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第15卷第4期淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)Vol. 15 No. 4 2017 年4 月Journal of Huaihai Institute of TechnologyCHumanities &- Social Sciences Edition) Apr. 2017 DOI:10.3969/j.issn.2095-333X.2017.04.035







中图分类号:H319 文献标识码:A文章编号:2095-333X(2017)04-0136-05





国外的负动机研究始于20世纪90年代,在D o r n y e i对负动机提出其经典性定义后发展迅速。他认为外语学习负动机是由特定的外部因素引起的某种行为意向或持续行为的动机下降或削弱现象。在这一描述性定义影响下,国外学者主要采用定量法对负动机进行了研究。H a s s a s k h a h对负动机与学习者因素之间的关系进行调查,发现高年级学生与低年级学生在学校和他人这两类负动机因素中存在显著性差异。K im对大学生的负动机进行访谈,发现有意义的目标缺失、缺乏成功经历、将英语用于交际的愿望与在标准化考试中获得好分数之间的矛盾等是诱发负动机的主因。T s a n g发现教师因素、反馈、课堂学习难度和进步获得感对外语学习者的负动机有重要影响。




作者筒介:李池利(1980 —),男,湖北咸宁人,湖北工业大学外国语学院讲师,博士,主要从事应用语言学方面的研究。


大学生英语作文万能句子大全 1.as an old saying goes,.正如一句古老的谚语所说 2.be nothing but....不过就是... 3.from where i stand.从我的立场来说 4.give oneself a chance to.给某人一个机会去... 5.i feel sure that...我坚信... 6.is the best way to make sure that.确保...的办法是... 7.we must do our absolute best to.我们必须竭尽全力做... 8.there is no denying the fect that...无可否认. 9.nothing is more+adj.+than to+v.没有比...更重要的了 10.主语+cannot emphasize the importance of.too much 再怎么强调..的重要性也不为过 11.pose a great threat to......对..造成了一大威胁 (eg.Pollution poses a great threat to our existance.) 12.stole the spotlight from...从...获得大众的瞩目 13.touch sb.on the raw .触到某人的痛处 14.it is not uncommon that...这是常有的事儿. 15it is almost impossible to do...是很困难的 16the recent research has shown that..最近研究表明. 17...has/have no alternative but to...除...外别无选择


全国大学生英语竞赛(NECCS)历年真题 (含完整答案) (说明:本文为word格式,下载后可编辑修改)

2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the professor? A. Some 5.8 billion. B. Nearly 7 billion. C. Over 8.5 billion. Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre Conversation One 6. What’s the main job of Simon’s organization? A. They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets. B. They look for life and intelligence on other planets. C. They study stars that have planets orbiting around them. 7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space? A. Their presence may prove the existence of aliens.


1.Which one of the following five is least like the other four? Cat - Lion - Dog - Turtle - Elephant 2.If you rearrange the letters UGNAIA, you would have the name of a: River - Country - City - Animal - Plant 3.What would be the next group of letters in this series? aaaa ... bdzb ... cgac ... djzd ... ???? enae - ekze - elxe - emae - eize - I don't know 4.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 5. DIDIIDID is to 49499494 as DIIDIIDD is to: A)94494499 B)49949944 C)49499494 D)94944949 E) 49944949

6.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 7.If you count from 1 to 100, how many 7's will you pass on the way? a) 10 b) 11 c) 19 d) 20 e) 21 8.What would be the next picture in this series? Choose one of the following five: 9.Igor was both the 15th highest and the 15th lowest in a tennis tournament. How many people were in the tournament? 28 - 29 - 30 - 31 - 32


关于大学里逃课现象的英语作文 Directions: For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes t o write a composition on the topic Skipping Classes on College Campus. You should write at least 120 words, an d bas e your composition on the outline (given in Chines e) below: 1)大学里逃课现象时有发生 2)分析学生逃课的原因 3)如何减少逃课现象 【思路点拨】 本题属于提纲式文字命题。提纲第1点指出一种现象,提纲第2点要求分析该现象产生的原因,提纲第3点要求说明如何解决该问题,由此可判断本文应为问题解决型作文。 根据所给提纲,本文应包含如下内容:描述大学生的逃课现象;分析大学生逃课的主要原因;说明应该如何减少逃课现象。 【参考范文】 Skipping Classes on College Campus In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of stu dents’ skipping classes is not unusual. There are ofte n some students who skip those classes for feeling unwe ll or other private reasons. Besides, still some studen

