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Quick Quizzes

1. Public goods are goods that are neither excludable nor rival. Examples include national defense,

knowledge, and uncongested nontoll roads. Common resources are goods that are rival but not excludable. Examples include fish in the ocean, the environment, and congested nontoll roads.

2. The free-rider problem occurs when people receive the benefits of a good but avoid paying for it.

The free-rider problem induces the government to provide public goods because if the government uses tax revenue to provide the good, everyone pays for it and everyone enjoys its benefits. The government should decide whether to provide a public good by comparing the good’s costs to its benefits; if the benefits exceed the costs, society is better off.

3. Governments try to limit the use of common resources because one person’s use of the resource

diminishes others’ use of it, so there is a negative externality which leads people to use common resources excessively.

Questions for Review

1. An excludable good is one that people can be prevented from using. A rival good is one for which

one person's use of it diminishes another person's enjoyment of it. Pizza is both excludable, since

a pizza producer can prevent someone from eating it who doesn't pay for it, and rival, since when

one person eats it, no one else can eat it.

2. A public good is a good that is neither excludable nor rival. An example is national defense, which

protects the entire nation. No one can be prevented from enjoying the benefits of it, so it is not excludable, and an additional person who benefits from it does not diminish the value of it to others, so it is not rival. The private market will not supply the good, since no one would pay for it

because they cannot be excluded from enjoying it if they don't pay for it.

3. Cost-benefit analysis is a study that compares the costs and benefits to society of providing a public

good. It is important because the government needs to know which public goods people value most highly and which have benefits that exceed the costs of supplying them. It is hard to do

because quantifying the benefits is difficult to do from a questionnaire and because respondents have little incentive to tell the truth.

4. A common resource is a good that is rival but not excludable. An example is fish in the ocean. If

someone catches a fish, that leaves fewer fish for everyone else, so it's a rival good. But the

ocean is so vast, you cannot charge people for the right to fish, or prevent them from fishing, so it is not excludable. Thus, without government intervention, people will use the good too much,

since they don't account for the costs they impose on others when they use the good.

Problems and Applications

1. a. The externalities associated with public goods are positive. Since the benefits from the

public good received by one person don't reduce the benefits received by anyone else, the

social value of public goods is substantially greater than the private value. Examples

include national defense, knowledge, uncongested non-toll roads, and uncongested parks.

Since public goods aren't excludable, the free-market quantity is zero, so it is less than the


efficient quantity.

b. The externalities associated with common resources are generally negative. Since

common resources are rival but not excludable (so not priced) the use of the common

resources by one person reduces the amount available for others. Since common

resources are not priced, people tend to overuse them their private cost of using the

resources is less than the social cost. Examples include fish in the ocean, the

environment, congested non-toll roads, the Town Commons, and congested parks.

2. a. (1) Police protection is a natural monopoly, since it is excludable (the police may ignore

some neighborhoods) and not rival (unless the police force is overworked, they're available

whenever a crime arises). You could make an argument that police protection is rival, if

the police are too busy to respond to all crimes, so that one person's use of the police

reduces the amount available for others; in that case, police protection is a private good.

(2) Snow plowing is most likely a common resource. Once a street is plowed, it isn't

excludable. But it is rival, especially right after a big snowfall, since plowing one street

means not plowing another street.

(3) Education is a private good (with a positive externality). It is excludable, since

someone who doesn't pay can be prevented from taking classes. It is rival, since the

presence of an additional student in a class reduces the benefits to others.

(4) Rural roads are public goods. They aren't excludable and they aren't rival since

they're uncongested.

(5) City streets are common resources when congested. They aren't excludable, since

anyone can drive on them. But they are rival, since congestion means every additional

driver slows down the progress of other drivers. When they aren't congested, city streets

are public goods, since they're no longer rival.

b. The government may provide goods that aren't public goods, such as education, because

of the externalities associated with them.

3. a. Charlie is a free rider.

b. The government could solve the problem by sponsoring the show and paying for it with tax

revenue collected from everyone.

c. The private market could also solve the problem by making people watch commercials that

are incorporated into the program. The existence of cable TV makes the good excludable,

so it would no longer be a public good.

4. a. Since knowledge is a public good, the benefits of basic scientific research are available to

many people. The private firm doesn't take this into account when choosing how much

research to undertake; it only takes into account what it will earn.

b. The United States has tried to give private firms incentives to provide basic research by

subsidizing it through organizations like the National Institute of Health and the National

Science Foundation.

c. If it's basic research that adds to knowledge, it isn't excludable at all, unless people in other

countries can be prevented somehow from sharing that knowledge. So perhaps U.S.

firms get a slight advantage because they hear about technological advances first, but

knowledge tends to diffuse rapidly.

5. When a person litters along a highway, others bear the negative externality, so the private costs

are low. Littering in your own yard imposes costs on you, so it has a higher private cost and is thus rare.

6. When the system is congested, each additional rider imposes costs on other riders. For example,

when all seats are taken, some people must stand. Or if there isn't any room to stand, some

people must wait for a train that isn't as crowded. Increasing the fare during rush hour

internalizes this externality.

7. On privately owned land, the amount of logging is likely to be efficient. Loggers have incentives to

do the right amount of logging, since they care that the trees replenish themselves and the forest can be logged in the future. Publicly owned land, however, is a common resource, and is likely to be overlogged, since loggers won't worry about the future value of the land.

