疏漏, 小错误; 下跌 Target language culture目标语言文化 Unmotivated adj. 动机不明的 Visual learner 视觉型学习者 Work language out v. 对指定的语言内容进行理解 4. Classroom management 教学管理 Active role积极型学习者 Classroom management教学管理 Closed pairs在座位置与相邻的同学做两人练习 Co-operate v. 合作, 协作 Co-operation n. 合作, 协作 Co-operative adj. 合作的, Discipline vt. 训练, 惩罚 Dominant n. 主宰/导者 Dominate v. 支配, 占优势 Energy levels(学习者参与学习的)活力/能力等级 Get students’ attention得到学生的注意 Grade (language)(语言能力)等级 Group dynamics团体动力学 Interaction patterns 互动方式 Involvement浸入式(学习),融入(活动) Learning contract合约制学习 Mingle vi. 联合, 交际 Mixed ability(同一班级学员)的不同语言能力 Mixed level (同一班级学员)的不同语言等级 Monitor n.级长,班长 Nominate vt. 提名, 指派 One-to-one一对一(一个老师对一个学生) Open class (以教师一人在班级前面为主导的)课堂形式Open pairs(一组学员在班级前展示)学习形式 Passive role被动型学习者 Rapport, build rapport n. 关系, 同意, 一致 Routine adj. 常规的, 例行的 Seating arrangement席位的安排 Seating plan座位设计 Teacher role 教师角色