ts don’t go to class without any reason but for they d on’t want to。 There are two main reasons for college students’ s kipping classes. First, compared with in middle school, students have more freedom in college. It depends more on one student’s consciousness whether he will attend the class. So those students lacking self-discipline be gin to skip classes. Second, some teachers’ lectures c ould not attract students’ interests so that some stud ents would rather skip classes to study what they are i nterested in。 For whatever reasons, skipping classes does bring n egative effects on students’ study. Therefore, it is n ecessary to take some effective measures to reduce this phenomenon. On the one hand, the school and teachers s hould make students realize the negative effects of ski pping classes and enhance their consciousness of attend ing the class. On the other hand, teachers have to impr ove their teaching quality to attract students’ intere sts in the courses. Only in this way can the phenomenon of skipping classes be reduced as soon as possible。


关于大学生兼职的英语作文: Taking a Part-Time Job Nowadays, many people think that college students should take a part-time job for several advantages. For one thing, it gives the students a chance to know the society to learn to be independent. For another, they can also get financial reward and working experience as well, which is helpful to their growth. What's more, they can put what they have learned into practice, and know their strong and weak points so that they can improve their studies and personalities, which are beneficial in their later lives. However, still many people think taking part-time job may have some negative effects on students. In their opinions, it will take them much time and energy, and will affect their studies as a result. What's worse, some students may be so keen on making money that they may neglect their studies in the end. In my opinion, I am in favor of taking a part-time job. But we have to keep a balance between the job and the study. After all, study is our main task at school. 关于大学生宿舍安全问题: Campus Security Campus security has been a big topic many people pay great attention to. Students' fight,injury and being robbed can be heard of from time to time.Some students have fights with each other,some are injured unexpetedly,some students' belongings such as ,bikes and cell phones are stolen.What's more,some students are extorted money by the bad boys in society. What has caused these problems?In my opinion,the reasons are as follow.First of all,students nowadays have less awareness of law.They can't tell what is legal and what is not.Second,schools don't have a good management. People in society can enter them easily.These people go into the campus,stealing and fighting. But how to solve the problems?We should strengthen the education on law in school,letting the students know what is right and what is not.We're supposed to place great emphasis on campus management.Only students can go into the campus and people in society can not without permission. I hope our campus is a safe and peaceful place for us to learn. 有关大学生结婚问题: Since September this year, the college students are now allowed to get married in campus, which is declared officially by the National Education Bureau. The results of this issue take a broad influence on the colleges, even on the whole society. Some are in favor of it while some are against it. Whether college students should be allowed to set up a family has become a hot topic to be fiercely argued from then on. Some believe it is reasonable for college students to select marriage in campus. Firstly, the college students have reached the national legal ages. Secondly, suppose two students are fall in love with each other. Is it necessary for them to struggle to avoid marriage until graduation? The couples are supposed to help each other, love each other and conduct the harmonious little family on their own. All the matters they are faced with will not only help them taste sweet produced by family but also get to know the hardness to sustain a family. Furthermore, college students are usually to be found living together. Such behavior has no difference from those done


学长分享英语竞赛技巧: 知己知彼百战不殆”,要想在全国大学生英语竞赛中取得好成绩,平时的积累是基础,而考前对考试的研究和分析以及练习则是升华。近几年来英语竞赛也在不断调整中。对我们来说,最重要的参考资料就是当年的竞赛样题,和官网的考试说明文件,从中我们可以了解到考试的题型、分值、时间分配、难度和新 注意力,才能不遗漏重要信息。此外,听写式填空也是对基本知识的一个考查,经常有同学听到了却不会写,这需要我们打好自己的基础。这一部分要力争拿到20分以上。 第二部分是词汇与语法结构,这也是对“双基”知识的一个考查,可以说基本上是考查基本功的,当然我们也要注意,这其中对话类的应用题目也呈逐年上

升的趋势。总分15分,官方建议完成时间是十分钟。这一部分要力争拿到10分以上。 第三部分是完形填空,也是我认为全卷除了智力测试以外最难的题目,题型包括根据上下文填空、根据给出的首字母填空、根据给出的单词的适当形式填空。分值是十分,官方建议完成时间是10分钟。这题不仅考查你的基本词汇语法知 / 间是15分钟。这一部分可以说是全卷最简单的题型,考查的内容都没超过四级甚至是平常练习的难度,对英译汉,还是要花点时间看看文章开头和结尾,“磨刀不误砍柴工”,很多翻译都要根据上下文进行,才能更加的到位。有时在翻译中遇到生词,也可以根据上下文进行推断。比如今年的汉译英试题中多次提到“dropout”这个单词,我考试时也忘了这是什么意思,最后还是通过文章最后