Since public lands tend to be overlogged, the government can improve things by restricting the

quantity of logging to its efficient level. Selling permits to log, or taxing logging, could be used to reach the appropriate quantity by internalizing the externality. Such restrictions are unnecessary on privately owned lands, since there is no externality.

8. a. Overfishing is rational for fishermen since they're using a common resource. They don't

bear the costs of reducing the number of fish available to others, so it's rational for them to

overfish. The free-market quantity of fishing exceeds the efficient amount.

b. A solution to the problem could come from regulating the amount of fishing, taxing fishing

to internalize the externality, or auctioning off fishing permits. But these solutions

wouldn't be easy to implement, since many nations have access to oceans, so international

cooperation would be necessary, and enforcement would be difficult, because the sea is so

large that it is hard to police.

c. By giving property rights to countries, the scope of the problem is reduced, since each

country has a greater incentive to find a solution. Each country can impose a tax or issue

permits, and monitor a smaller area for compliance.

d. Since government agencies (like the Coast Guard in the United States) protect fishermen

and rescue them when they need help, the fishermen aren't bearing the full costs of their

fishing. Thus they fish more than they should.

e. The statement, "Only when fishermen believe they are assured a long-term and exclusive

right to a fishery are they likely to manage it in the same far-sighted way as good farmers

manage they land," is sensible. If fishermen owned the fishery, they would be sure not to

overfish, because they would bear the costs of overfishing. This is a case in which

property rights help prevent the overuse of a common resource.

f. Alternatives include regulating the amount of fishing, taxing fishermen, auctioning off

fishing permits, or taxing fish sold in stores. All would tend to reduce the amount of

fishing from the free-market amount toward the efficient amount.

9. The private market provides information about the quality or function of goods and services in

several different ways. First, producers advertise, providing people information about the product and its quality. Second, private firms provide information to consumers with independent reports

on quality; an example is the magazine Consumer Reports. The government plays a role as well, by regulating advertising, thus preventing firms from exaggerating claims about their products,

regulating certain goods like gasoline and food to be sure they are measured properly and provided without disease, and not allowing dangerous products on the market.

10. To be a public good, a good must be neither rival nor excludable. When the Internet isn’t

congested, it is n ot rival, since one person’s use of it does not affect anyone else. However, at times traffic on the Internet is so great that everything slows down at such times, the Internet is rival. Is the Internet excludable? Since anyone operating a Web site can charge a customer for visiting the site by requiring a password, the Internet is excludable. Thus the Internet is not

strictly a public good. Since the Internet is usually not rival, it is more like a natural monopoly

than a public good. However, since most people’s Web sites contain information and exclude no one, the majority of the Internet is a public good (when it is not congested).

11. Recognizing that there are opportunity costs that are relevant for cost-benefit analysis is the key to

answering this question. A richer community can afford to place a higher value on life and safety.

So the richer community is willing to pay more for a traffic light, and that should be considered in cost-benefit analysis.


144 WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new In the News box on ―The Tax Debate ‖ has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how taxes reduce consumer and producer surplus. the meaning and causes of the deadweight loss from a tax. why some taxes have larger deadweight losses than others. how tax revenue and deadweight loss vary with the size of a tax. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 8 is the second chapter in a three-chapter sequence dealing with welfare economics. In the previous section on supply and demand, Chapter 6 introduced taxes and demonstrated how a tax affects the price and quantity sold in a market. Chapter 6 also described the factors that determine how the burden of the tax is divided between the buyers and sellers in a market. Chapter 7 developed welfare economics —the study of how the allocation of resources affects economic well-being. Chapter 8 combines the lessons learned in Chapters 6 and 7 and addresses the effects of taxation on welfare. Chapter 9 will address the effects of trade restrictions on welfare. The purpose of Chapter 8 is to apply the lessons learned about welfare economics in Chapter 7 to the issue of taxation that was addressed in Chapter 6. Students will learn that the cost of a tax to buyers and sellers in a market exceeds the revenue collected by the government. Students will also learn about the factors that determine the degree by which the cost of a tax exceeds the revenue collected by the government. 8 APPLICATION: THE COSTS OF TAXATION


经济学原理第十章作业题(CZ组) 一、选择题 1、下列选项中不是宏观经济政策应该达到的标准是( C ) A.充分就业 B.物价稳定 C.经济稳定 D.国际收支平衡 2、四种经济目标之间存在的矛盾错误的是(D ) A.充分就业与物价稳定的矛盾 B.充分就业与经济增长的矛盾 C.充分就业与国际收支平衡的矛盾 D.物价稳定与国际收支平衡的矛盾 3、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致(C) A.减少货币供给量,降低利率; B.增加货币供给量,提高利率; C.减少货币供给量,提高利率; D.增加货币供给量,提高利率。 4、1936年,英国经济学家凯恩斯提出,国家应积极干预经济生活,增加有效需求,以防止新的经济危机的发生。下列选项中与上述主张吻合的是(B ) A.自由放任政策 B.国家加强对经济的干预 C.缓和与工人阶级的矛盾 D.以计划经济取代市场经济 5、降低贴现率的政策(A) A.将增加银行的贷款意愿 B.将制约经济活动 C.与提高法定准备金率的作用相同 D.通常导致债券价格下降 6、属于内在稳定器的项目是( C ) A.政府购买 B.税收 C.政府转移支付 D.政府公共工程支出 7、属于紧缩性财政政策工具的是( B ) A.减少政府支出和减少税收 B.减少政府支出和增加税收 C.增加政府支出和减少税收 D.增加政府支出和增加税收 8、如果存在通货膨胀缺口,应采用的财政政策是( A ) A.增加税收 B.减少税收