一句中的“to complete their educations”猜出是辍学的意思。至于汉译英就是我们很熟悉的题型了,注意英语表达的形式就问题不大。 第六部分是英语竞赛最有特色的一块,IQ测试,共5分,官方建议完成时间是5分钟。这道题目我的最大感觉就是鸡肋。不过还是很多同学还是不舍得这块,浪费太多时间在这上面,导致后面作文写不完,真是得不偿失啊。关于时间 英语竞赛时间分配及应试技巧: 上面分享了本人英语学习的一些经验心得和对考试题型、分值,题量等进行了一些说明。接下来就来说说很多考生关注的时间分配问题。英语竞赛里面的题目如果单独跳出来的话,很多都不超过四级的难度要求,甚至比我们平时的练习


历年全国英语竞赛智力题 汇总 The final revision was on November 23, 2020

历年全国英语竞赛智力题汇总 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. Whitney is playing a game with the spinner(旋转盘)shown below. If she spins(使旋转), what number is she most likely to get 112. Mr Green's boss allows him 10 holidays during the year. Three of these fall on Mondays, 2 fall on Wednesdays, and 5 fall on Fridays. How many times a year does Mr Green get to enjoy a 3-day weekend 113. A cow came out of its shed (牛棚) and walked ten steps towards the east. She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards. After that she made eight steps to the west. Which direction was the cow's tail pointing 114. Look at the example. The word in the middle has been made from the other two words. Complete the set of words in the same way. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE GOAT _________ BALL 115. A well-known proverb has been divided into groups of three letters that have then been placed in the wrong order. Find the proverb. EST HON OBI LTW ONE RDS WIT KIL 答案VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. 2. (Because there are three 2s in the spinner.) 112. 8 times. 113. It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow's tail always points downwards.) 114. GOAL 115. Kill two birds with one stone. 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. In Albert’s class, the ratio (比率) of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3. If there are 35 students in the class, how many prefer soccer

【优质文档】描述大学生的逃课现象的英语作文-精选word文档 (1页)

【优质文档】描述大学生的逃课现象的英语作文-精选word文档 本文部分内容来自网络整理,本司不为其真实性负责,如有异议或侵权请及时联系,本司将立即删除! == 本文为word格式,下载后可方便编辑和修改! == 描述大学生的逃课现象的英语作文 Skipping Classes on College Campus In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of students skipping classes is not unusual. There are often some students who skip those classes for feeling unwell or other private reasons. Besides, still some students dont go to class without any reason but for they dont want to。 There are two main reasons for college students skipping classes. First, compared with in middle school, students have more freedom in college. It depends more on one students consciousness whether he will attend the class. So those students lacking self-discipline begin to skip classes. Second, some teachers lectures could not attract students interests so that some students would rather skip classes to study what they are interested in。 For whatever reasons, skipping classes does bring negative effects on students study. Therefore, it is necessary to take some effective measures to reduce this phenomenon. On the one hand, the school and teachers should make students realize the negative effects of skipping classes and enhance their consciousness of attending the class. On the other hand, teachers have to improve their teaching quality to attract students interests in the courses. Only in this way can the phenomenon of skipping classes be reduced as soon as possible


优秀的大学生英语作文例文 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 下面是小编收集整理的范本,欢迎您借鉴参考阅读和下载,侵删。您的努力学习是为了更美好的未来! 大学生英语作文 1.目前低碳生活成为一种流行 2.低碳生活指的是...... 3.作为大学生我应该怎么做 With the advent of the global environmental protection campaign, “low-carbon” has become an increasingly popular expression, a catch phrase, among the environmentally-conscious people. White-collar workers pride themselves on going to offices on bicycles, on foot, or even on roller ska tes instead of being “the men behind the wheel”. Housewives save water after washing vegetables or clothes for flushing the toilet. Everybody seems to be an environmental activist nowadays. 随着全球性环保运动的出现,“低碳”一词在那些有着环保意识的人们中间,已成为一个日趋流行的语汇,或曰“口头禅”。白领员工们对于骑车上班、步行上班、甚至滑着轮滑上班倍感骄傲,而不必再做那所谓的“呆坐在驾驶舵后面的有车一族”。家庭主妇们也乐此不疲地在洗衣或洗菜之后,将水保存起来,用以冲厕。当下,每个人似乎都成为了环保积极分子。 By “low-carbon lifestyle”, we refer to a pattern of life involving minimum emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the most important greenhouse gas produced by human activities, primarily through the combustion of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide is detrimental to human, animal and plant life because it is the primary contributor to global warming that threatens to raise the sea level, leading to the extinction of animals and plants, and ultimately to that of human beings. There is only one Mother Earth for human beings and, literally speaking, preserving the


2012 National English Contest for College Students (Level C – Preliminary) (总分:150分时间:120分钟) Part I listening Comprehension (30 marks) Section A (5 marks) In this section, you will hear five short conversations. Each conversation will be read only once .After each conversation, there will be a twenty-second pause. During the pause, read the question and the three choices marked A, B and C, and decide which is the best answer .Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre. What does the man say we can do to deal with oil crisis? A. To make full use of oil. B. To use as little oil as possible C. To find alternative energy. 2. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. In an insurance company. B. In a bank. C. In a supermarket. 3. According to the man, who is going to take over the position they are talking about? A. Janice. B. Someone else. C. Meryl. 4. What does the woman say about the man’s report for the meeting? A. He has to get it ready before tomorrow noon. B. He has done well enough. C. He has enough time to prepare it. 5. How many people will be on the earth by the year 2020 according to the professor? A. Some 5.8 billion. B. Nearly 7 billion. C. Over 8.5 billion. Section B (10 marks) In this section, you will hear two long conversations. Each conversation will be read only once. At the end of each conversation, there will be a one-minute pause. During the pause, read the questions and the three choices marked A, Band C, and decide which is the best answer. Then mark the corresponding letter on the answer sheet with a single line through the centre Conversation One 6. What’s the main job of Simon’s organization? A. They send out radio signals to communicate with other planets. B. They look for life and intelligence on other planets. C. They study stars that have planets orbiting around them. 7. Why does the organization search for radio signals from space? A. Their presence may prove the existence of aliens. B. They may help scientists find out how the universe started. C. They convey messages about life on the earth. 8. Does Simon believe those stories about aliens visiting our planet?


历年全国英语竞赛智力题汇总 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)初赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. Whitney is playing a game with the spinner(旋转盘)shown below. If she spins(使旋转), what number is she most likely to get? 112. Mr Green's boss allows him 10 holidays during the year. Three of these fall on Mondays, 2 fall on Wednesdays, and 5 fall on Fridays. How many times a year does Mr Green get to enjoy a 3-day weekend? 113. A cow came out of its shed (牛棚)and walked ten steps towards the east. She then took two steps to the south and walked four steps backwards. After that she made eight steps to the west. Which direction was the cow's tail pointing? 114. Look at the example. The word in the middle has been made from the other two words. Complete the set of words in the same way. Example SOUP SOAK MAKE GOAT _________ BALL 115. A well-known proverb has been divided into groups of three letters that have then been placed in the wrong order. Find the proverb. EST HON OBI LTW ONE RDS WIT KIL 答案VI. 智力测试(IQ) 111. 2. (Because there are three 2s in the spinner.) 112. 8 times. 113. It was pointing downwards. (Because a cow's tail always points downwards.) 114. GOAL 115. Kill two birds with one stone. 2005年全国中学生英语能力竞赛(NEPCS)决赛初三年级组试题 VI. 智力测试(IQ)(共5小题,计5分) 完成下列英语智力题。(答案写在答题纸上) 111. In Albert’s class, the ratio (比率) of students who prefer soccer to football is 4 to 3.


大学生逃课现象英语作文汇集 In colleges and universities, the phenomenon of students’ skipping classes is not unusual. There are often some students who skip those classes for feeling unwell or other private reasons. Besides, still some students don’t go to class without any reason but for they don’t want to. There are two main reasons for college students’ skipping classes. First, pared with in middle school, students have more freedom in college. It depends more on one student’s consciousness whether he will attend the class. So those students lacking self-discipline begin to skip classes. Second, some teachers’ lectures could not attract students’ interests so that some students would rather skip classes to study what they are interested in. For whatever reasons, skipping classes does bring negative effects on students’ study. Therefore, it is necessary to take some effective measures to reduce this phenomenon. On the one hand, the school and teachers should make students realize the negative effects of skipping classes and enhance their consciousness of attending the

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