C.增加政府支出 D.增加转移支出 9、经济中存在失业时,应采取的财政政策是( A ) A.增加政府支出 B.提高个人所得税 C.提高公司所得税 D.增加货币发行 10、商业银行资金的主要来源是( D ) A.贷款 B.利息 C.债券 D.存款 二、判断题 1.债券价格与债券收益的大小成反比,与利率的高低成反比。( F ) 2.财政政策的主要内容包括政府支出和政府税收。(T ) 3.贴现政策中最主要的是贴现条件。( F ) 4.在经济学中,广义的货币是=通货+商业银行活期存款+定期存款与储蓄存款(T ) 5.经济增长是指达到一个适度的增长率,这种增长率要既能满足社会发展需要, 有事人口增长和技术进步所能达到的。(T ) 6.货币的职能主要有三种,其中计价单位是货币最基本的职能。( F ) 7.在短期内,影响供给的主要因素是生产成本,在长期内,影响供给的主要因素是生产能力。( T ) 8.扩张性财政政策是增加政府支出( F ) 9.商业银行性质和一般的企业一样,包括吸收存款、发放贷款、代客结算。(T ) 10.提高劳动力数量的方法是增加人力资本投资。( F ) 三、简答题 1.扩张性财政政策对萧条经济会产生怎样的影响? 当经济萧条时,扩张性财政政策会使收入水平增加。一方面,扩张性财政本身意味着总需求扩张,另一方面,通过乘数的作用,扩张性财政会导致消费需求增加,因此,总需求进一步扩张。当然,在扩张财政时,由于货币供给不变,利息率会提高。这样,投资需求会有一定程度的下降。在一般情况下,扩张性财政的产出效应大于挤出效应,最终结果是扩张性财政政策导致国民收入增加。 2.按财政政策和货币政策的影响填写下表 政策种类对利率的影响对消费的影响对投资的影响对GDP的影响 财政政策(减少所 上升增加减少增加 得税) 上升增加减少增加 财政政策(增加政 府开支,包括政府 购买和转移支付) 财政政策(投资津上升增加增加增加


A.缓和了经济萧条但增加了政府债务 B.缓和了萧条也减轻政府债务 硅湖职业技术学院 《经济学原理》课程大作业 课程代码: 010145课程学分:_J_试卷代号( C ) 考试说明:本课程为开卷(开闭)考试,可携带 课堂笔记本 A.减少 B. 保持不变 C.增加 D. 以上无一正确 9. 当咖啡的价格急剧上升时,对茶叶的需求量将 () 。 A.减少 B. 保持不变 C.增加 D. 不确定 10. 扩张性财政政策对经济的影响是 () 班级: __________________ 姓名: _______________ 学号: . ________ C.加剧了通货膨胀但减轻了政府债务 11.下列哪一项不是中央银行的职能 ( D.缓和了通货膨胀但增加政府债务 ) 。 一、单选题(每题2分,共30分) 1.以下问题中哪一个不属微观经济学所考察的问题? () A ?一个厂商的产出水平 B.失业率的上升或下降 C ?联邦货物税的高税率对货物销售的影响 A. 发行货币 B. 向银行提供贷款 C. 向企业提供贷款 D. 主持全国各银行的清算 12. 菲利普斯曲线说明() 。 A. 通货膨胀导致失业 B. 通货膨胀是由行业工会引起的 C. 通货膨胀率与失业率之间呈负相关 D.通货膨胀率与失业率之间呈正相关 13.目前中央银行控制货币供给的最重要工具是 () A.控制法定准备率 B. 调节再贴现率 C.公开市场业务 D. 道义劝告 D.某一行业中雇佣工人的数量 2.实证经济学()。 A.关注应该是什么 B. 主要研究是什么,为什么,将来如何 C.不能提供价值判断的依据 D.对事物进行价值判断 14.下列哪一项不是宏观经济政策的四项主要目标之一 () A.政府预算盈余 B. 充分就业 C.价格稳定 D. 经济持续增长和国际收支平衡 15.下列不是总需求的构成部分的是 () 3.当岀租车租金上涨后,对公共汽车服务的 () A.消费 B. 投资 C. 政府需求 D.进口 A.需求下降 B. 需求增加 C.需求量下降 D. 需求量增加 4.已知某种商品的需求是富有弹性的, 在其他条件不变的情况下,生产者要想获得更多的收 益,应该() 。 A.适当降低价格 B. 适当提高价格 C.保持价格不变 D. 不断地降低价格 二、名词解释(本大题共10小题,每小题3分,共30分) 1.微观经济学 5. 一个商品价格下降对其互补品最直接的影响是 ()。 A.互补品的需求曲线向右移动 B. 互补品的需求曲线向左移动 2.理性人 C.互补品的供给曲线向右移动 D.互补品的价格上升 6. 如果某种商品供给曲线的斜率为正,在保持其余因素不变的条件下,该商品价格的上升导 致() 。 A.供给增加 B. 供给量增加 C. 供给减少 D.供给量减少 7. 生产者预期某物品未来价格要下降,则对该物品当前的供给会 () 。 A.增加 B. 减少 C. 不变 D. 上述三种情况都可能 8. 当汽油的价格上升时,对小汽车的需求量将 ()。 3.需求定理 4.恩格尔系数


《经济学原理》总目录 第一篇导论 第一章导论 第二篇微观经济理论 第二章需求、供给与均衡 第三章消费者行为理论 第四章生产者行为理论 第五章产品市场理论 第六章生产要素理论 第七章微观经济政策 第三篇宏观经济理论 第八章国民收入的核算与决定理论 第九章失业与通货膨胀理论 第十章经济周期与经济增长理论 第十一章宏观经济政策 第十二章开放经济

第一章导论 一、单项选择 1、作为经济学的两个组成部分,微观经济学与宏观经济学是()A.互相对立的B.没有任何联系的C.相互补充的D.部分联系的 2、古典经济学家亚当·斯密所谓的“看不见的手”是指()A.技术B.信息C.价格D.行政命令 3、经济学研究的基本问题是() A.生产什么B.如何生产C.为谁生产D.以上都是4、资源的稀缺性是指()。 A.世界上的资源最终会由于人们生产更多的物品而消耗光 B.相对于人们无穷的欲望而言,资源总是不足的 C.生产某种物品所需资源的绝对数量很少 D.由于存在资源浪费而产生的稀缺 5、微观经济学解决的问题是()。 A.资源配置B.资源利用C.市场出清D.完全理性6、宏观经济学的中心理论是()。 A.失业理论B.通货膨胀理论

C.国民收入决定理论D.经济增长理论 7、关于实证经济学与规范经济学说法正确的是() A.两者并不是绝对相互排斥的,而应当是相互补充的。 B.规范经济学是以实证经济学为基础,而实证经济学则是以规范经济学作为指导的。 C.一般来说,越是具体的问题,实证的成分越多,而越是高层次的、决策性的问题,就越具有规范性。 D.以上说法都对 二、多项选择 1、微观经济学的主要内容包括() A.体格决定理论B.消费者行为理论 C.生产者行为理论D.市场理论和分配理论等 2、宏观经济学的基本内容有() A.宏观经济政策B.经济周期与增长理论 C.国民收入决定理论D.失业与通货膨胀理论 3、下列关于资源稀缺性的正确的说法有() A.资源稀缺性是相对于欲望的无限性而言的 B.地球上的资源本来就少 C.资源稀缺性存在于世界各地 D.资源稀缺性存在于人类历史的各个时期 三、判断题


WHAT’S NEW IN THE S EVENTH EDITION: A new Case Study on Left-Digit Bias has been added and a new In the News feature on "Can Brain Science Improve Economics" has been added. LEARNING OBJECTIVES: By the end of this chapter, students should understand: how to examine problems caused by asymmetric information. the market solutions to asymmetric information. why democratic voting systems may not represent the preferences of society. why people may not always behave as rational maximizers. CONTEXT AND PURPOSE: Chapter 22 is the last chapter in the microeconomics portion of the text. It is the second of two unrelated chapters that introduce students to advanced topics in microeconomics. These two chapters are intended to whet their appetites for further study in economics. The purpose of Chapter 22 is to give students a taste of three topics on the frontier of microeconomic research. The first topic addressed is asymmetric information , a situation when one person in an economic relationship has more relevant knowledge than the other person does. The second topic is political economy , the application of economic tools to the understanding of the functioning of government. The third topic addressed is behavioral economics , the introduction of psychology into the study of economic issues. 22 FRONTIERS OF MICROECONOMICS


1. 经济学原理的假定前提有哪些? 西方经济学有两个基本假定:第一,经济人的假定。经济人假定也称为理性人假定。“经济人”被规定为经济生活中的一般的人的抽象,基本性被假设为是利己的。 第二,完全信息的假设条件。这一假设条件的主要含义是市场上每一个从事经济活动的个体(即买者和卖者)都对有关的经济情况具有完全的信息。 上述两个假设条件未必完全合乎事实,它们是为了理论分析的方便而设立的。 2.假设某学生有10小时的时间用于准备即将到来的经济学与英语的考试。在给定该学生时间资源的条件下,试画出其分数的生产可能性边界。如果该学生没有认真复习,而是去玩电脑游戏了,那么,相对于他的生产可能性边界而言,他的分数“产量”在何处?如果该学生将学习时间从10小时增加到15小时,那么,他的分数可能性边界会发生何种变化? 给定10小时学习时间的条件下,该学生的分数的生产可能性边界如下图所示。缺乏效率的学习时间会导致其分数“产量”位于先前勤奋学习的生产可能性边界的下方。如果学习时间增加,分数的生产可能性边界将沿东北方向向外移动。

3.假定下表是供给曲线Qs= -3+2p 在一定价格范围内的供给表: (1)求出价格3元和5元之间的供给的价格弧弹性。 (2)根据给出的供给函数,求P =4元时的供给的价格点弹性。 (1)供给价格弧弹性的公式: 2)21(2)21(Q Q P P P Q Q P P Q P P Q Q E ++???=???=??= 6.12)37(2 )35(3537=++?--=E (2)供给价格的点弹性公式 1.6 5 4 2)'23(E 5 423Q 4P P ]P Q )[('=?=?+-==?+-==? =?==Q P P Q P Q Q P dP dQ P dP Q dQ E 时,当求导对表示 4.已知某商品的需求方程和供给方程分别为:Qd=14-3P ;Qs=2+6P 。求该商品的均衡价格,以及均衡时的需求价格弹性和供给价格弹性。 =Qd s Q 时市场处于均衡状态,此时14-3P=2+6P ,得出 10,34 == Qe Pe 此时需求价格弹性为: 4 .01034 31034 )'314()('=??=?--=?-=?-=P Q P P Qd Q P dP dQ Ed 供给价格弹性为:=?=Q P dP dQ Es 8.010******* )'62()('=?? =?+=?P Q P P Qs 5.运用供求图,说明下列事件对运动衫市场的影响。 (1)皮夹克价格下降。 (2)发明了新织布机。 a.皮夹克价格下降。


《经济学原理》思考题 一、什么是财富?什么是幸福?教材(《经济学原理》韦曙林编著,中山大学出版社2016年版)中关于财富的定义与你的理解有何不同?如果说,财富是一个银行,依据新财富观,你在日常生活中,可以存入支取什么财富呢?(15分) 答:财富:狭义来说,有精神和物质两种财富。广义而言,人生所经历的都可算为财富;幸福:书上所述,幸福是拥有富足的生活,拥有自然、人力、社会、人造、金融等五种资本构成的财富---幸福取决于两个因素:效用与欲望 关于我的理解:认可书上所说,财富多种多样,每一种物质,每一个种精神,每一个经历,每一次感悟,都是我们成长不可或缺的财富,而这些财富,形成了自身的一种幸福感,财富的多少,决定了内心的幸福感有多少。 假如财富是个银行,在日常生活中,我们可以存入金钱,知识,也可以存入满足的心,感恩的心,积极快乐的心态,健康的身体和心灵……,然后,在生活不开心时,可以取出乐观的心态;物质匮乏时,可以取出金钱,在困惑时,取出知识;在抱怨时,可以取出感恩满足的心。生病时,还有健康的身体和心灵,给陈旧的病体注入新鲜的血液…… 二、人是一切社会关系的总和,教材第101页、105页的故事,说明人与人是相互影响的。在处理个人与政府关系问题上,有哪两种主要的价值观?你认可那种价值观?或有完全不同的观点?(10分) 答:在处理个人和政府关系的问题上,有两种价值观:有机论和机械论 有机论认为,社会是一个机体,政府是有机体的心脏。个人,家庭。企业只有作为有机体的一部分才有价值,政府(国家驾于个体之上的,个人利益必须服从整体利益 ;机械论认为,人生而独立平等,政府是为实现其个人目标而创立的,处于舞台中心的是个人,而不是群体,没有个人,也就没有政府和国家,每一个人的生命都是独一无二的,无比珍贵,任何组织和机构甚至政府,都不应该以整体利益之名,牺牲人的生命及平等机会,市场经济体质倾向于这种价值观。 三、经济学被称为选择的科学。“天下没有免费的午餐”意即任何选择都是有成本的,教材第23页对婚前性行为选择的图示,你的看法是什么?(10分) 答:“天下没有免费的午餐”,做任何事情都是有成本的,任何选择都要付出代价。教材中的婚前性行为的选择图示涉及的是个人选择的成本问题,个人的选择会影响生命健康,终身的幸福,选择不同,后果截然不同的。但每一种选择的后面,都有自己该承担的责任和后果,需要大家谨慎对待!


经济学原理 第二章生产什么? 1.10.某种商品的边际效用()。 A.是消费该商品产生的总效用与消费其他商品的总效用之比 B.等于该商品的价格 C.是消费该商品产生的总效用与该商品的数量之比 D.是每增加一单位某种商品的消费所带来的效用增量 参考答案:D 2.11. 边际效用递减意味着:() A.随服务水平的增加,效用服务的成本越来越低。 B.一个人的消费组合中拥有越多的某种产品,该种产品的每一额外增加产生越少的总效益。 C.一个人的消费组合中拥有越多的某种产品,总的支付意愿将减少。 D.一个人的消费组合中拥有越多的某种产品,该种产品的每一额外增加产生越少的额外收益 参考答案:D 3. 12.边际效用递减规律表明,随着消费者对某种商品消费量的增加( ) A.该商品的效用总量趋于递减 B.该商品的平均效用趋于递减 C.该商品的效用增量趋于递减 D.该商品的总效用趋于递减 参考答案:C 4. 13. 某消费者逐渐增加某种商品的消费量,直到实现效用最大化。在这一过程中,该商品的() A.总效用和边际效用不断增加 B.总效用不断下降,边际效用不断增加

C.总效用不断增加,边际效用不断下降 D.总效用和边际效用不断减少 参考答案:C 5. 14.如果商品的边际效用为零,那么()。 A.该商品的总效用已经是最大 B.商品没有效用,它不是消费者想去享用的东西 C.在考虑要购买这种商品的前提下,消费者达到了他的均衡点 D.该商品的总效用肯定也等于零 参考答案:A 6. 15.已知某消费者的收入是200元,商品X的价格是20元,商品Y的价格是6元。假定他打算购买7单位X和10单位Y,这时商品X和Y的边际效用分别是50和18,如要获取最大效用,他应该()。 A.停止购买 B.增购X,减少Y的购买量 C.增购Y,减少X的购买量 D.同时增购X、Y 参考答案:C 7.16.总效用达到最大时:()。 A.边际效用为正 B.边际效用为零 C.边际效用为负 D.边际效用达到最大 参考答案:B 8.17.对于公共产品的概念,以下表述正确的是( ): A.不因消费者人数增加而导致其他人消费的减少 B.因消费者人数增加则导致其他人消费的增加 C.不因公共产品的增加而导致消费者消费的增加 D.不因公共产品的减少而导致消费者消费的减 参考答案:A 9. 18. 西方经济学在研究消费者行为时,提出了以下假设:()。 A.消费者是社会人 B.消费者对商品存在偏好 C.消费者是理性人 D.存在预算收入的约束 参考答案:BCD 10. 19.下面属于序数效用论观点的是()。 A.消费者对两种商品的任意一种组合都能明确说出其偏好顺序 B.消费者的偏好有传递性 C.消费者均衡条件是:消费者使自己购买的各种商品的边际效用与价格之比相等 D.消费者更偏好数量多的商品组合 参考答案:ABD 11.20.公共产品的特征有()。 A.消费的非竞争性 B.受益的非排他性 C.效用的不可分割性 D.消费的竞争性 参考答案:ABC 12. 21.公共产品的非竞争性是指任何人对公共产品消费者不影响其他人,其原因有()。 A.消费者的增加不增加提供公式产品的生产成本 B.消费者的增加不对其他消费者产生拥挤 C.消费者的减少将减少提供公共产品的成本 D.消费者的减少将减少对其他消费的非竞争性 参考答案:AB 第三章如何生产? 1.2 2.如果我们在生产的过程中发现某一个可变要素的收益递减,这意味着: A.可变要素投入量的增长和产量的增长等幅变化 B.产量的增长幅度小于可变要素投入量的增长幅度 C.可变要素投入量的增长幅度小于产量的增长幅度 D.产量的增长幅度大于可变要素投入量的增长幅度。 参考答案:B


Examine why people tend to use common r esour ces too much Consider some of the impor tant common r esour ces in our economy Consider some of the impor tant public goods in our economy Lear n t he def ini ng characteristics of public goods and common r esour ces Examine why private markets fail to pr ovide public goods See why the cost-benefit analysis of public goods is both necessar y and dif ficult An old song lyric maintains that “the best things in life are free.” A moment’s thought reveals a long list of goods that the songwriter could have had in mind. Na-ture provides some of them, such as rivers, mountains, beaches, lakes, and oceans.The government provides others, such as playgrounds, parks, and parades. In each case, people do not pay a fee when they choose to enjoy the benefit of the good.Free goods provide a special challenge for economic analysis. Most goods in our economy are allocated in markets, where buyers pay for what they receive and sellers are paid for what they provide. For these goods, prices are the signals that guide the decisions of buyers and sellers. When goods are available free of charge,however, the market forces that normally allocate resources in our economy are absent. In this chapter we examine the problems that arise for goods without market prices. Our analysis will shed light on one of the Ten Principles of Economics P U B L I C G O O D S A N D C O M M O N R E S O U R C E S 225


经济学原理名词解释 CHAPTER 1 Scarcity : the limited nature of society’s resources. Economics : the study of how society manages its scarce resources. Efficiency : the property of society getting the most it can from its scarce resources. Equity : the property of distributing economic prosperity fairly among the members of society. Opportunity cost : whatever must be given up to obtain some item. Marginal changes : small incremental adjustments to a plan of action. Market economy : an economy that allocates resources through the decentralized decisions of many firms and households as they interact in markets for goods and services. Market failure : a situation in which a market left on its own fails to allocate resources efficiently. Externality : the impact of one person’s actions on the well-being of a bystander. Market power : the ability of a single economic actor (or small group of actors) to have a substantial influence on market prices. Productivity : the quantity of goods and services produced from each hour of a worker’s time. Inflation : an increase in the overall level of prices in the economy. Phillips curve : a curve that shows the short-run tradeoff between inflation and unemployment. Business cycle : fluctuations in economic activity, such as employment and production. CHAPTER 2 Circular-flow diagram : a visual model of the economy that shows how dollars flow through markets among households and firms.


经济学原理期末考试模 拟试题及答案 Company Document number:WTUT-WT88Y-W8BBGB-BWYTT-19998

经济学试题 一、选择题(本题共5分,每小题2分,共10分) 1、边际消费倾向与边际储蓄倾向之和() A.大于1 B.小于1 C.等于1 2、根据简单的国民收入决定模型,引起国民收入减少的原因是() A.消费减少 B.储蓄减少 C.消费增加 3、在IS曲线不变的情况下,货币量减少会引起() A.国民收入增加,利率下降 B.国民收入增加,利率上升 C.国民收入减少,利率上升 4、在LM曲线不变的情况下,自发总需求增加会引起()A.国民收入增加,利率上升B.国民收入增加,利率不变C.国民收入增加,利率下降 5、紧缩性货币政策的运用会导致() A.减少货币供给量,降低利率 B.增加货币供给量,提高利率 C.减少货币供给量,提高利率 二、名词解释(本大题共5小题,每小题2分,共10分) 1、国民生产总值: 2、财政政策: 3、货币政策: 4、充分就业:

5、通货膨胀: 三、简答题(本题共10分) 1.说明经济增长的含义,指出名义经济增长和实际经济增长含义的不同。(6分) 2.指出可能对经济增长做出贡献的两种经济因素,并说明它们是如何对经济增长做出贡献的。(4分) 四、计算题(本题10分) 假定货币需求为L=—4r,名义货币供给M=600,价格水平P=3,消费C=150+,税收T=60,投资I=150—5r,政府支出G=80(1)求IS和LM曲线 (2)求产品市场和货币市场同时均衡的利率、收入和投资五、论述题(本题共10分) 试述通货膨胀的起因及应对方法


得 3 分,满分 3 分1.若投资对利率的敏感程度越大,则( )。 所选答案: D、IS曲线越平缓 得 3 分,满分 3 分2.边际技术替代率递减规律表明:当每次增加1单位劳动( )。 所选答案: B、保持产量不变时,资本量减少较少 得 3 分,满分 3 分3.卖主比买主知道更多关于商品的信息,这种情况被称为( )。 所选答案: C信息不对称问题 得 3 分,满分 3 分4.四部门经济与三部门经济相比,乘数效应( D)。 答案 A、变大 B、变小C 、不变 D、都有可能 得 3 分,满分 3 分5. 斯维齐模型的前提是竞争对手会( )。 所选答案: B、跟着降价,但不跟着提价 得 3 分,满分 3 分6.企业和市场是两种可以相互替代的合约关系的原因在于( D)。 所选答案: A 、交易费用存在 B 、市场是不完备的 C、企业是有边界的; D、以上都对 得 3 分,满分 3 分7.无差异曲线的坐标分别为( )。 所选答案: A、两种消费品 得 3分,满分 3 分8.IS曲线斜率表示( )之间的关系。( ) 所选答案: B收入与收入影响下的均衡利率 得 3 分,满分 3 分9.如果某人大学毕业刚进而劳动队伍尚还未找到工作,应属于( )。 所选答案: B、摩擦性失业 得 3 分,满分 3 分10.中央银行通过提高法定准备金比率属于( )。 答案 D、紧缩性货币政策 得 3 分,满分 3 分11.设有甲、乙两类工人,甲类工人要求的工资率250元∕月,乙类工人要求的工资率 200元∕月。某厂商为了实现最大利润,必须雇佣所有甲,乙两类工人,并支付每个工

人250元∕月的工资。由此可知,甲、乙两类工人得到的月经济租金( )。 所选答案: D、分别为50元和0元 得 3 分,满分 3 分12.多数估机人为:在储蓄决策中,( )效应比( )效应更有分量,所以当利息率上升时, 储蓄( )。 所选答案: D、收入,替代,不变 得 3 分,满分 3 分13.在IS曲线不变的情况下,货币量减少会引起( )。 答案 D y减少, r上升 得 3 分,满分 3 分14.下列哪种情况”挤出”效应可能会很大?( ) 所选答案:B货币需求对利率不敏感,而私人部门支出对利率敏感 得 4 分,满分 4 分15.亚当斯、斯密写了( );凯恩斯写了( )。 所选答案: A、《国富论》;《就业、利息和货币通论》 得 3 分,满分 3 分16.线性需求曲线Q=4-2P,则P=1时,需求弹性价格(绝对值)等于( ) 所选答案: B、 1 得 3 分,满分 3 分17.下面哪一项不会使总需求曲线向右移?( ) 所选答案: B、转移支付减少 得 3 分,满分 3 分18.当你去书店买书时,货币行使了什麽职能?( ) 所选答案: A、交换媒介 得 3 分,满分 3 分19.货币流通速度为V,定义为PQ∕M,其中P表示价格水平,Q表示产出,M表示货币 供给,假设P固定,如果货币供给增加,人们可以持有货币或者花费货币,以下描述哪 一个是正确的?( ) 答案:D如果人们持有所有货币,V将下降;如果人们花费掉所有货币,Q 将上升。 得 3 分,满分 3 分20. M1, M2, M3都是货币供给可供选择的计量方式,下列选择中那一项最大?( ) 所选答案: C、 M2 得 3分,满分 3 分



石油价格不断攀升的经济学原因 用微观经济学的油价的涨跌变化:一方面, 当油价在不断上涨时, 厂商在追求利润最大化控制成本不变的前提下, 降低每一单位原油能源的消耗, 提高资本产出比; 另一方面, 消费者对成品油的消费, 使得消费者剩余出现负值。


石油价格不断攀升的经济学原因 石油作为一种战略性资源,是世界经济的发动机,被誉为“黑金子”,象征着金钱、权力甚至霸权,历史上诸多战争几乎都与石油相关联。历届美国目前政府都也高度重视并十分清楚石油对美国的战略意义。上届美国总统布什本人和副总统切尼曾经都是石油商,国家安全事务助理赖斯曾是雪佛龙石油公司的董事。目前,美国的石油年需求量8亿多吨,而其产量却不到一半,其余都依赖进口。因此,美国需要长期、稳定的国际石油供给来源,确保美国的石油供应安全。

当前的国际石油价格并不是石油供求 关系的均衡价格,而是由石油供求关系制约的经济关系的“均衡价格”。由于引起国际石油 价格上涨的原因比较复杂,主要可以概括为原油供求关系趋紧、心理疑虑加重和投机活动猖獗三大因素,同时也是国际上争夺石油资源和控制石油市场斗争的反映。对于引起国际石油价格上涨的原因,欧佩克成员国、石油需求国、国际能源机构以及国际金融市场等的代言人,各持己见,莫衷一是。本文认为主要有以下几个方面的原因。 一、国际石油市场需求稳定 主要表现在石油价格不断上涨,而石油需求没有下降。自上世纪90年代以来,美国石油消费量逐年增长,石油产量则逐年下降,石油进口量逐年上升。美国石油年消费量已达9.39亿吨,占全球的25%,石油年产量3.12亿吨,占全球的8%,石油年进口量达6.27亿吨,占全球的27%。在这轮国际石油涨价过程中,美国的石油消费也没有下降趋势。近几年来,欧盟国家因欧元升值,高价进口石油的压力减小;亚太地区


十大经济学原理。 曼昆在《经济学原理》一书中提出了十大经济学原理,他们分别是: 十大经济学原理一 :人们面临权衡取舍。人们为了获得一件东西,必须放弃另一件东西。决策需要对目标进行比较。 People Face Trade offs. To get one thing, you have to give up something else. Making decisions requires trading off one goal against another. 例子:这样的例子很多,典型的是在“大炮与黄油”之间的选择,军事上所占的资源越多,可供民用消费和投资的资源就会越少。同样,政府用于生产公共品的资源越多,剩下的用于生产私人品的资源就越少;我们用来消费的食品越多,则用来消费的衣服就越少;学生用于学习的时间越多,那么用于休息的时间就越少。 十大经济学原理二 :某种东西的成本是为了得到它所放弃的东西。决策者必须要考虑其行为的显性成本和隐性成本。 The Cost of Something is what You Give Up to Get It. Decision-makers have to consider both the obvious and implicit costs of their actions. 例子:某公司决定在一个公园附近开采金矿的成本。开采者称由于公园的门票收入几乎不受影响,因此金矿开采的成本很低。但可以发现伴随着金矿开采带来的噪声、水和空气的污染、环境的恶化等,是否真的不会影响公园的风景价值?尽管货币价值成本可能会很小,但是考虑到环境和自然生态价值会丧失,因此机会成本事实上可能很大。 十大经济学原理三 :理性人考虑边际量。理性的决策者当且仅当行动的边际收益超过边际成本时才采取行动。 Rational People Think at Margin. A rational decision-maker takes action if and only if the marginal benefit of the action exceeds the marginal cost. 例子:“边际量”是指某个经济变量在一定的影响因素下发生的变动量。例如,人在饥饿时吃一个包子的边际量(此时又叫边际效用)比在温饱时吃一个包子的边际量要大。 十大经济学原理四 :人们会对激励作出反应。当成本或收益变动时,人们的行为也会发生变动。 People Respond to Incentives. Behavior changes when costs or benefits change. 例子:比如一个学生,如果老师在课堂上表扬了他,他会感到很高兴,然后会更加努力,也可能因受表扬而骄傲退步。 十大经济学原理五 :交易能使每个人状况更好。交易使每个人专攻于他或她最擅长的领域。通过和他人的交易,人们可以购买更多样的产品和服务。



第1章经济学十大原理习题一、名词解释 1、稀缺 2、自由物品 3、经济物品 4、机会成本 5、理性人 6、市场失灵 7、通货膨胀 8、生产率9、 10、11、 12、 13、 14、 15、 16、 17、 18、 19、 20、 二、正误题(请判断下列描述的正误,正确的打√,错误的打×) 1、______当经济学家说“天下没有免费的午 餐”时,他们是指所有经济决策都涉 及到权衡取舍。 2、______只有当一种行为的边际利益大于边际 成本时,理性人才行动。 3、______公共财政支持高等教育的不合意结果 是降低了学费,为许多原本不想再学 习的人提供了上州立大学的激励。4、______即使增加的汽车产量的成本大于所得 到的价格,只要企业有利可图,汽车 制造商就应该继续生产增加的汽车。 5、______对一个学生来说,看一场篮球赛的机 会成本应该包括门票的价格和可以 用于学习的时间的价值。 6、______当政府用税收和福利再分配收人时, 经济变得更有效率。 7、______亚当·斯密的“看不见的手”的概念 描述了公司经营如何像一只“看不见 的手”伸到消费者的钱包中。

8、______如果美国取消了与亚洲国家的贸易, 美国在经济上就会获益。因为美国将 被迫生产更多的、我们自己的汽车和 衣服。 9、______当一架喷气式飞机从头上飞过时,噪 音引起了外部性。 10、______酒类的税收提高了酒的价格,井提 供了消费者多喝酒的激励。 11、______Sue更擅长,打扫卫生,Bob更搜 长做饭。如果Bob专门做饭而Sue 专门打扫卫生,这将比他们平等地分 摊家务所需要的时间少。 12、______高而持久的通货膨胀是由经济中货 币的过度增长引起的。 13、______在短期中,降低通货膨胀往往会引 起失业的减少。 14、______单个农民在玉米市场上可能拥有市 场势力。 15、______美国工人有较高的生活水平是因为 美国有较高的最低工资。 16、______把你工资的一部分储蓄起来的机会 成本是现期消费。 17、______如果政府发行了两倍的货币,如果 经济已经在最高能力时生产,则支 出翻了一番,但由于产量仍保持不 变,物价也翻了保持不变。 18、______气囊所减少的汽车车祸的死亡小于 你所希望的,因为一次车祸的成本 是低的。这改变了激励,使人们开 车更快,而且车祸更多。 19、______清新的空气不是稀缺的。因为为了得到它,你不必放弃任何东西。 20、______所谓理性人是指决策一直正确的人。

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